#] #] ********************* #] "$d_webRawe"'Lucas/0_Lucas notes.txt' # www.BillHowell.ca 26Mar2018 initial (setq-default frame-title-format '("%b")) see also "/media/bill/PROJECTS/bin/txtDoc notes.txt" for how txtDocs are built +-----+ Linux : launch leafpad from filemanager, using command : leafpad --tab-width=3 %f +-----+ VI editor mode, invoked by Meta-Ctrl-V, Retype to exit VI mode +-----+ # IF flag_break THEN BREAK ; ENDIF ; +-----+ # To force reload of ALL symbols-related files during debugging : lq_sym # ALL symbols-related files are reloaded by lq_quips # 06Jul2018 general instructions for symbol [extract,translate] see : "/media/bill/PROJECTS/Lucas - Universal Force/3 Instructions - symbols extractions and translations.txt" +-----+ # symTrans_lineType : special characters at beginning of lines : # NOTE : these symbols are "persistent" until changed by a different symTrans_lineType (applies to next use of operators!!) '/*' comment only - no translation or extraction of symbols '/$' applies 'tranList Lucas.txt' to a string '/%' applies 'tranList HFLN.txt' to a string 08********08 Change : +-----+ +-----+ To : +-----+ +-----+ 24************************24 #24************************24 # Table of Contents, generated with : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_webRawe"'Lucas/0_Lucas notes.txt' | sed 's/^#\]/ /' # ********************* "$d_webRawe"'Lucas/0_Lucas notes.txt' 19Jan2020 Springer free acces to Chinese papers for 1 month 16Dec2019 try to get going yet again? 14Dec2019 SuspObs, Cheers! Maxwell’s electromagnetism extended to smaller scales 02Dec2019 try to get going yet again? 14Nov2019 Study of Ion-Acoustic Solitary Waves in a Magnetized Plasma Using the Three-Dimensional Time-Space Fractional Schamel-KdV Equation, Guo, Fu, Zhang, Liu, Yang 28Oct2019 Lost files? 25Oct2019 Particle collider physics 25Oct2019 24Oct2019 lists of files in project 16Oct2019 4-35 fails using correct 12Oct2019 Status of Equations (4-[32-37]) 05Oct2019 bash script for formulae : /home/bill/bin/math.sh 27Sep2019 finish checking 4-[32 to 36] 28Sep2019 [add, fix for] ∂[∂(t): Aθpc(POIo(t),t)] 23Sep2019 status, I have d\re-derived a 15/2 factor, don't remember which equation - 13Sep2019 Problems with binomial series 19Aug2019 Johanne Suyken's physics!! (I knew him at IJCNN conferences) 20Mar2018 Run symbols [extract, translate] tests using new code 18Mar2019 Getting back into Lucas projects after monthsof neglect! 02Jan2019 Vogt Theory of Multidimensional Reality, basis of his system is a torus of atom 01Jan2019 (marked Jul) Wow - solitons! ancients (like Lucas's references to Moshe) 28Jul2018 CONTACT these guys!! http://www.inftyproject.org/en/index.html 13Feb2018 automated symbolic processors 30Mar2018 automated symbolic processors 30Mar2018 Randell L. Mills 2000? "The Grand Unified Theory Of Classical Quantum Mechanics" 01Apr2018 Symbol translation (Lucas->HFLN) and checks for bad symbols 07May2018 15:57 try chars [´,•,·] : 09May2018 I split "symbols badList Lucas.ndf" into : 09May2018 after key changes to : 10May2018 Major recent changes : 17May2018 try [extract,compare] symbols for [Lucas,HFLN] 03Jun2018 problem with unicode strings.ndf numberBase_all_tests 16Jun2016 phfrm Lucas : incl problems with scientists, socialist education system EM waves [longitudinal - life, no travel time; transverse - speed of c, gravity] 26Jun2018 After getting rid of chrStr_get, & modifying several operators to just process string as chrList 26Jun2018 changed ALL char list for Lucas project to chrLists, reversed last changes 27Jun2018 15:39 Retry tests after creating str_to_unicodeList IS OP str 03Jul2018 11:02 I fixed symExpr_sub (see "symbols translate- develop.txt") 06Jul2018 11:22 07Jul2018 symbols_compare_Lucas - producing symDiff files of "leftover symbols" 13Jul2018 Test translation of "Howell - Background math for Lucas Universal Force, Chapter 4 180713 13h11m58s.txt" 14Jul2018 I need a "pattern" correction for all symbols 12Sep2018 08:31 MAJOR CHANGE!!! - Write a separate system to "align-format" derivations!!! symExtract_stringRecur : After a few thinking challenges : symTrans_lineType = "/$" so there is No symNew. Note the resulting t_standard!! 13Nov2018 Restart work after 2 months on IJCNN2018 stuff 08********08 13Mar2021 Common Sense Science - Annual General Meeting CSS Annual Meeting Agenda Attendees : Charles Lucas Jr Gerald M Brown Bill Howell. Retired from NRCan. now in Alberta Canada Russel Moe Lou Poumakis Regrets : Glen Collins George Drake cynthia JWITTNER@kaselmail.de Jean-Claude de Miscault •Welcome Gerald Brown switched meeting to Zoom •Annual Financial Report by Treasurer -Dr. Charles Lucas 10k$ gift received to publish The Universal Force book series : Volume 1 2nd edition Theory of Electrodynamic Force Volume 2 An Electrodynamic Theory of Elementary Particles Volume 3 An Electrodynamic Theory of the Atom and the Nucleus Strong & weak nuclear forces atoms within molecules Volume 4 - An Electrodynamic Theory of Molecules and the Origin of Life longitudinal radiation & biology - American doctor, Hulda Clarke she was out West (French origins?) Prime Minister of Canada invited her & built center - she's in Canada Fingerprints of the Creator –the Source of All Beauty in Nature The Age of the Earth According to True Science and the Bible •CSS Web and PayPal Update by Webmaster -Dr. Gerald Brown Just posts the newsletters commonsensescience.net Newsletters one are way out of date! Lucas will send more recent to Gerald Brown Howell - timeframe for Book 2 ?? Lucas - collect 15-20 papers then publish use Amazon publishers - paper & electronic •CSS Foundations of Science Newsletter -Dr. Charles Lucas ~200 subscribers, hasn't changed in 4 years wife is former editor - National Archives and ?Williamsburg Historical Soc? 7 or 8 versions of Volume I - 100-150 new pages, ~200 pages now Days in year from coral rings C14 micromation computer - Bill Lucas invented fastest computer ever? websearch - bullshit??!? - died when PC came out Noah Today - 500 centers run Lucas's computer •Future Direction of CSS -Dr. Charles Lucas •Future Direction of CSS -CSS Directors Howell : one of 4 major projects, cycle them over the years step-by-step re-derivations orientation like Lee Giles of CiteSeer - linguistics need free-text-format, line-by-line, derivation checker kind of like compiler Brown : 2001- ICR (creation conference) saw Bergman & Lucas 2004 student at a Christian University 2008 International Creation Conference - paper on structure of electron or something since graduation - professor at the undergrad ChristianU (?name?) Lucas : ancestor Lucas member of parliament, set up Lucasian professor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucasian_Professor_of_Mathematics Lucasian Professor of Mathematics (/luːˈkeɪziən/) is a mathematics professorship in the University of Cambridge, England; its holder is known as the Lucasian Professor. The post was founded in 1663 by Henry Lucas, who was Cambridge University's Member of Parliament in 1639–1640, and it was officially established by King Charles II on 18 January 1664. It was described by The Daily Telegraph as one of the most prestigious academic posts in the world[1] and its former holders include Isaac Newton, Charles Babbage, George Stokes, Joseph Larmor, Paul Dirac and Stephen Hawking. •Future Direction of CSS -Major Supporters of CSS Lucas - longitudinal electromagnetic cancer treatments (Anton Prior of France WWII) primal force concept seniors (Harvard University) - natural plants chats or blogs - Howell - fractional order calus Lucas - hasn't worked on wave function •Adjournment +-----+ Microsoft account Bill@BillHowell.ca pwd b>&0j-1h"axL 08********08 #] 19Jan2020 Springer free acces to Chinese papers for 1 month >> Solitons aren't just rings (tomaraks) as described by Bill Lucas. Most are described in terms of straight line propagation sinc 1800's Xiaoyan Liu, Houria Triki, Qin Zhou, Mohammad Mirzazadeh, Wenjun Liu, Anjan Biswas, Milivoj Belic Jan2019 "Generation and control of multiple solitons under the influence of parameters" Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 95, Issue 1, pp 143–150 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11071-018-4556-8?utm_source=slink&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=null&utm_campaign=SRCN_1_LL01_cny20_a_eng 1. Xiaoyan Liu, Wenjun Liu, State Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications, and School of ScienceBeijing University of Posts and TelecommunicationsBeijingPeople’s Republic of China 2. Houria Triki, Radiation Physics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Badji Mokhtar University, Annaba, Algeria 3. Qin Zhou, School of Electronics and Information EngineeringWuhan Donghu UniversityWuhanPeople’s Republic of China 4. Mohammad Mirzazadeh, Department of Engineering Sciences, Faculty of Technology and Engineering, East of GuilanUniversity of GuilanRudsar-VajargahIran 5. Anjan Biswas, Department of Physics, Chemistry and MathematicsAlabama A&M UniversityNormalUSA 6. Anjan Biswas, Department of Mathematics and StatisticsTshwane University of TechnologyPretoriaSouth Africa 7. Milivoj Belic, Science ProgramTexas A&M University at QatarDohaQatar First Online: 12 September 2018 Xiaoyan Liu, etal Jan2019 Generation and control of multiple solitons under the influence of parameters.pdf 08********08 #] 16Dec2019 try to get going yet again? From ToDos (general) : - Versions – experimental, Jeffimenko, Dowdye, Weber electrodynamics (Assize) - redo math (4-33) to (4-37) I wrote up instructions on the txtDoc [system, programs]. Theorem provers versus software verification tools +-----+ Plato again! https://scholarworks.umt.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1379&context=tme Plato on the foundations of Modern Theorem Provers Ines Hipolito Hipolito, Ines (2016) "Plato on the foundations of Modern Theorem Provers," The Mathematics Enthusiast: Vol. 13 : No. 3 , Article 8. Available at: https://scholarworks.umt.edu/tme/vol13/iss3/8 Hipolito 2016 Plato on the foundations of Modern Theorem Provers.pdf Nowadays, there is a large number of computer provers, that can check or construct computer assisted proofs, such as the HOL Light for classical and higher order logic, based on a formulation of type theory; and Coq. The theorem provers allow the expression of mathematical assertions; mechanically checks proofs; helps to find computer assisted proofs; and extracts a certified program from the constructive proof of its formal specification. Other theorem provers are Mizar, PVS, Otter/Ivy, Isabelle/Isar, Affa/Agda, ACL2, PhoX, IMPS, Metamath, Theorema, Lego, Nuprl, Ωmega, B method and Minlog. +-----+ https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2007/04/automated_theorem_proving.html Posted by: Michael Kinyon on April 5, 2007 3:23 PM "... Well, there are those of us who use automated theorem provers, but don’t hold the computer’s hand to make them prove known results or to win competitions. Rather we use them in our research to discover new results. ..." "... Eventually, with enough patience, I can get a proof that is not only checkable by humans (as any proof generated by this kind of software is, at least in principle), but is, in fact, comprehensible. ..." >> awesome, author had to simplify prover output to make it human comprehensible 08********08 #] 14Dec2019 SuspObs, Cheers! Maxwell’s electromagnetism extended to smaller scales https://isn.mit.edu/cheers-maxwell%E2%80%99s-electromagnetism-extended-smaller-scales#overlay-context=strategic-research-areas/news-updates/cheers-maxwell%25E2%2580%2599s-electromagnetism-extended-smaller-scales Cheers! Maxwell’s electromagnetism extended to smaller scales Paola Rebusco December 11, 2019 Yang etal 13Jan2019 "A General Theoretical and Experimental Framework for Nanoscale Electromagnetism" Nature, 576, 248 https://arxiv.org/abs/1901.03988 Yi Yang, Di Zhu, Wei Yan, Akshay Agarwal, Mengjie Zheng, John D. Joannopoulos, Philippe Lalanne, Thomas Christensen, Karl K. Berggren, and Marin Soljačić. 1 Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA 2 Laboratoire Photonique Numerique et Nanosciences, Institut d’Optique d’Aquitaine, Universit´e Bordeaux, CNRS, 33405 Talence, France 3 Institute of Advanced Technology, Westlake Institute for Advanced Study, Hangzhou 310024, China 4 School of Physics and Electronics, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China >> Looks awesome!! Buy the article!! (nope - on arXiv!! >> How with Bill Lucas's work compare? Yang etal 13Jan2019 A General Theoretical and Experimental Framework for Nanoscale Electromagnetism.pdf 08********08 #] 02Dec2019 try to get going yet again? +-----+ Update start_Lucas scripts : $ find "$d_bin" -maxdepth 2 -name "*" | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep --with-filename --line-number "d_Qroot" "FILE" >"$d_temp""grep_res.txt" $ cat "$d_temp""grep_res.txt" | grep --invert-match "Is a directory" $ find "$d_bin" -maxdepth 2 -name "*" | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep --with-filename --line-number "f_Lucas" "FILE" >"$d_temp""grep_res.txt" $ cat "$d_temp""grep_res.txt" | grep --invert-match "Is a directory" +-----+ Resume derivations of Equations (4-[32-37]) ??? 08********08 #] 14Nov2019 Study of Ion-Acoustic Solitary Waves in a Magnetized Plasma Using the Three-Dimensional #] Time-Space Fractional Schamel-KdV Equation, Guo, Fu, Zhang, Liu, Yang Complexity Volume 2018, Article ID 6852548, 17 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/6852548 Research Article Study of Ion-Acoustic Solitary Waves in a Magnetized Plasma Using the Three-Dimensional Time-Space Fractional Schamel-KdV Equation Min Guo,1 Chen Fu,2 Yong Zhang,1 Jianxin Liu,3 and Hongwei Yang,1 1Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong 266590, China 2School of Mathematics and Statistics, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China 3College of Mathematics Sciences, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165, China Correspondence should be addressed to Hongwei Yang; hwyang1979@163.com Received 24 January 2018; Revised 22 March 2018; Accepted 17 April 2018; Published 27 June 2018 Copyright © 2018 Min Guo et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Abstract The study of ion-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized plasma has long been considered to be an important research subject and plays an increasingly important role in scientific research. Previous studies have focused on the integer-order models of ion-acoustic solitary waves. With the development of theory and advancement of scientific research, fractional calculus has begun to be considered as a method for the study of physical systems. The study of fractional calculus has opened a new window for understanding the features of ion-acoustic solitary waves and can be a potentially valuable approach for investigations of magnetized plasma. In this paper, based on the basic system of equations for ion-acoustic solitary waves and using multi-scale analysis and the perturbation method, we have obtained a new model called the three-dimensional(3D) Schamel-KdV equation. Then, the integer-order 3D Schamel-KdV equation is transformed into the time-space fractional Schamel-KdV (TSF-Schamel-KdV) equation by using the semi-inverse method and the fractional variational principle. To study the properties of ion-acoustic solitary waves, we discuss the conservation laws of the new time-space fractional equation by applying Lie symmetry analysis and the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative. Furthermore, the multi-soliton solutions of the 3D TSF-Schamel-KdV equation are derived using the Hirota bilinear method. Finally, with the help of the multi-soliton solutions, we explore the characteristics of motion of ion-acoustic solitary waves. 08********08 #] 28Oct2019 Lost files? "$d_augment""relativistic factor, restrictive conditions.txt" "$d_Lucas""context/Does Thomas Barnes relativistic correction factor matter.txt" >> OK, they had been re-[named, distributed]. I've cleaned this up now. Ideas for derivation of γ_TB: - angles ARE vectors [+. -], so use minus sign and absolute value of angle during derivations, as end-result γ_TB terms are SQUARED! - follow Thomas Barne's approach of feedback, noting [Hooper, Jeffimenko]'s statements that fields don't interact - see multiple conflicting hypothesis 08********08 #] 25Oct2019 Particle collider physics https://www2.ph.ed.ac.uk/~muheim/teaching/np3/lect-tools.pdf Franz Muheim ?date? "Nuclear and Particle Physics" lecure notes >> very interesting 08********08 #] 25Oct2019 symbols - series [sum, product, limits].txt symbols - series [sum,product,limits].txt' 08********08 #] 24Oct2019 lists of files in project find "/media/bill/PROJECTS/Lucas - Universal Force/symbol tables/" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*" | sed 's#/media/bill/PROJECTS/Lucas - Universal Force/symbol tables/##' 08********08 #] 16Oct2019 4-35 fails using correct There is no sense going any further, as I've done similar derivations many times befoire, and this isn't working [functionally, coefficients]!!! That's it. I give up on the relativistic correction factor, from a non-feedback perspective Can the Universal Force be salvaged if it is dropped? YES!! 1. use Barnes' feedback (poorly explained by Lucas) 2. Jeffimenko's causality (time) basis 3. Ed Dowdye's Extiction Light principle 4. experimental-only - but just for particle colliders, NOT [GPS, interferometer] 08********08 #] 12Oct2019 Status of Equations (4-[32-37]) exponents of [β, sin(Aθpc(POIo(t),t=0))] are now correct with NO fudging!! BIG advance factors do NOT match binomial series, and they keep growing (will blow up) The problem may be with : 1132:(mathH) ∂[∂(t): Rpcs(POIo(t),t)] = (-1)*Vons(PART)*cos(Aθpc(POIo(t),t)) >> NYET : I checked this, and it is OK! Things were corrupted BEFORE stage 3 (4-37). It appears that the train goes off the tracks in (4-34) NO WONDER! It doesn't follow the generative form. convert old composite archive files individual files in subdirectories (versions) SAVE (4-[32-37]) current versions to archive & work files 13Oct2019 OUCH!! I had NOT used proper generative form for 4-34!! 08********08 #] 05Oct2019 bash script for formulae : /home/bill/bin/math.sh kwrite - augment old (math[H,L]) lines to add (mathEnd) regexp search&replace $ d_work="/media/bill/SWAPPER/Lucas - Universal Force/" $ d_work="/media/bill/RaspPi_ext4_32Gb/Lucas - Universal Force/" $ d_work="/home/bill/Lucas - Universal Force/" $ f_work="Howell - math of Lucas Universal Force.txt" $ f_work2="mathL""mathL formulae list.txt" $ f_work="Howell - independent math for Lucas Universal Force, Chapter 4.txt" $ cat "$d_work$f_work" | sed 's/^(mathH)\(.*\)/(mathH)$1\\n/' >"$d_work""math" 08********08 #] 27Sep2019 finish checking 4-[32 to 36] >> OK Still need to : - revisit all [derivatives, integrals] of Aθpc(POIo(t),t=0) with respect to t - fix [t, t=0] mixups in "Howell - Background math for Lucas Universal Force, Chapter 4.txt" >>>>>> ∂[∂(t): Rpcs(POIo(t),t)^(-b)*sin(Aθpc(POIo(t),t))^a] ????????????????????????????????????????????? NOOOOO!!!!! need ∂[∂(t): Aθpc(POIo(t),t)] 08********08 #] 28Sep2019 [add, fix for] ∂[∂(t): Aθpc(POIo(t),t)] next week -> fix "∂[∂(t): Rpcs(POIo(t),t)^(-b)*sin(Aθpc(POIo(t),t))^a]" in "Howell - independent math for Lucas Universal Force, Chapter 4.txt" ∂[∂(t): sin(Aθpc(POIo(t),t))^2*Rpcs(POIo(t),t)^( - 2)] = 4*Vons(PART)*sin(Aθpc(POIo(t),t))^2*cos(Aθpc(POIo(t),t))*Rpcs(POIo(t),t)^(-3) >> 28Sep2019 BIG CHANGE - with proper derivatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =CONCATENATE("∂[∂(t): sin(Aθpc(POIo(t),t))^",a,"*Rpcs(POIo(t),t)^(-",β,")] = (",a,"+",β")*Vons(PART)*sin(Aθpc(POIo(t),t))^",a,"*cos(Aθpc(POIo(t),t))*Rpcs(POIo(t),t)^(-",β," - 1)") 08********08 #] 23Sep2019 status, I have d\re-derived a 15/2 factor, don't remember which equation - need to check & redo $ find "/home/bill/Lucas - Universal Force/individual formulae developments/" -maxdepth 1 -name "*work*" | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep --with-filename --line-number "15/2" "FILE" >> 4-34 is the file But "15/2" only appears in section "Comparison of Lucas (4-34) and previous (4-34) derivation to (5)" and the add-eqn section because of Lucas's results, not my new results. This is an artifact! 24Sep2019 need to put into Background math : >>>>>> ∂[∂(t): Aθpc(POIo(t),t))] >> No - this is in "Howell - independent math for Lucas Universal Force, Chapter 4.txt" complete "d-dt Rpcs^5*t*(cos - 1).txt" for ??????? >> 27Sep2019 now fixed - same result of 0 for many variables 08********08 #] 13Sep2019 Problems with binomial series check "Howell - math of Lucas Universal Force.txt" version of 04_34 versus work file : $ diff --width=500 --suppress-common-lines "/media/bill/SWAPPER/Lucas - Universal Force/individual formulae developments/04_34 work file.txt" "/media/bill/ramdisk/04_34 work file.txt" >> diff screws up with unicode!! - outputs lines even if they are the same (see system maintenance on diff) >> doesn't look like there were any real differences 08********08 #] 19Aug2019 Johanne Suyken's physics!! (I knew him at IJCNN conferences) http://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~sistawww/cgi-bin/newsearch.pl?Name=Suykens+J ftp://ftp.esat.kuleuven.be/pub/stadius/suykens/reports/extendednewton.pdf /media/bill/SWAPPER/Lucas - Universal Force/References/Suykens Mar2009 Extending Newton's law from nonlocal_in_time _kinetic energy.pdf >> OK, after floundering around, it worked ftp://ftp.esat.kuleuven.be/stadius/suykens/reports/extendednewton.pdf ftp://ftp.esat.kuleuven.be/pub/stadius/suykens/reports/extendednewton.pdf 00_103.pdf, 02_127.pdf, 02_143.pdf, 02_190.pdf, 03_184.pdf, 03_84.pdf, 04_108.pdf, 04_94.pdf, 05_88.pdf, 06_150.pdf, 07_50.pdf, 09_143.pdf, 09_179.pdf, 09_215.pdf, 09_235.pdf, 10_146.pdf, 10_156.pdf, 10_156_v0.pdf, 10_170.pdf, 10_195.pdf, 10_195_v0.pdf, 10_230.pdf, 10_240.pdf, 10_240_v0.pdf, 10_249.pdf, 10_251.pdf, 10_251_v0.pdf, 10_257.pdf, 10_63.pdf, 10_63_v0.pdf, 10_82.pdf, 10_89.pdf, 11_115.pdf, 11_122.pdf, 11_122_v0.pdf, 11_129.pdf, 11_183.pdf, 11_186.pdf, 11_187.pdf, 11_188.pdf, 11_205.pdf, 11_213.pdf, 11_226.pdf, 11_226_v0.pdf, 11_35.pdf, 11_38.pdf, 11_38_v0.pdf, 11_51.pdf, 11_55.pdf, 11_55_v0.pdf, 12_05.pdf, 12_114.pdf, 12_124.pdf, 12_131.pdf, 12_14.pdf, 12_145.pdf, 12_159.pdf, 12_162.pdf, 12_185.pdf, 12_227.pdf, 12_233.pdf, 12_25.pdf, 12_43.pdf, 13_104.pdf, 13_118.pdf, 13_123.pdf, 13_141.pdf, 13_146.pdf, 13_16.pdf, 13_172.pdf, 13_22.pdf, 13_244.pdf, 13_245.pdf, 13_247.pdf, 13_34.pdf, 13_52.pdf, 13_60.pdf, 13_80.pdf, 13_86.pdf, 13_90.pdf, 13_93.pdf, 14_10.pdf, 14_118.pdf, 14_119.pdf, 14_120.pdf, 14_154.pdf, 14_168.pdf, 14_171.pdf, 14_181.pdf, 14_203.pdf, 14_42.pdf, 14_62.pdf, 14_68.pdf, 14_97.pdf, 15_126.pdf, 15_15.pdf, 15_154.pdf, 15_164.pdf, 15_203.pdf, 15_211.pdf, 15_214p.pdf, 15_215.pdf, 15_22.pdf, 15_53.pdf, 15_75.pdf, 15_86.pdf, 15_93.pdf, 16_111.pdf, 16_116.pdf, 16_142.pdf, 16_16.pdf, 16_165.pdf, 16_17.pdf, 16_181.pdf, 16_29.pdf, 16_81.pdf, 16_84.pdf, 17_149.pdf, 17_150.pdf, 17_38.pdf, 17_55.pdf, 17_57.pdf, 17_61.pdf, 18_102.pdf, 18_106.pdf, 18_107.pdf, 18_158.pdf, 93_23.pdf, 93_23.ps, 97_32.pdf, 98_71.pdf, AppliedEnergy.pdf, KMref0722.pdf, KMref0722old.pdf, KMref0722old2.pdf, ROKS_BOA_part.pdf, SMO_LSSVM_v6.pdf, SS_2009_52.pdf, SVM_Banach.pdf, academicpr.ps.Z, cdc2018.pdf, chaos_00_118.ps.gz, chaos_00_125.ps.gz, chaos_00_73.ps.gz, chaos_01_23.ps.gz, chaos_96_82.ps.gz, chaos_96_83.ps.gz, chaos_96_84.ps.gz, chaos_96_85.ps.gz, chaos_96_86.ps.gz, chaos_96_88.ps.gz, chaos_97_03.ps.gz, chaos_97_69.ps.gz, chaos_97_88.ps.gz, chaos_98_112.ps.gz, chaos_98_81.ps.gz, chaos_98_87.ps.gz, chaos_99_100.ps.gz, chaos_99_21.ps.gz, chaos_99_22.ps.gz, clm_00_124.ps.gz, clm_01_08.ps.gz, clm_01_114.pdf, clm_99_37.ps.gz, deepRKM.pdf, deepRKM0.pdf, deepRKM01.pdf, deepRKM1.pdf, deepRKM2.pdf, extendednewton.pdf, fig1.ps.Z, fig2.ps.Z, fig3.ps.Z, fp95.ps.Z, fpmachine94.ps.Z, fpmachine96.ps.Z, hypercubecnn.ps.Z, ieeecdc96.ps.Z, intro_machinelearning.pdf, journalA96.ps.Z, linearloudsp95.ps.Z, lssvm_00_103.ps.gz, lssvm_00_112.ps.gz, lssvm_00_117.ps.gz, lssvm_00_37.ps.gz, lssvm_00_65.ps.gz, lssvm_00_79.ps.gz, lssvm_01_06.ps.gz, lssvm_01_07.ps.gz, lssvm_01_110.ps.gz, lssvm_01_18.ps.gz, lssvm_01_24.ps.gz, lssvm_01_42.ps.gz, lssvm_98_72.ps.gz, lssvm_98_86.ps.gz, lssvm_98_99.ps.gz, lssvm_99_14.ps.gz, lssvm_99_84.ps.gz, lssvm_99_99.ps.gz, lssvm_indefinite.pdf, ndes96.ps.Z, ndouble.ps.Z, ndoublehaw93.ps.Z, nlq96.ps.Z, nlq_96_19.ps.gz, nlq_96_31.ps.gz, nlq_96_44.ps.gz, nlq_96_91.ps.gz, nlq_97_77.ps.gz, nlq_99_15.ps.gz, nlqesann95.ps.Z, nlqgcnn95.ps.Z, nlqicnn95.ps.Z, nlqiscas95.ps.Z, nlqndes95.ps.Z, nnchaos95.ps.Z, nnchaoscontrol95.ps.Z, nnopt93.ps.Z, nnopthaw93.ps.Z, nnrobhaw93.ps.Z, nnssidlft.ps.Z, nscroll.ps.Z, pwl_kernel_TR.pdf, suykens_born.pdf, svd15_86.pdf, synchron96.ps.Z 08********08 #] 20Mar2018 Run symbols [extract, translate] tests using new code see "/media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/MY_NDFS/code development/symbols translate- develop.txt" 08********08 #] 18Mar2019 Getting back into Lucas projects after monthsof neglect! It will take 2 weeks just to figure out [where, how, why] I was +-----+ symbols extract- develop.txt 29Nov2018 strStd_extract_symParnPosn It seems that the "single letter" false substitution problem of strOfType_extTranSub_symGenl failures may be caused by recursion issues in strStd_extract_symParnPosn? Hints : # strStd_extract_symParnPosn_test example 8 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard # strStd_extract_symParnPosn_test example 9 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard # strStd_extract_symParnPosn_test example 21 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard # strStd_extract_symParnPosn_test example 23 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard >> but all of these work fine with strStd_extract_symParnPosn Changes made Retry strOfType_extTranSub_symGenl (in "symbols translate- develop.txt") +-----+ symbols translate- develop.txt 01Dec2018 removed - because of new [strOfType_extract_exprs, strOfType_translate_symGenl] very incomplete work +-----+ symbols fix- develop.txt 03Aug2018 [improvements,fixes] # $ grep -n ^\\$ "/media/bill/PROJECTS/Lucas - Universal Force/Howell - Background math for Lucas Universal Force, Chapter 4.txt" 6763:$Taking the derivative of |r(t)|: 7294:$ dp[dt: E0ods(POIo(t),t = 0)*Rpcs(POIo(t),t)^( - b)*sin(Aθoc(POIo))^a] 7416:$dp(dt: r(t)) = v ; dp(dt: rs(t)) = vs 7417:$dp(dt: |r(t)|^( + 1)) = (+1)*vs^2*t*|r(t)|^(-1) 7418:$dp(dt: |r(t)|^( - 3)) = (-3)*vs^2*t*|r(t)|^(-5) 7419:$dp(dt: |r(t)|^( - 5)) = (-5)*vs^2*t*|r(t)|^(-7) 7420:$dp(dt: |r(t)|^( - 7)) = (-7)*vs^2*t*|r(t)|^(-9) >> there are only a few lines at present? surprising Seems that this is old and veryincomplete? +-----+ Conclusion - seems that I should first look at "symbols translate- develop.txt"? Howell - Background math for Lucas Universal Force, Chapter 4.txt is this still the Sep2015 version, with minor modifications? +-----+ What about most recent full-system tests on synbols [extract, translate]?? in setup.ndf d_Qnial_tests := link d_QNial_root 'code develop_test/' ; +---+ # /media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/code development/symbols extract- develop.txt 29Nov2018 strStd_extract_symParnPosn It seems that the "single letter" false substitution problem of strOfType_extTranSub_symGenl failures may be caused by recursion issues in strStd_extract_symParnPosn? Hints : # strStd_extract_symParnPosn_test example 8 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard # strStd_extract_symParnPosn_test example 9 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard # strStd_extract_symParnPosn_test example 21 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard # strStd_extract_symParnPosn_test example 23 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard >> but all of these work fine with strStd_extract_symParnPosn 18Mar2018 changes had been made made to code 29Nov2018, but not tested yet +---+ # /media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/MY_NDFS/code development/symbols translate- develop.txt Re-run symTranslate_all_test after fixing t_standards for strStdForm_extractTranslate_symGenl_test : # strOfType_extTranSub_symGenl_test example 11 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard # strOfType_extTranSub_symGenl_test example 101a : FAILED - result does NOT match standard # strOfType_extTranSub_symGenl_test example 107 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard # strOfType_extTranSub_symGenl_test example 107a : FAILED - result does NOT match standard # strStdForm_extractTranslate_symGenl_test example 11 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard # strStdForm_extractTranslate_symGenl_test example 107 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard 18Mar2018 changes had been made to code 01Dec2018, but not tested yet +-----+ 18Mar2018 Conclusion - continue with symbols [extract, translate] tests using new code 08********08 #] 02Jan2019 Vogt Theory of Multidimensional Reality, basis of his system is a torus of atom (marked Jul) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hA14BIEWsOY Vogt Theory of Multidimensional Reality the First Four Dimensions, Series 1, Part 3/7. basis of his system is a torus of atom 22 views of torus yields Hebrew alphabet??? I really don't see any solid [explanations, analysis] in any of this. My guess is that Ben Davidson likes him BECAUSE he proposes repeating micro-nova? Interesting path to get to that conclusion - seems like a convenient rehash of what is known, then an insight? I can criticize, but I can't generate his intriguing insights... He has a wonderful [breadth, depth] of knowledge, and did a lot of work to collect illustrations. 08********08 #] 01Jan2019 (marked Jul) Wow - solitons! ancients (like Lucas's references to Moshe) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MG_2lRAHeh0 An Introduction to the Rodin Coil and Vortex Based Mathematics - 369 (without music) from ?Marko Rodin's? fantastic discoveries Bahi Faith, prophet Baha'u'llah 1863 9 as omnipotent number To me - cool number game, but total philosophical crap 08********08 #] 28Jul2018 CONTACT these guys!! http://www.inftyproject.org/en/index.html 3. Software Here is the list of the software released form InftyProject: Math Document Reader "InftyReader" ----- Please have a look at OUTPUTS SAMPLES. Authoring tool of Math Documents "InftyEditor" Handwriting Interface for Math expressions -------Please have a look at some DEMOS InftyEditor with speech output function, including math formulas, "Chatty-Infty" 08********08 #] 13Feb2018 automated symbolic processors https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=reg20.jsp&et_rid=2035970318&et_mid=83612279&eventid=1592008&sessionid=1&key=78BFA60457723D7D6EBA40886B326AF3®Tag=&sourcepage=register Maplesoft 13Feb2018 "Engineers, Stop Doing Algebra by Hand!" IEEE Spectrum White Papers https://ssl.lvl3.on24.com/event/15/92/00/8/rt/1/documents/resourceList1516718761070/democratizingsymbolicmath.pdf Maplesoft 13Feb2018 Engineers, Stop Doing Algebra by Hand Featured White Paper for Download Abstract: Doing algebra by hand drains time and resources. Computer algebra systems mechanize equation manipulation to save money and eliminate risk. 08********08 #] 30Mar2018 automated symbolic processors Matlab - has a great suite! ALSO - great for neural networks Mathematica - https://arachnoid.com/IPython/index.html IPython : Math Processor Summary In my view, the IPython notebook is to date the closest thing to a mathematical "word processor", and much of the credit for this accomplishment, as well as for IPython itself, belongs to the IPython project's principal organizer, Fernando Perez. For his work on IPython, Perez received the Free Software Foundation's 2012 award for the advancement of free software. Compared to Mathematica or Maple, IPython has the advantage that it's free and has many of the most-often-used features of these expensive programs. Compared to Sage, IPython requires less storage space and setup time. For a student or a professional who requires mathematical results but who would prefer not to spend thousands of dollars on proprietary software, IPython may be the best choice of the math programs presently available. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_computer_algebra_systems https://www.quora.com/Which-one-is-better-MATLAB-Maple-Mathematica-or-mathHandbook?share=1 First, Matlab and Maple/Mathematica are really very different: Matlab is essentially about numeric computation. Sure, you can have matrices of numbers, functions from numbers to numbers (for examples, solutions of differential equations that can be plotted, etc). That is really powerful, but eventually that tops out (see below). Matlab has incorporated, a bit as a bolt-on, some symbolic features too. Maple and Mathematica do numerics, but their real forte is symbolics: computation where there are 'symbols' in the question and/or answer. This is a completely different paradigm! As an undergrad, you'll find that you really need both. So Maple and Mathematica are a better bet. +--+ Weiguang Huang, PhD. input your formula into www.mathHandbook.com, click button for answer Updated Jun 13, 2017 · Author has 189 answers and 52.3k answer views it depends on what you want. if you want numeric computation matlab is better. if you want symbolic computation mathematica is better. but they are very expensive. if you want free online and one click to solve (fractional) differential and integral equation, you can try http://www.mathHandbook.com https://www.hamilton.edu/documents/Writing%20Mathematical%20Proofs.pdf Cool stuff for math theorems!!! 08********08 #] 30Mar2018 Randell L. Mills 2000? "The Grand Unified Theory Of Classical Quantum Mechanics" Randell L. Mills 2000? "The Grand Unified Theory Of Classical Quantum Mechanics" BlackLight Power, Cranbury, NJ http://brilliantlightpower.com/book-download-and-streaming/ Mills 2000 The Grand Unified Theory Of Classical Quantum Mechanics 08********08 #] 01Apr2018 Symbol translation (Lucas->HFLN) and checks for bad symbols see "/media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/MY_NDFS/translate symbols - Lucas.ndf" 08********08 #] 07May2018 15:57 try chars [´,•,·] : t_name := '# symTranslate_string_test example 12' ; t_input := '[·dl : E(r´,t´)] = -1/c*dp[dt : [dA : B(r,t) •n]] .and.[·dl : E(r´,t´)] = - [dA : dp[dt : B(r,t))]·n]' ; t_standard := '[·dl : Eodv(Rocv(POIp(t),t)] = -1/c*∂[∂t: [dA: Bodv(Rocv(POIp(t),t)•n]] .and.[·dl : E(Rocv(POIp(t),t),t)] = - [dA : ∂[∂t: B(Rocv(POIp(t),t)]·n]' ; t_result := symTranslate_string t_input ; test_comment t_name t_input t_standard t_result ; qnial> symTranslate_string_test # symTranslate_string_test example 12 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard t_input, t_standard, t_result = [·dl : E(r´,t´)] = -1/c*dp[dt : [dA : B(r,t) •n]] .and.[·dl : E(r´,t´)] = - [dA : dp[dt : B(r,t))]·n] [·dl : E(Rocv(POIp(t),t)] = -1/c*∂[∂t: [dA: Bodv(Rocv(POIp(t),t)•n]] .and.[·dl : E(Rocv(POIp(t),t),t)] = - [dA : ∂[∂t: B(Rocv(POIp(t),t)]·n] [·dl : E(Rocv(POIo)´,t´)] = -1/c*∂[∂t: [dA: B(Rocv(POIo),t)•n]] .and.[·dl : E(Rocv(POIo)´,t´)] = - [dA : ∂[∂t: B(Rocv(POIo),t))]·n] >> QNial EASILY handles chars [´,•,·] >> 07May2018 15:57 I need to rewrite "Howell - math of Lucas Universal Force.txt" to use chars [´,•,·] more fully >>> as per original Lucas AND I need to add translations to "symbols badList Lucas.ndf" >> Many "mashed" expressions like : HLFN FLENZodVonVonVonv(particle)(paRocVonv(particle)(POIo)ticle)(paRocVonVonv(particle)(paRocVonv(particle)(POIo)ticle)(POIo)ticle)(POIo,t) = Q(paRocVonVonv(particle)(paRocVonv(particle)(POIo)ticle)(POIo)ticle)*[ ETodVonVonVonv(particle)(paRocVonv(particle)(POIo)ticle)(paRocVonVonv(particle)(paRocVonv(particle)(POIo)ticle)(POIo)ticle)(POIo,t) + VonVonVonv(particle)(paRocVonv(particle)(POIo)ticle)(paRocVonVonv(particle)(paRocVonv(particle)(POIo)ticle)(POIo)ticle)BTodVonVonVonv(particle)(paRocVonv(particle)(POIo)ticle)(paRocVonVonv(particle)(paRocVonv(particle)(POIo)ticle)(POIo)ticle)(POIo,t) ] >> Why? It looks like space-elimination is leading to multiple recurrent substitutions? 08********08 #] 09May2018 I split "symbols badList Lucas.ndf" into : symTranList HLFN bads.ndf symTranList Lucas bads.ndf symTranList Lucas to HLFN.ndf These MUST be used separated, via specific loads in "_test.ndf" files!!! The " bads.ndf" are used with "symTranslate_file_bads" "symTranList Lucas to HLFN.ndf" is used with "symTranslate_file_language" 08********08 #] 09May2018 after key changes to : - make [flag_strProtected,symExtract_array] " NONLOCAL, - treat "protected strings" (starting with `$) separate from "normal strings" - choices of symExtract_arrays - loaddefs ONE of the following for Lucas project!!! loaddefs '/media/bill/PROJECTS/Lucas - Universal Force/symTranList Lucas bads.ndf' ; loaddefs '/media/bill/PROJECTS/Lucas - Universal Force/symTranList HLFN bads.ndf' ; loaddefs '/media/bill/PROJECTS/Lucas - Universal Force/symTranList Lucas to HLFN.ndf' ; 11May2018 I re-ran tests : - symTrans_test - all examples are OK - xprs_ExtractTranslate_test - example 9 of 9 failed, but examples are ill-suited to xprs_ExtractTranslate - symTranslate_string_test - examples [1,12] of 12 failed 08********08 #] 10May2018 Major recent changes : 1. symbols extract & sort.ndf : - stop using [grep,sed] - while its faster (1/3?), the complications are horrendous, and after ~1.5 months, I still couldn't get some processes to work. - do line-by-line extractions instead of whole file, one symbol at a time. It now runs 100 TIMES faster than an earlier version, and the code is much easier to understand. - fix [unicode,recursion] issues with a MAJOR code simplification 2. symbols translate.ndf - rip the old translation table into three (see 09May2018 comment below) - 11May2018 first-pass clean up of each list tranList Lucas bads.ndf tranList Lucas to HLFN.ndf tranList HLFN bads.ndf 3. symTranList Lucas bads.ndf symTranList HLFN bads.ndf symTranList Lucas to HLFN.ndf 08********08 #] 17May2018 try [extract,compare] symbols for [Lucas,HFLN] 1. Lucas symbols a) symExtract_file_test flag_strProtected := l ; pname_inn := link d_Lucas 'Howell - math of Lucas Universal Force 180418.txt' ; >> results : qnial> symExtract_file_test #+-----+ symExtract_file_test Thu May 17 10:20:05 2018 diff: /media/bill/PROJECTS/Lucas - Universal Force/Howell - math of Lucas Universal Force, diff 180517.txt: No such file or directory >> Other than missing diff : seems OK - results in "Howell - math of Lucas Universal Force 180517.txt" >> BUT symExtract_file IS OP pname_inn pname_out : doesn't produce diff files - now is in symbols_compare >> So everything is OK! qnial> symExtractCompare_test 'Lucas' '/media/bill/PROJECTS/Lucas - Universal Force/' 'Howell - math of Lucas Universal Force 180418.txt' ' math of Lucas Universal Force.txt' #+-----+ #symExtract_file_test Lucas Thu May 17 11:56:55 2018 >> Does symExtract_file call "symbols stdForm.ndf" to put symbols into standard format? Or should this be symbols_compare? symList := EACH sym_stdForm symList_line ; >> symExtract_file is supposed to do it, but doesn't seems to (at least for every case) Anyways, use "symDiff Lucas eqnn.txt" to augment "tranList Lucas bads.ndf" to translate problems! 08********08 #] 03Jun2018 problem with unicode strings.ndf numberBase_all_tests 24Jun2018 setup again after 3 weeks on [SummerDaze, Dads paintings] and [Duck Lake, Standard] festivals alltest strings 180604 10h59m13s.txt all OK alltest symExtract 180604 10h59m13s.txt FAILED symExtract_stringPosn_test example 3,5,6,7,8,9 alltest symTranslate 180604 10h59m13s.txt symTrans_test example 11 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard symExpr_sub_test example 2 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard symTranslate_string_test examples 1,5,8,9,9a,10 : FAILED - result does NOT match standard First fix symExtract_stringPosn 08********08 #] 16Jun2016 phfrm Lucas : incl problems with scientists, socialist education system #] EM waves [longitudinal - life, no travel time; transverse - speed of c, gravity] 08********08 #] 26Jun2018 After getting rid of chrStr_get, & modifying several operators to just process string as chrList Now -> Now run symbols_Strings_Extract_Translate_alltest loaddefs '/media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/code develop_test/symbols translate- tests.ndf' +-----+ >>>>>> loading start : strings- tests.ndf >>>>>>>>> loading start : strings.ndf <<<<<<<<< loading ended : strings.ndf ?undefined identifier: T_RESULT := CHRSTR_GET <***> T_INPUT ; TEST_COMMENT ?undefined identifier: %numberBase_all_tests ; <<<<<< loading ended : strings- tests.ndf +-----+ >> Oops - another change to make - simple remove chrStr_get_test symbols_Strings_Extract_Translate_alltest >> super-fast run!! But it DID record results alltest strings 180626 11h46m24s.txt string_sub_test ALL OK sym_stdForm_test ALL failed alltest symExtract 180626 11h46m24s.txt symParen_contents_test ALL OK syms_inParens_test ALL OK symExtract_stringPosn_test ALL failed symExtract_string_test ALL failed alltest symTranslate 180626 11h46m24s.txt symTrans_test OK except example 11 xprs_ExtractTranslate_test ALL OK symExpr_sub_test failed except example 3 symTranslate_string_test failed except examples [2,4,7] chrs_blank is problem - define chrs_blank as list of chrs!! change : chrs_blank := chr_space chr_tab ; % chr_codes [32,9] ; to : chrs_blank := link chr_space chr_tab ; % chr_codes [32,9] ; 26Jun2018 12:29 changed chrList@i to (first chrList@i) in sym_stdForm conditionals 26Jun2018 12:36 changed chrList@i to (first chrList@i) in symExtract_stringPosn conditionals 26Jun2018 12:36 changed chrList@i to (first chrList@i) in symExpr_sub conditionals loaddefs '/media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/code develop_test/symbols translate- tests.ndf' symbols_Strings_Extract_Translate_alltest alltest strings 180626 11h46m24s.txt string_sub_test ALL OK sym_stdForm_test ALL OK alltest symExtract 180626 11h46m24s.txt symParen_contents_test ALL OK syms_inParens_test ALL OK symExtract_stringPosn_test ALL failed - no result!???? symExtract_string_test ALL failed alltest symTranslate 180626 11h46m24s.txt symTrans_test OK except example 11 xprs_ExtractTranslate_test ALL OK symExpr_sub_test failed except example 3 symTranslate_string_test failed except examples [2,4,7] 08********08 #] 26Jun2018 changed ALL char list for Lucas project to chrLists, reversed last changes +-----+ chrs_alpha_caps := EACH string 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ; % chr_codes 65- 90 ; chrs_alpha_small := EACH string 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' ; % chr_codes 97-122 ; chrs_alphabet := EACH string chrs_alpha_caps chrs_alpha_small ; % chr_codes [65-90,97-122] ; chrs_numbers := EACH string '0123456789' ; % chr_codes 48-57 ; chrs_alphaNumeric := link chrs_alphabet chrs_numbers ; % chr_codes [48-57,65-90,97-122] ; chrs_operators := EACH string '~!@#$%^&:+-*/\|"' ; % chr_codes [126,33-41,etc...] ; chrs_strt_paren := EACH string '([{' ; % chr_codes ??? ; chrs_stop_paren := EACH string ')]}' ; % chr_codes ??? ; chrs_parenthesis := EACH string '()[]{}<>' ; % chr_codes ??? ; chrs_blank := EACH string chr_space chr_tab ; % chr_codes [32,9] ; chrs_punctuation := link chrs_operators chrs_blank chrs_parenthesis ; % chr_codes [126,33-41,etc...] ; chrs_arithmetic := EACH string '*+-/=' ; % chr_codes [42,43,45,47,61] ; chrs_math_spaced := EACH string '+-=' ; % chr_codes [42,43,45,47,61] ; chrs_lineType := EACH string '#$%^' ; % for "symbols translate.ndf -> +-----+ loaddefs '/media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/code develop_test/symbols translate- tests.ndf' symbols_Strings_Extract_Translate_alltest symExtract 180626 13h11m39s.txt - all fail - so adjust code symParen_contents_test ALL OK syms_inParens_test ALL OK symExtract_stringPosn_test ALL failed - no result!???? symExtract_string_test ALL failed 08********08 #] 27Jun2018 15:39 Retry tests after creating str_to_unicodeList IS OP str # This is used by : # strings.ndf sym_stdForm # symbols extract.ndf symExtract_string # symbols translate.ndf symExpr_sub symbols_Strings_Extract_Translate_alltest alltest strings 180627 15h41m22s.txt str_to_unicodeList_test ALL OK string_sub_test ALL OK sym_stdForm_test ALL OK alltest symExtract 180627 15h41m22s.txt symParen_contents_test ALL OK syms_inParens_test ALL OK symExtract_stringPosn_test failed [2,3,5-9], OK [1,4,9] symExtract_string_test failed [2,3,5-8,10,21-23], OK [1,4,9] alltest symTranslate 180627 15h41m22s.txt symTrans_test failed 11, OK all others xprs_ExtractTranslate_test ALL OK symExpr_sub_test failed except example 3 symTranslate_string_test failed except examples [2,4,7] symExtract_stringPosn_test - missing unicodes! need to use form of "chrList := append chrList (char charrepList#(i3s))" in symExtract_decisionTable link -> append to yield : symExtract_decisionTable := 2 2 2 reshape '(0 0 0) ; null ; ' '(0 0 1) ; write_testStr ''symExtract_string ; error with flags@2'' ; ' '(0 1 0) ; symNew := append symNew chrList@i ; posnList := link posnList i ; flags@0 := 1 ; ' '(0 1 1) ; write_testStr ''symExtract_string ; error with flags@2'' ; ' '(1 0 0) ; symList := append symList (solitary symNew) ; symNew := null ; flags@0 := 0 ; ' '(1 0 1) ; symNew := append symNew chrList@i ; ' '(1 1 0) ; symNew := append symNew chrList@i ; ' '(1 1 1) ; symNew := append symNew chrList@i ; ' ; symExtract_stringPosn IS OP str change return value : symList posnList to : (EACH link EACH first symList) posnList >> Better - but recursion doesn't work +-----+ 26Jun2018 12:36 symExtract_stringPosn : changed chrList@i to (first chrList@i) in conditionals 28Jun2018 08:48 symExtract_stringPosn - modify for str_to_unicodeList see "/media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/MY_NDFS/z_Archive/symbols extract 180628.ndf" for intermediate operator >> Now it works! symExtract_string_test, 180628 10h43m26s - I fixed many "t_standard"s, in addition to code adjustments >> This works with NO changes! symbols_Strings_Extract_Translate_alltest alltest strings 180628 10h45m54s.txt str_to_unicodeList_test ALL OK string_sub_test ALL OK sym_stdForm_test ALL OK alltest symExtract 180628 10h45m54s.txt symParen_contents_test ALL OK syms_inParens_test ALL OK symExtract_stringPosn_test ALL OK symExtract_string_test ALL OK alltest symTranslate 180628 10h45m54s.txt symTrans_test failed [11], OK - rest xprs_ExtractTranslate_test ALL OK symExpr_sub_test failed [2,3a,4,10], OK [1,3,5-7] symTranslate_string_test failed [1,5,8,9,9a,10], OK [2,2a,3,4,5a,6,6a,7,11] 08********08 #] 03Jul2018 11:02 I fixed symExpr_sub (see "symbols translate- develop.txt") Now try symTranslate_string_test >> same failures : symTranslate_string_test failed [1,5,8,9,9a,10], OK [2,2a,3,4,5a,6,6a,7,11] 06Jul2018 09:44 >> failed [5,5a,9,9a,10] - blanks spacing issue : >> 1. I don't want compression as [spaces,tabs] are important to alignment >> 2. BUT: substitution of symExpressions requires (for now) blanks compression, so substituted symExpr will be compressed OK - after iterative fixing of t_standards : symTranslate_string_test ALL OK 06Jul2018 11:15 ReRun symbols_Strings_Extract_Translate_alltest : alltest strings 180706 11h16m19s.txt str_to_unicodeList_test ALL OK string_sub_test ALL OK sym_stdForm_test ALL OK alltest symExtract 180706 11h16m19s.txt symParen_contents_test ALL OK syms_inParens_test ALL OK symExtract_stringPosn_test ALL OK symExtract_string_test ALL OK alltest symTranslate 180706 11h16m19s.txt symTrans_test ALL OK xprs_ExtractTranslate_test ALL OK symExpr_sub_test ALL OK symTranslate_string_test ALL OK >> Awesome, all these [simple, limited] tests succeed 08********08 #] 06Jul2018 11:22 Now do translation of "Howell - math of Lucas Universal Force 180518.txt" - look for ["mashed",bad reccurent] substitutions qnial> symTranslate_file_Lucas_test diff: /media/bill/PROJECTS/Lucas - Universal Force/symList good HFLN_to_Lucas.txt: No such file or directory diff: /media/bill/PROJECTS/Lucas - Universal Force/symList bads HFLN_to_Lucas.txt: No such file or directory >> Looks good >> Yikes : maybe not? Aθoc(POIp(t),t = 0)(POIt,t = 0) Aθoc(POIp(t),t = 0)(RFo) Aθpc(POIp)(POIo,t) Aθpc(POIp)(POIo,t = 0) Aθpc(POIp)(POIp,t) Aθpc(POIp)(POIt,t) Aθpc(POIp)(POIt,t = 0) cos(???Aθpc(POIp)) cos(???Aθpc(POIp)(POIt,t = 0)) ∂(Area)´(∇´[Bi(r - v*t,t)v]•np) Bi(r - v*t,t)(∇´•v) ∂(t)[(1 - β^2)/[r^2 - {r(rβ)}^2/r^2]^(1/2) ∂(t)[Bi(r - v*t,t)] ∂(t)[q*q´*(1 - β^2)/[r^2 - {r(rβ)}^2/r^2]^(1/2)] ∂(t)[r^2 - {r(rβ)}^2/r^2] ∂(t){r*(r•β) - β*(r•r)} As per : # 06Jul2018 general instructions for symbol [extract,translate] see : "/media/bill/PROJECTS/Lucas - Universal Force/3 Instructions - symbols extractions and translations.txt" +-----+ Post- symTranslate_file_Lucas_test cleanup of f_derivation files Assumes that [symList,tranList] files are up-to-date Double check that symTrans_lineType '#$%^&' are properly set in f_derivations Save all files loaddefs '/media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/code develop_test/symbols translate- tests.ndf' check for errors to fix code symTranslate_file_Lucas_test - to do translations and create resultant files in [d_lucas,dQNial_temp] manual edits of symDiff -> symList files in [d_lucas,dQNial_temp] symbols sort unique Lucas.sh - for updates [symDiff,symList] files need to add script - backup current files with YYMMDD_HMS in name, copy-over of files etc +-----+ 08********08 #] 07Jul2018 symbols_compare_Lucas - producing symDiff files of "leftover symbols" >> This does NOT seem to be working - it returns ALL symbols in "<" file? >> must test!! $ cd "/media/bill/PROJECTS/Lucas - Universal Force/" $ diff "symList bads HFLN.txt" "symList bads HFLN test half.txt" | grep "< " | sed "s/< //" >"symList bads HFLN test half result.txt" >> It worked perfectly!! 07Jul2018 Change "%" (HFLN) to "^" (Lucas_to_HFLN) in "Howell - math of Lucas Universal Force 180706 11h22m46s.txt" It's taking FAR TOO LONG to update symbols by writing programs!! Stop after finishing current crap, and get back to physics!! 10Jul2018 let: [*] = [HFLN,HFLN_to_Lucas,Lucas,Lucas_to_HFLN] using "symList bads [*] yields stupidly large lists - useless Must fix at "simple symbol" level and "simple symbol(simple symbol) level, not expressions level!! manually create files "symList trans [*].txt" from "d_temp/symDiff bads [*].txt" to be processed with "tranList_read_Lucas" 10Jul2018 OK - I'm happy with the status of the files for now : Howell - math of Lucas Universal Force 180710 16h41m51s.txt symList bads HFLN.txt symList bads Lucas.txt symList english.txt symList equation numbers.txt symList good HFLN.txt symList good Lucas.txt tranList HFLN.ndf tranList HFLN_to_Lucas.ndf tranList Lucas.ndf tranList Lucas_to_HFLN.ndf SO - TIME TO GO BACK TO PHYSICS!!! (or translate "Howell - Background math for Lucas Universal Force, Chapter 4.odt") 08********08 #] 13Jul2018 Test translation of "Howell - Background math for Lucas Universal Force, Chapter 4 180713 13h11m58s.txt" paste "/media/bill/ramdisk/symTranslate_file_test f_counts.txt" "/media/bill/ramdisk/symTranslate_file_test fSym_names.txt" >>"/media/bill/ramdisk/farterg.txt" >> This worked great, whereas it failed in "symTranslate_file_Lucas" 13Jul2018 I had to add the symbol counts manually, using : $ paste "/media/bill/ramdisk/symTranslate_file_test f_counts.txt" "/media/bill/ramdisk/symTranslate_file_test fSym_names.txt" >>"/media/bill/ramdisk/farterg.txt" >> ??? why didn't this work within "symTranslate_file_Lucas" -> $ bash "symbols file counts Lucas.sh" >> do I need sleep 4s to ensure files are ready to count? 08********08 #] 14Jul2018 I need a "pattern" correction for all symbols see "/media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/code develop_test/symbols zProcess Lucas notes.txt" >> good start - now automate zProcess files 15Jul2018 create symsProcess_Lucas in 'symbols translate.ndf' to remove error-prone manual execution of several tasks using sed for RaspPi high-number search-replace! (when I don't have kwrite) create temporary file to preview changes : d_QNial_temp "Howell - Background math for Lucas Universal Force, Chapter 4 temp.txt" see "/media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/MY_NDFS/symbols grep-sed.sh" +-----+ cat "$finn" | sed 's/cos(Aθoc(POIo)\([^)]\)/cos(Aθoc(POIo))\1/g' \ | sed 's/sin(Aθoc(POIo)\([^)]\)/sin(Aθoc(POIo))\1/g' \ >"$fout" +-----+ grep "\([^θ]\)pd(POIo(t),t)" "/media/bill/RaspPi_ext4_32Gb/temp/Howell - Background math for Lucas Universal Force, Chapter 4.txt" 08********08 #] 12Sep2018 08:31 MAJOR CHANGE!!! - Write a separate system to "align-format" derivations!!! Abandon tracking of [symbol, expression] positions - translations work in str_stdForm I still need typeList Huge difference : - enormously simplify sym[Extract, Translate] - highly useful for non-aligned derivations and adhoc work day-by-day - allows changes in symTrans_lineType within a single line of text - i.e. mixing of symTrans_lineTypes - allows comments to be put lmost anywhere Just do a file-based approach Hopefully independent of symbol system -> don't have to use a list of "recognized" [symbols, expressions] 08********08 #] symExtract_stringRecur : After a few thinking challenges : qnial> symExtract_stringRecur_test #+-----+ symExtract_stringRecur_test, 180912 12h22m25s # symExtract_stringRecur_test example 3a : OK - result matches standard t_input, t_standard, t_result = (a·∇) = (a1*n1 + a2*n2 + a3*n3)/∂x1*n1 · (∂/∂x1*n1 + ∂/∂x2*n2 + ∂/∂x3*n3) +-----+ 08********08 #] symTrans_lineType = "/$" so there is No symNew. Note the resulting t_standard!! +-----+ >> OK! This works ... After a few simple fixes : qnial> symExtract_string_test #+-----+ symExtract_string_test, 180912 14h05m40s >> ALL are OK!! +-----+ 08********08 #] 13Nov2018 Restart work after 2 months on IJCNN2018 stuff # Refer to "12Sep2018 08:31 MAJOR CHANGE!!! - Write a separate system to "align-format" derivations!!!" WHERE AM I??? Difficult to re-start work after 2 month break!!! I fixed up "/media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/code develop_test/symbols system loaddefs- develop.txt" Look at test results "/media/bill/PROJECTS/Qnial/code develop_test/180921 17h56m39s alltest symTranslate.txt" # enddoc