#] "$d_MindCode""12_MindCode globals.txt" #] reads [,NON]LOCAL lists in .ndf files of d_MindCode & its subDirs #] see also - "$d_bin""MindCode list of [data, optr,globals[, 1st lines].sh" #] - "$d_Qndfs""MindCode/5_MindCode global variable explanations.txt" #] - uses QNial standard optr to list [all, user-defined] symbols : symbols [1,0] #] generated by : link d_Qndfs 'QNial [symbol, arg] changes/QNial list [,NON]LOCALs.ndf' #] date generated : 30Aug2021 15h04m20s 17Nov2023 copied d_Qndfs: from d_MindCode (2020) to d_Mind2023 axonDelayL axonIdentL axonInhibL bitCnt_base bitCnt_expt bitCnt_intgBase bitCnt_sign bits_base bits_expt bits_sign clusBranch_2In3Out_inn clusBranch_2In3Out_out clusClassL clusIdentL clus_last clusList_increment clusNeurnL cycle_max dendDelayL dendIdentL dendInhibL epigenL fireL fireStdL flag_cycle_output histPatL histPatNowL IDL IDsubL inhibL inHistL inL inNmIDL intg_high intg_loww modL nameL n_clus netIDL net_rows neurClassL neurFiredL neurIdentL neurInFireL neur_last neurList_increment neurStateL n_neur NONLOCAL nowFireL numberL OKL opL optrL out outL outs outTypL paramL p_log realBase_max realCode real_high real_loww ResCalcL resCalcL ResCalcLtTitles ResStdL sensIDL subTemp ToffL trgrPatL trgrPatNmIDL trgrTyp trgrTypL trigTitles TwaitL typeL waitTL wghtL XrefIDL XrefIDsubL XrefNmIDL XrefNmL Xref_rows