# /media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/1_Debugging.txt #********************************* debugging tricks (!!! OUT OF DATE !!!) # 'Make' error location 1. open 'make.ndf' in the QNial environment (as a separate window) a. in make.ndf set loaddef_mode := l ; autolog_mode := l ; symbol_mode := l ; b. clearws % ; 2. type 'make "all' in the QNial interpreter window a. from the interpreter window: Menu Interpreter -> view log file b. Menu Search -> Find '?' - follow the interpreter comments c. As QNial only flags the first error for each block, so this has to be done iteratively d. Use 'Symbol_list.txt' to refer to the source and application of global data and operations (but not local variables within blocks) % ; 3. When errors are down to one file (or even before), you can focus on debugging it by typing 'make f3' in the interpreter, for example (look at the list of files above for their designations). # Progressive tesing of operations & data - once the 'make' errors are resolved This should eventually be converted to an automated check file that tests the results against standard results and puts out error diagnostics. % ; Note: 'command' means type the indicated string into the cQNial interpreter, (top level) % ; 1. 'Make all results.txt' Raw data checks a. type ' Milancovic_rows NASA_JPL_cols ' then 'Milankovc ' - are they correct? All 'raw' data can be checked by looking through the saved file 'Make all results.txt' b. Do the same with 'Solanki' 'Solanki_rows' 'Solanki_cols' # 2. 'complete_inputs verification.txt' Type 'complete_inputs' in the QNial interpreter. messages are primarily in the file 'Main.ndf' which hosts the 'complete_inputs' operation % ; Type & check results in file 'complete_inputs verification.txt' of: a. ' NASA_JPL_rows NASA_JPL_cols ' then ' NASA_JPL ' b. ' Solanki_rows Solanki_cols ' (but NOT Solanki - there are no transformations) c. ' datedebut datefin date_conversion ' d. ' NASA_JPL_delta_t Solanki_delta_t civilisation_period ' e. ' n_intrpsteps n_poly ' e. ' intrp_tdata ' BUT don't type ' intrp_t_series ' yet, this is long!!! # 3. Check interpolations - Verify the Interpolation routine on toy problems. Make sure that steps 1 and 2 have been completed, or re-load and run complete_inputs a. Simply load the interpolations file ('make f2') Test using the example in the file 'Check interpolations.ndf'. b. ' make "all ', command ' complete_inputs ', and command ' setdeftrace "interpolation_for_interval ' and ' interpolation_for_interval -3000 ' -> compare to ' Check interpolate_for_interval.ndf ' Note that the interpolation errors are too high!! # 4. Eventually, convert all of the above to a special header and verification file system # Current problems: 1. Not robust with multiple makes without 'clearws' - initialization not properly set up #Copy the following to a separate QNial file window, so that you can rapidly get to an advanced point in the verification process. make "all civic #**************************** Lessons learned # All global variable definitions should be declared "NONLOCAL" in each operation that uses them (including 'EXTERNAL' declarations # arctan provides wrong answers for some problems, but the sine & cosine, if available, can be used to select the right angle that yields the right tan