/media/bill/PROJECTS/Icebreaker/Paintings of themes.txt www.BillHowell.ca 16May2018 initial ****************** 16May2018 Potential themes ***** Priority themes *** Seconday, for later... - initial thoughts on type of painting : single scene (like the Battle of Britain painting), 2 to 5 panel, comic string)? 1. <**01**> Most important them of all, a) Icebreaker - unofficial code-name ?1924-1927? How to identify the right talent early in the game, and clandestinely move them in the right directions over long periods of time. Extends to [Franklin Delano Roosevelt (the willing puppet-believer), Churchill], and later Eastern Europe & Mao. What about Mussolini? 2. Pre-war themes a) <**02**> Help [inspire,support,develop,network,divert funds,direct] - all without their knowledge , ?1920-1933? It wan't just the German Army support b) <**03**> The Red Shirts are ready to wipe out the Brown Shirts circa ?1927-1933? German Red shirt [thugs, revolutionaries] telegraph request for permission to finish off Brown shirts Moscow "... Lay off the brown shirts. We need them to gain power, to declare war on the Western Imperialist nations, and to weaken them all to the point where the Red Army will roll through Europe, then conquer the world. ..." -> Icebreaker c) How is it possible that Nazis can be declared to be "right-wing"? Absolute [professional, intellectual, Cognitive] failure by essentially ALL Western intellects is quite normal, but here the Cognitive failures are really [obvious,flagrant], and persist to the present day. d) Socialists trained and hardened by Socialists - One cannot understand the Nazis without understanding their necessary reactions to the greatest pre-war thugs - the socialists. 2. "Imminent-war" themes a) NKVD-Gestapo contract - The Russian taught the Germans how to build, operate] convcentration camps, and even re-activated capture German concentration camps after takeover later in the war. Jews escaping to the East were rounded up and sent back to Germany, in full knowledge of th implications. Prior to Stalin's death in 1952, a massive goulag buildup is preparing for an epic Jewish extermination in the Soviet Union. Socialism as the originators and greatest driver of industrial age genocide. b) Hitler needs permission to attack - Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement ~15Aug1939 Japanese attempt conquer huge neigboring petroleum fields in Mongolia. Totally crushed by ?K?, they never even dream of going back, and are diverted South to very long-range, risky Indonesia, Burma direction. c) Joint pact to invade Poland on 01Sep1939. Two weeks later, on that date Moscow "is not ready yet", joins the invasion 09Sep1939, thereby duping ALL Western intellects to this very day. Question : While the failure of essentially ALL western intellects is [normal,reliable], there are always serious amateurs who CAN think! Were there some who have called this, or were even they duped this time? THAT would be scary, abnormal. d) Hitler seems surprised that Britain France declare war with the Poland invasion? WHY is this sa surprise? Who influenced his thinking? 3. Early-war themes a) <**04**> Hesse, Hitler, Churchill The deliberate release of Allied troops in France and letting them get back to Briatain essentially intact but without equipment, the refusal to carry out Operation Eagle, and Hesse's attempt to fulfill what he knows is the most important desire of Hitler, seal the fate of WWII and who wins (the Soviets, by far). 9. [Establishing, Directing, Driving] the Leadership of the Enemy a) Strategic principles, historical documents, collective impact How to win when at an overwhelming disadvantage. The key role of [intelligence, bribery,extortion,manipulation], and using the enemy's resources and strengths for your own purposes. Fools and cowards must be conquered. It is immoral and unethical NOT to do so. (quotes from Gengis Khan, Napolean, Stalin, Hitler, Julius Caesar, and=cint Greeks etc?) b) *** Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Turned a bad recession into the Great Depression, by directing socialist [thugs,terrorism,laws] against the "capitalists and other American leaders. c) *** Churchill - Only got to power on the insistence of the socialists. TOTALLY anomalous and against what the socialists stand for and believe, unless greater themes prevailed. (this is a bit biased aa a perspective, but at least meaningful) Churchill at end of war or much later : "... I think we got the wrong guy. ..." effectively erases much of his overall value historically. 10. Other themes a) *** "... Consumed by monsters of our own creation ..." The long history of the Jews and anti-semitism, well-ilustrated by WWI and ALL Europeans, but blame is focused only on the Nazis. b) China and WWII, leading into Mao < # enddoc