/run/media/bill/PROJECTS/System_maintenance/Linux/list of strings etc.txt www.BillHowell.ca 08Dec2019 initial ********* 08Dec2019 Mom&Dad's photo albums +-----+ https://linuxhint.com/bash_loop_list_strings/ Bash Loop Through a List of Strings 1 year ago by Fahmida Yesmin >> Very good examples!!! +---+ #!/bin/bash # Read a string with spaces using for loop for value in I like programming do echo $value done +---+ #!/bin/bash #Declare a string array LanguageArray=("PHP" "Java" "C#" "C++" "VB.Net" "Python" "Perl") # Print array values in lines echo "Print every element in new line" for val1 in ${LanguageArray[*]}; do echo $val1 done echo "" # Print array values in one line echo "Print all elements in a single line" for val2 in "${LanguageArray[*]}"; do echo $val2 done echo "" +---+ Create a new bash file named ‘for_list6.sh’ with the following code. Here, comma (,) is used to split the string values. IFS variable is used to set the field separator. #!/bin/bash DataList=" HTML5, CCS3, BootStrap, JQuery " Field_Separator=$IFS # set comma as internal field separator for the string list IFS=, for val in $DataList; do echo $val done IFS=$Field_Separator # enddoc