********************* "$d_SysMaint"'email programs/evolution notes.txt' +-----+ Evolution ToDos : 02Sep2022 What is my equivalent to 'folders.db'? 02Sep2022 Have to recover emails from backups... 02Sep2022 (date three years ago or something?) have to convert many Thunderbird folders -> Evolution, but I need QNial to work! +-----+ Instructions How to regenerate folder listings (eg missing [all, most] emails) evolution - click search icon to select parts of email search email folders via [find, grep] for more power 23May2021 standard data storage locations - Evolution 23Aug2022 I used soft links to change .config in Suse : +-----+ ??Nov2023 ??Nov2023 ??Nov2023 17Nov2023 Evolution now ONLY searches [subject, heading] of emails in folder, not body!?!?!? nyet - click search icon to select parts of email 31Oct2023 re-instate email filters: /home/bill/.config/evolution/mail/filters.xml 27Oct2023 LMDE revamp unexpectedly - must setup programs 23Oct2023 search "Linux Evolution loses emails" - nothing new, it seems 22Apr2023 where is the Evolution inbox? 22Apr2023 search "Evolution email and turn off audible noise when email received" 13Mar2023 update email filters: "$d_SysMaint"'email programs/filters list.txt' 12Mar2023 search 'Evolution email - where is the filter file stored?' 06Mar2023 search 'Linux evolution and I can't see my email listings' (filter removed them!!!) 19Jan2023 search "Evolution email and import filters" 02Dec2022 Evolution email - back to LMDE operating system, re-setup all over again 05Sep2022 How to stop new email notifications 03Sep2022 search 'Evolution email and spam filter not working' 03Sep2022 Msg filters - restore, some missing destination folders? 02Sep2022 Evolution email move from SG6 to my home dir, filters now back, 27Aug2022 spam filter - retrain 23Aug2022 restore message filters 23Aug2022 Why aren't folders showing all emails? 23Aug2022 restore evolution email filters 23Aug2022 Evolution email install on Suse 21Jul2022 Can I fix email listing for Connectionists 2022!?? 21Jul2022 Solution : How to regenerate folder listings (eg missing [all, most] emails) 04Feb2022 search "Evolution email folders marked as unread" 04Jan2022 search "Evolution email - fix email listing" 04Jan2022 search "Evolution email - how to bypass keyring" 18Dec2021 Evolution email : Connectionist filter - non-[call, position] 24Jul2021 Do my own junk filter? 24Jul2021 search "Evolution email junk filters SpamAssassin or BogOFilter?" 15Jul2021 folders_create - run FULL Thunderbird '/home/bill/Thunderbird/n4caryuo.default/Mail/Local Folders' 15Jul2021 ThunderbirdFolder_extract_EvolutionFiles 14Jul2021 compare text formats of [Thunderbird, Evolution] emails 13Jul2021 what-format-does-evolution-store-its-mail-in 08Jul2021 Thunderbird->Evolution test [backup, delete folders etc, create folders etc] special_210712_EvolutionEmail() - 08Jul2021 Thunderbird to Evolution email conversion 08Jul2021 search "Evolution email and import Thunderbird folders" 08Jul2021 search "Evolution email and where are my mbox files?" 23May2021 what is setup for continuing email downloads without logins every 10 minutes? 23May2021 search "Evolution email file format" 22May2021 set up email - Thunderbird screwed up yet again...