"$d_Qroot""help notes/blend, fold notes.txt" www.BillHowell.ca 15Jan2020 initial This stuff is confusing because I don't use it enough. Using the "QNial Language Definition.odt" manual, p24 : TWIG f A deeply nested simple arrays of A LEAF f A deeply nested atoms of A Using the "QNial Language Definition.odt" manual, p22 : mix A array formed by merging the first two levels of A, placing the axes of the top level first A raise B array containing arrays of items of B partitioned along axes so that the result has the first A axes of B A lower B array containing arrays of items of B partitioned along axes so that the items have the last A axes of B A split B arrays of items of B where the axes mentioned in A become the axes of the items of the result A blend B array of valence equal to valence of B plus the valence of an item of B obtained by merging axes of B according to axis numbers in A content A list of atoms of A in depth-first row-major order #**************************** # List of operators, generated with : # $ cat "$d_Qroot""help notes/blend, fold notes.txt" | grep "^#]" | sed 's/^#\]/ /' # ******************************************** #********* #] restructure nested lists 15Jan2020 for loaddefs link d_QNial_mine 'email - split HELPER_WCCI2020.ndf' keyStrsList is a list of items that themselves are lists of 3 elements Try qnial> mix keyStrsList >> perfect!!, I but I had already created keyStrsList For "details" : qnial> 3 lower details >> nyet - this is for regular arrays with simple contents qnial> [first, second, last] details qnial> mix details >> nyet, but they look the same!?? qnial> = details (mix details) o qnial> TWIG [first, second, third] details qnial> link details qnial> EACH [first, rest] link details qnial> EACH first link details >> great - pulls out FAQ titles qnial> EACH second link details >> Tos qnial> EACH third link details >> CCs Single expression to get all in one shot : qnial> EACH [first, second, third] link details >> not quite qnial> link EACH [first, second, third] link details qnial> >> Close! qnial> a := link EACH [first, second, third] link details qnial> n := gage shape a qnial> a_rows := floor (n / 3) qnial> b c d := cols (a_rows 3 reshape a) >> yes! this is what I want! Comprehensive expression : qnial> qnial> qnial> qnial> qnial> qnial> For HELPER_WCCI2020 : keyStrsList TosList CCsList := cols mix details ; # enddoc