Normal physics symbols and conventions were NOT used in my analysis, as I had trouble ensuring consistency and specificity. Instead, a series of evolving symbol systems were used over the course of the project, as the reader can see from the various files. A short description of symbols, plus links to more detailed programming code that specifies the Also important was the [development, usage] of "Howell's FlatLiner Notation" (HFLN), which is briefly describe in a section below. +-----+ Short description : mathB = "???math Howell YYMMDD HHhMMm.txt???" mathH = "math Howell YYMMDD HHhMMm.txt" mathL = "math Lucas, cos - 1 [yes,no] YYMMDD HHhMMm.txt" where "YYMMDD HHhMMm" = year month day hour minute of the document version For a more complete description, see : "Howell - Variables, notations, styles for Bill Lucas, Universal Force.odt" 20Aug2019 - this is out of date, as are symbol translations in this file!! : insert symTrans_lineType '/[#$%^&] ' symbols at the start of lines or within text in a line as needed ( do not include the apostrophes) : '/* ' comment only - no translation or extraction of symbols '/$ ' applies tranList_Lucas_bads to a string '/% ' applies tranList_HFLN_bads to a string '/^ ' applies tranList_Lucas_to_HFLN to a string, translated string has "%^" at start of line to help subsequent editing `& applies tranList_HFLN_to_Lucas to a string, translated string has "$&" at start of line to help subsequent editing symTrans_lineTypes are PERSISTENT for multiple lines - until a symTrans_lineType appears as the first character on a subsequent line. where mixed (cart [Lucas,HFLN] [symbols,expressions]) are in a line - put a `^ as the first character of a line to be translated to HFLN [symbols,expressions] - put a `& as the first character of a line to be translated to Lucas [symbols,expressions] special codes #add_eqn - start of summary descriptions and results for a formula from Lucas's book HFLN - re-expressed equations in HFLN (Howell's Flat-Liner Notation) +-----+ Lists of symbols [valid, invalid] symbols and their translations are provided in : " - big/Lucas - Universal Force/symbol tables/" 24Oct2019 ... I have yet to post the project to my site !?!? ... tranParn Luca.txt symList good HFLN bad.txt symList good HFLN trn.txt tranExpr Luca.txt tranParn Luca notes.txt tranParn HFLN.txt symList good HFLN.txt tranExpr HFLN.txt symList equation numbers.txt tranParn HFLN notes.txt symList good Luca.txt This needs more explanation ion the future ... +-----+ Prgramming code A detailed description of the symbols and how they were [checked, translated] is available in a collection of programming files : " scripts/" : symbols count in symbols compliance symbols compliance symbols classify symbols check "" : symbols fix instructions.txt symbols system loaddefs.ndf symbols sort-archive-move, post-manual-class.ndf symbols fix.ndf symbols count in symbols log.txt symbols extract.ndf symbols translate.ndf symbols compliance symbols check symbols classify symbols compliance symbols zProcess notes.txt