executes the indicated debug command
current call stack :
-->[stepv] nextv
?.. Normal_thetanweightl := Factors_pso_convertto_normal *
?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value
?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value ?no_value
?.. %
-->[nextv] Factors_pso_convertto_normal
>> that explains it. Factors_pso_convertto_normal is supposed to be global?
PuetzUWS_optimize does that - but Factors_pso_convertto_normal isn't even in the code!!
#] 13Jan2021 adjustments to code
OUCH!! I was integrating link d_Puetz 'PuetzUWS- tests.ndf' into my normal code
That's a no-no - the data in tests has to be stable!!
20 (gage shape rowsSelect) reshape factors_normal_convertTo_PSO
factorTable := transpose ((2 * n_thetaN) (gage shape rowsSelect) reshape factors_normal_convertTo_PSO)
factorTable := ((2 * n_thetaN) (gage shape rowsSelect) reshape factors_normal_convertTo_PSO)
seedParamL := factorTable EACHBOTH * (transpose seedParamL)
olde code
# PuetzUWS_testSetup IS -
# 13Jan2021 I made global [SP500paramL, UWSparamL, PSO_paramL] to allow setup use for :
# while working on other parts of the program
# quick PuetzUWS_testSetup edit loops to adjust optimization parameters
# avuse of other test
%seedParamL := rows allErrParamTable|[rowsSelect,] ;
%seedParamL := TWIG tonumber (2 EACHRIGHT drop seedParamL) ;
%seedParamL := factors_normal_convertTo_PSO EACHRIGHT * seedParamL ;
n_rowsSelect := gage shape allErrParamTable_seedIndxL ;
rows_seed cols_seed := gage shape allErrParamTable_seedIndxL ;
n_seeds n_params := [gage shape, gage shape first] seedParamL ;
#] 13Jan2021 continue [symbol redefs, LOCAL, NONLOCAL] add extra code
$ d_Puetz="/media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS/"
$ diff "$d_Puetz""test03 DUWS_2011 cycles 26-35.ndf" "$d_Puetz""test03 DUWS_2011 cycles 26-35.ndf2"
Olde code
# (link `" (str_replace_subStr ' ' '_' timestamp_YYMMDD_HMS) '_') EACHRIGHT link (EACH string tell 10)
# olde code
% gbest is short for "global best for all particles" from all [iteration, run]s ;
i_gbest := find [min, pass] errorL ;
paramTable := paramL|[,i_gbest] ;
% pbest is short for "global best for each particle" from all [iteration, run]s ;
paramTable := link thetaNtable weightL ;
strL_n_thetaN := EACH string (tell n_thetaN) ;
params_titles := link
( ((n_thetaN reshape ['thetaN_']) EACHBOTH link strL_n_thetaN)
((n_thetaN reshape ['weight_']) EACHBOTH link strL_n_thetaN)
) ;
Change :
% 13Jan2021 I'm removing thetaNweightL etc. Given seedParamL, I only really need lambdaL ;
% thetaNweightL - Particle Swarm Optimisation cycle [thetaNL,weightL] parameters ;
% (not the [controls, lambda]) ;
UWS_verPhr UWS_rowIL UWS_colIL UWS_weightL := UWSparamL ;
UWS_versn := table_remove_colTitles execute UWS_verPhr ;
% [xCol, yCol] are provided "as seen" in UWS_table, not the "raw" for after removing [row, col] titles ;
lambdaL thetaNL := cols UWS_versn|[UWS_rowIL - 1, UWS_colIL - 1] ;
% note that necessarily (= n_lambda n_thetaN n_weight) ;
n_thetaN := gage shape thetaNL ; % UWS_error needs as global ;
% these calculations are the inverse of those in UWS_error ;
% note the order: thetaNL then UWS_weightL ;
thetaNweightL := link (thetaNL / 2 / PI) (UWS_weightL / 10) ;
% UWS_error requires lambdaL n_thetaN dataCols xDataL yDataL ;
% but PSO_optimize doesn't use the "normal" form of these variables ;
% Rather than pass-through variables, they are set as global for direct access by UWS_error ;
To :
#] 10Jan2021 Improved PuetzUWS results I also have to run much larger iterations of PSO (overnight)
Now that DUWS works far better (some coding errors corrected), redo UWS L1&L2.
# PSO Control variables as required. These are varied for tests ;
# b = bug in code,
# PSO_controlL := n_part MAXV PSOweight
# PSO_controlL_std := 5 0.02 100.0 2000 0.9 2 ;
# [done, current] down this list
# PuetzUWS_optimize_test 5 0.02 0.3 2000 0.9 1 oops - MAXITER way too large for debugging!
# PuetzUWS_optimize_test 20 20 0.3 1000 0.9 1 still a bit too slow for debug
# PuetzUWS_optimize_test 20 20 0.3 200 0.9 1 for a fast "bug-hunt" run, passable results.
# PuetzUWS_optimize_test 100 5 0.3 2000 0.9 1 Now hunting for a better solution
# PuetzUWS_optimize_test 500 5 0.3 2000 0.9 1 too many [particle, iteration]s? ~8 hour run
# This run may have converged very early. I stopped it prematurely
# It appears that all particles converge on a common solution fairly quickly. Perhaps it is better to use :
# smaller [particle populations, iterations]
# do multiple runs
# PSO_optimize
# comment out to get greater diversity of solutions : seed .25374
# eliminate the initial PSO_params_std :
# IF (~= null PSO_paramL) THEN xx|[,0] := PSO_paramL ; ENDIF ;
# PuetzUWS_optimize_test 30 5 0.3 200 0.9 10
#] 10Jan2021 Fourier series analysis
Do I have old code - for solar activity Ephemeris modelling?
$ find "$d_Qndfs" -maxdepth 4 -type f -name "*" | grep --invert-match "z_Old\|z_Archive" | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep --with-filename --line-number "Fourier" "FILE"
/media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/MY_NDFS/PuetzUWS - Universal Waves Series.ndf:11:[[standard, Fast] Fourier, wavelet] series fits as comparisons
/media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/MY_NDFS/PuetzUWS - Universal Waves Series.ndf:65:loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'Fourier transform.ndf'
>> Sheesh, embarassing. I just did that check a couple of days ago!
/media/bill/SWAPPER/Climate static
NYET - get back to UWS - I had made graphing errors, the double-wave series works much better now!
Fourier series file references outside of d_Qndfs :
$ find "$d_SWAPPER" -maxdepth 4 -type f -name "*" | grep --invert-match "Website - raw\|z_Old\|z_Archive" | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep --with-filename --line-number "Fourier" "FILE"
>> pertinent finds only :
/media/bill/SWAPPER/Steve - modelling/170309 CUDA build.txt:44: The FFT is a divide-and-conquer algorithm for efficiently computing discrete Fourier transforms of complex or real-valued data sets. It is one of the most important and widely used numerical algorithms in computational physics and general signal processing. The cuFFT library provides a simple interface for computing FFTs on an NVIDIA GPU, which allows users to quickly leverage the floating-point power and parallelism of the GPU in a highly optimized and tested FFT library.
/media/bill/SWAPPER/Steve - modelling/170309 CUDA build.txt:49: The FFT is a divide-and-conquer algorithm for efficiently computing discrete Fourier transforms of complex or real-valued data sets. It is one of the most important and widely used numerical algorithms in computational physics and general signal processing. The cuFFT library provides a simple interface for computing FFTs on an NVIDIA GPU, which allows users to quickly leverage the floating-point power and parallelism of the GPU in a highly optimized and tested FFT library.
Binary file /media/bill/SWAPPER/Languages/NeuroSolutions GettingStartedManual.PDF matches
/media/bill/SWAPPER/Languages/Fall holidays 2011-Sep-14 through 31/110914 Yaskell email Many thanks.html:19:When you read though these you'll start to see what is meant by it all. I
... [big, long] paragraph trimmed ...
the better scientists who are coming - and to whom as children or youths, I wish to reach w/ this book.
Binary file /media/bill/SWAPPER/Climate static/Friends of Science/Holding for Process/__Holding for process, 100617, afjacobs@telus.net, v1, Arrhenius and the Greenhouse.pdf matches
Binary file /media/bill/SWAPPER/Climate static/Friends of Science/Holding for Process/__Holding for process, 100617, afjacobs@telus.net, v0, Arrhenius and the Greenhouse.pdf matches
Binary file /media/bill/SWAPPER/Climate static/Friends of Science/Holding for Process/__Holding for process, 090319, afjacobs@telusplanet.net, v1, no name matches
Binary file /media/bill/SWAPPER/Climate static/Friends of Science/Holding for Process/__Holding for process, 090319, afjacobs@telusplanet.net, v3, no name matches
/media/bill/SWAPPER/Climate static/0_solar notes.txt:59: Le and Wang, 2003 - Fourier analysis of sunspot numbers over the past 400 years gave average periods of 53 and 101 years.
/media/bill/SWAPPER/Climate static/Datasets/Charvatova solar inertial motion & activity/_Charvatova - solar inertial motion & activity.html:40:correspondance of Fourier and power spectrum periodicities / frequencies for SIM
/media/bill/SWAPPER/backup permanent/Pandemics, Kp index, sunspots/0_Pandemics, Kp, sunspot notes.txt:998:The expected number of deaths is based on fitting weekly mortality reports for the previous 5 years (omitting epidemic weeks) to the following equation by a least squares Fourier Regression Model:
>> no actual computer programming code
QNial programs outside of d_Qndfs :
$ find "$d_SWAPPER" -maxdepth 4 -type f -name "*.ndf" | grep --invert-match "Website - raw/Software programming & code/Qnial\|z_Old\|z_old\|z_Archive\|backup permanent/Qnial programming language/"
In my ToDs list now. I'll copy subDir/*.ndf into d_Qndfs
#] 09Jan2021 PSO to fit SP500 with PuetzUWS (cont'd)
# csvTable_readFrm_path IS OP path n_cols - read a csv table from file (tab-cols, apostrophe-txt)
, 2018.97123 , ?tokens left: 1446 <***> , 2019.06027 , ?tokens left: 1447 <***> , 2019.13836 , ?tokens left: 1
>> Not working ..
# p_data := link d_Puetz 'SP500 1870-2030 y-log detrend.dat'
csvTable_readFrm_path p_data
olde code
IF flag_debug THEN write 'loading PuetzUWS_optimize_check_PSO_controlL_test' ; ENDIF ;
# PuetzUWS_optimize_check_PSO_controlL_test IS - check the PSO control parameters
# 08Jan2021 won't work - output standards are for non-standard inputs
PuetzUWS_optimize_check_PSO_controlL_test IS
{ LOCAL p_data p_out PSO_controlL_double_check ;
NONLOCAL UWScycleVersion_std UWSoptrPhr_std UWS_2011_test n_UWScycles UWS_rowIL_std
lambdaL_std thetaNL_std weightL_std n_params_std params_std
lambdaL_stdPSO thetaNL_stdPSO weightL_stdPSO PARAMS_STDPSO
IRang_L_std IRang_R_std n_particles_std tell_particles_std
E_CUTOFF_std MAXV_std MAXITER_std PSOweight_std max_runs_std PSO_controlL_std
vx_std xx_std gbest_std pbest_std
x_start_std x_end_std x_step_std xList_std ;
p_data := link d_Qtest 'fit_linearRegress - tests SP500 1872-2020 TradingView download.dat' ;
p_out := link d_Qtest 'fit_linearRegress - tests SP500 1872-2020 PSO_controlL output.txt' ;
PSO_controlL_double_check := 0.02 0.1 2000 0.9 2 (0.992744 0.164248 0.221416 0.907139 0.135713 0.878571 0.12619 0.20873 0.236243) (0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26) '/media/bill/ramdisk/PSO_optimize output.txt' ;
% SP500paramL := optrPhr xCol yCol p_data p_result p_gnuPlot ;
% UWSparamL := UWSversnPhr UWS_rowIL UWS_colIL UWS_weightL ;
IF (= PSO_controlL_std PSO_controlL_double_check)
THEN write 'PuetzUWS_plotTrans_test01 : OK' ;
ELSE write 'PuetzUWS_plotTrans_test01 : ERROR' ;
# loaddefs link d_Qtest 'PuetzUWS- tests.ndf'
#] 08Jan2021 PuetzUWS_refncParams - PSO to fit SP500 with PuetzUWS
Olde code
link d_Qndfs 'PuetzUWS - Universal Waves Series.ndf'
# loaddefs link d_Qndfs 'Puetz - Universal Waves Series.ndf'
>> For this, I have simple_globals_test in link d_Qtest 'PuetzUWS- tests.ndf'
IF flag_debug THEN write 'loading PuetzUWS_refncParams' ; ENDIF ;
PuetzUWS_refncParams IS OP UWSoptrPhr UWS_rowIndxL UWS_colIndxL -
setup reference [weightL, lambdaL, thetaNL] as global (NONLOCAL) variables
# PuetzUWS_refncParams IS OP UWS_phr UWS_rowIndxL UWS_colIndxL -
# setup reference [weightL, lambdaL, thetaNL] as global (NONLOCAL) variables
# 18Apr2020 initial, 28Dec2020 revamp, 02Jan2021 generalize
# example weights for each cycle are arbitrary -> see Puetz & Borchard 2011 p467
# UWS_phr = ["UWS_2011, "UWS_2014], but usually "UWS_2011
PuetzUWS_refncParams IS OP UWS_phr UWS_rowIndxL UWS_colIndxL
{ LOCAL UWS_model ;
NONLOCAL lambdaRefL thetaNRefL weightRefL ;
weightRefL := 1 + ((tell (gage shape UWS_rowIndxL)) * 0.2) ;
UWS_model := execute UWS_phr ;
lambdaRefL thetaNRefL := cols UWS_model|[UWS_rowIndxL,UWS_colIndxL] ;
# UWS_2011|[2 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35,1 3]
# args for d_webRawe, typically (x_start x_end) = (1870 2030)
UWStype y[start,end,inc] UWS_series UWScols dir fBaseName
SP500_PuetzUWS 1870 2030 0.1 "UWS_2011 (1 3) d_Puetz fBaseNameUWS
SP500_PuetzUWS 1870 2030 0.1 "UWS_2011 (2 4) d_Puetz fBaseNameDUWS
# args for d_Qtest - just test the regular series, see PuetzUWS_test_all below
UWStype y[start,end,inc] UWS_series UWScols dir fBaseName
SP500_PuetzUWS 1870 2030 0.1 "UWS_2011_test (1 3) d_Qtest fBaseUWS_test
# p_datDUWS := link dir 'PuetzDUWS 1870-2030 test01.dat' ;
fBaseNameUWS := 'PuetzUWS model for SP500 1870-2030 non-fitted' ;
fBaseNameDUWS := 'PuetzDUWS model for SP500 1870-2030 non-fitted' ;
:= 'Puetz [,D]UWS models for SP500 1870-2030 non-fitted' ;
fBaseUWS_test := 'test- PuetzUWS model for SP500 1870-2030 non-fitted' ;
fBaseDUWS_test := 'test- PuetzDUWS model for SP500 1870-2030 non-fitted' ;
:= 'test- Puetz [,D]UWS models for SP500 1870-2030 non-fitted' ;
# args for d_webRawe
UWStype y[start,end,inc] UWS_series UWScols dir fBaseNameUWS_and_DUWS
SP500_PuetzUWS_and_DUWS 1870 2030 0.1 "UWS_2011 (2 4) d_Puetz 'Puetz [,D]UWS models for SP500 1870-2030 non-fitted'
# args for d_Qtest
UWStype y[start,end,inc] UWS_series UWScols dir fBaseUWS_and_DUWS_test
SP500_PuetzUWS_and_DUWS 1870 2030 0.1 "UWS_2011_test (2 4) d_Qtest 'test- Puetz [,D]UWS models for SP500 1870-2030 non-fitted'
# Puetz_UWS_optimisation - flag_test forces output, but does NOT launch PSO :
IF flag_test THEN write E_CUTOFF MAXV MAXITER PSOweight max_runs paramsGiven p_out ; ENDIF ;
qnial> Puetz_UWS_optimisation_test
27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
>> OK
# run test - intermediate outputs are tables too large to paste here
>> maybe set E_CUTOFF := 1000 in Puetz_UWS_optimisation to see how that goes
# typical settings :
xDataL -> time (years), but could be a different basis than for "time-series analysis"
yDataL -> given (data) values for each of xDataL. With SP500, there ily a single output variable
UWS_indxL := 27 + (tell (35 - 27 + 1)) ;
p_data := link d_webRawe 'economics, markets/SP500/multi-fractal/SP500 1872-2020 TradingView download.dat' ;
# p_data := link d_Qtest 'test- SP500 1872-2020 TradingView download.dat'
# dataTable := table_remove_colTitles tabTable_readFrm_path p_data
PSO_controlL := n_particles E_CUTOFF MAXV MAXITER PSOweight p_out ;
#] 07Jan2021 Puetz_UWS_optimisation - PSO to fit SP500 with PuetzUWS
link d_Qndfs 'PuetzUWS - Universal Waves Series.ndf'
# Puetz_UWS_optimisation IS OP UWS_phr UWS_cols UWS_indxL p_data p_out -
# adapt PuetzUWS cycle [weight, phase angle]s to fit the SP500 seemi-log detrended series 1872-2020
link d_Qtest 'PuetzUWS- tests.ndf'
big [LMDE, Dell 64] computer freeze (probably didn't reboot after updatess)
#] 06Jan2021 Linear regression fits of [DJIA 1872-1926, SP500 1926-2020]
I had to massively revamp my code : link d_Qndfs 'fit_linearRegress.ndf'
linearRegressSingle (SLR) is needed, not MLR, which is good because the MLR is now broken
$ gnuplot "$d_webRawe""economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS/SP500 1870-2030 y-log.plt"
$ gnuplot "$d_webRawe""economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS/SP500 1870-2030 y-log detrend.plt"
#] 07Jan2021 Fibonacci series :
Note from Kalen:
There are four main Fibonacci retracements:
23.6% – Shallow retracements, flags (short continuation patterns) occur here
38.2% – Moderate retracements
50% – This retracement is not a ratio from the Fibonacci sequence, this number is found from a Dow Theory that states that on average retracement are half of their prior move
61.8% – The golden retracement based upon the Golden Ratio
If you divide each number in the sequence by its predecessor (except for 1 divided by 0), then as you move toward higher numbers, the result converges on the constant phi, or approximately 1.61803, otherwise known as the golden ratio.
I commonly see : 0.236, 0.382, 0.5, 0.724, 1., 1.382, 2., 2.618, 4.23729
qnial> fib := 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89
qnial> front fib / (rest fib)
0. 1. 0.5 0.666667 0.6 0.625 0.615385 0.619048 0.617647 0.618182 0.617978
gold := 1.61803
qnial> (2 dropright fib) / (2 drop fib)
0. 0.5 0.333333 0.4 0.375 0.384615 0.380952 0.382353 0.381818 0.382022
qnial> (3 dropright fib) / (3 drop fib)
0. 0.333333 0.2 0.25 0.230769 0.238095 0.235294 0.236364 0.235955
qnial> (4 dropright fib) / (4 drop fib)
0. 0.2 0.125 0.153846 0.142857 0.147059 0.145455 0.146067
qnial> (3 dropright fib) / (3 drop fib)
0. 0.333333 0.2 0.25 0.230769 0.238095 0.235294 0.236364 0.235955
qnial> (5 dropright fib) / (5 drop fib)
0. 0.125 0.0769231 0.0952381 0.0882353 0.0909091 0.0898876
qnial> 1 / 0.618 0.382 0.236 0.090
1.61812 2.6178 4.23729 11.1111
get the last one more accurately
qnial> fib := 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377
qnial> (5 dropright fib) / (5 drop fib)
0. 0.125 0.0769231 0.0952381 0.0882353 0.0909091 0.0898876 0.0902778 0.0901288 0.0901857
qnial> 1 / 0.09015
11.0926 or 11.1 to the accuracy I did it
#] 06Jan2021 Linear regression fits of [DJIA 1872-1926, SP500 1926-2020]
Yesterday, I got the multipleLinearRegress code of Smillie to work (again, as I have done so, from Smillie and others, a few times in the past)
Now to do semi-log fits of the markets, followed by down-shifting to 0 (zero) average over 1872-2020
from : link d_webRawe 'economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS/SP500 1872-2020 TradingView, 1928-2020 yahoo finance.ods'
/media/bill/SWAPPER/Website - raw/economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS/SP500 1872-2020 TradingView, 1872-1926 DJIA, 1926-2020 SP500.dat
year,1872-2020 SPCFD:SPX index (source https://www.tradingview.com/chart/0Nbdx1FG/ download : long [uptrends are compressed downtrends are expanded] in %),ratio of opening price/semi-log trend,1871-1926 ratios : [xStart yStart semiLogSlope] = [1871.08 6.09 0.000140925],1926-2020 ratios : [xStart yStart semiLogSlope] = [1926.25 6.20 0.0289587 ],
>> OK, I played with gnuplot and data to start to get ready
Multiple linear regression fits : [1872-1926, 1926-2020]
put data in log format in file of [year, log(SP500 1872-1926), log(SP500 1872-1926)]
- just add to spreadsheet!!!
set :
qnial> pinn := link d_webRawe ''
qnial> pout := link d_webRawe ''
qnial> dirArchive := link d_webRawe ''
from : link d_Qndfs 'matrix operations - symbolic & real-valued.ndf' :
multipleLinearRegress IS OP xColIndxL yColIndx pinn pout dirArchive
qnial> multipleLinearRegress [0] yColIndx pinn pout dirArchive
see link d_Qtest 'multiple linear regression - tests.ndf'
$ gnuplot "$d_webRawe""economics, markets/SP500/PuetzUWS/SP500 1870-2030 y-log.plt"
Y F8:F421
X : D8:D421
Linear type : leave blank
stats : TRUE
#] 04Jan2021 what is WebPlotDigitizer? I seem to have used it?
linear regression of log[DJIA 1872-1926, SP500 1926-2020]
I created optrs in link d_Qndfs 'PuetzUWS - Universal Waves Series.ndf'
section : linear regression of log[DJIA 1872-1926, SP500 1926-2020]
Interpolation.ndf - has regression (based on Smillie, with data structures)
$ find "$d_Qndfs" -maxdepth 4 -type f -name "*.ndf" | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep --with-filename --line-number "regression" "FILE"
add_ISOP_debug (link d_Qndfs 'multiple linear regression - NN41 Smillie Uof Alberta.NDF')
add_ISOP_debug (link d_Qndfs 'matrix_multiply.ndf')
search "Libre Calc and where is the regression analysis toolpack?"
Re: Is there an analysis toolpak for OpenOffice Calc
Postby jrkrideau » Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:46 pm
SamRose wrote:
I'm currently taking a statistics class and for one of the assignments, if I were using Microsoft Excel, I would need the Analysis Toolpak. I'm working pretty exclusively with OpenOffice programs, so I wanted to know if there was something similar in OpenOffice Calc?
There are at least two extensions listed as statistical add-ons for Calc. R4Calc - R Statistics for OOoCalc and Statistical Data Analyser for OO Calc. Just go to the extensions site and type statistics into the search box.
I have no experience of either but assuming R4Calc does what it says it does, I'd suggest trying it as the underlying R programming will be okay.
However I consider using a spreadsheet for statistics to be very poor practice. See for example Spreadsheet errors. Note the example describes Excel and LibreOffice, but AOO Calc did the same the last time I checked.
Unless the course demands the use of spreadsheets, I'd suggest using an statistical program. Have a look at R . It is a real stats system and even gives the right answers. Not exactly really easy to use at first but much better than a spreadsheet.
You might want to have a look at RCommander, an R GUi which probably do as much or more than Excel's Analysis Toolpak with the added bonus it will do it correctly.
search "https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=83005"
Lori Kaufman @howtogeek
November 23, 2016, 10:24am EDT
To begin, if you’re going to install an extension for a specific LibreOffice program, open that program. Otherwise, you can open any of the programs. We’re going to use Writer for our example, so we’ll open Writer. Then, go to Tools > Extension Manager.
To browse and download extensions for LibreOffice, visit the LibreOffice Extension Center.
You can also access the Extension Center by clicking the “Get more extensions online” link on the Extension Manager dialog box.
>> I can't find the regression analysis package - may not be there anymore?
Use my own QNial program and try the R stat system which I downloaded
# enddoc