All material herein follows "Howell's 'FlatLine' formatting conventions" as specified in my document : "$d_Lucas""document/math Variables, notations, styles YYMMDD HHhMMm.txt" This is important, as my notations helped me to be more clear on the concepts and contexts being used. This was a lot of work and headaches, but it did result in a greater ease of writing the derivations, and often the notation made conceptual errors much more visible and trackable. An obvious DISADVANTAGE of my notations is that it will be unfamiliar to others, and considerable time would be required for a reader to become functionally familiar with the notation. . However, it is (theoretically) relatively easy (if practically long and tedious) to program a conversion of the final results of each sub-sub-section from my notation to the standards used by Bill Lucas and the physics community, for example with a preprocessor to Tex or something like that. Rather than re-editing this entire file to use my "most up-to-date" notations, I have simply added the HFLN notations to my comments for SOME of the expressions. Problems have not been fully resolved!! WARNING : Because I rapidly added the expressions for HFLN, many mistakes remain. Being precise about the context for each variable has been a persistent problem.