# "$d_bin""1_bash script libraries.txt" # www.BillHowell.ca 09Oct2020 initial # idiot!, I should have been using these over last 20 years when Linux available & easy to install ******** 09Oct2020 SourceForge libbash In short, libbash is tool intented to provide system wide access to various scripts of yours. See documentation and/or man pages for more details. libbash also provided m4 macros to use with autoconf, which may help you to find out which libbash libraries are available during configure run. ******** 09Oct2020 search "Linux bash and libraries of scripts" https://dberkholz.com/2011/04/07/bash-shell-scripting-libraries/ Bash shell-scripting libraries Donnie Berkholz Blog April 7, 2011 One of the most powerful aspects of popular high-level languages is the existence of a comprehensive standard library. Unfortunately, the most popular Linux shell, bash, lacks a full-featured library bundled with it. A number of people have written libraries to compensate for this lack, which can make your life infinitely easier if you need to write complex bash scripts. Here are links to all the bash/shell-scripting libraries and collections I’m aware of: d Marco’s Bash Functions Library (mbfl) http://gna.org/projects/mbfl/ d Bash Shell Function Library (bsfl) http://code.google.com/p/bsfl/ w Bashinator: Bash Shell Script Framework http://www.bashinator.org/ shesfw: shell script framework tool http://code.google.com/p/shesfw/ b Wicked Cool Shell Scripts library http://www.intuitive.com/wicked/wicked-cool-shell-script-library.shtml b UNIX Power Tools library http://examples.oreilly.com/9780596003302/ b Portable Shell Programming http://www.cs.uleth.ca/~holzmann/C/shells/shell_book_blinn/ b Learning the bash shell http://examples.oreilly.com/9781565923478/bash2examples.tar.gz b Bash Cookbook http://examples.oreilly.com/9780596526788/ bn Classic Shell Scripting http://examples.oreilly.com/9780596005955/ shunit2: A unit-test framework http://code.google.com/p/shunit2/wiki/ProjectInfo log4sh: A flexible logging framework http://sites.google.com/a/forestent.com/projects/log4sh * libbash: Enables creation of dynamic-like shared libraries http://sourceforge.net/projects/libbash/ bashworks: Framework depending on bash-4 or newer https://github.com/jpic/bashworks bfw: Bash FrameWork (Harvard Neuroinformatics) http://neuroinformatics.harvard.edu/bash_framework.php rerun: Turns loose shell scripts into modular automation https://github.com/rerun/rerun/wiki d = dead web-page b = from the book w = by our own wschlich, web-page still alive n = can copy-paste, but no taarball It was a real pain to come up with this whole list, so hopefully it’s useful to some of you. In future posts, I’m thinking of reviewing these libraries in more depth and comparing them to equivalent functionality in Python, my other language of choice. My goal is not to have functionality re-implemented in shell script to replace basic tools like head/tail, but instead to discover or create (if necessary) a library using the full suite of standard UNIX tools to provide a fun and convenient experience for shell scripters. ******** 09Oct2020 https://linuxhint.com/30_bash_script_examples/ 30 Bash Script Examples 2 years ago by Fahmida Yesmin Fahmida Yesmin - I am a trainer of web programming courses. I like to write article or tutorial on various IT topics. I have a YouTube channel where many types of tutorials based on Ubuntu, Windows, Word, Excel, WordPress, Magento, Laravel etc. are published: Tutorials4u Help. Hello World Echo Command Comments Multi-line comment While Loop For Loop Get User Input If statement And Condition if statement Or Condition if statement Else if and else condition Case Condition Get Arguments from Command Line Get arguments from command line with names Combine two strings in a variable Get Substring of Strings Add 2 numbers into a variable Create a Function Use Function Parameters Pass Return Value from Script Make directory Make directory by checking existence Read a file Delete a File Append to file Test if File Exists * Send Email Example Get Parse Current Date Wait Command Sleep Command Send Email Example : You can send email by using ‘mail’ or ‘sendmail’ command. Before using these commands, you have to install all necessary packages. Create a file named, ‘mail_example.sh’ and add the following code to send the email. #!/bin/bash Recipient=”admin@example.com” Subject=”Greeting” Message=”Welcome to our site” `mail -s $Subject $Recipient <<< $Message` Run the file with bash command. >> Howell : I don't remember if I've ever done this?!? I doubt it. >> dummy - this would have been great for email server blog. # enddoc