#] #] ********************* #] "$d_SysMaint"'video/vidCam JVC Everio notes.txt' # www.BillHowell.ca 26Oct2023 initial, from notes of 26Oct2017 (neat timing) # view in text editor, using constant-width font (eg courier), tabWidth = 3 IMPORTANT : mv videos to d_PROJECTS, not d_web!! # videos, see : # "$d_SysMaint"'video/vidCam JVC Everio notes.txt' # "$d_bin""video production/trim video.sh" # "$d_web"'My sports & clubs/natural- FECC Fusion/231024 FECC webinar.txt' #48************************************************48 #24************************24 # Table of Contents, generate with : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_SysMaint"'video/vidCam JVC Everio notes.txt' | sed "s/^#\]/ /" # #24************************24 # Setup, ToDos, #08********08 #] ??Oct2023 #08********08 #] ??Oct2023 #08********08 #] ??Oct2023 #08********08 #] ??Oct2023 #08********08 #] ??Oct2023 #08********08 #] 26Oct2023 mv FECC webinar vidCams to d_PROJECTS, where are the vidCam recordings? see "$d_PROJECTS"'9_My sports & clubs/FECC - Fusion Energy Council of Canada/231024 FECC webinar/' /media/bill/64A5-F009/PRIVATE/AVCHD/BDMV/STREAM nemo: 64A5-F009 = 64 GB Volume MTS files oops - Tuesday 24Oct2023 audios of FECC webinar are still in d_web - move to "$d_PROJECTS"'9_My sports & clubs/FECC - Fusion Energy Council of Canada/231024 FECC webinar/' also mv vidCams to same dir rename files according to speaker(s) 00005.MTS : start Omar Hurricane, Lawrence Livermore, NISA, Laser Ignition Fusion (LIF) 231024.MTS National Ignition Facility? 22:50 Nick Hawker, First Light, inertial fusion, one-sided drive 231024.MTS 44:35 Marios Schollmeier, Marvel Fusion, ODIN direct drive nano-accelerator, pB fuel D-T 231024.MTS 00006.MTS start -> end Marios Schollmeier, Marvel Fusion, ODIN direct drive nano-accelerator, pB fuel D-T 231024 v2.MTS 00007.MTS start -> end Brian Berzin, Thea Energy (Princeton Stellarators), fixed stellarator, adpative controls 231024.MTS 00008.MTS Klaas Rhodenburg, Fusion Energy Council of Canada, Status of fusion in Canada 231024.MTS 00009.MTS Alex Creely, Commonwealth Fusion Systems (CFS), SPARC, viper HTS cables 231024.MTS 00010.MTS Michael Hua, Helion, Everett WA, D-He3 fuel D-T, direct electricity capture 231024.MTS 00011.MTS AND 00011a.MTS (2 copies) Hiroshi Gota, TAE Tech (UC Irvine spin-off), p-B^11 aneutronic fusion 231024.MTS 00012.MTS Conner Galloway, Eximer Energy, NLO-boosted eximer lasers for IFE 231024.MTS 00013.MTS Robin Langtry, Avalanche, Orbitrap+Magnetron=Orbitron, adresses science critics 231024.MTS 00014.MTS Megan Wilson, General Fusion, Vancouver, Magnetized Target Fusion, magPlasma into liquid metal cavity 231024.MTS 00015.MTS FECC webinar panel discussion 231024.MTS Cut 00005.MTS "$d_bin""video production/trim video.sh" # 26Oct2023 example : d_FECC="$d_PROJECTS"'9_My sports & clubs/FECC - Fusion Energy Council of Canada/231024 FECC webinar/' #trim_scene mts mts '00:22:50' '00:44:35' "$d_FECC"'00005.MTS' "$d_FECC"'First Light, inertial fusion, one-sided drive 231024.MTS' trim_scene mts mts '00:44:35' '00:46:33' "$d_FECC"'00005.MTS' "$d_FECC"'Marios Schollmeier, Marvel Fusion, ODIN direct drive nano-accelerator, pB fuel D-T 231024 v0.MTS' +-----+ olde code # 24Jul2021 - oops, don't need, probably? trim_scene_start_ender() { codecInn="$1" codecOut="$2" t_start="$3" t_ender="$4" t_durtn=$(( $t_ender - $t_start )) p_inn="$5" p_out="$6" echo "f_source= $5" echo "f_trimmd= $6" echo "t_start= $t_start" echo "t_ender= $t_ender" echo "t_durtn= $t_durtn" echo "" if [ "$codecInn" == "$codecOut" ]; then ffmpeg -i "$p_inn" -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss $3 -t $t_durtn "$p_out" elif [[ "$codecInn" = "mts" && "$codecOut = "mov"" ]]; then ffmpeg -i "$p_inn" -vcodec mjpeg -b 100M -acodec pcm_s16be "$p_out" elif [[ "$codecInn" = "mts" && "$codecOut = "ogv"" ]]; then ffmpeg -i "$p_inn" -vcodec mjpeg -b 100M -acodec avchd "$p_out" elif [[ "$codecInn" = "mp4" && "$codecOut = "ogv"" ]]; then ffmpeg -i "$p_inn" -codec:v libtheora -qscale:v 6 -codec:a libvorbis -qscale:a 6 "$p_out" else echo "trim_scene error : unnown codec combination" fi } # Instructions : # 30Jul2020 - major changes - old code won't work until adapted #08********08 #] 26Oct2017 https://askubuntu.com/questions/56022/what-to-use-to-quickly-cut-audio-video #I'm using ffmpeg CLI interface for that. It's very easy and fast: #to cut video: #ffmpeg -i InputFile -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:01:32 OutPutFile #to cut audio: #ffmpeg -i InputFile -vn -acodec copy -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:01:32 OutPutFile #In both of these -ss is the start point, while -t is the duration of the piece. #You can calculate duration e.g. using LibreOffice Calc or python's dateutil package. #edited Oct 6 '13 at 13:09, Aditya #answered Aug 26 '11 at 6:13, Adobe # >> AWESOME! now is ultrafast!!! # http://www.upubuntu.com/2011/11/how-to-convert-mts-video-files-avchd-to.html # The .MTS file extension is used by many HD camcorders including Canon, Panasonic, Sony, etc. This extension is commonly referred to as AVCHD. If you want to convert .MTS files to different formats (mp4, avi, etc.) under Ubuntu 11.10, you can use the command line video converter: FFMPEG, or use simply WinFF, a GUI for FFMPEG, which can convert to any format supported by FFMPEG. # ffmpeg -i input.mts -vcodec mjpeg -b 100M -acodec pcm_s16be output.mov # Replace input.mts with your own file. The converted file will be saved in the current folder having the name: output.mov. You can also select a different extension for output.mov includig avi, wma, mp4; etc. # # ogv videos->ogv ffmpeg -i "$d_vidSource$1" -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss $3 -t $t_durtn "$d_vidTrimmed$2" # # https://chrisbitting.com/2017/12/14/convert-mp4-video-to-webm-ogv-ogg-using-ffmpeg/ # Chris Bitting, December 14, 2017 chrisbitting ffmpeg, mp4, video # To convert to .webm enter the below and press enter (replace “test” w/ your video filename”: # ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -c:v libvpx -crf 15 -b:v 1M -c:a libvorbis test.webm # To convert to .ogv enter the below and press enter (replace “test” w/ your video filename”: # ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -codec:v libtheora -qscale:v 6 -codec:a libvorbis -qscale:a 6 test.ogv # enddoc