# /home/bill/bin/gtk-record notes.txt - record desktop realtime (video screencapture) ************************************* 29Feb2012 Convert ogv to avi http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=806125 mencoder "$1" -ovc xvid -oac mp3lame -xvidencopts pass=1 -o "$2" see script /home/bill/bin/convert_ogv_2_avi.sh ************************************* 28Feb2012 Still can't get this to work! still bill wasn't in audio group? sudo usermod -a -G audio bill in jackd setup -> Settings I put: Timeout 500 msec (instead of 500) as recommended by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToJACKConfiguration Input& output devices -> dev/audio (instead of DEFAULT) Force 16 bit (instead of not set) in jackd Setup -> Misc I put: Oops - jackd message window says: Your system has an audio group, but you are not a member of it. Please add yourself to the audio group by executing (as root): usermod -a -G audio (null) I did System -> admin -> users&groups to re-add myself! Hmm - when I "started" jackd -> Check that no users (eg bill) are members of audio group: fgrep -ie 'audio' /etc/group should see: audio:x:29:pulse /usr/bin/jackd to launch: jackd -d alsa -> "freezes" videos!! jackd -r -d alsa -> doesn't work either Try -u, --unlock Unlock libraries GTK+, QT, FLTK, Wine. jackd -u -d alsa -> doesn't work either ???? I probably don't want als - it's for midi??? jackd -u -d coreaudio % -u, --unlock Unlock libraries GTK+, QT, FLTK, Wine; coreaudio - not alsa? ?? coreaudio not recognized jackd -u -d dummy % OK runs - but gtkrecord error about window! kill jackd, restart as root sudo -i in new terminal jackd -u -d dummy % OK runs - but gtkrecord error about window! now gtk-record can't see audio Advanced -> Sound tab -> Available ports :jack_lsp returned no ports" Record -> parsing the arguments (i.e. NOT the Window problem!) from: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1337017 Okay here's the deal. If i run 'sudo qjackctl' everything seems to start okay. % like me launching from root but - that was ecause he wasn't a member of audio (like me...) I used Synaptic for qjackctl (oops - it was already installed0 qjackctl from terminal -> that's wht I was already using!!! Setup - Jack audio connection kit: I set Input & Output devices to hw:0 Just run Totem movie player -> that alone doesn't work (no sense testing gtk-recordMyDesktop!) *************************************** Server configuration saved to "/home/bill/.jackdrc". jackd - audio capture is needed /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf (OLD Ubuntu versions! -> /etc/security/limits.conf) I added (based on jackd messages): @audio - rtprio 100 @audio - rtprio -10 -> later this was removed (in audio.conf) @audio - memlock 1081600 also - one time (this seemed to fix gtk-record problem of not being able to open a window) chmod a+rx /usr/bin/jackd