"$d_SysMaint""Thunderbird/Thunderbird freezes.txt" ***************** 05Sep2018 Thunderbird freezes - have to wait 10 minutes for it to go a bit, then freeze again https://www.rekha.com/frequent-freezes-linux-mints-ugly-secret.html Posted by Koba at 9:52 pm (2018?) for Cinnamon desktop in Mint : The first method that’s helped me to fix a freeze is to press Alt and Tab keys simultaneously. This technique works 99% of the time, unfreezes the computer instantly and lets me continue my work. https://esc.sh/blog/what-to-do-when-cinnamon-freezes-in/ September 25, 2013 - Mansoor When everything is stuck, press Ctrl+Alt+F1 to open the tty. And issue the following command. cinnamon --replace -d :0.0 > /dev/null 2>&1 & This will do the trick and you can press Ctrl+Alt+F7 to get back to your work. **************** 10Feb2017 Thunderbird starts, but doesn't load folders and freezes https://www.lifewire.com/fix-thunderbird-not-starting-1173110 How to Fix Mozilla Thunderbird Not Starting Heinz Tschabitscher, Updated August 23, 2016 "Thunderbird is already running, but not responding. To open a new window you must close the existing thunderbird process, or restart your system." Which, of course, you have already tried—to no avail. If Mozilla Thunderbird refuses to start and complains about another instance or a profile in use instead, the cause may be a stale profile lock left from a crashing instance of Mozilla Thunderbird, for example. You can remove the file that locks your profile and try to get Mozilla Thunderbird starting again. Fix Mozilla Thunderbird Not Starting Make sure no Mozilla Thunderbird process is running: ... Under Unix, use "killall -9 thunderbird" on a command prompt. Open your Mozilla Thunderbird profile folder. Unix: Delete "parentlock" and "lock". 10Feb2017 Howell : $ cd /media/bill/HOWELL_BASE/Thunderbird/n4caryuo.default $ sudo rm parent.lock Start Mozilla Thunderbird. >> 10Feb2017 Howell : /media/bill/HOWELL_BASE/Thunderbird/n4caryuo.default $ sudo rm parent.lock [sudo] password for bill: rm: cannot remove ‘parent.lock’: Read-only file system NUTS!!! Now I can't even save the other files!??? Thunderbird has corrupted HOWELL_BASE access? I was able to save files before touching Thunderbird!!! >> I saved to /home/bill/System_maintenance enddoc