= Access to groups on BillHowellGroups.ca : = == INNS-Diversity | International Neural Network Society (INNS) - Diversity Committee == : (( INNS-Diversity | This is a prototype wiki site to test as a working tool )), as the INNS plans for higher levels of [awareness, fairness, recognition, promotion] for its members. One side effect may be to provide a forum for airing and learning about challenges that individuals and groups face. This started as an effort to address the women's issues, which is the primary focus, but it will also consider other diversity issues. The initiative was founded by, and is chaired by, Hava Sieglemann of the University of Massachussetts. == Spatio-temporal analysis relating Human-Earth-Astronomical processes over large timescales (days to Gy) == : (( Earth-Astro | Many, many intriguing papers )) have show apparent correlations between times series for [astronomy, geology, climate, genetics, biological diversity and extinctions, pandemics, history, war, health, crime, mental health]. :This wiki-site is inspired by stunning work by Paul Vaughan (months to hundreds of years) and the group of [Stephen J. Puetz, Andreas Prokoph, Glenn Borchardt, Edward W. Mason] (27Nov2015 - so far 57 ky to 14 Gy). Of course, there are thousands of other solid scientists who have contributed, of whom I'll only quickly mention a few early pioneers : [Theodore Landschiet, ?really early guy?, Ivanka Charvatova, ?Abdussamotov? -Russian guy, Cornelius de Jager, Jan Veizer & Nir Shaviv, ?de Mouel& colleagues?, Nicolas Scafetta ?NYU?, Piers Corbyn]. == Review of Bill Lucas's book "Universal force, volume I" == : (( Universal Force | Bill Lucas has proposed [axiomatic, conceptual, theoretical] changes to physics )) at the most fundamental level, with implications for everything from Sir Isaac Newton and beyond, including James Clerk Maxwell (a more complete & consistent basis to replace Maxwell's equations), Albert Einstein & Max Planc (they kind of disappear). The math and implications are [powerful, intriguing, thought-provoking], and many results give a beautiful new perspective on old challenges. Is he right ? Well, as the saying goes, "All theories are wrong, some are useful" (reference - some geologist?), to which I add "All theories eventually become the main impediment to further conceptual progress". In my view, the overwhelming mainstream scientific religions have been in desperate need of replacement for a hundred years, and its very likely that Lucas's theories are far less wrong than mainstream. Furthermore, his work is a blast of fresh air. == Film in development : "Icebreaker Unchained : We should have lost WWII" == : (( Icebreaker Unchained | This is a working area )) for [video clips, animations, narrative, audio, programming, scripting] that is being put together for a film that presents a radical reinterpretation of WWII. Viktor Suvorov's book and work was a huge boost to this project a few years after it's start in ?2010?. Unfortunately, due to the use of copyrighted material, at this early stage it definitely cannot be publicly released. In any case, it may take decades for me to complete this... == MindCode == : (( MindCode | This is a long-dormant project )) related to neural networks, which I hope to re-start in 2016. == Personal family use == : (( Family | Given the modern social media )) (mostly Facebook in my case), there is perhaps less need for a groupware tool for the family. Still, there are situations.... == Footnotes == Welcome to Wiki - the eGroupWare Version of [http://community.egroupware.org/index.php?wikipage=WikkiTikkiTavi WikkiTikkiTavi]. Wikis are a revolutionary new form of collaboration and online community. eGroupWare is the groupware suite you are useing right now. For further information see http://www.eGroupWare.org # enddoc