"$d_sysMaint""email programs/[fetch, proc, send]mail description.txt www.BillHowell.ca 31Jan2020 initial for a great description! : see "https://gitlab.com/muttmua/mutt/-/wikis/MailConcept" ************************ https://gitlab.com/muttmua/mutt/-/wikis/MailConcept MDA: Mail Delivery Agent The MDA accepts a piece of mail from an MTA and performs the actual delivery (including processing aka "filtering") to the user's mail folders (see FolderFormat). Most MTAs come with a simple MDA (e.g. sendmail's mail.local). Some popular MDAs include: http://www.procmail.org/ maildrop Some typical uses for filtering include: sorting into multiple incoming folders. pre/post-processing to "fix" or improve display/ management (like attachments). automatic replies (but be careful not to respond to spammers) Spam-defense: static black-/white-list, dynamic like spam-assassin (URL?), and other examples (URLs?). Virus-checking: but that should be better done already at MTA level. >> I don't think that I need procmail - QNial will do this! # enddoc