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Howell's extensions of the Q'Nial programming language

21Mar2024 initial points, this webPage will evolve over [month, year]s...

Finally, after starting with QNial in 1985, I've created a webPage for my most important programming tool, Q'Nial (QNial - Nested Interactive Array Language) of Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Created by Michael Jenkins of Queens and Trenchard More of of the IBM Scientific Center, Cambridge

I like to describe QNial as the beautiful child of a marriage between the LISP and APL programming languages.

Although my [program, library]s for QNial, as well as [notes, descriptions, etc] of my work have long been on my webSite, these are working text files for myself, and are less well suited descriptions for others that lack easy linking to different [directory, file, program (.ndf)]s. Hence this webPage.

Table of Contents

Major extensions of QNial

Lays (layouts) versus types: [non(Ary), itm, sub]s

lays (layouts) versus types: [non(Ary), itm, sub]s

saveData : like loaddefs for variables, text (unlike save workspace)

[type, layout] checks on-demand only, fault handling

These and many others are my own creations related to "The computability of symbol names" concept.

As a strict definition, by "type" I am often refering to non-nested)arrays built of a single (homogeneous) atomic type (see a listing of atomic types above).

These homogenous atomic arrays are often important in some applications. Types are also very important because they are the lowest data, which guarantee that the array, at that point, has no further "nested" data. This is a stopping point for many array operators. Even then, [string, phrase]s may represent [operator, data] via the [execute, apply] operators, but that does not affect the initial "deep" analysis of an array. For an example of a recursive operator delving into an array, see nry_itm_get_ndxL, which uses nry_itm_ndxInn_get_ndxL_recurse in arrays nested.ndf.

Closely related to types are "layouts" (lay), for [non-homogenous, nested] arrays. ???...I need to add a description and links here...???

[search, pattern, morph]s

symbol acronyms

Within the context of the "Computability of symbols names", I've tried to use a [consistent, short] set of acronyms for sysmbol names, which helps to keep the already-long [operator, vartiable] names to a manageable length (reduce typing on my part, and make it easier to aling program coding). These are described in QNial userWkspSymbol header.ndf, which is greatly out-of-date as of 23Mar2024. No doubt, a great deal of [use, memorisation] will be need to others who may use my libraries, so that they can understand what is being done by operators.

Operators to help make changes to my code towards using the symbol acronyms, are provided in QNial userWkspSymbol.ndf, which is again way-out-of-date.

fractal trees

Not created yet... but it's a priority for neural dendritic trees...

hexagonal arrays (honeycombs) in QNial

Not created yet... but important for many natural systems...

computability of symbol names

An obvious play on Alan Turing's paper "The computatility of numbers", this concept has been slowly under development since ?2008?.

Programming principles

Common [data, operator]s with arbitrary dimensionality

QNial userWkspSymbol [philosophy, grammar, design].txt

QNial userWkspSymbol [philos, grammar, design].txt

QNial-bash hybridization

Although I've long used simple bash capabilities, it took years before I was knowledgable enough to learn [bash, regular expressions, [quote, apostophe] issues, etc] to effectively hybridize QNial and [bash, Unix utilities]. What really drove my advances was the 2-4 years (2021-2024) when I was constantly re-writing my QNial libraries to implement a more [robust, reliable] set of concepts (see Major extensions of QNial above) as a basis of my current approach to my QNial [symbol name, layout, library, etc]s. During this time, all my QNial libraries were in limbo, so I did extensive bash programming of my [webSite management, file operator, etc] systems to continue working.

pipes, computing without symbols, [object, check, ]s when desired

Unix regular expressions for [alternative, hybrid] processing

Unix-like function options?

Abstracted data, @@pth is the ID

Abstracted data to easily search structures, after they are confirmed by nry_itm_get search.

List of abstract datPhr, and their @@pth for easy reference.

Scope up&down by depth - easy, chop or add to @@pth

KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid

Pragmatic interoperability

QNial, bash, host calls, parallel computing

Tables [QNial, html, csv (spreadsheet)]

I still have a lot of detailed work to do on the very important data issue of table conversions, especially with respect to retaining formating like [font, [text, number] alignments, background colors, etc].

For an example converting QNial tables to html, see the section below QNial workspace, QNial versus Howell [variable, operator, etc]s, for which QNial tables were automatically converted to html format by tblQNial_put_tblHtmOut in the file "$d_Qndfs"'arrays atomic.ndf'.

For csv files from a spreadsheet program, QNial operators are used to convert between [QNial ary, csv file] formats. These operators aren't complete, but are "workable" if you are careful with [apostrophes (apo), quotes] which differ in function for [QNial, csv]. These operators are in the file file_ops.ndf, and use the operators : I have not yet created tests for the above, as for now it's not a priority (it works well enough for me, albeit that's not an excuse).

External webSite scraping

An example of pulling information from a website is winURL yahoo finance news download.ndf. I used this to extract news itmes from Yahoo financial news to provide a basis for analysing markets. It was too much work to maintain, and is probably out of date by now in terms of my changes to all of my libraries since I used it, but it would be easy to [update, extend].


MindCode - my long-time-priority neural network project

My priority "hobby" research area since 1988 has been neural networks, with "MindCode" being a persistent, but rarely active, concept of interest. This is described in a collection of themes which I've expanded since ~2022 : While there is a smattering of QNial coding for various parts of MindCode and releted projects, this is still in its infancy, even if I've had this as a priority-I-don't-work-on-much since the late 1990's - early 2000's.

Somewhat related are the themes :

Handy bash tools - for independent use, or called from QNial

As per the section QNial-bash hybridization above, my QNial programming is hybridized integrally with my bash libraries, so when downloading QNial, users must also download by bash (bin) directory. Here is a quick overview of the bash side.

My bash libraries are an incomplete port of my QNial libraries, and although this porting is incomplete, there is afar too much material to describe here. So I mention only a few item below.
A more extensive, albeit brief, listing of functions can be seen in my bash directory. Scripts for [audio, encryption, gnuplot, image, video, virus, wget, etc] can be seen in that directory.

Notable sub-directories include : Some [fun, simple, handy] capabilities are :

Other junk

QNial data [type, layout]s

Types (typ) - There are 6 atomic types in the current QNial version (I didn't compile QNial with complex numbers) : Layouts (lay) are structures of : nry - nested arrays in an interpreted environment :

Atomic versus other data lays : the Grand Divide

A constant problem that I've had over the years is the failure of my operators due to tripping over the easy use of [int, real, phrase]*[atm, lst, ary, nry]. Operators that worked very well for simple programs would make a mess when going to the next stage of complexity, often because atomic data [, lst]s are easy to implement, but trickey to extend.

Transformation of my QNial libraries since 2020 especially, has sought to properly account for the differences in implementation between atm and other "Layouts" (lays), which are as trickey as they are simple. Endless hours of fixes over the years have been un[necessary, fortunate].
Much of the work (to 26Mar2024) has gone into defining operators such as : Key ".ndf" files are : I have only just begun...

[status, help] : see the menus at the top of each webPage

Unfortunately, the status information in particular is usually badly out of date (it takes time to update!).

Howell's QNial libraries

My core QNial libraries which are loaded on startup (listed in order of loaddef) : There are many other [dir, fil]s in my QNial directory. A [random, rare] selection of interesting ndf [dir, fil]s includes :

QNial workspace, QNial versus Howell [variable, operator, etc]s

The following information is produced at each QNial startup by the operator usr_WkspcSym_status in "$d_Qndfs"'QNial setup.ndf'. In this case, the information is from 21Mar2024, and includes ONLY the core libraries. I have perhaps an equivalent number of operators defined in non-core programs.

Status (words except #freeblocks):
free lgstblk #freeblks Wkspc stack atom internal
31513709 31461922 1581 32000000 10000 10000

Loaddefed CORE symbol counts [Howell, system] :
total vars optrs exprns trans ident
total 1255 338 747 88 33 1
system 470 16 349 25 32 0
Howell 785 322 398 63 1 1

The above table only includes QNial system symbols and the 13 CORE Howell library files :
[noun, verb] CORE symbols by type
Not all types are shown.

\HowellSyms\ both noun verb
total 147 136 11
noun_verb 97 93 4
Adjctv_Adverb 16 11 5

All CORE [adjective, adverb] counts, after culling.
Check against Adjctv_Adverb in table above. ...
count adjective adverb
totals 11 5

QNial [download, install, environmental variables]

QNial community links

Official QNial documentation for [reference, beginner]s

I have NOT provided descriptions of the standard QNial capabilities etc, as these are well described (better than I could) in the official documentation : I should do my own version of these, but this webPage and the context-sensitive webPage menus are probably as far as I will get?