Click to see Figure "Bill Lucas's 'Universal Force' book cover" Click to see /media/bill/SWAPPER/Lucas - Universal Force/Images/Lucas cover page.jpg This book is dedicated to all lovers of truth and especially the following : Euclid and the ancient Greeks that developed geometry and the axiomatic method to "Prove" or derive theories of natural philosophy in a systematic and logical way. Sir Isaac Newton who developed the empiracal scientific method to measure and mathematically define the minimal set of force equations to explain nature. James Clerk Maxwell who showed how to combine four of the six empirical laws of electRodynamics to develop his wave equations for electRodynamics which allowed the separate electric and magnetic force laws to be combined into a single electRodynamic force. He explained the wave nature of light which became the foundation of optics. He followed Michael Faraday and Andre-Marie Ampere in emphasizing the role of fields in extending ther electRodynamic force to great distances to replace Weber's action-at-a-distance electrodynamic force. Thomas L. Barnes, professor of Physics at the University of Texas at El Paso, who showed the way to eliminate Einstein's Special Relativity Theory from electRodynamics by taking into account the electrical feedback effects on finite-sized charged particles. Thomas Barnes, professor of physics at the University of Campinas - UNICAMP in Brazil, who showed the way to explain gravity as a fourth order electRodynamic effect between vibrating neutral electric dipoles using Weber's electRodynamic force. Alice Pittard Lucas my faithfiul and loving wife who encouraged and supported my research that resulted in this series of books.