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Wow! I was totally surprised by this ethnic map!! View John J. Mearsheimer, Uof Chicago, presentation : Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault?![]() |
2015 and 24Feb2022 Howell - Russian territorial aspirations Speculations on my part that show you just how stupid I am. ![]() |
Again from John J. Mearsheimer, Uof Chicago, presentation : Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault?![]() |
Again from John J. Mearsheimer, Uof Chicago, presentation : Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault?![]() |
Again from John J. Mearsheimer, Uof Chicago, presentation : Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault?![]() |
Again from John J. Mearsheimer, Uof Chicago, presentation : Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault?![]() | Daily updates of [battle, military disposition, activity]s (initially from Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog, also interesting) ![]() |
02Mar2022 Will Russia invade Moldova?
Belarus’s President Alexander Lukashenko may have inadvertently revealed Vladimir Putin’s battle plan during a national security council meeting – and it appears to include Moldova.![]() |
24Feb2022 from Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog : @AGHamilton29 - Here is a of all the verified Russian attacks on Ukraine as of 3:30 am last night. Just a reminder that just a day and a half ago, Putin was claiming he was just sending in “peacekeeping” forces to defend the area circled in yellow. ![]() |
24Feb2022 - Locations of Reported Attacks [24,25]Feb2022![]() |
27Feb2022 - Russian losses update -
As Deputy Defense Minister of Ukraine Hanna Maliar posted on Facebook, the total estimated losses of the enemy over the previous three days (February 24, 25, 26) in the war of aggression of the Russian Federation in Ukraine are as follows: personnel - about 4,300 (being specified) tanks – 146 armored combat vehicles – 706 aircraft – 27 helicopters – 26 Buk systems – 1 mortars – 49 Grad systems – 4 automotive equipment – 30 tanks – 60 UAVs – 2 ships / boats – 2 air defense systems 03Mar2022 Russia’s losses reached nearly 9,000 in a week – Zelensky |
26Feb2022 - Russias losses to date As normally is the case for wartime claims, these might be exaggerated, a there is no comment about Ukraine's loss ![]() |
Again from John J. Mearsheimer, Uof Chicago, presentation : Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault?![]() |
220227 EU Share of Natural Gas Imports Coming From Russia, 2020![]() |
2015 Energy Consult Grp - Ukraine civil war, preconflict oil and gas situation comment: see note (2) below ![]() | ...08Mar2022 add electrical power generation [dam, nuclear, coal, gas] later ... | - Mineral Resources of Ukraine - Metallic minerals![]() | - Ukraine metallogenic provinces![]() |
"... History never repeats itself, but it rhymes. ..." (I forget -> Benjamin Disraeli or Mark Twain?) | |
"... Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it. But for those who learn the lessons of history, they too are doomed to repeat it...." (quote of ???, with Bill Howell addition) | |
Andrea Chalupa, third-generation New York Ukrainian, published in English in 2012: "Orwell and the Refugees: The untold story of Animal Farm" In addition to a Ukrainian context for the book, Orwell's only substantial publish self-description is in the book, provided after insistence for the Ukrainian language version during WWII. Ukrainians self-identified with the horse, which was worked to death. The US Army confiscated all copies in Ukrainian refugee camps after WWII, pretty much under Stalin's order, like much of the US WWII effort because of Roosevelt and his top aides and administration. | |
"... [Autonomous vehicles, language translation, speech recognition, video tracking, etc] are currently riding the Great Wave of Deep Learning Neural Networks, at a very immature stage, and pregnant with possibilty. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) may comprise the effective avant-guarde "Idiots Guide to Deep Learning", while more powerful techniques, hidden in obscurity, burrow towards the future. But a Ukrainian mathematician, Ivenenkhov(?spelling), of the University of Moscow, is credited by Juergen Schmidhuber of the Swiss AI Lab as being one of the earliest researchers to establish a NN-specific basis to Deep Learning. That happened in the era that saw the world at a precipice : Cuban Missile Crises, then USA President John F. Kennedy's assasination. Being a prick, I won't hesitate to demand that Ukranians light a path for a brighter mathematical future right now. Perhaps you are busy at the moment? just as before, this is the best time for genius to manifest? ..." (Bill Howell) | |
06Jan2023 Someone (Jim ?? as Hussar Sundowner coffee, part Ukrainian) said that the Ukrainian Orthodox church was the 3rd split-off from Catholicism, after ?East Romans?, then Protestants (Lutheren?). |
"... Just as a picture is worth a thousand words, a great question is worth a thousand answers. ..." (Bill Howell addition to popular quote) |
"... Adversity builds character, whilst affluence destroys it. ..." (Bill Howell) |
"... Fools and cowards must be conquered. It is unethical and immoral not to do so. ..." (Neither Joseph Stalin nor his favourite hero Timur Lenk said this. English wasn't their language, and they would not have wasted their time on drivel.) | |
"... We learned all of the WRONG lessons from WWII, but that may be changing? Collective security is obvious, but that isn't WWII specific. ..." |
"... There are no innocents in war, just as there are no innocents in peace. ..." | |
"... If you dare peek too closely at history, it will destroy all of your [belief, analysis, theory, model]s. ..." | |
"... Great periods of war in history : desperation, affluence, religion, natural quasi-cycles? ..." | |
"... Sun Tsu? ..." | |
"... Bakunin, Marx, Lenin - ..." | |
"... [Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolph Hitler] almost like twins ..." |
Note for Howell 25Feb2025 for map of "Russian territorial aspirations" : The 2015 map of suggests the Novorissiya region (yellow), all the way to the Danube river, which corresponds to my initial guesswork 5 years out (to 2027) based on WWII, written before noticing their map.
Note for comment for map of "Ukraine civil war, preconflict oil and gas situation" : "The map to the left [below] illustrates the Ukraine oil and gas situation before Russian annexation of the Crimea. We created this map to provide perspective on where Ukrainian oil and gas regions are in relation to the rest of the Ukraine. The primary onshore oil and gas productive regions are the Dneiper-Donetsk and Pre-Carpathian Basins. The primary offshore area, and the one most prospective for new, large conventional oil and gas reserves, is the Black Sea-Crimea Basin. Also presented on the map are the two large shale gas concessions previously awarded by the Ukrainian government: Olesska awarded to Chevron, and Yuzovsky awarded to Shell.' ... "The importance of the gas volumes for both residential and industrial use is the primary reason the Ukrainian government was aggressively seeking to expand domestic production through deepwater exploration and shale gas development."