#] #] ********************* #] "$d_Qroot""help - [develop, debug, error list, etc]/0_QNial special problems.txt" see also "0_bug hunt Qnial.txt" - for debugging setup work! https://github.com/danlm/QNial7 ********************* #**************************** # Table of , generated with : # $ grep "^#] " "$d_Qroot"'help - [develop, debug, error list, etc]/0_QNial special problems.txt' | sed 's/^#\]/ /' # ********************* "$d_Qroot""help - [develop, debug, error list, etc]/0_QNial special problems.txt" 01Aug2022 NASTY problem - grep gets incorrect environmental variable 05Nov2021 str_removeExtra_whitespace_test - why a solitary space with ''? str_removeExtra_whitespace_test IS - res ipsa loquitor 05Nov2021 unknown data type gives single vertical "+|+" str_posnLOfChr1st_subStrL_test IS - all subStr positions, for EACH subStr, in Str 07Jun2021 Failures from successive loaddefs, due to pre-defined optrs 04Jun2021 Very strange loaddefs failure!!?? 17May2018 symTranslate_file_test ?undefined identifier: % ; 25Apr2018 NOTE!! : [syms_inParens, symExtract_strin] mutually call each other, which is new for me! 18Apr2018 YIKES! non-standard ASCII codes for QNial? 13Apr2018 QNial startup failure - is this related? 12Feb2018 Segmentation fault 13Feb2018 note kwrite -> Menu -> Open/Save -> General -> Line Length limit = 4096 16Aug2017 21:03 DesktopSetup 16Aug2017 19:17 DesktopSetup - Periodically, I'll have to flush the log file : 23Oct2016 redefining IS to IS OP & visa-versa 12Sep2016 removes_extract : crashed QNial yet still produced output files 03Sep2016 is_blankstring isn't working? 05May2016 Moved QNial onto my USB memory stick to make it easy to change between computers 02May2010 Fault trapping within Operators 08******08 08******08 #] ??Aug2022 08******08 #] ??Aug2022 08******08 #] ??Aug2022 08******08 #] ??Aug2022 08******08 #] ??Aug2022 08******08 #] ??Aug2022 08******08 #] 01Aug2022 NASTY problem - grep gets incorrect environmental variable +-----+ Summary, result : bye QNial, re-load everything : qnial> d_web /home/bill/SG6/WebSite/ >> THAT'S the PROBLEM!!! $ env | grep "d_web"| sed "s/.*=//" /home/bill/SG6/WebSite/ /home/bill/SG6/web/ >> hah! my code takes first line.. d_web := first host_result 'env | grep "d_web" | sed "s/.*=//" ' ; >> hilarious Age-old problem of non-unique baseNames, also with d_Lucas=/home/bill/SG6/web/Lucas - Universal Force/ d_LucaSym=/home/bill/SG6/web/Lucas - Universal Force/symbol tables/ "$d_Qndfs" 'QNial setup - header.ndf', change first -> second : d_web := second host_result 'env | grep "d_web" | sed "s/.*=//" ' ; d_Lucas := link d_web 'Lucas/' ; >> so not a problem. bye QNial, reload qnial> d_web /home/bill/SG6/web/ >> OK!! +----+ Details I must revamp QNial setup.ndf' for new d_webRawe -> d_web d_webRawe doesn't exist now in Suse environmental variables (I changes mount of new Seagat_6Tb USB HSS) NYET~ - shouldn't be an issue! I set up things before. d_webSite error? : '/home/bill/SG6/WebSite/economics, markets/...' "$d_Qndfs"'economics, markets/stock index [semi-log, detrend] data processing.ndf' : qnial> d_work /home/bill/SG6/WebSite/economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS intnl stocks/ >> what??? >> OK : # 08********08 # Setup (kind of like header info) d_work := link d_webRawe 'economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS intnl stocks/' ; d_web=/home/bill/SG6/web/ d_work should be : d_work := link d_web 'economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS intnl stocks/' OK in "$d_Qndfs"'economics, markets/220730 Puetz2011 detrended international indexes, gnuplot specs.ndf' : d_work := link d_web 'economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS intnl stocks/' ; somewhere, d_webSite is hidden, causing problems : 'QNial setup.ndf' - legitimate for webSite updates : (link d_Qtest 'webSite/Website updates- tests.ndf') I can't find where the bad substitute happens!!?? (global variable cross-over is likely) d_web := '/home/bill/SG6/web/' loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'economics, markets/220730 Puetz2011 detrended international indexes, gnuplot specs.ndf' qnial> d_web /home/bill/SG6/web/ >> OK loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'gnuplot template, subFiles [create, insert].ndf' qnial> d_web /home/bill/SG6/web/ >> OK loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'economics, markets/stock index [semi-log, detrend] data processing.ndf' qnial> d_web /home/bill/SG6/web/ >> OK loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'fit_linearRegress.ndf' qnial> d_web /home/bill/SG6/web/ >> OK seems OK? I didn't find the root problem, it will be back... Try gain : revampONE 'DAX40 Jan1970-Jul2022 TradingView' +--+ qnial> revampONE 'DAX40 Jan1970-Jul2022 TradingView' *** freeit: ignoring release of -3, code = -3 *** out of range blockptr set output "/media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/economics, markets/SP500/semi-log DAX40 Jan1970-Jul2022 TradingView.png" ^ "/home/bill/SG6/web/economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS intnl stocks/semi-log DAX40 Jan1970-Jul2022 TradingView.plt", line 21: cannot open file; output not changed system error: No such file or directory +--+ >> problem with gnuplot, what errors dide I create? >> It did create : semi-log DAX40 Jan1970-Jul2022 TradingView regression fit.txt semi-log DAX40 Jan1970-Jul2022 TradingView.plt 'semi-log DAX40 Jan1970-Jul2022 TradingView regression fit.txt' # Coefficients & statistics (transformed by [xOptrPhr, yOptrPhr]) : # constant slope relStdErr relStdDev relStdDevObs # -61.647708 0.032575 0.254864 >> oops, only 3/5 outputs # The following are in transformed coordinates (eg log) : # xObsMin xObsMax yObsMin yObsMin yDetrendMin yDetrendMax # ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value >> obvious variable naming glitch # Also (not used) coeffDeterm(=R^2) coeffCorrel(=R) StdErrEst # 0.901304 0.949370 0.114373 # singleLinearRegression [estimate, residual, detrend]s >> single column of chrs - not useful!! flag_debug to see problem : revampONE 'DAX40 Jan1970-Jul2022 TradingView' qnial> revampONE 'DAX40 Jan1970-Jul2022 TradingView' *** freeit: ignoring release of -3, code = -3 *** out of range blockptr /home/bill/bin/qnial: line 29: 4774 Segmentation fault (core dumped) "$d_Qroot$d_Qtype" -i -defs "$d_Qndfs""QNial setup.ndf" >> crap, big dump!?!? kicked out of QNial (rare) Reloaded Qnial, qnial> loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'economics, markets/stock index [semi-log, detrend] data processing.ndf' Loadefs : d_work := link d_web 'economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS intnl stocks/' ; loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'economics, markets/PuetzUWS big data.ndf' ; loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'fit_linearRegress.ndf' ; loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'economics, markets/stock index header.ndf' ; qnial> d_work /home/bill/SG6/WebSite/economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS intnl stocks/ >> wrong again!!!! Reset : d_work := link d_web 'economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS intnl stocks/' qnial> d_web /home/bill/SG6/WebSite/ >> NUTS!!!??? I deleted from 'stock index [semi-log, detrend] data processing.ndf' : loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'economics, markets/PuetzUWS big data.ndf' ; replace : loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'gnuplot pTmplt insert sub[time, price]files.ndf' ; with : loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'economics, markets/220730 Puetz2011 detrended international indexes, gnuplot specs.ndf' The latter loaddefs : loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'economics, markets/stock index header.ndf' ; loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'gnuplot template, subFiles [create, insert].ndf' ; bye QNial, re-load everything : qnial> d_web /home/bill/SG6/WebSite/ >> THAT'S the PROBLEM!!! $ env | grep "d_web"| sed "s/.*=//" /home/bill/SG6/WebSite/ /home/bill/SG6/web/ >> hah! my code takes first line.. d_web := first host_result 'env | grep "d_web" | sed "s/.*=//" ' ; >> hilarious Age-old problem of non-unique baseNames, also with d_Lucas=/home/bill/SG6/web/Lucas - Universal Force/ d_LucaSym=/home/bill/SG6/web/Lucas - Universal Force/symbol tables/ "$d_Qndfs" 'QNial setup - header.ndf', change first -> second : d_web := second host_result 'env | grep "d_web" | sed "s/.*=//" ' ; d_Lucas := link d_web 'Lucas/' ; >> so not a problem. bye QNial, reload qnial> d_web /home/bill/SG6/web/ >> OK!! 08******08 #] 05Nov2021 str_removeExtra_whitespace_test - why a solitary space with ''? interesting - [" "] returns null? I don't understand b := first a, gives single vertical "+|+" #] str_removeExtra_whitespace_test IS - res ipsa loquitor # t04 is a problem qnial> a := str_removeExtra_whitespace '' >> apparently null? qnial> diagram a +-+ | | +-+ qnial> a := str_removeExtra_whitespace '' qnial> diagram a +-+ | | +-+ qnial> a = [' '] o qnial> a = solitary ' ' o qnial> a = single a o qnial> single a o-+ | | +-+ qnial> frst a ?undefined identifier: FRST <***> A qnial> first a (space?) qnial> b := first a (space?) qnial> type b (space?) qnial> diagram b qnial> solitary a +-+ | | +-+ qnial> a = solitary b l QNial dictionary character qnial> a = ' ' l >> NUTSS!!! why a space??? qnial> c := non_whitespace_list := NOT str_eachChrIs_white '' >> apparently null qnial> c = null l >> confirmed qnial> d := non_whitespace_list sublist null >> apparently null qnial> d = null l >> confirmed >> save to '0_QNial special problems.txt' 08******08 #] 05Nov2021 unknown data type gives single vertical "+|+" interesting - [" "] returns null? I don't understand b := first a, gives single vertical "+|+" #] str_posnLOfChr1st_subStrL_test IS - all subStr positions, for EACH subStr, in Str # test t02 : qnial> a := str_posnLOfChr1st_subStrL 'the bigg fat cow' ([' '] 'atg' 'g') +++---+ |||6 7| +++---+ qnial> b := first a >> null? not really! qnial> diagram b + | + >> what is b? not [solitary, ??] qnial> type b (null showing...) what is this? qnial> solitary null ++ || ++ >> oops, didn't have (6 7) in stdResult, won't solve problem, but it has to be there # plog := link d_Qtest 'strings/' timestamp_YYMMDD_HMS ' alltest strings.txt' # a := test_simple str_posnLOfChr1st_subStrL_test # change stdResult from (null null (6 7)) # to ([' '] 'atg' 'g') >> save to '0_QNial special problems.txt' # 11Dec2021 what is (diagram resultL = 3 1 reshape +-+)????, I have this problem elsewhere! # tstDatStd sub_checkFitIntoTop_ary_testDatStd # "null_null01 qnial> a := sub_checkFitIntoTop_ary null null >> null? qnial> gage shape a 0 >> interesting - what is a? qnial> type a >> null qnial> type null >> null qnial> diagram a + | + qnial> b := single null o+ || ++ qnial> type b o+ || ++ qnial> diagram b o-+ |+| ||| |+| +-+ >> I've never found out what this is!!???!! 08******08 #] 07Jun2021 Failures from successive loaddefs, due to pre-defined optrs [boolean, path_exists] example boolean 'QNial setup.ndf' path_exists 'fileops.ndf' Why would the optrs change simply with loaddefs? >> the predefine of boolean in 'fileops.ndf' wiped out optr defns in later loaddefs >> I moved it to 'QNial setup.ndf' Note : as a general principle, pre-defined symbols should be put into : 'QNial setup.ndf' - if the symbol is used in >1 ndf file - if the symbol is used ONLY in the ndf file of the pre-define 08******08 #] 04Jun2021 Very strange loaddefs failure!!?? d_Qndfs 'webSite/webSite maintain [menu, header, footer, body] links, TableOfContents.ndf' Notice how I had to define extra variables, or I coudn't get this to loaddef : p_334 := p_linkErrorNotOnlyCnt ; p_023 := p_linkErrorOnlyCnt ; Error message (one example) : qnial> loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'webSite/webSite maintain [menu, header, footer, body] links, TableOfContents.ndf' loading webSite_link_counts ?undefined identifier: ; WRITE P_ALLLINKERRORNOTONLYCNT <***> I hope that this doesn't become common!!?? webSite_link_counts IS { LOCAL fname finn fout paths p_linkTypeL p_summary p_temp cmd counts wcHead sedTail fails unkns OKKs in_fails in_unkns in_OKKs i_fails i_unkns i_OKKs n_fails n_unkns n_OKKs tblfails tblunkns tblOKKs tbl_linkCnt tbl_tots total p_allLinkErrors p_linkErrorNotOnlys p_linkErrorOnlys p_allLinkLineCnt p_allLinkErrorCnt p_linkErrorNotOnlyCnt p_linkErrorOnlyCnt ; NONLOCAL p_allLinkLines d_webWork ; % ; p_linkTypeL := link d_webWork 'webSite linkType pnames.txt' ; p_summary := link d_webWork 'webSite summary of [fail, unknown, OK,total] links.txt' ; p_temp := link d_temp 'webSite_link_counts temp.txt' ; path_delete p_temp ; % ; IF (NOT (AND (file_exists "r p_linkTypeL) (file_exists "r p_summary))) THEN write fault link '?webSite_link_counts file unknown error : ' p_linkTypeL ; ELSE finn:= open p_linkTypeL "r ; WHILE (~= ??eof (fname := readfile finn)) DO cmd := link 'wc -l "' (link d_webWork fname) '" | sed "s/\(^[0-9]\+\) \(.*\)/\1\\t\2\\t/" >>"' p_temp '" ' ; host cmd ; ENDWHILE ; close finn ; % ; tbl_linkCnt := tabTable_readFrm_path p_temp ; % write tbl_linkCnt -transformers MUCH more complicated than loops here!!! but fun... ; counts paths := cols tbl_linkCnt ; counts := EACH tonumber counts ; fails := 'errors list' 'extern fails' 'intern fails' 'bkmkEx fails' ; OKKs := 'extern OK' 'intern OK' 'bkmkEx OK' ; unkns := 'mailto list' 'bkmkIn list' ; in_fails := rows (EACH subStr_in_str (cart fails paths)) ; in_unkns := rows (EACH subStr_in_str (cart unkns paths)) ; in_OKKs := rows (EACH subStr_in_str (cart OKKs paths)) ; EACH subStr_in_str (cart OKKs paths) ; i_fails := in_fails EACHLEFT sublist counts ; i_unkns := in_unkns EACHLEFT sublist counts ; i_OKKs := in_OKKs EACHLEFT sublist counts ; n_fails := sum i_fails ; n_unkns := sum i_unkns ; n_OKKs := sum i_OKKs ; tblfails := transpose mix i_fails fails ; tblunkns := transpose mix i_unkns unkns ; tblOKKs := transpose mix i_OKKs OKKs ; total := sum link n_fails n_unkns n_OKKs ; tbl_tots := 4 2 reshape (sum n_fails) 'failed targetURLs' (sum n_unkns) 'unknown targetURLs' (sum n_OKKs ) 'OK targetURLs' total 'total' ; ENDIF ; % ; IF (NOT file_exists "w p_summary) THEN write fault link '?website_link_counts file unknown error : p_summary' ; ELSE % terminal output ; EACH write '' '**********************' p_summary (link timestamp_DDMMMYYYY 'webSite stats for : www.BillHowell.ca ' ) '' 'Count of [all links, targets] on this website : ' ; % ; p_allLinkLines := link d_webWork 'webURLs_extract allLinkLines.txt' ; p_allLinkErrors := link d_webWork 'webURLs_extract errLinkLines.txt' ; p_linkErrorNotOnlys := link d_webWork 'webURLs_extract linkNotErrorOnlys.txt' ; p_linkErrorOnlys := link d_webWork 'webURLs_extract linkErrorOnlys.txt' ; % ; host link 'grep "!!linkError!!" "' p_allLinkLines '" | sed ' chr_apo 's|\(.*\)!!linkError!!\(.*\)">\(.*\)[A,a]>\(.*\)|!!linkError!!\2|g' chr_apo ' >"' p_allLinkErrors '" ' ; host link 'grep --invert-match "^!!linkError!!$" "' p_allLinkErrors '" >"' p_linkErrorNotOnlys '" ' ; host link 'grep "^!!linkError!!$" "' p_allLinkErrors '" >"' p_linkErrorOnlys '" ' ; % ; % wc -l - line count, sed - stream editor search-replace in a line ; wcHead := 'wc -l "' ; sedTail := '" | sed "s|^\([0-9]*\)\(.*\)|\1|"' ; p_allLinkLineCnt := first host_result (link wcHead p_allLinkLines sedTail) ; p_allLinkErrorCnt := first host_result (link wcHead p_allLinkErrors sedTail) ; p_linkErrorNotOnlyCnt := first host_result (link wcHead p_linkErrorNotOnlys sedTail) ; p_linkErrorOnlyCnt := first host_result (link wcHead p_linkErrorOnlys sedTail) ; p_334 := p_linkErrorNotOnlyCnt ; p_023 := p_linkErrorOnlyCnt ; % ; EACH write '' 'Counts below are the number of unique TARGETED [file, dir]s (URLs) of links ' ; write p_allLinkLineCnt 'count of all [file, dir, url]s targeted by links on the webSite' ; EACH write '' 'Failures : ' 'There may be some overlap between "errors" and the other 3 failure types' ; write tblfails ; EACH write '' 'Unknowns (5) - [mailtos, bookmarks internal to the same webPage]' ; write tblunkns ; EACH write '' 'OKs - these links have been shown to work : ' ; write tblOKKs ; EACH write '' '[fail, unknown, OK, total] targetURL counts : ' ; write tbl_tots ; footNoteL := '' 'Footnotes : ' '(1) ~8 links per target file on average. Menus contain the VAST majority of all links' ' Links do NOT include those in [adobe pdf, word processing, spreadheet, etc] files' ' I use Linux, with LibreOffice programs plus occasionally Open Latex.' ' I do have [Apple, Microsoft] from other people or from my past work' '(2) Many linkErrors are not really a problem : ' ' In this case, empty links are a good thing for me, albeit perhaps annoying to the reader.' '(3) This is a key list of items to work on' '(4) As of 03Jun2021, ~40 or 5% of linkErrors were "empty links", which were put ' ' in my webPages as a reminder that [thought, list]s are incomplete.' '(5) Unknowns - are not checked (yet) by my software tools : ' ' mailtos are [old, deactivated for privacy], they wont work now' ' bkmkIn - these bookmarks are internal to the same webPage that they appear in.' ' Users may easily find the intended location in same webPage' ; EACH write footNoteL ; % ; % file outputs ; fout := open p_summary "w ; fout EACHRIGHT writefile p_summary (link 'Website stats for : www.BillHowell.ca ' timestamp_YYMMDD_HMS) 'Summary of the number of links by type [external, internal, menu, tableOfContent] and [OK, bad] : ' ; fout EACHRIGHT writefile '' (link p_allLinkLineCnt ' = count of all links in webSite') ; fout EACHRIGHT writefile '' (link (string total) ' = count of all [file, dir, url]s targeted by links in the webSite') ; fout EACHRIGHT writefile '' 'Counts below are the number of unique TARGETED [file, dir]s of links ' '(eg 5+ links per target on average)' ; fout EACHRIGHT writefile '' 'Failures : ' ; fout EACHRIGHT writefile (rows picture tblfails) ; fout EACHRIGHT writefile '' 'Unknowns - I havent written code to really show [OK, fail] : ' ; fout EACHRIGHT writefile (rows picture tblunkns) ; fout EACHRIGHT writefile '' 'OKs - these links have been shown to work : ' ; fout EACHRIGHT writefile (rows picture tblOKKs ) ; fout EACHRIGHT writefile '' '[fail, unknown, OK, total] counts : ' ; fout EACHRIGHT writefile (rows picture tbl_tots) ; fout EACHRIGHT writefile footNoteL ; close fout ; ENDIF ; } # copy-paste & move around optr to test loaddefs ENDIF ; } # IF flag_break THEN BREAK ; ENDIF ; write post p_allLinkLines p_allLinkErrors p_linkErrorNotOnlys p_linkErrorOnlys ; write post p_allLinkLineCnt p_allLinkErrorCnt p_linkErrorNotOnlyCnt p_linkErrorOnlyCnt ; write p_allLinkLineCnt 'count of all linkLines in webPages of this webSite (1)' ; write p_334 ; write p_023 ; # write p_allLinkErrorCnt 'count of all linkErrors on the webSite (2)' ; write p_allLinkErrorOnlyCnt 'count of all linkErrorsOnlys - no other text in link (4)' ; # EACH write ( p_allLinkLineCnt p_allLinkErrorCnt p_allLinkErrorNotOnlyCnt p_allLinkErrorOnlyCnt ) ; # EACH write p_allLinkLineCnt 'count of all linkLines in webPages of this webSite (1)' p_allLinkErrorCnt 'count of all linkErrors on the webSite (2)' p_allLinkErrorNotOnlyCnt 'count of all linkErrorNotOnlys - with other text in link (3)' p_allLinkErrorOnlyCnt 'count of all linkErrorsOnlys - no other text in link (4)' ; 08*******08 #] 17May2018 symTranslate_file_test ?undefined identifier: % ; symTranslate_file_test IS { LOCAL d_Lucas test_name pname_diff pname_inn pname_out ; NONLOCAL flag_test_comment_log ; % ; test_name := 'symTranslate_file_test' ; IF flag_test_comment_log THEN open_test_comment_logFile test_name ; ENDIF ; EACH write_testStr ' ' '+---------------+' test_name ; write_testStr 'symTranslate_string translates "simple symbols" and "composite expressions"' ; % ; d_Lucas := '/media/bill/PROJECTS/Lucas - Universal Force/' ; pname_inn := link d_Lucas 'Howell - math of Lucas Universal Force 180418.txt' ; pname_out := link d_QNial_temp 'Howell - math of Lucas Universal Force ' timestamp_YYMMDD '.txt' ; pname_diff := link d_QNial_temp 'trans_file_diff.txt' ; % ; write_testStr '# symTranslate_file_test example 1: compare test results in : ' ; write_testStr link ' pname_inn= ' pname_inn ; write_testStr link ' pname_out= ' pname_out ; write_testStr link ' pname_dif= ' pname_diff ; write_testStr link ' (ideally "' pname_diff '" will be empty except for "good" substitution lines)' ; % ; symTranslate_file pname_inn pname_out ; write_testStr timestamp ; % ; IF flag_test_comment_log THEN close_test_comment_logFile ; ENDIF ; } >> This gives the error : qnial> loaddefs '/media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/code tests/symbols translate- tests.ndf' >>> loading start : symbols translate- tests.ndf >>>>>> loading start : strings.ndf >>>>>>>>> loading start : file_ops.ndf <<<<<<<<< loading ended : file_ops.ndf <<<<<< loading ended : strings.ndf >>>>>> loading start : symbols translate.ndf >>>>>>>>> loading start : symbols stdForm.ndf <<<<<<<<< loading ended : symbols stdForm.ndf >>>>>>>>> loading start : symbols extract & sort.ndf <<<<<<<<< loading ended : symbols extract & sort.ndf >>>>>>>>> loading start : tranList Lucas bads.ndf <<<<<<<<< loading ended : tranList Lucas bads.ndf >>>>>>>>> loading start : tranList Lucas to HLFN.ndf <<<<<<<<< loading ended : tranList Lucas to HLFN.ndf >>>>>>>>> loading start : tranList HLFN bads.ndf <<<<<<<<< loading ended : tranList HLFN bads.ndf <<<<<< loading ended : symbols translate.ndf loading symTranslate_file_test ?undefined identifier: % ; loading symTranslate_file_test - old tests <<< loading ended : symbols translate- tests.ndf errors found: 1 However, I can't see ANY problems with the code Removing the "% ;" lines just shift the error to the line before or after Problem was symTran_file was defined, not symTranslate_file 08*******08 #] 25Apr2018 NOTE!! : [syms_inParens, symExtract_strin] mutually call each other, which is new for me! # It should lock up in a loop or something, but seems to be working. 08*******08 #] 18Apr2018 YIKES! non-standard ASCII codes for QNial? qnial> EACH charrep 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 >> OK qnial> shape EACH charrep 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 26 qnial> shape 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 26 qnial> EACH charrep 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 >> WRONG!! qnial> shape 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 26 qnial> shape EACH charrep 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 26 qnial> EACH charrep 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω' -50 -79 -50 -78 -50 -77 -50 -76 -50 -75 -50 -74 -50 -73 -50 -72 -50 -71 -50 -70 -50 -69 -50 -68 -50 -67 -50 -66 -50 -65 -49 -128 -49 -127 -49 -126 -49 -125 -49 -124 -49 -123 -49 -122 -49 -121 -49 -120 -49 -119 qnial> shape 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω' 50 qnial> shape EACH charrep 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρςστυφχψω' 50 qnial> EACH char (tell 256) !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz{|}~������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������ >> Something is wrong with QNial charrep operator!! - small letters give wrong answer! but char seems correct >> For now, fudge it. 08*******08 #] 13Apr2018 QNial startup failure - is this related? $ qnial Q'Nial V7.0 Open Source Edition Intel x86 64bit Linux Jul 6 2017 Copyright (c) NIAL Systems Limited Segmentation fault RaspPi - out of memory? I shut down some LibreCalc files and qnial worked >> not good enough I cold rebooted RaspPi - now qnial launches 08*******08 #] 12Feb2018 Segmentation fault Segmentation fault (see "/media/bill/HOWELL_BASE/Qnial/0_bug hunt QNial.txt") arises within strings_between after several (15-20?) lines have been read note that the failure point varies strangely, so this doesn't seem to be specific to a specific line of fin ??!?!? At one point, the full paper list was written to screen, but a code change and loaddefs generated a "Segmentation fault"???!!? So perhaps : works : write (strings_between URLpaper ender line) ; fails : %fotPapers EACHRIGHT writefile (strings_between URLpaper ender line) ; NYET! just tested without writefile - failed after only 8 lines! # One example froze at : 6642-universal-style-transfer-via-feature-tran ����� Why the stange characters? When I added "write line ; " the line printed and processed, failure occurred later @ paper 6650 ??? Switching to writefile, this time got to paper 6742 Try this on RaspPi ... and Lenovo, and after Dell64 cold boot 13Feb2018 Lenovo - segmentation fault at paper 6687-compression-aware-training-of-deep-networks OK - so something is BAD WRONG with strings_between maybe I have "clean" strings of unseen characters? added write -> got to 6999-mapping-distinct-timescales-of-functional-interactions-among-brain-networks This is much better, but why? retry -> got to same 6999-mapping-distinct-timescales-of-functional-interactions-among-brain-networks Segmentation fault occurs AFTER strings_between output & BEFORE strings_between write i between_first between_last ; Segmentation fault occurs AFTER strings_between output & BEFORE strings_between 1st FOR Segmentation fault occurs AFTER write 'strings_between - before fronts & BEFORE write link link 'strings_between: fronts=' Problem seems to occur with : fronts rears := strStrt strEndr EACHLEFT find_string strIn ; for rest of testing, see "/media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/MY_NDFS/strings.ndf" unicode_to_ascii '/media/bill/PROJECTS/2017 NIPS Long Beach, California/0_NIPS 2017 URLs all raw.txt' '/media/bill/PROJECTS/2017 NIPS Long Beach, California/0_NIPS 2017 URLs all.txt' now run - looking at "/media/bill/ramdisk/strings_between strIn.txt"
  • Minimizing a Submodular Function from Samples Eric Balkanski, Yaron Singer
  • >> NO problem with non-ASCII?? What is going on? For now - just split the html file into 5 parts, and do each separately!! 08*******08 #] 13Feb2018 note kwrite -> Menu -> Open/Save -> General -> Line Length limit = 4096 why can't I search for escape sequences and regexpr with this file? QNial "bye" doesn't work after running one of these - even if the file is properly processed! lq_confPapers Split the html file into 5 parts (1524 lines / 5 ~ 305 lines each), and name as : ; "/media/bill/PROJECTS/2017 NIPS Long Beach, California/0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page-1.txt" etc ; extract_paperURLs '0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page-1' Starts at 6606-wider-and-deeper-cheaper-and-faster-tensorized-lstms-for-sequence-learning This is the FIRST paper in the html file
  • Dykstra's Algorithm, ADMM, and Coordinate Descent: Connections, Insights, and Extensions Ryan J. Tibshirani
  • Remove this record and try again - ends at : 6727-shape-and-material-from-sound This is the last paper in page-1 extract_paperURLs '0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page-2' Starts at 6728-flexible-statistical-inference-for-mechanistic-models-of-neural-dynamics Crashes at
  • Flexible statistical inference for mechanistic models of neural dynamics Jan-Matthis Lueckmann, Pedro J. Goncalves, Giacomo Bassetto, Kaan Öcal, Marcel Nonnenmacher, Jakob H. Macke
  • Remove this record and try again - does a lot more, crashes at :
  • Data-Efficient Reinforcement Learning in Continuous State-Action Gaussian-POMDPs Rowan McAllister, Carl Edward Rasmussen
  • Remove this record and try again - does a lot more, crashes at :
  • Noise-Tolerant Interactive Learning Using Pairwise Comparisons Yichong Xu, Hongyang Zhang, Aarti Singh, Artur Dubrawski, Kyle Miller
  • Remove this record and try again - does a lot more, crashes at :
  • Analyzing Hidden Representations in End-to-End Automatic Speech Recognition Systems Yonatan Belinkov, James Glass
  • Remove this record and try again - does a lot more, crashes at :
  • Generative Local Metric Learning for Kernel Regression Yung-Kyun Noh, Masashi Sugiyama, Kee-Eung Kim, Frank Park, Daniel D. Lee
  • So the failures are now sequential - WHY??? Split the file here, label end part as '0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page-2a', add back 6837 & 6838 extract_paperURLs '0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page-2a' Starts at 6837-noise-tolerant-interactive-learning-using-pairwise-comparisons Crashes at
  • Ensemble Sampling Xiuyuan Lu, Benjamin Van Roy
  • Remove this record and try again - does a lot more, crashes at :
  • Ensemble Sampling Xiuyuan Lu, Benjamin Van Roy
  • Remove this record and try again - ends at # enddoc Output starts at 6839-generative-local-metric-learning-for-kernel-regression (missing [6837,6838] !!!???) Output ends at 6930-a-universal-analysis-of-large-scale-regularized-least-squares-solutions This is contiguous with '0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page-3' extract_paperURLs '0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page-3' Starts at 6931-deep-sets Empty ramdisk file !!??, last success 6957-high-order-attention-models-for-visual-question-answering Retry - Completed on second attempt, "# enddoc" left in file WHY!??!? - maybe it worked on first try? Ends at 7081-dropoutnet-addressing-cold-start-in-recommender-systems extract_paperURLs '0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page-4' Starts at 7082-a-simple-neural-network-module-for-relational-reasoning Completed at first attempt, "# enddoc" left in file Ends at 7233-towards-generalization-and-simplicity-in-continuous-control extract_paperURLs '0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page-5' Starts at 7234-random-projection-filter-bank-for-time-series-data Completed at first attempt, "# enddoc" left in file Ends at 7284-multi-view-matrix-factorization-for-linear-dynamical-system-estimation This is the LAST paper listed on the web-age Numbers [3,4,5] are contiguous Finalisation of full list $ cd "/media/bill/PROJECTS/2017 NIPS Long Beach, California/" $ cat "0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page-1 papers.txt" "0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page-2 papers.txt" "0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page-2a papers.txt" "0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page-3 papers.txt" "0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page-4 papers.txt" "0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page-5 papers.txt" >"0_NIPS 2017 URLs all.txt" Then manually add papers that were removed above Total lines in file = 679 compared to 7284 - 6606 + 1 = 679 OK, I've got them all!! WHY was this such a problem? - "bye" is corrupted - "misses" aren't always reproducible, etc etc - illegal characters? $ cd "/media/bill/PROJECTS/2017 NIPS Long Beach, California/" $ grep "\0" "0_NIPS 2017 Proceedings page.html" many (say 1/2) of lines have nulls 08*******08 #] 16Aug2017 21:03 DesktopSetup LibreCalc spreadsheets [0_contacts,0_References].ods were messed up (appear on screen but couldn't activate or control - I closed them). Also [ToDos,Calendar].ods were the wrong [size ,posn] Possilbly I need to allocate special time delay for the first LibreOffice document open... or just provide a longer, application-specific dealy, as I did with vidProdn 08*******08 #] 16Aug2017 19:17 DesktopSetup - Periodically, I'll have to flush the log file : %comment out for debugging ; IF NOT flag_debug THEN host link 'rm "' (link d_QNial_temp 'USB workspace loads - winList.txt') '"' ; ENDIF ; 08*******08 #] 23Oct2016 redefining IS to IS OP & visa-versa I've seen the solution before Nial Manual p61 erase A Erase the variable or definition specified by the phrase A. Leave the phrase A in the symbol table with its role unchanged but change its value to one of ?no_value, No_expr, no_op or NO_TR depending on the role of A. This operation is used at top level to remove a user defined object from the current workspace. It permits the use of the identifier for a different purpose but not a differ­ent role. It cannot be used to erase a name in a local scope. >> doesn't work to convert IS to IS OP etc 08*******08 #] 12Sep2016 removes_extract : crashed QNial yet still produced output files (empty for files labelled 3 through 6) was this due to empty files, or an infinite loop? process_file -> did NOT extract all email addresses! Might be due to new code i wrote since mass email to captue >1 email/line? HOWEVER : Bad adresses works fine!??? why? PROBLEM : too short a wait between closing & opening files (same file?) host 'sleep 2s' seemed to solve it 08*******08 #] 03Sep2016 is_blankstring isn't working? OOPS! in strings.ndf, there is a mix of charrep and chars!! : changed to : char_tab := string char 9 ; problem was probably that strings.ndf wasn't loading? changed to is_blankstring IS OP Str { AND OR (Str EACHLEFT in blank_chars) } 08*******08 #] 05May2016 Moved QNial onto my USB memory stick to make it easy to change between computers (desktop, laptop, other [individual, organisation] nial won't run - insufficient priviledges. Try chown to clearly make it me who owns man chown : -v verbose --recursive sudo -i chown --recursive bill:bill "/media/bill/USB DISK/Qnial/z_Old" >> OK - that worked. +-----+ make "/media/bill/USB DISK/Qnial/nial" executable chmod a+x "/media/bill/USB DISK/Qnial/nial" >> No can do!!!??? Maybe USB memory can't be the "host" of executables? Go back to simply using nial within /home/bill/Qnial 08*******08 #] 02May2010 Fault trapping within Operators I am using linux's "ls" command to see is a filename being assigned is unique. However, when I try to trap this condition with "isfault", Nial stops processing with the fault! How do I turn off fault-based interrupt, and just keep going? /home/bill/nial/v6testing/0a_notebook.txt Mentions "settrigger": settrigger Check the the fault triggering mechanism can be toggled with this operation. --->> [Howell 30Mar09 - what is this?] /home/bill/nial/v6testing/0a_notebook.txt 7. Command line options OK -s supresses fault triggering THIS WORKED!!: command line nial -s !!!! enddoc