# "$d_SysMaint"" /media/bill/Dell2/PROJECTS/System_maintenance/Linux/diff-like tools [Diffuse] notes.txt # www.BillHowell.ca 24Jan initial for peer reviews 08********08 24Jan2021 diffuse isn't good enough!!! It dumps everything on the screen (color-coded) https://linoxide.com/tools/best-diff-tools-to-compare-file-contents-on-linux/ 7. Diffuse – GUI Diff Tool Diffuse is a free, simple and easy to use diff tool written in Python. It also offers two functionalities file comparison and version control. It also allows file editing, merging and display the difference between selected files. Features: • Easy keyboard navigation • Syntax highlighting • Supports Unicode • Git, CVS, Darcs, Mercurial, RCS, Subversion, SVK, and Monotone are also supported Pros: • Easy-to-use • Ability to edit different files directly • Ability to match lines in adjacent files • Select lines using a mouse-pointer • Free software Cons: • No stealth • Not customizable • Not portable $ diffuse -biBE --no-rcfile "/media/bill/ramdisk/Original.txt" "/media/bill/ramdisk/Revised.txt" man diffuse General Options -c, --commit rev Open separate file comparison tabs for all files affected by commit rev from the remaining paths specified in the command line arguments. -D, --close-if-same Close all tabs with no differences. -e, --encoding codec Use codec to read and write files. -L, --label label Display label instead of the file name. -m, --modified Open separate file comparison tabs for all modified files from the remaining paths specified in the command line arguments. -r, --revision rev Include revision rev of the next file named in the command line arguments in a file comparison tab. -s, --separate Open all remaining files specified in the command line arguments in separate file comparison tabs. -t, --tab Start a new tab for any remaining files named in the command line arguments. --line line Start with line line selected. --null-file Create a blank file comparison pane. Display Options Display options specified in the command line arguments will override saved preference values. -b, --ignore-space-change Ignore changes to the amount of white space. -B, --ignore-blank-lines Ignore changes whose lines are all blank. -E, --ignore-end-of-line Ignore end of line differences. -i, --ignore-case Ignore case differences in file contents. -w, --ignore-all-space Ignore all white space. # enddoc