"$d_SysMaint"'Linux/linux LMDE workspace switcher notes.txt' Can't get rid of sound when switching workspaces!! : json file - settings { "display-type": { "type": "combobox", "default": "visual", "description": "Type of display", "tooltip": "Note that the visual representation will only work if your panel is large enough to display it properly, otherwise the simple style will be used.", "options": { "A visual representation of the workspaces": "visual", "Simple buttons": "buttons" }, "value": "visual" }, "scroll-behavior": { "type": "combobox", "default": "normal", "description": "Scroll wheel behavior", "tooltip": "Reverse or disable the direction of the scroll in the workspace list.", "options": { "Normal": "normal", "Reversed": "reversed", "Disabled": "disabled" }, "value": "disabled" }, "__md5__": "bde96d24c6efac81dcfe38017f39456d" } # enddoc