/media/bill/HOWELL_BASE/Projects/DrumLib - kid science event/Computational Intelligence introduction.txt www.BillHowell.ca 20Sep2017 initial **************************** BREAKTHROUGHS AND ADVANCES WITH COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE There has been a lot of chatter recently about the progress of "Artificial Intelligence" or AI, and how that might cause everyone to lose their jobs, and how it will be used to control and enslave us. Even high profile people, non-experts like Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, and ? Morabito, have made fools of themselves by jumping on this bandwagon, echoing the warnings by others about the threats that these advances pose for Society. But to me, this is no different than the perpetual misconceptions that have always accompanied progress throughout thousands of years of history. The strange thing is that, in spite of almost always being wrong in the past, people still believe this doomsday arm waving, and fail to do their homework to see what is really happening. They fail to see the enormous advantages [past, present, future]. There are huge advances occuring in many areas from the new technologies. But first, I would like to correct some misperceptions. Much of the real advance is due to "Computational Intelligence" (or CI), not "Artificial Intelligence" (or AI), although today leaders in CI are commonly calling it AI as that is better known, and to some degree there is a convergence of the concepts. Classical AI can be thought of as applying [rational, logical, scientific] reasoning to solve problems. Expert systems, where you capture the knowledge of human experts, and case based rasoning are perhaps its greatest achievements. But the key power of CI is that it augments [rational, logical, scientific] reasoning with non-[rational, logical, scientific] toolsets in order to solve much tougher problems, and to attain far better performance. Almost all of the CI techniques are inspired by [biology, neuroscience, animal behaviour, psychology, sociology]. In other words, nature provides the examples, and we try to learn from her. Among the "hottest areas", Deep Learning Neural Networks (DLNNs) are perhaps one of the most successful transformative technologies at present. Let's take a brief look at the main ******************************* REFERENCES : Video : http://www.BillHowell.ca/Neural nets/Howell 161220 Big Data, Deep Learning, Safety.ogv # enddoc