What if I am unable to derive what I call, γ_TB, the Thomas Barnes's relativistic correction factor? Does it matter? From Bill Lucas's point of view, I suspect that this is critical for completeness and for direct comparison to the results of special relativity. It seems that it would present a departure from "mainstream physics ground truth" (Jackson 1999 "Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd Edition"). But from my own point of view of "Multiple Conflicting Hypothesis", this is not a huge isse. Already I have enough confidence in Lucas's work to retain it as a sereious and well-thought out effort. If I simply use the factor as an experimental requirement forthe time being, ignoring the many very [different, conflicting] possible conceptual explanations, thenat least I can focus on the rest of the Universal Force concept. But as stated in an earlier sub-section, perhaps the concepts of [Oleg Jefimenko, Ed Dowdye, Rami Ahmad El-Nabulsi, others] may provide a solid explanation for the "relativistic correction factor", but I have not verified these concepts step-by-step as of 24Oct2019. Maybe not? +-----+ What experimental support is there? - presumably particle colliders are the most important? +-----+