The following links let you access various animations complementing the review article. The animations are organized following the subsection structure of the paper. Click on each image to start the animation (currently only available in .mpg format).
The animations show the evolution of the toroidal magnetic field (color scale, red positive and blue negative) and poloidal field lines (solid lines in orange for clockwise-directed, and violet for anticlockwise orientation) in a meridional quadrant, with the polar axis corresponding to the left vertical quadrant boundary, and the equatorial plane to the lower horizontal boundary
These are four animations corresponding to the solutions whose butterfly diagrams are plotted on the four panels of FIGURE 7:
These four animations corresponding to some of the solutions whose characteristics are presented on FIGURE 10, namely those with a core-to-envelope diffusivity ratio of 0.1, 0.01, 0.001 and 0.0001:
These are animations corresponding to the solutions whose butterfly diagrams are plotted on the nine panels of FIGURE 12 (animations are not provided for the decaying and steady solutions):
-Dernière revision: 17 septembre 2004 par