Title: Is There Scientific Proof Of The Bible's Plagues | The Exodus Decoded Author: Timeline - World History Documentaries Type: video Description: The Exodus. The very word invokes an epic tale of Pharaohs and Israelites, plagues and miracles, the splitting of the sea, the drowning of an army, Moses and revelation. The story is at the very heart of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. After six years of research, working with archeologists, Egyptologists, geologists and theologians, Simcha Jacobovici came to the groundbreaking conclusion that the Exodus took place hundreds of years earlier than previously thought. With this new timetable in hand, Jacobovici and his colleagues re-examined long ignored archeological artifacts and uncovered the truth about the Exodus and the Egyptian dynasty that ruled at the time. The producers teamed up with some of the world’s most accomplished special effects designers to create a unique digital, organic experience of the Exodus. Blending archeological findings with modern eye catching effects, Jacobovici built a virtual museum to showcase his discoveries. It's like Netflix for history... Sign up to History Hit, the world's best history documentary service, at a huge discount using the code 'TIMELINE' ---ᐳ http://bit.ly/3a7ambu You can find more from us on:   / timelinewh     / timelinewh   This channel is part of the History Hit Network. Any queries, please contact owned-enquiries@littledotstudios.com --- Comments: 5 years ago (edited) | @aaronseet2738 | And then God called upon a plague of advertisements. | Votes: 6305 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @erikayahchelle1123 | Aaron Seet 😂😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 97 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @montydaniels1054 | lol lol lol. I would have never thought of that, it was good, lol.... | Votes: 124 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @dominiclizcano2947 | What ads ? I didn’t get any | Votes: 102 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sharonm.8411 | Aaron Seet not when you subscribe to YouTube Premium! I didn’t see a single ad | Votes: 62 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @aaronseet2738 |  @sharonm.8411  You have the anointing of God! Go forth, and preach the path of advertisement-less life! | Votes: 124 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @paullangton-rogers2390 | Exodus 7-11: And these advertisements were long; they lasted 7 days and 7 nights; All who saw them, found their bank accounts depleted; | Votes: 135 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @JKBelle | ☠️ it gets real 😂 | Votes: 11 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @SirBelvedere333 | Get premium and commercials be gone. | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @joeposey7370 | If u skip to the end of the video and then hit rewatch u can watch any video without ads if u do that first.... I learned this from someone last week and thought I'd share that with you ✊✊✊ | Votes: 116 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @janeck.8695 | But then he gave man a brain and let him know about adblock. | Votes: 26 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @hashtag415 | And lo the Hebrew merchants prospered. | Votes: 18 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @donaldhicks3359 | and that wasnt bad enough so he inflicted us with obama | Votes: 15 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @anapreciado780 |  @joeposey7370  this works! Thanks :) | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @justincase1919 | Lol 😂🤣 | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @KJKP | This is very funny! PS- for others, I have no premium service. but, no ads. because I’m in Eastern Europe, maybe? | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @justincase1919 |  @KJKP  It shows the yellow markers for ads on mine, but isnt playing ads. | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sallysassa |  @tokenpoptart3750  - Kevin, I am using adblock now, thanks to you. | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tokenpoptart3750 |  @sallysassa  you're most welcome! It changes the game completely; enjoy :). | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @truthersunitereborn9982 | And Moses said unto his people "let there be ad blocker plus" | Votes: 19 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @thephuntastics2920 |  @sharonm.8411  adblock saves you money. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @AdamSpade | No kidding.... goodness gracious. Look at all those yellow markers. This is when I copy the link and open in a browser with an adblocker. Smh.. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tokenpoptart3750 |  @sallysassa  you are so very much welcome lol! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @SylThaDeal | LMAO!! God only spared those who bought YouTube Premium... | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lickmyfuckinnuts | I am not seeing any ads but it glitches where every AD should be | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @JustJulesAgain | LOL | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @hawkenfox | Use the new brave browser? And the man-made ... advert plague is gone for good. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mariesalomons1054 |  @tokenpoptart3750  thank you so much | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @donavoncash7739 | YouTube premium 👍 That's funny though | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @VitaliyKhomich |  @dominiclizcano2947  they are those commercials that come on every 5 minutes during the video | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @aaronseet2738 | Apparently the Internet is still primitive technology as a medium for communicating jokes. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ThinkFirstable | Hahaha! I saw them at the bottom of the video just as it started playing and I said NOPE!! I am OUTTA here!!! If I wanted to be harassed by THAT many ads, minute after minute, hour after hour, I'd go back to cable tv! And that will NEVER happen! | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @michaelkneringer3194 | And then YouTube set about a plague of advertisement, for the fact there are no "copyrights" in regards to religious writings. Capitalism at a very base level, sad... | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @christymeredith772 | 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @johnmarksmith1120 | Kevin Barrett The last time someone said to me “Thank me later” I ended up in jail for a week. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MzClementine | Seriously 😒 I had to give up my YouTube red thing for a bit. Saving every penny we can. I didn’t understand how annoying this is! But. There is a trick! Push through drag through the video to the end and go back. It eliminates most of them. But seriously 😒 this is absurd! There’s 15! Talk about religious greed! | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kenbridge9822 | I enjoy all the ads ....they remind me of the fond memories of attempting to read anything while raising 8 children & all the interuptions to my attempts to read......sweet.....Shalom | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kendrakvnhvn10 | 😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kenshan5378 | Lol fast forward and then click replay | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @shadantesmalls785 | j[]E p•o•s•e•y wow didnt know that tjanks for the info about the rewatch button to skip ads | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @brenthumphreys5747 | Zoom the search bar to the end then back again and voila! No adds. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kevinbradley8765 |  @sharonm.8411  for real ? dang it ! i'm owned.. more than worth it though i bet ! tanks 😊 | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kevinbradley8765 |  @joeposey7370  come on ! for real ? i gotta see this..... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kevinbradley8765 |  @joeposey7370  Dang Diggitty !!!!! Tanks Dogggg !!!! ring aroun' da rosie ; joe knows da story.. print. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sheilamclaughlin963 | Co2 would kill everything not just first born | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @anaanguiano6658 |  @princejesterful  I ll thank you now even before I get it😂 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @yasminc6755 | Too many ads it’s annoying and even disrespectful to the time put to watch these documentaries. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @arthurtimberlakeiii4831 | 😂😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @jorgetorres6162 | @CJ alright, alright, I'll obey that commandment. 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrRunedrejer | The 11. Plague .. . | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @winston_vanderbilt_ll | Without ads, it isn't any better. It's about illegal migrants! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @thekennedy3333 |  @joeposey7370  I never knew that thank you! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @focus2521 |  @hashtag415  Shots fired | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @hashtag415 |  @focus2521  And lo the gentiles paid thru the nose. (Oops. TO the nose) | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @focus2521 |  @hashtag415  I'm done, I see u got plenty of em!😂😂😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @LarryNathanielPhoto |  @joeposey7370  thanks for that! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bruceeverett9015 | And he said thou shall go forth and save my people from ads.. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ldg508 | #Jeposey It don't work just tried it | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bobsaturday4273 | a plague of 808 morons agree with you in their plague of ignorance of what the rest of the world has used since the creation of ...wait for it ....dun dun dundadada ....ADBLOCKER !!!!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @b.delacroix7592 | Using Brave browser. I saw 0 ads. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @scorp10fl53 | If you want to see 'ANY' YouTube video without ads....And you don't want to subscribe to their 'free of ads service' which you pay for.... here's a hint. Works every time. Step 1 Select your vid. Step 2 If you have that preliminary 'first ad' skip it after the first 5 seconds. Step 3 Access the progress bar and advance it to the very end. It will stop and the 'Play again' symbol will appear in the centre of the screen. AVOID it. Step 4 Holds on the progress bar 'red dot end' and return it to the beginning of the vid,. Voila....No more ads! Work's for me everytime. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @badbones2tone | The greatest miracle of all was not parting of the red sea.. its was raising Jesus from the dead after 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @scorp10fl53 |  @badbones2tone  And even more amazing would be if it could be proved that that happened! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @graydoncarruth397 | Aaron Seet: I am deeply Christian, but wow you win top points! Awesomely hilarious!😂 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @vladdrakul7851 |  @winston_vanderbilt_ll  Get a life. Loser comment! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @winston_vanderbilt_ll |  @vladdrakul7851  - That is not an argument. Please elaborate and back up your ridiculous statements with evidence. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @vladdrakul7851 |  @winston_vanderbilt_ll  You are right it was a statement. I don't play with trolls. Ciao! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @winston_vanderbilt_ll |  @vladdrakul7851  Vanderbuilt vs Drakul, 1:0 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @vladdrakul7851 |  @winston_vanderbilt_ll  Gee you keep a fake score now do you? Well you enjoy your deluded self congratulation it may be all you've got. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tresanapearson6508 | dwl!!!!!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @steadfast9326 | I don’t have premium, and I’m watching in the US... no ads here! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @unleashthetrojanoftruth7845 | Noones biting on this terrible documentarys attempt for history distortion FAKE FAKE FAKE | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @steadfast9326 |  @unleashthetrojanoftruth7845  wow what an intellectual comment, care to explain why? :0 | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @upperleftcoastchelseafan7718 | Why would anyone pay for YouTube Premium just to block ads when all you have to do is enable adblocker in your browser or install adblockplus if your browser doesn't have an adblocker option. It's free why pay? Can't believe in 2019 that people are this technologically inept. Get a clue or quit whining. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @SecondTake123 | People have to eat! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @HemlataSingh-r9w | https://www.jagatgururampalji.org/bible......Kabir is god as per bible....what a evidence....why all hide this truth...this website revealed....nd also as per indians | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lauramcmullin1092 | Lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewphom909 |  @dominiclizcano2947  Jesus love you | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewphom909 |  @paullangton-rogers2390  you are beautiful | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @paullangton-rogers2390 |  @andrewphom909  Thank you | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @paullangton-rogers2390 |  @joeposey7370  Neat tip thanks! Because these adverts are blinding me. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @paullangton-rogers2390 |  @janeck.8695  Even Chrome allows Adblock now (finally). | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mariarebelo2928 | I wish He had..... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @pronoia0126 | Aaron Seet lol 😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @faerie5926 | XD | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @faithandivor | Made my day! Lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @grin64 | I was just gonna brag about my add blockers. Works beautifully. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jenluvzya | 💀 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @redneckoleptic1813 | NO ADS!!! As you video starts forward to the next one with the player let it start and go back with your browser! NO Ad will play now for that video! Repeat for each video! Less of a pain(for me) then waiting to skipping or watching or be forced to watch!   AND, FUNNY!!! and/but, Plagues(advertisement/crime/gas prices etc.) ARE NOT most of the NATURAL(locust/red tide, tidal flow etc.) occurrences which took place!!!!!!!! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @DrPAB181 | :) ;) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @インコBlue_Angel | Aaron Seet 😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @moirathompson7313 | Ross Madsen - the greatest miracle of all was when the Most High stopped time for Joshua . | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rhdtv2002 | YT Red | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @laurensbluerose |  @sharonm.8411  they don't deserve my money censoring truth channels. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @altonmorgan3341 | Amen! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @clouds882 | LOL. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @zaksylvester3871 | 1:32:01 then restart | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @elizabethjackson2651 |  @donaldhicks3359  it just got worth with Donald Trump... Baal Arch tour, google the goatman tour of USA, London ( the queen of England sacrificed 70,000 cow before tour) then google gothard tunnel celebration. Trump named the the capital of Israeli and anointed the building of the 3rd temple... You've got big trouble now buddy!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jwsuicides8095 |  @aaronseet2738  You may have made my fave comment ever. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jwsuicides8095 |  @Daveunave  There are so many professional narratives. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Neku628 |  @montydaniels1054  42222222222333233333333333333333322222222222222222222222222222222q2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222212215q22 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @montydaniels1054 |  @Neku628  lol, I tried to find the comment but it wouldn't go all the way to yours, so I have no way to rad the comment just before yours. Nice coding, I couldn't figure it out... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @montydaniels1054 |  @janeck.8695  lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Neku628 |  @montydaniels1054  I was trolling with that comment. I | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @NephilimFree | The Brooklyn Papyrus is a document from the estate of a wealthy Egyptian of the Middle Kingdom Egyptian period. It lists domestic servants of the estate. 70% of them are semitic, and many are known Hebrew names. Amenemhab, the official scribe of Pharoah Thutmose III who wrote Thutmose III's biography, reported that the pharoah died on March 17, 1450 B.C. According to the Bible, the parting and closure of the Red Sea during the exodus took place on that same day. This verifies that Thutmose III was the pharoah of Egypt at that time, and died in the Red Sea. The body in the tomb of Thutmose has been studied and it has been determined that the body was that of a man in his 20's, which makes it impossible for Thutmose III to be that body since he would have been in his 40's at the time of the exodus. Since his body was never recovered at the Red Sea, his staff killed one of his servants and used him as a replacement to hide the failure of the pharoah. The Papyrus Leiden, also called The Ipuwer Papyrus, dated to the reign of Ramose II, about the year 2510 (1250 b.c): "Issue grain to the men of the army and to the Apiru who draw stone for the great pylon of Ramses II". Again we see Apiru in bondage in Egypt down to the time of Ramose II. They were being used as quarrymen and manual labourers. It describes the plagus of Egypt described in the Bible. It mirrors them so precicely that it's shocking. It's extrabiblical evidence that God smote Egypt with these 10 plagues exactly as the Bible states. https://www.gotquestions.org/evidence-ten-plagues.html http://www.provethebible.com/the-ipuwer-papyrus.html Armana Letters, Papyrus Leiden, Ugarit Texts, Mari texts of the Akkadians, Nuzi Tablets - a Hurrian city in the kingdom of Arrapha - all these ancient sources discuss the Hebrew People, two of them state they lived in Egypt as slaves. The Amarna Letters: The initial discovery of the Habiru surfaced with the discovery of the Amarna Letters in Egypt. This collection is the most extensive treatment of these people from ancient sources. These letters depict the land of Canaan in a state of upheaval. The name spoken by the Egyptians for the "Hebrew" is "Habiru". In Egypt is a canal that is still in use today called Bar Yusef, which means "Canal of Joseph". Joseph is a Hebrew name. The Bible tells us that Joseph was the "right hand man" of a Pharoah. Thus the canal was named after him. The book of Genesis credits Eber as being the father of the Hebrews. References to the Apiru in Egyptian documents and on monuments show their presence in Egypt, and their social importance, for more than three centuries. The same people are called elsewhere "Habiru" or "Habiri". Ancient Egyptian literature dealt with these people, calling them the Apiru. The Hebrew/Apiru connection is especially interesting in Egyptian literature, including the Amarna Letters. Ancient Sumerian Sources: The earliest known references occur in ancient Sumerian cuneiform tablets. The ancient Sumerians were the first civilization in recorded history, and possess mysterious origins. The Akkadians: In the ancient kingdom of Mari, over 25,000 Akkadian tablets were discovered. These tablets provided place names for over 500 previously unknown places. The Mari tablets shed invaluable light on the identity of the Habiru as well. Ancient Hurrian Sources: Nuzi was a Hurrian city in the kingdom of Arrapha. In this agricultural city, over 5,000 tablets were discovered. These tablets mention these people being forced to enter domestic service. The Ugarit Texts: The Ugarit discovery proved to be one of the single most important archaeological finds in the modern era. Texts from an ancient scroll's school and library led to the decipherment of Ugaritic. These texts also mention the Apiru, a different appellation for the Hebrew people. Manetho admitted that there were many cases in which there were two Pharaohs ruling at the same time; one over the north and one over the south. Egypt was a 1000 km long stretch and only a few miles wide. It was impractical, if not impossible, for one Pharaoh to rule over that kind of distance in those days. In short, rather than Pharaohs ruling consecutively, they ruled contemporarily. Knowing this, we automatically begin to shorten the dates of Egyptian rule according to secular thinking. In addition to this there is the TIP, or Third Intermediate Period, which takes place between the 18th and last dynasty. It is called the Dark Ages of Egypt because we know nothing about it. In fact, many extremely reputable Egyptologists are beginning to say it never existed. Getting rid of this period also shortens up the secular timeframe for Egypt. In all, we shorten the reign of the Pharaohs about 1000 years and end up with the 12th dynasty in power during the time of the Exodus. In the city of Beni Hassan lie the tombs of Ameni from the time of Sosotheris I. The recorded message there is, “No one was unhappy in my days, not even in the years of famine, for I had tilled all the fields of the Nome of Mah, up to its southern and northern frontiers. Thus I prolonged the life of its inhabitants and preserved the food which it produced” (Egypt under the Pharaoh’s, Brugsch, p. 158). This seems to be good support of a famine and people being preserved through the famine just as the Bible says in the days of Joseph. Still other evidence comes from the tomb of Kanuhotep of the 12th dynasty. Here we see pictures of what lookjust like Israelite men coming to trade with the Egyptians. Therefore, we have evidence of Semetic people in Egypt during this time, exactly what the Bible says. Not far from the pyramids of Sosotheris is an interesting city of the 12th dynasty called Kahun. Roselie David (a secular Egyptologist) writes about this city in her book, Pyramid Builders of Ancient Egypt. It was excavated in 1890 and found to be a very well organized and laid out city. Apparently there were Semitic people living there and they just seemed to have disappeared for no reason. Does this sound like Jews leaving in an Exodus? On page 91 Roselie states, “It is apparent that the Asiatics were present in the town in some numbers, and this may have reflected the situation elsewhere in Egypt. . . their exact homeland in Syria or Palestine cannot be determined. . .The reason for their presence in Egypt remains unclear.” "Egyptologist Manfred Bietak was reading a 60-year-old report of a dig near Luxor in Egypt when a surprising find caught his eye. Near a mortuary temple from the 12th century B.C., archaeologists had uncovered a grid of shallow trenches, which they guessed was the base of a workers' hut. Bietak, head of the Institute of Egyptology at Vienna University, recognized the floor plan as that of the four-room houses used by almost all Israelites from the 12th to the sixth century B.C. What was it doing in Egypt? If Bietak is right, the trenches could be the first physical evidence for the Bible story of the Israelites' exodus from Egypt." http://www.usnews.com/usnews/culture/articles/031020/20exodus.htm Egyptian stele in the temple at Thebes which gives us the earliest known mention of Israel. It is a 7.5 foot high funerary monument of Pharaoh Merneptah, who ruled from 1213 to 1203 B.C. As you may know, these monuments outlined a Pharaoh's lifetime accomplishments and were written (or dictated) by him for his tombstone prior to his death. He refers to conquering Israel (among others) and says, "Israel is laid waste, his seed (people) is not." Israel is referred to as "a people". | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tinasinsay2431 | 😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @montydaniels1054 |  @Neku628  lol why ? I thought you were leaving me a contact number, which I couldn't figure out, lol.... Oh well, I guess if you're trolling & honest enough to tell me & anyone else who's reading this, you probably don't have anything malice behind it.... Thx for telling me though.... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @oceania68 | lmao | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @therealb888 |  @aaronseet2738  My science gave me Ad block plus for free! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ipeeinmysinkimafraidtocome7127 |  @paullangton-rogers2390  republican god ? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @paullangton-rogers2390 | peeing in sink is ok that's a guy thing we all do it, it's when you start storing it in jars like Howard Hughes you got problems lol Afraid to come out your room? Why? Republican God? I'm not sure what that means.. 'One Nation Under God' reference? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @myra.n | Omg ... lol 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @thefemininealchemist | I CANT STAND YOU!!! lol lol lol lol...... i JUST SPIT OUT MY JUICE.....LET ME GO CHANGE MY SHIRT | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bjmoon1097 | That is damn funny | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @forpetessake3532 | Sharon M. Cuz you’re SPECIAL like that | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @forpetessake3532 | Thoth Al Khem When something’s FREE, I get suspicious | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @CityThatCannotBeCaptured | ROFLMAO. Oh magnificent. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lukeskywalkerjediknight2125 | Aaron Seet xD | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @susanfrazer4341 | Aaron Seet 😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @brianjames723 | Aaron Seet Absolutely Brilliant🥇 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mfgunit | And then God created man, who created Youtube AdBlock Chrome extensions. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @thepresence2095 |  @sharonm.8411  How much does it cost? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @whoknows1631 | hahahaha | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mufarohove9379 |  @tokenpoptart3750  Thank you!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @troyevitt2437 | It's like the movie, "And God Spoke", wherein the film-backers withdraw support and the producers are reduced to Product-Placement to fund the rest of the project. In one scene, Moses descends Mt. Sinai with a 6-pack of Co-Cola and the 10 Commandments. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @andrewg3257 | Hahaha | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @johnmoore9404 | lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @user-sc7nh6dg3r | see above | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @geoffreyallen888 |  @tokenpoptart3750  It's later. Thank you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @geoffreyallen888 | Aaron Seet, Aaron seet. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @geoffreyallen888 |  @sheilamclaughlin963  CO2 is heavier than air. If the eldest son sleeps below, he dies. If he so much as stands up, he lives. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @chrismach454 | Only you would think of that lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @OTBDBOY | 😂😂 fr wtf | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Tunawesmake |  @NephilimFree  Wow! Very rich text. Will be sure to go over these sources today and get back to you... Thanks for these. Keep it up! Blessings! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ilohymshaddai590 | yo that was funny Lol Lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jmercado934 | Yep | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rhondaclark716 | Aaron Seet And now they have all of them. All. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jamescreek1319 | And god said unto Moses come forth and receive thy blessings but Moses came fifth and received a toaster as a consolation prize thanks for playing. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @KerrieRedgate | Google didn’t get the memo about “Interruption Marketing” being passé in the 21st century. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Thalor | If you're on mobile use YouTube Vanced for Android | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @anitaneal3082 | There were no white people in kemet so how would you know all those people were black may be when the most high comes to the earth again you will stop telling the false story of the book | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @pixiecut11 | Aaron Seet 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nataliastillwell4324 | Aaron Seet 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @noomwa | Lololol....too funny! Truer words. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @andrewvillafuerte5590 | LOL 😁😄 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @cosmin12365 |  @dominiclizcano2947  try open it on phone if you have adblock on pc | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Porsha488 | 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Mark-bo7pb | really annoying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it just keep getting worse | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @JesusChristLovesUs4ever |  @joeposey7370  I did that after a while my tv started misbehaving, slowmotion 👀 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @FreedomInTruth777 | But unto God's people, he gave the blessing of AdBlock as a protection of this plague. Halleluyah!!!!!!!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @DIONISMP | Thus sayest the lord. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Tknononesense | 🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Tknononesense |  @realmorgellons  🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @lieutenantcolombo1758 | 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Droctagon1 | Aaron Seet lololol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @consideryourendyou4126 |  @MasterCedar  That's not even close to being funny. ...plus The Most High wins in the End. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @AntonNb |  @tokenpoptart3750  some smartphone are unable to install them , you can't root blackberry based android | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Sangsangi809 | Holy Seet😁 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ehsananik2465 | Read the Quran.. Everything is there :) like our prophet isa said some thing in bibel.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @clairebeane3455 | Sharon M. Me either!! It is GLORIOUS!! 😊 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @algonquin91 | A most perfect comment hahahaha | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @allisondickey1882 |  @MasterCedar  I think you got that backwards. Satan wants commercials, but God would be the savior. How do I find ADBLOCK? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @MasterCedar |  @allisondickey1882  https://adblockplus.org/ and may god have mercy on your soul. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @worldfamousgamer9191 | lmaooo great comment | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nkirumelifonwu12 | 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bonhoeffersdaughter8748 | The BEST investment for viewing YouTube is to pay for PREMIUM. And ENJOYING all the music without ads is 👍 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @kevinlotivio | Adblock Plus duh | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Popclone | Don’t shake your phone or the ad comes on. ( secret tip ). | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @TheLeebus | Aaron Seet haha! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @navygurl4182 | 🤣🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @greypowergav | NO NOT GOD... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @aurora2319 | LOL this is so witty funny !!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @trafficbabe | Deny us 10 times....and 10 commercials you will have. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @josephhernandez2337 | LMFAO! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @scotiawillow | Brilliant, Aaron!!!! LOL | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @atarahbrown9467 | Fast forward to end. And go back to beginning. Bypass ads.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @florastewart7957 | Ha ha. Let my people go! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @avneshphilip815 | 🤣ya seen many ads | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dianamajka1060 | Token Fortwenty Thank you, very much! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @maja__5047 | Skip to the end of the video and replay. Ur welcome | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @johnhanks4260 | All ad vertisments are authoritaruian for making the insecure thinking they are special with apecial prreron with a special deal,  Ideal sterotytpes and trademarks.   Conflicts Subconsiscious choices, Not free.. Unaware without common sense reality. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @garywilson818 | That would be Satan and His advertisers | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Trev612 | This is how you get rid of the ads scroll all the way to the last 10 seconds of the video let it play through and come to an end and then rewind it to the beginning. boom no ads! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @heatherfeather1293 | Adblock...never watch one again | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @shearslisa | And then there was light (it's called youtube) you have two seconds of ads for every twenty some minutes of show that's nothing by comparison to what you get on cable which incidentally was originally created the pay for tv for zero ads; until they managed to block analog signals; which you can bypass by purchasing a basic antennae; which no cable company can scramble; as it comes directly from the same satellites as the cable companies use to distribute or block the signals to the consumers; see where there is a will there is a way; we didn't grow up with a thousand channels we used antennas and had pretty good shows on tv and lots of choice of what to watch back in the days when families sat together and had dinner at the kitchen table(obsolete)or sat together and watched tv together another thing that's obsolete...I miss those days... no one has time for the very foundation of their existence on this earth; their families... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @briantheisen1926 | 🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @estifanosberta-samuel2570 | OMG 😆 😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dunkey7481 | Im a little late but if you skip the vid to the very end youll get one ad then just pull it back to the start | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @misseunice1998 | Hahahahhaa | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @-hiro-5995 | Aaron Seet true lol haha haha | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @junelledembroski9183 | You weren’t kidding! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Lemon_trees7 | 🤣🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @karlcolt | And i say unto my son, use ADBLOCKER! Now go in peace. Hahahahahahaha!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Dude0000 | Fast forward to the end, let the last few seconds play out then hit replay. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dellingson4833 |  @sharonm.8411  you spent money on jew tube shame on you. Adblock is free. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @marciatargato8093 | Lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mpaullama4910 | https://youtu.be/_Zs5oXSKhok | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @AZRAEL_FURY | This was clearly Satan's doing. He doesn't want us to know the truth lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @AZRAEL_FURY | To avoid ads, Scroll to the last 30 seconds, and let it play out. Then hit REPLAY. then it shall be AD FREE! YAY! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @DannieJ | 😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @leonhind4337 | Gods turning this world upside down and on its head God is the head... Watch your heads | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @sethm8967 | Indeed..hate the advertisements😁 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @willow9530 | incognito adblocker.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @willow9530 | @residue junkie nothing in your playlist with such a name..... you should correct what you actually mean.... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @willow9530 | @residue junkie yes it is there about bibles but it doesn't say KJV in the title, nor are most short videos. I watched one about the call to the pastor and added my 2 cents in the comments (2)..... I found nothing worthy of repeating in that video. No or little understanding of the bible let alone prophecy.... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @golden7146 | 😂😂😂!!! I'm Cracking up!! Yes! Please Lord🙌🏽! I cant stand these advertisements!😂🤦‍♀️🤗! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @JenaEmerald | An lo the people were burdened by the advertising and they could neither fast forward them nor skip ahead. They that saw the advertisement were tempted to take surveys and give their opinions about products and grievous was the sum of them for the advertising continued on an on at five minute intervals and sorely interrupted a pretty interesting show actually. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @countrymyheart50 |  @aaronseet2738  thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @countrymyheart50 | Thou shalt not take the Lord's name in vain. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jcmwjcmw2006 | Fwd...scroll to end...then move back to +-1minute into vid....voila...no ads!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @therange4033 | If you install AdBlock Plus (it's free) ALL those annoying adverts on YouTube will disappear! It's magic!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nikac2258 | Aaron Seet good one ... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @therange4033 | Just load Adblock Plus to PC! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @MasterCedar |  Arto Rius  I suggest you read your ancient book of myths and fairy tales, do a body count for God, do the same for Satan, then we can talk about who kills more. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bjmccoy5638 | You got a like from me I can asure you that. Oh my good joke. Lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @JohnDonovanProductions | Lmao | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @magusalakcristituto449 | well again this narrator can exPlained it again in science.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @trickster8303 | Thank you | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ElusiveMonk47 | Let the plague of raid shadow legends rain down upon you sinful nonbelievers | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @juanvaldes1837 |  @joeposey7370  thanks really appreciate | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @andrewd2114 | Just go to the end of the vid and press replay and they will all go away | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @devynglass3781 | 😂😂😂 That is a good one! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @johnbeechy | I cant find one military commander in human history that killed 14% of his or her own troops before planning to invade or war... nobody did that.. moses Exodus 32:27 is a mass murder, a coup and he took out all them that were leaders.. God had nothing to do with that mass murder.. / so i take the ads over the Fact that moses and his 10Cs got too many Hebrews killed and made into sheep.... as their Torah states.. ''moses why not go back? there are no melons and no onions here u promised' // I prefer the ads with My 'skip ad' button vs the mass murder of death for THINKING.. think of the 100,000s of Hebrews put to death over just the 1000s of years that Hebrews had to live by them Ten Commandments I think of how and if they came back... and they not want to be hunted down by their own leaders.. / hence the atheists that made the ads may have been Hebrews in a prior life that died at the hand of an orthodox Hebrew or a Levite following orders of moses.. / | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @tarrusbigman4919 | Lol actually I like watching while reading the comments this is really a plague 🤣🤣🤣💯💯💯 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @PowderCat6699 | Pay the 12$ a month for you tube premium and away with the ads. Nothing is free nowadays. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Jillworrell22 | Skip to end hit replay no ads | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Nexus-ub4hs | Brilliant 🤣👏👏 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Lordofvenlo | I forgive you all. My people lack death and perish from knowledge. Skip the video from the beginning of the video till the end and return to the start.. ads disappear | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Master-n-Teachvirgo8557 | 🤭u sat threw them🤣not today Satan😁 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @fifteenbyfive | Download Firefox and use Adblock people otherwise shut your whining. Crybabies who can solve their own problems in seconds flat but they have to cry and get 4,400 other crybabies to like the sound of their whining...wtf | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @aaronseet2738 |  @fifteenbyfive  Because most people understand a joke when they read it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @JesusOurKing | Omigosh the great God almighty don't give you a free pass to heaven for this comment.... 😁😅🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @darkmoon8400 | 🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mitchellc4 | The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. RSV Only-monos God-theos Monos theos Monotheism The Father Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)! Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has ab God! Jesus has a God! Jesus died! God can’t die! God raised Jesus from the dead! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jdeanwinchester9836 | Premium. No ads | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ArcticSeraph | Those who are faithful can endure any number of advertisement thrown at them. It is a test to see how faithful you are. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @mssucks3462tommy | And then god created Youtube premium and the plague passed over the subscribers. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @jessiehaislet3625 | Haha! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @aarifboy | At 8:26 presenter must have uttered these words in reference to 1947 "There were two exoduses based upon two nation theory, first in Egypt second in British India. First was requested by Moses second by Jinnah lol" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @theaterofsouls | ahahahaha | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @hove785 | lmaooooooooooooo | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @paysour3 | Just fast forward to the end and then replay without commercials. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @kristianehussenmaratas6931 | hahahahahahhahahahaha annoying ads | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @FootballAndSuch |  @sharonm.8411  please don't act privileged You paid i scrolled to the end of the video pressed "replay" and my ads were removed, free of charge. Why pay? Lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @sharonm.8411 |  @FootballAndSuch  act privileged? Really? Because I choose to pay for a service instead of complaining about how bad the service is without paying the premium? Ok... if your not going to pay for the premium service - shut up with all the whining about commercials! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @newmoon54 | And the Lord GOD said, ."""..... And Thou shalt NOT shop at any other retailer ..... other than ...................~~~W-A-L-M-A-R-T~~~ ................. ~!~ | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @henrimourant9855 | Lmao | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @aminatmaliki4841 | Hilarious | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @pokeraddict |  @tokenpoptart3750  do not tell people our secrets bro | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @adrianstevens165 | 😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @akiinefaexperiencinglife | 🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @robinhaney1746 |  @montydaniels1054  your good looking | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @audreystar4868 | 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @stratcastor8988 | Ha! What God??? The Good & the Bad ....gOD & SATAN are 1.... like some , too much has KNOWN ...THEY ARE TOGETHER IN ALL THINGS. @MasterCedar  | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @brittanyw7546 | 🤣🤣😭 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ogi5699 | Wow a funny YouTube comment. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @3rdegree_357 | Pay for premium account | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @primadonna4535 | 😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @hemanyadav1303 |  @SirBelvedere333  okay then get me premium subscription 😂🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @hemanyadav1303 |  @joeposey7370  good man.. U will go to heaven... U made a change 😂🤣u increased my life... 🤣😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @hemanyadav1303 |  @thephuntastics2920  and what are u doing of that saved money?? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @SirBelvedere333 |  @hemanyadav1303  give your heart to Jesus that’s all the script you need. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @hemanyadav1303 |  @SirBelvedere333  but i can't😅 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ricardologan426 | 😂 at least it’s free. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @NephilimFree |  andrion waser  LOL Moses was Hebrew, the offspring of Eber. His geneology is recorded in the Bible. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @dmarcellon | 😆 🤣 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MagesseT1 | 😂😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MagesseT1 |  @kenbridge9822  😂 I only had one, pretty much for the same reason 🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @karenstafford6456 | So Funny! LOL | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @RB-ib3mo |  @joeposey7370  you have no idea how happy I am to have found your comment. This has made my day | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @MCV-xg7kc | @Thoth Al Khem Adblock plus does not work.I tried it and deleted it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @dwaynepagnotto6771 | LMAO!!! Nice. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @shudenhaag791 | Legend ! Bro u are a legend !!! Could not say it better!!!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mayanlogos92 | 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mayanlogos92 |  @aaronseet2738  😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mayanlogos92 |  @paullangton-rogers2390  😂😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @22vx | Let their be YouTube Premium | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @SyriusStarMultimedia | LMAO!!! 😆😆😆😆😆🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @vnagscdbar9340 | 😂😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @cyjeren1627 | You fast forward the video to the end, and replay, ads will be gone😘😘😘 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @sidewinder814u |  @sharonm.8411  Best $10.OO I spend every month. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @stephencurah1059 | 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @zzzz759 | Exactly! Great program but my goodness! What is the scientific explanation for so many commercials? Absolutely none! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @citricacid8649 | And the Saitan called upon an AdBlock B) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @doomwalker9934 |  @sharonm.8411  and god blessed the premium subscribers for the ads plagued them not. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @D-No974 | Brilliant 👏 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @offwiththefairiesforever2373 | They are trying to force us into paying for you tube by driving us nuts | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @lionsinofprideescanor8709 | Sacrilege lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @TR-gg5er | 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @notgivinup |  @tokenpoptart3750  I have that as well! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @bassam5714 |  @anapreciado780  I am trying this too late. I have already seen all the ads | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @bassam5714 |  @sallysassa  I'm in the middle of the video and I came here to see if anyone is tired of the ads. I am going to adblock right now thanks | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @bellab41 | As soon as I seen the many ad 🧐 markers I decided not to watch | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @davidvilla9458 | Lmfao | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @araratarkofgod7215 | True For example Covid-19. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ThomasG_Nikolaj | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG8ujnM0COm6TzQc8YwjQzYEizTOX4bkC :) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @clintbillton2161 | 12 $ for Premium is well spent money. No more ads. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @shelliepoitras2473 | 😂😂😂😂😂priceless! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @pobonarengh4320 | Hands down the best comment ever made. You must be a prophet. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @paulcock8929 | And You tube saw that it was good. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @AMQ_JiuJitsu | Maybe you should get Premium... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @COCONUTS307 | Geez it's not like you're watching free documentary on youtube.. What a boomer crying about ads lmao.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @RR-pf4jo | Well, let's name that god; Lucifer called upon the plague of advertisements! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @johnpearce3714 |  residue junkie  YES ,WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW ASTO WHY YOU SAID THIS ???!!! --- YOU STATED THAT YOU LOVE THE WORD OF GOD . ------ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @johnpearce3714 |  @NephilimFree  , YOU HAVE CERTAINLY DONE A LOT OF HOMEWORK IN CHECKING PAST HISTORY. ---- YES , VERY INTERESTING. ------ MANY THANKS. --- | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @RuiKok01NRTH | Lmao | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @leemanton4994 | Premium just saying | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @tjlightningbolt | Now thats funny! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ahmada2090 | The real Mount Sinai in Jabal Al-Lawz, northwest of Saudi Arabia, and this video. Search by title for the video (Finding the Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @AaA-rw5nt | Our God is capital G | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @zulaihazakaria4572 | 🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @AtamMardes | "After a gullible emotional person becomes a radical fundamentalist by being fooled & indoctrinated to consider an imaginary invisible God, his messenger, his son, his book, or any other man-made story sacred, the acquired dogmatism & fanaticism will cause motivated ignorance, deception & intellectual dishonesty while performing mental acrobatics in order to defend the sacredness. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @karencecil4561 | That is too funny!!!. It's true. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @karencecil4561 |  @donaldhicks3359  it's one plague after another. We are plagued with plagues | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mtbroca |  @joeposey7370  may the gods bless you | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @shawndouglass2939 | And then he created premium, and jobs so people can pay for it😜 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @shawndouglass2939 |  @sharonm.8411  I didn't see any either😉 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @shawndouglass2939 |  @joeposey7370  I did that for yrs till I got premium😁 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @shawndouglass2939 |  @kevinbradley8765  Blahaha😁😜😹!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @wesleyshuenn1811 | Good one Aaron....hahahaha | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ellencutter5661 | I only wish our God would do something right now ; to show he does exist | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ellencutter5661 |  @montydaniels1054  ok | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @montydaniels1054 |  @ellencutter5661  Hi Ellen, I'd have to search through 357 replies.... I'm not sure if I said something bad, or what... Dan | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @nooffence7670 |  @HemlataSingh-r9w  god found the internet | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @steevehoyoufat9155 |  @aaronseet2738  man stfu lmao 🤣 😂 💀 😆 😭 touché | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @brentkaufman1723 |  @paullangton-rogers2390  "And behold, the 7 day/night cycle was good, and so the people did verily attach every tent with a cable. And outside the encampment the cables lead to a provider of service, that could only help each person with their problems, and unto each person a problem according to the limits of their abilities to bear, yet slightly above that limit. And woe to those whom the Lord did smite with poor reception for the were made to wait while listening to The Girl from Ipanema played on an accordion. Finally a person from the furthest corner of the Earth, beyond the Indus Valley, 2 nights journey by nameless horse, who with deceit upon his lips tells that his name is Jeff son of Anders. Do not believe his false testimony, but worry not for after this day, his face you will see not again all the days of your life. And on that day, that holy day when the cable brings you all manner of pleasure and incorrect information and can sit in comfort watching marathons of Law & Order, all the days of your life. And there was much rejoicing. yay!" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mahmoodali1533 | Lot of lies in this documentary, marathon jumping , conspiracy theories , facts, twisting and lies in the quest to prove the bible is correct. Egyptian at the time of Joseph they did not have ring seals to begin with, the had seals, but not in the form of rings. And Hebrew surely was not developed until the 1000 century before Christ. Surely at the time of Joseph there was no Hebrew letters nor probably Hebrew language and surely neither Joseph nor Jacob spoke Hebrew. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @nooffence7670 | No lies.NO LIES . | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mahmoodali1533 |  @nooffence7670  How it is not lie when it is well known that Yaqub-Har was well known was a pharaoh of Egypt during the 17th or 16th century BCE. As he reigned during Egypt's fragmented Second Intermediate Period. Long time before the biblical Jacob. he Canaanite pharaoh and the name Yaqub name is a well cannanite name, so logically Abraham would have named his son Jacob, but Jacob the son of Abraham is totally different from Yaqub-Har , but most likely both were Canaanite. Second the Biblical Jacob had no any statue in Egypt neither political, nor religious nor even as a rich man apart from merely entered Egypt at the old age stayed a few years and then dead. further more Furthermore, Jacobovici provides no explanation as to why Joseph would have a signet ring with the name of his father Jacob. For Joseph to have a ring of his father, that must mean the opposite meaning Jacob would have had a high statue in Egypt and then Joseph inherited his statue when the biblical narrative is the opposite as it portrayed Joseph as the one who had a high statue in Egypt in the first place, not Jacob. This documentary is full of lies. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @nooffence7670 |  @mahmoodali1533  he was so well known you don't even know which century he was in .how is yours version the truth you speculate very important points as fact. you also do the same in the story of the Bible .you cannot call something a lie by making up facts that's called a lie so you are a not telling the truth which makes you a | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mahmoodali1533 |  @nooffence7670  You are lying to yourself. Even if we do not know what century he lived in how that is important to the fact that we know he was Canaanite Pharaoh? There is not one single Egyptian dynasty or one single Pharaoh that we are sure 100% what century they were lived in does that make some a non Egyptian pharaoh or non Egyptian dynasty. Keep lying to your self and keep believing on those fairy tales. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @nooffence7670 |  @mahmoodali1533  listen to yourself there's your answer same thing applies we know Moses lived we know Jesus lived | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mahmoodali1533 |  @nooffence7670  No, not the same. You are merely twisting what I said to suit your agenda. We know Pharaoh Yaqub-Har har lived because we have his own seal , we know he lived before the Hyksos and we know he used the name Yaqub-Har and Yaqub-Har baal. Further more we know that he had a high statue because he used the title har or baal because we know Hyksos kings and those before Hyksos used the title har and baal. so, based on his seals we know there was a man named Yaqub har or Yaqub baal and from the title har and baal we know he had a high statue. But, what do we know about Abraham? Nothing. What do we know about Moses? Nothing? What do we know about Joseph? Nothing. What do we know about Jacob? Nothing. What do we know about Jesus Christ ? Nothing. All we know about Jesus are barely two doubtful testimonies, every scholar doubts their validity. But, keep believing in your fairy tale. Faith is just the other face of blindness. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @nooffence7670 |  @mahmoodali1533  is the Koran a lie too | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @nooffence7670 |  @mahmoodali1533  it is all lies like all religion the Koran is a lie if the Bible is as the false prophet of Islam is mentioned in the Bible | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mahmoodali1533 |  @nooffence7670  Did I ever mentioned the quran or Islam here or religion here.? I was only talking for historical point of view ? What the quran or Islam or prophet Muhammad as to do with history? Unable to defend your bible histrionically so you resort to attack other religions? That is, really, a cheap way to defend your Bible? If you admit clearly that you can not historically prove anything in the bible and what you have is merely fairy tales then we can talk about about Islam. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mahmoodali1533 |  @nooffence7670  GOOD News 3 hours ago @Mahmood Ali is the Koran a lie too. Is this a historical defense? How this could prove your bible is correct historically? I thought you can defend your bible historically. What a waste of time. Why did you respond to me in the first place if you can not defend your bible historically at the end?, | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @nooffence7670 |  @mahmoodali1533  thought so | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @tragicallyhoney | l'OL | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @AztlanOz | 🤣 “never a truer word spoken in jest” as my good mother would say | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @onechristianwallace | Solid gold! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @JFT05 | 🤣😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @taherbadnawarwala4063 | The moment I read your comment advertisement stikes like the punishment from god. And that literally happened 😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @troyturner6083 | Premium dude Premium | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @BigGrizzNYC | Ha! That’s funny bro. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @pattih7 | Yes; poor place to insert ad for their business! 🧐 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @carmelaquiatchon8243 | LMAO | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @matthewlivermanne4441 | Ain't that the truth LoL | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Jason.cbr1000rr | Im Buddhist tho | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @AtamMardes | Reading the Bible proves it was written by delusional people who were intellectually comparable to the Talibans. Deuteronomy 20 : 10 When you approach a city to fight against it, you are to make an offer of peace. 11 If they accept your offer of peace and open their gates, all the people there will become forced laborers to serve you. 12 But if they refuse to make peace with you and wage war against you, lay siege to that city. 13 When the LORD your God has delivered it into your hand, you must put every male to the sword. 14 But the women, children, livestock, and whatever else is in the city—all its spoil—you may take as plunder, and you shall use the spoil of your enemies that the LORD your God gives you. 15 This is how you are to treat all the cities that are far away from you and do not belong to the nations nearby. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ryantravis242 | That's funny | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Bless-the-Name | Skip to the end and click replay. Problem solved. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @stevecollier8745 |  @joeposey7370  Well shared, thank you very much. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @stevecollier8745 |  @joeposey7370 . Well shared, thank you very much. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @andreavaldes7082 |  @montydaniels1054  P0 mmm o | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ascent8487 | 😂 good one. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Talking_With_Gabrielle | 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @upendo.3570 |  @dominiclizcano2947  u use premium ? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jamesjones999 | 🤣😂🤣😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @bluesutra6686 | hahha, that's a good one. Thank you! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @josephsaia5527 | Follow the money | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mariocassina90 | I wanted to watch ads but there is a video in between | Votes: 3021 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @derek3899 | pay for prime | Votes: 38 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @CstriderNNS | add blocker pluss no asdds ever | Votes: 18 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @scorp10fl53 | If you want to see 'ANY' YouTube video without ads....And you don't want to subscribe to their 'free of ads service' which you pay for.... here's a hint. Works every time. Step 1 Select your vid. Step 2 If you have that preliminary 'first ad' skip it after the first 5 seconds. Step 3 Access the progress bar and advance it to the very end. It will stop and the 'Play again' symbol will appear in the centre of the screen. AVOID it. Step 4 Hold on the progress bar 'red dot end' and return it to the beginning of the vid,. Voila....No more ads! Work's for me everytime. | Votes: 108 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @nidhikush2646 | Hajahaha | Votes: 23 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jamesbonde4470 | Get Adblock. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @johndelgado8356 | Ha ha but true | Votes: 12 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @VASI_LIKI | 😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @austrorus | I have not one advertisement ( Moscow,Russia) they found the Pharaoh's son's mummy. it was 12 years. But NO age was given to the - ordinary - Egyptians skeletons . only - male -. no age.. .an oversight or was there just nothing there? | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @emelle_1953 | lol | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @WWuxian | I didn't notice that. 😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @austrorus |  @scorp10fl53  for me as well. and indeed every time. with no adblocker installed! | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @scorp10fl53 |  @austrorus  Thanks for confirming that. 😉 | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ayo6084 | (´ε` )♡(´ε` )(´ε` )(。’▽’。(´ε` )(´ε` )♡(´ε` )♡(´ε` )♡(´ε`  @scottstreet1 ñpmnm n(´ε` )♡(´ε` )♡\(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥(♥ω♥*)(´ε` )♡(๑¯ω¯(´ε` (´ε` )(╯_╰(´ε` )♡(´ε` (●´з`)♡(´ε` mmnmmm PmmNL moñmmpmmm0mp0mmo pmmpman mo nm ñmJPLmmñmñmo Adamlom Mmmmmmm MmmmmLMmmm NL no pnpnm Mñ(╯_╰)(´ε` )♡(´ε` )♡(╯_╰)-_-(´ε` )♡(´ε` )♡(´ε` (´ε` )♡(´ε` )\(-ㅂ-)mm✨💎💎✨💎💎✨ 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 💎💎💎💎💎💎💎 ✨💎💎💎💎💎 ✨✨💎💎💎✨✨ ✨✨✨💎✨✨✨(´ε` )♡ unkthekLuukkuUKkjulykuliuUMÑ | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @skhumbuzomukangwe3638 | Good one | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tincutaboza2859 | Enki or Enlil?????!!!! | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @timw4383 |  @scorp10fl53 : OH, MY GOD! Lol I wonder how long this will work. Lol | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @abdulrahmanguiaman7586 | this is not the mount sinai...the real mount sinai is in saudi arabia... | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ewhitmo1 |  @scorp10fl53  oh my gosh that actually worked thank you! | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jenluvzya | 💀 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @richardsanchez9190 | Lucky for you the video doesn't get in the way of the ads too much | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @williamwagener | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpp6sIP19dM Watch to end ... then COMMENT. you will want to share! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @madgary5827 | ​ @scottstreet1  Isn't that common knowledge by now? You are correct. It actually does work and has for years I've used it so long that I forgot YouTube even had ads:-) | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @madgary5827 | @94982 But it doesn't have a microphone! I need a microphone. AdBlock! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @xaviusamericus9561 | 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @xaviusamericus9561 | James Bonde Is BRAVE available on iOS? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @demetricquattlebaum1698 | 😂😂😂🤣🤣 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @canniekilmer2808 | I think he is implying , ads have more information ! | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @amandalynn3538 | 😂😂😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @benjaminfalzon4622 | Mario Cassina, the ads are the only worth watching, The video is extremely annoying. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @anitaneal3082 | There you go telling lies there were no white people in kemet be stop telling those lies ant no ways we know better Africa have all ready told us | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @7delights | Dear sir can i know are you Scientist or archaeologist | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @iBAS11 | Hahahaha Many of them didn't understand you. They even telling you how to stop Ads. Very funny..... The God Delusion | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @laguanhayes214 | No doubt! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @laguanhayes214 |  @scorp10fl53  So far so good. How did you figure that out? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @scorp10fl53 |  @laguanhayes214  Necessity is the mother of invention and Frustration is her sister. Lol I hate commercials. I noticed that when I replayed videos by dragging back the bar the adverts were not included. Da daah. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @russellgrantappling1153 | What you watch add too? Oh man, I thought I was the only one. Some of those adds hold truth. As well as great ideas. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @susancady2581 | Mario Cassina LMAO!!!😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @retsubanires | lol people didn't get the joke | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Flash-Strike | Advertban | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @alarmclock540 | Waah you see half empty glass as half full glass ! Perfecto😊 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @paulrobinson3685 | Ol they are getting there!! Try Christian videos or music videos their commercial are full length programs!! Longer than what's being put in as main purpose. Can't stand it!! Uuuuugh | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Suicide-Samurai | Skip to the last 10 seconds of the video watch till the end then press replay, boom! No ads, no need for prime, ad blockers or ad blocker browsers. Works for all videos on youtube so just for future reference for those who love documentaries and enjoying content w/o the bs. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @alarmclock540 |  @Suicide-Samurai  you're true epitome of human intelligence! Thanks human! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @James-co2nb |  @scorp10fl53  Bro, if you keep telling everyone, YouTube's going to nerf it! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Sylvysue | You made me laugh! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @luluadapa5222 | Mario, just go right to the end of the video, refresh and watch from the beginning without adverts! Enjoy! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @thab5251 |  @derek3899  Kinda defeats "his" aim won't it? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @elled10024 | 🙏🏻 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @loubsnixxvlogs4364 |  @scottstreet1  😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @texasray5237 | Great for snacks and bathroom breaks so you can get back before the next ad starts. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @TAXCOLLECTOR-mx3mg | I see some people didn't get the joke. Yes, this was a typical ad for their so called BIBLE that they wrote several minutes after the death of Christ. ahem. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @farahsali1 | 🤣good sense of humour | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @karlamkuhn760 | @jaffa tyree they wandered in the desert bcuz of disobedience & fear. Don't place human tendencies/error/mistakes/stubbornness(sin!) on our CREATOR/SAVIOR/REDEEMER. We make our own choices each & every day. HE's WILLING to go thru them with us, but here's where stubbornness & doubt come in. Similar to the blame game which began at our origins. ELOHIM(GOD) CALLED out to Adam to ask him where he was & what he'd been doing. (Like a Patient parent giving a child a chance to confess so as to make it right w/o or w/less negative consequence.) Adam hides...comes out, but upon ?ing of just "What have you been doing? ....Did you eat the apple[?]?", he immediately blames Eve in his response. "That woman you gave me gave it to me & I ate!" HE (ELOHIM/GOD/YAHWEH) ASKS Eve, & she in turn blames the serpent for tricking her. (Nah! Own up and THAT will Positively begin to turn things around!) Instead, these 1/2 truths have basically cursed humanity, but we're each still accountable for our own actions. The GOOD NEWS- HE PROVIDED ONE SACRIFICE (YAHSHUA/JESUS' DEATH & RESURRECTION, & yes there's multiple accounts beyond personal ones HE GIVES those Searching, & omgoodness I can attest many times over!) ...THE SACRIFICE for us all & for all that we've Each done! Nothing short of AMAZING/MERCIFUL/GRACIOUS & LOVING!!! Look @our attitudes! Why even bother?? A: Bcuz of RELATIONSHIP- GIVING & SHARING LOVE!!! It truly is better to Give than Receive! (Which is also an important & ultimately necessary/must part on our side, to Receive!) -Azariah/SuburbaKnight PSALMS 20:1, 6-8; ISAIAH 43; ISAIAH 38:15-20; JOHN 14:11-21 Also: being "stuck" in the desert was their poor choice like going around a mtn was and was symbolic of learning a lesson. There's some Truth to grasp that sometimes takes us awhile to be able to Receive. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @portraitofafreewomanofcolo5404 | 😎 shade of it all | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Blissiralabs | Ublock Origin instead of Adblock Plus. Its much more effective | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @benjaminfalzon4622 | The ads are the only thing worth watching as far as what's in this video and they make a lot more sense. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nadiashami | Hahahaha | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @weinklent5082 | People are misunderstanding his post. He wanted to watch ads, but there is a video in between. Get it? He wanted to watch the ads. The ads. The ads. Get it? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @benjaminfalzon4622 |  @weinklent5082  Yep, I preferred to watch the ads as well, instead of all that crazy rantings. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @deekeener8387 | Hahahahaha | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dellingson4833 |  @karmafride1237  don't forget Opera browser owned and run by a group in Sweden and there is less than 25 employee's. Lot's of neat options but it has REAL AND FREE VPN which believe me works. Also built in ad blocker. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Cynnas | Slide the timer to the end, let the video stop, slide it back to the beginning, no ads | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bobbymessbob2547 | Savage 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @gloriousuvo9707 | Are you been sarcastic with your comment? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Brind-amour | Hahaha! Good one! 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mike67able | Mario . Install Tubemate..download all documentries on youtube free .👍 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @fernandes5986 | Nice joke. Lol! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dehydromanful |  @scorp10fl53  i am forever in your debt...thank you sir | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @scorp10fl53 |  @dehydromanful  Glad to share...you're welcome...😁 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rj195 |  @scorp10fl53  you are such a genius!!!!😍👏👏👏👏👏👏 Thank youuuu!!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @scorp10fl53 |  @rj195  Thanks...your welcome...👍 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @MrWeAllAreOne |  @scorp10fl53  Thanks. I done that and all the ad markers vanished and I was able to watch the video ad free except for the first 5 seconds. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @adilyahbatelohim1417 | 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @clarenceboddicker6679 | I know people who have actually died due to watching too many ads, so yeah, heavy stuff. Well that statement is at least partially true, it's all true except for the part when I said I know people who have actually died due to watching too many ads. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @anitaneal3082 | No those are not the original kemites there were no white or arrab in that land then you all need to stop telling lies you all will be shocked when the real truth is told the African knows the truth why then don't you ask them | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ChristoFreeze | jaffa tyree so versed in the gospel, I'm amazed at how much you judge others and think it's ok to be arrogant/belittling with your knowledge. You truly are blessed. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @shawndouglass2939 | Hate when that happens 😋😋 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Antipodeano | "videoblockplus" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @goddessdanielle4105 | 😂😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @chicagoliightsx | Ouch! Lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @farhodaliyev9793 | hahahahah u made my day | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @primadonna4535 | 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @automaticchic | 😂😂😂 i best prepare dor the ads then | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @me6180 | That's funny...lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunzeebear2973 | It has been a long time since I have seen an ad. First I tried Ad Block..which worked good. Then I tried BRAVE browser and don't see any ads. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nagatv8399 | hilarious | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jacquesm6847 | It does get a bit overwhelming and is a turn off as well, tell the story | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @fheipepito8351 | 🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @greypowergav | download ADBLOCKER. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @duskostankovic3971 | your pc is infected of full viruses 🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣clean your junkie pc 💻 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @brian197686 | Jeez. Everyone has done their mea culpas for the holocaust. Do they have to have their own History Channel special? They own everything and basically control Hollywood not to mention most of the world's money. What else do they want? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rascooly | Lmao | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @lisasrexstar7796 | Poor Mario Cassina!🤭 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @texasray5237 | You need the new app, video blocker. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rhonasingh370 | Yep.. that's utube for ya. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @venom7674 | go download ContentBlocker, so you can watch ads continuously 😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @venom7674 | those comments saying download ad block, you guys deserved my 😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rmtraveldiaries | Yeah don't skip! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @karltanner3953 | Bro use adblock | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mariocassina90 |  @karltanner3953  on the phone? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @indianlocal9990 | 😅 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mpaullama4910 | https://youtu.be/_Zs5oXSKhok | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @groovinhooves | Mario, thanks for this proof that Americans are so inured of sarcasm and irony that—WHOOSH! The browser plug-in you need—CrapContentBlocker—is currently under development. Please watch this space—and only this very thread—for an open beta announcement, pending. Have a great day—I owe you one :) P. S. my 'dislike' is meant to be taken as irony for irony, brother, you're ++good in my book two Kyle Maclachlan thumbs up | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @arthurhunt642 | There is much more truth in advertising than there is truth in the video. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mitchellc4 | The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. RSV Only-monos God-theos Monos theos Monotheism The Father Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)! Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has ab God! Jesus has a God! Jesus died! God can’t die! God raised Jesus from the dead! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @karlschmied6218 | The video in between is an ad too. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @aarifboy | At 8:26 presenter must have uttered these words in reference to 1947 "There were two exoduses based upon two nation theory, first in Egypt second in British India. First was requested by Moses second by Jinnah lol" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @karlschmied6218 |  residue junkie  Stop spreading sick conspiracy BS. I can't hear it anymore. Just stop it! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @lestweforget3430 |  @scorp10fl53  that explained it much better, then what I read about how to do it. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @scorp10fl53 |  @James-co2nb  It still works! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @kenmasters1089 | There all just games with girls with sexy body's asking you to undress them | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @PP-xd9rv | LOL! Love your comment. It's the best. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @kiso-em3px | 😀😀 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @KingofgraceSARA | This has went over the heads of our more serious brothers and sisters 😏😅 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @walangkwentangvlogsetc7337 | skip the video part. 😭😥 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @moc4725 | You must be egyptian | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @normanthomas9065 | It sounds very inconvenient | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @blueagle-di6is | 😂😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @hollywoodsaint57 | 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @TraciyCurryReyes | Too funny and clever at the same time. 🤣🤣🤣😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @kalvin4090 | 😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @lolacolombiana1364 | 😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @blacksunshine1661 | You are Balaam’s donkey 😹 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @davidmcallister1280 | Comments about ads never fail to make me laugh , I hate them so I feel your pain but it would be worth getting premium I have use it and I also get the music as well its well worth it | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @catherine382 | LOL Well said.... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @clif26 | i know somtimes if you fast forward the video and go back to the beginning the commercials dissappear | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @whiteboy_rick | Me too | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jackkennedy70 | Holy Moses met the Pharaoh Yeah, he tried to set him straight Looked him in the eye, "Let my people go!" Holy Moses on the mountain High above the golden calf Went to get the Ten Commandments Yeah, he's just gonna break 'em in half! All you zombies hide your faces, All you people in the street, All you sittin' in high places, The pieces gonna fall on you No one ever spoke to Noah, They all laughed at him instead Workin' on his ark, Workin' all by himself Only Noah saw it comin', Forty days and forty nights, Took his sons and daughters with him, Yeah, they were the Israelites! All you zombies hide your faces, All you people in the street, All you sittin' in high places, The rain's gonna fall on you Holy Father, what's the matter? Where have all your children gone? Sittin' in the dark, Livin' all by themselves, You don't have to hide anymore! All you zombies show your faces, All you people in the street, All you sittin' in high places, The pieces gonna fall on you! All you zombies show your faces, (I see you out there!) All you people in the street, (Let's see you!) All you sittin in high places, It's all gonna fall on you! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @clif26 |  @jackkennedy70  huh? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @elmerfudd5193 | I Timeline went commercial | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jamiegoss |  @derek3899  WHY? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @regiebrace5262 | Trump is America's Moses | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @clif26 |  @regiebrace5262  huh? what do you mean by that? please humor me. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @elmerfudd5193 |  @regiebrace5262  let me get back to you on that......,,, 🤔 delusion | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @elmerfudd5193 |  @clif26  he already had 🙃 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @clif26 |  @elmerfudd5193  how? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @elmerfudd5193 |  @clif26  he already had humored by suggesting that Dirty Din is equivalent to Mises | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @clif26 |  @elmerfudd5193  funny how everyone responds but the particular individual. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @elmerfudd5193 |  @clif26  I too received a notification on the “Americans Moses “comment. It would be correct to say I took issue with that. Hence I saw your question to them, but perhaps you took offense with my interjection. So with that being acknowledged I’ll stay away, while you anticipate a just response. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @clif26 |  @elmerfudd5193  thanks for the response and please interject all you want. everyone has knowledge though one's knowledge may be different from another's, perhaps even false hence we learn from another. so please ... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @elmerfudd5193 |  @clif26  Every man ( person) is my teacher, In that, I may learn from them……. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @clif26 |  @elmerfudd5193  exactly, well put. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @sharadgoswami8584 | 😂👍 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @patricksmith3432 | Yes very annoying | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @49erslive |  @CstriderNNS  p | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @49erslive |  @CstriderNNS  P] | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @49erslive |  @scottstreet1  ⁰0 0 0⁰ ⁰ 0 ⁰ 0 0⁰0 0⁰ ⁰ 0⁰00 ⁰ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @samayo9746 | Hahaha | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @mr.fukk12 | But the ads pay the ppl for they’re work. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nancybrouesse | Geweldig | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @stevefarrington5618 | When you pay 15.00 dollars a month you don’t get commercials so be happy you have the free one. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @TheRealDyscyples | 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @00tonytone | The Mancini Stella's does.look like the exodus red sea battle. The other trying to say it's an Olympic sport . Makes me think he in denial his ancestors might be Jewish/ Isrealite. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @pamelad4116 |  @derek3899  Prime also has ads now. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @celesterosales8976 | If you think about the work that goes into creating content like this video and the work that goes into creating and maintaining YouTube and you appreciate this, you may instead come away grateful that you only have to watch a few seconds of an ad that is also often generated towards your interests as opposed to paying for cable tv and having to watch lengthy random ads with no option to skip. The ads are sustaining the people behind the content. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @lawrencestrabala6146 | 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @marcosbetances7186 | Me too what a coincidence!😉 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @timothybrown9590 | Freakin BRILLIANT statement there Mario. Wondering why you even started typing, actually. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @scorp10fl53 | @Lina’s Tarot-Oracle❤️ That was a few years ago. It did work. YouTube changed it's algorithms to prevent it. Now the only way to eliminate ads is to change your selection and go back to your original selection. You might have to do it a couple of times but you will get rid of the annoyance of stupid untargeted adverts. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @pandalover8178 | Haha | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @marcosbetances7186 |  @abdulrahmanguiaman7586  yes sir. A bunch of lies on this so called documentary. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @beanie1792 | That's how they blackmail you into paying | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @brianmccreedy9825 | Best $17.99 a month I've ever spent was on YouTube premium. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @DavidTa2 | Oh no. Its gonna be this kinda gig huh | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @colspiracy8326 | YouTube premium pal. Its 10.99 a month (UK) , worth it. Havnt seen an ad for about 2 years! Can't watch YouTube with all the ads, used to drive me nuts. 👍 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @JDWard-Jeepster | Normally but hopefully more video then ads. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @colspiracy8326 |  @JDWard-Jeepster  YouTube premium.. 10.99 a month. Best money ever spent. What's an ad? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @pagan95 | Lol 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @pagan95 |  @derek3899  Yarp | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @leosalas41ify | No kidding, hilarious. Ytube has gotten ridiculous with all these ads. Hoping for another alternative some day. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @colspiracy8326 |  @leosalas41ify  premium. 10.99 a month. Worth every penny. What's an ad? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @djrafash2715 |  @scottstreet1  😮 wow thanks | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @tylerreimer3013 | It's called premium baby | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @mysmirandam.6618 | You can pay the Youtube premium to search up commercials to watch | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @robertmaness5661 | Hands down & Say no more!! That is the bestestiest funniest comment ever! Please forgive, I am gonna use it for now on. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @carryoutmoth1416 | I know right 👍 not enough ads | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @richa5709 | Then get a premium | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @fuckbankers | Holy moses! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Donna-hb6re | That made me laugh! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thefisherking78 | 9.99/mo lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @emmamontecristo9376 |  @scottstreet1  you Rqq | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @malcolmjamesturner | I turned it off after the the first 23 ads. Couldn't watch anymore. Shame.... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @malcolmjamesturner |  @scottstreet1  That don't work on YouTube android app. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @malcolmjamesturner |  @scorp10fl53  Not now you can't. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @scorp10fl53 |  @celesterosales8976  The ads sustain a culture of unnecessary buying and credit not to mention the incredible cache of garbage which necessitates recycling or discarding for good. I agree there are some ads which benefit people. But for most people they are not targeted properly nor are they wanted. I turned off all categories of advertising and except for a very few, most are telling me to throw away my diabetes meds (which I don't have) in favour of this newly discovered remedy or a particular herbal treatment guaranteed to restore my gums and teeth. Something which is virtually impossible without medical treatment including grafting. The occasional advert beyond the homeopathic type suggest I might like a secret treatment to restore hair or improve eye sight. If I okayed all the categories they offer I'll get ads for new cars out of US. Or fashion wear from outside America. The fact is, the function of advertising is to persuade you to look into and hopefully purchase a product or service. As far as TV....if you have a PVR all you need do is record your first watch and record a second while playing the first. Keep on like that and you can always zip through the commercials. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @robgau2501 | Heehee | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cinaedmacseamas2978 |  @tincutaboza2859  Elohim = El = Ellil = Enlill = Enki | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cinaedmacseamas2978 |  @iBAS11  "the fool says in his heart 'there is no god.'" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @johnryno |  @derek3899  i😮iiix da dxz. Cc c//4:\::\:\}\:S/sSSSS\😂😂. 6 u lo Oli😅 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @andreebesseau6995 | 😉🙃🙂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @Bill_tyler | 😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @Bill_tyler |  @scorp10fl53  really? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @scorp10fl53 |  @Bill_tyler  That was a long time ago...and yes it did work. Now, I'm afraid, it doesn't. They caught on and stopped that. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @blackmoney7 | Wash yo ahh in between you funky mf | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @purenexus6208 | 😂👍 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @Bjowolf2 | Best comment of the day 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @Bjowolf2 | Just download the video on a Windows PC with a clever Video Download add-on in your browser 😉 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @shelikestuff | 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @robinbalayo9491 | If you dont want to watch any ads here is the trick. 1.) Play the video atleast 10 sec. Then forward it until to the end and replay it. (Can you give me simple like and thanks? 😂) | Votes: 1129 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @ashleyclark5567 | Omg magic!!! Thanks | Votes: 19 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rodrigovieiravivian1901 | It did not work for me. | Votes: 33 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @CityboyDidThis | Or you can download adblock plus chrome extension and never see an add again :) | Votes: 57 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @CowBoyCoDM | Excellent.thankyou. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @michaelinzo | For Entertainment tangina mo nice | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @wenceslaogalvan4661 | Thanks my man. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @baruchben-david4196 | I'm almost through the video, but haven't seen even one ad. And I don't have any ad blocker. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mkultra6664 | Badass dude. Rip the system! | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @michelec.9688 | It worked 🤗 Thanks 👍 | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ChristoFreeze | He's being funny. He's said, I want to watch the ads but the video was playing. Meaning he doesn't care for this video. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Antares8491 | @For Entertainment Thank you in advance ! :-)) However, how do you... "forward the video until the end" ? :-))) Just drag the red dot, to the end ? :-)) | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @heathertoth923 | Soooo AWESOME!!!! THANK YOU! 🙌💯💗 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kimedward6659 | Awesome. Thanks! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @chefmikee3447 | @For Entertainment DUUUUUDE! Nice! Hahaha | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @teedepefanio5687 | Thx 😎 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lostinthefogofwar5774 | Install Adblocker and Fluff Buster for facebook, no need to like or thank me. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bubblegum1948 | Thank you for the tip! I will try it now. i really hope it works! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickyt43515 | Or get add block and never see them | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @RockBrentwood | You should still look at the ads; because that's what's paying for stuff here - and some of them are actually quite good. So, the right way to do it, is in the very beginning click one-by-one just past each ad-point to pull up the ad; and knock them all down in quick succession. Afterwards, you can watch the video. That way, everybody gets what they want: the ads get their due, and afterwards you get a quiet uninterrupted view. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @marshahogue4889 | Ty! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @dianajean8600 | Did not have any interruptions, nomsds! 💖 😄 thanks. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bewareofchild2462 | THANK YOU!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @NittyGritty508 |  @RockBrentwood  man please | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @northeasttexasbigfoot6815 | For Entertainment thanks | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @roybodden9243 | Thanks | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @MrGamelover23 | @Sal Reed on Android? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @prevosfr | My viewing had no ads at all. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @reason43poole37 | Super tip. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @DEVOTED2YaHUaH144k | Thank you 👍 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @johnsacco1619 | thank you | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @casperscott1201 | Nice tip | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @TinTin-gq8tv | Wonderful! And no downloads of spying addons needed! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jimmyjazz240 | AD block has been available for 10 years. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bigmac8333 | I never have any ads on anything I watch on youtube google has an ad blocker so I turn it on | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @leonleon7055 | Simple thing is to download it then watch it without wifi | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @H13463 | Adblock is your friend | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @pamelaa.mankowski212 | It’s a miracle .. omg thank you so much for giving me a smoother view 🤗😎 Amen 🙏🏻 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @budslack3729 | or just pay for premium and not worry about that | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sheilawashington7658 | He was being sarcastic. Did you get the hint with the second reply??? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mckster56 | Thanks | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Nishijin1975 | Thanks dude!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @brotherchrisrco1125 | Tanks | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @normmacdonaldrules4602 | I will not give to you your requested like sir, NOR...nor will I give you you're requested praise....for I already doth possesseth this hidden and sacred knowledge of the ancients...well before I came upon thine public posting...and I have purchased,with but a small portion of my humble wealth, a shield that blocketh great annoyance. A mighty shield with inscription that readeth "Ad Blocker Plus." For now it is time I say "goode day" to you sir. Goode day!! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @IronCypher | Right on ty for info | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mirkovic | THANXS | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @poedelaetc | uBlock | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Ahdhsjsshhsj | it is through those ads that these people get paid. okay support them then | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @oneloveoneheart2781 | Thanks 😎 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @roseannesaldivar-fournier2619 | Life changing! Thanks! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @wheelseastwood1400 | Thanks | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @supernova517 | Thanks | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @paulrobinson3685 | Thank you!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @traceylok675 | Thank you kindly. 💐 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @numobudo | Thank you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jamesmatthew5073 | You sir.... if you ever run for president you got my vote | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ziggystardragon1120 | Or... you know. Adblocker. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @anthonyclarkson5209 | Got an even better one. Play the URL in VLC media player | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bigblock3706 | Imagine being so insecure you need to ask for likes on a COMMENT... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MOAAS12 | Awesome thanks! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @gilbertcruz2437 | thank you | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @deborahleone4351 | For Entertainment U R WONDERFUL! Hope this works! And TYSVM! 😘💕🙏💜✝️✡️🙋‍♀️ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @timkidd2078 | Download youtube vanced it's basically youtube red | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @renaissancefitness3515 | I disliked. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ginasuzette1 | thank you :) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @LQ-gaming | or use brave browser | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @eddiecane4487 | Spot on my good man | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @doctorgoodguy1 | Wow great idea, thanks!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @thevaguelyamusingtalkshow6439 | Absolute lifesaver | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tubo628 | Thanks! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @thebibleisastronomy7323 | LOL and NICE. They will fix it! LOL | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jati9484 | YOU HAVE TO BE AN IDIOT TO DO THAT ALL THE TIME, JUST INSTALL AD BLOCKER ON YOUR CHROME AND NEVER ADS AGAIN, WAHAHHA ANYWAY YOUR WAY BURNS SOME MORE CALORIES THAT IS ONLY PLLUS THAT I SEE | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @RobertAshleyWright | Its very simple...download the Opera Browser and they automatically block all ads from UTUBE. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sisu4134 | OMG!!!! BEST COMMENT E.V.E.R!!!!! THANK YOU 😊😊😁😁💕💕 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @henrytoguchi1817 |  Derek Keogh  NJ nikki's 7aai77qa78e8s76 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @muncibedduSicilia | Here's your simple like 🤛🏼 Oh, and: thanks!!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Nyamhazha | Thanx | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @thepocketmonsterfamily2007 | Thank you so much. I just downloaded it, it works great.now my music lists will not have advertising. Thank you | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @user-vj1qw8ob5g | Thanks For Entertainment 💥 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @pikachuisshook2795 | Wow. Thanks | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @daviddaniels6473 | Found this out recently. It works about 98% of the time. Thank you for telling others. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @auntlinda7132 | Going to try. TY!!! Was just going to post couldn't handle the ads. Excellent video. Ty. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Lobo-Lobo | Salamat! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Lobo-Lobo | You know why that works though? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @michaelosei8274 | You deserve a medal for saving humanity my friend | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mihaicraciun5266 |  @Antares8491  Yes. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @smsararosy86 | 🤯🤯🤯 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Antares8491 |  @mihaicraciun5266  >> " Yes. " << Thank you ! Imagine that !!! Had my life saved,.... by a Romanian ! :-))) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @esthersui8885 | Lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jackburton4224 | you're the BEST! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @kentcyclist | For Entertainment really? Does that work with everything?! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @michaeljotoyajackson7294 | +For Entertainment : You got it....lol 🤣 😂🤣 😄 keepin it 💯 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Blissiralabs | Get Ublock Origin. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bobsaturday4273 | ever heard of adblocker ? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @B4iCQ | Adblock Plus Add-on works perfectly! You just watch normally without adds butting in. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @timothymoore2049 | Thanks alot!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @luckylavar9051 | Thanks | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @joanwild8072 | For Entertainment thank you | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @guillermoip | Thanks! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @guillermoip |  @rodrigovieiravivian1901  try again it truly works | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @user-sc7nh6dg3r | Thank you, Changed viewing forever. Regards. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @annaramzeri7326 | Thankyouuuu | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @YAHUAHsgotmysix |  @heathertoth923  I did that, worked for me 👍 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @cooleymac5712 | Ah 👍 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nickappleton2178 | Thanks | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @trevmac2248 | Brilliant... thank-you! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @boris-fv751 | you need ADblock lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ramani.a.8138 | For Entertainment I know this but thanks 🙏 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @iamalmetal | It worked! Thanks my man | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @lunadevass5715 | It's a bloody miracle | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @JasonX00 | Amazing! Thank you😅🤗 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @katherinecruz3849 |  @ChristoFreeze  That's not what that joke means. It means there were too many ads. A similar joke is when someone says they went to see a fight and a hockey game broke out. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @thatsme8013 | You rick | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @charlotteskiftun753 | Thankx!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @crazyhorsetrading8655 | even better. Install Firefox then add an adblock addon. Hey presto if set up correctly not one annoying advert ever. It has blocked 4633 adverts tracking events and a few other things i cannot think of right now, this over three days of constant connection. Check it out | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @txrn79 | I didnt believe it but it worked!!!! Dannnnng. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @john.s3090 | You were sent from the heavens to kill all marketing adds . Thank you oh chosen one 🙏🏽. May the old gods and news one bless you | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @john.s3090 | Now find a loophole for financial inflation and you are the real MVP 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NintenGamer | I have an lg k4 phone and I use the 4 sec skip to the end of the video method. No other method needed. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @psychedforlife7176 | Or ad block | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @joanaflores2588 | It actually work! Lol! Thanks! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @joancoughlin3969 |  @CityboyDidThis  thank you | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ms.martiegallego8834 | Thanks !! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @zoehannah6278 | This isn't always working. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @yaradossantos6662 | Thanks | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Superman679 | If you don't mind having all your online activities monitored and tracked, then by all means, use Google Chrome and use the Google search engine. If you do, download Firefox, use duckduckgo and install add block plus. Good by to tracking my online presence, goodbye to YT adds, all adds and goodbye to any and all pop ups For those of you who wish to not see adds but also want to support their favorite YTubers and want them to get the add revenue, as of yet, this may change in the future but as of today, add block plus (*not sure of other add block programs) does not interfere with the channels revenue, meaning YT thinks the adds are being watched and the creator gets the add revenue | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @zbruh617 | Respect! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @yaradossantos6662 | Perfect | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @baronvoncrags771 | Thanks! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @baronvoncrags771 |  @RockBrentwood  Mike Bloomberg ads... No thanks | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @naomic123 | YouTube moderators have keywords to look out for. Now they know our secret!! We're all gonna have to go premium guys. It's over 🤦‍♀️ 😛😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @josephleatherwood1929 | Or pay for YouTube red | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mikeb9072 | 😯 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @georgemijatovic3076 | That is what I was thinking. It seemed to happen when I did it for other reasons and you confirm it. Thank you sir or? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @michellehuff8621 | For Entertainment thanks | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @davidshayayev7167 | God bless | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @melaniesivelis6246 | Thank you | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @yonslash457 | It works. Thank you! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Buhlebendalo_Mavika | Thanks! It worked | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @aarifboy | At 8:26 presenter must have uttered these words in reference to 1947 "There were two exoduses based upon two nation theory, first in Egypt second in British India. First was requested by Moses second by Jinnah lol" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nonacee5065 | A teacher asked his class to describe a miracle. A girl who grew up as a Jehovah's witness put up her hand and said that for her one miracle was when the nation of Israel crossed the Red Sea. The teacher told her it was nonsense and that they crossed where it was only 2" deep. So he asked for another miracle. She replied..... then the miracle would have to be that pharoah's army drowned in 2" of water. | Votes: 1046 | Reply: false 4 years ago | @dorianphilotheates3769 | Nona Cee — Aristotelian logic... | Votes: 16 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @savtraffic | But logical. | Votes: 22 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Milo30066 | Very good logic! | Votes: 26 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @gorjus_007 | 🤣 thats a great response! | Votes: 72 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bridittebargeot2679 | It was a Tsunami 😉 | Votes: 22 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @nonacee5065 | @John Doe then why watch these wonderful archeoligical timeline shows that actually give some good insight or support to bible events? I see over and over, trolls going on sites where they have no interest or entirely opposite views, just to rubbish them or give their "expert" opinion. No hate or disrespect from me John, just sadness. | Votes: 116 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Ryan-eu3kp |  @nonacee5065  Sorry mate but you are a nutter. Keep believing your fairy tales if it makes you feel better. Just know that your dumbass parents brainwashed you. I will be thinking of you today, in sorry that this is your life. | Votes: 24 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @heathercontois4501 | @John Doe How is that any different from the people of other religions believing their own religious stories? | Votes: 30 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @andreast.hilaire9776 | 🤣🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @araunapalm |  @Ryan-eu3kp  I have studied evolution - it is what the experts are NOT telling you that is important. Do you not find it telling that scholars suppress knowledge of the bible? There is another archeologist which has more evidence of the 12 tribes and Joseph living in Avaris - fascinating detail - given on a program under exodus on YouTube by dr Rohl. . How can a whole nation leave such a powerful country as Egypt (who had watchtowers every few hundred meters) leave the country without a battle? At least 3 million Israelites left peacefully and with gifts from the Egyptians.... and some Egyptians left with them. | Votes: 52 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Ryan-eu3kp |  @araunapalm  You are nuts. Goodbye | Votes: 19 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jamesstrothers8928 | Never happen | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @sagek7949 | Low tide followed by high tide? | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @radarlovedr | Face palm.... | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @micahyah9076 | @John Doe The Books (Bible) speaks of you and your actions long before you were born. Scoffer! | Votes: 24 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @melteague117 | Nona Cee heard this this morning in church. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @gracegisel7718 | I think the Palestinian people wish they were drowned. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @allencolvin656 | The language in the exodus account was criptic, not litteral. Drowned can also mean slaughtered by a rag tag army of neighboring Canaanites using guerrilla tactics. | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @theguy9234 | Good one! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @marcovazquez6394 |  @Ryan-eu3kp  why do you speak so bitterly of a religion that has nothing to do with you ,you have God yet to you he doesn't exist 😂 | Votes: 23 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @pixiecut11 | Nona Cee 😂😂😂 smart girl | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NephilimFree |  @araunapalm  Evolution became a laughable myth in the 20th century, during which it was disproved by millions of discoveries. One such discovery is that polymerase is a product of it's own translation, which proves Special Creation. Another is the discovery that the cell's structural design is not generated by genetic information, but is instead passed on by reproduction form the reproductive cells of the parents (Cortical Inheritance) which traces back to the original created organism. Evolutionism is a philosophy which is contradicted by science. Over 100 yrs ago, Evolution Theory was plausible for naturalists because of their rejection of God. Biological science was rudimentary and archaic, and provided no information about the operations of the cell. Modern biology has very greatly changed what is known of genetics and biology. It has been discovered that life is based upon information which is digitally encoded and stored in a more compressed form than man's best computer compression schemes. DNA is a material medium encoded with information which is organized to conform to linguistics, possesses algorithmic information processing operations, and the human language properties of phonetics, semantics, punctuation, syntax, grammar, and aprobatics. The information input and output processing of DNA includes the analytical operations of proofreading, information comparison, cut, insert, copy-and-past, backup, and restore, all of which operate by algorithmic operations. There is no potential for the material actions of chemistry to produce information, algorithms, and linguistics. They are non-physical fundamental entities that can only be produced by intelligence. This fact is proof that all life was designed by a mind of supreme intelligence. Because of this and many other biological discoveries, it has been overwhelmingly demonstrated that evolution is impossible and creation is a scientific fact. DNA is a 4-dimentional (3 dimentions + time) operating system which is far more complex than man's computer software technology, posessing many thousands of information hierarchies and pathways in the cell. When the DNA molecule is supercoiled as chromatin, some of it's information is available to the cell which is not available when the molecule is uncoiled, and when it is not supercoiled, some of it's information is available to the cell which is not available when it is supercoiled. DNA is a dual-directional information package, providing different information depending upon which strand and direction the transcription machinery of the cell is traveling. Man does not know how to to write computer software that can be read both forward and backwards to provide separate information processes and functionality. It is beyond our ability. DNA's individual information sequences are overlapping and nested sharing nucleotides between sequences, and information in different locations of the molecule are interdependent with each other, even when separated by hundreds or thousands of base pairs in distance from each other - a feature which exemplifies why chemical processes cannot design DNA. DNA possesses codes built upon codes which regulate the use of each other, even when they are distant from each other in the molecule. Genetic algorithms and information possess forward-thinking properties, which nature is incapable of producing because molecules are not sentient. During an organism's development, the genetic information instructs the cell on how to turn on and off, like chemical switches, many sequences of information of the DNA in a supremely complex and yet to be understood orchestral arrangement of various groupings and orders so as to build the structures of the organism over time. These patterns of genes being switched on and off is so complex that man will likely never be able to decipher it. If you want to believe in evolution because you refuse to acknowledge the existence of our creator, nobody can stop you. But doing so is to be a denialists of the discoveries of modern science because the truth is uncomfortable, and to continue to believe things which the outdated concept of Charles Darwin over 150 yrs ago could not have predicted. Believing in evolution today is as antiquated as it was to believe that flies arose from meat, or that frogs arose from mud a century prior to Darwin. Eugenie Scott, the popular militant defender of evolutionism has stated, "If your local campus Christian fellowship asks you to "defend evolution," please decline. Public debates rarely change many minds; creationists stage them mainly in the hope of drawing large sympathetic audiences. Have you ever watched the Harlem Globetrotters play the Washington Federals? The Federals get off some good shots, but who remembers them? The purpose of the game is to see the Globetrotters beat the other team. And you probably will get beaten." Atheists in fact hate the Scientific Method and refuse to employ it. Example: 100 years of random genetic mutation experimentation, over one million studies, has provided consistent results demonstrating that random mutations are destructive and negative to organisms, both biochemically and anatomically, and do not add anything useful to the physiology of any organism, not even incrementally. Conclusion? Mutation cannot be a mechanism for accruing change that results in macroevolution. But what does the atheist conclude despite such a massive body of evidence? They continue believing that random mutation IS a mechanism for accruing change that results in mind-bending complexity, microscopic interdependent machinery, and macroevolution, not because of science, but because their worldview requires it to be, since if evolution were true, random mutation would have to be the base mechanism for evolution because genetic information defines organisms. In this way, they refuse to come to the correct conclusion because of their paradigm, tossing out the Scientific Method and the conclusion it would require them to accept. | Votes: 44 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @GredelsRage |  @NephilimFree  wow. I've never seen anyone (aside from Ham and Hovind make so many concessions to prove creation. You are sincerely confused. Humans have evolved. You can see it in an assay of gross anatomy with vestigial organs. Example, the human tail bone (coccyx) is proof that homosapiens once had tails. The appendix, gallbladder, and tonsils are all vestigial as well. As our immune and digestive systems continue to evolve we have less use for these organs to the point that they aren't necessary to sustain life. So sorry, but your breakdown if DNA to refute evolution is laughable. Science supports evolution 100% and yes, dna is a very complicated code but not as complicated as you have made it out to be. And the Higgs-Bossan particle proves that it doesn't take a creator to start the process. | Votes: 23 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @paulagwhyte1720 | @John Doe THANK YOU!! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @catmoore2443 |  @Ryan-eu3kp  Just because you don't believe doesn't mean that somebody else is brainwashed. | Votes: 21 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @catmoore2443 |  @araunapalm  Unfortunately ariana palm , people like Ryan have swallowed the propaganda and have absolutely no interest in seeking the truth. All we can is pray for him . | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @araunapalm | Ulterior Motiffs - your science is outdated. The appendix is a highly needed organ (not vestigial) to replenish much needed beneficial micro- organisms to the body. New research proves how important micro-organisms are to human's overall and 'mental' health. It is evolutionists who are dismissive or the smaller details. Many animals do not have an appendix and others have an organ which functions as a part of the digestive system which evolutionists 'claim' to be vestigial. | Votes: 19 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @makimak27 |  @nonacee5065  absolutely right. best answer ever | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @paulfensome1404 |  @nonacee5065  Hi , i am a believer in Christ but to me the Exodus Story does not add up. They crossed the Red Sea and Traveled the Wilderness for 40 years to the Promised Land and encountered Giants along the way. You can walk from the Red Sea to Israel in a few Days !!!!!!!! That's the part i don't get , makes no sense to me especially as there is a Big Giant sitting in the middle of Africa , Men Eaters. What's your thoughts why it took 40 years ? | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nonacee5065 |  @paulfensome1404  punishment kept them from entering the promised land. Remember those that were clamoring for the things of Egypt again and blaming Moses for their dilemma? They also believed the report of 8 of the 10 spies who looked at the land they were about to enter and became fearful instead of relying on God to get them there safely. The time they made the golden calf while Moses was away getting instructions from God, just days after their deliverance.... such short, thankless memories they had as well as lack of faith. In that 40 years (waiting for that thankless generation to die out), their shoes and clothing didn't wear out, they received manna (A dew like substance), had the abundance of quail when they begged for something different and generally been shown that God still loved them and would see them thru if only they remained obedient. They were a chosen people to be the ancestors of the promised messiah, that's why they had a measure of protection. I haven't read where there were giants in the wilderness at that time though. The Nephilim were pre flood and the likes of Golioth came when they clashed with the Philistines in the time of King Saul much after the wilderness sojourn. | Votes: 13 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @paulfensome1404 |  @nonacee5065  Thanks for your Reply , i'm not sure , i personally do not believe modern Israel is the place of Scriptures , but it might be. Somethings don't add up , i think the Locations have been changed so much , why would they do that unless they are trying to hide our true history. Please Watch this Documentary , it will give you plenty to think about , I'm sure of that , plus you will enjoy the fact it is all backed up with evidence , attention to detail https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nL8ugkTj1yw&list=PLEoPvp8W8nAzWZPZZTIoH9a9i-eYMLHVB | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nonacee5065 |  @paulfensome1404  nothing to do with modern Israel. Remember Jesus told the faithless Jews that God was going to abandon them, that their house would be destroyed? Actually many of the prophets warned of that over centuries, Jesus quoted from them. He also told them that he came to fulfill the law, that he was the long awaited messiah yet they wanted none of it. They refused to recognise Jesus as the one.... that he was the son of God even after the miracles he performed in his father's name. So accordingly they lost their position with God. That happened in 70 AD. God then turned his attention to the nations. He did so when Jesus's followers were persecuted and scattered and they preached wherever they went about the kingdom hope for mankind which Jesus had taught. | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rachealsilburn901 | @Jon Doe, there will be a day where you wished you had’ve. I came to this video just to hear what was said...I don’t need any proof to believe. God has done too much in my life and yours...The fact that I woke up and got out of bed is proof enough that the Almoghty God is real. The fact that you were able to type your foolish comment is proof that God is real. You can’t do NOTHING without his permission Bruh! | Votes: 16 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @elainetwum3465 |  @paulfensome1404  modern Israel was formed in 1948. Israel of the Bible was Jacob. His name was changed. Look it up yourself. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @MaeveLaRenarde |  @araunapalm  Bet you've "studied" vaccines and found they cause autism too... 😂 | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @araunapalm | Allen Colvin no- Moses wrote down the laws from god as well as their history. What happened was not cryptic and neither was the place names. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @gracegisel7718 |  Gold Stacking  Typical Zionist talk... annoying. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Yoyoyoyoasshole |  Gold Stacking  120 in what years? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nonacee5065 |  Gold Stacking  that's the point, the Messiah came and even with all the prophecies about him, the jews refused to recognise that it was Jesus. Actually they were almost to the day in expectation because they asked if John (the baptiser) was he. They were expecting a warrior king and got a lamb. What they failed to see was the lamb part, his sacrifice was first... as for the warrior king side of him (the future event)......he is ruling now in heaven and will clean up the earth in his time (according to prophecy, soon.) Jesus fulfilled the prophecies (over 300 given right throughout the Hebrew writings) born in the right place to parents of the right lineage, was taken to Egypt to escape the slaughter of baby boys during Herod's reign (star of Bethlehem account where Satan was leading the wise men to young Jesus, then were supposed to report back to Herod who had plans to kill him although he'd told the wise men he would go and worship him also),... Actually as a 7 day old when presented at the temple an old Jewish man name Simeon declared under holy spirit that he had at last seen the Messiah and said many things pertaining to what this baby would accomplish, so much so that Mary his mother was astounded and fearful for him. That's the point... the Jewish race believed in the one true almighty God whom we call in English Jehovah but refused to recognise the Messiah Jesus whom God sent forth to rescue mankind. Christendom believe in Jesus and made him God , refusing to recognise his father Jehovah. Jesus said he'd "come to make his father's name known" and declare that God's kingdom is the only solution to mankind's problems but the Jews had invalidated God's word by their traditions and then apostates infiltrated the original Christian movement of the 1st century to incorporate pagan thoughts like triune god (Trinity doctrine) into the truth of what Jesus taught. So both religious institutions were adulterated. And so it goes....A diligent study of the bible with prayer and asking for holy spirit to understand is vital but just like the Ethiopian eunuch said to Philip..."how can I understand unless someone explain it to me? " .... That's why Jehovah's Witnesses go door to door offering to do just that. They believe both Jehovah and Jesus's role in the saving of mankind. It's an exciting topic and gets even more thrilling when science or archeology backs up what the Bible says. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Yoyoyoyoasshole |  Gold Stacking  Did the Israelites use the Hebrew calendar during those times? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Yoyoyoyoasshole |  Gold Stacking  I didn't realize the Israelites practiced Judaism back then. Wasn't that why they were forced out of their land? Funny joke though Gold Stacking... | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Yoyoyoyoasshole |  Gold Stacking  They should have never crossed the Jordan river in the first place. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @patricianowazek2127 |  @NephilimFree  good answer. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NephilimFree |  @paulfensome1404  A few of the evidences for the Exodus: The Brooklyn Papyrus is a document from the estate of a wealthy Egyptian of the Middle Kingdom Egyptian period. It lists domestic servants of the estate. 70% of them are semitic, and many are known Hebrew names. Amenemhab, the official scribe of Pharoah Thutmose III who wrote Thutmose III's biography, reported that the pharoah died on March 17, 1450 B.C. According to the Bible, the parting and closure of the Red Sea during the exodus took place on that same day. This verifies that Thutmose III was the pharoah of Egypt at that time, and died in the Red Sea. The body in the tomb of Thutmose has been studied and it has been determined that the body was that of a man in his 20's, which makes it impossible for Thutmose III to be that body since he would have been in his 40's at the time of the exodus. Since his body was never recovered at the Red Sea, his staff killed one of his servants and used him as a replacement to hide the failure of the pharoah. The Papyrus Leiden, also called The Ipuwer Papyrus, dated to the reign of Ramose II, about the year 2510 (1250 b.c): "Issue grain to the men of the army and to the Apiru who draw stone for the great pylon of Ramses II". Again we see Apiru in bondage in Egypt down to the time of Ramose II. They were being used as quarrymen and manual labourers. It describes the plagus of Egypt described in the Bible. It mirrors them so precicely that it's shocking. It's extrabiblical evidence that God smote Egypt with these 10 plagues exactly as the Bible states. https://www.gotquestions.org/evidence-ten-plagues.html http://www.provethebible.com/the-ipuwer-papyrus.html Armana Letters, Papyrus Leiden, Ugarit Texts, Mari texts of the Akkadians, Nuzi Tablets - a Hurrian city in the kingdom of Arrapha - all these ancient sources discuss the Hebrew People, two of them state they lived in Egypt as slaves. The Amarna Letters: The initial discovery of the Habiru surfaced with the discovery of the Amarna Letters in Egypt. This collection is the most extensive treatment of these people from ancient sources. These letters depict the land of Canaan in a state of upheaval. The name spoken by the Egyptians for the "Hebrew" is "Habiru". In Egypt is a canal that is still in use today called Bar Yusef, which means "Canal of Joseph". Joseph is a Hebrew name. The Bible tells us that Joseph was the "right hand man" of a Pharoah. Thus the canal was named after him. The book of Genesis credits Eber as being the father of the Hebrews. References to the Apiru in Egyptian documents and on monuments show their presence in Egypt, and their social importance, for more than three centuries. The same people are called elsewhere "Habiru" or "Habiri". Ancient Egyptian literature dealt with these people, calling them the Apiru. The Hebrew/Apiru connection is especially interesting in Egyptian literature, including the Amarna Letters. Ancient Sumerian Sources: The earliest known references occur in ancient Sumerian cuneiform tablets. The ancient Sumerians were the first civilization in recorded history, and possess mysterious origins. The Akkadians: In the ancient kingdom of Mari, over 25,000 Akkadian tablets were discovered. These tablets provided place names for over 500 previously unknown places. The Mari tablets shed invaluable light on the identity of the Habiru as well. Ancient Hurrian Sources: Nuzi was a Hurrian city in the kingdom of Arrapha. In this agricultural city, over 5,000 tablets were discovered. These tablets mention these people being forced to enter domestic service. The Ugarit Texts: The Ugarit discovery proved to be one of the single most important archaeological finds in the modern era. Texts from an ancient scroll's school and library led to the decipherment of Ugaritic. These texts also mention the Apiru, a different appellation for the Hebrew people. Manetho admitted that there were many cases in which there were two Pharaohs ruling at the same time; one over the north and one over the south. Egypt was a 1000 km long stretch and only a few miles wide. It was impractical, if not impossible, for one Pharaoh to rule over that kind of distance in those days. In short, rather than Pharaohs ruling consecutively, they ruled contemporarily. Knowing this, we automatically begin to shorten the dates of Egyptian rule according to secular thinking. In addition to this there is the TIP, or Third Intermediate Period, which takes place between the 18th and last dynasty. It is called the Dark Ages of Egypt because we know nothing about it. In fact, many extremely reputable Egyptologists are beginning to say it never existed. Getting rid of this period also shortens up the secular timeframe for Egypt. In all, we shorten the reign of the Pharaohs about 1000 years and end up with the 12th dynasty in power during the time of the Exodus. In the city of Beni Hassan lie the tombs of Ameni from the time of Sosotheris I. The recorded message there is, “No one was unhappy in my days, not even in the years of famine, for I had tilled all the fields of the Nome of Mah, up to its southern and northern frontiers. Thus I prolonged the life of its inhabitants and preserved the food which it produced” (Egypt under the Pharaoh’s, Brugsch, p. 158). This seems to be good support of a famine and people being preserved through the famine just as the Bible says in the days of Joseph. Still other evidence comes from the tomb of Kanuhotep of the 12th dynasty. Here we see pictures of what lookjust like Israelite men coming to trade with the Egyptians. Therefore, we have evidence of Semetic people in Egypt during this time, exactly what the Bible says. Not far from the pyramids of Sosotheris is an interesting city of the 12th dynasty called Kahun. Roselie David (a secular Egyptologist) writes about this city in her book, Pyramid Builders of Ancient Egypt. It was excavated in 1890 and found to be a very well organized and laid out city. Apparently there were Semitic people living there and they just seemed to have disappeared for no reason. Does this sound like Jews leaving in an Exodus? On page 91 Roselie states, “It is apparent that the Asiatics were present in the town in some numbers, and this may have reflected the situation elsewhere in Egypt. . . their exact homeland in Syria or Palestine cannot be determined. . .The reason for their presence in Egypt remains unclear.” "Egyptologist Manfred Bietak was reading a 60-year-old report of a dig near Luxor in Egypt when a surprising find caught his eye. Near a mortuary temple from the 12th century B.C., archaeologists had uncovered a grid of shallow trenches, which they guessed was the base of a workers' hut. Bietak, head of the Institute of Egyptology at Vienna University, recognized the floor plan as that of the four-room houses used by almost all Israelites from the 12th to the sixth century B.C. What was it doing in Egypt? If Bietak is right, the trenches could be the first physical evidence for the Bible story of the Israelites' exodus from Egypt." http://www.usnews.com/usnews/culture/articles/031020/20exodus.htm Egyptian stele in the temple at Thebes which gives us the earliest known mention of Israel. It is a 7.5 foot high funerary monument of Pharaoh Merneptah, who ruled from 1213 to 1203 B.C. As you may know, these monuments outlined a Pharaoh's lifetime accomplishments and were written (or dictated) by him for his tombstone prior to his death. He refers to conquering Israel (among others) and says, "Israel is laid waste, his seed (people) is not." Israel is referred to as "a people". | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mahyakc8369 | 🤣🤣🤣🤣 nice answer... They are drowned in 2deep... | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NephilimFree |  @mahyakc8369  ? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nerolowell2320 | micahyah the Bible (tora) was written by people who rewritten it for many times for their own interest to gain power, manipulation and control | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @NephilimFree |  @nerolowell2320  You have so much to learn. Study of all existing manuscripts of the Old Testament (Torah) verifies that it has not been rewritten. As for the New Testament, there are 24,000 manuscripts dating to the 1st century which prove the Bible has not been re-written. Don't tell people things you want to believe. Tell them what is known. What you said is what you have been told by another ignorant person who also wants to believe it. But academia has proven by study of the manuscripts that what you said is not true. Try to do better. | Votes: 12 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mahyakc8369 |  @nerolowell2320  don't you know that the bible though many people accuse it as fake and rewritten for many times... We cannot change the fact that it can change life. 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nerolowell2320 | NephilimFree ok, so let me ask you one simple question who do you think is god,gods or Elohim (in the tora)? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bertnijhof5413 | Americans want to believe any fairy tale, even the one's of the Jehovah's witnesses.. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @supercooled | John Doe then why are you watching you hedonist? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @scottgarvie5882 |  @araunapalm  the Bible has been anything but suppressed for two millennia.its education that's suppressed. Avaris or Tanis was piramses a city built by Ramses ii but later moved and renamed two centuries after Ramses ii so that makes the so called exodus about 1000 bc | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @scottgarvie5882 |  @marcovazquez6394  the Bible is not proof of any god or persons mentioned. Until any biblical scholar can prove that humanity arise from two or 6 individuals is possible It's only a collection of fables. Any evidence for Adam and Eve or Noah or moses. Saying the Bible is proof isn't proof anymore than any other book suggesting other stories is true. Christians and Jews can't say who or when the OT was written down. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @maric.3977 | NephilimFree Whoever you are, I love you | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @maric.3977 | Leo D God bless, & Shalom | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @maric.3977 | paul fensome Read your bible. They were made to wander as punishment. It sounds like you have never heard the whole story. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jamesdolan4042 |  Manuel Dumont  Well, that was really clear, only I not so sure what you wrote. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jamesdolan4042 |  @araunapalm  It is very unlikely that the entire population of Eygpt was even close to 3 million, never mind that many leaving the country for the very arid hill ccountry of Caanan. It is my understanding that modern scholars today do not believe a vast exodus took place. Instead they believe the a half dozen or travellers left Eygpt via the Sinai. In the Sinai they met a nomadic people, probably like Bedouins today who believed in sun god called YAHWEH. The travellers believing in the God Yahweh arrived in the pagan very authoritarian class society of Caanan. The travellers associated themselves with the large underbelly lower class who believed in many Gods the main one being Eloin. The travellers through communing with these people persuaded them to believe in a monotheistic God called YAHWEH. Hence YAHWEH was born. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @araunapalm | Scott Garvie : Champollion the so-called father of egyptology got his dates wrong because he was ignorant of dates. He could only translate. The Israelites left Egypt around 1513 BCE. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @araunapalm | James Dolan The bible itself gives lists of the families and fathers of the tribes (without women and children) who left Egypt. They were about 3 million. There was never a sungod with the name YHWH. because this name means " He causes to become" and the verb means"i shall prove to be". Unlike other pagan traditions in Egypt, Arabia and the city states in sumeria (whom made images of sun disk and crescent moon ), the Israelites were forbidden to do so. Those who dared to make images representing god by using Egyptian tradition- paid the consequences. Images of god were forbidden. Yea, some so-called scholars just publish any hogwash to make a name for themselves. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @j.mcclinton3161 | @John Doe it takes more faith to believe in anything outside of the Biblical history. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @PLS.54 | Nona Cee Numbers 13:32,33 (spied out the inhabitants of Canaan and were reported to be giant in size like the Neph’i•lim) | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nonacee5065 |  @PLS.54  yes you're right.... men of extraordinary size, strong, descendents of Nephilim was the report and compared to them the nation of Israel were like grasshoppers. Always learn something new or reminded of knowledge forgotten, no matter how many times we read the Bible. Thanks for that. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @paulakoncki4029 | paul fensome Hi there! I am from South Africa, I was born and lived half my life in Namibia the oldest dessert in the world, yip there are giant animals they are called the dessert Elephants and the 40 years must have been 40 hours! or they got delirious from not drinking enough water, then you go in circles in the dessert! happy 2020! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @elainetwum3465 |  @paulfensome1404  please re-read the account. You have missed some very important points. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @karstenblake9767 | @John Doe the miracle is how your standing here today if the bible weren't true | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @christinenoneofyourconcern4280 | The nation of "israhell" was invented in 1948 and stolen from the real semites of Palestine. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @edwynnkelley136 |  @allencolvin656  Please answer: 1. The huge, greatest and advanced military army of the time was defeated by mere a rag tag army of Canaanites? 2. Why then weren't the Israelites killed by this now all powerful and ruling army of Canaanites who were in turned slaughtered by the israelites? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ChalkEater419 | Not 2 inches | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @christianhealing6635 |  @Ryan-eu3kp  Why is it that non believers feel that they have to insult those who do believe. many scuba diving expeditions have gone to the site of the Red Sea crossing and it has been shown to be a veritable graveyard of chariot and other parts from one side to the other. For those who believe, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe, no explanation is possible. The reality for many in our world today is no more than a rearrangement of stardust that they believe came about by random unguided mutations. The more science progresses (see the work done by Harvard Chemistry department on the Nano machines in each of the trillions of cells in your body) the more scientist realize the miraculous phenomenon that is Life. Perhaps, Ryan you could do your homework and show more respect to those who believe in the supernatural (of which there is endless proof and empirical proof at that). When you die Ryan, you will find out the Truth. Nona Cee has an understanding of our existence that so many lost souls do not. Read the lives of the saints (such as St. Padre Pio or even the Venerable Maria of Agreda of whom few are even aware) and you will learn of the supernatural. I too feel sad for those who believe they are no more than animals with primal instincts and no spirit. These are the people who missed out on education from their parents. This is why we live in such a messed up world where people are brainwashed into believing in anthropogenic causes for climate change when at they same time millions of babies are being murdered in the womb. If the world was truly Christian, what a wonderful place it would be. The Dawkins of this world have done such a huge disservice to it by brainwashing people into believing that they once crawled out of the sea and eventually descended from the trees. | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @MelyYan123 | I saw Jesus in my dream 5 years ago , i got on my knees,and he smile and put his hand on my head , the kindness and purity that filled the air at that moment is unbelievable, but i got lost , and lately i realized i lost Jesus and my God , i did repent , and asked Jesus to visit me in my dream if he forgives me , i asked 2-3 nights , and He visited me again and gave me a hug. How can i not believe in Him? | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jessebooth7345 |  @NephilimFree  My word, you are completely deluded. I feel sorry for you. Get well soon. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dandunno2510 | Hahahaha....Not. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @phillipwicker2252 | To the one who choose not to believe what’s wrong with believing if don’t u die nothing happened u become worm food but if ur wrong u spend eternity in a bottomless pit of torment wouldn’t it be safer to look it to it with a serious non preasumptions outcome so that u made the right choice cause u no there is a time limit | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @lindaterrell6104 | Nona Cee Pharaoh’s Army got stuck in the muck then the tide came in. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @lindaterrell6104 | Leo D Scientists “change their minds” when new evidence is presented. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @heathercontois4501 |  Sicarri Zelot !  I didn't realize that's what I did. Thanks for making me feel like I did a good thing, need to hear it today. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mariyahmercier |  Nad Sta  which should make you nervous because the majority has always been destroyed, Christianity, Hindu and Islam is the biggest man made religion in the world and they will be held accountable for leading YAH's chosen people wrong, the real descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @divaden47 | Love it!!! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @beegood6700 |  @nonacee5065  Boom! Haha well said! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @beegood6700 |  @araunapalm  Nothing you say here disputes that the Red (actually the Reed) sea parted. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @beegood6700 |  Manuel Dumont  Um, the sea PARTED for them and then COLLAPSED on their enemies. If you can do this party trick, by all means don't hesitate to show us. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @GiovannaAguilar | Ryan poor guy. You need more than a hug. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nonacee5065 |  @lindaterrell6104  if you read the account the nation of Israel and associates more than 3 million people crossed over a dry river bed in one night. That would have meant a massive parting of the sea with giant walls of water looming overhead and wide enough for that many people to get across swiftly. Pharoah would not have followed with chariots if he thought for one second it was too muddy or swampy for them to cross. No he was convinced it was dry solid ground and once in the centre, the walls of water collapsed over them. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @theace3164 | Nad Sta yes you're absolutely right Islam is a force | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bradpike1864 | This is the most inaccurate pile of rubbish documentary I've ever seen. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @strategicmarketinggroup761 |  Nad Sta  Its a fairy tail in your mind 👍 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ehsananik2465 | Allah helped Musa pbuh (moses) ALLAH THE ONE GOD :) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rohtati1020 |  @Ryan-eu3kp  Truth hurt you?? 😉🤭😛 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rohtati1020 |  @gracegisel7718  I think they wished you were there in the midst of them | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @sophiawilson8696 |  @paulfensome1404  Bible is poetry don't put logic to it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @itzwooky9256 |  @NephilimFree  really nice copy and paste there from a more well written fool. Evolution? Myth? I can assume you like cherry picking facts. Ever heard of the fossil record? Never found a fluffy bunny under a dinosaur. Or the infinite regress when you try to follow the line of who created us, then who created them and so on and so forth. But seriously go take a look at the fossil record and what it conclusively means. It's not your fault, I'm sure Sunday school skipped that particular lesson. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NephilimFree |  @itzwooky9256  You said nothing of substance. Whining and nay-saying is uninteresting and ineffective. CYA | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @itzwooky9256 |  @NephilimFree  Quick, questions I can't answer. Ruuuunnnnn | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NephilimFree |  @itzwooky9256  ...says one who is afraid to debate me. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Superman679 | Then the teacher put a bowl on the students desk, which had 1 inch of water in it. Grained her by the back of the head and shoved her face into it and held it there until she stopped squirming. He looked at the rest of the class and said "Did I just commit murder, or a miracle ? " | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NephilimFree |  @Superman679  stupid | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @josephhernandez2337 |  @NephilimFree  dam right | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @josephhernandez2337 |  @GredelsRage  "the human tail bone (coccyx) is proof that homosapiens once had tails" such utter bs with over drawn correlations... Higg's doesn't prove your conclusion either...everyone who has dedicated time to study and understand evolution knows its bs and knew it as far back as the 20th century... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @josephhernandez2337 |  @paulfensome1404  dude if you read the bible and the story of that you get a clear answer.......... they got there and backed out because they saw the giants and that generation was not allowed to enter the promise land after that..... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NephilimFree |  @maric.3977  I love you too my Dear. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NephilimFree |  @scottgarvie5882  You have so much to learn. The Bible is true human history, and provides an explanation for the origin of all of the world's false religions, which were a distorted remembrance of the true God from before the flood and ancestor worship. Some of the people named in the Bible which lived before and shortly after the flood became deities in these distorted memories. The evidence is overwhelming that the God of the Bible is the only God and the true one, and that all of the religions of the world were created by the imaginations of men because they had incorrectly remembered the past. I will provide here just a tiny sliver of the tremendous amount of information which demonstrates it is true. The scriptures tell is that Noah had three sons: Genesis 6[10] And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. These 3 men (Shem, Ham, Japheth) were deified by the ancients who fell away from the truth. Here we see the ancient Hindus, after dispersing from Babel as a large family group, distorted these men's names and made them into deities, which derived from the practice of ancestor worship: According to scripture and the writings of extrabiblical ancient historians, Shem was the father of the Shemites, today known as Semites or semitic people. Shem (son of Noah) > Shemites > Semites > Jews In Hebrew Shem may be used to mean "Name", "Fame" or "Reputation". Sharma or Sarma in Hindu is derived from Shem, the son of Noah. In Hindi, the name Sharma or Sarma means teacher or preacher and may be used as a surname of Brahmins (Hindu preachers and teachers). The people called Sumerians, whose language became the prevailing language of the territory, probably came from around Anatolia, arriving in Sumer about 3300 bc." Sumer was first settled by a pre-sumerian people. Afterward a semitic tribe replaced them and established the culture commonly referred to as Sumerian. Britanica: "Sumer was first settled between 4500 and 4000 bc by a non-Semitic people who did not speak the Sumerian language. These people now are called proto-Euphrateans or Ubaidians, for the village Al-Ubaid, where their remains were first discovered. The Ubaidians were the first civilizing force in Sumer, draining the marshes for agriculture, developing trade, and establishing industries, including weaving, leatherwork, metalwork, masonry, and pottery. After the Ubaidian immigration to Mesopotamia, various Semitic peoples infiltrated their territory, adding their cultures to the Ubaidian culture, and creating a high pre-Sumerian civilization. Ham (son of Noah) > Hamitic > Hamites > Egyptians In Hebrew Ham's name is khäm. The Bible tells us that Ham, the son of Noah, migrated to the land known today as Egypt after the Tower of Babel Affair. This was the origin of the Egyptian people and culture. History verifies this: Hamites > Hamitic People > Hamites of Egypt > K-HEM-ET (god of Egypt), K-HEM-IA is said by Plutarch (100 S.D.) to be the "country of Ham", which agrees with Josephus's Antiquities 1:6:1. PUT - son of Ham (Genesis) - Lybia according to ancient Egyptians according to Egyptian relief and PUTA according to Persian relief Genesis 10[22] The children of Shem; Elam, and Asshur, and Arphaxad, and Lud, and Aram. Japhet (son of Noah) > Japheth - English rendered Japheth, Hebrew Yapheth, Djapatischta (chief of the race) in early Aryan mythology was derived from Japheth, son of Noah. In Greek myth Japetus (Iapetos) is remembered as the "father of the human race" by his son Prometheus. Japetus' grandson, Deucalion, enters a great box with his wife and 3 children to survive a flood arising in Greece which will destroy all humans. Japheth (son of Noah): Early Aryans knew him as Djapatischta (chief of the race), Greeks referred to Japheth as Iapetos or Japetos, East Indians called him Jyapeti or Pra-Japati, Romans used Ju-Pater or Jupiter, the Saxons perpetuated his name as Iafeth, subsequently transliterated as Sceaf (pronounced "sheef" or "shaif"—and recorded his name in their early genealogies as the son of Noah, the forebear of their various peoples), and the variant Seskef was used by early Scandinavians. The Bible states Madai was the son of Japheth. Greek mythology holds that Medes was the son of Japetus. In Homeric Greek myth Japetus is not the son of the flood survivor, Deucalion, he is the grandfather! Yet, his descendents, including Deucalion and progeny, are called Iapetiade. So descendants of Japetus survive a flood that destroys mankind in Greece. Japeth, son of Noah: East Indians called him Jyapeti or Pra-Japati, Romans used Ju-Pater or Jupiter. These derivations came about by the practice of ancestor worship, which eventually deified the sons of Noah and they became "gods" in different mythologies around the world. Hindus mythology tells of Satyaurata (Noah) who was a righteous man who was warned of the coming deluge by Vishnu. He saved himself and the seven sages (8 on the ark of Noah) of the world by building a boat for them to ride out the deluge. The name Satyaurata means "dedicated to truth". The Bible states Noah was a rightous man. Satyaurata's son Iyapeti (Japheth) is considered the father of the Hindu people. Satyaurata had another son named C'Harma (Ham) whom he cursed for laughing at his drunkenness. The Bible gives us the original account of this event of Noah being laughed at by Ham in his drunken nakedness in Genesis 9, which was later distorted by early Hindus. Genesis [20] And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard:[21] And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent.[22] And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.[23] And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.[24] And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. English rendered Japheth, Hebrew Yapheth, Djapatischta (chief of the race) in early Aryan mythology was derived from Japheth, son of Noah. The ancient Greeks referred to Japheth as Iapetus, Japetus, Iaetos or Japetos. In Greek the name derives from the word iapto ("wound, pierce"). He is the ruler of the western part of the earth, his 3 brothers the other 3 of 4 columns which upheld the heavens. In scripture, Japheth migrated westward from Babel and his offspring became the tribes of Europe. Wikipedia: "A possible connection between Prajapati (and related figures in Indian tradition) and the Protogonos of the Greek Orphic tradition has been made by several scholars." This is only a small sample of the etymological and historical veri8fication that the Bible provides the correct history of man's diversification and migration. There is far, far more. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @scottgarvie5882 |  @NephilimFree  since the OT wasn't written down until the 8th century bce it relies on it source's hearsay an previous tales from ithe cultures. Noah and the flood is about 28th century bce. 1 son with a wife would not be able to populate Egypt to a degree that the pyramids could be built 3 centuries later. The Bible is merely the record of myths and fables. there is insufficient evidence out with the scriptures to attest to either Noah or Moses. Or any other character. The non biblical evidence for Jesus is also scant and insufficient. You can't read into the Bible what isn't written down in it. As for Noah and his small family it supposes that no other people were around and we know that is false. A local flood with local consequences. Also the illogical idea that Noah had the only boat in the world. I can't argue no more over a book that is clearly fiction. An it is fiction as no two groups of christians can agree on anything within it | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @florastewart7957 | Ryan There are things we cannot see but we know are there. EMF, AM and FM, microwaves | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @babhag5481 | @Racheal Sliburn ...women must remain silent. Thats what your God demands. It is in your Bible. You are also forbidden to teach. So, shhhh. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @babhag5481 | @Christian Healing how dare you...??? This world is messed up because of religion. Science and common sense just about destroyed this bronze age disease. Game over. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @babhag5481 | @NephilimFree is there so much to learn....??? You seem to study Sumer, but somehow Gilgamesh myth was not addressed.....why.....???? It predates biblical Noe.....and the time OT was written. So, big NO...!!!! Biblical story of Noe is a poor copy of much older and much more comprehensive story. Whats your comment here...??? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | Nona Cee that is awesome....thank you for this..... Craig Goldsberry/ O'Briant | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | John Doe hey fake name guy.....it's real and I can prove it.....so quit talking badly and try to have intelligence.... Craig Goldsberry /O'Briant | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | Ryan your clueless.... Craig Goldsberry /O'Briant | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | arauna palm you wasted your time then and were looking lied too....there is no such thing as evolution.... Craig Goldsberry /O'Briant | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | NephilimFree you and I should be talking.... finally someone with intelligence.... Craig Goldsberry /O'Briant | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | Ulterior Motiffs you are incorrect and wrong....he was right and your wrong..... I tell you now evolution is fake and doesn't exist at all..... Craig Goldsberry /O'Briant | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | paul fensome you need to read again.....they were forbidden to enter until the former generation passed away..... Craig Goldsberry/ O'Briant | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @babhag5481 |  @craiggoldsberry633  prove it then. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | Gold Stacking they are ....the ones who call themselves Hebrews now are the Turkish Khazarians.....Craig | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | Bubblegum Witch they do | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | Nero Lowell God is not the Holy Creator and is Babylonian/Caananite demon synonymous with BAAL....And the Elohim are demons not holy angels | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | Scott Garvie that's because your blinded by Lucifer....wake up | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | christine none of your concern no that is not correct....but yes the Palensteniàns are the real Hebrews....the ones calling themselves Hebrews now are the Khazarians from Turkey..... Craig | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | phillip wicker yes there is a time limit.....you have 10 years just to let you know ok..... Craig Goldsberry/ O'Briant | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | MariYah Yisrael Christianity is not a religion but a faith....and it is not the same as in the time of the Messiah.... Craig | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | Honey Flower I could ....but I won't.... I will not be an insult to the Holy Creator.... Craig | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | Manuel Dumont your etymology is not correct and your uneducated....get a life..... Craig | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | Ehsan Anik Allah does not exist and is only a stone idol....just a mere rock..... Craig | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | NephilimFree this is not correct....sorry as it seems you spent much time to know the truth..... Craig | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | Babha G you are not correct..... Craig | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | Babha G prove to me why I should?.... Craig | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @craiggoldsberry633 | Pagan Raven you will be judged for that remark you Satanist.... Craig | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @shixkenya1203 | Wonderful!!! As we say in Kenya,....HONGERA!!!...👏👏👏👏...tell them!!!!... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @itzwooky9256 |  @NephilimFree  Afraid to debate you? You havent said anything. I have. Just call anything you don't like 'naysaying'. People like you drag people down to your level and then beat them with experience. You seem like double-down kinda person, so beyond this I won't be wasting my thumbs' dead skin on typing anymore replies. Wondering though, did you get round to finding out about the fossil record? Just a simple yes or no? | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NephilimFree |  @itzwooky9256  yawn | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jimwilson946 |  @christianhealing6635  What you are saying about chariots being found by Red Sea divers is completely untrue. I have dived that area for many years and there has never been any mention of Pharaonic chariots or other military artefacts being found. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @christianhealing6635 |  @jimwilson946  No disrespect Jim but I never suggested that you found anything in the Red Sea. Across from Nueiba beach, a number of scuba diving expeditions have found artefacts from Egyptian chariots. I never said that a chariot was found. The evidence of what has been found is compelling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIQ-QAKTqZc | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @janetbarr8584 | That's one smart little girl | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @christianhealing6635 |  @NephilimFree  Brilliant! WE need more people who can out smart the Dawkins of this world with their looking down their noses attitude to Creationists. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @christianhealing6635 |  @paulfensome1404  Read the Bible. They kept turning their backs on God to worship false Gods and engage in ungodly practices. Hence they fell short of the graces God had for them. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NephilimFree |  @christianhealing6635  Right you are. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Little_Bitz | 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @lucylui1682 | Stick that in your pipe and smoke it teacher🖕 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @lucylui1682 |  @Ryan-eu3kp  go and watch a music video and leave this for us adults!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @lucylui1682 |  Nad Sta  it doesn't mean it's real just because alot of people follow it.!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Ryan-eu3kp |  @lucylui1682  I think you mean children yeh? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @derekk.2263 | Then he dropped his chalk and it rolled down his sleeve and he realized god is real and ran off screaming. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dugan6056 |  @Ryan-eu3kp  Forget the faith, consider the history and archeology. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @stevewright4092 | There so many stores on way god parted the sea.these scientist are wrong.god parted the red sea.it was showed.parts of the chariots and human bones.was there.look up.A,D, on you tube. Art prodigy discovered | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @vinnydon9347 |  @Ryan-eu3kp  who hurt you as a child? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @gangleweed | Oh shit.....I almost fell off my chair laughing with the true logic of that child. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @athiefinthenight6894 |  @Ryan-eu3kp  maybe your the insane one | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Ryan-eu3kp |  @christianhealing6635  lol I can't believe you typed all that. Did I hit a nerve? I feel sorry for you. You are just another brainwashed lemon. Evolution is a fact. Period. Praying does nothing. When you die nothing happens. You are scared of death and will believe anything to make you feel better about it. You are weak. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rushanegayle5703 | Lol🤣🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @glanced9684 | Intelligence, wrongly applied. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Mark-ye9pi | Ryan History is as valuable as science. Don’t discredit it just because it validates religion. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @cruzcommercialrealtyllc.5757 | Nona Cee 😂😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @ropatewairogo2659 | @Pagan Raven be careful wrath of jehovah God will fall on you.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @anitadavenport7209 | Growing up as a Jehovah Witness myself, I loved her response. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @christianhealing6635 |  @Ryan-eu3kp  I can assure you that I have no fear of death. I feel sorry for you Ryan that you believe you are nothing more than stardust that randomly came together and by unguided mutations arrived at a human being. You are one of those people who can only operate in the concrete. When you die you will find out that there is in fact life after death. By then it will be too late for you. Do you even know anything about DNA and the mathematical odds of it programming an organism to crawl out of the primordial soup? Are you familiar with the nano robots in each of the trillions of cells in your body? Can you explain how enzymes came about? nobody else can! What about RNA, thats even more amazing along with the replication process of DNA and resultant cell division. The only explanation you clowns can give is Time! Well Time has been proven not to be the answer. The Dawkins of this world are the brainwashed lemons. Good luck with your atheistic world view. You will need it! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @DrDIY1 |  @araunapalm  listen i believe in G-d. I'm Jewish. But just like most people wrongfully think us Jews don't believe in Jesus. You as a Christian have some facts of the Jews leaving Egypt extremely WRONG. You are free to believe in whatever religion you want. I firmly believe in that. But, you may want to have a good grasp on the knowledge before spreading your misinformation online.🤷🏻‍♀️ It only leads to confusion, leaves you open to ridicule & gives your religion a bad rap. Theology is very interesting. Even if you only study the Abrahamic religions.....it's worth it, if only to give you a factual base knowledge on the religion that you practice. 😎 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @vilwarin5635 |  @paulfensome1404  One teacher told us that time then was not measured as now. Maybe one year back then wasn´t 365 days, but maybe 8 moon circles. We also have to remember that the Bible was translated tons of times, and maybe the original text said "days" or "months" instead of years | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @chrisfrance8283 |  @nonacee5065  just hyperlink | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @obscurejourney6386 |  @Ryan-eu3kp  Why do you feel the need to insult people for what they believe in? How do you prove that are you any better then? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @obscurejourney6386 |  @allencolvin656  Your explanation makes more sense than saying "never happened." | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @tuomasmattila283 |  @GredelsRage  appendix IS Not vestical!!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @LB-ou8wt |  @paulfensome1404  The most common answer is the use of "40 whatevers" (days/weeks/years) is used many times in the bible and is suspected to represented "a long time" rather than 40 exact years. Or 40 days and 40 nights without food and water in the desert. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @zerdaquil1304 | Hahaha I love that kid! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Verexlyon | The was no such event as exodus, thus egyptian army never drowned. Nothing but jewish mythology. Same credibility as Hercules exploits or war between olympic gods and the titans. It was already proven by Israel's scientists (archeologists, historians, geneticians) , that exode, and the "conquest of erez-kanaan" never happened, that jews didn't come from Egypt or wherever; but instead, they are the autochtons of that lands and in fact, they are kanaaneans. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @lindalambert9802 |  @NephilimFree  very well spoken! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jsphblw | Sage k - Typical tsunami. Water recedes and comes rushing back. Plenty of videos of Asian tsunamis on YouTube | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @DavidWilliams-gd4cp |  @anitadavenport7209  hi I'm jw too | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @anitadavenport7209 |  @DavidWilliams-gd4cp  I'm not baptized yet, but I'm working on it. It's the Truth undoubtedly 💯💯 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @DavidWilliams-gd4cp |  @anitadavenport7209  oh I'm unbaptized publisher myself | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Infomatorz | Lol.... excellent | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @Infomatorz | @Ernest Galletta..If you read the bible you will see it clearly prophecies the days we are living in now ....it is historically scientifically and archaeologically accurate.....you need to read study it look and check all the evidence.....i tried to prove it wrong....but no it is in my eyes The Word Of God .....which gives us the outcome also of this wicked system......Armageddon..... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Infomatorz |  @GredelsRage  It is inexcusable to deny the existence of An Almighty God....he exists and is The Master Of The Universe and keeps this earth held by his physical laws so that we may not fall off it.... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @anitadavenport7209 |  @DavidWilliams-gd4cp  You're very close to being baptized then. Congratulations | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @DavidWilliams-gd4cp |  @anitadavenport7209  oh thanks u hope October | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @anitadavenport7209 |  @DavidWilliams-gd4cp  I'll be there in spirit cheering you on | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @DavidWilliams-gd4cp |  @anitadavenport7209  hi thank you | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @narnia1233 | That’s actually pretty clever and funny. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bibleprophecyproof | Hi, feel free check out my prophecy playlist showing how the Bible foretold the future, revealing the Antichrist and Mark of the Beast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyZQLTW-Axg&list=PLKgIDRZkUU7QkUyp-PlRtCRR6f0qIb8-j | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Me-ih3ge | Nona Cee Sadly Not Everyone is open to the truth, just know those that Don’t Deny The Truth And Gods Existence Will Be Rewarded Greatly ... who cares for others acknowledgments ... just Bless Them And Continue On If People Come To Just Criticize Or Try To Belittle Your Beliefs Give Them No Attention... Remember We Are Living In Times Of Prophecy If They Want To Voluntarily Study The Bible Let Them... But Don’t Take To Heart Their Own Rage Against God. 😊 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nonacee5065 |  @Me-ih3ge  quite right. We can't force the truth on people if they don't want it. Free will has brought us to this point. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NephilimFree |  Dominique Z  Welcome. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NephilimFree |  Dominique Z  Subscribe to my channel for more information that shows Christianity is true, creation is true, and secular ideas are nonsense. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NephilimFree |  Dominique Z  Thank ya! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NephilimFree |  @maric.3977  Love ya back Darlin. Sub me for more content. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @kristyann9912 | Love it! Simpleton teachers. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @kristyann9912 | Science is a religion. But most of science is always proven wrong year by year. The bible just keeps getting proven true! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @kristyann9912 |  @allencolvin656  No. The waters came crashing down of Pharoah's army. The bibel is very very clear. So shallow water could not crash down on men and the earth sure has changed must from the beginning of people. The deserts there did not exist. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @tyleetophbrown | paul fensome yes the Israelites crossed the Red Sea and traveled for 40yrs, but there was no giant. When it comes to Giants that sounds like the genesis story when the bad angels came to earth to mate with the woman and the children they had were Giants | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @tyleetophbrown | Gold Stacking the Israelites sinned multiple times so they were not granted the chance of gods blessings The messiah was Jesus Christ but the Jews didn’t believe that and they had him killed. The Jews come from the ancient Israelites but the Jews don’t they don’t believe Jesus is the messiah, they only read the first 5 books of the Bible, they believe gods name is so sacred that they refuse to say it ( Yahweh also known as Jehovah. And Jews were supposed to marry other Jews but they choose to marry Catholics | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @tyleetophbrown | Bert Nijhof well at least we read the Bible. You can go to church all day but not open the Bible one time. All you do is sing and listen to the passenger that doesn’t read the Bible either | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @tyleetophbrown | Scott Garvie just because thereno exact answer dosent mean these things didn’t happen science cannot prove everything | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @yasselpupo6688 | Jehovah is the true God | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @MrPaytonw34 | Ryan you sound like a very troubled person that was probably hurt by religion in one way or the other religion has nothing to do with God and I’m sure that those are all coincidences just like everything written in revelations that’s happening now they’re just coincidences too right ...Who really knows but you better hope you’re right | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @MrPaytonw34 | Ulterior Motiffs No no coming from a non-bias mind with a decent amount of intelligence , hers made way more sense ..Science has been proving creation for years now you should know that ..I don’t have the said knowledge enough to debate with you so you don’t even need to say anything but I’m just telling you that’s what I thought | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @cornelius9469 |  Manuel Dumont  are you're replies comedy? (I meant the way you typed) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @jonahwashburn9573 | nice | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @aarifboy | At 8:26 presenter must have uttered these words in reference to 1947 "There were two exoduses based upon two nation theory, first in Egypt second in British India. First was requested by Moses second by Jinnah lol" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @formyownedification3879 |  @Ryan-eu3kp  is it more sane that "nothing" exploded and everything was created? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Ubique2927 | Grace Gisel ... The Palestinians and the Jews are one and the same people. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @xtscarfacem8255 |  @araunapalm  the Christian Bible has many similarities with Egyptian history or myths, how ever you want to see that. There are many people mentioned in the Bible that can be found in history. These texts where written by men so naturally they would and could take personalities they knew and write them in for credibility or simple inspiration. The thing about this is that these people found in history left evidence of their lives and time they lived in. With this information and the names and ages of people like Noah, said to lived 950 and Moses 120 for example, a very close estimation of creation can be made. Do you believe earth to be 6 to 10 thousand years old? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @araunapalm | paul fensome Because they had not showed any trust in God, he sent them back to the wilderness for 40 years until that generation had died out. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @araunapalm | paul fensome Jesus has a genealogy of 4025 years that is tracked meticulously so he could be identified as the true Messiah. When Jesus came, the literal temple was no longer needed for animal sacrifices because Jesus died as predicted in Jesaiah 53. The literal temple curtain tore open when Jesus died. Jesus went through the curtain (flesh) into the most holy, the heavenly presence of god as the new high priest interceding for our sins. Read book of Hebrews. The Messiah was Jesus who came from tribe of Juda. The temple and it records was prophesied to be destroyed because it was no longer the channel to be used for true worship. Ask any jew today if they are from tribe of Juda and they cannot tell you. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @deborahdean8867 |  @GredelsRage  vestibular organs are a wrong assumption on your part as well as evolution. The appendix is a reservoir for the gut microbiome. The coccyx is not simply a disappearing tail. Its essential to the spinal cord and lower abdomen. There has to be an end to the prine and trunk muscles have to attach somewhere sturdy. As for evidence, no missing link has been found and bones covering wide geographic areas are put together for display. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @deborahdean8867 |  @Yoyoyoyoasshole  Judaism is practiced when the Torah is practiced....law of God. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @deborahdean8867 |  @nerolowell2320  wouldnt you like to believe that! The Tora gives no one power, especially not a government or king....it was forbidden. And the high priest only had power to decide religious decision about the law. It gave no one power and if you read the torah you will see how its impossible for anyone to gain I individual power by adhering to the law. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @deborahdean8867 |  @scottgarvie5882  then you have proof of nothing . And you havent read it or you wouldnt wonder where people came from. 6th day mankind was created. 8th day adam and eve to be husbandmen (farmers and ranchers). Etc etc. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @GredelsRage |  @deborahdean8867  there isn't a single missing link. There is a DNA link. Evolution happens over hundreds of thousands of years. You want linear progression froma process best described as a tree...some genetic mutations went only. So far, others are still active as we speak. Ans we as a species will continue to evolve until we cease to exist. Believe in God all you like. Nothing says you can't believe in both. But to deny that which is physically real, something that can be proven, is willful ignorance. I understand though. You are afraid of being proven wrong. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @GredelsRage |  @deborahdean8867  yaaa, no.that didn't happen. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @deborahdean8867 |  @GredelsRage  what didnt happen? Not looking through 208 replies | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @deborahdean8867 |  @GredelsRage  dna link, missing individual example link. And? You have no dna link either. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @GredelsRage |  @deborahdean8867  your genesis origin story | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @deborahdean8867 |  @GredelsRage  well if you want to be simple and straightforward, just read the book beginning in chapter one through chapter 2. Mankind is created on day 6. Story goes forward to 7th day sabbath rest. Story them continues to Adam and eves creation for the purpose of having husbandmen to care for the planet, that's day 8 after day 7. Is that your question? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @GredelsRage |  @deborahdean8867  it's not a question. But yes that is what I was referring to. It isn't real it's an explanation to superstitious people @4k years ago. That isn't how the universe. Began. It's not how the world or life began. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @deborahdean8867 |  @GredelsRage  unfortunately with over 200 replies I can't find my comment to know exactly what you're talking about. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @deborahdean8867 |  @GredelsRage  lol, there's one thing for sure, you nor anyone today knows how life began AND our knowledge of all things ancient is fraught with erroneous science. Even carbon dating has assumption in the original premise. And it's very flawed especially when its deep age they're talking about. Look, you believe or disbelieve any religion you want, just be wise and know that today ee are actually pretty ignorant. ALL of our sciences are in infancy. And people of the past were not just stupid clod hoppers . We , the children of today's world, are wise in our own conceits, stuck up, thinking eete so intelligent and wise and know so much more than all others before us. I submit the opposite is true, were more foolish than ever, know less about our world and our bodies, all we have is a new tool called technology/computers . We're still learning how to control fire actually ..... energy. So keep an open mind and don't discount the spirit world nor the presence of good and evil. I personally think our ancestors knew alot more than we give them credit for, and I think they tried passing down the most important info that we should know, even if it seems mysterious. Things written to be messages over thousands of years will of necessity have to touch a different part of the human psyche to get the main message across because people over time have very different perceptions and biases. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @johndavolta3124 |  @paulfensome1404  have you read the book of Exodus? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AWikkedMoon | Ok. The great flood was done by god to get rid of his horrible grandchildren. "The Gnostic Truth, Nephilim Giants, The Grandchildren of god." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtfgQaPkUHY&t=513s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon. We were also divided by god at the tower of babel "The Gnostic Truth, Unity vs Division. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upks5oLN1mY&t=125s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @catmoore2443 the projection and cognitive dissonance is strong with you. Lmao. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @araunapalm that is not accurate, you are making that up. Besides there are many other vestigial organs regardless. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago (edited) | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @rachealsilburn901 cop out and lame. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @nonacee5065 the problem with that rant is that science and archeology a branch of science disagree with you and the Bible. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @NephilimFree hahaha you timeline spits in the face of this documentary and you claim it was a completely different Pharaoh. This is hilarious. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @NephilimFree wow you are straight up lying and misrepresenting the archeology. Also this entire documentary is reaching and also disagrees with many of your points. Also how did the deadly gas kill only the first borns? Dumb AF. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago (edited) | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @araunapalm you obviously know nothing about any scholars work. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago (edited) | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @christianhealing6635 wow this has been proven wrong many times over. There are no chariots at the bottom of the red sea. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @florastewart7957 we have ways to detect those and verify with objective evidence. This isn't a flex. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago (edited) | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @vinnydon9347 followers of God probably. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago (edited) | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @jsphblw definitely not. Tsunamis are waves not splits in water. This is logically and physically unsound. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @kristyann9912 such a misunderstanding of both science and your Bible. Truly sad. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago (edited) | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @MrPaytonw34 really what science proves creation? Because none has yet. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago (edited) | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @formyownedification3879 that not an accurate representation of the Universe expansion Theory. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @nonacee5065 |  @Eric-cj8sb  where the bible touches on science, has been accurate and proven. 3,500 years ago a bible writer said the earth is a sphere hanging on nothing, at a time the belief was that it was held up by animals. Einstein himself came up with e=mc2, and a bible writer said the same thing thousands of years earlier by describing dynamic energy as the source of mass. On medical things, God was adamant on cleanliness, having camps designed with toileting on one side of camp, food preparation on the other, hand washing, quarantine for sicknesses, etc, when at that time the nations around used treatment for injuries by rubbing faeces into wounds. You can see with just those small examples that the nation of Israel under Jehovah God had an understanding of things totally different to the prevailing beliefs. How did they know? How could they describe the forces of nature, the order of geological events (proven correct)? How did they know about microbes and the need for cleanliness without a microscope? How did they make laws that benefited the nation when elsewhere it was contrary? Archaeology is also proving the accounts in biblical times as new discoveries are made. That though would need a whole book to show you the evidence. My defence of scriptures is not a rant as much as a reasonable and wholly justified belief that God is the author of the bible and therefore the bible writers were given insight into things not known otherwise. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago (edited) | @NephilimFree |  @Eric-cj8sb  Secular historical timelines are indeed a joke. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 months ago | @boopthefloof | ❤ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 months ago | @tammekremer2138 |  @paulfensome1404  god wanted to sift out there unbelieve | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @faarsifaarsi5gmail | 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 13 days ago | @GerraldoRojas | Didn't they found proof on the bottom of the Red sea, chariots not one but many things that proof something happened.but not the Red sea. Instead t | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @hybridjunkie | If you think Exodus is a myth, you're definitely in de-Nile | Votes: 1020 | Reply: false 3 years ago (edited) | @Patienceofthesaints | 😂😂There’s gonna be another one, so great that people won’t talk about the first one!!! | Votes: 33 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @martinkent333 |  @Patienceofthesaints  Zero evidence for Exodus, Powderpuff! | Votes: 41 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Patienceofthesaints |  @martinkent333  Tell that to @hybridjunkie after all he is the one that made the post, I’m simply a commentor. 🤔😁 | Votes: 18 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @robertsmith9076 | Boom boom | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @unrealuknow864 |  @martinkent333  the Hyksos removal is well documented | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @martinkent333 |  @unrealuknow864  Nice try amateur. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @martinkent333 |  @unrealuknow864  Sure Powderpufff. And you get your facts from where? | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ThomasG_Nikolaj | hahaha xd https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG8ujnM0COm6TzQc8YwjQzYEizTOX4bkC | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @peterbatterham8522 |  @martinkent333  Certainly not the bible, the best collection of mythical stories existing. | Votes: 17 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @rabbzz1 | And if you think it’d not then you are definitely on meth | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ThomasG_Nikolaj |  @rabbzz1  many historians, astrophysicists and scientists believe in creation.. are they all on meth too? Watch Jay dyer if you want your worldview destroyed. atheism has no way of justifying logic, reasoning, ethics and metaphysics | Votes: 22 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @rabbzz1 |  @ThomasG_Nikolaj  oh I believe in creation. I just don’t believe in the distorted version that is present in the Old Testament for political reasons 😀 | Votes: 13 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @wowtv59 |  @ThomasG_Nikolaj  don't spread false information and don't claim that those professionals believes to your creation fantasy. So desperate! 🤡 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @erikostling5656 | Ba doom chh | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @Teddy_Graham | We know it exists but it is NOT the story of the beginning of mankind!! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @readyreckoner1592 | HAHAAAHH!! YOU SON OF A GUN!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @jaysasso4392 | Yes the "second" Exodus will be much more than the first one...the first Exodus is a snapshot, picture of the next...hold on tight ! | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @luissosa3712 | You are definitely a brainwashed | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @jaysasso4392 |  @luissosa3712 thus far, you have no desire to come to the light...or you would not have said what you have said...How will you answer God if he comes early for you ? See JOHN 3:20 Is this your condition Luis ? | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @charlesmerfeld2988 | One heck of a band. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @EvedHashem | What some random person thinks about the history on Earth in a YouTube comment means nothing to me. Let their words become like dust. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @Liam20005 | Tell that to kyba | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @HoneyHolerz | @Martin Kent  why are you deeply in your feelings snowflake? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @peterpan9408 | Let my people go 🙏 | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @TnACoinZ | The impressive part is Moses predicted the plagues. No one’s denying There’s There is a “scientific” reason to it. Science is wrong all the time. The Bible hasn’t been proven wrong once | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @lsmyser1257 | Lol😂 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @charlescharliejpeg | Nice 👍 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @Jay9NZ | Excellent 🙌 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @12w0 | Hurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @lelandthomosoniii4743 | Finally Humor. Much Thanks | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @raeducky2994 | 🤣 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @tanyatorres2140 | Genius | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @peterlewis8040 | As much evidence as the existence of Hogwarts. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @Phucyue | Simple things for simple minds | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @joshuachappell5840 | Tut, tut | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @penelopehunt2371 | 😂😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @canduscanty8583 | Ok that was good!👏🏾 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @arthurtheartist | Zing | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @ChipmunkRapidsMadMan1869 | ​ @martinkent333  They found a stilla that chronicles the story under the Pharaoh Amosi. The zero evidence myth is because people looking for evidence in the relics of Ramses II so they found nothing. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @martinkent333 |  @ChipmunkRapidsMadMan1869  The Hyksos were not the Jews, Rube. How educated are you? Dig deeper when you frolic in fantasyland with the fictitious Bible, Cupcake. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @Saint4408 | Bro 😭😭 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @martinkent333 |  @Saint4408  NORMAL people type Bible Criticism online and discover the Bible is fiction. The clever ancient Hebrews created Moses and Jehovah in 950 BCE, then stole Satan from the Greek myth of Hades. How educated are you, Rube? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @weaponizedglitter69 | Nice | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @donmac5918 |  @peterbatterham8522  …..”mythical stories”…does the Nation of Israel still exist?…back in it’s land as promised to Abraham… Israel currently possesses only a fraction of the land God has promised; the rest of their inheritance likely awaits the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. God has given His word that the nation of Israel will never cease as long as the sun still shines by day and the moon and stars still shine by night (Jeremiah 31:35–37)…… | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @arejaycee5704 | 🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @bellafontejohnson-bm8ep |  @ThomasG_Nikolaj  um idc of this comment was a year ago wrong is wrong. Yes there are some scientists that maybe religious but the MAJORITY AREN’T !! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @bellafontejohnson-bm8ep | If god real he’ll give us the winning lottery numbers 😊 | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @ThomasG_Nikolaj |  @bellafontejohnson-bm8ep  https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG8ujnM0COm6TzQc8YwjQzYEizTOX4bkC | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @bridgetrodriguez4643 | ​ @peterbatterham8522  Jesus is real. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @vd1721 | Ahhhhhhhhhhhjhhh. Nice one | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @messagesfrom7072 | You funny love it one liners | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @LaurieAnnCurry | 😂😂😂highly underrated comment | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @timpipe |  @ThomasG_Nikolaj  Atheism is just a lack of belief, it doesn't have to "justify" anything. Every culture on Earth developed ethics, morals etc in the absence of Jaweh. It ultimately has to do with the evolution of the human brain. We make it all up | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @ThomasG_Nikolaj |  @timpipe  your comment just goes to show how little about traditional metaphysics and philosophy atheists understand. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG8ujnM0COm6TzQc8YwjQzYEizTOX4bkC | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @BobbJones | Comedy | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @chuckw8391 | 😂😂😂 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @mikealvord55 |  @martinkent333  not really numb nuts. Lots of evidence. Snowflake | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @mikealvord55 |  @martinkent333  oh, are you clever I don’t see you were laying out anything but insults where is your evidence? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @martinkent333 | MIKE, NO ONE FOUND ARCHEOLOGICAL EVIDENCE OF JEWS IN EGYPT. ALSO NO GARBAGE DUMPS IN THE SINAI DESERT. BUT YOU DON'T NEED PROOF OF HEBREW MYTHS! YOU HAVE TRUST!!!!!!!!!!!!! FAITH! ISN'T THAT CUTE?  @mikealvord55  | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @budoshi-f2l | ​ @bridgetrodriguez4643 yes REAL LLY dead | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @tyaarmstrong2751 | Good one😂 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @jorgecruzseda7551 | And there arose the King of Sus Scrofa...Tutank HAM UN😅 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @CockMasters | Yeah there is ... evidence of death to the first born also as well as Records from Egypt of citizens who Pershed in the flood just because Americans are Non believers doesn't mean that the 🌍 Isn't .. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @thomascope2119 | Some plagues were actually a godsend like the Lucas that you could eat for food😮 | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @JordanWallace-nb4id | When the Mark shows up we'll see about that | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @rogutamusic | ​ @Patienceofthesaints Two years and counting. I think this comment is still the greatest 😂 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @rogutamusic | ​ @bellafontejohnson-bm8ep So you've done a census of religious and non-religious scientists, vave you? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @Patienceofthesaints |  @rogutamusic  Kan, it’s pretty funny. I believe in the exodus and I got the pun that was intended. 😁 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @truffle8955 | 😂😂😂😂 YoU NEeD To LeAVe !!!!!!! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @paluzalu6868 | Isn’t that a river in Egypt? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @PheNom1466 |  @jaysasso4392  So Christianity is the only way huh? Mk.... I believe in God but I put the Bible down after the talking Donkey. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @jaysasso4392 |  @PheNom1466  John 3:20 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @bellafontejohnson-bm8ep |  @rogutamusic  yes I have | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @jeffreystreeter5381 | de_Nile 😁 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @reynajingyun3798 | Hahahaha nice | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 11 months ago | @davidtilley6016 | 🙏✝️🙄. Im praying for you because you need it. 😂 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 11 months ago | @comehereodee | 😂 | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 11 months ago (edited) | @theoriginaleb9616 |  @PheNom1466 You didn’t want to keep reading in case Shrek showed up? 😂 (That’s not an insult; I’m just very sarcastic!) | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 11 months ago (edited) | @theoriginaleb9616 |  @martinkent333 Why are you so angry, Kent? You can share your opinion without name calling and being nasty. Divorce, huh? Drive safely! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 11 months ago (edited) | @martinkent333 | I deal in facts, not opinions. Please type Bible facts online and learn humility. The Hebrews created Jehovah God in 950 BCE. No Moses. The Pyramids were built thousands of years before Abraham. Anyone who is willing to die for their trust in any ancient book with talking animals - simply needs to type Bible facts online.  @theoriginaleb9616  | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 11 months ago | @brittneycumby-goodwin9699 | 😂😂😂 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 11 months ago (edited) | @martinkent333 | Zero evidence for Moses, but few bother checking.  @brittneycumby-goodwin9699  | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 10 months ago (edited) | @martinkent333 | The Jews created Jehovah God and Moses in 950 BCE, yet Christians refuse to look up Bible facts online. What up?@@user-lr3nv9dt2u | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 9 months ago | @angellovett9089 | 😂😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 9 months ago (edited) | @martinkent333 | Zero evidence of Moses. How educated are you? @angellovett9089  | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 9 months ago (edited) | @elenahickman4329 | ​ @martinkent333 The Guy in the video proved that it's true | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 9 months ago (edited) | @martinkent333 | His reputation among scholars is poor. No one has found Moses etc, so if your critical thinking skills are poor, you will swallow sensationalism and religious pap. Thank you.  @elenahickman4329  | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 7 months ago (edited) | @brettwilson3142 | ​ @ThomasG_Nikolaj  crazy train 😋😋😋 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 7 months ago | @snasty5 | This guy 😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 7 months ago | @diggingdeeperwithrick125 | 😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 7 months ago (edited) | @martinkent333 |  @diggingdeeperwithrick125  Type Moses online and discover that there's no evidence. How educated are you? The only person who found any evidence is a pseudo-archeologist named Ron Wyatt. Christian archeologists laugh at this clown. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 6 months ago | @sauliuss2915 | Yaaah...god joke 😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 6 months ago | @-wk9yg | 😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 6 months ago | @martinkent333 |  @-wk9yg  Now that you have the Internet, you can finally type Moses online and discover that there's absolutely no evidence for Exodus or Moses. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 6 months ago | @MonicaSmall-d5n | O ya you did that pun😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @ChipmunkRapidsMadMan1869 if it wasn't Ramses II then why would a city be made in his name? Also there is no evidence for these claims the video is making. Moses is an Egyptian name it doesn't mean anything in Hebrew. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @donmac5918 this is the BS they use to justify genocide. This story is nothing but Jewish chest beating and propaganda. Religion harms people. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @ChipmunkRapidsMadMan1869 |  @Eric-cj8sb  Exactly, it was Pharaoh Ahmosi. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @beckybrynjolfsson | The bible was constructed by the romans and pagans the enemies of the jews made up of pagan fables embellishments and lies mixed with Jewish history. It's a book of lies. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @erinmurphy3423 | You so Punny | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @dawnherdman1942 | Mr Peabody said that he hehe the movie the scene where he was at king tuts wedding with penny | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 months ago | @michelleguinn2897 | 😂🎉❤😅 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 months ago | @RekhaaGopinath | 😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 months ago | @armandoreyna415 |  @martinkent333  you’re the one that looks like a powder puff 😂🌈🌈🌈🌈 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 months ago | @jessicahammelev8539 | 😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 months ago | @michaeljmasseri973 | Haa! I like that | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 months ago | @michaeljmasseri973 | I think these in de-Nile are going too be up the river without a paddle! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 months ago | @michaeljmasseri973 | ​ @martinkent333 according too who? You? Or these documentaries and their so-called experts nobody ever heard of? Notice you'll never see the same expert used anywhere else ​@martinkent333 according too who? You? Or these documentaries and their so-called experts nobody ever heard of? Notice you'll never see the same expert used anywhere else | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 months ago | @michaeljmasseri973 | ​ @Patienceofthesaints what's with this guy calling people names? Smh All these trolls get nasty toward us believers | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 months ago | @michaeljmasseri973 | Why the hostility? Cause we think differently than you? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 months ago | @johnvaughan8239 |  @rabbzz1 believing in creation is so willfully ignorant it is sad. It is truly sad that you need to believe that God specifically created us in order to give your life meaning. I probably won’t pray for you but I will give you something equally valuable and wish you the best! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 months ago | @debracrestoni1833 | 😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 months ago | @buzzzzzz69 | ​ @EvedHashem Just like we all will be too.... Dust in the wind...😊 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 months ago | @robertschumann7737 | ​ @martinkent333  Most of the stories of the old testament can easily be based on fact with a little logic added. Like the parting of the Red Sea. Before the Suez Canal was built there was an area called the Reed Sea that was pretty much a swampy marsh. With Moses being from the area he would know where a path through would be found during low tide. When the pharaohs troops arrived the tide was coming back in and it overwhelmed the troops. Flooding them out. It makes perfect sense especially when you take into account the translation of Red and Reed is the same. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 months ago | @robertschumann7737 | Of course this exact story was told after I wrote the comment. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 months ago | @martinkent333 |  @robertschumann7737  Gullible folks think so. Why not try to find out the name of Moses' pharoah? Christian archeologists graduate from Christian colleges and then go to Egypt to find proof of Moses and Exodus and come back empty-handed. It must be fun relying on an ancient magical Hebrew tribal handbook with talking animals. In the real world of credibility, Jerusalem is located on the high ground between the three continents and so the ancint myth of 3500 ears ago were geopolitically strategic and still remain so today. Let's chat about your critical thinking skills and truth. Historians are interested in credibility, why not you? Pleased to meet you! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 months ago | @hope09876 | 😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @mnomadvfx |  @unrealuknow864  "the Hyksos removal is well documented" The Hyksos EXILE is well documented, and after military action against them within Egypt at that.. As is the military action against Israel mere decades after the Egyptian army was supposedly crushed attempting to stop the Israelites leaving Egypt. The Merneptah victory stele is the first evidence in the archaeological record that can reasonably to be interpreted to show the name of Israel. The victory in question being a battle in which Merneptah quelled rebellion in Canaan which was completely under Egyptian dominion at the time, and for centuries BEFORE that time. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @jamesvickery308 | ​ @martinkent333 My faith is all the evidence I need. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @jamesvickery308 | ​ @donmac5918  Gloria in excelsis Deo! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @jamesvickery308 | ​@bridgetrodriguez4643 Of that I can attest. Only the LORD has the power of resurrection. I denied GOD when I lost the only woman I have ever loved. One day, in a fit of rage and ongoing grief, I shook my fist at Heaven, and demanded proof of His existence. I received proof in the form of my demise in a horrific car crash. My life was returned to me, with memory of all that had happened. I saw the LORD that day. I will never forget that date. I find comfort knowing that I will be with my Grace one day, and my Heavenly Father guaranteed that by revealing Himself to me. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @martinkent333 |  @jamesvickery308  Gullible folks know that invisible enemies are thrilling to coworkers.................... As long as 144,000 raped altar boys wake daily from a night of nightmares of pure horror. A dog can protect small boys better than the Lord and Christian holy men. I trust Christian holy men. Any education? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @generalalduin9548 | Cute pun, but there’s little archaeological evidence backing it up. I believe there was a historical exodus that provided the foundation for what’s in the Bible, but I don’t think it happened as written | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @martinkent333 |  @generalalduin9548  Zero evidence. You believe? With no credibility? What up? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @generalalduin9548 | @martinkent333  can you provide archeological evidence or historical records detailing a story like the exodus? You'll find little evidence of an Egyptian army having drowned in the red sea, and it's believed that the Hebrews were already in the Levant by the time Exodus is supposed to have happened | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @martinkent333 |  @generalalduin9548  Zero evidence. Yawn. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @generalalduin9548 |  @martinkent333  I mean, do you have any? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @d-pooly79 | No, there is not. Just as there is no evidence for the existence of a god, or that Jesus existed or was a supernatural being. The bible was written by men, for men, to control the population and women. It began as all religions do, as a cult, then grew by word of mouth through a very superstitious and ignorant (unintentionally so) people. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @SC-fp3hz | Pardon the pun | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @sirgalahad1376 |  @martinkent333 What’s wrong angry little man? You seem worried. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 month ago (edited) | @martinkent333 |  @sirgalahad1376  HEBREW PREHISTORY IS CREDIBLE? REALLY? ANY EVIDENCE? LET'S HEAR IT. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @sirgalahad1376 |  @martinkent333  Are you off your meds? All I said was that you are an angry little man and you seem worried. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 weeks ago | @LindaMortimore-f8p | Knock knock they are in de-Nile ha ha | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 weeks ago | @rahsunallah2825 | ​ @martinkent333 😂😂😂😂🎯👁️👁️👁️ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 weeks ago | @JackSuiter | Lol, such a TRUE statement!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 weeks ago | @clareeastgate2753 | Hahahahaha | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 weeks ago | @LyleFrancisDelp | The exodus IS myth and I've never even seen de Nile. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 8 days ago | @ilikeRUNE | @martinkent333 no evidence of gravity and u made it ur god 😭😭😭😭😭 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 6 days ago | @leomarlonestrada5954 | The Exodus Is A Myth. Jewish Religious Scholars Already Admitted It. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 days ago | @ornum1072 |  @martinkent333 triggered😂 Meditation is the key for balance | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 days ago | @martinkent333 |  @ornum1072  Zero evidence for Exodus and Moses, but you never ever check Bible facts, Faith in a book with talking animals is enough for you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @marketplacegold1540 | As a video editor I can appreciate the insane amount of animation production that went into this... | Votes: 645 | Reply: false 3 years ago | @georgecoman5342 | And lot of BS to. | Votes: 35 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ronhudson4981 | Agreed 👍🔥😎 | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @marvelfan2514 | aia..!! 😳😳😳 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @georgecoman5342 |  @marvelfan2514  :)) | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @duncanidaho9153 | A little of that Avatar tech lent to some creatives from Israel | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MineNSleep | IKR IM AN EDITOR TOO | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @blaakdeath8663 | Bless you all | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @athulvinod8963 |  @georgecoman5342  d 1 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MagesseT1 | Have you read the book by Ralph Ellis? "Jesus, Last of the Pharoahs" It outlines the timeline of the Hyksos Egyptians and correlates everything this documentary describes. The exodus, the Egyptian plagues, the crossing of the Red Sea. Very informative as a deeper excursion into this doc. | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @johnsonhunglo1993 | You can do anything with a cartoon!!! | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @rkooyers | I see you. I’m from another dimension. Do you see me yet? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @rkooyers |  @georgecoman5342 . Let me explain. Per your children’s “Little Golden Books” you read from at Sunday School, Jesus is the good guy. Satan is the bad guy. If Jesus killed Satan then the story would end. Haven't you watched the Road Runner TV cartoon? If the coyote caught the road runner then the story would end. It's the same idea. If the story ended then how could the storytellers live their lifestyle on 10% of your family's income? | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @georgecoman5342 |  @rkooyers  Sorry but you ar wrong. In one day you whil see with your eyes the satan and Jesus 100% guarantee, and all the rest of us. | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @michaelscott5653 | Incredible video quality too! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @lisaanngarrison7794 | That's a really cool thing to see how things were then. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @denosamuels1575 |  @johnsonhunglo1993  xx vcs L | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @elsiemirandadullete9501 |  @georgecoman5342  to n | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @georgecoman5342 |  @elsiemirandadullete9501  ? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @grantgibbons2695 | Fr | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @grantgibbons2695 |  @georgecoman5342  o loll limb bdm dm Do Mmm | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @georgecoman5342 |  @grantgibbons2695  ?? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @georgecoman5342 |  @grantgibbons2695  gfym. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @warrenmcelroy4718 | The Pop-Up book of the parting of the waters was prolly my favorite | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @gracekeepsittogether4322 |  @MagesseT1  thanks for new info to simply research. Curious of multi-vantage points. Weird once 'conspiracy'........is added w/ a person's name; mostly all info rejected (importantly) from peers. Caused me only recent (wonder) if I can source the pebbles on given Pond origins would there be interconnected threads w/ common ground opposition intent. Why not accept facts? Regardless if against beliefs! Worldly puppeteers ruin historical logs by this manipulation. The confusion (lies) for generations later is srewed. Which I wonder these lies/manipulation how far back? Such as w/ pyramids etc. Truly concerning. Sadly SMH | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ThomasG_Nikolaj | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG8ujnM0COm6TzQc8YwjQzYEizTOX4bkC - | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @JonSwaim | Oh it was definitely over the top , could have said at least 45 mins off this video if he would have just told the story and not have wasted so much time on special effects that just dragged on forever | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Lyork | Yes, it hides all of the B.S. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @user-mq8xg5sp9c |  @georgecoman5342  hahaha oh shut up ya koolaid drinker😂😂. Come back to reality. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @georgecoman5342 |  @user-mq8xg5sp9c  If you ar not analfa'bet, then read the Bible. Don't waste your time lisen to all idiot. Bible do not lie. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @jaygarit9177 |  @georgecoman5342  too | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @georgecoman5342 | @AJ Martin :) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @GigiAbbi-cu9qn |  @georgecoman5342  spoken by the brainwashed determined to his preconceptions | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @d.jaydubya9485 |  @georgecoman5342  u | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @rruma5204 | Bcz it is a Show..This is NOT archeology!! ... His Manipulation of Facts is very obvious that's why his "findings" are rejected by most scholars.... | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @kennethbreuhl2540 | I agree with your statement 💯 11 months ago. I also believe this to be true in the name of Christianity. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jerryhinessrtv | Great production. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jerryhinessrtv |  @MagesseT1  Huh? I’ve got to look that up | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @adamberndt4190 | We call that a "Soft Brag". | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @adamberndt4190 |  @rkooyers  What can I do to help your cause my Lord? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @adamberndt4190 |  andrion waser  But some don't! Especially south of the Mason Dixon line! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @lmartinez82709 | You do great work I’ve seen | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jerryhinessrtv |  @adamberndt4190  soft brag? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @gustavoquintana3887 | De acuerdo | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @gustavoquintana3887 |  andrion waser  That explain why the explorers were not allow to get to the top of Mount Sanai. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @hukaschophy9149 |  @ronhudson4981  to ol Mo Mm .omkmo Momm Lm M Mm Ml moo | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @hukaschophy9149 |  @ronhudson4981 o | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @hukaschophy9149 |  @ronhudson4981 o | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @hukaschophy9149 |  @georgecoman5342  ommk K M .o. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @paulinecoburn181 |  @georgecoman5342  Now that’s funny 😁 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @paulinecoburn181 |  andrion waser  Your argument might hold up if you could spell or even string a sentence together 🙄 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @georgecoman5342 |  @paulinecoburn181  :) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @shawnarceo4531 | . | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Livingonlargestactivevolcano | Compare this Doc . and suggestions or other explanations to the actual Biblical account . | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @DinorwicSongwriter | The animation is about as real as the story. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @bartholomew1608 | Your stuff sucks, ofc you'll think this is insane | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @haziln6753 | I find the animation very distracting. It would be nice if it was more simple | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @anthonypareigis6188 | Well it cost 3.5 million to make, and its been mocked by non-religious as well as religious scholars alike. Seriously just google "expdus decoded debunked" the first result is from the association for biblical research and they believe in the exodus but point out how poorly done it is. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AWikkedMoon | Ok. The great flood was done by god to get rid of his horrible grandchildren. "The Gnostic Truth, Nephilim Giants, The Grandchildren of god." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtfgQaPkUHY&t=513s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon. We were also divided by god at the tower of babel "The Gnostic Truth, Unity vs Division. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upks5oLN1mY&t=125s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @TimelineChannel | "It's like Netflix, but for history documentaries" -----> Sign up to History Hit with code 'timeline' for a huge discount! https://bit.ly/3rs2w3k | Votes: 540 | Reply: false 4 years ago | @alikhan7903 | 430 years the Israeli were in Egypt so it cannot be 1700s BC- It has to be 1930 BC. | Votes: 52 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @vveletovac | Wow, the evil Egyptians did not want anything to be found, yet everything was found very easily! | Votes: 37 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @brightstar7936 | Do your research properly. Prophet moses (peace be upon him) with Israelites cross the gulf of aqaba from Nuwaaiba beach. They crossed there towards mountain of lawz which is named of the mountains where commandments were given by Allah .which is now a days in saudi arabia.Local people call this mountain Jebal Musa. | Votes: 20 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @alikhan7903 |  @brightstar7936  , You are right about that... | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @democracyforall |  @brightstar7936  Yes, you are right... | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @believeintrueindian4036 | ‌وَقَالَ مُوۡسٰى رَبَّنَاۤ اِنَّكَ اٰتَيۡتَ فِرۡعَوۡنَ وَمَلَاَهٗ زِيۡنَةً وَّاَمۡوَالًا فِى الۡحَيٰوةِ الدُّنۡيَا ۙ رَبَّنَا لِيُضِلُّوۡا عَنۡ سَبِيۡلِكَ‌ۚ رَبَّنَا اطۡمِسۡ عَلٰٓى اَمۡوَالِهِمۡ وَاشۡدُدۡ عَلٰى قُلُوۡبِهِمۡ فَلَا يُؤۡمِنُوۡا حَتّٰى يَرَوُا الۡعَذَابَ الۡاَ لِيۡمَ Moses prayed: 'Our Lord! You bestowed upon Pharaoh and his nobles splendour and riches in the world. Our Lord! Have You done this that they may lead people astray from Your path? Our Lord! Obliterate their riches and harden their hearts that they may not believe until they observe the painful chastisement. قَالَ قَدۡ اُجِيۡبَتۡ دَّعۡوَتُكُمَا فَاسۡتَقِيۡمَا وَلَا تَتَّبِعٰٓنِّ سَبِيۡلَ الَّذِيۡنَ لَا يَعۡلَمُوۡنَ Allah responded: 'The prayer of the two of you is accepted. So keep steadfast, and do not follow the path of the ignorant. ۞ وَجَاوَزۡنَا بِبَنِىۡۤ اِسۡرَآءِيۡلَ الۡبَحۡرَ فَاَتۡبـَعَهُمۡ فِرۡعَوۡنُ وَجُنُوۡدُهٗ بَغۡيًا وَّعَدۡوًا‌ ؕ حَتّٰۤى اِذَاۤ اَدۡرَكَهُ الۡغَرَقُ قَالَ اٰمَنۡتُ اَنَّهٗ لَاۤ اِلٰهَ اِلَّا الَّذِىۡۤ اٰمَنَتۡ بِهٖ بَنُوۡۤا اِسۡرَآءِيۡلَ وَ اَنَا مِنَ الۡمُسۡلِمِيۡنَ And We led the Children of Israel across the sea. Then Pharaoh and his hosts pursued them in iniquity and transgression until Pharaoh cried out while he was drowning: 'I believe that there is no god but Allah in Whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am also one of those who submit to Allah. آٰلۡــٰٔنَ وَقَدۡ عَصَيۡتَ قَبۡلُ وَكُنۡتَ مِنَ الۡمُفۡسِدِيۡنَ‏ (Thereupon came the response): 'Now you believe, although you disobeyed earlier and were one of the mischief-makers. فَالۡيَوۡمَ نُـنَجِّيۡكَ بِبَدَنِكَ لِتَكُوۡنَ لِمَنۡ خَلۡفَكَ اٰيَةً  ؕ وَاِنَّ كَثِيۡرًا مِّنَ النَّاسِ عَنۡ اٰيٰتِنَا لَغٰفِلُوۡنَ We shall now save your corpse that you may serve as a sign of warning for all posterity, although many men are heedless of Our signs. وَلَقَدۡ بَوَّاۡنَا بَنِىۡۤ اِسۡرَآءِيۡلَ مُبَوَّاَ صِدۡقٍ وَّرَزَقۡنٰهُمۡ مِّنَ الطَّيِّبٰتِ‌ۚ فَمَا اخۡتَلَفُوۡا حَتّٰى جَآءَهُمُ الۡعِلۡمُ‌ؕ اِنَّ رَبَّكَ يَقۡضِىۡ بَيۡنَهُمۡ يَوۡمَ الۡقِيٰمَةِ فِيۡمَا كَانُوۡا فِيۡهِ يَخۡتَلِفُوۡنَ We settled the Children of Israel in a blessed land, and provided them with all manner of good things. They only disagreed among themselves after knowledge (of the truth had) come to them. Surely your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning their disagreements. فَاِنۡ كُنۡتَ فِىۡ شَكٍّ مِّمَّاۤ اَنۡزَلۡنَاۤ اِلَيۡكَ فَسۡــَٔلِ الَّذِيۡنَ يَقۡرَءُوۡنَ الۡكِتٰبَ مِنۡ قَبۡلِكَ‌ۚ لَقَدۡ جَآءَكَ الۡحَقُّ مِنۡ رَّبِّكَ فَلَا تَكُوۡنَنَّ مِنَ الۡمُمۡتَرِيۡنَۙ Now, if you are in doubt concerning what We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Book before you. It is the truth that has come to you from your Lord, so do never become one of those who doubt, وَلَا تَكُوۡنَنَّ مِنَ الَّذِيۡنَ كَذَّبُوۡا بِاٰيٰتِ اللّٰهِ فَتَكُوۡنَ مِنَ الۡخٰسِرِيۡنَ‏ or reject the signs of Allah as false, for then you shall be among those who will be in utter loss. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.QuranReading.urduquran | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rezatabib6732 | https://www.rasadvarzeshi.com/%D8%A8%D8%AE%D8%B4-%D8%A2%D9%86%DA%86%D9%87-%D8%AF%DB%8C%DA%AF%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86-%D9%85%DB%8C%D8%AE%D9%88%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%86%D8%AF-%D8%B4%D9%85%D8%A7-%D9%86%DB%8C%D9%88%D8%B2-72/8707-%D8%AA%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%88%D8%B2-%D8%A8%D9%87-%D9%85%D8%AC%D8%B1%DB%8C-%D8%B2%D9%86-%D8%A7%DB%8C%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86%DB%8C-%D8%B4%D8%A8%DA%A9%D9%87-%D8%B5%D8%AF%D8%A7%DB%8C-%D8%A2%D9%85%D8%B1%DB%8C%DA%A9%D8%A7-%D8%AA%D8%B5%D8%A7%D9%88%DB%8C%D8%B1 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @lindaholladay7197 | Zulqarnan Haider 1 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @queendiva634 | So many ppl are ignorant and sleep this video is bringing the TRUTH and documented I believe EVERYTHING in this video it make sense the bible is coded you have to decode it and that's what these ppl at Time has done🔥❤ | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @EdMcCornhole | Yawn....back to Netflix. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bucquoismusic | And then the identity of the real ISRAEL is revealed : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_pBwpOoLo0 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @thesmith1169 | FREE PALESTINE... TEXAS IS TRUE JERUSALEM THE ALAMO= ANTONIO FORTRESS FACING WEST CITY OF THE GREAT KING DAVID INVADED BY LATINO= LATIN ROMANS. MEXICO WAS JERICHO. CORPUS CHRISTI= BODY OF CHRIST. WILD GRAPES OF JERUSALEM= MUSTANG GRAPES. CHISHOLM TRAIL= CHRIST HOME. UNLEVEN BREAD= TORTILLAS. CROWN OF MESQUITE TREE THORNS. WAKE UP | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @thesmith1169 | THE ARK .... BOTH HALVES OF BRAIN FUNCTION...... MOSES STAFF IS UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE 3RD TEMPLE IS THE MIND. Both HALVES OF BRAIN FUNCTION... AND ONLY GOD CAN OPEN THE EYE 3RD EYE...... ONE OF THY LORD'S HIGHEST GIFTS IS WISDOM. 👌 | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @thesmith1169 | BODY IS THE TEMPLE ... 2ND TEMPLE HEART MORAL COMPASS... 3RD TEMPLE IS THE MIND | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @superaniya8895 | Pure Ignorance these people continue to try to explain away the Almighty's Power but they will never be able to do it | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @superaniya8895 |  @EdMcCornhole  like the demon you are | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @CincoFacts |  @alikhan7903  HI | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @VeganV5912 | What about dolphins 🐬, everything. And the Hindus, oldest religion. This is fiction. Science rules. That’s for science 🧬. 🐒🐵🦍👨👩, 98.6% the same as us 😬🦷✅💪. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @arthurhunt642 | Can Mary make Tacos? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @36whitedove | Ali Khan | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nsantana7471 | Ali Khan ik | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mitchellc4 | The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. RSV Only-monos God-theos Monos theos Monotheism The Father Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)! Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has ab God! Jesus has a God! Jesus died! God can’t die! God raised Jesus from the dead! | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @markdemell3717 |  @vveletovac  Things are never easy pal. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @markdemell3717 |  @brightstar7936  The story is true. They got it mostly right wise guy. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @loistoy3403 |  @EdMcCornhole  😂😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mbedell96 |  @brightstar7936  Many points can be made on this so called story of history alone but the truth is...is that only the true Gods can explain this history through the prophecie of the true bible...Which could also arguemently be know as the true known scripture. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mbedell96 |  @brightstar7936  Wow... what's amazing to me is that y'all so called believe in the same God but do not believe in the absolute facts of history that has been given to us throughout all of this time since then. Maybe be more open minded and see where your beliefs stand. I firmly believe that Jehovah has returned as prophesied in this last age and has given us his new name as stated in Revelation 3 :11-13 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @chrisally6286 |  NEAR TERM EXTINCTION - HUMAN  but yet you cry out to the almighty God when you are in excruciating pain, just like doubtful Thomas, you only recognize the creator of all things when you are in pain or in trouble"brimstone and fire upon you in the name of Jehovah and a lot of pestilence" | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @chrisally6286 | Thanks guys for the documentary it gives me something to ponder upon, thanks again | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @chrisally6286 |  NEAR TERM EXTINCTION - HUMAN  I'm not a tyrant, but the creator said to disassociate myself from the none believers and you are one of the none believers | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @chrisally6286 | I hope you are not one of those folks that cry out to the creator when you are experiencing excruciating pain or you are about to die, cause if you are then heaven help you if you don't know God | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @christopherjamescutler5594 |  @alikhan7903  of it o of oh oh o o of o off of oh oko ok oo oh oh o of mm of o o o o off I ho out o oh oh oh oh oh o of MTG it o of o off o of o off o ok off mg mm of okay oo oo of MTG it off of proof of o my off ofh of off of it off of it o of off of ho h off of it off of it o of o off of it off of it off of h of o off of off off of off of it off off of off of o too if off off of oooo I of off hh oh oh oh o pot o of off of off off h h off ok off of off of off of off mm ol o off of off off of off of o off off o off of off of off of off of off of off of off of off of Matt or off of off of off of off of off off off of off off of off of off off of off of o off of off mm mm of off mm out off off off off m off off mg off pretty off mm my. My off off off my m mm off of off of off. U off of off m off hi off htgo out o of th it off of hmo out of oh oh oh off of oh off of it g of it off l look like it l look Kno | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @monicastringer9845 | Mg red FM Vremfevnmbfmefefefedededededdededededfefef fed R M R def fed Ene H | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @chrissonofpear1384 | Pardon all - WHY MUST we 'decode' the Bible if so much of it is non literal, yet PURPORTS to be literal, and is often claimed to be, by many of it's adherents? And why must we work to fill in the crucial OMISSIONS in it, on some quite major things? Including how a Revolt could even occur in a realm pervaded by God, and why such dissenters would retain any angelic powers, once exiled - to the one world they most wanted to apparently harm, no less? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @marcusgriffith6947 | Ooo[pp[ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @smoodcruz | Great and helpful graphics. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @jjc2667 | Qqqqqqqqq1111qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq Qqq1q1qqqqqqqqqqqq. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @patconnell7055 | Incredible! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @nickkastros8324 |  @vveletovac  I know right, ‘Super easy, barely an inconvenience.’ If you know you know, and blessed are those who know. I’m not sure if you’ve ever come across Pitch Meetings, but check it out if you don’t lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @cbarcus | The Minoan Eruption (Santorini/Thera) is dated to be at the end of the 17th Century BCE, more than a century before the time posited in this documentary, which is most certainly wrong. What is more likely is that the eruption and its regional environmental effects influenced numerous events throughout the region, only to be remembered via oral stories and then written down decades later. Asia Minor experienced significant ash fall, and perhaps drove the Hittites to rampage eastward and to eventually sack Babylon at the beginning of the 16th Century BCE. Perhaps the Hyksos moved into the Nile Delta during this time of instability (The Second Intermediate Period)? This documentary is far too speculative to be of much use, and it handily disregards well-established chronology. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @cbarcus |  andrion waser  We totally agree as to the date of the eruption (1627-1601 is the end of the 17th Century BCE), but famines were a fairly regular occurrence in ancient times, and to try to tie a Biblical story to a particular time period is likely a futile effort. Interesting nonetheless, and thanks for the response. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @cbarcus |  andrion waser  I hardly think that the Bible is a source for reliable chronology or any kind of history. Stories are passed on orally for generations, morphing over time to suit the needs of its people. When a story is eventually written down into a somewhat stable form, its authors are usually not slaves of a strict historical process. Consider for a moment the sacking of Babylon by the Hittites in the early 16th Century. That is not too far removed from the formulation of Hammurabi’s Code. And that is not even the first time for a codification of laws to have occurred. War and exodus repeats itself over and over, like famine, and it is not difficult to see subsequent generations trying to incorporate these reoccurring themes into something coherent and meaningful instead of relating the confusing morass of actual history. That would take an uncommon type of dedication and training, and then the audience for such a synthesis would remain a strange breed (see Herodotus). Still, some of the historic parallels you have pointed to are intriguing. Thanks again for your civil discourse. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @cbarcus |  andrion waser  Contemporary authorship is no guarantee of accuracy, and doubly so when considering religious texts; that simply has never been their purpose. The Biblical stories stand on their own, beautiful as they are, without any need for scientific confirmation. It seems that those who feel a need to embolden their faith seek some sort of outside validation, which is inherently impossible in matters of religion and the supernatural. As for your Amenmesse hypothesis...it seems highly unlikely. The Biblical Exodus is typically associated with the expulsion of the Hyksos in the mid to late 16th Century BCE and the rise of the New Kingdom. Afterwards, Egypt expands its empire, until a few centuries later when rival empires start encroaching upon it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @cbarcus |  andrion waser  It seems at least possible that the Mycenaeans attacked Troy in the late 14th to early 13th Century BCE, and may have had an alliance with Egypt to deal with a common enemy. Anyway, Judaism seems to me like an offshoot of the Sumerian religion. The Ur-Kasdim of the Bible appears to be Ur in southern Mesopotamia, and the long drought of the 22nd Century BCE (see 4.2 kilo-year event) would have created a widespread and pro-longed famine. Both Egypt’s Old Kingdom and the Akkadian Empire go into decline at about this time. In contrast, the Thera Eruption would have probably altered climate for less than a decade (see 1815 Tambora eruption), but that may have been enough to end the Middle Kingdom. I have no idea if the chronology can be made to support this timing. The Hyksos seem to have largely come from the Canaan region, so very likely Hebrew. Maybe the key lies in the transition between the Second Intermediate Period and the New Kingdom? Canaanites gradually migrate into the Delta in the preceding centuries. Disaster strikes and Balkanizes Egypt in the late 17th. Regional conflict and chaos diminishes record keeping and promotes confusion. Eventually the loser is forced to flee as a band of refugees into the wilderness, camping in the fashion of a Long March, dwindling in numbers, but also solidifying around a makeshift creed built upon its Sumerian origins. The horror of the late 17th Century is recast as God’s punishment of the despised and oppressive Egyptians. Moses’ commandments are a desperate derivative of Hammurabi’s Code from the mid-18th Century BCE, employed in much the same way: to institute order and consolidate control amid dissension. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @cbarcus |  andrion waser  It would be a sect of the Sumerian religion, so not corrupted by Babylonia, but a ‘corruption’ itself. It also seems probable that this distinction was necessary to justify ownership of a region and secure a group identity. Anyway, those old myths still figure prominently today in most, if not all, of the descendant religions. And of course, the Sumerians are still an essential part of even secular culture as the base-60 number system remains ubiquitous for the demarcation of time. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @cbarcus |  andrion waser  Once again, thanks for the discussion. I do not consider myself an expert in these matters, but instead rely upon the insight of others. As progress in the interpretation of tablets and other findings continue (artificial intelligence is just starting to be leveraged to process the hundreds of thousands of tablets found so far), our understanding will deepen. With improved radiocarbon calibration, we should be able to develop a more precise chronology, and we may be better able to see the relationships between events. I found this podcast series to be particularly informative: https://historyoftheworldpodcast.com/volume-2-the-ancient-world/ | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @cbarcus |  andrion waser  Brutal story! It seems some scholars have drawn parallels between the two, but I personally have no idea. There was so much cultural diffusion within the Fertile Crescent, it should not be surprising that similar stories continue to show up over thousands of years. Anyway, it is far too easy to speculate about so much of this, I feel that it is a waste of time unless one is going to work rigorously within an expert community to meaningfully advance scholarship. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @TheRealNitrogenNarcosis | Gas leaks...How are you guys...Trying to discredit God...??? This is stuff you learn in school when they try to brainwash you...I can go on all day but that would be stupid of me...I can't wait to hear this red sea line,🙈🙉😂...This is why God can't call call "smart" people...you guys get paid all this money 💲💰 to mislead😂😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @TheRealNitrogenNarcosis | Explain to me if God 🇮🇱 isn't real..how is it that everything happened on cue..all He told Moses to do was on cue the moment it happened after Arron would speak... You guys💨💨💨💨 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @cbarcus |  @TheRealNitrogenNarcosis  I guess we attended different types of schools? Actually, in some places students are introduced to the foundations of critical thinking, including mathematics, logic, and science. This is the opposite of ‘brain washing’. The secular argument against the existence of gods is quite elementary, though not everyone is exposed to it. The concept is simply unnecessary to explain natural phenomena; we have science for that. Religion is interpreted in terms of culture, history, and social psychology. Religious experience would be a product of neurophysiology, likely inter-hemispheric communication which can manifest as an experience of ‘the other’ internally as an hallucination. Religious texts are quite often contradictory and nonsensical, unless viewed in terms of allegory and the political, social, and cultural context in which they arise. I suggest exposing yourself to some of the critical thought on the matter to free yourself from the habits of religious assumption. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @cbarcus |  @TheRealNitrogenNarcosis  Cultural innovation? Creative literature? Basically religious luminaries make things up, and some of those writings are deemed useful and are preserved more diligently than others. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @TheRealNitrogenNarcosis |  @cbarcus  Did you notice the first 12 guys Christ used had no education yet they could turn the heads of the Sanhedrin...to the point they killed them. Some things cannot be acquired by sight and that's where mankind has been stumped for the last 6,000 years...it's harder to sufficate the truth and try and disprove God's existence than for people to try to make an argument He🇮🇱 doesn't exist🥂 Cheers mate | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @cbarcus |  @TheRealNitrogenNarcosis  You are assuming that that actually happened, which I think is unwarranted. The Bible is NOT history. The Apostle Paul took all of his inspiration from dreams, visions, and scripture. The first gospel dates after the Roman-Jewish war and presents a very different view of Jesus. Two other gospels primarily use the first one, and all of the gospels have major discrepancies between them. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @stephenwimmm9326 | must 'm..bm mmm | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @jerrymotak4934 | Current Mt Sinai is a big fake. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @chiefsaintdaniel5102 | 🎤may YAHUAH my heavenly Father bless you all, keep you all, guide you all, protect you all at all times in the name of YAHUSHA my MESSIAH I pray "HALLELUYAH🎸" SHALUM Family | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @miguelchavez4060 | Archeology ciencias finalmente y ÉXODO | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @chriskonstandinos4996 | So sad... every one tries to steal a peace from the Greek history &Greek civilization, the slavs in the north they woke up one morning & became Macedonias ... now the Jews want to be Greeks as well???? we r the children of light the children of Apolon not the children of yahve for centuries now we lost our way & we walk in darkness but they light will shine and lead us again!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @johnycammayo6599 |  @alikhan7903  yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyhuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @user-er6vr7er8y | Just another reason for the religions of peace to kill each other. It's all just old world slave society, that has now spread world wide. The truth doesn't matter, not then and not now. That's God's plan. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @rainephachoumphone9175 | The real exodus hasnt happen yet. Its in the process. Holy bible is all symbolic. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @raymack8767 | Exodus 1:5 in the Dead Sea Scrolls agrees with the Septuagint against the Masoretic Text that all the souls from Jacob were 75, not 70, thus agreeing with St. Stephen in Acts 7:14. The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Samaritan Pentateuch, Aramaic Targums, etc, agree with the Septuagint against the MT for Deut. 32:8-9 in using sons/angels of God and not sons of Israel. The Dead Sea Scrolls for Deuteronomy 32:43 lines up with the Septuagint against the Masoretic Text. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Mambra2u |  @brightstar7936  i dont think that is jabal musa. Because musa need to cross two sea. Al yam is the big lake | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @yannickmichel2566 | Idie with a joyful heart in the knowledge of our infinite achievements and of a contribution unique in the history that bears my name. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @kravenfoxbodies2479 | When you understand that a Tree knows no Race = All in the same Boat = No chosen People | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @flossiewallace6028 | In hv7 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @brianpenton8519 | Go look up Ron wyatt | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @kevinwirth4767 | The Exodus is reported in the Bible as an actual incident. Therefore, it is a reliable fact. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @everinnajin |  @superaniya8895  Ignorance is accusing someone of not knowing something while you yourself know as much. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @everinnajin |  @queendiva634  And I suppose I should adhere to your demands. Did you read Exodus child? Do you know what kind of calamity you are creating AGAINST your grandmother? She told you girl. Don’t change Gods word cuz the moment you start believing this crazy man is the moment you offend the Lord baby. He don’t need to trick your mind by sayin one thing and mean another. The Lord ain’t gone mess with your heart child. God is all powerful and he loves you. Go read exodus baby. That won’t no tsunami girl. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @fordprefect5304 |  @brianpenton8519  Look up Ron Wyatt he is a delusional nutcase like his followers. A Fraud, A Liar, A Charlatan, A Grifter, look it up..... | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @fordprefect5304 |  @kevinwirth4767  It is a fairy tale. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @tanlain4381 | There was Ancient poster "deepest think with simple practice " is the best solution for all problems. 🕜The Book of Exodus was written in Babylon 598,597,596- 540 B.C.E after Jerusalem fall to the Babylonians🕕 🌞the key people and the Authors were; Ezekiel,Ezra ,Jeremiah,Nehemiah and King Nebuchad-Nezzar ll.🌞 (Just before 540 years before Jesus Christ was born on Christmas. This is not the Old book at all , they do already had the Map- book and many history books,even the library reference books to complete the book of Exodus. Again! Don't let me lost my mind, it's a book, the book means the book, that books have too many Characters, including Mosses and his brother Arron and Multitude of Migration Stories. 🤔 You can't mess up the book and the characters, the characters were born inside the story of the books🤔. ✡The purpose of the Authors is Unknown. Believe to be, ✡ (Worshipping One God for Israelis) ✡and how to get out of Babylonian Captivity and how can we go back to Jerusalem✡. For the illustrations of Exodus from Egypt to Cannon, a different groups of Israelis, a different century, may be 2000 years earlier or more, they don't put any time frames. 🕀And also mentioned , Israelis worship too many Gods at that time or why need to repeated One God (the true God) must be worship by Israeli .🕀🕁🕂🕉🕇🕄🕃✡⛧⛧⛧ 👳👳My conclusion will be, any religion have their own Bible and you have right to believe your religion as well as.👳👳 we (the history students ) believe King David was existing in Jerusalem 1000-970 BCE. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @everinnajin |  @tanlain4381  that’s a very very strange claim considering they have historical records of all of these figures, for thousands of years, and have proof of the accounts of exodus. Your information is utterly falsified. Repent and stop being ignorant of what breathes around you. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @papadick70 | who would sign up to be lie to | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @fordprefect5304 |  @everinnajin  historical records of all of these figures WHERE? Get over it there are no collaborating records. WHY? Because the Exodus never happened it is a fairly tale. Ooooops we found something A mother floats her baby down the river in a basket and is rescued by a gardener and grows up to be powerful in the kings court. “ is it,is it,is it, is it, Moses no its Sargon. Aka Sargon the Great LOL | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @everinnajin |  @fordprefect5304  you will find out just how real our Father in heaven is brother. Keep your heart and mind open. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @warrenmcelroy4718 | The Pop-Up book of the parting of the waters was prolly my favorite | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mnt7526 | I will never support this liar video they just want to destroy Christianity | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @everinnajin |  @mnt7526  I could not have said it better myself. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @timothyford3917 | Tyy | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @AliAli-er9qu |  @alikhan7903  m | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @AliAli-er9qu |  @alikhan7903  m | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @AliAli-er9qu |  @alikhan7903  😜 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @47ldgmchd | Galatians 4:25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @jessicaambadipudi8127 | So after watching this amazing film I was just reading through the Bible and in Hebrew 12 :26 it says " when God spoke from Mount Sinai his voice shook the earth!!!!" Woah a d there is literally geographic evidence. The think is people say it's just all nature events , but God is supernatural. He can do what ever he wants whenever and he won't break the laws of nature to do it but uses nature ( ps his own creation ) to still follow reasons and Natural laws to help his people 😂🙌🏼👍🏽 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @AtamMardes | "When someone is fooled & indoctrinated to consider an invisible imaginary God or a glorified religious figure or a man-made book sacred & pray to, you'll constantly find motivated ignorance, dogma & mental acrobats trying to defend the sacredness." | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @pmp450 |  @chrisally6286  Amen to that, the Bible says "If someone comes and brings not the Gospel, do not even welcome him in your house. Then again, in another place, it says God chose the foolishness of the Gospel to confound the wise. Man thinks they know more than God, I don't think so! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @eirvingdiaz7185 | hypothesis, assumptions, unproven theories and bs -- | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @AtamMardes | "When gullible emotional superstitious folks turn into radical fundamentalists after being fooled & indoctrinated to believe that made-up stuff like an imaginary invisible God, a messenger/son, a book, resurrection, splitting the moon, parting the Red Sea, walking on water, etc., are sacred, their dogmatism, fanaticism & emotional attachment will automatically cause motivated ignorance, deception & intellectual dishonesty while playing mental acrobatics to defend the sacredness." | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @kathjacquier6635 | The Bible has the answers. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @AtamMardes |  @kathjacquier6635  Bible = BuyBull | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @MR-ub6sq | 07:10 "fled into the desert 60 years later he returned to utter the unforgettable cry let my people go" Nope! Moses was 40 years old when he fled to the land of Midian AND after the next 40 years, he comes back to Egypt to show the power of Yahveh. You are not very precise in your presentation! You have a 20-year mistake, even though it’s very easy to read about the Bible: "And when he was full forty years old, it came into his heart to visit his brethren the children of Israel... And when forty years were expired, there appeared to him in the wilderness of mount Sina an angel of the Lord in a flame of fire in a bush." Acts 7: 23, 30 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MR-ub6sq | 1:20:01 "if we are right some 3,500 years ago Moses climbed this mountain" Nope! You're wrong. Consider what Paul wrote in Galatians 4:25: "For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem, which now is, and is in bondage with her children." | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MR-ub6sq | 1:22:31 "look at this it is the white stuff it appears there was an ancient spring at the top of the mountain" Yes, but did Moses do a miracle here when he hit the rock with the rod from which water began to come? Nope! "Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt Smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the Elders of Israel. And he called the name of the place Massah, and Meribah, because of the chiding of the children of Israel, and because they tempted the LORD, saying, Is the LORD among us, or not? " Exodus 17: 6-7 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MR-ub6sq | 1:29:12 "at last we know what the Ark of the Covenant looked like" NOPE! It had no bird figures, but cherubim: "And the cherubims shall stretch forth their wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces shall look one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be." Exodus 25:20 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MR-ub6sq | 1:00:53 "have sent a major tsunami crashing against the coast" Nope! There were water walls on both sides from the beginning to the end: "And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground : and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left." Exodus 14:22 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MR-ub6sq | History Hit is NOT like Netflix... Not at all: - There are most of the audio recordings. On Netflix, everything is real video files! - Their programs are very short. Netflix has full-length documents! - They do not have subtitles translated into other languages. Netflix also has Finnish! - Their sound recordings are of poor quality in terms of acoustics and volume. Shocking to listen to! Everything on Netflix is high quality! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @RockBrentwood | To solve mysteries, like with all things, we start with: let's go with the basic elements and find other sources. According to the account, a bunch of people came into Egypt from Canaan, and its leaders assumed high positions in Egypt's hierarchy. Some time later, they were expelled (which in polite language is: "were let go"), yada, yada, yada, and that's a wrap. Is there anything in the annals of Egyptian history that even remotely resembles that? Well, it just so happens there is exactly one sequence of events which matches this sequence. Yeah, you know where this is going. The Hyksos. There's nothing else and nobody else during the period 3000-4000 years ago that even comes close to matching the story sequence. So, it's either them, or it's nobody and all made up. This means, also, that the drought of Joseph has - as its historical underpinning - the 4.2kY event and the long term after effects of it and the chaos it led to, that brought down the Old Kingdom and led to relative anarchy that set the stage for the Hyksos. Their arrival has to be the underpinning of Joseph ... or else it's nobody and Joseph is made up too. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @soookimbo6571 |  @brightstar7936  yes | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @soookimbo6571 |  @queendiva634  not everything but it's still enlightening | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @soookimbo6571 |  @chrisally6286  actually it says don't be unequally yoked | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @fetongsy341 |  @alikhan7903  ìu77 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @andreamascagni6412 | Good po | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @edithalansang4116 |  @rezatabib6732  60 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @sonia354 |  @cbarcus  you make some very interesting points-Thankyou. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @billsamuls7620 | IF YOU BELEIVE GOOD ON YOU IF YOU DONT GOOD ON YOU AS LONG AS YOU ARE GOOD TO OTHERS | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @rickesquivel8432 |  @mitchellc4  in | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @anyamaemmanuel2690 |  NEAR TERM EXTINCTION - HUMAN  wake up and repent, adihos | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @anyamaemmanuel2690 |  @fordprefect5304  the problem of atheist is this:anything that falsify their believe,they reject. D bible is no fairy tale. It holds history of some event centuries ago. Even d 1830 discovery of Iraqi archeologists about sennacherib prison where he wrote of d captivity of many empires and even Jerusalem, slated appropriately the name of d king of judah= Hezekiah,which is in d biblical context and many more. Bro bible contains some ancient history. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @anyamaemmanuel2690 |  @AtamMardes  and you rely on your atheism 😭for you,wake up bro wake up and open ur mind. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @fordprefect5304 |  @anyamaemmanuel2690  There is nothing in the bible before the 10th century that has any basis in fact. If you have any evidence prove me wrong. Even after the 10th century the bible goes off the rails. The Assyrian Army destroyed by an angel? David killing Goliath with a spitball. Never happened. The Babylonian conquest of Jerusalem in the 6th century, so? The bible was written in the 2nd to 8th centuries, it should be factual at that point. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @AtamMardes |  @anyamaemmanuel2690  "When gullible emotional superstitious folks turn into radical fundamentalists after being fooled & indoctrinated to believe that made-up stuff like an imaginary invisible God, a messenger/son, a book, resurrection, splitting the moon, parting the Red Sea, walking on water, etc., are sacred, their dogmatism, fanaticism & emotional attachment will automatically cause motivated ignorance, deception & intellectual dishonesty while playing mental acrobatics to defend the sacredness." | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @tartvtheafricanrepublic7825 | So this is all about making money... Beware of these actors fantastical spins | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @rruma5204 | This "reporter" made many FALSE claims, presumptions and manipulations of facts: 1) the "Semetic" Hyksos were most likely Phoenicians, Northern Canaanites, evidence is their technological similarities to people of Byblos and N.Levant...so NOT Hebrews. 2). the Supposed Hebrew words he mentioned as proof ("amo" , "AkhMose", etc..) could NOT be, since Hebrew did not branch off as a distinct language until after 900bce... so no way in 1500bce. 3). Most scholars say Pharaos did not use slaves, but employed its peoples during the seasons of Nile floods since people could Not farm d land at the time. .... and Many More... Entire presentation is B.S., just pay attention to how he words his claims. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @fordprefect5304 |  @rruma5204  Nice post, the reporter "Simcha" is Ron Wyatt Lite. One nit, there is documented evidence that the Egyptians used slaves but in small numbers. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @rruma5204 |  @fordprefect5304  yes, in small numbers, usually defeated captures after battles. However, Canaanites had been interacting or migrating in small numbers to Egyptian Delta for several centuries. Even when Hyksos ruled N. Egypt, Thebes in the South was still base for Pharaohs. So Hebrews could have been some of the migrants from S. Canaan, since Delta was rich in agriculture. Hyksos however, were most likely from much farther North, due to some of their technologies and cultural practices, and they are the hated enemy Egyptians drove out, as recorded in inscriptions. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @fordprefect5304 |  @rruma5204  I totally agree with you. Again great post on your part. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @rruma5204 | I looked him up, this guy is a scam artist, most scholars dispute or refute his findings. He puts on a good show, but it is still a show, not facts. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @PaulStarr-ld1kb | WORLDSMASTEROFSPIRITSSPIRITSEEKERSCANADA,TM* OH OHHHH SEEMS AS IF THEE HAS SO MADE A HUGE MISTAKE | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @davidavi1300 |  @vveletovac  àà | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @haywardfernandes1991 | Israeli were in Egypt before our son of God Jesus born (before BC) read old testament | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ExiledGypsy | I don't buy it the chronology of the plagues and tsunami doesn't match the length of time it took all those people to walk the distances. Then why does this guy is always wearing something on his head. I think it is because he is too religious that makes me thinks that there is conflict of interest. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @christineannechristou5388 | Great story, very interesting.thank you | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @miyahwhite9885 |  @brightstar7936  P | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @burnishedbrass883 | Everything that happened in the Bible happened in America The Gig is THE MOST HIGH IS Waking his People Up and their is Nothing ANYBODY Can do About it The King 👑👑👑 IS COMING THE KING IS COMING | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @72Yonatan |  @alikhan7903  : The rabbinical commentary states that the time of 400 years began in the lifetime of Moses, who was given the original BRIT, the covenant with YHWH, therefore the actual time spent in Egypt itself is about 200 years. Abraham lived until the age of 175 years, and his sons Isaac and Ishmael buried their father. But the first time that he was given the promise was when he was seventy-five years old. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @72Yonatan |  @vveletovac  - It was not found easily - but very possibly some bribes were paid in cash to the officials or the police. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @72Yonatan |  @brightstar7936  - I agree with your version since there is more evidence for Sinai to be in ancient Midyan, which is now northern Saudi Arabia. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @arliciawalker | This is not real everybody knows the israelites were not white people to people this is not historical facts O facts and the documentation that you're showing is a lie, You guys gotta keep on lying you know Europeans and got no religion you know Europeans don't even have a culture even the Romans do not have a culture they even understand that their Europeans Jesus Christ came to them the israelites are black and star black and cumbly black and comely those are 2 descriptive words to recognize the Israel is black and Jesus Christ was black how you gonna just throw that in there But timing reviews everybody only were timing your views on liars and they don't want the truth and the truth hurts dudn't | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @arliciawalker | False and a lie, and we challenge you on that. The Hebrew Israelite were black so was Jesus christ, according to Revelations 1:13-19 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nicholasakwoyere8750 | Mf74vm7fv4 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @suramya03 |  @mbedell96  io | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ramseymartel4e301 |  @alikhan7903  6 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 | To even imply that works of mythology and fantasy are in anyway...history,.... is the height of disingenuous malarkey. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @f1s2hg3 | Simcha your God of Israel was so displeased with your nation that The God of Israel took another people called Christianity! Then the Jews rejected Jesus of Nazareth the Romans called King of the Jews and crucified Jesus of Nazareth because of Caesar’s threats to wipe the Jews out. If another uprising started at Passover Festival. Jesus of Nazareth is the Passover Lamb of The God of Israel Issac and Abraham. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @f1s2hg3 | Simcha I wrote a song with those words just recently and I believe it was a Spiritual Witness to the testimony of the slave that wrote on that wall!!!! Praise God!!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @f1s2hg3  Makes about as much sense as claiming an empty milk carton as a sign from god to buy more milk. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @f1s2hg3  That sums up the whole fairy tale pretty much yeah..... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @messianic_scam | no I don't sign for fake history | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @grasshopper5035 | Of course youre not like netflix because netflix is pedophile so please delete this comment and comment another | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nanaempress9267 | I believe the Bible has been revised for so many years. So many versions....as a former believer... I seriously don't know what to believe anymore | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nanaempress9267 |  @vveletovac  it's been years and years.... I wish to believe in everything. But I believe in the one who wakes me up and takes care of me. My invisible friend... The creator of heaven and earth.... .. My everything.. . And that's the Almighty God. Who made living and none living....... Religion came to divide the humankind. But above all we are under one Maker. The Almighty God. One love my people 🙏 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @nanaempress9267  Regardless of the version or revision,..which brings the perfect word of God,..(which it never even claims) into question, it is still nothing but textbook mythology and much of it plagiarized from earlier religions especially the condradictory Jesus fable. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nanaempress9267 |  @michaelfox2433  the Bible has been revised so many times.....latest version... Blah blah blah... Why would they revise such a book.. But as I said.. God the creator above....then science | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @nanaempress9267  I didn't claim it was revised I only responded to another post. I can see by your response though that if you thought your god told you to drink bleach,..you would because it's only science that tells us it would kill you and it's secondary to imagined voices in your head......got it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nanaempress9267 |  @michaelfox2433  no Michael... Lol... Everyone got to believe in what he /she believes in.. At the end of the day... OK. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @nanaempress9267  Oh....so now science takes precedence since your "Wholly Fable" is wrong 100% of the time on every scientifically testable claim? Or do you still think leprosy is cured by covering a live dove with the blood of a dead one....or that bats are birds..or that rabbits chew their cud,...or the city of Tyre that your god prophesied would be erased from the earth and all memory yet...it's still where it's always been and never ceased to be. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nanaempress9267 |  @michaelfox2433  believe in whatever you want.. I believe in the most High 🙏. As I said earlier my creator. The rest follows. Science and everything... Night Michael. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @terrialdrich9477 | What an amazing creation! The narration ~ the visuals! Just WOW! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @terrialdrich9477  It's easy to do when you are dealing with complete fiction...... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @mark1tex |  andrion waser  actually no the book of Exodus does not say that. However the book of the Bible says the event if the exodus was exactly 430 years after Jacob entered Egypt (to the selfsame day). For the first 30 years, they were welcomed guests. Then came the 400 years they were there in bondage. Total time in Egypt was 430 years to the very day. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @danielessex2162 |  @queendiva634  according to the bible there is no code and any code would make god's words meaningless. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ctpatten4798 | my nm vzg g | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ctpatten4798 |  @alikhan7903  o | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @gisellegarchitorena932 |  @alikhan7903  hb | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @REX-INRI-JESUS |  NEAR TERM EXTINCTION - HUMAN  You should not comment on things you clearly know nothing about... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @martinmuldoon603 |  @believeintrueindian4036  you make no sense to me ecumenical when translated to English | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @martinmuldoon603 |  @queendiva634  interesting for sure though I'm not sure it's correct in every way | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @martinmuldoon603 |  @thesmith1169  there's something very wrong with you, have you a clue what you are talking about? Go seek help | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @martinmuldoon603 |  @mbedell96  you are all mad on the channel, very deceived and misguided. Simply read the Bible you will get to know God | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @martinmuldoon603 |  @chrisally6286  you are also a false beleiver as far as I can tell from reading you past comments. Teas the new testament, everyone on this channel is away of from the truth. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @martinmuldoon603 |  @cbarcus  I'm not sure about a lot of this documentary though I found it very interesting. One thing I've noticed is the mixed up bunch of highly confused comments made. Your comment is normal and objective, most comments here show how confused the people of the world are. Your comment was pleasant to read not like most of them, I think I've read enough. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @martinmuldoon603 |  @chiefsaintdaniel5102  thank you brother for you blessing. So many unbelievable comments around this video, a lot of lost souls | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @martinmuldoon603 |  @chriskonstandinos4996  I hope you find the light, Jesus is the light, we don't need to know all history, nobody can see into the past it's just guessing. Jesus is the way the truth and the light, his sheep know his voice and they follow him. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @martinmuldoon603 |  @rainephachoumphone9175  crazy comment | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @vashtiroyal8900 | I will say his Name Is'Rael | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @MagravatorMag |  @vveletovac  That's usually what happens with evil people. They spin their webs and it eventually unravels. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 | And when Isa son of Marium said: O children of Israel! surely I am the messenger of Allah to you, verifying that which is before me of the Taurat and giving the good news of an Messenger who will come after me, his name being Ahmad, but when he came to them with clear arguments they said: This is clear magic. (As Saff (6)) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @joevirparillo7289 |  @alikhan7903  llu | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @joevirparillo7289 |  @alikhan7903  uyu | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @tinacradduck2756 | This is truly entertaining! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @petrosdiamantis2596 | They hide the truth about Moses for political reasons. I am Greek and having read all the ancient Greek and Roman historians, the conclusion is that Moses was Egyptian. 1) The ancient historian Manetho wrote that Moses was Egyptian Rebel against pharaoh and his name was OSARSIF. 2) Another ancient Greek Historian LYSIMACHUS wrote that MOSES was Egyptian Shepherd and rebel against Pharaoh and his name Was TIZITHEN. 3) Roman philosopher CELSO wrote that Moses was Egyptian Shepherd and Rebel against Pharaoh. Without mentioning other ancient historians, everyone agrees that Moses was an Egyptian insurgent, and he wanted to violently impose a monotheistic religion. Manethos and Lysimachus write that Moses had made an alliance with the habiru people (100% are the Jews). Also in the bible itself, we have a very strange story. When Pharaoh sent Moses into exile, Moses found an old man named Jethro. Jethro was the leader of the Kenites. Moses presented himself to Jethro as Egyptian. I can write hundreds of evidence. This have paid 100% from the government of Israel. The reason is to justify the occupation of palaistinian earth by Israeli imperialism. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @stanleyrichmond6297 |  @alikhan7903  g | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @edwinseraphim5193 | 5 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @leopoldocalica9645 | 77o | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @elizabethhyancith6940 |  @alikhan7903  ad | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @martinkore2329 | Ì | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jalermaling8736 |  @brightstar7936  Quite true. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @lumberjaxe8910 | Exodus 18:21 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @toddslimmer4897 | But it's not history. It's fictional. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @starter47990 | It's not a myth | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @EasternRomeOrthodoxy | It's not a myth, you soulless idol worshippers!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @RuralMallu | Conspiracy theory truly illustrated with fabricated evidence to convert everyone to Judaism. They can get bigger evidence from India than this Because whatever they see through the eye of a Jew patriot it seems to be from the Bible | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @EasternRomeOrthodoxy |  @RuralMallu  God, you pagan westerners are so stupid🤦‍♂️Here is you🇷🇺🤣👉 🇺🇸🧟‍♂️ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @RuralMallu | In the future 2018 Corona will come in the Bible In the name of a singular god El A god who come when people call him by man made tribal names | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @EasternRomeOrthodoxy |  @RuralMallu  Shut up pagan | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @robertjett5243 |  @alikhan7903  ⁷⁷⁷6 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @dorandacolbert5973 |  @brightstar7936  Is the purpose of Islam to divert or supplant the stories in the bible? Well, you better make some videos of the proof you have for your statements. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @EasternRomeOrthodoxy |  Jupiter Rules  Tamils???🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Just escаping??🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @EasternRomeOrthodoxy |  Jupiter Rules  Shiva was actually the Tamil ancestor according to scripture, but those pagans made him a god | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @hlamaung2614 | P | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @EasternRomeOrthodoxy | @Miss Amy Cherfia Not rude, they are evil pagans | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @geraldneary5758 | Boring. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @chrisjones2584 | No trace of the passage of a large group of people – 600,000 families according to Exodus 12:37 – has been found by archaeologists. Not a trace places of like Kadesh Barnea, ostensibly the main campsite of the Hebrews during their 40 years wandering the desert | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thomashathaway3534 |  @alikhan7903  iijm | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @margarets1465 | Rsearch ...Mud Floods.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ryancureton7835 | Typical! Seems like the usual stilling of African history culture and artifacts, to medicate white god syndrome. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @davidjanbaz7728 |  @AtamMardes  U = Empty Conjure! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @davidjanbaz7728 |  @chrisjones2584  Ancient Egypt and the Bible with Dr.David Faik Egyptologist videos can help you're blindness. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @davidjanbaz7728 |  @toddslimmer4897  sure buddy! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @davidjanbaz7728 |  @petrosdiamantis2596  you're ignorance is overwhelming! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AtamMardes |  @davidjanbaz7728  The hoaxer Christian writers, who fabricated the resurrection hoax by making up fake testimonials that the disciples have witnessed an empty tomb & a risen Jesus, didn’t know that a sin-sacrifice-resurrection story implies a superstitious God who values blood-sacrifice, which was common back then - e.g. sacrificing a goat for a new home. The superstitious early folks who valued blood sacrifice created the God of the Bible in their own image. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @HarveyDenton989 | there is no such thing as common era | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @beachcomber1able |  @queendiva634  So many people are brainwashed, like you. 😊 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @The_G-ape |  @alikhan7903  ⁰⁰0⁰0⁰000⁰⁰⁰⁰⁰00⁰p. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @f1s2hg3 | I was practicing my guitar lessons and God gave me this song “God said to Moses God said so, “GO TELL PHAROH LET MY PEOPLE GO “ repeat 10 times. Hallelujah Praise God in Jesus Christ of Nazareth name amen 🙏 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @alfredsinkllc4870 | Something about a light brit accent makes the films seem more intelligent | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @alfredsinkllc4870 | ....i like the other guy in the plane intro better narrating | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Jetblac3 | You | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Jetblac3 | Ii | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @stevengray6002 | 00 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cap.deanmarcelwinchester | i've suicided 2x and come back . I seem 2 refuse 2 die, despile 2 dealhs during lraining, 2 suicides, 3 fires, 2 floods, a car wreck, run over 2x, shol 2x, slabbed, slrangled, suffocaled, drowned 5x. Supernalural was based on ... ME ! IN real life, Special Branch MI-6 Canada. I hunled serial killers, slavers, assassins, mass murderers, war criminals, nazis, pedophiles, subversives. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @alarjdeek2389 | So it's all based on Global Propaganda rather than facts? Thanks. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @hoboroller5642 | 🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @charleyrochelle3607 |  @vveletovac  يكون | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AtamMardes |  @HarveyDenton989  Evidence shows evolution made man then man made Yahweh, The God Of The Bible, Zeus, Allah, Romulus, Zalmoxis, Osiris, etc. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ann-christinblomfeldt8429 |  @queendiva634  I agree fully | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AtamMardes |  @memehub6594  Religions are man-made. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thomaspearce4359 | M.p | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @kin-sleya4714 |  @VeganV5912  pollo | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @kin-sleya4714 |  @VeganV5912  o | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @malcolmjamesturner | After the first 23 ads, I had to turn it off. Shame...... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @f1s2hg3 | Simcha your work is GREAT AND HISTORIC BUT ARE YOU GETTING RECOGNIZED FOR YOUR TRUTH? MANY ELITES ARE ATHEISTS PEOPLE WHO HATE GOD AND ALL GOOD! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @reubensmith4836 | My name is Ruben and I’m not even Jewish but I know who you are | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @fudgeknights |  @arthurhunt642  best comment by far | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @e.douglasrussell6645 |  @mitchellc4  in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. Jesus called himself the living word. He WAS and is God in the flesh form they are one being with two separate jobs to do. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @mitchellc4 |  @e.douglasrussell6645  Hello Where is the word of God ever a person in the Old Testament? In the beginning was Jesus and Jesus was with the Father and Jesus was the Father?? That won’t work The word is a personification of God’s word Similar to Wisdom in Proverbs Jesus is referred to by Paul as the Wisdom if God Does that mean a female spirit being named Wisdom transformed into a human named Jesus?? And the word did too? Two being transformed into a human? No Jesus is the embodiment of God’s word and wisdom Jesus is the Messiah The Son of God The Son of David The Son of man The man God has chosen to be his anointed king The man God will judge the world through The man God raised from the dead Jesus will return and rule the nations with believers in the kingdom of God on the earth Jesus has a God There is no triune god in scripture Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. — Acts 3 13 The God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, the God of our fathers, hath glorified his Servant Jesus; whom ye delivered up, and denied before the face of Pilate, when he had determined to release him. 14 But ye denied the Holy and Righteous One, and asked for a murderer to be granted unto you, 15 and killed the Prince of life; whom God raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses. Notice Jesus is NOT the God of Abraham | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @johnnydaniels7319 |  @alikhan7903  tjy7 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @davidwilliamson2115 |  @alikhan7903  0⁰⁰0⁰0 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @WhisperedHistory | E | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @anderg1420 |  @alikhan7903  ⁸p0o8000p | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @Shimbayah7x77 | God will not be mocked! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @robiakter7428 |  @alikhan7903  q0 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @greg5023 | Sign me up! The Faked Archaeologist is my favorite liar. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @jheffschannel6269 |  @alikhan7903  | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @jheffschannel6269 |  @alikhan7903  | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @azreas |  @vveletovac  do you actually believe that ? They wanted to add drama to a very good done documentary that absolutely misleading and changing history. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @debrawolleycrochet | I like your comment.ha ha | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @desmondfenty4949 | 0p0ⁿ9⁰0 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @desmondfenty4949 | 0p009⁰ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @JadeBeulah | Leonardo da Vinci's paintings reveal true prophesy liked to Rev 12:1-5; Luke 1:45; Matthew 1:22, 23; Isaiah 54:1, 66:7-9 and other prophetic scriptures. The most prophetical was found under the Madonna of the Rocks. Please discuss further? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Eric-cj8sb | This was dumb AF and was reaching and made claims that support his preconceived notions. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @vveletovac small brain. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 months ago | @TamelaJC | Qqqq1 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 weeks ago | @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018 | 430 years are about the Abrahamic alliance. Abraham and his descendance, were outsiders for 430 years. They first inhabit Harran, and then, the Land of Canaan. At Canaan and Harran, they were outsiders. It is later, with Joseph, that they settle in Egypt. They never were in Egypt for 430 years. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @paulwhite6745 | Intriguing video, but it uses words like 'proof' and 'proves' too much for my liking. Nothing is proved here. It offers up some interesting hypotheses and speculations, but that's a long way from proof. We shouldn't dismiss the possibilities explored here, but neither should we regard them as anything other than speculation. | Votes: 530 | Reply: false 4 years ago | @francebat9012 | I AM VERY HAPPY TO SEE THAT PEOPLE AREN'T EASILY FOOLED. THUMBS UP FOR MY YOUTUBERS!!! | Votes: 52 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @atiq0729 | The proofs said here most of the time ment proof for their hypothesis.. | Votes: 20 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dellingson4833 |  @francebat9012  Do you believe in satan the evil darkness he is? If so, why can't there be the other side of good and light. | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @limeproductions7873 |  @dellingson4833  No, you don't get it, people who don't believe in god don't believe in satan either. We don't believe in any of it. We usually just think Religion is something either used for people who need to be able to hold onto something to give them hope and comfort or to keep people under control. | Votes: 58 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dellingson4833 |  @limeproductions7873  i'm coming to grip's with this piece by piece. Like the 10 comandments for us not them, etc. I'd love to know our REAL history.When you read into a few of the religion's they aren't just controlling it's pure evil. I'm learning. | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @DannieJ | Yes it is speculations, an intelligent guesses of what really happened in the past. Physical evidences in the present that could proof that what was written long time ago has happened. | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mikev4621 | Those scrawled pleas from the slave on that cave rock look remarkably freshly cut : ) - Also , under what circumstances would several of Joseph's court officials cast off their royal-seal rings into the dirt for these diggers to conveniently find 3500 years later ? | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jeodewalker2549 | Evolutionists uses the same words. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jeodewalker2549 |  Jesus Is King  My point is that evolutionist uses the terms yet the majority never question it, but when biblical archeologist uses it the people question it. This proves that those people questioning biblical archeologist are bias. | Votes: 13 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @jeodewalker2549 |  Jesus Is King  Christians or non-Christians as long as the individual pointing out how wrong Evolution is, evolutionist will come dashing like a herd pigs. Gross! | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @theodoram208 | I don’t think every historical discoveries can present 100% undeniable proofs. Because they’re affected by many aspects. But from this video there are SERIES of historical discoveries that compliment each other. As if witnesses were scattered and recorded what they witnessed on different times and different places. What’s more important these findings were almost all aligned with the biblical story. The closeness similarities are obviously undeniable. Plus in the belief there’s also something called Faith. There won’t be faith if everything from the bible can be proven scientifically. And God wants us to follow Him because we have faith in Him not because of tons of proof exist. But why there are findings like these appeared, they were to show which god is real and alive. | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @theodoram208 | Jesus Is King I need more explanation than that | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @theodoram208 | Jesus Is King you said God doesn’t exactly want us to decide...? Then why gave us free will? Why gave us intelligence to choose which is right or wrong? And I never said some of the proofs are wrong. I was just being realistic since we’re talking about “proofs”. And go to heaven and be with him is not the goal of being His follower. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @FrasFs | Lumorniel Sycamore Your interpretation is much more plausible, just think about it folks, people being enslaved and enduring hardships, it would make a lot of sense to have some kind of hope, a God figure who watches them all and will send a deliverer to free them from bondage, and what about what came afterwards? These people who supposedly “Saved by God” days later they ended up worshipping idols or what have you. If it really was true and indeed this God existed it wouldn’t make a shroud of sense. What about other people in other continents? Didn’t they also deserved to be God’s people? Or did God just forgot about them and chose to pay attention to the Israelites! These questions must be asked. Thank you for your reasonable comment. I highly recommend to read a book by Reza Aslan called “God: A Human History” it tells a comprehensive story of how man invented God ever since the first hominins appeared on earth. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @FrasFs | Jesus Is King I think a productive approach would be in your favor instead of just saying “It’s right because the bible says so” so does Judaism and Islam have predictions, some of them are right and some of them are wrong. First of all the Bible ( The NT ) has been written by people, for people, after the events of Jesus took place by decades, it’s been translated and retranslated for centuries, and the originals are lost in transmission, you can’t possibly know which is truth from fiction. Either way I mean no hate my brother or sister, God bless. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @emmakleiner8470 | In fact even Coran ( Muslim book) tells the same story | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @paulwhite6745 |  @emmakleiner8470  Indeed. Islam, Judaism and Christianity are basically three branches of the same tradition, that's why we call them the Abrahamic religions, but the roots of the Abrahamic tradition go back even further, at least as far as ancient Babylon. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @patiencejacobs809 |  @jeodewalker2549  Yes you are right, questioning thesame terms use by evolutionists in biblical archeology is showing one is bias. Evolutionists use the term proof and prove alot, people dont question that, why is this any different? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @patiencejacobs809 |  @theodoram208  God bless you . | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Klaskiana | That's why it's called a "conspiracy" | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @_kudos8093 |  Jesus Is King  False https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/chariot-wheels-found-bottom-red-sea/ | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @thesmith1169 | BODY IS THE TEMPLE... THE KINGDOM IS IN YOUR MIST | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @sulaimanrahul213 | Even if god comes to you guys and say accept me y'all find an excuse anyway | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jonduke4748 | The hypothesis seems to fit well with their evidence. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @haelotny6523 | @anonymous guy This is an un-Islamic documentary that misguides people to believe the corrupted Biblical account of Musa (a.s.). | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mynameisnotimportant7336 |  Jesus Is King  What proved your god? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mynameisnotimportant7336 |  Jesus Is King DNA proving which creator god? Almost every culture has its own | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mynameisnotimportant7336 |  @theodoram208  Follow him for what? Follow him so he can be happy? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mynameisnotimportant7336 |  Jesus Is King  So all the other religions pray to the false creator? 😁 You are very funny, my friend. I dont know where you get your science from but for sure not from M.I.T | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @joannareynolds7910 |  @limeproductions7873  I'm gonna pray for you! 🙏 And for every none believer here! People have to understand this is what faith is.... Not seeing... And still having faith! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @limeproductions7873 |  @joannareynolds7910  I respect you religion but please don't pray for me. Even if your god is real, even if everything in the bible is real, heck even if he appeared right in front of me I refuse to even be associated with such a creature. There are just too many things in the scripture and religion that completely go against my moral compas and standards and you wanting to pray for me is just adding insult to injury. It comes across very sanctimonious and entitled. Also, I know what faith is, you're pretending as if we're all to dumb to understand that the whole purpose of faith is blind worship and faith in god. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Eclipse-mf6hc | @france bat virtual high five from Australia | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mitchellc4 | The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. RSV Only-monos God-theos Monos theos Monotheism The Father Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)! Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has ab God! Jesus has a God! Jesus died! God can’t die! God raised Jesus from the dead! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mitchellc4 | Jesus Is King Jesus is the Son of God Jesus is the Messiah Jesus is the anointed king Jesus is NOT God | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mitchellc4 | Jesus Is King Is the Son of David actually David? Is the Son of Moses Moses? To be the Son of someone means you’re not someone No triune God in the scripture Why don’t you answer my question about the God of our Lord Jesus Christ?? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mitchellc4 | Jesus Is King Where is the phrase “Divine Son of Heaven” ever used on scripture?????????? EVER? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @aarifboy | At 8:26 presenter must have uttered these words in reference to 1947 "There were two exoduses based upon two nation theory, first in Egypt second in British India. First was requested by Moses second by Jinnah lol" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @aarifboy | @Jesus Is King History repeated itself in 47, as it always repeats lol. Thats main point | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @aarifboy | @Jesus Is King Just like followers of Pharoah followed followers of Moses despite reaching agreement, same way followers of Gandhi followed followers of Jinnah in 47 lol. But history took a U-turn this time, on previous occasion followers of Pharaoh got killed, but thus time followers of Jinnah got killed. BTW dont blame God for these sins of yours hehe. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @seanmccready9564 | @Faux the whole point of scientific methodology is the attempt to disprove theories. Something is proposed, evidence is presented to support it and then attempts are made to disprove it. Usually, as our ability to examine things in finer detail emerges, the original theory is shown to be inaccurate and new theories which offer a refined or more exact concept are proposed and the whole thing starts again. Religious thinking/teaching offer up a concept/theory/story as the truth as presented by a prophet or a god and is immutable. Period. Religions generally are not about challenging the handed down wisdom, but about accepting it. big difference. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @GMaster_Yoda | If you had this much evidence that someone committed a murder it would be enough to convict. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @briantalejo5784 |  @mynameisnotimportant7336  do you even know why there are so many religions? exactly for the purpose you are stating it is the devils way of leading people astray from the true god thats why there are even a lot alike you wouldnt know which one to believ and even then you can be following the wrong one and be breaking rules a great example would be catholics they are so similar to cristians but they are being misled for example they know their is a sabath and know the day yet their religion changed it based on. what the pope said which is is bad for a second pretend like you believe imagine the smile on satan’s face | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @mynameisnotimportant7336 |  @briantalejo5784  My friend, you are "kaputt". That's how we say in German. You are totally brainwashed. There is no need to argue with people like you, who think they are not atheists but they believe in a god ,who himself/herself/itself is an atheist. Or does your god believe in a God? Who created your god? Ah, he/she/it is the begining? Meaning he/she/it came from "nothing"? Came something come from nothing? It seems your god appeared out of nothing. No carbon, no cells, no time, no space, nothing. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @briantalejo5784 |  @theodoram208  actually he didnt give us much intelligence its explained in the bible first part basically remember adam and eve apple they actually were suppose to not eat it and then we gained more intelligence and got kicked out for that reason also why babies will go to heaven because they dont know any better but we do have free will to decide | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @briantalejo5784 |  @limeproductions7873  actually most people believe religion is to explain things one problem with that “science”does the same thing and you gotta believe in one or the other and i call it “science”because there is science but part of science is fairytell just as you guys argue the bible is made up for example be open minded for a sec science big bang says the universe basically came from nothing that sounds just as ridiculous to us as god does to you guys its actually more believeable that a designer made us than everything came frome nothing including life and evolution which has many flaws for a fast non detailed explanation ill just say science is observation and no one has obeserved evolution like a dino turned into a chicken which sounds ridiculous or a human turning human from a small water living thing | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @glendegroot8403 | Well spoken sir! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @yemengoto4905 | Paul White, you're right because there is no proof or evidence in this video because Moses did not exist literally according to an advanced race of extraterrestrials called Esseliens. They revealed to me things that might seem too shocking and incredible to most people. The story of Exodus didn't happen because it is a fiction. My experience with these extraterrestrials led me to write my superhero book Binoetics' First Touchdown: Artificial World (Facebook/Binoetics). Nothing works in this world the way you think. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mikealangaloe1774 | Well said | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @bell1095 |  @haelotny6523  …,why does the documentary has to be „islamic“ at all ? Leave it as it is. Stay as written by prophet Mohammed, keep sticking to the hly Quran and be happy. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @bell1095 | This docu is comparative plausible to any scholarly „proof“ or „disproof“. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @johannkotze8243 | A | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @johannkotze8243 | Q57aqqt1q | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ahmada2090 | The real Mount Sinai in Jabal Al-Lawz, northwest of Saudi Arabia, and this video. Search by title for the video (Finding the Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @tonyf.3975 |  @limeproductions7873  Yes, people fail to realize all religions were created, then amplified as a means of control, and a form of government with otherwordly roots was the result. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AWikkedMoon | Ok. The great flood was done by god to get rid of his horrible grandchildren. "The Gnostic Truth, Nephilim Giants, The Grandchildren of god." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtfgQaPkUHY&t=513s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon. We were also divided by god at the tower of babel "The Gnostic Truth, Unity vs Division. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upks5oLN1mY&t=125s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @KENICUSONE | Considering we are talking about events that occurred 3500 years ago and go against the Hollywood take on it then of course it is all speculation. It seems they were able to shed light on both biblical accounts and geographical . It was eye opening for sure. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @luiscastrejon451 | For those doubter (thomases) everything the Bible speaks About it’s TRUE it’s not a myth , The Bible is not a mythology book , it is Gods breathed Word and the fact that some people don’t believe in it doesn’t make a lie , it makes them liars …just saying | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @7ACADIAN7SHEPHERD7 | There is proof. King solomon had pillers built on both sides of the red sea...and they say Solomon is a myth too... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thor8086 | Exodus story told us about Egyptian Pharoa Ramses, archeologist PROVED Egyptian king Ramses was a real king. About 4000years later. This YouTube video proved nothing, factless anti Exodus story. Most historian base their historical findings on oral history. Any written history is considered absolute proof. In this fake documentary video, written records from millennia ago is discounted with suppositions. Many used to say Ramses never existed and discounted Exodus story. Last couple of decades, there are too many anti-Israelite documentary produced with Arabic or Muslim financial support. Producers should be more transparent about supporters of factless theories such as origin of name Moses. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @matthewherd | I think the proof is all the exhibits are real , like the inscriptions all the locations and mummies that is proof that they were and are real whatever the rest of the story may be, you cant say that these pieces of proof arent real because in the video they are documented | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @chrisstrube1244 |  @limeproductions7873  both | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @goddy357 |  @francebat9012  Do you believe humans landed on the moon 50 years ago? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @goddy357 | Do you believe humans landed on the moon? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @justinapps3047 | The free will argument is very flawed | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @justinapps3047 | I personally think it's the telephone game especially looking at ancient sumerian and Akkadian us Bible admits Israelite was influenced by Babylon | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @NikolajHansen |  @jeodewalker2549  difference is, they have actual proof en masse | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @josephfelix9301 | Everything here is compelling and is more evidence than anything I've seen before. And corroborated with Egyptian documentation. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @charlesvenangojr.3513 | So….God is a volcano? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @inagordan4589 | Bible says that its hff happened. that's the most important truth | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @inagordan4589 |  @DannieJ  bible it's a truth. Go read it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @inagordan4589 |  @goddy357  tut hey landed on the Moon. only primitive minds says no. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @goddy357 |  @inagordan4589  you watch a lot of science fiction movies hu? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @silviabadillo5041 | Doesn't matter what anyone's says: Everything is true there's so much archeological proof, you just want to believe what your tiny mind can comprehend, but we don't know nothing, there's a spiritual world out there, and there are many but many testimonies about it, I've experience it myself. All of you saying is a myth don't change anything, God exist, the Bible is his word,and your opinion doesn't make him less real😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @davidneal4111 | The Bible is God breathed. Therefore it is true. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @JanAndhisfiets | Anti semitic comment.. ADL do something | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @principleswise9749 |  @limeproductions7873  But independently of the the proof of the prove brought up by this documentary you might not be getting it. Here there's no RELIGION involved. Usually people that haven't study religions and aren't deeply familiar with Christianity, use the word in a denominative way. But this story, before been a story was factual history not a myth like religions in general. So there's nothing to prove here because is been always history. The challenge has been to DISPROVE it. So far has remained intact. In RELIGIONS traditionally people search for God and since they are only humans they have only found bits and pieces of different gods. The Bible is the HISTORY of Creation and the History of GOD finding man, God approaching humans, God engaging humanity; God establishing a relationship. Reason why Christianity exist. All sort of ridiculous stories of relationships can be found in mythology or "other" RELIGIONS if you would But Judaism isn't the case. And Christianity, *NOT Catholicism, are the end result of that Supernatural encounter that initiated the relationship that will arrive to maturity in the middle of the book of Revelation.* But it will always be God'sú way not our way. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @Weiska-im8el | Nay sayers are always gaslighting!! If seeing isn't believing either, then no one has the truth. I have seen! I guess it's all our individual choice whether to allow God to reveal the truth. Your disbelief has brought me closer to the truth even more. Thank you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 day ago | @christmay1 | Yep, the whole documentary is foolish @ best. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Scoobyxxxsnax | at least theres no "according to ancient alien theorists" | Votes: 457 | Reply: false 4 years ago | @kirkleblanc | Scoobyxxxsnax True... when the internet first started Poppin, I was coastin! I think Windows 95 was the era. There was a building in Ethiopia that needed roof repair and it was moved very near by, I'm sure they brought it right Back. internet was different, like Princess Diana, the tunnel cameras have no footage, there are no pictures BUT, I saw everything on YouTube right after it, you couldn't recognize her, her head was a mess.... just hair and brain meat | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rickkrockstar | Me: according to ancient alien theorist, the answer is always YES, to basically any theory they have.... 🤣😂🤣 | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @alexisjuillard4816 | yeah that's what i was thinking but taking the bible as anything other then a work of fiction is not much better | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rickkrockstar |  @alexisjuillard4816  You do know that any historian, values the Bible as virtual fact, regardless of their beliefs, because of the once THOUGHT as fictional locations, that are proven to be FACT, because they found 80% of these quote ""fictional"" locations.. 🤔 Sodom and Gomorrah, found it. Nineveh from Jonah, found it. The tower of Babel, found it. The place Moses lived, found it. Whether you believe or not the places in the Bible are proven REAL, therefore logically, many of the stories have truth.. 🤔 | Votes: 32 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @alexisjuillard4816 | RickK RocKStar no that is factually incorrect all of these places are only creationist arguments. They might let you say that where you live but i guarranty if you said that on my university, or any in europe you would get only laughter | Votes: 12 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @alexisjuillard4816 | RickK RocKStar i mean dude if the old testament it’s virtual fact, is the story of Lot also true? You know the guy that got raped by his daughter’s, who where never punished by god? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @two0nina | Ain't that the truth! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @alexisjuillard4816 | RickK RocKStar i went to my teachers in university to see if they would laugh or ponder. I’m at La Sorbonne in Paris, and can affirm they did not ponder, even though i’m in physics not archeologie. They told me this is creationist nonsense, to not waste my time on these matters | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rickkrockstar |  @Sevenhunter728  you make it to easy bruh, Ironically, there is a place actually named metropolis, not sure if a real Superman lives there. 🤯🤯🤯 | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rickkrockstar |  @Sevenhunter728  oh, I forgot, the original writer of Superman, based his character on, no other than Jesus Christ, but that wouldn't sell so it was fantasized into Superman.. Sooo🤔. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rickkrockstar |  @Sevenhunter728  by work of fiction, you mean because YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT. 96% of the planet would argue with you. The problem is 98% of television, social media and education is owed by the 3% richest atheists.. | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Vonbrucken | Ancient Aliens Theorists say NO! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @chrisdell3472 | Ancient astronaut theorists say yes | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mikeybarboza3086 |  @rickkrockstar  96% of ppl believe the bible is fact? Lmao yea ok buddy maybe 96% of the people in your church do. Which even if 96% of ppl d in d believe it that doesn't make it true. Everyone once believed the earth was flat how'd that work out for them. The bible is fiction and so is your God. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dennissharpe8356 |  @mikeybarboza3086  not offensive at all and if my religion is not the same as your science how does that hurt you? Believe in what you wish but, my purpose is to witness my God with you and explain how to celebrate life and not be led by death as energy and light never die they are just released and the idea that your soul or what conscience leaves your body after death. Are physasists awake? What makes one awake? Knowing that conciousness dies with the flesh? Very sad way to live. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dylanhayes8930 |  @rickkrockstar  Just applying your logic for a second here... Sherwood Forest and Nottingham are real places too. Can I hit Robin Hood up to rob the rich for me? Seriously, I could really use the money. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @penguin21ful | Lmao | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rickkrockstar |  @dylanhayes8930  Ironically, there is overwhelming proof that Robin Hood existed. Soooo, my logic is very sound...🤔 | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @SteveWard151 | alexis Juillard did you ever think about the possibility that the Bible was designed that way for a reason? Sure if God came down with fire coming out of His hands everyone would know there IS a God! That would destroy the concept of Faith it would destroy the belief system. Plus if He did that He would be showing off which is pride (pride is the cause of sin). This way gives God the chance to separate the weeds from the grain. I am just a stupid human I am nothing special. But I do know we cannot think as God thinks so . There are just too many coincidences in this world for all this to happen by chance. Think with your heart not your mind. | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dylanhayes8930 | It's 2020. If God cant post a TikTok video proving his existence he deserves to be irrelevant. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Vonbrucken |  @chrisdell3472  Ancient Astronaut Theorists say NO! I would know because I have a PhD in Ancient Astronaut Theorists. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @marybelle3516 | @Alexis Juilliard, you have to understand that people of faith what your professors say. My own kids had to just grin and bear it in college. Fortunately, they all went into medical sciences. Some day, maybe now, maybe later, you’ll find out life isn’t as easy as you thought, you’ll begin a search for One to whom you will have to answer when you pass from this earthly state. If you leave your mind open, you’ll be able to access the spirit within you, the one that makes you alive. Then you’ll search and begin to understand things you never thought possible. At least I hope you will. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @JosephFuller | lol, I was half expecting that too | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @alexisjuillard4816 | Anna Belle life isn’t easy. But it won’t ever be a god who will come to my aid cause i would have to have proof of existence not « a feeling » or something like that | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @alexisjuillard4816 | buymebluepills if you are fervently religious you’re even more dirty then me being that hypocritical and condescending to your god while you are full of hate and disgusting feelings. Keep them for you If you are a non believer you’re just plain dumb if you don’t get what i’m saying Either way i can’t do anything for you | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @alexisjuillard4816 | buymebluepills not me i have no sins to defend. I’ve never sined... cause sin doesn’t exist. It’s a construct in your mind | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @alexisjuillard4816 | buymebluepills 1)well you and everyone else 2)so what? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @tiathompson6674 | ZERO aliens, FALLEN ANGELS AND NEPHILLIM..................yes. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @aarifboy | At 8:26 presenter must have uttered these words in reference to 1947 "There were two exoduses based upon two nation theory, first in Egypt second in British India. First was requested by Moses second by Jinnah lol" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @deeplorable8988 | Yours is an old and tired grievance. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @michealsantos9748 | I tell girls km an achient alien theorist | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MagesseT1 | I thought that as well... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @luberry342 |  @alexisjuillard4816  if the Bible isn't real them Roman empire never existed,can't you see your ignorance... because the Romans are the witness to Christianity and Christianity is the witness to Judaism..so to say the Bible is fake is like saying there was no Christians doing Roman empire that the death of Paul,Peter, James and the rest and the imprisonment of John in present day turkey are all friction and king James of England and King Richard the Lionheart of England are all friction...and Romans are all man made theory.. never real | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @alexisjuillard4816 |  @luberry342 no the romans are real. Not right, and the evidence is VERY thin | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @luberry342 |  @alexisjuillard4816  so to you the Romans are real ,that means the early Christians are real because Romans maltreated and tortured them. And if the early Christians are real because history got records of the Roman emperor Constantine converting to Christianity...so if Christianity is real why been doubtful about the historic records of Judaism, when Christianity is rooted from Judaism, even ancient historical records of Jews are been found by archeologist in areas of Babylon(Iraq),Persian(Iran), Jordan, Palestine. So why are you still doubtful even the early converted Jews to Christianity talk about the exodus including Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ spoke about the exodus to the phrases and Jews this was recorded in the book of Matthew.. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @alexisjuillard4816 |  @luberry342  yeah a book thousands of years old. Why should i believe anything it sais? We have hundreds and thousands of text and iconography for the romans, we don't have anywhere near that for jesus. Case solved. The romans existed. Jesus maybe And even if he did you still hav3 to prove he is the son of god lol. And a few miracles in an old dusty book wont do it | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @luberry342 |  @alexisjuillard4816  The honest truth is this, only you can experience Jesus Christ existence by your self.it all begins with a genuinely heat, moving away every sinful deeds and unholiness character, engaging yourself in a lifestyle of prayer and fasting then you'll Jesus Christ.(through a divine visitation).this proof is far better than any historical or archeologist findings of Jesus Christ.,.then Jesus Christ begins to work with you and for you just He (Christ) did with Paul the apostle. This is the greatest self finds of Christ because it's written the ordinary man can't know the things of God for they are foolishness until him neither can he understands them because they are spiritual decerned.1 Corinthians 2 Vs 14. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @luberry342 |  @alexisjuillard4816  The honest truth is this, only you can experience Jesus Christ existence by your self.it all begins with a genuinely heat, moving away every sinful deeds and unholiness character, engaging yourself in a lifestyle of prayer and fasting then you'll Jesus Christ.(through a divine visitation).this proof is far better than any historical or archeologist findings of Jesus Christ.,.then Jesus Christ begins to work with you and for you just He (Christ) did with Paul the apostle. This is the greatest self finds of Christ because it's written the ordinary man can't know the things of God for they are foolishness until him neither can he understands them because they are spiritual decerned.1 Corinthians 2 Vs 14. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @alexisjuillard4816 |  @luberry342  no i can't i've tried. Yes i have a doubtful heart i m a physicist i doubt but recognise the truth when i see it | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @luberry342 |  @alexisjuillard4816  yeah,you recognise the truth when you see it well,it is sad but ignorance is no excuse but a down fall.thats why many has gone astray..God is not moved by your credentials, qualifications or progression or professions.mind you there is nothing anyone in this generation has been or acquired that other past generations did not. That's why there is nothing new under the sun.. finally,lyou need to know this, there is always a right way ,and a wrong way to get things done. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @alexisjuillard4816 |  @luberry342  yeah god shouldn't be moved by my credentials he's god. Until someone or something comes to me with real proof of god i'll stay an unbeliever... sorry. You could give me that proof if possible. Would stop me from experiencing an eternity of torture. Would be nice. Appreciated even | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @alexisjuillard4816 |  @luberry342  nothing in this generation lacking in the previous? Not even Internet? The medium we are using to talk? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @luberry342 |  @alexisjuillard4816  so are you saying the previous generations did not have their own technologies? Yes they did ,but what makes theirs different from us is that no one knows about these technologies, look at their archeologist findings proves alot about their civilisation..the fact our generation is more advanced doesn't mean technology started from us.please be schooled. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @alexisjuillard4816 |  @luberry342  no i m not saying that. You are wrongly stating my views then attacking the parody of them yo7 made. That is the definition of strawmaning, i'm out this is useless. Do your reaserch correctly you'll all arrive to the same conclusion. The right one | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @luberry342 |  @alexisjuillard4816  what are you all about mate.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @gloworm6387 |  @Sevenhunter728  It is a city in Kentucky. It's on the map. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @gloworm6387 |  @dylanhayes8930  I actually met a woman from Sherwood Forest, England. Yeah, it's a real place. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @rickkrockstar |  @Sevenhunter728  when people have no argument the go ad hominem. Get educated then comeback with a good argument. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @juniperabbott2614 |  @dylanhayes8930  would not WANT a God who tik toks..personally ...lol | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ben-jam-in6941 | From the ole…. “ Ancient Alien picking loggers who own a Pawn Shop History Channel”. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ahmada2090 | The real Mount Sinai in Jabal Al-Lawz, northwest of Saudi Arabia, and this video. Search by title for the video (Finding the Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @bobbyeldridge7767 | All you who believe, don't worry about these unbelievers on this guy's comment! They want to sign, they know nothing of the Bible! Their ancestors ask the same thing, Jesus Christ replied, a wicked and perverse generation would ask for a sign, but none will be given! They've chose where they want to go, I'm pretty sure they already bear the mark of their master! You can see them by their fruits! Their comments are like mere children, I can't understand logic flies, and they were not chosen! If they were, this would be their sign! Sense it's not a sign, they will never come to know! Read Matthew, see when Jesus told the disciples, why! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @bellatordei3440 | Why, what's wrong with that? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @kurtpopp9004 | 6.5 likes for every dislike. That is a bad ratio for any video | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @slowlikelean | Book of Enoch. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @aspektx |  @rickkrockstar  Unfortunately, your facts are inaccurate. The majority of historians and Bible scholars (who aren't fundies or Evangelicals) do not think either the New or Old Testaments are historically reliable except in rare cases. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @kakandeslastborn1224 | 😂 lol it's real | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @IV-dp4xu | The fact that they went into the military zone to provide proofs to us gains mass respect from me. Can't say how lucky I am to discover this channel. | Votes: 454 | Reply: false 3 years ago | @devikateeluck6811 | Me too....👍...italy | Votes: 11 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @oohhlol3352 |  @devikateeluck6811  me to | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @martinkent333 | Obviously you never check Bible facts online, doofus. Zero evidence for Moses OR Exodus, silly. | Votes: 11 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @martinkent333 |  @devikateeluck6811  Zero evidence for Moses and Exodus, silly. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @martinkent333 |  @oohhlol3352  Zero evidence for Moses and Exodus, silly. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mobashiryusuf4813 | It is also written in Quran.so, don't come in conclusion early. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ben-jam-in6941 | 👍🏻👍🏻 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @maryfrump7937 |  @martinkent333  Read the books by David Rohl then see what you believe | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Threat1 | Martin Kent hatred perhaps? Is your purpose to hate on Gods followers. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @willmfrank |  King James  I rather suspect that Mr. Kent has not actually watched this film..."Zero evidence," he says, even though Simcha Jacobovici provides plenty. | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @buggeringfool7179 | Bwahahaha | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @buggeringfool7179 |  @martinkent333  This is true. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @buggeringfool7179 |  @mobashiryusuf4813  Qur'an came from Oral tradition, until it was written. Muhammad's teachings, and "Recitations", were spread orally. There is no reason to trust it for facts. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @buggeringfool7179 |  @maryfrump7937  Belief is not knowledge. I hope you are promoting knowledge of the difference ... 💕 | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @buggeringfool7179 |  @Threat1  Belief is not knowledge. Disagreement is not hatred. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @buggeringfool7179 |  King James  God is on your back passage. If you use your medical finger, you may be able to find him...... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @buggeringfool7179 |  King James  It is also true that Musa had sodomy with Gibreel. If Moses had a staff, it was the short one in his pants. The whole story is for children, and a waste of time for grown ups... | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @buggeringfool7179 |  King James  God of Abraham is an evil demon, and should not be worshipped. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @buggeringfool7179 |  King James  A Christ was never real. It is a mythical title, of something not real. From Greek mythology. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @buggeringfool7179 | "Nuculus"? Learn to speak!. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Threat1 | Buggering Fool not knowledge but wisdom is it is there a lot of wisdom in the Bible why not take it ey?. Second, it is hatred I’ve seen him every here in the comments trying to disagree with believers, why even get on this type of video if for first you don’t believe? Or are perhaps just questioning atheism? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Threat1 | Buggering Fool your so called an aethiest but why do you believe in demons? 🥸😯 | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Byronic19134 |  @martinkent333  Zero evidence for a delta variant of vaxx that works but that doesn't stop people from taking experimental jabs. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @cynthiawortman6089 | It’s nothing about luck it is called grace an the Holy Spirit there is no such word in Christianity it is called Grace in Holy Spirit Hod bless | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @bpljlb |  @willmfrank  this is all you need to know about the exodus https://youtu.be/Iep4gnmJeRE Thank me later ….. evidence you wanted lol? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mahmoodali1533 | Dude if you are going to believe anything in a radon YouTube channel, then it maybe better for you to quit watching you tube. There is not one single thing in this whooper is correct a part from one single fact and that there are reals- a lot of seals bear the name Yaqub har and Yaqub baal, to be correct 18 seals in total.. But, the rest are lies and fabrication for entertainment only and to make a few bucks. Dude Yaqub har or Yaqub baal had nothing to do with Joseph or the bible. Yaqub-Har or Yaqub baal was well known a Canaanite king of Egypt during the 17th or 16th century BCE at the time of Hyksos, as Yaqub har or Yaqub baal himself was a hykos king or Canaanite king. He reigned during Egypt's fragmented Second Intermediate Period. Long time before the biblical Jacob. Yaqub name is a well known Canaanite name, so logically Abraham would have named his son Jacob, but Jacob the son of Abraham is totally different from Yaqub-Har , but most likely both were Canaanite. Second the Biblical Jacob had no any statue in Egypt neither political, nor religious nor even as a rich man apart from merely entered Egypt at the old age stayed a few years and then dead. further more Jacobovici provides no explanation as to why Joseph would have a signet ring with the name of his father Jacob. For Joseph to have a ring of his father, that must mean the opposite of what mentioned in the Bible meaning Jacob would have had a high statue in Egypt and then Joseph inherited his statue when the biblical narrative is the opposite as it portrayed Joseph as the one who had a high statue in Egypt in the first place, not Jacob. third Egyptians at the time of Joseph they did not have ring seals to begin with, they had seals, but not in the form of rings as mentioned in the Bible. Ring seals came much more later . Fourth Egyptian kings were not known as Pharaohs during the time of Joseph, the name Pharaoh came later during the time of Moses after the defeat and Exodus of the hyksos from Egypt. This documentary is full of lies. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @IV-dp4xu |  @mahmoodali1533  Thank you for your explanation. I don’t trully believe all of it. Though I show my interest in how much dedication they were, I take this video as a source of information which I could learn something from it. Not all of it but some. I’m still new to religious history | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Think-dont-believe |  King James  ok i went to this 1… crazy .. I assume haha I was assuming the idiocy of closing a good show was most bothersome since before that it was good ….here were my comments : Huh? He just gave natural explanations for what they believed were miracles. From that being deepest part of the sea to Mt sanai being a volcano.. then proceeds to say this evidence proves miracle ?? Huh 🤔 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ the show was so clear tracing locations that coincided with natural disasters etc then closes with statements that appear to have been recorded with no realization of what the findings clearly show. It’s like a report on people coming back to life at the same time it was discovered the lead in their cups was leaking out and into people causing them to go into a comma and when they stopped people got better. We traced it Down to this location at that specific time so it’s amazing it is true (and the audience thinks very cool it is based in truth just their lack of knowledge had them believing it was a miracle when there is a logical reason) then the announcer says “it is true it was a miracle “ huh 😳what ..seriously ., now your just being willfully ignorant other words intentional dumbass just stop 😕 | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @GigiAbbi-cu9qn |  @martinkent333  it’s obvious one hour and 10 minutes that simch theories make perfect sense and the curator at the museum is fishing from his mind nonsense | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @martinkent333 |  turtleLoC831  You should meet the AMAZING RANDI - who shut down most faith healers. Under your fingers is the internet. If you find any proof of the Jews before 950 - then you get some credibility, Powderpuff. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @rruma5204 | This "reporter" made many FALSE claims, presumptions and manipulations of facts: 1) the "Semetic" Hyksos were most likely Phoenicians, Northern Canaanites, evidence is their technological similarities to people of Byblos and N.Levant...so NOT Hebrews. 2). the Supposed Hebrew words he mentioned as proof ("amo" , "AkhMose", etc..) could NOT be, since Hebrew did not branch off as a distinct language until after 900bce... so no way in 1500bce. 3). Most scholars say Pharaos did not use slaves, but employed its peoples during the seasons of Nile floods since people could Not farm d land at the time. .... and Many More... Entire presentation is B.S., just pay attention to how he words his claims. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @rhondaschofield5757 | SMH I feel bad for you... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @Threat1  So, according to you believing in a flat earth and vegetarian lions is wisdom and your disbelief in every other of the millions of man made gods is hatred of them.....got it. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @rokitman5753 | 🇨🇦 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @faithfultoyeshua4576 | Very dedicated team | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @herbie_the_hillbillie_goat |  @martinkent333  No evidence besides a book about it and resulting culture. Nevertheless, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. You're all over the comments spewing the same nonsense. Give it up. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @DinorwicSongwriter | https://youtu.be/FN0pd_8yTLU | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @andrewschaeffer8147 | You’re serious right? He was intellectually dishonest from start to end and you think he out smarted military men who are tasked with this kind of thing | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @dustinnguyen6494 | You guy are brainwashed | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @irish_deconstruction |  @Threat1  I can never understand that asinine statement I always hear from believers. 'If you're an atheist, why are you on a video about religion?' because it interests me and I like to learn how other people see the world and see if I can pick up a thing or two along the way. Is there a problem with that? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AWikkedMoon | Ok. The great flood was done by god to get rid of his horrible grandchildren. "The Gnostic Truth, Nephilim Giants, The Grandchildren of god." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtfgQaPkUHY&t=513s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon. We were also divided by god at the tower of babel "The Gnostic Truth, Unity vs Division. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upks5oLN1mY&t=125s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thor8086 | Isn't most of Middle East a military zones? Exodus story told us about Egyptian Pharoa Ramses, archeologist PROVED Egyptian king Ramses was a real king. About 4000years later. This YouTube video proved nothing, cleverly threading some scientific phenomenon to disregard Exodus story. Did they find iron deposit that reacted to volcanic action near Nile river? Why did the lice swarm happen not the cockroach swarm? Even if Exodus plague was caused by how this video theorizes, real question should be how did Moses knew and predict in advance with exact timing and sequence? This is something modern scientists cannot do collectively. Most historian base their historical findings on oral history. Any written history is considered absolute proof. In this fake documentary video, written records from millennia ago is discounted with poorly threaded suppositions. Many used to say Ramses never existed and discounted Exodus story. Last couple of decades, there are too many anti-Israelite documentary produced with Arabic or Muslim financial support. As a non Jewish person, the producers of anti-Jewish documentaries should be more transparent about supporters to gain any credibility. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @judyroland2959 | It is a wonderful thing to keep digging for truth! Why the discourse? B.C. Is fascinating and I for one love to hear about what took place back then, thousands of yrs ago! It is all so interesting and trying to find truth is always a noble endeavor!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cap.deanmarcelwinchester | i've suicided 2x and come back . I seem 2 refuse 2 die, despise 2 deaths during training, 2 suicides, 3 fires, 2 floods, a car wreck, run over 2x, shol 2x, slabbed, strangled, suffocated, drowned 5x, assassinated 3x. Supernalural was based on ... ME ! IN real life, Special Branch MI-6 Canada. I hunled serial killers, slavers, assassins, mass murderers, war criminals, nazis, pedophiles, subversives. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 | The bible will never be proven or disproven. That is NOT God's intent. GOD DOES NOT OWE US PROOF. WE ANSWER TOO HIM. NOT HIM TOO US! | Votes: 447 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @Verdunveteran | God does not exist! He id fake! A manmade construction! All religions are manmade constructions to explain what we do not understand in the world we live in! The sheer amount of different dieties and religions in our world today, and back through history, proves that they are merely manmade stories, nothing more! If there really was one true religion and an existing diety in the world that would mean there would be no other religions and every man would believe in the same thing, all through history. But that is not the case. Religion is manmade! There are no real devine beeings! No god or gods! They were all created by human imagination to explain what could not be understood at the time of their invention. | Votes: 42 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @Verdunveteran  refer to my question lower in the comments. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @Verdunveteran  i cannot understand why you would watch this unless you're desperately looking for something you will not find. PROOF i believe you may live in fear of fate. I believe God is speaking to you. You just dont know it. If i up set you that is not my intent. The answers you seek live in you. Fallow your conscience. | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  Gary Allen  i love my father and fear him not.🤗 i have the ultimate respect in his authority. I only do my DUTY as a Christian and stand in his defence. | Votes: 21 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  Gary Allen Mathew 7 Judge not less ye be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in they brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 | John 20:29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. | Votes: 13 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  Gary Allen  Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through FAITH, and not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. | Votes: 12 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 | I believe people cannot have faith in something if has been proven. With PROOF there cannot be true faith and without faith we have no salvation. I maybe wrong. Im only human. | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @billybeerman2657 |  @Verdunveteran  Yup. Just like "Lord of the rings" story. Fairy tell for grown ups and nothing more. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @docfurious2408 | Wow what a statement. Straight out of the medieva mind set.l | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @docfurious2408  thank you 😁 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @alexandermacdougall7873 | God does not exist. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 | All are free in there beliefs and thoughts. No offense but I'm willing to bet your hoping im wrong. As for me if im wrong according to many i have nothing too lose. I think I'LL stick with Christ and pray for all of you. 🙏😊 | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @pedrogoncalves6107 | God did not write the bible, man did. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @hanamuhammad5012 | I admire your faith i see God uniting 2 communities of brothers its like the 3 Books of God which rule the world by his Word ... First Israeli Holy Book, 2nd Messiahs Evangelic, 3rd Muslims Book.. any other Holy books are based on these even Trinity concept of Gods Spirit... I'm reading the Bible and i can tell some men added story endings trying to tarnish Abraham , Lot, David, Solomons image.. i cant believe how holy books can include such oxymorons! ): | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @USlisa50 | There is no god. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Jamie-Russell-CME |  @andrewwhittaker2908  might want to look at the evidence of what Ron Wyatt found. Red Sea crossing, Mt sinai, Sodom, horeb | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Jamie-Russell-CME |  @andrewwhittaker2908  Faith is trust. Evidence of things hoped for, the substance of unseen things. By the word there is evidence. You have to find it. It's not circular because it's not one book or one human author. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Jamie-Russell-CME |  @mittokizo  what would you have to see to believe? What if Sodom and Gemorrah, Mt Sinai, red Sea crossing with pharoahs chariots parts on the bottom. Would that give validity. Just search Ron Wyatt or Michael rood, red Sea crossing. Strap in | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @JoseGuzman-qf4tj | Uhhhh the bible is ABSOLUTELY there to prove to is they exist, thats why he gave us the prophets to foretell their coming, so that could see who is really paying attention and recognize their coming. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @Jamie-Russell-CME  i believe you and I are in complete agreement. I need no proof and i too agree the overwhelming evidence. I have watched all those and patterns in exodus is awsome. However evidence isn't proof and that is what the world demands before they will face their sins and seek forgiveness. 😔 But ya i totally see the evidence not only there but in my own life. If we let him in he will reveal himself to us each in his own way. The negativity in the replys has really opened my eyes to the falling away from God that is present out there. We are not any us perfect but we all must repent the seek forgiveness through Christ crucifixion. Many great and terrible things have been done under the guise of religion. Man will forever seek to justify his wrongs and twist the word to his will until he comes to realization of God's existence. We are created in his image but we are not God or Gods ourselves no matter how much man would like to be. Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. Thanks for the comments. 👍 Keep the faith rough times ahead. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 | @MAF F perfect sense once you've accepted Christ. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @hanamuhammad5012 | M'dear its not a contest that my god is better than ur God.. do u really think God had forsaken Hagar & his son?? I agree n understand the hatred against Muslims .. even i hate their ignorant barbaric behaviour.. but do u really think Quran is madeup .. or Mhmd is mad?? I luv Jesus and I saw an awesome dream of him which made me hunt Gods words... only a true lover of God will recognise his language .. the words.. I'm guessing none of u read quran.. read it.. it wont kill u.. it actually tells u exactly wht u need to know.. ⚘Peace bro ☻ | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @newlife.oldlove | It's called faith. To a follower of ANY religion, it is real if you just believe it is. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 | @MAF F he already has as Jesus. If you wait for him with his second coming he will bring armageddon. You are already saved through jesus all you must do is accept him as your savior and repent. With this true acceptance his word (THE BIBLE) will slowly be revealed and easy for you to understand as you grow with Christ. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 | @MAF F start with the new testiment mathew mark luke and John they are 4 different accounts of the birth life and the crusifiction of jesus Christ. You should start there i suggest the niv version it is much easier to understand. Niv stands for new international version. In those books you'll find salvation and a much better life.😁 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 | @MAF F also you can find amazing motivation on YouTube page lion of judah | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @conquerorschapelmedia1869 | Thanks Andrew. You could not have said it better. Please i would like to include this statement as a quote on my blog issacharjournal.com with your permission | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @conquerorschapelmedia1869  yes you may. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @beverleysummers4757 | Faith is a very convenient reason for not providing proof. How handy for you to have such a pat explanation. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @beverleysummers4757  we live in faith every day. You have faith when you drive too work that the car coming at you will stay on there side. That the food you eat was properly handled. That the next beverage you drink isn't contaminated. That the chair you sit in will not break. If you look at life we trust in faith in everything. MANY of those things cannot be scientifically proven but you believe. Faith and proof are polar opposites without one the other does not exist. And if you read and understand the scriptures it is your FAITH that will save you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 | @CrooK this is the understanding of God's word. It is written. It's in the book. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @beverleysummers4757 |  @andrewwhittaker2908  I don't have faith that I will get to work, that's why I have airbags and seatbelts. But I do have quantifiable data on the risks of driving so I make an informed decision. Religion doesn't come with seatbelts or data. Given the 4200 religions in the world you would need to put something on the table that is more compelling than faith. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @beverleysummers4757  are you lost and seeking proof in God. Do you have faith in your air bags. You're seat belts. The source of you data. I'm not sure you quite understand religion? No religion is based on fact even if you believe in the belief evolution you must have faith. Its ALL based on CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence. I dont intend to you up set you. But faith is on just as high of standing as proof. Its your choice to seek proof when it's faith God wants. You see God loves us unconditionally. As our father he seeks it in return. Understand that proof would remove your CHOICE to believe and therefore return his love. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @beverleysummers4757  understand faith IS religion. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 | @GREY E CAT im not making a claim im stating what is. Its your choice to challenge it not mine. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 | @GREY E CAT sooo let me get this straight all statements must be proven. Sooo for instance. if a person was to make a statement that was not true (he lied) it wouldn't be a statement? If it isn't a statement what is it? You dont make sense sorry. I maybe wrong. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 | @GREY E CAT im not mad or offended just don't quit get what you're trying to say. Example until it was disproven people believed the world was flat. Until it was proven people didn't believe the world was round. Unlike the earth the scriptures cannot be proven or disproven. As in my statement. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @markuse3472 | That is Not what Gods Word supports. Its says the truth will be revealed in the last days. Hebrew 11:1-3 says faith is Not blind, that there is physical proof for our faith. The Bible has been ans continues to be proven accurate and fact. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @markuse3472  i agree but the evidence shown to us will never be scientific proof for the non believers. Until it's to late. When Christ reveals himself in the second coming. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @markuse3472  i actually enjoy these documentaries try patterns in exodus. However the world and scientific community are not going to validate this evidence. We see for God has opened our eyes.😊 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 | @GREY E CAT and in what verse did it tell us what the stars are and were is it inaccurate? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 | @GREY E CAT where in the word does it tell us they believed in a flat earth? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 | @GREY E CAT actually scriptures suport the scientific decription of of the stars and the earth. Man didn't write the scriptures GOD wrote the scriptures men were merely the pen. All of this is in the scriptures if only take the time to read it. As for faith you're 100% correct. Thats want im trying to explain too people. It's your faith and where you place it. That will or will not save you in the end.🙏 thats why God will not allow the word be proven scientifically. If he did there would be no faith. I think you may realize you and i are on similar pages. 😁 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 | @GREY E CAT i will pray for your salvation. 😊🙏 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 | @GREY E CAT you as well brother. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @allme2547 | God also did not owe us His son in exchange for our sins. Jesus did not owe His followers signs and miracles, prophecies and explanations. Yet, He did explain things. He instructed, healed, and made Himself available to sinners (which we all are) now take that in context with the fact that He did speak in Parables which weren't always clear to those listening and at some points He would refuse to answer certain questions or demonstrate His powers. My whole point is, there's nothing wrong with seeking answers and proof, or asking God. As long as we have faith that He will answer those things that he deems worthy . Different people get different forms of Revelation. Thomas was shown Jesus' hands. Saul had a vision on the road to Damascus. I might go through my whole life on Earth with a burning question for something that will never get answered and yet someone can have that answer immediately after becoming a Christian. When I was a child and was given instructions many times I'd ask why. I always knew to obey my parents, just as they knew that I was a curious boy who liked knowing the reason behind things. sometimes I would get an explanation... sometimes I wouldn't. What I always had was respect for my parents. And that was largely due to the freely given (unearned and unrequired) respect which they gave me. God is a God of intimacy. I think he appreciates every Avenue which leads to Him. And eventually along each Avenue a deposit of faith is required to continue our walk | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @allme2547  well said😊 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rocksdonteat6210 | If you prove faith? You've broken it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @insanisstultitia3119 | LMAO! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Verdunveteran |  Computer User  I can only agree! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rubyred2874 |  @newlife.oldlove  Your response is beautiful, and so true:) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @len2842 | Andrew Whittaker; It has been proven' in many ways.. prophecies (future fortold) fulfilled' the many discoveries in archaeological finds which over and over have proven what they call higher critics of the Bible wrong' as well as so-called scholars' .. Bible prophecies are being fulfilled right now' in our time.. all scripture is inspired of God' meaning he wrote it by using some 40 men as secretaries to pen it' ... And just as was fortold' God's modern times messengers will be objects of hatred today as well.. Isaiah 43:7,10-14; | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @len2842 | Verdunveteran; the Bible is right when it says that the fool says in his heart' there is no God' the wicked will not exist in time Psalm 37:9-11; Fact' the god of the cult fictionites' (ones who believe stories told whole) is dead.. not a lie'.. direct us to the missing link? You can go down in history as their hero' .. visit your ancestors' YouTube' "the so-called missing links to evolution that fooled the dumb scientist" and visit Vishn..n.. or I mean chary darwins early disciples YouTube "the hall of shame for evolution" or better spelled evilpoolution.. the problem is that men deviated from true worship with Satan deceiving Eve' and foolish Adam joining her in her sin' then man's ups and downs followed as the fell from perfection.. Jesus fulfilled the prophecies sorounding his birth and ministries' his death' then still apostasy set in' Galatians 1:1-13; the signs' are getting louder and louder as we get deeper into the last days... Matthew 24: | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Woodsmoke22 | Every leader, whether mortal or immortal, owes their people proof. Otherwise they are expecting absolute obedience without anything in return. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @imabott7053 | the bible is dosproven all the time, you just aren't being intellectually honest. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @davidgarner3552 | American nut ball christians make me sick....I suppose you think god (small g) made the earth 6,000 years ago!!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @len2842  i agree however we see because God has opened our eyes and we are sober. However the world will not accept this evidence. 😔 Prophecies aren't scientific proof but it is definitely reassurance for those of us with eyes to see. 😊 In the end we must be ever vigilant and ready for his return. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @Woodsmoke22  your father owes you proof you're his child? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 | Non believers i think will always live in internal fear of there denial of Christ. 😔 They think we are attacking there beliefs because we hate them however God and his believers love them. We want to save them. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 | haters gonna hate. We as Christians are used to persecution. We are no more prefect than anyone else. Through Christ We are merely forgiven. 🙏 | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @teestjulian | Andrew Whittaker. Nothing in the Bible has ever been disproved. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mcgee227 | 90 percent of the has been disproven for a hundred years. The Exodus never happened. The Jews were never slaves in Egypt. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @mcgee227  based on what evidence? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @virgiljjacas1229 | What did you said ???  " Dog " in reverse is the one we should answer !!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @heathercontois4501 | Then why do even the most devote believer ask "why?" at some point in their lives? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 | Temptation of satan. Its easy to be a nonbeliever. Without God there's no accountability of sin. You can do anything you want without feelings of guilt. It's inconvenient to fallow Christ when you enjoy living in sin. We are created with a sinful nature. As Christians we would love to not have to answer to God. However we are well aware of God's existence and love. And much greater is his love than any pleasure of the flesh. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 | Becoming fallowers of Christ doesn't change our sinful nature or curiosities. It does however call to us to answer for those sins and he does offer forgiveness and salvation to those who will only accept him as our savior. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @cheyennebodene2860 | Verdunveteran l are you so sure that you risk your eternal soul on this? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MikeTMike |  @andrewwhittaker2908  Why should anyone care what the bible says? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @MikeTMike  your the one who chose to watch is video then ask the question. You tell me why YOU care. Everyone im sure have their own reasons. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MikeTMike |  @andrewwhittaker2908  I obviously don't care, and you obviously do, so I ask you again. Why should anyone care what the bible say? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @MikeTMike  easy for me it's my father's word. But i want to know why YOU care about why I care about the bible. IF you "obviously" don't care? I think it shows you care more than you think? Why else bother watching a BIBLICAL documentary about the exodus? I mean you "obviously" don't care RIGHT? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MikeTMike |  @andrewwhittaker2908  I care to expose it as the lie it is. I didn't watch the video, because there is no evidence the exodus ever occurred And, you keep dodging the question. WHY SHOULD ANYONE CARE WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS? ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION!. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @MikeTMike  i answered your question in perfectly plain English what part couldn't you understand. I can't be blamed if YOU didn't like it. If your looking for me to reveal to you the proof you NEED or seek i believe I've already answered that. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @MikeTMike  answer me this "IF" there is no God. Why would you care what others believe? What business is it of yours? I believe you are scarred of God. Sorry. But, i maybe wrong. Why would you care what i think? Very interesting. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @MikeTMike  if you care to expose it for a lie your more than welcome to try. Perhaps you should start by reading the book of Mathew. Or Mark or Luke or even John. I know you hate me and I'm ok with that but God loves you and me both alike. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @MikeTMike |  @andrewwhittaker2908  Because fools like you come here and lie about a god existing. That's why. What do yo call a man who tries to sell you a car, expects payment upfront, but won't show you the car? A con man, right? Well, right now, you are selling me a god, expect belief as payment, and you won't demonstrate your god exists. Are you a con man? Definitely! Answer me this: If there is an ALMIGHTY god, why would he need ignorant morons to speak on his behalf? Think, brainiac. THINK! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MikeTMike |  @andrewwhittaker2908  You know I hate you. How? How do you know? You know God loves me? How? WHy do you presume of knowledge you do not possess? Because you are a swindler and a liar. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @MikeTMike  i believe you answered how i know you hate me with the fury of your responses. I know God loves you he told me in the bible. I'm not selling you anything remember you started this conversation with a question i merely answered it. It is a sin to speak for God i speak for my self. God speaks through the bible that's why we refer to it as God's word. If you want to speak to him and understand his words you must go through Jesus Christ his son. If you read any of those books mentioned this is all explained. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MikeTMike |  @andrewwhittaker2908  But you are clearly lying. You are telling me all these things about this "god", but I bet you have no idea what "god" is. Do you know? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @MikeTMike  God is the great I am, the father of all creation, he is the alfa and the omega. The beging and the end. He is my father, he is your father, and hate me and him all you want but he loves you. I'm a sinner and a wretch just as you and ALL others. We are sinners. We were created perfect however through the temptation of satan to Adam we became sinners. However we can reach God through Jesus Christ and receive his forgiveness. You really should read those books your choice. Im only spreading the gospel that means notifying you that there IS salvation through Jesus Christ. I can't MAKE you do anything nor do I want too. Now you know its there the rest is up to you. Remember we are ALL sinners but we do have salvation through Christ if you CHOOSE to accept him. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @MikeTMike  p.s. Don't ever let anyone judge you God is the only one with that authority. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @MikeTMike  good night i pray you find WHATEVER it is you're looking for🙏 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MikeTMike | Andrew Whittaker what is "god"? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MikeTMike | Andrew Whittaker so, you don't know. I asked YOU. I didn't ask you to read from the bible. If you can't tell me, in your own words, then you don't know. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @MikeTMike i just told you. Im sorry God makes the rules you will never see or understand him clearly as i do until you have accepted Christ. You see he is perfect we are not. The only way you'll understand is through Jesus Christ. JOHN 14:6 " I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me." | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @MikeTMike  the answers are all in the book and it will become clear to you once you accept Christ but if you don't you'll never get those answers. It's just how God made it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @MikeTMike  i told you Who he is but you are deaf and blinded. You have no eyes to see and ears too her. I know you dont understand that but all other Christians will and i hope they will pray for you as i most certainly will🙏 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @BumpyRyder | Sure, believe something 'just because' -- don't rely on facts... John 20:29 is a ridiculous narrative. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MikeTMike |  @andrewwhittaker2908  So, I need to believe first? Why? That's insane and retarded. Why should I believe you, when you clearly have NO IDEA what you're talking about? Tell me what God is, using your own words. Let me make it easier. Tell me what is God like. Everything that exists has something similar to it. Everything. There is no uniqueness in nature. A dog is like a wolf, a moth is like a butterfly, lightning is like a spark, etc. So far, all you've done is regurgitate the bible. Badly. Like you've never read it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @BumpyRyder  it's actually Jeremiah 5:21 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @BumpyRyder  mark 8:18 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @BumpyRyder  and ultimately Mathew 13:9-16 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @MikeTMike if all that you know see and feel Everything is a book. God would be the author. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @MikeTMike  how can you say badly you dont even read study believe or understand it? Remember. You dont care or do you? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MikeTMike |  @andrewwhittaker2908  And if God was the author, we could very easily demonstrate that. Go ahead. I dare you. Demonstrate God exists. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @heathercontois4501 |  @Verdunveteran  In Exodus, when God gives the Commandments, He states that He is the one true God, but then follows it with, 'you shall have no other Gods before me.' That right there Always told me that He wasn't the only one, but merely the head of the table. How you believe is up to you. However, it seems strange to completely deny the existence of deities in general. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Verdunveteran |  @heathercontois4501  Every monoteistic religion through time has such a statement. It's the whole bloody point of a monoteistic religion. However, that does not make it true! It's a story made by man, that's all Just like Donald Duck, army regulations or Superman! It's all stories made by man, not any dietiy! And in the case of religious texts It's all made up by people who are to narrow- and weakminded not to be able to cope with reality of every day life without having some deitiy to explain it for them. "Exodus" proves nothing! It's just a story, nothing more, written by man! The Illiad is the story of how Greeks and Troyans go to war over a single woman, resulting in blood, death and trajedy during the siege of Troy. By your logic the Illiad proved the existance of the Greek gods! I mean it must be true then since the archeology proves that Troy was indeed destroyed through warfare. The Illiad and the archealogical record proves it! Well atleast according to your logic. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @MikeTMike  what part of the statement the bible will never be proven or disproven do you not understand? All you really want to do is troll and speaking with you is absolutely piontless you dont even understand plain English. Bye now 😂😂😂🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MikeTMike |  @andrewwhittaker2908  Everything. your statement makes no sense. Things that exist can be proven and disproven. Imaginary things can't be proven, so there's no need to disprove them. You need to answer 3 questions in a reasonable and logical way. No mumbo jumbo: What is a god? Do they exist? What makes yours special, when you can't demonstrate he exists? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @waybay5237 |  @Verdunveteran  If this god was all powerful, simply instill the Christian religion in everyone globally when they are born, DUH... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Verdunveteran |  @waybay5237 Why do you direct that comment to me? I don't defend the Christian "god", nor any other deity for that matter! Religion = made up deities created by man to explain what they can't explain and to instill "rules" and "morality". | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @waybay5237 |  @Verdunveteran  Wasn't intended, sorry! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @philster611-ih8te |  @andrewwhittaker2908  Try "Prove ye not, lest ye be not proved." See how easy it is to write bible prose in 16th century King James English? All you have do is convince the gullible that it is "God speak" When it's only ye Olde English. You cannot prove God because you have no viable way to test. No criteria nor any definition. What you are really doing is quoting philosophy. This is the 21st century where we can figure out and establish the age of the Universe , observe anti matter, dark matter, black holes. Big bang theory, quantum physics. It really should relatively easy to identify a supernatural entity. But there isn't any evidence to establish this. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @philster611-ih8te |  @andrewwhittaker2908  Indeed, Proof dispels blind faith and myth. You need to be able to prove that there is a"salvation" and its method. And that it as you say it is. If you cannot scientifically prove it, then you cannot show that God is a reality. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @onepercenter13 | stories in the bible have already been scientifically proven as untrue | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @paulstrength8574 | Amen | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Xavier-Aunty | HappyandAtheist Exists. May be you failed your university | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @driftwoodbeech | Onions !!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mr.f8585 | Spell much? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @driftwoodbeech |  @mr.f8585  Onions | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @brettkavanaugh8445 | @Andrew Whittaker ....When did you first learn there was a god ???. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @brettkavanaugh8445 |  Gary Allen  Lol... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lesmcqueen697 |  @Verdunveteran  How do you support your claim that different beliefs equate to no true God? Some people believe in Democracy, some Socialism, some Fascism and some nothing at all. So by your logic that is proof that Politics don't exist. Do you seriously expect people to believe what you say? You've applied no logical or critical thought to your assertion and ironically, given that there are people who have given a "thumbs up" to your comment, would support that there are people who do believe in different things even though they are demonstrably incorrect and based on no empirical, factual proof at all. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Headwind-1 | Two too many Os | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @davidcross701 | Nope... God states to prove him. Evolutionist are the ones that can't prove their pseudo sciencetism religion. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @vladnickul | The bible can't be disproven ? :)) every single religios book it is disproven. Good thing imbeciles waste time and lots of army searching for "the pharo's army" on the bottom of the lake, but their countries have poor people dieing in the street.... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @spongehead1354 | Andrew Whittaker The Bible has been proven by Ron Wyatt and Dr. Robert Gentry, look them up and see proof! God Bless! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @vladnickul | LOL | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lechat8736 |  @Verdunveteran  I am not a "Believer" in the Christian sense BUT your attitude "I know it all" is the attitude of someone who claims very much and knows very little. One does not have to be Einstein to know that the more you know the more you know how little you know. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lechat8736 | Andrew Whittaker I don`t agree. We have quite some proof for the stories in the bible nowadays. Whether Jesus really died on the cross is not proven yet. But nearly every year we discover new ancient artifacts that tell humanity more about its real history and origin. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lechat8736 |  I HATE LIBERALS  Read f.e. Hancocks book "Footsteps of The Gods". | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mikerodriguez3310 | Amen brother! That's all I got to say about that | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jaimerodriguez5137 | Yup he is our creator we didnt create him he created us | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jaimerodriguez5137 | Though shall have no other gods before me EXODUS ;20 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jaimerodriguez5137 |  @Verdunveteran  who created you an universal.explosion | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jaimerodriguez5137 |  @Verdunveteran  he is for real | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jaimerodriguez5137 |  @Verdunveteran  its not about.religion its about having a personel relationship with him | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Verdunveteran |  @jaimerodriguez5137  well my parents did. ;) A mix of physics and chemistry if you were refering to something more large scale. Since you ask I guess you are religious. So please tell me, who created your god? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jaimerodriguez5137 |  @Verdunveteran  believe in what you want not me im with God thats your opinion with all do respect so respect mine i have no further questions | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Verdunveteran |  @jaimerodriguez5137  After all I respected you enough to take the time to answer your question. now show me the same courtesy. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @Verdunveteran |  @jaimerodriguez5137  well? Are you going to give me the same courtesy I gave you when by answering your question and answer my questions in return? Or is it only you who are allowed to ask questions because "you are with god"? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mikerodriguez3310 |  @heathercontois4501  hey remember Heather contois, Moses dropped 5 Commandments on the mountain. That's why we only have 10! So who knows what the other 5 were.😉😂 just put little humor out there everybody's being too darn serious with religion. It is what it is and that's all it's going to be.✌ | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @llano1964 | Andrew, I agree, you have to take the Bible as an act of faith. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  Bayonne Blasphemer  Thats the piont. God demands faith! You may want to read the BIBLE before you bash it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  Bayonne Blasphemer  what real evidence can you give me its dead wrong other than your opinion? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @Verdunveteran  he is was and always will be. The alpha and the omega. Time is a man made construct we are the only ones too use beleive and measure it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mrj5267 |  @andrewwhittaker2908  i hope all christians is like you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tiffanyvarner42 | No, God is very real. If youre alive and are a melanated being. You ARE a God. JESUS. YESHUA. JEHOVAH. NONE of those ppl exist. Woman wasnt fabricated from a rib. I can count the ways! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tiffanyvarner42 | Bc JESUS is a demon that preys on your life thr minute you accept him! 😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tiffanyvarner42 | Bc being called a Christian was like being called a derogatory term! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tiffanyvarner42 | Why do they search AFRICA for Biblical characters??? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tiffanyvarner42 | Bc there were over 25 "crucified" apostoles before your precious, Jesus Christ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tiffanyvarner42 | Bc EVERY story in the Bible is plagarized from Kemet! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @phumeoli | Oh yeah ...oh yeah | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mv11000 | You poor deluded soul. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @the1ladytammy | He created us to question. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rafaelguerreros263 | Answer too him? Lol Or answer to him?.. Why do you have to answer to a God who knows everything... who pre planned your whole journey | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @josephbel | Take for instance the gospel according to Luke: " It seems also good to me..." So whoever wrote that gosepel admits right there that he wrote it not because he was inspired by God but because he felt like it. The bible disproves itself. That is not to say that it doesn't have the word of God in it, it does but it is mixed with many other tales. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tuberobotto | Wonderfully said, sir. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @KorAllRBare | Here is a Fact.. If one refers to "Oceans of the Deep" Several days of daylight needs to have passed, An all knowing gawd BTW would ? Nay should have known that, Alas Genesis is contradicting actual facts, pointing out the All Knowing gawd of the bible is absolutely clueless, of course I don't expect you to recognise and acknowledge any of the bibles contradictions, as it needs anyone with an average intelligence to be capable enough, of course you could always prove me wrong and point them out, but alas that would end your days of being fooled by a child's book. Just in case you have never experienced and thus observe the fact that with long winter nights, Bodies of water turn solid, to which it is best referred to as "ICE" In short if a body of water has never seen the light of day, it certainly would NOT be referred to as "Oceans Of The Deep". With that fact and convention in mind, a fact and convention that you can collaborate for yourself, Do yourself a favour and read Genesis up to the sentence where he creates "LIGHT" go back a sentence or two and bare in mind a body of water is "ICE" if it had never seen the light of day. I would also question an all knowing judge that is suppose to know EVERY single thought and action by every single person dead, alive and still to be born, why the Paedophile picked a little girl at the onset of womanhood "Less she had not known man" over the 100's if not 1000's of more mature Pure Virgins? I mean is it capable of knowing all or not? Why wipe, smite and flood, unless one is clueless as to the out come of some creation, how can one be disappointed or surprised if one KNOWS ALL before being disappointed, surprised? it's contradictory. and when information is contradictory it's not facts, its fictional, facts don't contradict, BUT LIES DO CONTRADICT.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @KorAllRBare  if you read and understood the word in its entirety you would understand that God does know all. In eden man disobeys God allowing sin to enter. God is perfect and therefore cast man from his side for he became corrupt. It is our own actions we fallow and must be held accountable for not Gods. So yes there are sick people out there. the world is ruled by the wicked. That is why God sent his son to cleanse us our sins and through him find eternal life with him. Yes bad things happen to innocent people and good people do bad things. This is not heaven. You control your thoughts and actions not God. Now i know you believe this is all fantasy and im ok with that. you have proven nothing. P.s ice is water and water is ice. Freeze the the depths of the oceans and they're still oceans of water. When you freeze ice it's chemical make up is still h2o. It doesn't turn into anything different. Just saying. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @KorAllRBare | I read it, I was forced to read the Rubbish when I was young, I called it as rubbish early in my life because I learnt from an early age about the Universe and how it adheres to a very strict and unbreakable rule that defines all truth, if truth is broken it can only be broken by a contradiction, A LIE! Therefore I simply ignore contradictory BS like the bible which is chock full of contradictions contradicting actual truth and more worrying itself - One would think that would ring alarm bells even for the absolute idiots. It's so unfortunate that there are so many foolish people to this day that don't recognise what surely are obvious contradictions, could it be that's why it's drummed into the gullible not to question what doesn't make sense? ergo a bunch of morons merely parroting a whole bunch of gibberish BS. Andrew if that "All knowing" so and so, knew what I know, it would never EVER refer to what should be described as a body of ICE as it did by referring to it as "Oceans of the deep" in Genesis, My point is, it referred to Liquid water Before the light of day, and that my boy just contradicts the facts. Is the bible solid truth or anything but? Eg: bunch of BS parables, BS examples or BS blah, blah, blah.. You do know that winter has shorter days, Right? And therefore you should be aware that liquid water tends to return to it's solid state, much as it was before it saw the light of day, Don't you? If you agree then it seems you know more than the biblical gawd, and well... Is that even possible? a gawd being dumber than it's blind worshippers. Think about what the state of the water would be if it never had seen the light of day, would ICE be the appropriate description for mankind to rely upon? Of course it wouldn't as that my boy is a contradiction to facts. FACTS cant be fudged like that to all those who are intelligent. Alas in Genesis the dim wit that you insist is "ALL KNOWING" referred to "Oceans of the deep" BEFORE LIGHT Existed, Let me stress implicitly Ocean's are a phenomenon that needs at least several days of Light to be possible, that is a fact that cant be explained away or denied by relying on some unnatural phenomenon, such as the BS Supernatural, and if you were not aware, Let me stress here and now all supernatural BS is just that, it's BS as the supernatural I have ever studied relies on contradictory physics, and contradictions are only possible when one lies or attempts to deceive. Look a "know it all" AKA that biblical GAWD either "KNOWS IT ALL" or it don't, you cant refer to something as all knowing if that simply is not the case, Ever heard of the saying don't do it! Gawd is watching you and knows everything? or is that all a lie? a threat? well I am sure it's Pure BS!. So I insist - It cant know everything and then contradict itself and exclaim, I wasn't aware that the laws of Physics would dictate everything that is to happen, including every decision, one thinks they have made with their perceived free will, that's like putting together a defective car and then claiming ignorance to the defective parts, and what moron creates defective products? surely not an ALL KNOWING intelligence, you either know or you don't, and if you don't you cant imply all knowing, anyway I digress. If one is uneducated one wouldn't even know that the laws of physics dictates our every thought right down to unconscious processes, so does that mean I know more than the biblical gawd? That's right everything that happens throughout the Universe, Happens because the laws of physics dictates how the entire Universe is to change moment by moment, and if an all knowing god actually existed, it would know that, oh and it would never ever be disappointed especially if it new much as we know if we were wise enough to educate ourselves with reliable facts, The bible is all BS.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @KorAllRBare | NO!!! H2o Can be referred to as, A cloud = Gas Water = Liquid Ice = Solid Anyone who "Knows All" should also rely on much the same conventions, and thus use the proper convention that will serve ALL of mankind in a clear and concise manner, "Oceans of the deep" implicitly implies a liquid body, not ice, nor a cloud, but a liquid state, but then you already knew that and well you are just defending BS with your spin or to be brutally honest your hefty dollops of BS.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @KorAllRBare  soooo... in your theory why is it that the earth cools from the outside in. Why is it that water in deepest caves is never frozen. Surely if your theory is correct the earth should get colder and colder the deeper you go. That simply is not so. Take geothermal heating for example. While the earth does cool as you enter it. It does stabilize in temperatures relatively quickly. I'm not trying to prove anything. I dont have to. But i challenge you to disprove it. You can't no more than i can disprove the religion of evolution. Have you accepted Christ as your savior? If you haven't you will be forever blinded to God's word. For it is through Christ you must go through to be enlightened of God's truth. I will pray for you. I can see you have no desire for God's truth. However that does NOT mean it doesn't exist. Sorry you haven't proven a thing. All you have exposed is your disbelief. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @xblackcatx1312 | Mindless | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @KorAllRBare | In answer to why does a large enough mass cool "outside In" one needs to be aware as to where all that mass has originated from in the first place. Once one is educated on the physics for that to be possible, we can refer to this large cooling Mass. Of course I have the advantage where I am not limited by stars and their light as redundant for our Earth to exist ;) Anyway : For all that mass to end up cooling like that, mind you only if you are adamant that the Universes Physics is not as the Bible dictates. One also needs to first understand General Relativity and the physics as to why such an inward momentum such as "Gravity" is as it is, via Understanding the underlying principles to Special Relativity basically Mass/Energy driving the conversion of energy to mass, Err-Sorry I know it seems that I digress, but If you are not aware of the physics to fusion and thermal dynamics and how energy is stored ending up representing as mass, and whilst in the process of fusion excess energy is released, then it would be near impossible to understand the dissipation of energy AKA "heat" A Mass cooling outside in, is simply based on thermal temperatures, But first its important to understand how a mass is as hot as it is, Gravities inward momentum converts energy to Mass, but not all energy and thus that excess energy dissipates in part within the "Infrared Spectrum" "YES LIGHT" you see all Mass and all energy have an electromagnetic attribute to it "LIGHT", alas a significant amount of post graduates skim over this information until they need to get involved with the actual science that there career leads them. I am also hoping you now have been enlightened to the fact that if mass exists, then so does light, and well you would think an "ALL KNOWING" would be aware of this fact, alas the physics conveyed simply contradicts the facts, ergo, the bible is a whole lot of BS. Getting back to thermal physics "thermodynamics" simplest answer is by answering why does ones Hot meal feel cool to the touch but burns you from its centre should you take a good bite, its all because of energy and how its driven to equalise, where outside the hot food, the temperature is cooler, and thus this cool temperature mixes with the foods heat from the outside and thereon in, inward, so getting back to a large mass such as our earth, much the same principles apply. Now hopefully you have been enlightened, on the fact that a massive mass is heated via General Relativities Theories and basic Thermal Dynamics, I need you to do something, and that is take a tour deep down in a mine, at least a mine that is two kilometres deep, WAIT! if you are from some backward region make that 1 and a quarter miles deep minimum. I ask you to do this because you said Quote While the earth does cool as you enter it. It does stabilize in temperatures relatively quickly. End Quote If you do obtain the facts for yourself, that the earth gets hotter the closer to the core you venture, you will begin your new exciting life to the path of the REAL TRUTH. If you don't take that tour you will never EVER believe that the earth is in fact hotter the deeper you traverse. And on closing, I wont be wasting my time on someone who's information is so contradictory as yours, thus pointing out to me you are extremely gullible and extremely child like, meaning you must be extremely young with very little facts to rely upon, or you're simply a lost cause, An individual that will be ignorant to actual truth, That's truth that has no need for hefty helpings of contradictions to explain away biblical contradictions when they are exposed for what they are, I repeat only IDIOTS and or morons defend contradictions like that, Eg: a lost cause.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @KorAllRBare  sooooo........ the earth is warm? Not only by the sun and its light? And if water is in the FORM of ice It is no longer H2O. If it isn't H2O what is it? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @KorAllRBare | BTW The facts I rely upon are not my theories, it's actual reality for any intelligence to witness and apply a predictable reality to themselves. Mind you such a truthful reality is not possible for those who choose a contradictory reality such as the bibles physics, a reality where "All Knowing" is in fact NOT "All Knowing", an intelligence that creates to a perfect plan and yet that perfect plan has more than one redo applied to it, perfect my Arz Perfect means Perfect, no redo's or fine tuning need apply if its indeed PERFECT! An "All Knowing Creator" would have to know intimately everything about it's creation, nothing is excluded, NOTHING!!! As a person who has messed with computer programming dealing with Artificial intelligence I know exactly what my creations would be capable of in their "decision making", in fact I knew the exact outcome as long as my creations were perfect. which obvioulsy meant I did NOT "know all" But heres the thing, I don't expect any less from a gawd like programmer when its comes to our meagre intelligence and our behaviour, the biblical gawd cant claim ignorance to any unpredictable decisions any one of us make, unless the biblical gawd is in fact NOT an "All knowing" to which it should never have laid claim to such a definition. So - Is the Biblical gawd "All Knowing" or not? Answer that question HONESTLY based upon information parted from the Bible and ask yourself is it contradictory, A LIE AKA Untruthful? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @KorAllRBare  God was and is well aware of everything. What in this world do you believe was an error. God aloud sins admittance. I believe it is the only way to weed out those of little faith and bring to light those who truly love and trust him. I suppose next you would have me believe we originated from a giant exploding rock. Then some how by extreme chance between a slurry mess of primordial sludge we sprang and began to evolve. First as tiny organisms then to larger and so on and so on for billions of years until ultimately through "evolution " and natural selection. We be came apes and then ultimately humans. In conclusion we came from a rock. You have your religion. I have mine.😊👍 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @KorAllRBare | No Andrew, How about going further back and questioning as to where all rocks or MASS consisting of various atoms come from? Do you have any rudimentary understanding of a stars function, How they are formed and how they cease to exist? I'm guessing you don't, you don't because what little you know is already so complex you simply cant recognise just how contradictory it all is, "I refer to your pet Biblical physics here BTW" Look.. I don't expect idiots or the Ignorant to understand sound science, it's much easier to feed them children's fairy tales, fiction that is contradictory to actual reality. So yeah I can see your kids so seriously disadvantaged and gullible, but who knows if they are exposed to enough actual truth they may end up a little more intelligent than you, well intelligent enough to recognise contradictions, and thus the lies you support by hefty helping of even more of your lies. Mind you, My children and grandchildren have been taught to question and challenge all information, yes they were provided fictional material such as the bible, "an excellent book with many, many contradictions to expose, and guess what? They can pick them, and what's more point out a few that I wasn't even aware of, THEIR INTELLIGENCE has evolved rather than stagnated, or what is obvious in your case reverted back to the dark ages, a period of time where facts simply were dispelled by Religious zealots, a period where magic and supernatural events could be implied without being challenged, as the intelligence is so severely lacking. Andrew, there will come a day when all human kind wont know about the bible, of course this wont happen anytime soon, but it will happen as we evolve. Have you ever toured a historical dig, a dig that has layers of bones that have been obviously laid over time? of course not as that would expose your religious mumbo jumbo for what it is. How would you explain these changes over what obviously has taken billions of years? oh wait! I guess that's where Noahs Ark comes into it :D AM I RIGHT? Yeah lets not go to a dig sight and discover for our selves the many layers of different species as that would expose even more contradictions portrayed in the bible "which BTW such bones can be discovered all over this Planet", Huh??? NO WAIT! I guess I cant refer to earth as a planet as that contradicts your gawds physics, so lets go back to the dark ages just for you and refer to the four corners of the earth, thus having the sun move over these four corners, after all we cant have that bibles fictional character utter, "Sun be still" and thus it stood still, because that exposes yet another contradiction to the actual facts, so who's correct? an ALL KNOWING's contradictory Physics or is the Universe governed by observable facts? it's your call, physics for a child or actual complex physics? Choose wisely now.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @KorAllRBare | The bible doesnt need to be disproven, it disproves itself via its information being so contradictory to actual facts. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @KorAllRBare  sooo... you do believe we evolved of such. Thats fair. I'll pray for your family.🙏 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @KorAllRBare |  @andrewwhittaker2908 If you wish to waste your time unproductively acting out childlike and or insane construct's that's your prerogative, just a heads up though, I hope you do realise as to how insane and futile those actions really are.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @larryleventhal4833 |  @andrewwhittaker2908  You have a right to believe whatever you want. But there is no intelligent discussion about this, any more than we could have an intelligent discussion about Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy. Everything else is about you convincing yourself that these myths are real. Lot's of semantic gymnastics. It's about mind control of humans by other humans based on ridiculousness. The "book"? Fairy tales. Zero evidence; just made up nonsense. Faith is not a virtue. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @larryleventhal4833  im fine with that so long as others accept that there scientific theories are exactly that theories. And are not preaching them as scientific fact. Many people do not want to recognize that many scientific theories out there are in FACT nothing more then another religion. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @larryleventhal4833  i believe there are many scientists and archaeologists that become so intertwined in their theories that they become arrogant and true science flies out the window. They begin to present it as fact. For example the Egyptian timeline. There are many archeologist not just biblical ones mined you. That have presented loads of evidence too argue it isn't correct. However the archeological community refuse to accept the possibility they may be wrong. Complete arrogance. I accept mine as a belief why can't they? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @pedrosilvaslva2625 | doent matter what bible says, people are stupid, so they read what they want from the book. As jesus said, salvation was not for everybody only some choosen. Sorry about that. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @pedrosilvaslva2625  dont apologize you are 100% correct i call them Sunday Christians. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @cjmacq-vg8um | I find this all very interesting but its a bit of stretch. take the plagues. its one thing for a series of inter-linked events to take place naturally. its another to suggest they all occurred upon command. or for moses to have known one event would lead to another and to time it perfectly for it to appear they occurred upon command. and if they were really the acts of god why search for some scientific explanation? can't god alter nature and physics at will? isn't that the actual definition of a miracle? just face it. the bible, like all myths, is a collection of truths, exaggerations and lies. and like all myths, the bible was used to create a culture and unify a people. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @luisdaniel7027 | Andrew Whittaker 💯brother 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @danilaangileri5099 | Shut up! Get real man! People need to emancipate themselves and use reason instead of dogma. Religions still performing a great deal of terror around the world. We are primate. The natural evolution in billions of years of existence already prove that there isn’t the God they want us believe, I do know within that there is something I can’t prove it but it’s nobody business. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @vats1211 | I love stupid atheists. Who made you? Was it accidental? Lol. WaKE UP | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @vats1211 |  @pedrogoncalves6107  vIA THE HOLY SPIRIT | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @suganthansumelingam8860 | Andrew Whittake | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @btrue2day | blind faith is dangerous | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @btrue2day  good thing mine isnt blind. God reveals himself to me daily.👍 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  @preceptbibleproject  i agree but i know that is not the proof They seek or desire for they are blind and cannot see.😔 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @markwatts2532 | ALL religion is just a Book...no other evidence apart from ppl quoting from written words. How can you expect ppl from 2019 to believe in a book about a "Magic Baby" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  Michael  says you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  Michael  what would it take to prove it to you? What evidence would you except? There is much out there. Now that doesn't mean you will accept that evidence. But then again evidence is truly all we have in historical science. This is true weather you're beleiving the biblical account or any atheist account of the world's origins. I believe all were created by an all knowning creator. you believe we arrived by chance. A grand explosion, a rock,or some even aliens. SEE the inconvenience of it all is if you believe in God then we MUST answer for your actions and bow down to a greater power. Without God where do you receive your basis for morality? Do enjoy math? How about this what are the odds we could happen by chance? That we evolved from some primordial soup. So see i can accept my beliefs as faith based on extreme evidence and sound logic. Google it. Your belief is also based on faith in man's theorys which by the way varies greatly in which theologian you talk to or text book you read. So again what evidence or logic would you accept or what would you have to know or see to accept Christ and face your sin? Ask and i will try my best to piont you toward that evidence. Understand that i am not God im only a fellow sinner like you so we obviously can't do miracles. But if you are truly seeking answers they are there. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  Michael  im only trying to answer your questions. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @andrewwhittaker2908 |  Michael  just asking no hate. i believe secular evidence of the flood is found at many fossil sites. Like how do we find land animals fossils and sea creature fossils all intertwined together. Or sea fossils at pionts of extreme elevation. Another secular example would be how do we explain the sites were the supposed sedimentary layers are far from the correct order? A catastrophic flood would be a strong logical secular explanation. Not to mention that all cultures of people that have in there culture a story of the flood though they never seen each other or even spoke the same language. And i mean nearly all that kept an account of their history. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewwhittaker2908 | Now im not trying to force you to change your beliefs. And will not pester nor speak hate to you. But if you truly wish to know more secular evidence and even secular science the supports or even proves creation it is available to you online just as i found it. Peace | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @paulwhite6745 | Why does he play hide-and-seek with us? If he wants worshippers, why not just show everyone that he's real? Here I am, God. Here I am, Jesus. Just come and have a chat with me and I'll worship you. How can I worship you if I don't have any evidence that you're real? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @philipstowers3094 | Andrew Whittaker Andrew, those things you use as examples of faith are based on your experience with objective reality, not something you read in a book. You have faith the chair won’t break because the past chairs you’ve used haven’t broken. I’m not saying saying you’re not right, or that god doesn’t exist. I’m just saying you probably shouldn’t use that argument anymore.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @len2842 | The annulus of Bible archeology alone is ample proof" prophecies fulfilled' now in secular history books' again ample proofs on their own.. bible prophecies being fulfilled right now' in our day.. ??? No proof of the bible' ..LOL.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @len2842 |  @andrewwhittaker2908  in Defense of God Almighty' what is the personal name of the God that the patriarchs of the Bible worshiped and years later Jesus also worshipped? Can you help the readers understand who Jesus is refers to at John 20:17; and who he is praying to in his last recorded prayer to his' / our God? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Mvb2024 | Wrong. The bible has been scientifically proven including the true story of exodus. Look up Planet 7x YouTube channel | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @onlythewise1 | not  @len2842  | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @64caretaker | Thank you Andrew. It just grates my last nerve when people demand that the Bible be "proven" before they heed its admonition. There will come a day when those folks will beg and plead for the next chance to heed those words | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @64caretaker |  @Verdunveteran  fool | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @onlythewise1 | a fool is a fool  @64caretaker  | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @64caretaker |  @paulwhite6745  when one makes that plea from a SINCERE HEART the next thing that happens is Jesus makes you aware of Himself in a way that makes you KNOW Hes real. The KEY is that "Sincere Heart" part | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Verdunveteran |  @cheyennebodene2860  yes I am. Do you always believe in just any fairy tale just because it's written in a book? Sure your perticular religious faith is the right one and not one of the false ones? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Verdunveteran |  @vats1211  my parents made me. Just like your parents made you. The only stupid person here seems to be you. But hey, go ahead and believe in your fairey tales and continue to be blind to the REAL WORLD. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @len2842 | USlisa50 : God says your a fool' your not the only one' throughout time and history' there has been many.. take wise Noah's day for example and Rightous Lot's time .. archaeolgy confirms Bible content' and prophecies (future fortold) all in the Bible' much has come true' Google search Bible archaeolgy and enjoy' take a walk through the museum's of the world or universities' and libraries' also' prophecies for our time are being fulfilled right now' the nonbelievers of times past never lived to tell their stories' fool Pharoah went down in history for having led his fools into the red sea' the evidence of them having littered the biotin of the red sea' is still there' lol.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @keithgirard7435 |  @andrewwhittaker2908  Your mind has gone fallow allowing others to think for you. Look up the definition, learn something real today. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @len2842 | joe Recto ; lol.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @57JustFun |  @andrewwhittaker2908  . Just a note, as an atheist, I find it necessary to understand what believers hold dear. Just saying they are wrong doesn't accomplish anything. We expect proof, it is only right that when we disagree, that we offer logic and proof for our reasoning. Why should believers accept anything we have to say just because we say so, we need to offer a valid reason. The only way to do that is to understand their logic and discuss it logically and with facts. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @57JustFun |  @andrewwhittaker2908  I would choose to be on Thomas's level or from Missouri, however you want to look at it. SHOW ME. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @paulwhite6745 |  @64caretaker  Ah, right, I'm not sincere enough. I see. How does he make himself known? If he's God, he can do anything he wants to, so actually showing up and talking to me for five minutes is extremely easy for him. Why does he need to play hide and seek and rely on obscure 'signs' to make himself known? Believe it or not, I am actually being sincere. If God is real, then he gave me critical awareness, judgement, the ability to think rationally. Why would he expect me not to use that ability that he gave me? Why would he expect me to just blindly believe something based on some ancient scribblings from thousands of years ago, when he has the ability to show me now, today, in no uncertain terms that he's real? Afraid it just doesn't stack up. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @64caretaker |  @paulwhite6745  would you listen to Him if He showed up in a BoZo costume? Or how 'bout disguised as a squirrel? Or what if He decided that the best way to communicate with you was in the toothpaste stains above the bathroom sink? It always depends on YOUR heart and the sincerity of the desire that's in it. He wont be baited and He has no need to "convince" you of anything. Hes the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE. He will Express Himself on HIS terms. And when He does there will be NO QUESTION who it is that has spoken with you But you have a long way to go between where you are now and understanding that the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is more REAL than anything you are aware of up to now. Still, if you are sincere as you say and if you can humble yourself to the point of ALLOWING Him admission to your heart you will have started the most fulfilling and rewarding journey that we as human beings can embark on....the Journey Home. I'll be available if I can help in any way 903 573 4823 Be Blest!!! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @albejaine | Talk about your prayers being answered, :-) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @paulwhite6745 |  @64caretaker  Again, why would he play games? For what purpose? What's the point? Yes, I'm sincere, but I'm not going to start trying to convince myself that the stain on my underpants is really a sign from God. If God is for real, and if he really wants to communicate with me, I'm here waiting. But..thanks for wanting to help. :) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rudyragland5776 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7MNo5ASK5s&t=22s | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @judynagle6742 | The stories in the Bible will always prove a few things and though some of the stories will be forgotten forever, our purpose on this earth will never. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @davidmccallum8172 | Scripture reproves itself, and there are many parallels. What took place then, is coming again. https://youtu.be/XuB-Nl-lJog | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Microverse1 |  @andrewwhittaker2908  Not too bright dude. If you're wrong about any of the other thousand supposed gods, you're screwed. You disbelieve in 1000 other gods, atheist only disbelieve in 1001. We know all religions can't be true, because they all make contradictory claims. But they can all be wrong. Fight the programming, my man. Fight the programming. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @OneConscience | Andrew Whittaker https://youtu.be/LR9deSsY9fA | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @davidmccallum8172 | Andrew Whittaker, Part of what you say is correct. By scripture however, we find not just many parallels, but that it reproves or reinforces itself. In the end, being saved for eternity is everything, I am very sure you already know. G-d can not lie. Everything of his scripture is of the truth, yet only now that we are in the fullness of the gentile age, has the whole counsel of G-d been made available by one who has the anointing for this role of instruction, and he has taught to a group led by the ten, which are written of in Zechariah 8:23. Only a person ( who refuses to accept anything but all that they have a right too, ) would have the heart to seek such depths of what awaits us, to gain our deepest hearts desire. Just like it says... Many are called, few are chosen. G-d uses the foolish things of this world, to confound the wise. The smartest people, usually lean too much on their own understanding, instead of coming from the heart's perspective. It took me seven years of study and research among men ( each with far greater formal qualifications in their fields of study than me), to return to a PROVEN prophet of G-d, ( once i found him in 2006), because I was not hearing from the heart, but from what I figured made sense to my mind. G-d's ways however are not our ways as you likely know. G-d's not interested in our opinion. He looks at the heart. I am former military intel. I am extremely stubborn and must have more than one independent source to prove anything to me. I'm a veteran of ten years. I have been in the underground. There are over 38 levels of security classifications beyond eyes only. Plus, extensive compartmentalizations. My training began in 1973. By 1980 I knew more than I wanted too. By 9/11 I got serious, because it became very personal as I lost my mother in the days of 9/11. Today, I have moved beyond the unbelievably advanced carnal weapons. That... would take explanation. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Microverse1 |  @davidmccallum8172  "because I was not hearing from the heart, but from what I figured made sense to my mind." Translation: "I'm going to believe what I WANT to believe regardless of whether or not it's rational, because sometimes reality scares me." You don't care whether it's true or not. It makes you feel comfortable. "By scripture however, we find not just many parallels, but that it reproves or reinforces itself." Wow... you literally have no concept of how to engage in skepticism or epistemology. Thing's don't prove or reinforce themselves. They are supported by outside independent verification. Even if we pretend for a moment that the Bible doesn't constantly contradict itself and state demonstrable falsities throughout, it cannot prove itself. I'm so happy religion is on a steep decline. I look forward to the day that we can get about the business of dealing with REALITY together as a race and live in a rational world free from bronze age superstitious immoral dogmas like Christianity. Thankfully that day is rapidly approaching. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Jerreinemy | To all who doubts the word of the Lord, to all who deny Jesus, to those who deny the Words of the Bible... I pray you open yours eyes and read the Bible, I pray you to see what I have seen, because if you cannot believe in the Word of the Lord by mouth, then the only Hope I can do is Spread the word of the Lord Threw sight. And if thee cannot believe threw sight then I Pray For thee... Please watch this video so that you can see the path The Lord has Made.... https://youtu.be/TdChb47ZZas | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kentuckywoman9863 | Right on Andrew! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @dianesinnett4391 | Andrew Whittaker The Bible was meant only as a guide to the people 2,500 years ago. The Bible was written 200 years after Jesus Christ supposedly died on the cross (which was an X not a cross. ) Only about 5% of the Bible was true.. I am not religious and neither is Jesus Christ. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @joannac9213 |  @Verdunveteran  GOD and religion are two very separate things | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Verdunveteran |  @joannac9213  only if you believe in made up deities. What you meant to say was most likely that there is a difference between personal faith and organised religion. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @joannac9213 |  @Verdunveteran  No ,what I meant to say is exactly what was in my comment .GOD IS REAL and I know this, you can believe or not that's up to you. Religion and GOD are two separate things OVER AND OUT | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Verdunveteran |  @joannac9213  well if you want to believe in made up fairey tales that is up to you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jamescurtis1226 | AMEN!!! ROMANS 9 Says it ALL | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @nowahblanco9935 | you strike me as someone who hunts and maybe is part of a cult that targets people of African decent | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @hanamuhammad5012 Beutifully expressed. The bane of religion vesus faith and spritituality is that humans "organize" what really is a matter of personal spirit, heart and loving relationship and make it into dogma. Now it's whose stuff is better than the rest? Whose on top? My tribe is better than yours coz we have "the truth"!!! No one person or tribe, or govenment has "the truth", and "the truth" cannot be crystallized in place or time. What can be be "crystallized" is what is universal to the human experience: caring, nurturing, protecting, curiosity, sense of the Other, introspection, love and friendship. We ALL can learn from the TaNaKah, the Quran, Christian Scripture, Native creation myths, etc. and collectively better chart our future as members of life on Earth. Thanks!!! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @whatsup1846 | Andrew I agree with your comment. I have a friend who is an atheist he told me the Bible is 2000 years old. I told him to read Isaiah chapter 66 verse eight. “ can a nation be brought forth in one day quote. Interesting a book 2000 years old prophesies Israel becoming a nation in 1948. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt | Andrew Whitaker What you state is NONSENSE!!! Your "argument" is totally ASININE. The Bible "Proven or disproven" relative to what- science, history, religion, fantasy? It has been PROVEN THE BIBLE IS NOT INERRANT, THE BIBLE CANNOT BE READ AS IF IT WERE SCIENCE OR HISTORY. To EVEN invoke God you will NEED TO PROVE GOD EXISTS. CAN YOU PROVE GOD EXISTS EMPIRICALLY, using the SCIENTIFIC MEITHOD? Your argument falls apart when you use "God" as your reason for "proven or disproven". FIRST, prove "GOD" EXISTS! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @whatsup1846 Andrew Whitaker's comment is NONSENSE, his "argument" totally ASININE! It has been PROVEN THE BIBLE IS NOT INERRANT, THE BIBLE CANNOT BE READ AS IF IT WERE SCIENCE OR HISTORY. Prophesy as used by the Bible writers has NOTHING TO DO WITH FORETELLING THE FUTURE. The writers were NOT writing about anything having to do with the 20th or 21st centuries!!! RIDICULOUS. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @whatsup1846 | Isaiah chapter 66 is the last biblical Prophecy to be fulfilled. The Bible also states as in the days of Noah so will the days of the coming of the Son of Man be.Interesting how all the baby boomers are saying they’ve never seen so much chaos in a society as we have today | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @whatsup1846 | NASA discovers a lost day and time February 25, 2000 scientist used the Bible and went back to the book of Joshua Google it | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt | ​ @whatsup1846 Prophecy as used in the Bible has very little to do with foretelling an actual historical future event. Prophesy as intended by the writers and editors of the Bible was the instrument by which God communicated with the Chosen People. Prophets, through their prophecy, admonished, berated, inspired the Israelites to keep their covenant with Yahweh. NOTHING TO DO WITH FORTUNE TELLING - ridiculous understanding of what was an integral part of the Israelites' sacred covenant with Yahweh. It'' a cheap parlor trick that fundamentalists and evangelicals use to make their interpretations "valid". Use of "prophecy" in this manner is NONSENSE. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt | ​ @whatsup1846 I have and this story is ABSOLUTE NONSENSE!!! The Bible - NOT SCIENCE, NOT HISTORY OF ACTUAL WORLD EVENTS. Two links below to update your understanding of how REAL SCIENCE WORKS! http://chem.tufts.edu/science/Shermer/E-Skeptic/MissingDay.html https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/the-lost-day/ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @allankear1682 | IF GOD IS ALLOWED TO JUDGE US, WE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO JUDGE HIM. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @whatsup1846 | Obviously you didn’t read Ezekiel Danuel And Revelations | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @pjm3005 | the buybull says pi=3. pi is a non-terminating, non repeating number that most definitely doesn't equal three. there, i trivially disproved the buybull. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @oxenbarnstokkriii8152 |  @whatsup1846  Why? are they supposed to be important or true? 2000 year old fantasy stories written and rewritten and edited by countless humans who knew less about the world than any 5 year old today? lol you sad peasant | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @whatsup1846 | I guess 5 year olds built the pyramids | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @Batya-Grace | ....I disagree! God doesn't need to prove himself but he does. Why would God speak to his disciples through the Holy Spirit if he did not want to prove himself to the world? He came to the world and the world didn't recognize him, but, he left his word for understanding, that we might know him, have a relationship with him and be comforted by him, through his Holy spirit. Jesus also speaks of giving signs, such as the raising of Lazarus from the dead, and the sign of Jonah, which is connected to the destruction of Israel 40 years after Ninevah believed Jonah and surrendered to God. God gave many signs. God also speaks of a wicked and adulterous nation who seek signs, so signs can be good or bad depending upon context and motive. The Bible will be proven one final time on the Day of the Lord. The Bible says all eyes will see him coming on the clouds. That is him proving himself and taking back his rightful glory. Not that he lost it, but that he gave it up temporarily to lay his life down. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ededdison8965 | A creator should not have to prove himself to his creation. God's design is all throughout creation. All life has a DNA thumbprint that could not have been conceived by some explosion millions of years ago... that's not how life is created. The design proves a designer. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @asmilingsnowstorm1962 |  @Verdunveteran  yeah you are wrong there is a god | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Verdunveteran |  @asmilingsnowstorm1962  no, you are wrong! There is no god! There has never been any god! It's all a makebelief faireytale made up by weakminded people like you a long long time ago because they were to stupid to try and understand their world through logic! Instead they made up a fantasy story blaming everything on a made up god! ;) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @asmilingsnowstorm1962 |  @Verdunveteran  yeah you cant blame anything on God, second mountains of evidence disagree with you | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @asmilingsnowstorm1962 |  @Verdunveteran  all is quiet on the athiest front | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Verdunveteran |  @asmilingsnowstorm1962  apparantly you like to insult the memory of the fallen soldiers who fought in WWI since you make a remark like that. But go on and believe in your fairytale! ;) it just proofs your lack of a logical mind aswell as lack of intelligence! ;) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @asmilingsnowstorm1962 |  @Verdunveteran  okay you ard just babbling on, well good bye | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @asmilingsnowstorm1962 |  @Verdunveteran  you did not debunk any of my claims you just continued to insult me without reason. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @taylortlat2214 | Did you watch the documentary Andrew? Or did you just come here and comment on it? Because there are a lot of proof out there. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Asdfqwerty1243 | Like you know God's intent. Heck no one has ever seen your God. Not even you, not your mother, not your father, nor will your kids or their kids so on and so forth. You need no proof because your are sufficiently brainwashed that you will nod at anything your tribe says and sacrifice your children's humility to please this sadomasochistic God who wishes to have young boys be mutilated so that they can claim him for life to be a part of some stupid man-crush club. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @contactjoy4140 | Andrew Whittaker You are a Christian?!? Seriously? Peter and Paul created Christianity! Jesus was a highly educated Jewish Rabbi! Read Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Jesus NEVER said to worship himself. No. He said to worship God in Heaven!! Jesus also said, "I've not come to change the Law (Torah) and (Jewish) Prophets. I have come to fulfill the Law". Jesus taught exclusively Judaism. He taught in the Temple in Jerusalem. Jesus observed every Jewish holiday in Jerusalem, according to the Gospels. Chanukah is the "Dedication of the Temple" which Jesus observed. Christians have NO CLUE what the Gospels really SAY. Peter and Paul changed what Jesus taught, then created Christianity in ROME. Look at the Papacy! The Pope wears a Kippah, the Cardinals and all the Roman Catholic heirarchy wear robes fashioned after the robes of the High Priests of Judaism! Abraham heard G-d and followed HIM. So did Jesus. Peter and Paul heard themselves. Christianity is 100% man-made religion! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @contactjoy4140 | alexander macdougall for you this may be YOUR truth. Others are entitled to THEIR TRUTH. Don't discredit them. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @contactjoy4140 | pedro gonçalves were you THERE? NOPE. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @contactjoy4140 | Andrew Whittaker Andrew, you are so blind to reality. There was NOTHING UNIQUE about Jesus being Crucified. NOTHING. Crucifixion was the punishment doled out by Romans across the world for over 400 years. Same crucifixion as Jesus suffered; thousands of others under Roman rule were nailed to crosses. The Romans were barbaric rulers who did unspeakable cruelty in public view to control the people. G-D has NEVER crucified ANYONE!! How foolish to believe it! And "the Jews" didn't crucify Jesus OR encourage the crucifixion. The verse "the Jews" was inserted by a King/Pope in Constantinople to incite anti-Semitism. It's HISTORICAL FACT!! Any REAL Jews would NOT have been at a trial or gathered in a mob during the 7 days of Passover! Jews were not aligned with ROME. Jesus was considered to be and accused of being a traitor and a zealot against ROME. Pontius Pilate didn't believe it but the other Romans did. You need to study the Roman history in Jerusalem. Read Josephus. LEARN REALITY OF FACTS. Absolutely every red letter word of Jesus in the Gospels is already in the Torah (Old Testament) and was already being taught in Judaism for 4,000 years before Jesus existed! Jesus didn't make up the Beautitides! It's Judaic truth. You really have a lot to learn! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @marypopehn7834 | Andrew Whittaker grammar! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @davydeuce | Huh? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @haroldcrenshaw5630 | Has he asked you for an answer? ... do share | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @talzotar7580 |  @Verdunveteran  Explain how did you or anyone else came to be before humans,plants,trees came to exist from non living carbon base matter? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @cutedrizzles1803 | There is so much proof out there that shows god is real for example I can't remember but this dude said he was going to kill allah followers but a little boy asked him a question do u believe in god he said no then he said hold this light and the dude said were this light towards this dude said ever were coz god is everywhere he became a follower read the Quran wen a person possessed and u read the Quran that person screams the quran words are very powerful eg from the Quran it says dumb deaf and blind allah is calling u | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @cutedrizzles1803 | alexander macdougall look on yt write is allah real | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @MTSINAI-JabalAl-Lawz-NE | Not true God's evidence is in the earth. Just have to search on these channels for something relating to brimstone of sodom and gamorrah, 99 pure elemental sulfur with traces of magnesium, doesn't exist geologically, nor is there an explanation of metamorphic rock burnt under intense heat and pressure from Mt. Sinai 33 km north east of Al Bad in Saudi Arabia | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @druezillaanderson6512 | Amen brother | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @TheSimonScowl | The Bible CANNOT be proven or disproved. The only thing that can be definitively proven, is that you exist and that you think and perceive. Beyond that, you have an innate sense of fairness, of 'right and wrong' (or 'knowledge of good and evil') which you're born with. Compassion, curiosity and drive are natural tendencies we either nurture, or enslave. But this 'still, small voice' (a.k.a.: your 'conscience') IS The Word of God. It's NOT a book. It CANNOT fit into a book! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MTSINAI-JabalAl-Lawz-NE |  @Verdunveteran  The Ryan Mauro Show Mt. Sinai in H.D. but still nothing new, just people still who want to hide their head in the sand of circular reasoning without seeing the truth plainly for what it is. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @JonSmith-cx7gr | And lo, the Lord sent forth a plague of adverts. And there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth from the Philistines in the comments section. And the Lord said, "let he who has Adblocker be undisturbed by such marketing, that he may watch freely and without undue hindrance the bountiful content laid forth on youtube". Yay the Philistines took no heed of the Lord's advice and continued in their suffering. | Votes: 440 | Reply: false 4 years ago | @fzs600Yamaha | Lol. ...and he who has adblocker... u made my day | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @RichOrange | hail god hail adblocker | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @BeatersRus | you sir,have won the internet ~ Perfection | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @kellymeggison9418 | Jon Smith, very well said! Lol! And likely very true! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @m_i_g_5108 | I use adblocker, too. I hate it when people get paid. I told my boss to use PaycheckBlocker on me. Now he doesn't pay me. Yay. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @anonymoussurfer8319 | adblockhuakbar! | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | AMEN!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Hjgreen65 | LOL WELL SAID | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @2ndAveScents | ThineTube | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @flipshroomz9379 | It ll cost ya! 🖐👀🖑 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @briantheisen1926 | 🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jacobmiller6289 | Tbf, still less commercials than you would get trying to catch this on tv, | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @paullombard00 | Jon Smith Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s comment. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dunkey7481 | You stole this you rat | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @lotfibouhedjeur9897 | How can I like this comment a million times? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dunkey7481 |  @lotfibouhedjeur9897  he copied it look down in the comments | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @lotfibouhedjeur9897 | It all fits in nicely... too nicely one would say. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @christophergreensides1410 | Haha excellent wit my friend | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @davidrivera2200 | Amen to that blocker. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @JonSmith-cx7gr |  @dunkey7481  And as it is such, so also as such is it unto thee. For let he who is known not unto those for whom it is written be that unto which others worship, lest they should know not those for whom it was spoken unto Him. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @JonSmith-cx7gr |  @paullombard00  The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dunkey7481 |  @JonSmith-cx7gr  preaching to the wrong quoir bud on an alien vid?😁 your 3d meat and bible ramblings dismuse me i detach graciously | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @sarawilliams529 | This is fantastic 🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @JewelsJewels-qn8uj | Lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jonathansparks7558 | ROFLMAO 🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jonathansparks7558 | And what if the old people have no teeth to wail and gnash????? And the Lord said, “Teeth will be provided”. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @MichelleF1320 | Youtube premium 😁 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @MenacingRabbit | Blasphemous comment. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @livetotell100 | Ha! Pretty funny. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @AZRAEL_FURY | This was clearly Satan's doing. He doesn't want us to know the truth lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @AZRAEL_FURY | To avoid ads, Scroll to the last 30 seconds, and let it play out. Then hit REPLAY. then it shall be AD FREE! YAY! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @tc2851 | Best comment ever!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @3John-Bishop | This was biblical | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @aarifboy | At 8:26 presenter must have uttered these words in reference to 1947 "There were two exoduses based upon two nation theory, first in Egypt second in British India. First was requested by Moses second by Jinnah lol" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @chinpangcheng3786 | The God of Moses was a very cruel god. for him to save the slaves and moses, he made the Santorini valcano to erupt. For sure the eruption caused massive destructions to properties and destroyed millions of lives. not to mention the destruction of the eruption of santotini in around the Globe. This just to save a handfull of israelites and moses. His god must be mad and crazy to be extremely cruel. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @tom2move | Amen to that! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @rdsii64 | The Lord also sayeth that he who downloads the video will be free of the plague of adverts, but he who does nothing shall be tormented all his days | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @anairenemartinez165 | Pharisee blasphemy | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @yvettejones4249 | And God said, "I shall not be mocked, for whatsoever a man reaps that he shall sow." He is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Threat1 | And every word we say every thought we say will be taken into account on the last day. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @glbaker5595 | I smell a bit of plagiarism in the style of writing, somebody will be screwed if the original author shows up | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @swilhelm3180 | That was marvelous. What a literary talent you have! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @maragon9462 | 9 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ridcomics9364 | "Some truths are hidden not because of their truth but rather the lie that they expose" Haydn.E.Sheldon | Votes: 328 | Reply: false 4 years ago | @EQOAnostalgia | People are waking up. | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @wesleybusbin | One lie is that Jesus died on the cross | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @wesleybusbin | evanation no that’s your problem!!! It’s been proven not all that has been stated in the Bible has happened | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @christinenoneofyourconcern4280 |  Melanin Warrior  ,and by repeating a lie over and over again,you can invent victims that will extort monies from innocent people by the billions for years to come.. | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @christinenoneofyourconcern4280 | And the criminals will be exposed! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Hypogean7 |  @wesleybusbin  It has been proven also that Jesus was indeed crucified. | Votes: 24 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @khorchunhai788 | Powerful quote | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ehsananik2465 | Then read Quran brothers.. Truths are there | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ehsananik2465 | WHY PPL DON'T UNDERSTAND MUSLIMS CHRISTIANSEN AND JUISH PPLS GOD AND 10 COMMENCEMENTS ARE FROM THE SAME GOD.. THAT GOD IS ALLAH FINALLY REVILED AFTER MUSA (PBUH) AND ISA (PBUH) BY MOHAMMAD (PBUH)..... WHY WE HAVE SO DIFFERENCES.. WE ARE THE SAME.. ALLAH THE SAME GOD JUST READ QURAN (ENGLISH TRANSLATION) | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @arveypeterson3820 | ALL MAN IS LIE ...BUT ALL WAYS & PATHS OF THE LORD IS PERFECT #THEHOLYBIBLE 📕 | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @arveypeterson3820 |  Melanin Warrior  .. BE PRAYFUL & WATCHFUL EVIL PRESENTS ITSELF AS LIGHT ... MAN HEART IS DESPERATELY WICKED ( NO MAN KNOWS HIS OWN SELF ) ONLY #JESUSCHRIST KNOWS QUOTED FROM #THEHOLYBIBLE 📕 | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @arveypeterson3820 |  @wesleybusbin  YES YOU ARE CORRECT ... @evanation DONT BE IGNORANCE .. LEARN THE TRUTH BECAUSE YOU WILL NEED IT ... ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS BEIN PUMPED INTO THE MINDS OF THE AMERICANS ...THEY KEEP HAND FEEDING THE TRUTH ...GO SEEK IT & YOU WILL FIND IT | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @xdzomicx9109 | So are u saying that God is not real, or that God is the truth? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @icedogfan1 |  @wesleybusbin  Then explain how 3 separate people other than the Holy Bible CONFIRM the crucifixion, AND resurrection of Jesus. Bigots like you need to educate yourself, and be respectful of all faiths. | Votes: 12 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rickkrockstar | That statement makes no sense. Because Truth is Truth and it reveals Truth regardless of lies . | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @SKeeZy1902 |  @wesleybusbin  are you Jehovah's Witness? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @wesleybusbin | icedogfan1 your the bigot!!!! Your the one that’s not seeing the truth!!!!! The reason he was raised from the dead is because HE WAS NEVER DEAD!!!!! You say have respect for other religions. Then you need to practice that!!! Because in other books of the Bible. You know. The ones that where taken out. Because the Catholic Church didn’t want anyone to see. Which is now called the King James Version. It states that he an Mary moved to France an lived out the rest of their days. An you really need to read up on how the romans crucified people. Because it didn’t take three days it takes weeks. An they didn’t remove them. They let their bodies rot off the cross. Until the animals ate every scrap of their flesh. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @wesleybusbin | Frostproof no. But it’s not my faith you need to question!!! It’s yours. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @SKeeZy1902 | Wesley, What do you know of faith? Are you a judge of faith? How does one measure faith with a world view like yours? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ridcomics9364 |  @SKeeZy1902  Its easy really.....I just search for facts backed up by scientific proof not wishful thinking based on a mythical story. Cheers | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @SKeeZy1902 | Scientific proof of the world written by men and you trust this wholeheartedly without question? Do you know how a the distance of a light year is calculated? Have you ever read your Bible? Friend? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @SKeeZy1902 | When you sit down at your computer do you think that the man who built it is inside it? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @chrishilton3626 | Wesley Busbin Jesus did die and contrary to popular belief he died quicker than other crucified people. Plus the Romans needed to speed up the crucifixion process on that day because they respected the Jewish custom of not having anyone crucified on the sabbath | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @quique7764 | Great quote but that's all it is & proves nothing other than you know how to quote mine. -Quique | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @1perfectstrangerr | No we aren't the same .if so jews and arabs would get along....jesus is the messiah and only son of God...we are drag racing towards the Anti christ and those who deny jesus as the christ will fall for the anti christ...those who believe we are all the same.. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @wesleybusbin | Frostproof don’t get but hurt!!! I know a little more about faith than you think I do | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @wesleybusbin | SORA never said he wasn’t crucified!!! Just said he didn’t die. If you really knew how romans crucified people back then you would know that they took mercy on him | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @wesleybusbin | icedogfan1 they all explain the crucifixion of Jesus. But none explain the death of jesus. An that’s how he was reserected. BECAUSE HE WASNT DEAD WHEN THEY TOOK HIM OFF!!! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @tokimekidreams | just because you personally don’t believe something doesn’t make it more of a lie. Not everything is a big conspiracy you know. And then going a step further by saying the truth is being kept secret or hidden. When you have no idea if it’s kept secret or hidden in the first place. As a human you are free to believe whatever you want. But as long as any hidden truth isn’t revealed, the supposed lie remains truth until proven otherwise. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @KevinJohnson-ov8bb | Wesley Busbin so edgy | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @inaciotrinita |  @Hypogean7  Who proved that?? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Hypogean7 |  @wesleybusbin  Sure, someone wouldn't die adter being whipped until you could see rhe ribs on the back, forced to carry a lump of wood across half a desert town, and then nailed to the cross while slowly suffocating and suffering even more blood loss. Even if He somehow survived, infection would have done Him in. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Hypogean7 |  @inaciotrinita  Various Roman Historians, the discovery of various relics dating to the period, and the veracity of the Gospels. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @inaciotrinita |  @Hypogean7  the veracity of the Gospels?? Are you naif do you truly believe that everything that is writen in the Bible is true. Archeology says the oposite!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Hypogean7 |  @inaciotrinita  The Shroud of Turin counts as archeology. Also: https://www.premierchristianity.com/Past-Issues/2017/March-2017/9-archaeology-finds-that-confirm-the-New-Testament | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @camelxravennova |  @SKeeZy1902  Sumerians were the first on record to make mathematics | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @SKeeZy1902 |  @camelxravennova  have you ever heard the story about Voltaire? Thank God we were taught to read and still have access to the Bible. Despite all those who tried to destroy it. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @camelxravennova |  @SKeeZy1902  the shining ones book | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @camelxravennova |  @SKeeZy1902  elaborate | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @SKeeZy1902 |  @camelxravennova  Voltaire was a brilliant atheist that set out to destroy the Bible. After he died his house became a book depository owned by the French Bible Society. Don’t you just love the irony? More scrutinized than any other book, still never proven wrong, and still giving hope to the hopeless. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @camelxravennova |  @SKeeZy1902  I see. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @SKeeZy1902 |  @camelxravennova  yeah? How’s that? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @camelxravennova |  @SKeeZy1902  I have too much to say and some of what I have to say disagrees with you not about the man but about the Bible itself but u seem firm so even if I do let you know you might not consider and you may believe whatever you want despite there being much much more to the puzzle. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @SKeeZy1902 |  @camelxravennova  that’s completely reasonable. Experience & circumstances have a tendency to muddy the waters joy can bring to life. I don’t that say lightly. And believing in a Creator wasn’t second nature growing up around skeptics. The idea behind faith in something requires us to believe beyond the unbelievable peaks and valleys of life. Being a Christian and believing that Jesus Christ really did what he did requires faith. Far less faith, in my opinion, that everything man’s eye is capable of perceiving came from nothing. Faith until one is known by his fruits and not one’s faults and failure. Not that it prevents that but it’ll sure help in hardships and trials. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @camelxravennova |  @SKeeZy1902  good point, there might be some God the idea is not outside of me you really have to read these ancient text carefully, I consider God to be source and everything in the universe, 3rd dimensions and other dimensions are connected and some outside our perception, I’m convinced there’s more to consciousness then brain waves although that is a clear unquestionable factor in consciousness and the functions of our body when we die I’m sure there is some part of us left, where we go I think there are lots of possibilities but I for now don’t know for sure. There’s a YouTuber called Dakota of Earth, he has good content which talks about things like that. Spiritual and he takes psychedelics. Goes to shamans. I love both aspects right brain and left brains, science and meta. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @lucasmaagi |  @ehsananik2465 As a Christian I disagree with you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @SKeeZy1902 |  @camelxravennova  The Creator of the Universe God is the father of all spirits. And when we start realizing we were all spirits prior to this fleshly life we will all begin the real journey He has set before us. God is not the god of this world. In fact the Bible clearly tells us this... He is the Father of lights, within whom there is no variableness nor shadow of turning. The god of this world in plan as day. and that's why the Spirit wars against the flesh... Read your Bible and believe, It's so good. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @camelxravennova |  @SKeeZy1902  the Bible isn’t talking about one being or one god wether physical or trans-dimensional. E.T. And other. Even Yeshua said in the Gospel of Thomas that we have to reach enlightenment and that god is everywhere as of the divine field and we can effect it. We can expand consciousness. Jesus/Yeshua was an example of what we can become. Google translate Greek and Hebrew the word Theos=God=Thoth. Theos=Thoth. And the original word for god was Elohim=the powerful ones, multiple beings. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @SKeeZy1902 |  @camelxravennova  bro, I don’t have to google anything. God the Father of Jesus Christ is the Father of Spirits. You and I are spirits, that poses a body and have a soul. Beware lest any of you be held captive through philosophy or empty deceit, according to the traditions of men, according to the basic principles of the world and NOT according to Christ. Which of these is greater? To say? That your sins are forgiven or take up you bed and walk? These are both the same miracle... and that’s why they killed Jesus. When you’re truly forgiven it’s the same as healing the blind. Nothing to do with logic bro. God is not constrained by the universe anymore than the creator of ibm not being stuck inside a computer. Think about it... seriously, think about it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @SKeeZy1902 | Take up *your bed and walk... your sins be forgiven thee... God bless anyone who reads and understands. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @camelxravennova |  @SKeeZy1902  the creator not being stuck in a computer I want you to elaborate on that and btw what do you think about the gospel of Thomas? And yes we all have souls and thank you for your concern I assure you that I am on the right path, it is possible for all of us to be deceived as u were saying, I do not limit my world view. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @SKeeZy1902 |  @camelxravennova  play the game by not being wise in your own eyes. But through the creator’s eyes. The very thought that we are on the same wave length in thought as God would be foolish be nature. Or naughty by nature. lol for real tho... God is not constrained by time, space, or matter. He is the creator there of. He created a trinity of trinities for His trinity to rule your trinity. And that’s that funk. Whether you like it or not. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @SKeeZy1902 | Word? lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @camelxravennova |  @SKeeZy1902  aren’t you an aggressive one, that simply shows that you don’t seem to have trained your mind, how do you expect to be spiritually developed? Nevermind if you don’t respect other people’s view points, I may disagree with your viewpoint but you don’t see me going off on you over something stupid, I have simply done lotsa research and look beyond just one book. It’s called being open minded because you want to get to the truth and root of it all. For that reason alone is why I don’t go to extremes because that’s what religion does to you, it’s about finding the true nature of reality and knowing yourself that you are more than your body, it’s not about just one ideology because I assure you the Bible says the same things that Buddhism and Hinduism says you seem to not see it because there’s more research you need to do judging by your reaction. Pineal gland, why do you think Yeshua says the kingdom of heaven is within us? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @KG-VanityInKnickers |  @icedogfan1  "Then explain how 3 separate people other than the Holy Bible CONFIRM the crucifixion, AND resurrection of Jesus." Instead of saying "3 separate people", why don't you just name them? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @icedogfan1 |  @KG-VanityInKnickers  Jewish historian Josephus, Pilate, and other witnesses. PLEASE do not attempt to act like a bigot, won't work on me | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @icedogfan1 |  @wesleybusbin  OK bigot provide Biblical, or forensic evidence to prove your case. Rome NEVER showed mercy to those crucified. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @KG-VanityInKnickers | ​ @icedogfan1  Hold on there, slick. You seem to call anyone who questions you, a bigot. I only question what someone holds as facts, which aren't in evidence here. Josephus was born after all this (and wrote about it some 60 years LATER) so he didn't witness either occurrences so strike that one for being a "witness". Pilate was not recorded anywhere as actually being there, specifically, for the crucifixion or the resurrection, so strike him. I'm not denying the possibility of the crucifixion or the man named Jesus(the only thing I have ever questioned are the miracles and resurrection). But you are fallaciously acknowledging people who were not recorded as actually being there, and therefor could not be "witnesses" to either event. To come completely to the point, we don’t have archaeological records for virtually anyone who lived in Jesus’s time and place (first hand account), we only have what was written long after(even my Theology professor was a straight up guy about this). Pointing this out doesn't make me a bigot. I'm just someone who wants the truth and prefer truth to misrepresentation. If you have something that no one else has that says otherwise, I'll read it. But you should stop with the hateful name calling. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @everinnajin | I don’t think Elvis Presley was a real person. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @zdzislawstefanowski465 | In Romens time many people died on cross , it was there hobby of killing. They put the crosses along the roads to Rome. For miles. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @everinnajin |  @zdzislawstefanowski465  yet only two crucifixions were recorded..... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @zdzislawstefanowski465 |  @everinnajin  6000 were crucified on single day in 71 BC in aftermath of Spartacus rebelion , in 4 BC the Romen general Varus crucified 2000 Jews .Check your records . Sorry. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @everinnajin |  @zdzislawstefanowski465  when Jesus was crucified? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @abiyaheduchannel4675 |  @wesleybusbin  must be your silly race stated as they all mess with everything. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @wesleybusbin |  @Hypogean7  never said he wasn't crucified. Just said he never died | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @wesleybusbin |  @abiyaheduchannel4675  don't be a racist. But we all know you are | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Hypogean7 |  @wesleybusbin  Crucifiction is a death sentence. Literally. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @wesleybusbin |  @Hypogean7  exactly. That's why you should ask why was he took off the cross. Because Romans didn't take people off the cross. They rotted off. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Hypogean7 |  @wesleybusbin  Remember the date and place? The Jews didn't want to leave anyone like that on Passover. Also, the guy that paid for the tomb was rich, and personally asked Pilate to let him bury Him. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Katiesarabians |  @wesleybusbin  mmmm, have you looked up the definition of resurrect or resurrection? Why do you say he didn't die? Your understanding of how crucifixion works? Didn't jesus get stabbed too? By a Roman soldier? How can it be such a common knowledge he died on the cross, but you say he didn't? I'm as likely to believe Scotty beamed him up. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @wesleybusbin |  @Katiesarabians  he was removed from the cross before he was dead!!! Which he never died. But I guess your version is more explainable. Because the bible version wrong an doesn't make since. . | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Katiesarabians |  @wesleybusbin  so your only 'proof' is they took him down? So he didn't resurrect, talk to people then fly up to the sky or do a fade out, or blink out of sight? Who else thinks the same you do? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @wesleybusbin |  @Katiesarabians  apparently there's a lot folks that know he didn't die on the cross or resurrect from the dead. Maybe you should really stop believing everything your preacher or church tells you to believe. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AWikkedMoon | Ok. The great flood was done by god to get rid of his horrible grandchildren. "The Gnostic Truth, Nephilim Giants, The Grandchildren of god." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtfgQaPkUHY&t=513s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon. We were also divided by god at the tower of babel "The Gnostic Truth, Unity vs Division. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upks5oLN1mY&t=125s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @misseunice1998 | On home quarantine now due to covid 19. Take care everyone. | Votes: 315 | Reply: false 4 years ago | @ivanramos855 | Be safe | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @raymondwashere58 | Ingat din eunice. Kmsta? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @madalinasimion4364 | Same here! Take care :) | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @angunotv | Yeah boi | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @annetadema1056 | Kine AG Hoff 6 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @sonogabri1 | Shut up. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @cezariusus7595 | When? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dellingson4833 | i have it. It's just the FLU via china the evil ones. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @andyvaid69 | been out every single day,kept salon open,zero probs | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Bzerk69 | You're a ppppppppp peice | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @worganfreeman2694 | 4 months onward and I'm still seeing your comment with hope for the future. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mitchellc4 | The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. RSV Only-monos God-theos Monos theos Monotheism The Father Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)! Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has ab God! Jesus has a God! Jesus died! God can’t die! God raised Jesus from the dead! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @markdemell3717 | You mean Covert 19 the fake virus! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @JR2K80 | I love you | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @edfu_text_U_later | This was very well put together, congratulations. I haven't read the bible in over 20 years but this has made me want to go back and read it again. What I find interesting is no matter what religious texts you believe or follow there are some obvious similarities between them. What's even more interesting is in this age of technology and understanding of data, it seems the evidence points towards the stories being true or at least based on actual events. Fascinating stuff! | Votes: 303 | Reply: false 2 years ago | @chrisk6687 | The Prophecies have been 100% accurate also! | Votes: 37 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jordan12374 | Do it brother, we’re still being proven correct today.. artefacts and scripture are still being found today proving the bible true | Votes: 36 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @alyshaviliamu1795 | Wonder why that is cause it's truth , be a good thing for you to do get back to reading the Bible the way things are going these days brother | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @melvinjansen2338 |  @jordan12374  wich artifacts? | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @r.s.lemusu8309 | God works in mysterious ways 💯 | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @amo670 |  @jordan12374  its the opposite actually lmao theres more evidence proving the bible and it stories are mumbo jumbo than real | Votes: 42 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jordan12374 |  @amo670  okay thanks cobra Kai, you’re so wise | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @PDaddy0120 | Mosses knew before it happened just shows God exist | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @amo670 |  @PDaddy0120  moses story has never been proven real lmao | Votes: 35 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @PDaddy0120 |  @amo670  it just was 😂😂🤷‍♂️ I bet you're on bored that we all came from Africa and descended from a monkey tho😂😂😂 | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @lionjudah5738 |  @amo670  .There are plenty of archeological evidences. Few years back it was found a royal seal of a Biblical Jewish King, also huge excavation sites in Israel. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @lionjudah5738 |  @melvinjansen2338  .The Royal seal of King Hezekiah for example. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nimmha6708 |  @PDaddy0120  on board, that we have the same ancestors, which is proven. Nobody in science (evolution theory) has ever said that humans evolved from monkeys. | Votes: 15 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @nimmha6708 |  @PDaddy0120  And yes, the first humans, come from the lands we now call* Africa, important to note is also, all continents used to be formed as one. | Votes: 12 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @PDaddy0120 |  @nimmha6708  they have said over and over again that we defended from apes😂 literally that we were in the trees and eventually came down to the ground.. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nimmha6708 |  @PDaddy0120  No, you just didn't listen. We have the same ancestors as apes, with Chimps being the closest. Nobody ever said WE COME FROM apes, just that both apes and humans come from the same. | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nimmha6708 |  @PDaddy0120  But I don't want to fight your belief. We both weren't around a million years ago. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @PDaddy0120 |  @nimmha6708  we have no proof of any of that😂we are mixed within our races and other cavemen but no apes of any form | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @PDaddy0120 |  @nimmha6708  that's why they say,"idc why" but for "some reason" the humans brain grew considerably extremely fast. Just shows we don't really know anything | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @amo670 |  @lionjudah5738  and theres plenty of archeological evidences that proofs its all made up lmao why do u ignore all that? did u know the bible stole stories from other cultures? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @amo670 |  @PDaddy0120  we do have proof actually, you just choose not to look for it or even try to understand all u can understand is ur fairy tale books lmao u rather believe in a talking donkey than actual scientific evidence | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @lionjudah5738 |  @amo670  .Archaeological sites in Jericho, Massada, artifacts in the Red Sea, in the desert. You can go to Jerusalem right now, or you think it's a figment of someone's imagination? Only fools get stuck in bias bs designed to please secular and fake atheistic cry babies. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jacogous2507 | https://youtu.be/YjrxHqNy5CQ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @amo670 |  @lionjudah5738  lmao bro youre just saying words now, Yeah it was a figment of someones imagination and also they stole stories from other cultures, why do u ignore that part? Why do u ignore the truth and only accept lies. If the bible and everything that happen in it is real, why was earth proven to be older than 2k years? Take of ur blindfolds kiddo :) theres no god, atleast not ur bible god. And damn, lets not forget what ur bible says ur god did to humans, he literally massacred millions and committed genocide, What a terrible god | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @christianityisunstoppable4155 | Similarities yes but everyone seems to forget the differences . | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @lionjudah5738 |  @amo670  ..Oh please...So You said that "Jerusalem is a figment of imagination"???? That speaks volumes. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @amo670 |  @lionjudah5738  lmao when did i say jerusalem is fake? U still ignoring the hundreds of facts that prove the bible is bs, did u know the bible stole many stories from other cultures, damn tsk tsk shame on u bible | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @lionjudah5738 |  @amo670  .Well, you did say Jerusalem is a figment of imagination, anyone can read that. The Bible has been scrutinised for quite some time and still stand strong. All the garbage you've been fed with has been debunked by scholars and historians, and I, personally don't care,I love the word of God and I'm sure of my Salvation in Jesus Christ! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @amo670 |  @lionjudah5738  " All the garbage you've been fed with has been debunked by scholars and historians" actually no it hasnt, quite the contrary, the bible has been proven false by many historians and scholars, its ur fault u dont wanna accept the truth, and ur salvation is jesus christ is BS because jesus was just an ordinary man if he even existed lmao, now tell me how was there a flood story with completely different gods but same story a thousand years before noahs ark story or even the bible existed? Hmmm maybe because the people that wrote the bible stole stories from other cultures hmmmm damn boi ur religion is a lie lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jongoldey3842 |  @nimmha6708  dont get frustrated. They probably dont have the background in physical anthropology you may have. And their minds just may not be open. You probably won't be a leader to reach them. I blame media and strange tech . People believe what they hear. But dont bother to question anything. Critical thinking may just be lost | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nimmha6708 |  @jongoldey3842  have a nice day though. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @robertthompson176 |  @amo670  good to see one sensible person in this thread. OPs suggestion is literally opposite to reality and laughable. | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @sarahhearn-vonfoerster7401 |  @jordan12374  Not really...still a lot of "can it be that..." , "what if...", and , "perhaps ......". It still sounds just like a great story. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @sarahhearn-vonfoerster7401 |  @PDaddy0120  That, my friend, is PROVEN by evolution. You can choose to believe "what if", if you choose, but it has never been proved. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @PDaddy0120 |  @sarahhearn-vonfoerster7401  no it isnt.. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @MovieMakingMan |  @PDaddy0120  They left out the part where god was going to murder Moses for not being circumcised. But just before Moses’ murder, Moses’ wife Zipporah used a rock to cut off her baby’s foreskin and threw it at Moses’ feet. She did that to trick ‘god’ into believing the baby’s bloodied foreskin was Moses’ foreskin. (Exodus 4:24-26). But god is supposedly all knowing and knows the number of hairs on every humans’ heads. But he couldn’t see Moses’ wife slice off her baby’s foreskin? He didn’t hear the baby wailing out in excruciating pain? And if that ‘god’ knew how many hairs were on every human head in existence why couldn’t he also tell if men had foreskins or not? He can count hairs but not foreskins? How could an all knowing, all powerful god that supposedly created everything be duped by a goat herder’s wife? That god sounds really stupid and extremely gullible. And what’s with ‘god’s’ obsession over foreskins? If he created man after his perfect image why was he so obsessed with sexually mutilating men, boys and babies? If god hates foreskins why did he make males with foreskins. What a moron. Yet people believe every word of the Bible as absolute fact. They are as gullible and stupid as their defective, murderous, psychopathic god is. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @sophieangus7922 |  @chrisk6687  l | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @RobTheFossil | Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 992: - "Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve in Allah." Muhammad's instructions to his men | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @RobTheFossil | Saifur Rahman, The Sealed Nectar p.227-228 - "Embrace Islam... If you two accept Islam, you will remain in command of your country; but if your refuse my Call, you’ve got to remember that all of your possessions are perishable. My horsemen will appropriate your land, and my Prophethood will assume preponderance over your kingship." One of several letters from Muhammad to rulers of other countries. The significance is that the recipients were not making war or threatening Muslims. Their subsequent defeat and subjugation by Muhammad's armies was justified merely on the basis of their unbelief. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @RobTheFossil | Tabari 9:69 "Killing Unbelievers is a small matter to us" The words of Muhammad, prophet of Islam. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @RobTheFossil | Sunan an-Nasa'i (Sahih) "Whoever dies without having fought or thought of fighting, he dies on one of the branches of hypocrisy" | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @RobTheFossil | Sahih Muslim (1:33) - the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah Sahih Bukhari (8:387) - Allah's Apostle said, "I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah'. And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally." | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @MovieMakingMan |  @RobTheFossil  Now you’re threatening to murder people. Do you realize how sick that is? | Votes: 12 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @disgruntledwookie369 | Wow you complete idiot. Modern science has concluded that the exodus almost certainly didn't happen, there is no archaeological evidence whatsoever and the whole narrative was clearly invented to justify the creation of the nation of Israel. Your confirmation bias is showing. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @RowanWarren78 |  @amo670  you cannot appeal to people with cognitive bias. They will believe any doctrine of they truly believe their afterlife is in jeopardy. Take the great flood for example. There are many civilizations that continued to thrive, uninterrupted, during that episode. They left physical records of life during the time they were supposed to have been eradicated. It's just not rational to overlook that physical evidence. Look at Mormonism, the LDS. That faith serves to prove that most people will believe anything if they're indoctrinated. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @amo670 |  @RowanWarren78  people are stupid am i right | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @theresawilliams4296 | @Kishka Bear There's nothing humane in the bible. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @SDubThe-illis | All mainstream religious texts came from the same place. Of course they were similar they were all copying eachother lol | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @dorandacolbert5973 |  @RobTheFossil  What does the Exodus story have to do with Islam? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @dorandacolbert5973 | @Kishka Bear The bible may be one of the first history books. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @dorandacolbert5973 |  @theresawilliams4296  The bible records the inhumanity on the earth. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @kalof3l51 | What is even crazier is long before Jesus was born they worshiped a pagan god that oddly has pretty much the same exact life as Jesus. Virgin birth, crucified, rose, healed all of it. Then when Jesus died no Christian knew what to believe until the Sun god worshipers came together, converted to Christianity and after voting what went into the Bible suddenly the story of the pagan god was in the Bible, just as the Jesus story. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @clif26 |  @dorandacolbert5973  incorrect | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @hazed1009 |  @kalof3l51  this should tell you something. The religious leaders stole other religions stories and adapted tgem for their own false "created" religion. Its a way to control the masses with fear. Use your mind. Do not listen to this nonsense. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @hazed1009 |  @RobTheFossil  youre a messanger for institutionalised murder. You are no better than the German SS from world war 2. No doubt you would have the jews executed as well seeing as how your rediculous fantasy book claims them the enemy too? Quoran, bible, etc etc all should be banned to tge fiction section of libraries and kept only as a warning to future human beings of the dangers of religions. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @suzannelacy8093 |  @nimmha6708  Thank you for being more intelligent than 90% of the idiots commenting on something they know very little about . Narcissists are mostly 😲 Jack of all trades and master of none and are experts at Gaslighting people . | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @tasnimulsarwar9189 |  @PDaddy0120  we have. We have plethora of proof of it. Even if I showed them to you, you would disregard them readily and make excuses. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @PDaddy0120 |  @tasnimulsarwar9189  no we didn't you can't show me anything stating otherwise | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @stevenadams3303 | Religion has often been used to explain what we don't currently understand. It would be more surprising if the Bible didn't contain some historic fact. As with any good sci-fi you need to ground it in reality to be immersive. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @stevenadams3303 |  @PDaddy0120  I am. Why does that bother you? Do you prefer to think of yourself as superior to all animals even though you have exactly the same anatomical features of all mammals | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @robingroenbech3876 | The problem is that people still believe in gods,and religion it dont exist sadly. Its all natural phenomenons that people took advantage of and it seems the isralites have been incredibly lucky with the whole thing happening. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ivankatsaklidis1192 |  @robingroenbech3876  by the way, just watched a four part documentary on antisemitism from the last 2000 years...the Exodus was probably the last time they were "lucky". Religion in my view has created more hatred in the world than good. It all started when it gave man a superiority complex in thinking they're any better than their fellow apes. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @davidcross4384 | Because IT HAPPEN. Not a local flood. All Civilizations have the record. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @stevenadams3303 |  @davidcross4384  NO they don't. All communities have flood myths, because flooding is a thing. However none agree on a time frame. There is also no evidence in the archeological record. Your response was weak and doesn't warrant any further explanation | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AWikkedMoon | Ok. The great flood was done by god to get rid of his horrible grandchildren. "The Gnostic Truth, Nephilim Giants, The Grandchildren of god." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtfgQaPkUHY&t=513s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon. We were also divided by god at the tower of babel "The Gnostic Truth, Unity vs Division. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upks5oLN1mY&t=125s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AS-vq3wt | There's more holes in this than Swiss cheese. It actually made me very angry. He's cherry picking certain info on the Bible to suit his narrative. What about the wandering for 40 years? You'd think plenty of those people died in the Sinai in 40 years. You'd think they'd make camps in those 40 years and live their lives like normal people. But bit a single grave ever found in the Sinai. No pots or pans. No dead animal bones. Nothing. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @regiebrace5262 | God stands for freedom | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @shannalee2520 | while we all came from Pangaea, animals do not ever evolve into other animals. A wolf can still breed with a dog, but man still cannot breed with any monkey, even with help from science. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @kathyjames9250 | Ben Hart.. I have been following the work of Dr. Ken Johnson,, who has been translating the Dead Sea Scrolls, and most recently the Essenes who have very accurate prophecies: the year Messiah was to be born, when He was to die, etc. for two examples. Dr. Johnson translated and published a lot of books, among them histories of various peoples descended from Noah, and it’s interesting to see how the style of their names suddenly change. Also Dr. Johnson has published last will and testaments of the 12 sons of Jacob/Israel, similar to that of Jacob at the end of Genesis. There is a lot of background information filled in, so for me, it is fascinating. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thor8086 | Exodus story told us about Egyptian Pharoa Ramses, archeologist PROVED Egyptian king Ramses was a real king. About 4000years later. This YouTube video proved nothing, cleverly threading some scientific phenomenon to disregard Exodus story. Did they find iron deposit that reacted to volcanic action near Nile river? Why did the lice swarm happen not the cockroach swarm? Even if Exodus plague was caused by how this video theorizes, real question should be how did Moses knew and predict in advance with exact timing and sequence? This is something modern scientists cannot do collectively. Most historian base their historical findings on oral history. Any written history is considered absolute proof. In this fake documentary video, written records from millennia ago is discounted with poorly threaded suppositions. Many used to say Ramses never existed and discounted Exodus story. Last couple of decades, there are too many anti-Israelite documentary produced with Arabic or Muslim financial support. As a non Jewish person, the producers of anti-Jewish documentaries should be more transparent about supporters to gain any credibility. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @yassasloan7308 | correct, just like Islam has so much similarities with Judaism... Muhammad obviously just ripped off Judaism and tailored it to the Arab culture and general lifestyle... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @yassasloan7308 |  @PDaddy0120  everyone already knows this... at least educated people do... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @yassasloan7308 |  @nimmha6708  wow, someone who actually knows what evolution theory actually is!🙌 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @billybatchelor2863 | True,the more I see happening in these days the moreI I turn to the Bible | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @stephengaddis9791 | When I was a kid, after church I would sometimes feel a very real warm comfort in my upper abdomen, almost like a balm inside. That was before I had ever read about 'the annointing' we have as believers in 1 John. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @rjjenkins5601 | Yeah they just made up all these areas that still exist thousands of years ago and had laws that kept them from dying of mold and bacteria | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @liammulcahy9506 |  @AS-vq3wt  Also the Egyptians ruled over all of Canann during the 14th century BC..... [ For example... The battle of Megiddo when the Egyptians defeated the Canaanites was in 1457 BC] . So guess who was waiting for the Israelites when they reached Canaan....... Yes it was the Egyptians!! FOR YOU WERE [NOT] SLAVES IN EGYPT. THE ANCIENT MEMORIES BEHIND THE EXODUS MYTH. Haaretz Apr 19.. 2019 by Ariel David The Passover narrative is one of the greatest stories ever. The story of the enslaved Hebrews escape from Egypt. Also.... IT NEVER HAPPENED. It is not a historical event explains Thomas Romer a renowned expert in the Hebrew and Professor at the College de France and the University of Lausanne............ There are multiple points where the Passover story does not square with the archaoelogic findings... But the broader issue is that the Bible simply gets the chronology and the geopolitics of the Levant all wrong. For the biblical chronology to hold any water Moses must have led the Israelites out of Egypt in the late bronze age between the 15th and the 13th century BC. This was the golden age of Egypts New Kingdom. During this period Egypts control over Canaan was total as evidenced in the Amarna Letters [An Archive that includes correspondence between the Pharaoh and his Colonial Empire during the 14th century BC] So even if a large group of people had managed to flee the Nile Delta and reach Sinai....... They would still have had to face the Might of Egypt on the rest of their journey. Tel Aviv University Professor Israel Finkelstein one of the top biblical scholars in Israel explains : The Exodus story in the Bible does not reflect the fact that Canaan was dominated by Egypt....... It was a province with Egyptian administrators................... The Exodus story was written centuries after its purported events....... Egypts Empire in Canaan had long since collapsed. The Bible account is anachronistic and not historical. No trace of the passage of a large group of people [ 600,000 families according to Exodus 12 :37] has been found by Archeologists........ Not a shred of evidence.......... All just Myths and Fairy Tales. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @angelacollins7695 |  @nimmha6708  actually there are studies showing we all came from the middle eastern area but that couldn't be accepted because that would go against Darwin so they moved it. Also yes the world was one land until the flood occurred. The Bible even states let the dry land appear not lands. It's also said the human race almost became extinct which also proves the Bible correct but of course that had to changed to climate and disease conditions. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AS-vq3wt |  @liammulcahy9506  Bible stories are basically regurgitations of ancient Egyptian and zoarastrian religion. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Thekoryosmenstribepodcast |  @chrisk6687  no they havent. Cut it out | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Thekoryosmenstribepodcast |  @amo670  And a whole bunch of other stories too. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Thekoryosmenstribepodcast |  @PDaddy0120  put of africa theory has been debunked. And we were created. But your bible, islam, and catholicism are a lie. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Thekoryosmenstribepodcast |  @nimmha6708  you might be from africans. But im from europe, and my ancestors have always been white. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Thekoryosmenstribepodcast |  @kalof3l51  Bingo | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @chrisk6687 |  @Thekoryosmenstribepodcast  give me an example then. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @Itskahuny | @Kishka Bear whether or not The Bible is a history book is not an objective matter. That classification relies heavily on what attributes one uses in their methods of designating what makes something a history book. It seems that your position - that it is not a history book - is heavily reliant on whether you believe the content in general to be truthful. As it happens, you do not believe that its contents are factual and believe that they are works of fiction and therefore do not consider it to be a history book by your accepted definition. Although, I would not even agree in general that to be a history book a piece of literature must be abesent of falsehoods - I would imagine that you would not maintain that position with any significant consistency if tasked with labeling numerous other works as history books or not. Foremost, I believe the information available to the author of any such book at the time of its writing is far more relevant than its decided truth when faced with thousands of years of scrutiny. There exist undoubtedly many books you would be quick to call history books that have been since shown to be incorrect in their information at times. Such is the nature of years of advancing knowledge and a work being subject to unending scrutiny. Taking that point one step further, I can think of endless examples of historical text books - works that are by name considered history books - which are riddled with implicit bias and historical revisionism. Whether it is a reliable singular source of accurate historical information has points to be made against its favor - but, it has historical value and in saying it fails to meet the criteria to be considered a history book I truly wonder if you would say they same about the voluminous existence of revisionist texts written by the victors or works which failed to stand up to the rigorous vigor of decades to centuries of scrutiny | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nimmha6708 |  @Thekoryosmenstribepodcast  yes, their ancestors we're from the African continent. I know it probably hurts your little white pride, but all humans comes from Africa, if you go back far enough. First HUMANS on earth we're on the now continent Africa. You know back "then", all continents used to be one big land mass? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nimmha6708 |  @Thekoryosmenstribepodcast  So yes, your ancestors would be white, but their ancestors aren't. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @scottmatty1195 |  @RobTheFossil  come at me bro 😎 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @scottmatty1195 |  @RobTheFossil  allah is a homosexual | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @alphamaster5455 |  @amo670  oh so you didnt watch the video ok got it | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @niquej1990 | This is true. Keep reading and reseaching history. The evidence is definitely there. Shalom! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ozskipper | Read the bible.. Quickest way to atheism.. Once you realize how much of it isnt true its easy to escape the religion. Use a highlighter and take note of how much is just fantasy urrm "allegories" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @alphamaster5455 |  @ozskipper  oh ok so you didnt watch the video | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ericvulgate | Cladistically we are monkeys, just like we are apes, primates, and mammals. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ericvulgate | Humans are apes. Linnaeus told us that, and he was a good xian who didn't want to believe it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @WoodysOpinion101 | What a load of rubbish you world view is wack | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @alphamaster5455 |  @amo670  What do you think this is about I bet you didn't even watch any of the documentary before writing this comment | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @alphamaster5455 |  @dorandacolbert5973  The book of exodus is in islam,christianity,and Judaism | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ozskipper |  @alphamaster5455  Hahah.. I did.. I Read the book too 😜 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @amarshmuseconcepta6197 |  @PDaddy0120  And now 🐵pox. you'd think we'd be 🐒IMMUNE.😂"NOT | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @alphamaster5455 |  @kalof3l51  Which pagan god? because this just doesn't make sense | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @alphamaster5455 |  @AS-vq3wt  How do you know a bunch of people didn't die and the took the remains to Jerusalem also pots and pans they would have taken with them if they had any and animal bones there's been thousands of dead animals millions even in that desert and Sinai is huge 23,166 mi² so they definitely didn't check the whole thing | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @dorandacolbert5973 |  @alphamaster5455  The book of Exodus is a continuing story of the Israelite's walk with God, written down in the Torah | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AS-vq3wt |  @alphamaster5455  Israeli archeologists scoured the entire Sinai in the early 60s. They found the odd dead animal and human remains but nothing to suggest that thousands of people lived there for 40 years. There would be a treasure trove of archeology if people had lived there for that long. Carbonized wood from fire pits, clay pots, human fecal matter, graves, clear paths by people walking from one area to another. They found NOTHING! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @SubVet84 | Adjusting history and science to match preconceived notions to then pass said notions as historical fact, is wrong on so many levels. Find the proof, don’t adjust it! If I just adjust my age 40 years, I qualify for a full pension and social security! Am I allowed to just ignore official records to do so? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @reginaldlee9008 | My brother's and sisters some of the situations are true. But they are so wrong about mount siani.And where the children of Israel cross the seas. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @reginaldlee9008 | They are wrong about the mountain of God and the sea crossing. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @reginaldlee9008 | They are wrong about the mountain of god and the sea crossing | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @Peak_Stone | @Kishka Bear different kind of fiction then 😉 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @EdenSophia118 |  @nimmha6708  Adam was formed in heaven. He was later placed on Earth. After sinning in the Garden, he was given a fleshly body. He became a mortal human. Humans do not come from Apes or monkeys. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @nimmha6708 |  @EdenSophia118  lol foh with those fairytales. Nobody said Humans come from Apes directly, but we share the same ancestors, which is the part many leave out. No we didn't come from Adam. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @nimmha6708 |  @EdenSophia118  In what year did Adam walk around on earth? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @nimmha6708 |  @EdenSophia118  how many times people gonna say this ape stuff wrong just to show they don't even know what they are argueing against??? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @mariharrik5987 |  @PDaddy0120 do you have evidence we were created and no bibel is not evidence | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @mariharrik5987 |  @PDaddy0120  so that's no proof of god | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @mariharrik5987 |  @PDaddy0120  wow denial is strong with you | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @mariharrik5987 |  @RobTheFossil  Quran is evil books and all religion promotes violence | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @mariharrik5987 |  @RobTheFossil  and im thinking if god is real this Quran did not come from god but from satan | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @mariharrik5987 |  @PDaddy0120  stop making excuses delusional Christian why do you hate proof of evolution | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @JordanWallace-nb4id | By atheists I would imagine, they cant wait to somehow disprove what Christ did so they can continue living in SIN. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @JordanWallace-nb4id | By atheists I would imagine, they cant wait to somehow disprove what Christ did so they can continue living in SIN. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 9 months ago | @Lauriej117 | So you like fiction books, which is exactly what the bible and other religious books are. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 9 months ago (edited) | @Lauriej117 |  @PDaddy0120  It’s called evolution and it is true, unlike the stories that are in the fiction book, known as the bible. And the term you are looking for is ‘ on board’, not ‘ on bored’. 🙄 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 9 months ago | @Lauriej117 | The world would be a more peaceful, logically, reasonable place if we could just get rid of religion and people stopped believing their” special” sky gods, who don’t exist. Ridiculous, irrational nonsense. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 9 months ago (edited) | @januariswambua3529 |  @melvinjansen2338  you can check the dead sea scrolls and the incantation bowels to start with. I'll give you more once you're done | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @dianaivanov1516 | Even as a non-religious person, this video was very interesting for me! I learned a lot, thank you for uploading it. | Votes: 290 | Reply: false 3 years ago | @justanumber5674 | Agreed, it was very well researched and presented. Have a great weekend Diana. | Votes: 15 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @donnar9864 | You don't have to be religious to trust in Jesus as your savior...just trust that He died on the cross for your sins and rose again on the third day, trust that He washed away your sins and you will be sealed by the Holy Spirit and belong to Him... | Votes: 29 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 | You can't actually learn anything from a completely made up story that never happened. | Votes: 21 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @eyemnew2991 | I'm not religious. But stories like these get my attention. | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @eyemnew2991 |  @donnar9864  I believe everything in your comment. Religion has nothing to do with being in relationship with God through Jesus.👍 | Votes: 22 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @eyemnew2991 |  @michaelfox2433  Are you referring to yourself or others. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @eyemnew2991  Everyone, since facts don't care about your feelings or beliefs. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Pizzpott |  @michaelfox2433  Nice response, well said. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @Pizzpott  Thanks but I'm only pointing out facts and am not responsible for their existence. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @carms5054 |  @eyemnew2991  Religion is traditions of man in the flesh, The connection to Jesus & God must be a Spiritual one: John 4:24, : "God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth." | Votes: 17 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @eyemnew2991 |  @carms5054  I agree. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @chevroletgt | I'm going to say something here it's going to be unpopular. Regardless of whether or not the Exodus story has any truth to it or not does not prove that there is a God it proves that there was a time in history where something disastrous happened both geologically and anthropologically. The fact that we can describe how these plagues happened through science through geology through chemistry in any other forms of science the shows that these things can happen without the intervention of a god. So it negates any proof of any deity. Basically the whole God question still needs to be put on the back burner because this just shows us geologically what happened. And of course those being primitive societies obviously well assume that there's a God involved because that's what our species has done for eons. Also on the comments about how you can have a relationship with Jesus and not be religious I find to be a little on the overreaching side of things. Cuz if you think about it there is no Jesus without religion. None of you would know about Jesus if it wasn't for the religion of Christianity Judaism or even Islam since they are all connected through the same God and Abraham. So you definitely need religion in order to believe in Jesus or Muhammad and so on. That's like saying you can have a personal relationship with Krishna but you don't need to follow the Hindu religion even though Krishna comes from the Hindu religion. Okay rebuttal done LOL just food for thought not trying to start a fight or anything. That's just the way I see things. It is an interesting video it does make you think but it doesn't make me believe in a god anymore or less. If still likes to fundamental proof of the existence of any deity. | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 | And when Isa son of Marium said: O children of Israel! surely I am the messenger of Allah to you, verifying that which is before me of the Taurat and giving the good news of an Messenger who will come after me, his name being Ahmad, but when he came to them with clear arguments they said: This is clear magic. (As Saff (6)) | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @CanucksFanBoi | If you watch the ron Wyatt documentary you might change youre mind | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 |  @CanucksFanBoi  And they who reject Our communications are deaf and dumb, in utter darkness; whom Allah pleases He causes to err and whom He pleases He puts on the right way. (Al An'am(39)). | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 |  @CanucksFanBoi  And if you obey most of those in the earth, they will lead you astray from Allah´s way; they follow but conjecture and they only lie. (Al An'am(116)). | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 |  @CanucksFanBoi  And how many a sign in the heavens and the earth which they pass by, yet they turn aside from it. (Yusuf(Joseph). 105) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 |  @CanucksFanBoi  They have taken their doctors of law and their monks for lords besides Allah, and (also) the Messiah son of Marium and they were enjoined that they should serve one Allah only, there is no god but He; far from His glory be what they set up (with Him). (At Tawbah (31)). | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @chucknorris277 |  @delihusnu278  Mohammads original teachings are lost. Hundreds of years after his death the Islamic leaders made one Koran and burned every other book within thier borders. How enlightened | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 |  @chucknorris277  1. The Qur'an is the word of Allah, not of the Prophet Muhammad(S.a.v). 2. Unlike other religions, there are hafizes who memorize the Qur'an from the moment it was revealed. Even if someone changes it, there are millions of people who know the Qur'an by heart, and the immutable Qur'an that everyone knows has reached our revolution by being passed down from generation to generation and being recorded. And the Qur'an, like the modified Bible, is not of a different kind in every region. 3 Learn about Islam by reading the Qur'an, talk about this Excellent Book, not with lies and hypocrisy. Every rational person who reads it understands that these words and proofs are not human words and bows to the truth. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 |  @chucknorris277  And with those who say, We are Christians, We made a covenant, but they neglected a portion of what they were reminded of, therefore We excited among them enmity and hatred to the day of resurrection; and Allah will inform them of what they did. (AL Maidah (14)). | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 |  @chucknorris277  And the Jews will not be pleased with you, nor the Christians until you follow their religion. Say: Surely Allah´s guidance, that is the (true) guidance. And if you follow their desires after the knowledge that has come to you, you shall have no guardian from Allah, nor any helper. (Al Baqarah (120)). | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 |  @chucknorris277  And the Jews say: The Christians do not follow anything (good) and the Christians say: The Jews do not follow anything (good) while they recite the (same) Book. Even thus say those who have no knowledge, like to what they say; so Allah shall judge between them on the day of resurrection in what they differ. (Al Baqarah (113)). | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 |  @chucknorris277  Certainly they disbelieve who say: Surely Allah, He is the Messiah, son of Marium; and the Messiah said: O Children of Israel! serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Surely whoever associates (others) with Allah, then Allah has forbidden to him the garden, and his abode is the fire; and there shall be no helpers for the unjust. (Al Maidah (72)). | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 |  @chucknorris277  Certainly they disbelieve who say: Surely Allah is the third (person) of the three; and there is no god but the one Allah, and if they desist not from what they say, a painful chastisement shall befall those among them who disbelieve. (Al Maidah (73)). | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 |  @chucknorris277  Surely We have revealed the Reminder and We will most surely be its guardian. (Al Hijr (9)). | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @victoriouswoman3977 |  @michaelfox2433  They have eyes but still can not see, when someone is spiritually blind nothing will make that person see the truth may God open your spiritual eyes in Jesus mighty name 🙏. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @victoriouswoman3977  The problem with spirituality and religion is it blinds you to reality. My eyes ARE open...thats why I gave up that nonsense decades ago. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 | https://youtu.be/q5vHZN01Yt4 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ow741 |  @delihusnu278  why in the Quran and Islamic culture is it common to mistreat woman? | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @keepreligiontoyourself1510 |  @delihusnu278  surely you do not trust this bs | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @keepreligiontoyourself1510 |  @victoriouswoman3977  look up faith in the dictionary and redifine your answer | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @blissfull7648 | "NON RELIGIOUS" SO COOL!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @deerich4288 | God is not a religion but he is wonderful. May he bring forth answers and revelation to you Diana 🙏 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jacogous2507 | https://youtu.be/YjrxHqNy5CQ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cherylseebreth328 |  @chevroletgt  well said | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cherylseebreth328 |  @keepreligiontoyourself1510  Exactly | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jerry18291 |  @donnar9864  preach 👍👍👍💪💪💪 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jerry18291 |  @delihusnu278  allah is a fake man made god that doesn't exist | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jerry18291 |  @delihusnu278  there is one mediator between GOD and men the MAN CHRIST JESUS | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thebestcentaur |  @michaelfox2433  well said...props from a Bahá'í | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @kalof3l51 | History doesn’t mean you need to be religious. In history before Jesus there was a pagan god who lived the exact same life as Jesus and I’m talking long before Jesus. Not a real person but just their god that somehow was extra toy what happened to Jesus hundreds of years later. But the Bible is full of historical fact because when people were writing the Bible they did not know we were going to turn their stuff into a religion. They were just recording stuff. It’s like the study books you have for school later being put into a religion. The creators of that book had no intention of that. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @dennisexplorer487 | I enjoy your honesty, may I say that religion is man-made, spirituality is God Given, big difference. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @hanstun1 | ​ @kalof3l51  The bible is written fortyish to hundreds of years "after the fact" and is very much written to be a religion. It is mostly an iron age retelling of bronze age mythology and thinking that this is historically accurate is insane. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @concettaworkman5895 | https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=symbols+of+an+alien+sky | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thor8086 | Exodus story told us about Egyptian Pharoa Ramses, archeologist PROVED Egyptian king Ramses was a real king. About 4000years later. This YouTube video proved nothing, cleverly threading some scientific phenomenon to disregard Exodus story. Did they find iron deposit that reacted to volcanic action near Nile river? Why did the lice swarm happen not the cockroach swarm? Even if Exodus plague was caused by how this video theorizes, real question should be how did Moses knew and predict in advance with exact timing and sequence? This is something modern scientists cannot do collectively. Most historian base their historical findings on oral history. Any written history is considered absolute proof. In this fake documentary video, written records from millennia ago is discounted with poorly threaded suppositions. Many used to say Ramses never existed and discounted Exodus story. Last couple of decades, there are too many anti-Israelite documentary produced with Arabic or Muslim financial support. As a non Jewish person, the producers of anti-Jewish documentaries should be more transparent about supporters to gain any credibility. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @liammulcahy9506 | Here is something else that you should know Diana......... For the biblical chronology to hold any water Moses must have led the Israelites out of Egypt in the late bronze age between the 15th and the 13th century BC. This was the golden age of Egypts New Kingdom. During this period Egypts control over Canaan was total as evidenced in the Amarna Letters [An Archive that includes correspondence between the Pharaoh and his Colonial Empire during the 14th century BC]...... For example the battle of Megiddo when the Egyptians defeated the Canaanites was in 1457 BC. The Exodus story in the Bible does not reflect the fact that Canaan was dominated by Egypt...... It was a province with Egyptian administrators...... So guess who was waiting for the Israelites when they reached Canaan? Yes Diana..It was the Egyptians 🤔 All just Myths and Fairy Tales. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @liammulcahy9506 |  @hanstun1  The Exodus story was written centuries after its purported events.......... The Bible account is anachronistic and not historical. FOR YOU WERE [NOT] SLAVES IN EGYPT. THE ANCIENT MEMORIES BEHIND THE EXODUS MYTH......... Haaretz Apr 19.. 2019 by Ariel David. The Passover narrative is one of the greatest stories ever told. The escape story of the enslaved Hebrews from Egypt. Also.... IT NEVER HAPPENED. It is not a historical event explains Thomas Romer a renowned expert in the Hebrew and Professor at the College de France and the University of Lausanne. There are multiple points where the Passover story does not square with the archaoelogic findings. But the broader issue is that the Bible simply chronology and the geopolitics of the Levant all wrong. For the biblical chronology to hold any water Moses must have led the Israelites out of Egypt in the late bronze age between the 15th and the 13th century BC. This was the golden age of Egypts New Kingdom. During this period Egypts control over Canaan was total as evidenced in the Amarna Letters [An Archive that includes correspondence between the Pharaoh and his Colonial Empire during the 14th century BC].......... The Exodus story in the Bible does not reflect the fact that Canaan was dominated by Egypt. It was a province with Egyptian administrators. So even if a large group of people had managed to flee the Nile Delta and reach Sinai.......... They would have had to face the Might of Egypt on the rest of their journey. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @tammypearson989 | I already believe, but I smiled the whole time. But ppl still are going to doubt the teachings and stories of The Bible, because they know if they’re wrong, they are toast. It’s supposed to be about faith, believing in God, because he is. Not cause you think you can prove it wrong. Why? These non-believers can’t except faith without proof. God is everything, space , time, universe. Not just an old man sitting on a cloud. You can’t see him, he just is . Ppl can’t handle that, welp hate it for you. I really hope the find him, all they got to do is ask. if you feel God come into your heart, you will know. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jaybee4118 |  @donnar9864  I mean, yeah, you do have to be religious to do that. I can't trust that he died for my sins because I don't think sins are a thing. I believe acts to harm other people are bad, but that has nothing to do with a Jesus character or any god character. You do have to be religious AND of a certain sect of religion. If I were Jewish or Muslim I wouldn't believe any of that but I would be religious. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @jaybee4118 |  @tammypearson989  And which god am I to believe in? The one you do? You'd say yes, but how about the Hindus? How about Muslims? How about Sikhs? They'd all say either different gods or the same one but I must worship him/her/them in a different way. Religious people are all so sure they're right and yet they all believe different things, you can't all be right. Therefore it's most likely you're all wrong. If I'm wrong I'll deal with it then. Sucks to be me I guess. What if you're wrong? You'll tell me you're not. Just like all the other religious people who know they're right. P.S. Kinda nasty of you to be glad at the thought of other people's demise, real or not. Another reason I find religion and many religious people vile. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @dominicdudebromtl9380 | If you're learning from liars about lies... that's not called learning, that's called being duped. God doesn't exist. Get over it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @shobetmawr |  @donnar9864  especially since there’s no historical evidence, so please don’t peddle a weird cult | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @shobetmawr |  @carms5054  and some human wrote that, like Lord of the Rings | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @amyrenee1361 |  @tammypearson989  according to what you just said about God, then the Bible and all religious texts should be destroyed. God is self evident, we don't need a book written by man | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @iamjimb |  @michaelfox2433  Alright Ben, calm down | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @tammypearson989  Trying to qualify nonsense with a different batch of nonsense still equals nonsense. If the best you've got for an argument is nonsense then you have no argument at all. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 9 months ago (edited) | @Lauriej117 |  @donnar9864  Please stop with your fictitious god nonsense. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @toph1605 | It feels illegal to watch this for free. Thank you so much to all the people who worked behind this amazing documentary I have learned so much. 🥺 | Votes: 275 | Reply: false 1 year ago | @ramonandrajo6348 | Shut up, fanboy. XD | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @Shadow_YT267 |  @ramonandrajo6348  bro what 💀 | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @ramonandrajo6348 |  @Shadow_YT267  Who are you? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @Amazing_Mark | ​ @ramonandrajo6348 Get lost 🖕. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @ssherrierable | Well what’s 5 plus 8 equal? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @moonlover2022 | Good things are free, that's motto of one coder guy. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @Shadow_YT267 |  @ramonandrajo6348  boy shut it were just trying to enjoy a documentary about our Lord Jesus Christ | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @ramonandrajo6348 |  @Shadow_YT267  Shut up, fanatic! XD | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @EB-ri6bb | Donate to the producers of the film | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 11 months ago | @kevinrath3988 | Shutup femboy , i payed for you with my 5 second time to watched ads | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 9 months ago (edited) | @elenahickman4329 | ​​ @Shadow_YT267 technically it's about God Moses the Hebrew slaves the Egyptian royal family and the 10 plagues of Egypt | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Eric-cj8sb | Please double check their claims. Many of these claims are misrepresenting the data and the work of scholars. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @Shadow_YT267 this has nothing to do with Jesus actually. This is about the Pentatuch or first 5 books of the Torah. There is also no proof for this is a made up propaganda story. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago (edited) | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @elenahickman4329 exactly and their claims are just a ridiculous. There is no evidence for slaves building anything in Egypt. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 months ago (edited) | @Shadow_YT267 |  @Eric-cj8sb  Jesus gave us the whole bible, so imma use the whole bible | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Shadow_YT267 |  @Eric-cj8sb  well i do agree to double check, its the Bible and the Bible only | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 months ago (edited) | @Eric-cj8sb |  @Shadow_YT267  hahah. How do you know it's the whole Bible? You have heard of the council of Nicea right. What about the gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Paul and Thecla, the Gospel of Judas, and many other Gnostic texts, some written earlier than the cannon gospels? Do you consider the Catholic Apocrypha to be part of the Bible. Lastly which version and which translation of the cannon Bible do you subscribe to? Lmao Regardless the things they are claiming are outright false hoods. Santorini was in 1650 to 1600 BCE not 1500. Regardless many scholars believe the story of the Exodus was in the reign of Ramses II due to the city name in the Bible. This so called documentary is trying to move well established dates to suit their preconceived notions. That's not how you are supposed to use the scientific method, which is what this faux documentary claims they are doing. It's all BS. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @mauricematla8379 | Yeah much BS that is. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @mauricematla8379 | ​ @ssherrierable it depends. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 months ago | @gameaddictgonewild777 |  @EB-ri6bb  Do you know how broke you are? Why would you want to give money to miljonairs? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 months ago | @websitemartian | 20:03 sound | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 months ago | @MiriamStark-nj1gt |  @Shadow_YT267 what about this says anything about Jesus? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @vergilito1 | Then donate u pos | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @MarkFofie-yn4ri | Is not for free. We use data to pay with views .and they will get paid in thousands of dollars or maybe millions | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @francescoguzzetta | Totally un-scientific. This is not a serious documentary. Just few examples: - The water of the Cameroon lake became red because the BOTTOM LAYER of water contained highly concentrated iron. The gas leak simply made them mix with the upper water layer in the lake, bringing the iron to surface. This phenomenon CANNOT OCCUR IN A RIVER like Nile, because, unlike the static water of a lake, a river is constantly flowing, not allowing the formation of separate and distinct layers of water. Moreover there are is no iron saturation in the Nile thus, even if a gas leak might have developed in the Nile, it could not have produced the "blood red" water as in the Cameroonian lake. The parallelism is totally illogical. - The Egyptian steles describing the events are from XVI century b.c. The first copy of a written bible we have is from V century b.c. (roughly 2100 years later). It is way more plausible that the original Egyptian narration of the events was echoed in the oral tradition of bible transmission and was incorporated in the story. - It's well known that Egyptians were entertaining strong commercial relationships with the Minoan world for centuries (e.g.: description of Minoan ports and cities in a stele in Medinet Habu and many others). Archeologist found plenty of Egyptian artifacts in Minoan islands and viceversa. The painting of ships and Egyptian landscape in Mikonos and the artifacts found there cannot be considered BY ANY MEAN a prove of the exodus, but just one more instance of the rich and intense commercial exchanges in the eastern mediterranean before the crisis of 1200 bc and the end of the Bronze Age. - Egyptian chronicles talk about the expulsion of the Hyksos as overthrown rulers. The exodus talks about a slaves trying to flee. Even taking for good the magical realignment of date, the two stories are totally incompatible. I can go on and on, but I stop here because I am disgusted | Votes: 233 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @francescoguzzetta | heilige Einfalt could you please let me know the source of what you mention. I am not aware of any such Egyptian chronicle: I would be very interested in having access to this source. (Please note I do not intend to be polemic, I am sincerely interested in information I might not have on Egyptian sources) | Votes: 11 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @CircmcisionIsChi1dAbus3 | Yeah I'm unsubbing. this is a disgrace to post this garbage. | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @SaiTangHuang | Hi Francesco Guzzetta. You seem to have robust counter arguments to this ambitious theory. I'd love to see you continue to counter the arguments in this documentary. Do you have a blog or can you carry on writing it here? Thanks. It's important we have the knowledge to rebut agenda based pseudo-documentaries | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @wendyjohnston1943 | Francesco Guzzetta I will pray for you | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @crystalloomis5818 | Francesco Guzzetta Only the first born of Egypt died and the first born animals. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @crystalloomis5818 | Francesco Guzzetta The whole Egyptian army drowned in a mud puddle? The reed sea? WOW!?!??? | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @pragmaticamente4734 | There were lakes in the Nile Delta region, back in the days, 3500 years ago, just so you know. The lakes were called Yam Suph, the "Sea of Reeds". In the Tanakh Yam suph is translated as "Sea of Reeds" and not the "Red Sea". According to the Talmud, much of the Tanakh was compiled by the men of the Great Assembly (Anshei K'nesset HaGedolah), a task completed in 450 BCE, and it has remained unchanged ever since. The "Minoan civilization" of Crete has been named after Minos by the archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans. This term is a creation, it's not an attested civilization on its own. The "Minoan civilization" is the moment in history where the greeks began their independence journey. It's a point in time. Minos is the Greek translation of Menes which could possibly be a royal title after his death. The term "Pharaoh" was not used contemporaneously for a ruler until Merneptah, 1200 BCE. There is no "Minoan civilization" in ancient texts. Crete territory paid tributes to Egypt and Minos/Menes probably had a palace in Crete (Tiberius had a palace on the island of Capri). First the hyksos were expelled. After that, the hebrew were enslaved. At some point the genocide of the first born took place. Moses is saved and raised by the daughter of the pharaoh, etc. You know the story. The point is, the Hyksos and the Santorini eruption are the background of the story of the Exodus. The Hebrew were enslaved after the expulsion of the Hyksos and the remaining Hebrews left Egypt some time after the Santorini explosion, led by Moses. | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jmitterii2 | The video citing Cameroon lake incident was infuriating. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @joshuafranken2030 | Thank you for pointing this out. He presents a lot of interesting theory and proves absolutely non of it. Basically he uses circumstantial evidence, much of which would probably be disputed by experts, and claims that this proves his theory. It's a shame, too, because I'd like to see actual scientific examination of his theories, but he made a joke of them by acting like he's obviously proven them. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @len2842 | Francesco Guzzetta; logic' as far as science goes' or what may be presented in the guise of science' you see' not all scientists hold to their creeds' much evidence for that' eg, "evolution" is loaded with hoaxes' its foundation sits on huge numbers of frauds.. the greatest scientist for all eternity is God' and his writ' the Bible and its content supercedes the very best of even the most honest of man's wisdom. even | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @len2842 | Crystal Loomis; some of the plagues did have impact on the isrealites' the worst of them was on the pagan Egyptians, Especially the curse of the first born babies being killed' that the self willed proud arrogant Pharoah called for to levied upon the Isrealites .. see Exodus 5:2; then Exodus 6:3; KJV 1611; there you have it' the be-ginning of knowledge or wisdom is the reverential fear of the true' God the false or demon gods of the egyptians were of course exposed and put to shame by the power of the alone Almighty' Psalms 83:18; | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @billgiesbrecht59 | Perhaps a lake that drained into the Nile? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @Nosnoozebutton | Francesco Guzzetta, this is one of the worst examples of bad information I've seen in awhile. The Nile River actually turned blood red again just two years ago, so scientifically NOT impossible. And look what happened in China. There are even testimonies of people who literally watched rivers turn blood red within a matter of a couple of minutes. There are biblical manuscripts that are as early as 30 years after the life of Jesus, not hundreds of years. There are hieroglyphics on Egyptian buildings TODAY that mention Israel, the place where they lived in what was then called Goshen has been found, along with the remnants of a statue of Joseph and the discovery that "Imhotep" was Moses, and even found the remains of Pharaoh's Army on the Gulf of Aqaba side of the Red Sea. Learn how to verify your information and its sources, boss. That's kind of super important. Plus , you don't cite any sources , yet ask others for theirs. What you showed is extreme negligence and laziness in the research process. The only thing you said that was accurate is that this is a bad documentary, and you're spot-on with that one. | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Nosnoozebutton |  Gary Allen  that's interesting that you used the phrase willfully ignorant. It's the same phrase the Bible uses of the world in regards to the truth of God | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Nosnoozebutton |  @joshuafranken2030  forget his theories. If you want real evidence that the Exodus really happened, watch Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @drpk6514 | I believe in exodus but here Jews are making up history. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Yessentuki4 | "The first copy of a written bible we have is from V century a.c." Bro are you even trying??? We have NT writing from the first century and OT obviously way before then... I mean any gradeschooler has heard of dead sea scrolls for example | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @francescoguzzetta |  @Yessentuki4  sorry for the typo, I meant V century B.C. (I corrected it) I am referring to the bible fragments in the Silver Scrolls in the Israel museum in Jerusalem, which predate the Dead Sea Scrolls. (NOTE: in French and Italian we write "a.c." to mean "b.c.", hence the confusion) | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @francescoguzzetta | K K I agree there can be different versions or point of views while telling a story, but in this case the same population (Hyksos/Israelites) would be depicted in one case as rulers and in the other as slaves. This is a fundamental discrepancy that is too extreme to be explained as different points of view. (Besides the stretch in chronology) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @francescoguzzetta | Chuck blankenship sure! And the fact that we can chat here using interconnected devices is obviously a miracle of god! | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @len2842 | Pragm Aticamente; 2Timothy 3:16; and 1Timothy 1:3-7; the problem with many men' who refuse to except what God had written in the Bible by some 40 secretaries that he inspired' accurate history is as written by Almighty God -Psams 83:18; to refuse' is to mirror this guy' -Exodus 5:4; who is famous for having littered the bottom of the red sea' not the sea of Reed's.. Moses worshipped -Exodus 6:3; God' himself reveals his modern times messengers -Isaiah 7,10-13; 1corinthians 3:19; "wisdom of men is foolishness' with God.. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Sara-co6pz | It's called a Biblical documentary for a reason and also they're called miracles , if they were 'logical' what would be so special about them? miracles are supposed to be irrational and in-explainable otherwise they wouldn't be miracles. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @wellillbeitsme007 | Ap | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mr.f8585 | Easy basement dweller. Your words, some day, will be heard. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jackiehammond5231 | Francesco Guzzetta our ocean went red the other week have photo ! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lesmcqueen697 | @ Francesco. I don't agree with the points raised in this film however... you make some major presumptions and logical errors in your thinking here buddy. Point 1: Irrelevant. Point 2: A flowing body of water (even as relatively shallow as the Nile) is just as capable of layering as a still body of water. A sub-surface turbidity current is a clear example of this. Also, fresh water forming a layer above salt water is another example of basic estuarine hydrology layering. Point 3: Presumes that the written record somehow dates the beginning of an oral tradition and presumes the dating of Egyptian relics as accurate. You're trying to prove a point by raising the "chicken or the egg" paradox. As you should know, plausibility (and yours is based on fallacious logic) does not equate to factual evidence or any form of accuracy. Point 4: The Greek artifacts are not proof of an event, they corroborate it. In the exact same way the Mona-Lisa does not prove that the subject of that painting existed, only to corroborate any claim she did. An Egyptian mommy does not prove that is the body of a ruler etc... only corroborate a claim it is. Point 5: Presumes the Egyptian chronicles to be factually accurate... you (and nobody else for that matter) can't prove them accurate and thus is irrelevant as a point. It's well known that the Egyptians were somewhat "liberal" with their truthful accounting of events. You really have every right to be disgusted at your logical reasoning and lack of critical thought.... that bit you did get correct. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @angelusvastator1297 | Unpopular opinion here but I think the Hyksos were the Amalekites. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @coolwater55 | Its entertainment..cross with artifacts and some history....much of oral tradition is pieced together 1000's years later. Majority of people know this..but even history books in educational systems have bias.. . | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @dfsfdsfsdfsdfsadsdfsfdsdsf3587 | You'll find all you answers inside that little cap on the narrator's head. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @spongehead1354 | For the scoffers and willfully ignorant, Look up Ron Wyatt and see his evidence of the exodus! He not only found chariot wheels and cabs but human remains and horse remains on the bottom of the Red Sea. He also found pillars on each side and on the one that wasn't damaged by the water it was found laying in, it said Moses, death, and I can't remember the other things but it was about the exodus. The place the hebrews crossed is the only place on the Red sea they could have because the area they crossed at there's a underwater land bridge and on each side of it it's thousands of feet deep. The land bridge is gently sloped and could be crossed easily. Mr. Wyatt also found on their path they moved large boulders and rocks out of the way for their carts to get through. This continues underwater on the land bridge. Mr. Wyatt also found God's mountain in Saudi Arabia and it's top is burned black because God came down upon it in smoke and fire. The rocks are burnt black and almost melted. No other mountains anywhere around it is like that. He also found the alter they built for the golden calf and there's inscriptions of bulls on it. I believe there's 11 of them because the tribe of Juda did not participate with the golden calf. Mr. Wyatt found much, much more that absolutely proves the exodus. The Saudi government has put up a fence around God's mountain and will not let anyone on it calling it a archeological site. They have also removed the pillar on there side of the sea. They cannot let their people know the truth of the exodus because their muslim faith would be proven false. Mr. Wyatt truly was blessed by God and shown many other of God's wonders! This video tries to make God's wonders something that happened naturally and that's denying God's word so the makers of this will have God's word denied to them on judgment day! Look up Ron Wyatt and see the absolute proof of our creator. Unless your one of the scoffers and willfully ignorant you will see the undeniable evidence of our God YEHOVAH. Also something the media and colleges will never teach you is a scientist has proven that our rocks around the earth were created instantly and they are only thousands of years old, not billions! His name is Robert Gentry and nobody has been able to dispute his findings. Look him up to, their both on YT.God Bless! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mikerodriguez3310 | Gee everything u said is a documentary in itself.lol!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @Spitts44 |  Chuck blankenship  would that be all science? So then to follow your logic are you insinuating that only religion is fact based? A book written by numerous people that took a few hundred years to complete, then translated and sensored. All this by people that didn't understand why it rains. Hmmmmm. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @muzicboi2715 |  @pragmaticamente4734  what you said has been ignored. I wonder why | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @muzicboi2715 |  @spongehead1354  if you look at what this guy responds to you'll notice he ignores anyone with more facts and calls out his ignorance. So do alot of people on here | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @chrisyoung59721 |  j mcmann  nice strawman. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @chrisyoung59721 |  j mcmann  you strawmanned atheists by saying we don't understand the scientific method. I do. Then you tried to define the strawman fallacy, and did so in a poor manner. Newton was a catholic and Einstein was a deist. The others I'm not sure of, but I really don't see your point. I'm also not exactly sure what you mean by entropy vis-a-vis non-biogenesis. I have a pretty good idea, just not sure its right. So if you want to explain futher, I'm all ears. As far as calling me a racist, well, that would be a red herring. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @DariusMauricei | You are NOT a historian so please be quiet and let us listen to those who have the proper credentials! Are you a scientist? Are you a scholar? Are you a historian? Are you a paleontologist? Are you a biblical scholar? Do you even know geography? So please be quiet! Until I see your degrees certifying you’ve graduated in those areas of study, ill go with the tried and proven | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @francescoguzzetta |  @DariusMauricei  yes, I am a scholar and I know what I am talking about | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @SaiTangHuang | @Skeptic Psychologist ah thanks man | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @coshyno |  @wendyjohnston1943  and you think praying will make him blindly allegient like you are to a God to which no proof exists ? except a book to which NO PROOF EXISTS, that it is not a forgery. ANYONE can write a book and claim it to be the stupid word of a GOD. It seems like at any moment you Christians or Religious people don't understand something, you immediately say, I will pray for you. Like this makes a difference, just ask him, he still believes in what he wrote. You are ignorant. If only prayers were true, it could fix your ignorance ! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @DariusMauricei | You’re not! Because if you were you’d have a following, a clear and proven track record and facts to back it up! You’re just spewing nonsense! I agree with the evidence I’ve seen thus far and none of you can possible change my mind. End of discussion | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @candyraymondmdunge6357 | You the one that needs to do your research, they traveled and collaborated research which you did not, please do research before opinion in those specific matters specifically in detail to the topic of research. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @candyraymondmdunge6357 | Francesco Guzzetta You the one that needs to do your research, they traveled and collaborated research which you did not, please do research before opinion in those specific matters specifically in detail to the topic of research. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @DoomCycle | U should know that is soon as the word Bible is mentioned science is not going to be a part of it | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @candyraymondmdunge6357 | heilige Einfalt The problem is that fools wont listen | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MB-ey6gb | I’m watching this at the moment, but after it’s done I’ll go back and take a look at the history of it, particularly the points you brought up. This wouldn’t be the first documentary that filters information to fit a pre-determined narrative. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @cjmacq-vg8um | I find this all very interesting but its a bit of stretch. take the plagues. its one thing for a series of inter-linked events to take place naturally. its another to suggest they all occurred upon command. or for moses to have known one event would lead to another and to time it perfectly for it to appear they occurred upon command. and if they were really the acts of god why search for some scientific explanation? can't god alter nature and physics at will? isn't that the actual definition of a miracle? just face it. the bible, like all myths, is a collection of truths, exaggerations and lies. and like all myths, the bible was used to create a culture and unify a people. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MissBandito1 | Can't some weird algae cause red waters?? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @pennyvoll4924 | There will always be gainsayers. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @dlaw8107 | Francesco Guzzetta j | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @angelalackey1419 | Thank you. Your knowledge is what we need on the internet to teach us how to discern. Alot of educated people won't take the time to teach, though. Thank you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rayjohnson4395 | The nile can turn red if the water is fed by a iron rich lake... Duh! Rivers come from lakes all over the world. Which would turn the nile red | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rayjohnson4395 |  @Yessentuki4  but the bible was transcribed from scrolls dating back long before that time. You are surley not dumb enough to think he was talking about a walmart sold leather back king james version. Are you? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rayjohnson4395 |  @CircmcisionIsChi1dAbus3  by looking at your name. Nothing you can say can be taken serious, YOU are a fool as well! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rayjohnson4395 |  @joshuafranken2030  i must of watched a different video then you, he proved everything he said | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @permaculturedandfree2448 | The start is .."what if holly wood blah...blah.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lew8023 | Thanks for saving me an hour and a half of my time by calling BS on this. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrWumpa-tn1ib | Francesco Guzzetta all will know the name of the lord! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @vincewhite5087 | Stating that the date of ‘A copy ‘ is X date, doesn’t mean that is original date. Ancient documents did not last, & had to be copied. Going to a copy, doesn’t mean thats it’s earliest date. Plus some of your conjectures are not fact either but assumptions. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @TiTi-ho7sv |  @francescoguzzetta  dude you say this is not scientific DUH that's why it says biblical documentary | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @vincewhite5087 | Francesco Guzzetta there is nothing that states it can not. Plus it temporary. At times the nile is a very slow water water way. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @vincewhite5087 | Francesco Guzzetta actually your claims have as many problems as the documentary. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @blackbuddha8167 |  @spongehead1354  all of that has been debunked | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @keithgirard7435 |  @Nosnoozebutton  can you site sources for these claims? You appear to have suffered from extreme negligence and laziness as well. In all seriousness though, I'd be interested to read about those statements from peer-reviewed paper, if such a thing exists. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @Nosnoozebutton |  @keithgirard7435  in all seriousness, you're really going to ask me to provide something for you after talking to me like that? How about this? How about you find it yourself? If it does exist, which it does, then you should be able to find it yourself if you're as intelligent as you're trying to come off. No one else seems to have to provide "peer reviewed" sources, as if being peer reviewed automatically makes something legit (see recent sting operation that brought to light so called peer reviewed science articles being published in prominent journals simply for a fee, and not actually because they were legitimate, or even accurate, science articles, which completely ruined all credibility of the prominent science journals). So the issue is not if such a thing exists, the issue is whether or not you really want to know the truth. A lot of people today do not want to know the truth. This is why so many so-called logical people sit there and regurgitate that there's no evidence verifying the Bible or the existence of Christ when it's a simple Google search away and in complete abundance. But it's really easy to say something doesn't exist when somebody doesn't go and look for it. So if you really want to know if something exists, go find it. Or maybe learn to ask nicely, if such a thing is possible. Or am I rude, obnoxious, and condescending because I'm speaking to you the way you speak to me? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jrooksable | "PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!"...righ?! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @aleksandrabissani567 | Thanx, and on top of it, the blood was removed after Moses prayed. Each plage was removed, (except the first) after GOD's intervention as a response to Moses ' prayer | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @livincreature1777 | The documentary is right on. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @keithgirard7435 |  @Nosnoozebutton  "Learn how to verify your information and sources, boss. That's kind of important. Plus,you don't cite any of your sources, yet ask others for theirs. What you showed is extreme negligence and laziness in the research process." That is a direct quote from none other than you. I understand that it is a difficult thing to accept accountability for one's own actions; but conversely, it is fairly simple common courtesy to hold oneself to the same standard that one expects of others. I made no personal attack, as you now have, but merely asked you to adhere to your own imposed logic in the spirit of possibly learning something new. Philippians 2:3 Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Proverbs 12:15 The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice. Proverbs 16:5 Everyone who is arrogant in heart is an abomination to the Lord; be assured, he will not go unpunished. Romans 12:16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @Nosnoozebutton |  @keithgirard7435  I believe I made my point, and I believe you know full well how you were speaking to me. Changing your tune now isn't going to do anything. Then to presume to use God's word, that you don't even believe in, to tell me how to act towards people - that's rich. That's also typical. People want to speak to each other with an attitude, then get all bent out of shape when it comes back to them. Don't be a hypocrite. And have some integrity. I've been doing this long enough and speaking to people like you long enough to know that nobody ever cites sources, yet fully expect me to. Then when I do they just deny without even investigating or reading the sources I give them, so if you really wanted to find verification of my claims, you would look into it for yourself. You wouldn't need me to bring you the source, especially since nobody else can bring me sources. I'm not here to play games. The truth is out there and it can be found. Go find it or don't presume to call me lazy. You've been hypocritical enough as it is. But if it really is that difficult for you, try looking at the documentaries The Exodus Revealed and Patterns of Evidence: the Exodus. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/esa-releases-blood-red-image-of-the-nile/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/satellite-image-of-nile-evokes-biblical-legend/ You're welcome, not that you're going to watch them. You can't stay in denial when evidence is put right in front of your face. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @dorotheakroll8124 | Definitely! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @keithgirard7435 |  @Nosnoozebutton  You have yet to make any point, excepting the fact that you refuse to be accountable for your own statements. I have not changed my standpoint on your unwillingness to hold yourself to the same standard with which you hold others. I haven't even edited anything that I have typed, as you have. As someone raised in the church from birth and who has read the bible through and through and through, I have first hand knowledge of the scriptures and what is contained within them. It is not I who presume anything here, but you who presume to know me and my intentions. The New Testament, says much about the treatment of others, especially those who would doubt the teachings of the bible. 1 Peter 3:15 But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect. To believe in the bible and be ignorant, or worse, dismissive of the teachings contained within would be true hypocrisy and is reprehensible in the eyes of the Lord. Romans 2:3 Do you suppose, O man—you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself—that you will escape the judgment of God? James 1:22-25 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing. Mark 7:6 And he said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, “‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me" Reflect on it. Pertaining to the two articles that you provide links for, these are the second and fourth search result on a Google search for 'blood red nile.' The articles clearly state that those images were taken in infrared wavelength. This means that they are false-color images taken by a satellite's infrared camera. This quote is taken from the Times of Israel article which you provided: "This time, there is a scientific explanation for the red color seen in the satellite photo: the river is rendered crimson by the vegetation surrounding the Nile, combined with the type of imaging used by the satellite. The satellite’s radiometer measures energy radiating from the Earth’s surface, and the heat emanating from the vegetation expresses in the infrared spectrum – resulting in the color red." | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @Nosnoozebutton |  @keithgirard7435  first, since you're going to tell me what the New Testament says about treating others, try doing that. You know, practice what you preach. Second, those articles were in response to what the first guy said in this thread. Since I was unsure what you were asking me to cite sources for in my claims, I added those since you never specified which claim you were wanting sources for. I hope you didn't presume that I was saying that the Nile River actually turned to blood again. That was never the claim. And of course science is going to presume to have an answer for why things pertaining to God aren't real. Remember, there's a ton of pseudoscience mixed in with real science and simply trying to mask itself as real science. I hope you understand the difference. This is the only way they are still able to try and claim that Evolution has been proven scientifically , even though they still have to use the same fake evidence and still rely on the same unreliable test methods, neither of which they admit, yet modern textbooks don't lie. Neither do actual field and lab test results. the links were also to show you how easy it is to find information since you didn't seem to be able to do that and needed me to spoon-feed everything to you. This is also typical with people today. Yet here you are still trying to act like a scholar, even after your "if such a thing exists" nonsense. I'm glad you have time for games since you don't appear to have time for anything productive. The two documentaries would verify everything else I claimed. You wanted sources, you got sources. So, in response to your last statement, I will once again ask you to have some integrity. Third, everybody claims they came from a Christian background and have read the Bible through and through and through. I'm not buying it, and I'm definitely not going to listen to somebody tell me that I'm supposed to act in a way he refuses to act himself. So don't try and flip the hypocrisy thing on me. I'm not super Christian. I will talk to you the way you talk to me. Grow up and get over it. Or practice what you preach. I'll let you choose which. Now if you're done dodging, watch the documentaries and learn something real. Save your lies for somebody who's stupid. Instead of trying to act like you know so much about the God of the Bible, how about just getting to know the God of the Bible, or is arguing all you like to do, because you're definitely not very good at it. Or lying. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @keithgirard7435 |  @Nosnoozebutton  I appear to have struck a nerve, Paul. I have not made any statement that I haven't backed up with quotes, or scripture, the supposed word of god. Yet, I understand how much easier it is to make baseless or downright false claims and attack others than to be accountable for ones' own actions. It is quite easy to twist the truth or lie, but through those actions you debase yourself. 1 John 2:4 Whoever says “I know him” but does not keep his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him. Proverbs 10:18 The one who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever utters slander is a fool. "The Nile River actually turned blood red 2 years ago, so scientifically NOT impossible. " That, again, is a direct quote from you. So with no way of misunderstanding you, that is exactly the claim you made. The articles you provided as proof of that claim, if you had actually read them, clearly stated quite the opposite. Twisting your intentions post-fact is just shameful, don't debase yourself like that. You've actually proven your own point about men lying to achieve their own goals. Psalms 101:7 No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @Nosnoozebutton |  @keithgirard7435  yeah, it's obvious you know how easy it is to make baseless claims and attack others. And yeah, intentional ignorance and outright lying does strike a nerve with me. So tell me, in regards to your first John passage, do you know any perfect Christians? Neither do I. Luckily, there's more to that passage. Nice try, hypocrite. How about a passage from Romans that talks about what you accuse in others is true within yourself, and when you condemn others for what you do , obviously you condemn yourself . Yeah, I don't see that one up there at all in your many passages . But it's definitely in the Bible . But one thing is for sure, you're definitely correct with the passages you bring me. Here's something that you never mentioned that I am also guilty of: "Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Lest you also be like him. Answer a fool according to his folly, Lest he be wise in his own eyes. Like the legs of the lame that hang limp Is a proverb in the mouth of fools. Like one who binds a stone in a sling Is he who gives honor to a fool. Like a thorn that goes into the hand of a drunkard Is a proverb in the mouth of fools. The great God who formed everything Gives the fool his hire and the transgressor his wages. As a dog returns to his own vomit, So a fool repeats his folly. Do you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him". Proverbs 26:4‭-‬5‭, ‬7‭-‬12 Guilty as charged . I'm glad I said I wasn't perfect ahead of time . One of us has to be honest. I guess it will be me. And don't worry, I didn't expect you to admit you were lying or anything like that. In fact, I knew you were going to do the opposite, but then so did you. But that's okay, because I don't need you to admit anything. It's only all put out there in text. Yeah, you backed up your words with words. Of course, that means nothing. With that, because I'm beyond bored now, and in order to not continue giving honor to a fool, I'm out. Hopefully you'll decide to watch the videos since you asked for the sources. One can only hope. "The fool has said in his heart, “ There is no God.” Psalms 14:1a | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @keithgirard7435 |  @Nosnoozebutton  "Yeah, you backed up your words with words. Of course that means nothing." In your own words, the scripture means nothing to you as that is the words that I chose to use in this. And yet here you use those same words to try and make a point. That is truly hypocrisy in a literal sense. Following your own logic, nothing you have said has any value either, it was written with words from a man who says one thing and contradicts it in the next statement. That is the true definition of a liar. As for your quoted scripture, and how it pertains to me, I'm a bit confused. I haven't made any baseless claims or any lies, merely asked for clarification. I haven't contradicted myself as you have, either. However, if you cited some sources to back your claims on my character, I would be open to change my mindset. Just as I still would be if you could provide some credible sources to my first request for information. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | | Yeah, SJ is pretty much an insult to intelligence. He's on a clear mission to prove Judeo-Christian mythology as being "fact," when even every Rabbi in the world would tell him that isn't the point of sacred texts of any religion. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @darrelljones5536 | Paul Rice can I have the sources for the Pharos Amy remains I’m super interested I already believe it all happened as stated in the Bible but I just think that’s interesting and would like to watch it as well. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sumyunggai8973 | Francesco, are you an atheist? Asking for a friend. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @francescoguzzetta |  @virginiamitchell42  my statement is about the methodology, not about the content. There could be hundreds of physical phenomena that can explain water turning red. But the one chosen and brought as "proof" by this documentary has no logic. All the arguments are presented in a very inconsistent and illogic way. Again, I am not questioning if the bible is true or not, or if water can turn red or not. I am questioning the way the arguments are presented. As for science, nobody says that what science says is the "truth". Indeed science is an ever evolving discipline. But its strenght is in the METHODOLOGY, based on logic, rationality and experimentation. And this is what I am questioning. The way the arguments are built and presented, which is totally against scientific principles | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Diamondprince | Shut up you atheist | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @francescoguzzetta | @Darrell Jones unfortunately Paul Rice can’t provide any evidence because, even if the events narrated in the bible are true, they didn’t take place in the Red Sea. This is just a translation mistake of the latin version of the bible, translated from Greek in IV century c.e. The original Greek text and the more ancient Hebrew text refer to a “sea of reed” (namely a swamp) which was parted by Moses and swallowed the Egyptian army. So the events took place in the inland, not on the Red Sea coast. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rachelselby5469 |  @pragmaticamente4734  That makes more sense that the Hyksos were expelled and Ahmose was the Pharoah who didn't know Joseph - i.e, he wasn't a semite so had no shared culture with the Hebrews. it also means that Hapshetsut could have been the princess who adopted Moses. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @pragmaticamente4734 |  @rachelselby5469  The bible mentions 2 pharaohs, they could be Khamose and Ahmose. I think the infernal rains and the floods in the "tempest stele" happened during Ahmose while the Thera eruption lasted for months, culminating with the collapse of the caldera and the subsequent tsunami, it makes sense to me. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rachelselby5469 |  @pragmaticamente4734  It makes sense to me that the Hyksos would not hve just left when they were no longer in power. They had nice lives in Egypt until then. It would have taken a few decades to realize that life under the Egyptians was not good and that it was better to leave. Rather than slaves I think they were more like indentured workers. Not free in the sense we use it today but paid and with food at the end of the day. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @anamericanfriend2367 | What about in a gulf? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ronmullick253 | Francesco Guzzetta.I agree this is very typical of such theories they only look at the evidence that supports their theory and ignore or dismiss the argument that does not support their point of view. However what is interesting is the idea that Hyksos were the Biblical Hebrews. Hyksos invasion was perhaps not a military invasion but more like an infiltration. Prosperous civilizations always have people living in the peripheries who want in. Its even true today with Europe and the USA for example. Eventually these outsiders may get assimilated or reviled or both. For example AngloSaxon invasion of Britain was something similar.To this day the Welsh dont think very highly of the English..Or Europes attitude towards North Africans landing on their shores now. Or Donald Trumps Wall. Could it be that Hyksos got partially assimilated.Learned a thing or two.Picked up some practices like circumcision etc. But were ultimately expelled. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @talzotar7580 | live it up to the morons who cannot think for themselves. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MTSINAI-JabalAl-Lawz-NE | Francesco I love your analysis. Jabal Al Lawz Saudi Arabia is Mt. Sinai. Proof Enough. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @janjISMYname | I wonder how many "unbelievable" things will be dug up long after we've gone! | Votes: 231 | Reply: false 3 years ago | @dreoneful | iPhones laptops jordans sneaker timberland boots lol | Votes: 21 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @buskingkarma2503 | A fidget spinner lol | Votes: 26 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @buskingkarma2503 |  Bleak Narratives  definitely | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ahmedibrahimhassanhajiali8616 | There are true like video documentary stories, and other falsely rubbish narrations depending on the film producers. However, outside the Holy books, all are hypothetical stories. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ryanvelez6762 |  @dreoneful  😂😂🤦🏽‍♀️ | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @kari7403 | Probably 4. 4 unbelievable things. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @kari7403 |  Bleak Narratives  unbelievable plastics, maybe? | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @unripetheberrby6283 | Pepe the frog | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @unripetheberrby6283 |  @kari7403  🤣🤣 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ahmedibrahimhassanhajiali8616 | Hackers and skillful spammers know how to make the mirror to have two or double faces, so you who are you? @buskingkarma2503  Hackers and skillful spammers know how to make mirrors have two or double faces, so who are you? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @buskingkarma2503 | I'd ask you who you are but how do I know you ain't a spammer? Lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @matthausner4006 | I think most of our footprint will be lost, as it should be. Making messes are easy. Leaving a place looking better than when we found should be the goal. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @teresabaker-carl9668 | A lot of time capsules forgotten by the graduating classes who couldn't find them when they were ready. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @janjISMYname |  @matthausner4006  - 100% AGREE. I do my part, or, hope so anyway. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @janjISMYname |  @teresabaker-carl9668  - My city opened one recently, from 75 yrs ago! Buried it again w items of 2020. Consisting of sanitizer and toilet paper no less. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @theonefrombefore7743 | Not one, whatever the next step in our evolution will be, it will totally reduce the human error and so everything will be documented and known, with no place for speculations. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @00tonytone | After exodus the Israelites were suppose to worship 1 God with the new covenant. But archeology found statues of the God of fertility Baal in the promised land. Which is probably why they became slaves again to Babylonians. Earthquake cant explain the timing of the hand of God.. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @josegonzalez6231 |  @ahmedibrahimhassanhajiali8616  do you any good documentaries? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MarlissahYou |  @teresabaker-carl9668  ...omg, I'm so ready to start a full excavation behind my middle school for my capsule. 🤦🏽‍♀️😅 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ahydac.2816 | None, this is the last time the world is going round 😯😯 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @John-lv6uj | A fire is coming. Look at there lies | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @John-lv6uj | Noah already came. The Mark will be soon. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @iananderson3294 | Whats already been dug up should awaken us. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @davidbernal9599 | Jimmy Hoffa body | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ssankar7106 |  @ahmedibrahimhassanhajiali8616  You mean including Quran? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @_madr | As long as People accept things without any reason, be assured they keep finding things and one day they will also find all sorts on the moon too! At least they move with science 🤣 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @susanrussell5308 | Hair straighteners and male appendage enlarges. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @katrineuche9183 | its amazing ...is nt it ?ythey will be a time where there will be amachine to be seeing them in flesh and hear how they were talking..😝my fanracy... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @John-lv6uj |  @iananderson3294  it's not the digging up, IT'S THE RESURRECTION my friend. The Lord Jesus Christ will contact you if you want to know the TRUTH. Satan is the Father of LIES. Your listening to a LIE. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @raykopenate2969 | Hopefully, it won't be us | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @atagaijewere1540 | Surely once they dig up a photo of you in a thousand years they will think you was some kind of queen | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @raykopenate2969 |  @atagaijewere1540  player | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @bobbyjeanleblanc7926 | After we are gone this place will be lit on fire to make way for another heaven here on earth, I believe. Therefore, the earth will be made over to be beautiful heaven here on earth for those who are not of this evil greedy world full of hate. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ahmedhussain9369 | Y is it unbelievable you exist and other humans exist so much more living creatures , nature. Doesn’t all this things show any thing is possible by the power of the CREATOR | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @sherylsmiles141 | Baby shark | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @suriana2318 | After we’ve gone no one gonna dig anything cos we have all the records already...and the history of us has written perfectly on books and computer | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @User-uj7nz | Lol, right?! Hopefully it's my good journal entries that survive. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ousmanjobe209 | Jan, great artifacts have been discovered from every corner of the Earth already but is hidden from the public because it baffles the history we are taught in school and the mainstream science | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @markuse3472 | There's not much left to find. Sodom and Gomorrah (and the other 3 cities) have been identified, Abraham and Lot, too. The complete judgements on Egypt, too, and so has The entire Exodus. Many other things, too. The great Tribulation will soon come. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ahmedibrahimhassanhajiali8616 | In the search of truth many people come up with hypothetical stories, however, the core issue is to find the universal set of fixing the adhesive tape compromising the faithfull believers of Monotheism. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @edilveraguilar8655 | Jan, well said! 👌👌🤟❤️ --Shannon Aguilar ❤️ | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @randyg666 |  @buskingkarma2503  possible alian probe drone!!!😅 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @randyg666 |  @ahmedibrahimhassanhajiali8616  wow!!! Thats a heck of a name my brother | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @buskingkarma2503 |  @randyg666  😂😂😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @sarlaccstapeworm990 | If they dig up your profile pic,, they'll definitely find something "unbelievably" beautiful! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @rubysantiago2766 | An Air Fryer....😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ahmedibrahimhassanhajiali | Shortened style is like this: Amd Brah San ji Li.. @randyg666  Shortened style is like this: And Brah San ji Li. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @sylvester465 | HANDS , FLIMS AND CAMERAS ARE FASTER THEN THE EYES , WHICH MEAN YOU CAN NOT BELIEVE EVERY THINGS YOU SEE. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @observer7459 | After 5000 years... In a documentary style voice... “Could it be that our ancestors created machines that could fly in space and reach the stars without any effort and that this was the God that led them there?” And then the camera pans to an action figure of Captain Picard. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @myyoutubeacct4880 |  @ahmedibrahimhassanhajiali8616  Actually the Holy books are loaded with falsehoods and tripe. Not one mentions the laws of motion described by Newton, nor atoms nor molecules nor the fact that light speed is a constant while time is not. So, as a science text all of the Holy books simply represent the knowledge existent within the group of the territory the books were written in at the time, and so by modern standards are failures. Not even something we so much depend upon now, electricity, is mentioned anywhere in any of the Holy texts other than to mention lightening, which they saw as a sign of punishment from a nasty god, really gods in the Christian section of the books as there are in theory 3 in 1. Sounds like an oil I've heard about. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @deboraballes9044 |  @00tonytone  all the OT after Moses is full of idol worship, that is why they were carried to Babylon and Jerusalem with its temple destoyed | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @00tonytone |  @ousmanjobe209  it's so true. Forbidden archaeology is true and kept from The masses and it's not because they dont wanna rewrite the history books. It discredits Theories and proves God almighty. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ahmada2090 | The real Mount Sinai in Jabal Al-Lawz, northwest of Saudi Arabia, and this video. Search by title for the video (Finding the Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @8mondaymonkey | Not many. Science has the answers. Speculation and conjecture is foolish. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @artifacthunter1472 | You are ignorant because you know not the word of God, The earth will be burned clean when Jesus returns! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @duanbeengan2616 |  @ousmanjobe209  6 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @myyoutubeacct4880 |  @ahmada2090  So I take it that you believe in the Noah story with the whole world being covered in water. That is physically not possible, at best the 'Flood' was a regional event. So I really don't care about debates about which mountain, if any that Noah landed upon. And the idea that the ark could carry two of each animal is a joke. Since there would be at least two lions they would over the course of the voyage eat many species into extinction. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @andrecadet3096 | After life on earth....we going to enter the second life of god.The good news is it's not for everyone you have to earn your spot. That's why when we die the soul travel the body die cuz only god can control the soul it belongs only to him. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @BrazilianImperialist | ? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ANGELSURS | Old bagel | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ANGELSURS | Used dild* | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @justsaying9189 | Bitcoins 🤣🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nontlahlasimenukana9966 | A lot my dear God is working we my never know now but for sure the will | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @yalnevatekofreedom5096 | Or at the bottom of the red sea | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @00tonytone | How could we still have people that believe the history we been tought . Forbidden archaeology is real history. If anything is discovered that questions there narrative throw the dirt back on top and domt even think about disclosing it. An archeologist that dated tiwanako being thousands of years older than believed was shunned and career finished. Obviously the establishment is hiding something about the history of humanity. My guess is that we did not evolve from monkeys and apes, but that's just me. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AWikkedMoon | Ok. The great flood was done by god to get rid of his horrible grandchildren. "The Gnostic Truth, Nephilim Giants, The Grandchildren of god." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtfgQaPkUHY&t=513s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon. We were also divided by god at the tower of babel "The Gnostic Truth, Unity vs Division. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upks5oLN1mY&t=125s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @derekhalford187 | Incredibly interesting and food for thought, well done for putting together and discussing a topic significant to so many. As time goes by, new discoveries are being found that support the Biblical account of Moses, King David, Solomon and the history of Jerusalem. As a Christian, I'd love to see a similar program (unbiased and objective) discussing the person of Jesus Christ. | Votes: 192 | Reply: false 2 years ago | @muzcleheadz4997 | They came up with on of Jesus but you might not like it. It is great! | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @NoName-ii8xj |  @muzcleheadz4997  There have been many programs on Jesus, many of them are not fact based and not even worth the status of a novel, let alone a documentary! | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @muzcleheadz4997 |  @NoName-ii8xj  watch it with an objective mind. And not the mind of religiosity. After all, what we want is to find the truth. Thats what matters. What would you do if you find out Jesus was not real? | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @NoName-ii8xj |  @muzcleheadz4997  I was a non believer until my early 20's. Then I opened my mind and after some consideration became a Christian by faith. It was not until much later that I knew Christianity is the truth by what God did for me and how He answered prayers. So I would recommend you not be so narrow minded and look into the facts of Christianity. More importantly there are even non Christians who agree that Jesus is a real person who lived and died on the cross. The non Christian historian Josephus is one such person. So do you really want the truth or are you just antichristian? | Votes: 25 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @muzcleheadz4997 |  @NoName-ii8xj  I was a Christian until I decided to research how the bible was put together. Believing something by faith is not a real path to truth. You would not need faith if it was true. And Josephus was a historian that was born 50 years after Jesus death. He only reported what other christians told him what happened. He doesnt have first hand account of the veracity of it. You are just repeating what you were told by someone and never bothered to verify if it was true. And, I can give you that a person by the name of Joshua existed and was crucified. But from there to say that he is the son of a god, thats a stretch. | Votes: 34 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @michelledavison2533 |  @muzcleheadz4997  Also, thousands of other people were crucified at the same time and I highly doubt that they all deserved it, why is Jesus special for dying on the cross? Because Jesus Christ literally means "I AM anointed", this means that Jesus is code for the midday/ high noon Sun 🌞/ Son. Its just all Roman assimilation of earlier religions, its all to do with food and reproduction. I actually support religious people because they are at least gullible (and fearful) enough to manipulate into being a decent person 😁😅 Whatever keeps them scared and in awe (of the Sun 🌞) keeps my children safe and I'm happy. Jesus is and was not ever a single human/ demigod person though obviously 🤣 Deep down we know the Bible was written by the Flavians to keep us plebs working and breeding. I love religion, astrotheology and psychology, truly obsessed ❤ | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @dondodr | There's virtually no archaeological evidence that supports the Bible. There is no evidence of a Jewish exodus from Egypt. Moses didn't exist. There was an exodus from Babylon though. As a Christian, you wouldn't want to see an objective and unbiased program on Jesus because you would be very disappointed. Stick to your fantasy. | Votes: 16 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @derekhalford187 | I did manage to see the piece they did on a Jewish messiah. It was interesting, but by no means disproved the real Christ. There are many evidences for the real Christ, as Josephus wrote about him, we know historically Pontius Pilate, Caiaphas the high priest, King Agrippa, disciples Peter, John, Thomas and the apostle Paul existed, plenty of evidence there as well as the early churches in Jerusalem, Antioch, Corinth, Thesselonica and all the way to Rome. If the Jesus of the Gospels didn't exist, the early Church wouldn't have existed and lasted to this day. There must be real weight and value to the person and words of Jesus Christ for men and women back then to risk their lives preaching the resurrection of Christ back then. The disciple Peter even mentions that meeting and experiencing Jesus was real and not some story or fable. They experienced His Glory. We are all faced with a personal decision regarding the reality and authenticity of Christ. I believe the evidence historically and scripturely that He is real and I know Him and experience Him in my own life, this could be true for those who doubt and are unsure. Just ask Jesus to show Himself to you personally and He will do the rest. Amen. | Votes: 20 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @NoName-ii8xj |  @muzcleheadz4997  You're rambling. Who cares how the facts in the Bible were put together? They're still facts not fiction like evolution. By the way, how very hypocritical, stop repeating what you were told by someone and never bothered to verify. Evolution is unverifiable by the scientific method. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @muzcleheadz4997 |  @NoName-ii8xj  oh, so it doesnt matter how these book was put together? The mere fact that you say evolution is not fact, tells me you have not studied it at all. By the way, Emperor Constantine ordered Eusebius to forge and falsify Josephus writings to align christianity. It was confirmed by himself and he didnt even tried to hide it. At this point I think you are far gone into your religion to try to see and research information with an objective perspective. Enjoy your magic genocidal, jealous, homophobic, misogynistic, vengeful, petty god! | Votes: 11 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @muzcleheadz4997 |  @derekhalford187  I could even grant you that there was a man in 1st century Judea that preached like many others before him. But to say he is the son of a deity and that he resurrected after death, is a long stretch of imagination. But of course, all christian apologists will say that it cannot be disproven. Like if you can prove something in the negative! Also, personal experiences cannot be shared and be demonstrated, so it doesnt count as evidence. Also, if we are going to believe something just because so many people believe in it, we are doing a complete disservice to truth. Do you remember when the whole world believed that the sun revolved around the Earth. Galileo was persecuted and put in jail because of it. By the way, Josephus did not have 1st hand account of Jesus because he started writing about him 30-50 years after Jesus death. And what he wrote were 3rd hand accounts of stories told by people. Even Constantine ordered Eusebius to forge and falsify lots of Josephus writings to align them with christianity. We know this because Eusebius himself said so and scholars agree. | Votes: 18 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @NoName-ii8xj |  @muzcleheadz4997  It's amazing how often someone can be so wrong! I studied evolution comprehensively, at school that was the ONLY thing that was taught. Putting up straw man arguments impresses nobody except the weak minded. | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @shuvmesumknowlegde |  @muzcleheadz4997  Revolution has its questions as well. It is still based on theory. And again you are flawed in your assumption making a statement if you can't disprove of a God it is a negative. But it isn'.t a negative. It is a counter to those who say Christians can't prove a God exists. You can't argue one without the other if you were an honest individual. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @muzcleheadz4997 |  @shuvmesumknowlegde  you are the one asserting god exists. You have the burden of proof, not me. | Votes: 13 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @muzcleheadz4997 |  @NoName-ii8xj  whatever bro. There is no way you studied evolution and still say is not true. The evidence is overwhelming. And unless you studied evolution as part of a college curriculum of biology, you cant count the brief introduction you learned at school. | Votes: 12 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @charleswhitehead7441 |  @michelledavison2533  I think the romans adopted christianity when they realised it provided a perfect platform to control the populace without resorting to expensive violence. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @charleswhitehead7441 |  @derekhalford187  please ask yourself Derek, what should I think of a god that allows innocent children to suffer with the miriad of horrid deseases that can afflict mankind. The adults you can, if you so wish, blame on their sin but when you see a child, not yet able to walk suffer starvation or the assault of one of the many parasites or other ailments that cause them pain, suffering and ultimately death do you not question your faith? If not why not? | Votes: 12 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @shuvmesumknowlegde |  @muzcleheadz4997  Where in my comment does it say God exists? Again you are 1 dimensional. You say a god doesn't exist so the proof is also upon you to prove it. Nothing is 100 percent, not even death. You are too biased in your assertion. You believe he doesn't exist is one thing but you can't prove it. Just like people who believe God does exist yet they can't prove it. I still prefer in having a faith regardless. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @shuvmesumknowlegde |  @charleswhitehead7441  You are arguing semantics. Faith has no room for doubt but doubt does exist. I never question why someone dies, or how they die. I accept it because death is part of living. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @charleswhitehead7441 |  @shuvmesumknowlegde  I'm not arguing semantics at all. I ask the question, if God is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent what kind of God is he to allow suffering on the incredible extent he does when he has the power to prevent it? Since God created everything then logically he created that very suffering. I am an atheist which I consider my religion since I can no more prove the non-existance of gods than a theist can. We have thus quite a lot in common, neither of us believe in the panoply of pagan and primitive gods so it is only one in several thousand that we have a difference about. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @derekhalford187 | We live in a fallen sinful world where loss, death, destruction, tragedy abound. This is often the result of man's doing. People love to blame God for their problems and often don't take ownership themselves. When I read the Gospels I see a God who heals and restores through Jesus Christ. The Lord is our healer, redeemer and good shepherd and walks with us through the trials and tribulations of this life, this is something believers experience around the world. The grave is not the end, so stop being afraid and ask Jesus into your life and He will cleanse you of your sin and give you eternal life. Just call on Him. | Votes: 17 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @charleswhitehead7441 |  @derekhalford187  no-one seems to want to answer my question. Why does God make little innocent children suffer some of the unimaginable tortures of starvation and illness that so many do have to suffer? | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @muzcleheadz4997 |  @shuvmesumknowlegde  you are incorrect in my assesment. Im not saying “I dont believe god exist” Im saying: “I dont believe god exists” It is two totally different things. Under your rationing, I cant prove Santa Claus doesnt exist. Your syllogism is incorrect | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @StonyKalango | I will send you a link to a video I watched recently which I think you will like on this subject. Here is the link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A41Tm5FDKns | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @katluann |  @dondodr  hmmm….so all those chariots they found at the bottom of the sea laying exactly as would have happened when Moses staff parted the sea, that’s just what a coincidence? Or the fact they found the remains of King Solomon’s temple with artifacts? They find more and more real evidence to prove Noah and his boat? Much more that’s being found and discovered in recent years. If you don’t want to believe don’t! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @katluann |  @charleswhitehead7441  God isn’t making anyone suffer anything! Why must it be blamed on God? I think your looking for Satan! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @charleswhitehead7441 |  @katluann  Then please explain what is the cause of little innocents suffering? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @charleswhitehead7441 |  @katluann  I'm not looking for Satan, there is no point of looking for something that isnt there....but then neither is god.! but eneough of my beliefs, look seriously at you god. If he is all powerful and everpresent then he is not someone I would want associate with. If he has the power to save the innocent then why doesn't he? You must answer this question for yourself. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 | And when Isa son of Marium said: O children of Israel! surely I am the messenger of Allah to you, verifying that which is before me of the Taurat and giving the good news of an Messenger who will come after me, his name being Ahmad, but when he came to them with clear arguments they said: This is clear magic. (As Saff (6)) | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ayuketabertha6797 | Thank you brother | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @opinionsvary |  @muzcleheadz4997  In my opinion: Jesus is real & supposedly Ron Wyatt discovered the largest amount of blood belonging to Him. Catholics also possess evidence of Jesus such as with the shroud relic. You can find Ron's story here on YouTube & it also has been scientificly proven to be Jesus's blood. Also there's record of Jesus's birth & crucifixion. So much for ant-christian rhetoric. 😂 Jesus would be the Nexus one manifested in human form. You know the would be Nexus of all creation? Many Jews & Christians look to Jesus the person vs what He actually is. They seem to forget the context of the Exodus. Like the actual reason Moses was allowed to take off & the smearing of lambs blood on the thresholds of doors so an "angel of death" would pass over the dwelling sparing a 1st born Jewish person's son. Jewish people probably did not believe in angels & many Zionist call the evil inclination of man or mankind the "angel of death". So how would this fit into this collage proposition or artistry? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @opinionsvary |  @charleswhitehead7441  In my opinion: All mankind is flawed with emotional fallacies. The knowledge isn't so easy to bestow with such faults. The created is not greater than the created & so man can only set out to do the better good for man is innately evil. Even the best of intentions have evil consequences no matter how righteous the person tries to be because we humans effect the out flow of life to be or become. One man can destroy the entire world, but only Christ can save man, mankind & the world. You my fusterated friend have not been shown the way of living wisdom. A guided awakening could open your eyes to the interconnectivity of life & living the ultimate gift. The way of life, the outflow along with G-d paves the artistry of human doings. G-d is G-d no matter & man would be nothing of matterence to Him, but the meaningful opportunity to be with, & interact with the will of one's chosen being, when not knowing much of anything committing themselves to faith throughout the belief of a higher power. You will come to know in your own time, but you 1st should focus on the given moment before drawing end conclusions to where you aren't at/there yet. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @lainab684 |  @NoName-ii8xj  God does show us personally and meets us where we're at to show us that the Word is true. 🙂 Even the muslim faith believes and speaks of Jesus as a prophet and messiah. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @lainab684 |  @muzcleheadz4997  Yet Jesus states over and over again that his words are not his own but they came from the Father who is God. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @lainab684 |  @muzcleheadz4997  If evolution were true Why are there still monkeys if that is what we evolved from? Also, who created to rocks that the big bang talks about? Are you trying to tell me that rocks were created on their own, suddenly, out of no where and banged together without existing beforehand and boom! here we are!? Wtf how!? What CREATED the rocks? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @opinionsvary | ​ @lainab684  In my opinion: The Nexus of creation does so through infinite wisdom. All life is sustained in wisdom. Jesus is of the living G-d. All the other prophets are unconsciously dead & won't be coming back either. As The Nexus of creation He can manifest in many ways unlike the other long gone prophets who had understood things through their speculative cultural ID. Sort of like the interconnectivity & wisdom of creation for life that He is. He is life itself among other things. Do not look to Jesus the person, but Jesus the way of when something moves or exists. The lowly testified He was the Christ by what He said & did. The G-d of Abraham would not be so easily to reach as the Nexus would be (there had to be a lot of burnt sacrifices at the Temple in order to come close). The Nexus Christ would make things relatable at your spiritual discernment that comes through the maturity of one's soul & spirit. It would be to why G-d is so forgiving when we make unintended mistakes. Sin is different from mistakes as sin also effects the outflow of life creating consequences that will out live your lifetime & effect all of time & creation as well as righteous deeds will. Christ allows us to come to know the way of life by allowing Him to stream through our consciousness. You'd need to be conscious to see this wonderful joy of life. Man cannot do anything righteous without Christ & what He would allow the human will to do in order to have a uniquely personal experience with you. The universe is ideological & all wisdom. Physical matter is just a manifestation just like us, we exist for the purposes of life - not ours. Jesus The Christ is with us always & my words would not be entirely of my own. Without Christ man can only build sandcastles on the shores of time that will all be washed away for we are nothing & to the nothing we shall return if we do not give honor & glory to G-d. And this would be why the Jewish Temples were destroyed. Scripture would be fulfilled herein. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @NoName-ii8xj |  @lainab684  Islam does not believe that Jesus is God, thus making it a false religion which has nothing in common with Christianity. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @muzcleheadz4997 |  @lainab684  go study evolution so you dont sound ignorant when talking about the subject. The evidence for evolution is so overwhelming that is undeniable. And evolution doesnt work like you say. Stop repeating what others say and study evolution. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @charlesbrowne9590 | The New Testament does not stand up to archaeological scrutiny. Watch YouTube channels MythVision or Kenneth Humphreys. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @NoName-ii8xj |  @charlesbrowne9590  You probably think the dead sea scrolls are not real either. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @charlesbrowne9590 |  @NoName-ii8xj  The Dead Sea scrolls are routinely used by atheist historians to disprove the claims of Xianity. All gospels and epistles in the NT are ecclesiastical forgeries including the apocrypha. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @NoName-ii8xj |  @charlesbrowne9590  That may be true for some atheistic historians but there are others who confirm the fact that Jesus was crucified and therefore confirm the accuracy of the new testament. Many people have tried to prove Christianity as false over the years and in the process have become Christians. These are the honest skeptics, people who later wrote books on the topic, like the case for Christ by Lee Strobel, The mathematical proof for Christianity by Dan Delzell, The Faith of a Physicist, by John C. Polkinghorne, The Language of God, by Francis S. Collins and the list goes on. Unfortunately, there will always be others who lie to themselves, they refuse to accept the truth because it means they have to change the way they live. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92QqWPcq8z0 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @MinionG911 |  @muzcleheadz4997  'the evidence is overwhelming...' You mean like the fabricated evidence by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel? Despite data and images being falsified his information supporting evolution is still in your science books today. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jimhicks36 | ​ @dondodr  - I apologize for not having watched this video yet but while scanning the comments, i felt a strong push, to reply to you. There is much evidence of exodus being discovered using ground penetrating radar or similar. Where the waters were parted, there are photographs published by 'Johnathan Gray '. One of the significant finds is a long column of chariots [ still there, under water, to-day . Mr.Gray has recently died so I am not sure if his books, DVDs and more are commercially available. if they are, i have been told they are all available at no cost. Somewhat related, evidence and content of Jesus Christ's actual words being spoken is included on the physical written records maintained by descendants of the Levi Tribe. Levi was guided to leave the Jerusalem area about 600 BC and relocated by boat to the East Coast of North America. i came across the speeches while reading the notes published with the current Book of Mormon. Jesus Christ is described as visiting North America shortly after his reported Crucifixion [ described in the King James Bible ] This was all new to me and no, I am not a member of that faith. Blessings all - jim | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @wordwarrior2350 | Sorry, but it is the exact opposite. What "...food for thought? YOU believe in it all. Please read my comments above and see the video again. There is NO proof of Moses, Mary, or Jesus. There is nothing objective in this video nor in anything about them in the Bible of the YT videos about them. Have YOU seen this: Caesers's Massiah: The Roman Conspiracy... Look at it and tell me what YOU think about this, food for thought. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @tubeyhamster | Try this one about Mary Magdelene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51VXjm5itcg | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cranialtyrant |  @lainab684  Humans and Chimpanzees evolved from a shared ancestor. Its like saying if dogs evolved from wolves, why are there still wolves? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @christopherledbetter1009 |  @charleswhitehead7441  If you can imagine what suffering and pain these children go through with starvation and torture then imagine what reward they would have if they believed your belief, their ending would be in vain, but thanks be to Jesus that he died on a cross so that these children can walk on streets of gold and have a mansion in heaven. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @m00n1 | This is incredibly biased. Rewatch it as a disinterested party with no skin in the game. They smooth over or ignore anything that doesn’t line up with the foregone conclusion. This is not science. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @charleswhitehead7441 |  @christopherledbetter1009  you are dillusional | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @RobTheFossil | Sahih Muslim (1:33) - the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah Sahih Bukhari (8:387) - Allah's Apostle said, "I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: 'None has the right to be worshipped but Allah'. And if they say so, pray like our prayers, face our Qibla and slaughter as we slaughter, then their blood and property will be sacred to us and we will not interfere with them except legally." | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @abdouconde | Read the Qur’an and you will find all your answers. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @m00n1 |  @abdouconde  “This is what Allah says… ‘Now go and strike the Infidel and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.” Surah 27:63. So Inspiring! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @abdouconde |  @m00n1  in “Surah 27:63” An-Naml which is means The Ant Allah says “Is he not (the best) who guides you through the Darknesses of the land and Sea and who sends the winds as good tidings before his mercy? Is there any a deity with Allah? High is Allah above whatever they associate with Him.” The Qur’an also warns about people like You who invents lies about Allah read it you,will discover about yourself. And what you will be going through in a short period of people for people like you and all those who are like you. Enjoy being blind to every thing that is good and death to everything that is real. Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change themselves, I hope you won’t be of those who are doomed sure is looking like it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @abdouconde |  @m00n1  I’m not I have no idea where you got what you got from, but speak the truth when you speak. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @theresawilliams4296 |  @NoName-ii8xj  "Putting up a straw man argument only impresses the weak minded". Yet you believe on "blind faith" and without any evidence that you and your religion is true and real. You've just proven how easy a weak mind can be influenced. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @johnlengyel4565 | Anyone who believes something because they have to use faith, is a person who doesn’t care about the truth, They feel ? if it makes me feel good 👍 it must be true?? heroine makes you feel good but I wouldn’t recommend u to use it | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @abdouconde |  @johnlengyel4565  look at the world all around, not even that just look at yourself Who made you ? Or did you crest yourself did you fashion your fingers that typed this answer with ? Did you choose how you look like ? Who made you ? Answer my questions if you are truthful. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @abdouconde |  @muzcleheadz4997  what WILL you do when you a resurrected from you grave I’m from of your creator and will have no answer to any of his questions because you used to disbelieve ? You will not have one single reason to not be punished, is it worth it ? How long do we live on this earth and how long is eternity if there is one ? Don’t take the chance and believe in all the signs that you see from The Only true Lord Allah. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @abdouconde |  @muzcleheadz4997  you were on a path and got strayed about by Satan it’s not too late convert to Islam the only true religion and believe in all the signs sent to you and do be deaf and blind | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @abdouconde |  @shuvmesumknowlegde  Islam has all the answers my friend | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @abdouconde |  @muzcleheadz4997  Islam has all the answers | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @hazed1009 | Unbiased and objective. Two words VERY foreign to ANY RELIGION. You aint getting either from these people. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @hazed1009 |  @NoName-ii8xj  if i was prepared to accept the rather slim evidence there was a real jesus (as in christ) not just some jesus who was a street magician or just outspoken rebel. If you take him at his word. What he actually says he would step today into our world and be sickened by what is religion today. The wars made in its name , the actual money the major christian churches fleece from their followers. I mean look at the catholic church for one, the vatican is worth what $10 to $15 BILLION. And thats if they are declaring their real wealth. Jesus would give them the same parable Matthew 19:24 "I'll say it again-it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of A needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!" Doesnt this count if all the gold and money is hidden in a church or christian "company"?? Hypocrites ALL. ALL OF THEM. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelbonilla7368 | 😂😂😂 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @hazed1009 |  @michaelbonilla7368  funny, how NO RELIGIOUS TYPE HAS ANSWERED MY POST. because they have no answer. Religion has been corrupted. On paper, what they SAY they want, yes sounds fantastic. IN PRACTICE? OH NO, ITS BECOME A TOTALLY CORRUPTED MONEY GRABBING SYSTEM. A company of theives and liars. Follow them if you want but dont indoctrinate kids to do the same. BAN RELIGIOUS SCHOOLS | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @mrsatangto |  @jimhicks36  🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @joshamaya196 | Late to the party i know, but check out books by Dr Titus Kennedy. Awesome stuff! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AWikkedMoon | Ok. The great flood was done by god to get rid of his horrible grandchildren. "The Gnostic Truth, Nephilim Giants, The Grandchildren of god." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtfgQaPkUHY&t=513s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon. We were also divided by god at the tower of babel "The Gnostic Truth, Unity vs Division. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upks5oLN1mY&t=125s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @vaughnreedjr6592 |  @derekhalford187  Jesus is fake. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @slimtimesl.l.c4614 | No it did not 🤦‍♂️ YA'LL believe anything.......🥤✌️ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @joshamaya196 |  @slimtimesl.l.c4614  thank God we aren't as enlightened as you loooool | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @slimtimesl.l.c4614 |  @joshamaya196  No you just believe anything that's sound's good but makes no Sense just except you praising Fiction and will not do no research but question me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 do you have proof you know fact's....? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @joshamaya196 |  @slimtimesl.l.c4614  you seem pretty sure of yourself and what you believe, i see no reason this conversation should take place. I'm sure you done extensive research outside of YouTube university. I'll stay dumb, and you can stay smart lol. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thor8086 |  @muzcleheadz4997  Exodus story told us about Egyptian Pharoa Ramses, archeologist PROVED Egyptian king Ramses was a real king. About 4000years later. This YouTube video proved nothing, cleverly threading some scientific phenomenon to disregard Exodus story. Did they find iron deposit that reacted to volcanic action near Nile river? Why did the lice swarm happen not the cockroach swarm? Even if Exodus plague was caused by how this video theorizes, real question should be how did Moses knew and predict in advance with exact timing and sequence? This is something modern scientists cannot do collectively. Most historian base their historical findings on oral history. Any written history is considered absolute proof. In this fake documentary video, written records from millennia ago is discounted with poorly threaded suppositions. Many used to say Ramses never existed and discounted Exodus story. Last couple of decades, there are too many anti-Israelite documentary produced with Arabic or Muslim financial support. As a non Jewish person, the producers of anti-Jewish documentaries should be more transparent about supporters to gain any credibility. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @icymmd7060 | Not trying to say you are wrong believe what u want. But Jesus name didn’t exist at the time he was to live. Also other religions have the same story with different names. I believe in God. I keep an open mind. I feel religion was made to control us. But I believe in a higher power. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @PoeLemic |  @derekhalford187  Derek, you need to do some research and learn that "Dying and Rising Savior Gods" were the BIG THING in the early 1st century. So many different cults had their own type of Savior Myths. I could list them, but there are so many. Probably 20 to 30 different ones, easily. Even some break-away Jews wanted to get it in on, because they wanted a Figurehead that could typify their religious beliefs. They were tired of thinking of God as non-bodily and non-human, so there were scribes that cobbled together the story of Jesus. Honestly, do your readings and research ... @Musclehead is right ... If you do too much research, you won't like what you find. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @joymeyer4730 |  @charleswhitehead7441  what are you doing to help these children from suffering? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Standing.W.Israel | You should check out the Patterns of Evidence movies.... they are exactly what you are looking for.... made by a Christian but approached from a non-biased perspective where people from varied beliefs and education are consulted. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Standing.W.Israel |  @NoName-ii8xj  ♥︎ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @Standing.W.Israel |  @muzcleheadz4997  are you aware that even academia is veering away from Darwin because of the advances in science? It is amazing that someone can still defend evolution regardless what your religion comes to prove through advances in technology... and I have no doubt you are a intelligent person- you are someone who wants to learn, however you are prideful and your ego will not allow you to see past the worldview you have had set for you, most likely before you were really able to seek and learn on your own. If you were an intellectually honest person with an authentic desire for truth (no matter where it leads you) you would be willing to listen to other views without such prejudice. Rather than learning to shore up your reasons for unbelief, why not try learning to learn? Seeking truth for TRUTH'S sake. There are so many people who started out with your mind-set who sought out ways to demolish creationists in debates only finding the complete opposite and being convinced that the Bible is the historically accurate Word of God that it claims to be. Maybe your next watch should be listening to a few of their accounts and hear them out, see what could have possibly been so compelling that they abandoned your way of thinking for Christ. What do you have to lose other than a few hours of your time? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jds6206 | "Jesus" probably never existed. Most "biblical accounts" are pure fantasy. The entire notion of "christianity" can be deconstructed by an 8th grade student. Utter nonsense. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jds6206 |  @NoName-ii8xj  Too well educated to believe in any religion. Nothing about any religion can be proven; therefore, if something cannot be scientifically proven, it does not exist. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @timjolly2147 |  @muzcleheadz4997  if you are. going to post a public reply please get your grammer correct. It's "found" not "find." | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @bobjr.8033 | ​ @muzcleheadz4997 I suggest you read The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. If you truly do have an open mind I think you will find his arguments at least interesting. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @afreeca2amerikkka970 | Hmmm, I thought the Bible said that only the first born and those who did not have the blood stains on their doors have died. What happened to the original story? 🤔🤔🤔 | Votes: 192 | Reply: false 4 years ago | @amyangell2378 | They forgot to read bible first😂 | Votes: 59 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @afreeca2amerikkka970 | Amy Angell , it is pathetic how these so called historians and narrators are 🤥 lying. I guess Christopher Columbus landed on the moon . 🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣 | Votes: 34 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @amyangell2378 |  @afreeca2amerikkka970  true 😂 | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @MK-tc1on | When they didn't listen to the blood on the door, they may also not be awake for Passover. So all on the floor still died according to this explanation of the exodus | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @MK-tc1on | Not saying I believe this or not. Just working with its narrative | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | Afreeka, why the blood stains on the doors? Wouldn't an all knowing God know where his people lived and bypass them?? | Votes: 19 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @afreeca2amerikkka970 | Bunkyman, this was simply a test to both Pharaohs and the Israelites. The Hebrews were under bondage and had no hope to be free under pharaohs. Therefore, The Most High had to intervene by rescuing them. First, the Israelites had to obey and follow exactly what The Most High had commanded them to do if they wanted to live. Second, He wanted to show them how much he truly love them by keeping the promise that He made to Abraham. After all, a promise is a promise. This exodus was not like a John 3:16 that everyone knows and loves. This exodus was to setup examples and establish laws, statutes and commandments which The Most High had given to Moshe before entering to the promise land. | Votes: 21 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @afreeca2amerikkka970 | Mathijn Kloek, that’s what happened to people who do not like to follow laws and orders. The Most High is not playing when He gives out orders. | Votes: 19 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Winter-x3-46 |  @afreeca2amerikkka970  I'm reading exodus chapter now why was the hebrews in bondage? I know a new king took over that didn't know Jacob and he saw that the hebrews were a strong people... I'm just trying to understand why would the most high put his people in bondage if they didn't sin ? I always thought the hebrews went into bondage in Egypt for worshipping other gods? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @bunkyman8097 | Why so many tests from a god who supposedly is all loving and knowing? Shouldn't he know his people love him? Why ask Abraham to kill his son to prove his love of god? That is madness and anyone who would consider doing so is nuts. A good and loving God would never ask for that, he would know your heart was in the right place. I don't buy this vainglorious god. Seems rather weak that he needs constant adoration and acceptance from the very people he made. I dont believe the creator of the universe would be that self centered and have such low self esteem. | Votes: 27 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Winter-x3-46 | I understand where you coming from I'm reading the bible now and some parts honestly makes me unsure if the creator is loving 😕 but in the bible it says lean on not to our own understanding his ways is sometimes unexplainable..i wish i had a time machine and can go back in time to really know the truth because all we have is faith | Votes: 17 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @edwynnkelley136 |  @bunkyman8097  Of course God knew who would obey. This was done as evidence of obedience and faith in God by works. | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @carloj0079 | They changed? because ? Of what. ? What they were hiding something to us ? The truth ? What is the truth ? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @afreeca2amerikkka970 | Lynn Amis, my sister, you said it. Israelites went to bondage because of sins. Remember when one Israelite sins against Yah, He punishes the entire nation. The sins that Israel bares is in whole not by individual. If one sins, all sins. Yah is a loving, caring and understanding Creator. He would not punish us if we did not disobey. In fact, what parents do you know who do not punish their kids when children are disobeyed. Our Devine Creator wants us to obey, love and worship Him with all our mind, heart and soul. (Matthew 22:37 and Deuteronomy 6:5). And Yah said, how do we know we love Him? To love Yah, we must obey and do all his commandments. That means, we must do and follow all His laws, statutes and commandments. (John 14:15 If you love Yah, keep His commandments). 1 John 5:3 as Yah’s commandments are not grievous. | Votes: 11 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @afreeca2amerikkka970 | Carlo J Inaldo, please read these if you want to know the truth. John 8:32 said that you should know the truth and the truth should set you free. Psalms 119:142 Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth. John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 5:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @afreeca2amerikkka970 | Bunkyman, Numbers 23:19 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?” Edifice: As human, we constantly changing. We can never make one promise and stick with it. Our mind is always wondering about new things. For example, we always need a new car even though the one we already had is still in good condition. We we cannot stop changing our ways of living in this world. Although we are the seeds of the Creator, we do not act like we are from Him. Because of lack of knowledge and disobedience, we are not in accord with Our Father, the Devine Creator. That is why we are dying and not able to wake our souls from this world of darkness. Everything we ever learned from this world of darkness is a lie. We need to wake up from our sleep and be knowledgeable about the words of wisdom, which are coming from our Devine Creator, YAH. In reference: to Hosea 4:6 4:6. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you, that you may be no priest to me. Because you have forgotten your God's law, I will also forget your children. Why do we change and turn away from all of the wonderful promises that Our Father Creator in Heaven has promised us? He said that he has not changed for us. However, we changed for Him. | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @sallybasto1930 |  @bunkyman8097  the sacrifice of Abrahams son that didn't happen is an arrow pointing to the sacrifice of God's son Jesus that was to happen in the future. It's symbolic - God put Abraham to the test i think to see if he was the correct blood line through which Jesus would eventually be born. A sort of test of his faithfulness love and loyalty if you will. Large parts of the old testament which many regard as fairy tales make a lot more sense when you look at them this way | Votes: 11 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @bunkyman8097 | sally--they don't make ANY sense at all. Killing your son is a test!? No loving God would do this. A test for whom? Your all knowing God should know the results of such "test" so the point is moot not to mention cruel. The correct bloodline? Your God doesn't know that info? he is supposedly all knowing. I don't but it | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @sallybasto1930 |  @bunkyman8097  well I'm no expert of course so only my opinion, but for what it's worth I think God gave us free will and yes, ok I agree that such a test does seem cruel, but it didn't actually happen - and given our free will I guess from time to time I guess he felt/feels tests were needed! I kinda take from it all it's our choice whether or not to believe and that he isn't going to force us - although without a doubt he could! | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @laysongbird | They did not also mention the fire of wall | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @phreespeech7768 |  @bunkyman8097  Yes, God knew who his people were, however, it wasnt specifically God himself that moved through the dwellings. He enlisted one of his Angels to carry out his will, who arent"all knowing" , and who was simply following His instructions. The blood on the door was how the Angel determined who belonged to God and who didnt. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | phree--So this all powerful god didn't think to tell this Angel who belonged to him and who didnt? Gods issue is with pharoh, not pharaohs people. I don't think a just and loving god would kill innocent people that he created in his image because hes having a hissy fit with pharoh. Why doesn't he just soften pharaohs heart to " let my people go" and spare all the drama and death? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @phreespeech7768 |  @bunkyman8097  God CHOSE to do it the way He did it instead of supplying the spirit of death with a list of names was for reasons known only to Him, but I suspect that by having His followers mark their doors was to reveal to the Egyptians that it was the Hebrew God who had the greater power over their false gods. If He had influenced the mind of the pharaoh to let the people go before this event, they would never have been convinced of that power. Whatever the reason, it was one that you, as someone lacking the same knowledge and wisdom, would be incapable of understanding. Consider the greater knowledge and wisdom that an adult parent has over their 3 yr old child. Just because YOU dont understand the reason doesnt mean that a legitimate reason doesnt exist. | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mariyahmercier |  @bunkyman8097  that exactly why Christ was made up to get people to believe in a more nicer, less revengeful, more forgiving and only requires you to just have faith while doing and eating as you please because I died for your sin even though the GOD of Israel says everyone dies for his own sins and will be judged and boy it worked, Christianity is the biggest man made religion in the world, the majority has always been destroyed, that should tell you that you might be wrong.🤔 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | More people have died in the name of god than for any other cause on this planet, yet that is a loving god? I don't believe it. Why all the suffering? Why doesn't your god fix it? What's he waiting on? I'm wrong because "Christianity has always been destroyed?" Sounds to me like something is wrong with the religion. I believe in a god, not religion. Mankind has a way of mucking things up. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @0371998 | You are exact. The jews were in monolatry for a god of war, like the Times goes, they turned this submission,into a monothéisme. Theirs sects are all extremely submissive because their Roots are the wars etc. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @0371998 | Their First masters were totaly oriental, but as the Times were moving the master of war has become european, they were forced to become Christian or Pagan like they were during their first expériences out of Africa. The lambs are their idol and victim. Its philosophic their affair. Their elits so biased by the Babylonian, and the Assyrian forced them , The 'israelits' to assassinate their proper pagan culture and to forget the reality of their realms. In fact the true friends of the pagans and free Israelits were the philistins and later the Romans. The history is reversed and it seem than in ours days only the stains of the tyrans can subsist on the publics medias. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @reflexionesdelabiblia6711 | The blood stains of the lambs were a jab at their gods and how false they were. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jorgegarcia904 | Bunkyman well not all his people followed Moses, God will only be faithful to the people who obey him, that’s why moses even told Pharo to do the same but he did not listen | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @theblackgoatofthewoods | A way to know your parents love the bible... Your named Jesus and your brothers are named Abraham, Noah and Moses.... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @theblackgoatofthewoods | Diluted by religion | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ronaldfagan7347 | Preach to them my Brother | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @afreeca2amerikkka970 | twc baby, yes, Yah is jealous indeed. Exodus 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Confidantqueen | Read da quraan.ul get clarity | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dsmith977 | Mommy Afreeeca !😭😭😭😭😭😭 dude please go watch Jesse Lee Peterson on Youtube he is my favorite black man in the world and a national treasure ! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @HJKelley47 |  @bunkyman8097  : Exodus Chapter 11 speaks of the last plague. Exodus Chapter 12:1-7, 12-13, 23-32 addresses the issue of why G-d told them to put blood on the two doorposts and on the lintel of the houses. It is why the Passover is celebrated yearly by those of the Jewish tradition. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | Kelly i underztand all that, my question is why? An all powerful, knowing and loving god would KNOW who his people were without all of the gore. I will NEVER understand why the so called loving and forgiving god would KILL people,innocent included, because he is having a hissy fit with pharoh? There is NOTHING loving in that! That god is NOT a loving god. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @HJKelley47 |  @bunkyman8097  : Actually your response indicates that you did not read the Scripture, and particularly with understanding. I would then suggest you go back to Exodus Chapter 1 and read through Chapter 12. The why? should then become clear, even for you. Pharaoh was far from innocent; God was not having a hissy fit; Egyptians, at that time, were engaged in active idolatry; Pharaoh had tried to kill the Jewish male babies. Remember, only God knows the human heart and can dispense His justice perfectly. Reading with understanding is critical, and in order to do that you've got to lay aside your "I'm angry with God" and "I don't like that God". God had warned Pharaoh many times, but the man would not submit. Actually God was long-suffering with Pharaoh, and in mercy spared his life more than once. Pharaoh would say "I have sinned" but gave no evidence of true repentance. If you really do not understand after taking the time to read, then I would suggest you sit down with a local pastor to help you go through those Scripture for some understanding. They will be an eye- opener I assure. It is interesting that Pharaoh's officials humbled themselves (Exo. 3 & 8); why didn't Pharaoh follow their example? "Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall" (Prov. 16:18) | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | What's to understand? A " loving" god killed innocent people. I'm not missing anything. That god seems to have it out for the people he created in his own image. You know that is not the only time he wiped out his ccreation. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @HJKelley47 |  @bunkyman8097  : Unfortunately you are missing much, however, I recognize you would prefer to keep your current point of view because you think you have a valid point to make. When you are ready to really gain some knowledge, then you will take the time to read for yourself, and I pray that understanding will catch up with you. Take care of yourself! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | What's to miss, did that happen or not? I would also pray for you to be enlightened with reason and logic. I do not believe in your vengeful , hateful god. The king James version of the New testament was completed in 1611 by 8 members of the church of england. There were, and still are no original texts to translate. The oldest manuscripts we have were written hundreds of years after The last apostle died. There are over 8,000 of these manuscripts with no 2 alike. The king James translators used none of these anyways. Instead, they edited previous translations to create a version the king and parliament would approve. So, 21st century christians believe the "word of god" is a book edited in the 17th century from 16th century translations of 8,000 contradicting copies of 4th century scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1st century. That is not faith, that is insanity and THAT is why I don't and can't believe this nonesense. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @focusonchrist6752 |  @Confidantqueen  Even the Quran says that an angel came to Mary saying that she was to give birth to the Messiah Jesus..... minor fact that is majorly overlooked. Had a good dialogue with a brother in the Muslim faith and he shared with me a copy of his faith-based text. Diving into the original language(s) of scriptures gives so much understanding that has been watered down by modern day versions. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @focusonchrist6752 |  @bunkyman8097  The same stance you convey can be paralleled to this concept. We have His spirit inside of us all. CONSCIENCE. And its rival is from the very fruit since Adam and Eve. EGO. Thru the lense of Conscience, Yah is knowing of our choices before we make them. Conscience gives understanding to the points where justice is established. Ego will forever fault the processes for justice because of emotional takeaway. Yah is a loving Creator that only knows the ways of the universe. And has given us the opportunity to abide in Him, His conscience, or fall for every perilous route that ego deems. Who are we to decide who was innocent during those times, when we can also presume that the idoloutrous ways of pharaoh and other rulers were being passed down to their kids. Fueling generations of toxic existence. There are countless wars proclaiming the their intent for God, when all that we are commanded to do is Love Yah and each other. Until we can manifest that truth, how dare we fuel doubt and disbelief. That's not of God. This documentary was insightful, in the respects of the work put in to do the traveling and research. Which Scripture challenges us to do. Be well. For Yah loves you and is waiting for you to shed off the scales of doubt and disbelief and come to accept Him as eternal Creator. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @focusonchrist6752 |  @HJKelley47  Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. Until that point is met, foolish folly will remain the entanglement of those who refuse to believe. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @focusonchrist6752 |  @bunkyman8097  KJV isnt the best reference point to go for as the line of defense. With the issues of the times in England, and the Political conflict with Constantine. Seek and you shall find. Whom do you pray to then if you are against Bible's conveyance? Since you said you pray for enlightenment to be received in logic and reason. Logic and reason have left many with hardened hearts since things may be inconclusive at the time, being it takes advancements thru time to investigate deeper, that may not be present during initial investigative efforts. This is the difference between Darwin and Einstein, as an example. One callused by tragedy and aimed to debunk The Creator's Existance vs one that allowed humility in faith to be his lense through research into the unknown. World War II showed that there is always an attack on Israel's, manuscripts and a aim to eradicate their Faith. If the God of Israel, as depicted in scriptures was a false one, why is He the only God throughout time that's been attempted to be abolished by man?. Check out some teachings from Andrew Gabrial Roth. He gives evidence from believers OUTSIDE OF CHRISTIAN/JEWISH belief that prove that the God of Israel is the True God. Be well | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | You make my point, this book is not a reference for anything. I never said I didn't believe n god, what I don't believe in are the illogical and unreasonable arguements/points/stories found in the bible. A reasonable, logical person cannot conclude the reason there are ardvarks, zebras and mosquitoes is because of A man and a boat. You ask who I pray to; i pray to the God that transcends all of this nonsense and created this universe. I am in much more awe of Math, science, physics and chemistry than some sky wizard made up by man. I am reminded of this are nightly when looking up into the sky. that is my proof. All this other stuff is mankind getting in the way of himself. We are past the point of believing a dragon is eating the sun during an eclipse, or spilling some animals blood on a stone slab has anything to do with showing love to a deity. That is nonsense. There are over 5,000 gods worshiped and prayed to on this planet; your "God of israel" is but one of them. Peace to you and yours. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @focusonchrist6752 |  @bunkyman8097  I respectfully hear you. But disagree regarding this book. So much history is recorded throughout Scriptures that's able to be validated and confirmed thru science and mathematics. Tools to observe His magnificent creation. Verifying His essence in presence thru time. But just as instructed thru NT, I won't go against what you believe in your conscience. I went thru a hectic season with my walk, and traveled thru many versions. Until I came across the aramaic new testament. Which pieced a lot of points together for me that Greek left me in disarray at. I now see things interconnected, as well as things from scripture manifested. This documentary conveyed a lot. And to some of your points, missed some details that Scriptures go over. But the correlation between the Text collaborated with support of those on the opposite side of the aisles, was the above all fascination for me. Challenges me to want to embark these locations for research as well. So we can respectfully hear each other, without the furthering of doubt and adding discord of confliction. Undeniable truths is just that, no matter the worldview. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | It is just difficult to take this book as the literal word of God because clearly it isn't. The one thing that all religions have in common that I have discovered is " the golden rule". That is basically what human existAnce is all about to me. We are all children of a star that blew up. We are the cosmos made conscious. When I think of that I am in awe of the power that made it so. Everything else seems so silly and trite. It is not about a book or eating fish on Friday, it is about that power that made it so. Great people as you would be treated. That's it. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @focusonchrist6752 |  @bunkyman8097  Conscience and conscious are as different as a thermometer and a thermostat. If your perspective is helping you and the lives around you, then Glory to God. Either way. I respect what you're saying and where you're coming from. May the compass that God has given us all within, guide you to your needed destination to love and life. I know where my journey has taken me and advanced me thru it. Bottom line. The research and travels in documentaries as such have to be respected, if anything, for their questions led to deeper discovery and insight. Knowledge and wisdom come from 2 different standpoints. I Thank you again for your time and input. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @bunkyman8097 | And I than you as well. You are correct about documentaries; they make you think and thinking is what makes the human condition so special. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @pr.remusbleahu4115 | Only the first born died | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @glm6928 | If God wants to free you he knows who to attack. No need for you to remind him who you are. Isn't that logical from a believer perspective? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Little_Bitz | That’s bc above all else, the Bible was in fact written by a human. A story teller who did his best to make it coincide with their natural ignorance at the time. Lastly, you do realize that the very bible you’re reading was rewritten to fit whoever had it done at the time. When I say you, I mean anyone, everyone who picks up a “bible”. That was their way to get ppl to fear a higher being then them (the kings etc in charge) in order to obey the “laws” that we call natural laws now days. Not just Christians, all religions do and did this. Is there a higher being 🤷🏻🤷🏽‍♂️beats me , although I like the idea of it. Unfortunately many of the things written in a bible were selfishly written and altered through the times. It’s pretty much like the equivalent to you saying “hold up I’ll find the answer, lemme Google it” 😂. But hey so many ppl believe Google so how can one not see the hilarious irony btw the two topics. I mean unless you’re Stevie 🤷🏽 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | If everything was prophisized, then why didn't people heed what was being prophisized? If WW I and WWII were in the bible, why did they happen? If I hear it is going to rain tomorrow I grab my umbrella. Why the wars then? Seems to me the "prophesies" come after the fact. That is not prophecy at all. Here is what I understand of the bible. The KJV was completed in 1611 by 8 members of the church of england. There were and still are no original texts to translate. The oldest manuscripts we have were written down hundreds of years after the last apostle died. There are over 8,000 of these manuscripts with no two alike. The king James translators used none of these anyway. Instead they edited previous translations to create a version the king and parliment would approve. So, 21st century christians believe "the word of god" is a book edited in the 17th century from 16th century translations of 8,000 contradicting copies of 4th century scrolls that claim to be copies of lost letters written in the 1 st century. That is not faith, that is insanity. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @bunkyman8097  Your comment about a good and loving God never asking for certain things is a claim that you are making that you know how a good and loving God should act, based on your limited world view. You don't buy into God because you love your sin more than you love Him.. Until you've read and studied the Bible, you'll never understand any of it. It's just be stories that you have no concept of why anything happens as it does. Just remember that denying God doesn't make Him go away. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @bunkyman8097  "sally--they don't make ANY sense at all. Killing your son is a test!? No loving God would do this." God is loving. He's also a just God. We live in a fallen world and, as the bible says, no one is good, no, not one. If God is going to use Abraham to make a great nation that will reveal his kingdom to the world and eventuallly his Son who will take on the sin of the world,, God wants to know that Abraham is faithful. Abraham didn't kill his son and only proved to God he is faithful. God gave us free will. We are not programmed to always do what pleases God and many rebel against Him like you have. You don't have a problem with the story of Abraham and Isaac. You have a problem with God watching over you as you sin your life away because you don't want anyone telling you hnow to live your life. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @mariyahmercier  Christ was not made up and you won't find any Biblical scholars who study the ancient manuscripts for a living, no matter how liberal are atheist they are, that will say Jesus never lived and died just like the Bible says. What you probably haven't considered is that the Bible isn't a book. It's a library of historical writings by over 40 different authors from all walks of life, many from different nations and speaking different languages and all telling the same story. Jesus appeared to over 500 people after his resurrection. Those are eye-witness accounts. All of the disciples saw him except for Judas because Judas took his own life after selling out Jesus to the Pharisees. There are 66 books in the bible from over 25,000 ancient manuscripts that exist so we can look back thousands of years to see what people wrote about that time period. There are also about dozen authors who wrote about Jesus that had no sympathy toward Jesus or Christians. The Apostle Paul, who wrote many of the New Testament books, was persecutor of Christians, having them jailed and killed for worshipping Jesus, until he saw the risen Christ. You're no different than the Pharisees who had Him crucified. Even with tons of evidence in front of them, they still denied that Jesus was God even though he told them he was and performed many miracles as well as fulfilling Old Testament prophecies. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @bunkyman8097  Your Bible history is non-existent. We have scrolls and manuscripts that date back thousands of years and are pretty much word for word what we have today. You have no idea of the who, what, where, why, when, how of the Bible. You don't understand the process of transcription, who was doing, the type of media it was put on, etc. How many thousands of years do you think papyrus or parchment last? Not very long but there were scribes who loved the word of God and took pride in their accuracy when copying manuscripts for safe keeping. The complete Book of Isaiah was found at Qumran and, except for a few misspelled word and punctuation errors, it's word for word what we have toda. It dates back to about 300 BC. There are tens of thousands of manuscripts that exist written in about 9 different languages yet they say the same thing. Your comment that there is no two alike is a lie. Is it your lie or did you steal it from some atheist website? The Old Testament was completed before Jesus was born and the new Testament was written in the first century AD. Many of the books were written within 30 years of Jesus' crucifixion and the latest was about 65 years after his death. Some books were written within 5 years of Christ's death. The Bible was complete a long tme before the King James Bible. All of the scriptures that were included in the Bible were known to be inspired long before any Bible was published. The only scrolls that exist from the 4th century are the apocryphal and gnostic writings of that time. They are not inspired scripture and the mutliple authors of them are unknown. A good example is the Book of Enoch, aka Enoch 1, said to be written by Enoch who lived a thousand years before it was written. The Catholic Church, a pagan church, has apocryphal books in their bible. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @focusonchrist6752  The Jesus in the Qur'an, Issa, is not the Jesus in the Bible. In fact, Issa isn't even Arabic. It's Syriac because the stories of Issa (Jesus) were plagiarized from the Infant Gospel of Thomas, a Syriac children's fable written around the 4 century AD. It has stories like Jesus prophecying from the cradle as an infant and teaching his mother, Meryiam, now to pick fruit for a tree so she can eat. They also have the wrong God. The Qur'anic God, Allah, is generic for "the god". He's the anti-God because Allah denies everything that the God of the Bible teaches. . | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @bunkyman8097  You wrote: "If everything was prophisized, then why didn't people heed what was being prophisized?" The same reason you don't. Your heart has been hardened by rebellion against God who loved you enough to send his Son to die on the cross for you so that we could come back into a relationship with Him robed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. The Bible is clear that not everyone will heed the word of God. The Pharisees heard Jesus' teachings and watched him give sight to the blind, heal sickness, cast out demons, raise the dead, make the lame walk and still, they didn't believe him. They thought he was a magician or a sorcerer. Like the bible says: He who has ears, let him hear. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @mariyahmercier | https://youtu.be/0np93PdYSEQ David here is some information, if you don't want to look at it, that's fine, I'm not going to go back and forth with you, you believe in what you want, YAH is going to have the final say, not me or you. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @rickdavis2235 |  @mariyahmercier  First off, my name isn't David. Secondly, I don't need to look at a video to know the truth.  Are you Jewish? If you are, how do you reconcile all of the prophecies of Christ? Look at what the prophets said. Does Isaiah, in Isaiah 53, leave any doubt as to who he was talking about when he described Jesus' birth, his ministry, those who would persecute him and the details of his death? The entire Bible is about Jesus Christ and for anyone to deny that, doesn't know the Bible. He's all throughout both the Old Testament and the New Testament. You can deny who Jesus was or if he existed but to do so is to deny what the Bible is clearly telling us. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mariyahmercier |  @rickdavis2235  second of all, l don't give a damn what your name is, you severe your hippy on a stick and I will do me‼️ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | Rick Davis I hardly have a "limited world view" as you say. I have been all over this world and most people Are the same: treat them as you would like to be treated. Are you saying god is not good and loving? If he asks Abraham to kill his son to prove Abraham's love to him, that is insane! Why is god so needy of praise? If he is all that, he would not need constant praise from his creation. Seems a weak trait for someone who.is perfect according to your book. do you expect that much praise from yourdog? Would you kill your child to prove to god you love him? That's what I thought. Here's what I understand of the bible: if your "holy book" includes laws about keeping slaves it is hardly a source to teach people morals. That is just oneissue. They are a plethora more..... | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | My heart is not hardened, it's just that my critical thinking and reasoning remain intact. It's obvious hours is not and you prefer to let some sky wizard do your thinking and reasoning for you. Too bad. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @StellaLovesMusic25 | Lin keep reading.All is answered in that book-The Holy Bible. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @StellaLovesMusic25 | Bunkiman Obviously reading of that account-in GENESIS chapters 14-17 would answer many questions which are going on in your head. GOD always looks for solid evidence of trust in Him.Abram did trust God and so he was willing to do what God asked of him .. God then stopped Abram from killing his son and provided the animal instead. This was to foreshadow the real sacrifice of Jesus.So we see how God was gradually revealing to mankind His plan. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @bunkyman8097 | Peppermint candy, what a Christian thing for you to say. the last thing I am is ignorant. Where is YOUR proof? You have none. Yours has to be the most arrogant religion on the planet. I don't need all the blood, guts and drama of it. Change your judging ways in the time you indicate is left or you will not be spending eternity with your sky wizard. "I like your Christ. I do not like your christians, they are so unlike your christ." --Gandhi By your standard, more ignorance. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @Walkinjoy | Bunkyman the blood is a symbol and also foreshadows Jesus Christ the ULTIMATE pure sacrificial lamb who died on the cross of Calvary, it’s not there for God to know anything. When God told them to put blood on the door he knew why. Jesus’ blood is the only thing that will save us from eternal death, just like the blood from the pure lamb saved the Hebrews from death. There are lots of parallels and codes in the Bible, you need to study typology and stuff to know. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | Why would anyone want anything to do with a jealous god? You would not accept that from a spouse, why do you accept it in a god? Seems an unbecoming trait for the creator of the universe to posses. I should think he would be beyond such pettiness. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @TheWinners4life |  @bunkyman8097 , as parents, don't we love our children so much that we set rules to protect them and then provide consequences for disobeying them? | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @hernansaavedra3797 |  @bunkyman8097  God can do everthing he want he is Almighty he can even make the dead man live again. Do not under estimate his power. Just believe and have faith through Jesus Christ the savior. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jeangermain3621 | They want to look for clues that just fit them! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @kariyah6224 |  @Winter-x3-46  For breaking the 10 commandments. Read Deuteronomy 28 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jeffboyd4996 | This occured in conjunction with the eruption of Mt Vesuvius. The insects, the floods and recessions in the sea, caused by earthquakes and the noxious gasses that were flowing out of the ground after the eruption cracked it, are heavier than air, therefore, those closest to the floor died. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jazzmina506 |  @bunkyman8097  There are a lot of things which our mind could not understand but our GOD does. I hope someday you would understand why all these things had happened in the past... God loves you ! check your pulse, in each single day that you live, that is a miracle and unconditional love which comes from our GOD. pray to know our GOD more than you do . hugs and love ! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @HiddenSkillz36 | Bunkyman it was symbolic for what was to come. “Accepting Yeshua’s blood (Yeshua’s sacrifice)” so that the destroyer (sin death) would Passover us | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Adrian-zd4cs | Reading all these comments makes me so happy I gave up religion and can open mindedly study history. Y'all have fun 😏🤣 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rhonasingh370 |  @bunkyman8097  God is the great I Am and has a more than a million different ways to do one thing. I think that God tests because it's us that need to learn us... how far we would go.. learn our own capabilities. Very often we just don't know until we are tested. We won't have all the answers now. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | Rhona, Sounds to me that's an imperfect trait to give your creation. He is supposedly perfect but didn't give his creation perfection? Why? I would expect nothing less from the all knowing, all powerful god that can do whatever he wants. I'm sure anything you do you do to the best of your ability, why not god? why would a perfect god create such imperfect people? You speak of tests. What did Abraham learn when god said kill your son to prove your love for me? That's a test? Really? what did Abraham learn? That he would kill his son for a vainglorious god with such low self esteem that he needed constant adulation from his creation? What would your answer/ reaction be to such a test? You would kill your child for god? That's what I thought.... If your god is perfect t he would know of Abraham's love for him. Such a "test" serves no purpose and is cruel and sadistic coming from your god. I don't believe in such a cruel and weak god. Very unbecoming of someone supposedly supreme in every way not to mention very ungodlike. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @afreeca2amerikkka970 | Adrian, religion is just a cult to keep you in the dark from waking up into the spirit of light. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | Phree, "God has no religion." --Gandhi You refer to the "Hebrew god". That distinction is made by man, not god. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bunkyman8097 | Adrian, welcome to logic, reason and critical thinking!!! Your open mind is greatly appreciated and needed | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @tanvirtscientist608 | still some of the unbelievers will say it did not happen! whatever we muslims believe in the exodus according to the holy Quran! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dr.davidwho4053 |  @Winter-x3-46  Hi Lynn. I believe that the Israelites were enslaved by Egyptians not because they committed sin against God but simply, they were taken advantage of a powerful nation. Some bad things happen to a nation, family, person or individual not because they have sinned but because those who are maltreating them failed to be kind or humane. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @awildfrog3919 |  @bunkyman8097  you still don't believe that God is not loving? If God is not loving, why do you have food on your table? Why does the sun shines everymorning to give us light? Why do we have air to breathe? Why do we have this knowledge? How are we able to think? Why are we above all creations? God did not kill those men, they were punished. Just like our parents. God is like our parent. In fact, He is our Father God. I cannot question your faith or whatever your beliefs are, but may God soothes your heart and may you find peace and truth as you continue to journey your life. I know, there will be a time where you will seek God and ask for His help. God bless you | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @idaeriksson3992 | exodus 25:18-21 is explaining how they shall make two cherubim on top of the ark. To confuse cherubim (which is mentioned in the bible as a creature living in heaven, a holy creature) with birds are something to take into consideration when deciding the accuracy in this video, I am not saying that this whole documentary isn't correct but there's enough mistakes to consider that he haven't read the bible too much... Also the fact that the looks of the ark are based simply from one golden item that he found in a museum and with confidence stating that this is what the ark looked like... read the bible, the instructions of how the ark was made is in there. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @tanvirtscientist608 |  @bunkyman8097  you are given enough time to be sinless but you said what you do is correct! don't be a brainless person before reading the whole history! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @LB-ou8wt | They talked about the Jews being at Passover dinner at the time of the "gas leak". In their theory, it wasn't the mark of blood so much as being part of the religious occasion that saved the Jews. Maybe the door marker is more for making it clear to the Egyptians which houses were unaffected, to further the message that the Jews have been saved, which is the whole point. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ezequielmayorga5770 | Hahaha man got a hold of it... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @shellzbellz1126 |  @afreeca2amerikkka970  so the Israelites were slaves and in true hypocritical style plundered and took slaves of their own from other peoples all under their god's direction. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @afreeca2amerikkka970 | shellzbellz, Rom 8:31 If Yah is with the Hebrew, who can be against them. The Most High Yah would allow the people who obeys His laws, statutes and commandments to get what they want. They just have to obey and follow these principles. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @shellzbellz1126 |  @bunkyman8097  remember these people believed they had to appease the gods with sacrifice to ward off pestilence. Child sacrifice was common amongst the Caananites. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @shellzbellz1126 |  @afreeca2amerikkka970  Yah was a barbaric god, much like the people that created him. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @benedic02 |  @MK-tc1on rufiy3 ŕr | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @benedic02 |  @shellzbellz1126  ruraff7 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @zacharypelphrey6166 | Bunkyman he stopped Abraham and kept his promise to provide a sacrifice. God is real, and if ask him to he will soften your heart. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @jesperjensen1160 |  @bunkyman8097  and if you consider that god erupted the volcano, is quite a troubling thought. The eruption claimed thousands of lives, many more with no homes and forced to flee and devastating consequences long after. Then the killing of all firstborn. Not the immediate thought of a just, fair and loving god. When it seems to me that a lightning bolt through the farao would do the trick. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @victorlalruatfela6750 |  @bunkyman8097  yes the sacrifice is the foreshadowing of Jesus coming it's is clear from the appearance of sheep(Jesus) for the sacrifice, but the true intentions of God is to kill us(our old self) which we inherited from Adam and Eve in the eyes of God it was not the sheep that is killed it was Abraham son our old self that has been killed.There is a lot of foreshadowing the coming of Jesus u can see it from Sam 22 it's clear written. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @offixial_vxrxxy |  @bunkyman8097  He is also a just God. If your caught by police for doing things against the law then you should be dealt with right justice . Even if your dad is the judge. But it doesn't mean he is not loving and forgiving. The judge just executed the law. Because if he will neglect the law then nobody will trust and have faith in the law more likely the judge who implements it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @eitannoy2496 |  @bunkyman8097  bc of free will use common sense | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @annaceyq |  @bunkyman8097  when your parents give rules especially as teenagers (the good parents do it to lovingly keep you protected and out of danger)..but do we often obey those rules? Should we never have been given free will? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @boem3021 |  @bunkyman8097  it's a matter of a free will given to a human being and willingless to work with God. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @65FullMoon83 | Yeah, if Moses didn't cross the Red Sea but the Sea of Reeds why have they actually found remnants of Egyptian chariots other Egyptian artifacts in the Red Sea? I'll stick with the Biblical story thank you! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @kravenfoxbodies2479 | Why Mary could not name the Father = More then one Man = No Virgin = No Blood Stains | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @dianagalat3013 |  @sallybasto1930  I agree. God didn’t want robots worshipping Him, or fearful of Him. That’s why when He created Adam and Eve, He placed the tree of of knowledge of good and evil there. He gave us free choice. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @yvettejones4249 |  @bunkyman8097  Blood sacrifice is required not just for atonement and forgiveness of sins, like that of Jesus, but for protection of humanity (as in I plead the blood of Jesus). | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @shockwavesteve | Lynn Amis Well Israel at that time had been a strongly connected client state of Egypt, but for some strange reason, they decided to go sicko mode and recked em for some reason | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @vijayakumar252 | And what about the walking stick converting to snakes? Any scientific reasons 😀 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @udhiwallace5320 | The old family Bible stated that after "God" parted the waters, Moses wanted to build an altar and offer sacrifices (i.e. have a barbecue) and give thanks, but the alien, oops "god" , says get going, I can't keep this up for long... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @pbcman1 |  @bunkyman8097  o that's simple to answer its because 3:07 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @47ldgmchd | Jesus sent Paul to the "University" of mount Sinai. So when he wrote this: ▪▪▪ Galatians 4:25 For this Agar is mount Sinai in ARABIA, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. ▪▪▪ Paul knew what he was writing about. Mount Sinai has been found in the 80'.Search Ron Wyatt... Go to Neweiba in Egypt ( Sinai peninsula), there you will find where the Hebrew crossed over to Arabia.Ref. Doug Lentz's book: The bedouins and the bible at Amazon. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MarcosPerez-pq5pl | 😆 look at all the sheep.. Go read lord of the rings next. It got alot more powerful wizards then moses | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @rinrincalleja3394 | He clearly said, no one could explain how the first born were killed. Remember, this is a scientific view, that canmot explain everything. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @deboraballes9044 |  @bunkyman8097  Those tests are to prove it to ourselves, he already knows, we are the ones that have to be pushed to the limits and see what we believe and are willing to sacrifice.... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @deboraballes9044 |  @sallybasto1930  The blood on the door of the Hebrews was also a picture of the blood of the future messiah where God would "Pass over" those that are marked by his blood | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @deboraballes9044 |  @bunkyman8097  He was testing Abraham to see ( for Abraham to see for himself) if he would give up what he loved most of all in faith to God....remember that God had promised all His blessings would come through Isaac . God knew what he would do but Abraham needed to be tested for Abraham's sake, God had no intention of letting him kill his son but remember it was commom practice in other religions....the test is to make Abraham see what was really important to him and to see how God would provide and that God really did care for him and for his son. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @deboraballes9044 |  @bunkyman8097  When He says He is a jealous God is that he is the only God and wont stand anyone or anything to try to be a god alongside Him, that is the whole reason Lucifer was thrown out of Heaven, because he wants to take Gods place and be equal to God. That is where all the false gods come in, they are Satan's attempt to take God's glory. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @deboraballes9044 |  @Walkinjoy  I Know!!! Its like an onion but when you peel off a layer it is bigger inside😉 The whole passover was a foreshadowing of the plan God had to save the world with Jesus, that is why after hundreds of passover feasts celebrated by the jews, it was perfectly clear what John the Baptist was refering to when he saw Jesus and said " behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the earth" they knew the whole story .......but then you know that already 😊 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @janaleland9038 |  @afreeca2amerikkka970  --It was a foreshadowing story of YSHUA. And, as with YSHUA, it was a matter of obedience and faith. The Old Covenant set The Stage, so to speak. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @janaleland9038 |  @reflexionesdelabiblia6711  --the blood stains were a foreshadowing of THE BLOOD OF YSHUA-JESUS. It is the same, now, when we leave our homes and go to work, etc, and we lay hands on our homes and Plead THE BLOOD OF YSHUA on it. The faith we have of, then, leaving our home and-or children safely in JESUS' HANDS, is the faith JESUS SPOKE OF to the centurion and the centurion's ill slave--the centurion said, Speak it out and I know he is healed. JESUS SAID, "when I come back, will I find even one with this faith?" GOD Bless you and Shalom. --me (she who shall remain forever nameless) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AWikkedMoon | Ok. The great flood was done by god to get rid of his horrible grandchildren. "The Gnostic Truth, Nephilim Giants, The Grandchildren of god." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtfgQaPkUHY&t=513s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon. We were also divided by god at the tower of babel "The Gnostic Truth, Unity vs Division. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upks5oLN1mY&t=125s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @tammypearson989 | They said the hebrews celebrated their first Passover that night, so for all them ppl, that’s a lot of lamb’s, so that explains the sacrifice of animals, the blood of a lamb is pure and due to their religion the where probably covered in blood, if I knew the “Angel of death was coming, there would be blood over the door, and everywhere else in my heart. Ppl today are not going to believe until The see Jesus. That’s to late. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bestill.4216 | If Hollywood did it it AIN'T right!!!! | Votes: 183 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @KurimeoAhau | exactly | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @kelleymariejones6388 | BE t 2nd Coming! Boy, you got that right! The only thing they did get right was casting Harrison Ford, cause Hans Solo can bully them into a part with a wookie! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @cr4zyu | There are so many archaeological errors that 'Time Quackademics' claim to be 'certainly real' in this elaborate piece of evocative propaganda. The real Mt Sinai is in Saudi Arabia. It was re-discovered 1990 by an American amateur archaeologist, also a Christian guy, Ron Wyatt. He got many of his the clues by literally reading them directly from the Bible. Most anything that Time, the Smithsonian or Roman Catholic Jesuits claim to be 'Biblical' is usually done to contradict the historicity & significance of a literal/ plain reading of the Word of God. This mockumentary nonetheless will likely prove somewhat compelling for the ignorant, willing to follow corrupted but popular/ "traditions of man". | Votes: 15 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @thejudeattitudefaithinyou2863 | amen to that ..Hollywood is full of demons and pedophiles. | Votes: 16 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @patricialucious5091 | Eusa whited out all the true history everywhere replacing themselves in our place. It’s over today. Eyes wide open. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ProbableCauseBluesBand | cr4zyu Can you recommend some good, biblically correct archeology videos? I’m wading through a lot of bad ones rife with error. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @damnedyankee946 |  @cr4zyu  Like Sunday worship ? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @damnedyankee946 |  @thejudeattitudefaithinyou2863  And the church isn't ? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sspiderweb | ​ @damnedyankee946  Are you defending Hollywood? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jpkjnn6733 | Why? Because you say so or because you just hate your beliefs challenged? How about the passion of the Christ? Was that okay? Lol. Hypocrites, conspiracy theorists and cultists: the modern religious "right" and tropical party, now led by one of the most dishonest, amoral "dinners" ever to shame the White House. How anyone can believe anything that comes out of the religious right these days amazes me. Whatever shred of credibility they may have once had is so long gone. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jpkjnn6733 |  @thejudeattitudefaithinyou2863  not half as many as are in Christian Halls and Republican offices. Those antichrists have so many people fooled. Christians/Republicans are agents of the adversary | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @teedepefanio5687 | Even a broken watch... be careful... ;) | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @annabelle7626 |  @jpkjnn6733  You threw a lot of words together and said...something... | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @peterburton3095 | @Todd Hooper if you want true unsuppressed archaeological history I recommend Steve Quayle & Tim Alberino. These guys are brilliant! Also L.A Marzulli and Tom Horn. All of them talk mainly of the worldwide proof of giants that once roamed the world. Steve talks about this and many many other topics that have been covered up. Extremely interesting! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @oldgary57 | I love it, the experts say you just can't move Egyptian dates 100years, but then they say "We have to". According to this way of thinking we need to completely ignored the Sea People (Philistines), and the battle at Kadish against the Hittites ( The last part of Numbers ). This just goes to show you how far people well go to change history to fit there believes. | Votes: 170 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @anhedonianepiphany5588 | Are you literally quoting Old Testament "events" as if they were historical fact?!? It appears the one attempting to "fit" history to their beliefs is you. By the way, "to fit there believes [sic]" is correctly written as "to fit their beliefs". Also, "we need to completely ignored [sic] the Sea People" - really?!? It seems that you struggle with your basic English language skills, as incompetently as you fail to discern reality from fantasy. | Votes: 13 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kamal7miledog252 |  @anhedonianepiphany5588  so what you saying, New Testament events are "facts" somehow? | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @anhedonianepiphany5588 |  @kamal7miledog252  No, but considering it's mostly those who identify as Christian taking issue with specific dates of Old Testament events, I find it ironic. I simply stated an indisputable truth - all the biblical references put forth in the comment are of the Old Testament. How your mind distorted this to suggest that I'm affirming events in the New Testament as chronological facts, is beyond me (and, frankly, absurd). | Votes: 11 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @1950Chimaera |  @anhedonianepiphany5588  Maybe this person has learned English as a second language, leaving him liable to make certain basic grammar errors. You shouldn't necessarily just point to these to ridicule someone's general intelligence. it is a condescending fault on your part to do so, and is rude and disingenuous concerning your intent. BTW- Some events ARE historical facts. Just because they are in the Bible doesn't make them wrong. Of course, just because some event IS in the Bible, doesn't make it true. | Votes: 24 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @anhedonianepiphany5588 |  @1950Chimaera  ​ @Allen Burt I always try to take non-English, or English as 2nd language, speakers into account, but the initial part of the comment was fine, so I'm supposing that the errors are due to reckless haste and lack of forethought. This is unsurprising from somebody who believes the Bible qualifies as an accurate historical record. Oh, and your "BTW" was redundant! Peace (your heart is in the right place). | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @1950Chimaera |  @anhedonianepiphany5588  I prefer to call it "Biblical" | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Mark-um5hc |  @anhedonianepiphany5588  , man, can't anyone explain a damn thing without criticism ? Gees... All anybody does anymore is put another down. Damn it man. | Votes: 25 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @Moldy_Apple | Anhedonian Epiphany you think you’re smart, but the irony is that you’re acting like a fool. From observing your ludicrous lexicon and malicious mentality, I am guessing that you’re an edgy rebellious teenager who grew up in a conservative household and just discovered /r/atheism within the last year. How do I know? I was in the same position... 7 & 1/2 years ago. I was an agnostic atheist from 16-20, at the age of 19 life taught me there is a higher power but I didn’t know Who so I set to find out. After 3 years of living an ascetic lifestyle studying subjects like Native American Animism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, New age spirituality and it’s many faucets, and various philosophers throughout the ages, distinguishing discrepancies between doctrines, and carefully constructing logical reasoning based upon objectively observable coherences or inconsistencies, I am now 23 and have concluded that The Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God to Mankind and contains everything man needs to understand God’s message for humanity which, if man listened and followed, would inevitably lead to a world of peace and prosperity. I possess a Mensa level IQ, a vast vernacular and my syntax is grammatically correct. However, according to your arrogant and arbitrary standards of intellectual fortitude, a being of superior rationale such as myself ought not to believe in the scriptures? Fallacy! There are entire universities dedicated to the well-respected scholarly study of theology. The Bible has stood the test of time because it is the most well supported historical document in existence. The Bible has been verified a thousand times over in many different ways to ensure we have the exact same scriptures that were wrote two thousand, even three thousand years ago. Do you know how many copies of the the Greek Iliad’s that we have found? Twelve. Do you know how many manuscripts of the New Testament that we found dated in the first century? Over two-thousand! Lee Strobel’s “The Case for Christ” is a good evidence-based investigation into the veracity of scripture. He was an atheist that worked for the Chicago Tribune who set out to debunk the validity of scripture in anyway possible but realized that the Holy Bible is much more factually rooted in history than he ever realized. If you have taken the time to read all of this and are wondering why I even bother, it’s because I know the Truth since I sought it out (seek and ye shall find) and I wish to share it with you! Jesus will change your life and will soften your hardened heart of hatred into a heart of love and courage. I encourage you to keep searching for the truth and to always keep an open mind; Please don’t barricade viable possibilities because of preconceived bias. There’s a lot more to the story than meets the eye, you just have to do a little digging. Start with Lee Strobel. He has an amazing story. There are many more like him who have their own testimonies like J. Warner Wallace or Ravi Zecharias. | Votes: 20 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @unleashthetrojanoftruth7845 |  @anhedonianepiphany5588  LEMMING PROPAGANDA SHOVING BOT, SHOVE IT! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @stanleyhood4343 |  @Moldy_Apple  or you can take the short cut and ask God directly: 1 if he exists 2. The truth of the Bible. If there is truly a God you will have answers to your questions. | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @daniella921 | Yet the world believes these scholars. People believe in people with degrees. I dont believe any of mofos | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @anhedonianepiphany5588 |  @Moldy_Apple  If you weren't such a poor judge, you wouldn't have wasted your words! I'm a firm Christian, and considerably older than yourself. Your attempted condescension betrays your true sentiment (and your 2-digit IQ). | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Moldy_Apple | Anhedonian Epiphany The words were not wasted, brother, there may be a passerby on this thread whom receives guidance from what is written. However, I am glad to hear that you are a devout believer! Maybe there was a misunderstanding, I took it you were disputing the historical veracity of the Word of God, but from re-reading the comment chain I see it could be construed differently. Do you believe the events in the Bible to be historical fact? | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Moldy_Apple | Daniella Those in the world do not believe these scholars, for the world is of flesh and is opposed to the Kingdom of Heaven. Those in the kingdom have eyes to see and ears to hear the spiritual depths of life and so they believe the scholars of Christian theology because they believe in God and because the scholars are consistent with God’s Word. Here are some scriptures so you may understand what I mean. “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.” - 1 John 2:15-17 ESV Romans 12:2 ESV / 483 helpful votes “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 ESV “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.” Matthew 6:24 ESV “You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” James 4:4 ESV “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. But all these things they will do to you on account of my name, because they do not know him who sent me.” - John 15:18-21 ESV So the world hates God because He is not of this world. But God does not hate the world, he loves it! “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jukeboxjohnny2112 |  @anhedonianepiphany5588  there was absolutely NOTHING redundant about his "BTW". He stated that just because an event is in the bible does NOT make it untrue.. then he went on to say that also (on the same token) just because it's in the bible doesn't necessarily make it TRUE either. If you're going to troll & try to sound smart & condescend to people you should probably get your reading comprehension skills up to par first. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @damnedyankee946 |  @Moldy_Apple  There is something I take issue with; you said, "Do you know how many manuscripts of the Testament that we found dated in the first century? Over two-thousand!" Paleography has had precious few fragments to work with the oldest of them, and carbon dating has not been done with those. People can find works that place the dates anywhere between 60 or 70 A.D. to 324 A.D. Some of the oldest Roman sources are said to have been forged or dated many years later. We just don't know it seems. Have you any information on this issue? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lorentaidhg8534 |  @anhedonianepiphany5588  Are you taking the beliefs of men over the Word of the Bible? Aaahh..., forever that debate roils..... and you have no more evidence than the next man. Not everything believed by man was set in place by God. Seeing through a glass darkly will only bring you more confusion.... Your "eloquent speech" doesn't confirm your beliefs whatever they are because you haven't stated them. You are more interested in destroying what you think is wrong without proving why. Speak on buddy. Fool yourself some more... | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lorentaidhg8534 |  @anhedonianepiphany5588  No buddy, your age does not justify you or sanctify you. You can't make a case why anyone who doesn't agree with you in lockstep is either 1) wrong, or 2)insufficiently supplied with facts. Please...supply yours. This wonderous presentation by the Naked Archaeologist doesn't impress. And neither do you. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kamal7miledog252 |  @anhedonianepiphany5588  my apologies for misunderstanding. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @hiram10563 |  @Moldy_Apple  'I possess a Mensa level IQ, a vast vernacular and my syntax is grammatically correct.' With respect. Really? May I suggest you read your unparagraphed passage again to see that, in fact, you are not grammatically correct? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @johncampbell829 |  @anhedonianepiphany5588  One must not discount the reality of the fact that when archaeologists are looking for any historical location for a supposed ancient city, they first consult the Holy Bible, as it has never been proven wrong on ANY account | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @TheKingcougar | I know right, modern science does it all the time. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rcchristian2 |  @Moldy_Apple  The bible has numerous mis-translations in it. The King James Bible (one of the most used bible) has the mis-translations of Lucifer in it. It's corrected in modern bibles. There were no printing presses back then and things were recorded by word of mouth for decades... Imagine a story you had to record, but you did it via word of mouth for decades. Things were most likely changed, forgotten or enhanced. On top of that because there were no printing presses, the bible had to be copied word for word, sentence for sentence, the whole entire bible. Imagine if you had to write and copy each word of the bible for every copy you made. Errors crept in to the bible and we know this because of modern Biblical textual criticism. We know there are mis-translations like the name Lucifer which wasn't a fallen angel, but a morning star Venus (and the exile of a Babylonian King), and we also know by the most earliest manuscripts that the number of the beast was probably 616, not 666. Those little details matter. I challenge you to look up Lucifer mis-translation and also start to study biblical textual criticism and origins of the bible. Things are not as clear cut as you think. Go back to the earliest manuscripts you can find, and you will find many discrepancies as most modern scholars find. You will then realize that the bible could not be the word of god. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @nooneknows5056 | Anhedonian Epiphany honestly just here to watch controversial videos didn’t know when someone comments their personal beliefs they had to get ridiculed by the grammar police but I do wonder if you have the balls to say stuff like that to someone’s face answers probably not I’ll just hide behind the computer screen🤓 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @odilemukayiranga5741 | I find this ridiculous tell us as well the timeline between each and every event and let see how it goes with your timeline. And by the way you said water was dried up with hydroxide how does it come to swallow Egyptians?!! You are just too daring. Let God in heaven expose what you are trying to show that He is an unable God. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Katiesarabians |  @odilemukayiranga5741  you ought to watch again, I think. Your post made no sense, like you missed a part. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Qohelethful |  @Katiesarabians  a larger problem would be the construction of Phi-Rameses which dates to the late 1300s which Hebrew slaves helped to build. This whole documentary found more evidence for Joseph than the Exodus because the time period was wrong. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MrBernardgalway | Yes it's called "woke" in the 21st century. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @kevivpen3661 |  @anhedonianepiphany5588  You very much resemble a typical high school English teacher, using fancy speech expressions and poinitng out others' mistakes down to indentations level. Your frustration on the main comment is apparent from the way you lash out at the others. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @anonymousone7448 |  @anhedonianepiphany5588  It's fine to comment ,but you don't have to take on a clever and unkind attutude. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @anonymousone7448 |  @rcchristian2  Can you prove it?Do you have the solid actual evidence? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @manuell.marchan8434 |  @Moldy_Apple  Very excellent spiritual explanations, I Love it... May the God of the universe always bless you... | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @dudeman5303 |  @kamal7miledog252  Neither the old testament or new testament largely are proven to be fact. Closest to fact are the books that document history, but those are a bit slanted because obviously any group of people documenting history will put their own people front and center and glorify themselves, but many of the stories were being documented 300-400 years after they'd happened, like the ones about Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar which happened in around 600 bc, but it was written in the old testament as if it was prophesy in around 200 bc. But then stories like the Exodus or Noah and the Arc just couldn't have actually happened. And I don't just mean physically impossible I just mean the events done line up and there's never been any archaeological evidence/scientific evidence either | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @KC-YouNeverStopLearning |  @Moldy_Apple  Bless you and Peace be with you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @HellaDAltar | Agreed. It feels like christianism trying to destroy other cultures all over again. There is a reason the timeline is what it is, we can't just change it because of a theory, much less one based on religion. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 11 days ago | @astronautonspace2486 | Theres no one named moldy apple in this section 💀 i think I'm funny | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @flintliddon | The “History “ Channel has absolutely NO credibility. They should be required to give up the name. | Votes: 169 | Reply: false 4 years ago | @mr.e3894 | Still more credible than any bible story... | Votes: 20 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @_rob_. |  @mr.e3894  Someone tell you that? | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mr.e3894 |  @_rob_.  sure, reason and logic..... | Votes: 11 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @_rob_. |  @mr.e3894  I'm more fond of knowledge and wisdom myself. But hey... good luck with that.👍 | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mr.e3894 |  @_rob_.  let me help you out with some " Knowledge " and wisdom Book of Numbers 31:17-18 Exodus 21 Entire Chapter Genesis 38 : 9-10 Let me know if you would like some more!😇 | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mr.e3894 |  John Carboni  stories, mythology....call it what you wish. It does not make it historic or real... | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mr.e3894 |  John Carboni  where is the evidence for this claim. I have asked you several times, and you have yet to provide any evidence whatsoever. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mr.e3894 |  John Carboni  says the clown with one of the DUMBEST responses you can get ... you CLEARLY don't understand what evidence is, do you? | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @joquanon103 |  @mr.e3894  sure, great verses. Context is key of course - Numbers 31:17-18 - Disobey God's command for extermination and bring back ungodly spoils - you face consequences. Plague broke out in the camp and orders were given to kill off Israelite males partaking in spoils. Exodus 21 - Great chapter, lays out Hebrew society in those days, the rules and limits to sell yourself as a bond servant for a term, the handling of men and women, in exchange to have your debts forgiven. Our own financial market cycles follow a 7 year cycle, voluntary or not. Genesis 38 : 9-10 - Again, societal protections for women and the inheritance of estate. If a husband dies before an heir is born, it is the duty of the unmarried brother to marry his dead-brothers wife to redeem her, have kids, and keep her from being turned away into society childless and without an estate. Much wisdom from these verses! Amen! 😇😇😇😇😇 Truly amazing to read how other cultures fared, compared to Old Testament Israel. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @elgarjessrecodo4486 |  @blessedman1959  amen.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @deloachapproach4273 |  @mr.e3894  - so, you believe in what the Ancient Alien Theorists proclaim as truth? Sure... And then you say ANY bible story? Even historians, one a contemporary to Jesus (Josephus) says Jesus both lived and was crucified. In book 20, Chapter 9 of Antiquities Josephus mentions James, the brother of Jesus. That is three stories (birth, crucifixion, brother) that are one-hundred percent true according to a Jew (no reason to lie in support of Jesus) who was a contemporary of Jesus. The history channel, at times, gets it wrong, and has, as of the past few years, broadcast much having little to do with history (alien theory - come on, man). Anyone so sure of what they have not seen or experienced is foolish. None have ever seen the vast majority of galaxies, stars, nor solar systems, yet that does not mean they do not exist. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @deloachapproach4273 |  EmperorJuliusCaesar  - I cannot say I know all things, but I do know many things having an IQ in the upper five percentile (all believers are not stupidly ignorant as many think), so I will leave you with this: For more than a century scholars have tried — and failed — to confirm the life and works of Jesus through a non‐Christian source — a text that would not have been colored by the militant faith of the early believers. (The earliest Christian sources, the Gospels, are believed to have been written at least a quarter of a century after the Crucifixion.) The works of Josephus, who lived from A.D. 37 to about 100, were the obvious place to look since his detailed accounts of polities and religion in first‐century Palestine, published near the end of the century, were written from the viewpoint of a Jew turned pagan. Unlock more free articles. Create an account or log in Yet modern Christian scholars are almost unanimous in considering the passage on Jesus in the Greek texts of “The Antiquities of the Jews” by Josephus to be “too Christian”—that is, a forgery by church leaders of the third and fourth century designed to bolster the historical legitimacy of their faith. Besides the Greek text there Is an ancient Slavonic translation that is more suspect, the reference to Jesus being expanded into an even fuller acceptance of church doctrine. What Professor Pines says he has located is an earlier version of the passage, unaltered to reflect church teachings about the divinity of Jesus. He reports his discovery in a monograph published in English by the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @joshm2690 | Religions are not historical fact at all , THey are mostly fiction and They are based of faith , faith is the absence of fact and to ignore you learned knowledge and facts . | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @_rob_. |  @mr.e3894  "let me help you out with some knowledge and wisdom"... No thanks. Last human on the planet I'm listening to about knowledge and wisdom is ... a vain, video game playing, racist, fallen from grace, ex-catholic, that worships money. Anywhooo... like I said... good luck with that logic and reason thingy thing. You've got 2 great looking kids there, and Jesse seems to be your smile. So good luck in eternity. If you ever decide to give God a second chance?? Stay away from epiphanies. HEY!!...a question for you, if I may?? With all that logic and reason you consider greater than knowledge and wisdom... why did you send your kid to a catholic school in the first place? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mr.e3894 |  @_rob_.  racist?!? So you managed to creep information on me, did you not see the vast diversity on my friends list? What I have found, is when a white person calls a minority a " racist" with no explanation, that person tends to be the " racist " . Speaking of " racism" , doesn't your bible continuously say that gods " chosen " people are the Hebrew Isrealites? That sounds pretty racist to me...especially when you read in exodus 21 on how NON-hebrew slaves could be violently treated. Rather than try and disprove anything I said, you simply resorted to ad hominem attacks....how very classy of you, and very " jesus " like. You see, one of the things that quickly made me lose my " faith" were hypocrites like YOU. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @mr.e3894 | @arjy still more credible than your fictional bible... | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @_rob_. |  @mr.e3894  Lies? And now reason and logic tell you that Truth is a lie? You really should at least try leaning ...toward knowledge. Even if you never get wisdom and understanding. And if it helps your logic and reason in any way... I'm not white. Maybe that...knowlege, will help with your logic. Here's some more knowlege, it may help with your reasoning... I'm not concerned one bit in with even giving a moments thought to "disprove" your skewed spealings on The Bible. All I did was type the Truth as an answer to a questing you asked me. Give all that knowledge, a wee bit of your logic and reasoning time. Your own words said you "lost faith". Good luck with eternity dude. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @christinenoneofyourconcern4280 | That`s why we call it the joostory channel,they approve all the lies that are shown on this channel. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @apotheosis4757 | Who are to say, mr expert | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @cotaryan3740 | Esaul Viramontes hey Mr reason and logic, how bout the moral argument for Gods existence. Go gnaw on that for a while and get back to me on here for all to see how logical you are and how well you can reason with out copy and pasting | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @paulagwhyte1720 |  @blessedman1959  LMFAO!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Channel-rj1kj | flintliddon you are a fool. I’ve studied this and the is zero proof of an exodus. Wake up you are being tricked by evil. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @delilahsorensen855 |  @mr.e3894  Oh!!! I really want to see your expression when you meet your Creator! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mr.e3894 |  @delilahsorensen855  another baseless claim. I suppose I can play that game as well. I'd like to see your face when you realize it is all just bronze age mythology. I suppose it would be like that of a child who just found out that Santa claus is not real... | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @zoehannah6278 |  @_rob_.  common sense ;) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @zoehannah6278 |  @_rob_.  yeah, christians and wisdom ahahahahaha, really...🙄 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @2gunzup07 |  John Carboni  why the universe gotta be created by one person? Why one god? Everything comes in pairs,groups but YOUR God is alone | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @theblackgoatofthewoods | Why? Because they dont dig with the bible in one hand ? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @theblackgoatofthewoods | Why? What do you think is wrong? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @steviepigford8485 | Gone down hill from what used to be...C R A P😎 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @majadrazic9336 | Why is that... These archeologists are working in very credible places. At least you can think about it,before you reject it. Everyone has the right to think differently. 😉 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @theblackgoatofthewoods |  @majadrazic9336  Not if you follow bronze age books. They never change and find anything that speak against its wrong by default.... Would be fun if they would let a doctor who use bronze age medicin when they are ill | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @AmazingKevinWClark |  @blessedman1959  No logic, reason and a little bit of effort in research show our history with religion is corrupted and designed to control the actions of it's followers. Ever heard of Heron of Alexandria?? Try reading up about him. He spent years of his life inventing machines that seemed like miracles for the religions of the time. The bible is no less an amalgamation of the same mindset. In fact many of the stories in the bible have many versions of the story but have been combined into a single version. Humans made the bible for humans sake. It reeks of a human perspective that has changed over time because that's who made it. Science cant back up a lot of what was claimed in it because it's not scientific. Humanity was too young in it's understanding and the bible has always been used to answer questions people dont understand. The only thing religion is good for is holding people back and subjecting them to a moral standard that limits their experiences and world view. How many people dont get to watch or read Harry Potter because of arbitrary pious beliefs?? How many people dont get to hear interesting music because someone told them it's devil's music despite knowing nothing about it?? The rock and roll genre was once that way. Stop living life for someone else's words and start living it for yourself. Experience and explore more of what you thought you shouldn't. You might find there's more to something then just what someone else told you there is. Just because you explore more doesnt make you a bad person or doing the wrong thing. Morality isnt owned by one. The story of the great flood appears in many religions. It's retold in different versions. Ancient Greece also has a version that includes the gods they worshipped. The story structure dates back before the bible. The truth is that many of the stories were already being recycled and shared around. Have a look at this article... https://www.google.com/amp/s/time.com/44631/noah-christians-flood-aronofsky/%3famp=true | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @brandedbylife5563 | martin  so it's logical that in order to get striped sheep have them breed looking at sticks in a row? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @brandedbylife5563 |  John Carboni  😂🤣 that's the pot calling the kettle black. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @brandedbylife5563 |  @deloachapproach4273  IQ scores only show how apt you are at taking an IQ test. Nothing else. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @xsyzz |  @blessedman1959  not even the people back in the days thought that the bible is true.. its a guideline how to life your life in form of some real and mixed up stories ... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @thebeybladearmory | Except history happened. And history can be proven. Unlike most of the made up stuff in the Bible. This is an ccurate telling of some of the historical things the Bible mentions. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @thebeybladearmory |  @_rob_.  are you a psychopath who pretends to be a detective? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @_rob_. |  @thebeybladearmory  No. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @smokeyliver5736 | russ martin the bibel is Logic book. Then bro how old is the Earth in the bibel? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @_rob_. |  @smokeyliver5736  The Bible doesn't say. I answered just in case he doesn't answer your question. I'd hate to have you ignorant about it. Oh... and you might want to try a spell checker there bibel. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @smokeyliver5736 | russ martin nice then tell me how gobekli tepe Got buried around 11000 years ago in Turkey? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mr.e3894 |  @blessedman1959  really? What did I misrepresent? Instead of giving a one liner comment, how about some actual substance? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @mr.e3894 |  @blessedman1959  so you provide zero evidence because you "know " I will reject it?!? Do you even understand how ridiculous that sounds? Also, you said I reject god out of fear?!? That doesnt make any sense! I am scared of great white sharks, that doesnt mean I reject sharks! You claim I have zero logic and reasoning, and yet , I am easily able to destroy your weak arguments....cmon man! Try a little harder! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dstripedape978 | Why can't biblical events be embellished historical events? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @HardRockMiner | In the beginning, there was nothing. Then God said "Let there be light." and there was light. And there was still nothing, but you could see it. | Votes: 169 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @whothefoxcares | Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, after God created the Patent Office. | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Niawen2011 |  @whothefoxcares  Sounds like something Sam Clemens would have said. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mariocassina90 | And then came ads | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @odincoulombe706 | lol cute,,,take DMT and you will see the light.... | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @harveywabbit9541 | Let there be light = spring equinox and beginning of religious year in Aries. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @inkyguy | Cosmologically, light flooded the universe soon after the Big Bang (about 350,00), long, long before our Sun, solar system, Earth and day and night. So, I'm not saying Genesis is correct or literally true, but the idea of their being light before the Sun, Moon and day and night is interestingly consistent with the evolution of the cosmos. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @harveywabbit9541 |  @inkyguy  Genesis should start with: "In the beginning (start of new year @ spring equinox) the Gods (Elohim) separated, not created, Heaven (sun above equator) and Earth (sun below equator). | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @stephenangermeier2674 | Guitar shopin | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @HardRockMiner |  Andy Santi  - ?? ... It was a joke. You must be no fun at parties. | Votes: 13 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @Mark-um5hc | It seems like people like to speak against God in some of the post I've read. I don't think that's a good idea. You should probably take it more serious. It's not a good idea at all. You could cause someone to turn from God. When they were looking for truth to begin with. And God could hold you responsible for someone turning away from him. It may be a joke to you now. But, not so funny later. Think about it. | Votes: 21 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Mark-um5hc |  Andy Santi  , very true. God is not someone to play around with. Especially if it causes them to turn away from him. | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @hillbillytarzan | Karen Yung actually they say he purchased the rights from others who invented them and patented them | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @hillbillytarzan | inkyguy the Big Bang? Funny how that theory became fact by faith and evidence cooked up to support it. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @xperiencegodinspired9587 |  @harveywabbit9541  interestin theory.. care to communicate some more? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ajaysaini-vq9hk | Only ved had true light. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @allanlindsay8369 | ​ @HardRockMiner  greetings. It was a joke, but you have to admit it was joke of a joke. I'm an expert because I'm great fun at parties. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @HardRockMiner |  @allanlindsay8369  - 🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @allanlindsay8369 |  @HardRockMiner  greetings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62eTq8ErUOQ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @inkyguy | Randy Isaac, that's quite incorrect. The evidence did not have to be "cooked." The model existed and then Penzias and Wilson stumbled across the manifestation of its after effects with their receiver at Bell Labs in Princeton. The Big Bang is now a "grand theory," i.e., uniformly accepted scientific FACT. To protest that evidence was cooked demonstrates a stunning ignorance of history and state of science. You can still dispute it, but the burden of proof is on you. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @vinnieg4014 | HardRockMiner light was the sun ☀️ | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jesusislord7772 |  @whothefoxcares  God invented the sun a giant lightbulb | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jerryrose6895 | That is not what light means it represents knowledge or truth. You shouldn't read English bible literally it was translated from Greek. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @peterroberts2737 | God said "let there be light" and there was light and you could see for fxxxing miles | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @paullangton-rogers2390 | That's because Thomas Edison had not yet patented the first light bulb and it took him at least 1,000 failed attempts. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jerryrose6895 |  @paullangton-rogers2390  yep he had to use his political connections and a smear campaign to force a real scientist N. Tesla out of the competition Edison came up with the concept of modern DC "direct current" Tesla whom Edison hired to make it ended up doing so and improving upon it with "alternating current" after Tesla was bankrupt and shunned Edison took his Teslas discovery and ran with it. Today every home office or computer is alternating current the battery in your car is DC but from the battery it is converted to AC for the onboard computer and dash lights radio etc. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @paullangton-rogers2390 |  @jerryrose6895  So true, very sad how it ended for the great Tesla, the real pioneer of the modern world and electricity. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @leomanga2542 |  @harveywabbit9541  make your own bible bro | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Onelightoftheworld |  @Mark-um5hc  - What you said is remarkable and true! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tonyamonte2503 | Who put God there. Is that entity not the real God thus the term Gods? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bombazine2 |  @inkyguy  the third day - dry land, seas, plants and trees were created. the fourth day - the Sun, Moon and stars were created. you dont see a problem with this?? lol | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ReverendBeelzeboB |  Andy Santi  What about the other version of that fairy story, contained in that poorly edited, much revised, morally abhorrent POS 'book' you claim to follow? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ReverendBeelzeboB |  Andy Santi  says, "You on drugs because history proves Jesus Christ" Oh, Fer Chrissakes!!! i give up....Hallelujah!!! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @freethineheart_2534 | 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @hillbillytarzan | https://www.newsbreakapp.com/news/0MXaeizu/big-bang-theory-questioned-as-star-older-than-universe-discovered?docid=0MXaeizu | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @hillbillytarzan | inkyguy https://www.newsbreakapp.com/news/0MXaeizu/big-bang-theory-questioned-as-star-older-than-universe-discovered?docid=0MXaeizu | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @hillbillytarzan | inkyguy I like that word “stumbled”. That’s a scientific word. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @joyceruserious7920 | ​ Andy Santi  read Joseph Wheless book Is It God's Word and find out if Elohim means one god or the gods...and was later on reinterpreted to give the impression that they worshipped one god or many gods. I think you will be surprised, you can find the pdf on line free to read. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @JoeSmith-xm3wb | HardRockMiner -"Now that's 😀...you made a good funny, dude!" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @jamesbonde4470 |  @inkyguy  No, Bigis just a theory. Not proven, not provable, just religion disguised as science. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jamesbonde4470 |  @whothefoxcares  In the late 1800s prominent intellectuals declared that they should close the patent office because everything had been invented. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @inkyguy | James Bonde, as someone with both a science bachelors and a masters degree, I can definitively say you have no idea what you're talking about. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @magykrat | inkyguy c | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Mouse_007 |  Andy Santi  so just like me god does his best work in the dark ! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @kairuannewambui8456 | Karen Yung then there was little light for few minutes.Lewis..wait a..lets prolong try this.bad boy.wow.Edison..i should have known..Boys team work..like social media.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nikiherrera3601 |  @HardRockMiner  lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @deshuntaallen9112 | Who could see it | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Ctenid | Do not be deceived, God is not mocked. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Itsaboutthewaterlife | Dang: that's good. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @paxmule | Very good!!!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @anitaneal3082 | The creator of the universe is coming to remove Satan and all his creation so wait on it it's not long now it's on the door step | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @joyceruserious7920 |  Marie Neely  Your thanks makes me very happy, glad to help. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @richardauchinleck1234 |  @inkyguy  I do rather think that YOU are wrong. Believing that all had been invented and patent office should be closed WAS a position taken by some intellectuals in late 1800's, but patent office did not operate then the same as it does today. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @inkyguy | Jerry Rose, the New Testament/Christian scriptures and epistles were written in Koine Greek. Genesis, the rest of the Torah and the rest of the scriptures of the "Old Testament" are Hebrew and translated from that, some of them directly from the Dead Sea scrolls, as those are the oldest extant manuscripts. Only there New Testament portion of the Christian Bible was written in Greek. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @cynthiasavage120 | Brilliant observation..yes I Spit tea out my nose. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @zdzislawstefanowski465 | Jast live it to Alexa | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @myyoutubeacct4880 | If there was nothing does that no imply that deity was not present either? After all, gods are things. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @fivemjs | I don’t know why this comment made me laugh | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @MikeBit21 | This is one of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen. The Exodus has always been one of my absolute favorite Biblical stories that fascinated me since childhood. But I’m also a scientist at heart. Seeing this documentary filled me with immense joy. I am actually extremely thrilled and ecstatic that the Book of Exodus and Science came together and everything appeared to be completely in line. What a story. Thank you very much for the fascinating documentary! | Votes: 166 | Reply: false 1 year ago | @missthunderstormable | Mine too, fave story, especially red see crossing | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @Summer_Snows | I hope that you follow your "scientist at heart" then and do additional research into this rather than just following this extremely flawed documentary. Not a single thing mentioned in this video was even remotely true, as countless real archaeologists and religious scholars will tell you | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @HilaryB. | ​ @Summer_Snows  I believe the Bible, but that doesn't mean I'm prepared to accept flawed evidence. Jacobovici says the Israelites arrived in Egypt 200 years before the exodus, unless I'm misunderstanding him, that isn't true, the Bible states they'd been enslaved for 400 years | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @ramonandrajo6348 | Shut up, fanboy. XD | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @ramonandrajo6348 |  @missthunderstormable  Shut up, fanboy. XD | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @ramonandrajo6348 |  @Summer_Snows  True. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @ramonandrajo6348 |  @HilaryB.  Shut up, fanboy. XD | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @sebastiantorker4930 | You cannot be a scientist at heart and believe in a god who parted the Red Sea, killed innocent Egyptian children to free the Israelites or god commanding Joshua to commit a genocide. There might be some true event related to the Exodus, nonetheless there weren’t any miracles and on top of it the biblical narrative is evil. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 8 months ago (edited) | @TrollYaRollBro | ​ @Summer_Snows good to know you were there thousands of years ago and have PROOF to YOUR claim. So lets see it! Im excited! Lets see your evidence! Did you get a painted selfie with the Pharoah? 🤣 Come now, be realistic, you have no proof to your claim that this is "flawed." Your OPINION is of such... but there is no fact. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 7 months ago (edited) | @snasty5 |  @ramonandrajo6348 do you just comment “shut up fanboy” on every comment? Not very original man, try something else. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Eric-cj8sb | Please use the scientific method and research these claims for yourself. Thet are stretching a lot and making things up. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @JohnSmith-se9yl | Ron Pappin (Chief of Research), was a close personal friend for over 40 years. When we first talked about his theories, it was mind blowing! This was in the mid 1990's. His discovery of the actual location of Mt. Sinai has changed perceptions worldwide. I believe he also was the source of the new interpretation of the "Suf Amar" as "Reed Sea" and not Red Sea as most believe. He was an unsung genius and a great "old friend"! Thanks RP for everything! | Votes: 164 | Reply: false 3 years ago | @christopherbegley6461 |  @kravenfoxbodies2479  Complete babble | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @JohnSmith-se9yl | @Adam Taylor It all happened | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @nomdeguerre7265 | @Adam Taylor And yet Religion and Faith will conquer, today and tomorrow. It will be real, and central to humanity for as long as there are people. Its forms and manifestations will change and mutate over time, but it will persist, and more often than not it will be the central foundation of most sustainable societies and communities. It's the simplistic who believe that human concepts, thinking, ideas and everything they create socially, are based in reality. They are not. Everything is based on a model of reality, and models, unlike reality, are not constrained by anything except need and desire, love and fear...and facility. No ideology or philosophy that turns its back on the fundamental utility of Faith and Religion will long persist, except as sometimes tolerated, usually persecuted, minorities. The skeptics are doomed to the fool's place, sometimes indulged, sometimes humored, but usually flogged. It's always fascinating how often philosophy pursues 'truth' and only finds its, and its community's, marginalization, oppression and destruction. As long as humans are mortal they will need gods, and they will always find them, and they will always have power over those who deny them. As Gibbon put it so eloquently describing classical Roman popular gods: "all considered by the people as equally true; by the philosopher as equally false; and by the magistrate as equally useful". In the end Religion will always conquer those who deny it. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @nomdeguerre7265 | @Adam Taylor That doesn’t matter. Nor does it matter what you think. Facts are facts as you insist. And the fact is Religion and Faith will prevail and your skepticism will always have to submit to it. That’s as sure a proven theory as any demonstrated by repeated experiments, ever. It doesn’t matter one bit whether you agree or disagree or just deny the evidence. | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @nomdeguerre7265 | @Adam Taylor Keep dreaming my friend. | Votes: 11 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @tomrhodes1629 | John, Ron Wyatt found the real "Mount Sinai" (Horeb, which is actually in Saudi Arabia) and the actual place where Moses crossed the Red (yes Red) Sea. Ron even discovered the pillars that Solomon erected to mark both sides of the crossing. And he also found much, much more, including the Ark of the Covenant. (Wikipedia lies, but there are many good YouTube videos.) Truth seekers do indeed find Truth. But most people instead seek for Truth to be what they WANT Truth to be. If you are the former rather than the latter, investigate my work and you will find that the deepest secrets of this Universe have been revealed, including The Meaning of Life. Why to me? Why not. This information has been revealed to all who have eyes to see and ears to hear. And I simply do. God is not limited, and souls don't come here but once. I'm on a mission from God. As Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, and now Tom Rhodes. But a prophet is rarely recognized by his contemporaries. And if you knew why we are experiencing this world of limitation, you would know why. (I don't receive YouTube comment notifications, but seekers can easily find me.) | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Softail77us |  @tomrhodes1629  What do you think about the explanations for the plagues and Mt Santorini, are they credible? They're pretty convincing to me although I'm not very educated on these subjects. From what I've seen so far Ron Wyatt appears to be on target. Except for the Holy Bible, I have a 'don't believe anything you hear and half of what you see' approach. I used to have the monument that Moses erected on the destination side of the sea in google earth but can't find it anymore. Thanks. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @rruma5204 | This video is full of FALSE claims, MANIPULATIONS of Facts, Presumptions and Lies!!!. NOT SCHOLARLY research... That's why this guy and his ideas are refuted by most respected scholars... As for the Flood, look up Gilgamesh. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @aqilardi5266 | @Adam Taylor Jesus was probably a real person though. Just not what he claims to be (a god, apparently) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @patrickpittorino7032 | I hope your old mate Ron was a believer and did good works whilst here my friend. If so you will see him again | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @TadTheTinker | @Adam Taylor Your stubbornness regarding your beliefs are just as valid as my stubbornness to believe the truth of the Bible. My God is the great I Am. God of Abraham, Isaac, and David. Your assertion that none of this is taught in school is ignorance on your part. They haven't taught the Bible in school for a very long time. If you were to do some research, you would find that the historical accuracy of Biblical events are being Proven correct regularly. It has been shown be historians such as Josephus that there was a man named Jesus who was crucified by Pilot around 30 AD. This is only one example. Regardless whether you believe in God or salvation, the Bible is being proven an accurate historical record over and over again. You need to catch up with science. | Votes: 13 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @TadTheTinker | @Adam Taylor You really are this delusional. Do the research. The Bible is in fact historically accurate. It is being Proven more so every year. As technology and science advances more and more is getting verified. Your complete unwillingness to accept anything outside your exceptionally narrow view of things is saddening. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @someguy-cv9jd | @Adam Taylor Jesus definitely existed, there is a huge amount of historical evidence for the existence of Jesus, even hardcore atheists admit this. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @aspektx | Two issues here 'the Reed Sea' translation was taught to me by my Hebrew professor quite a long time ago. I'm pretty sure this has been around for a while. The other issue is that even if he has found evidence in and around Egypt for the Exodus story there is currently no evidence of any invasion or mass migration into what was known as Caanan in those time frames. Just based on those two things makes the guy suspect. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @JohnSmith-se9yl |  @aspektx  First of all, his interpretation of "Reed Sea" was in the 1980's. Secondly, there would be no physical evidence of a migration from 3500-4000 years ago. What, do you think they left sign posts or great building as they traveled? | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @aspektx |  @JohnSmith-se9yl  first you don't know how old I am. And are you suggesting that I think my Hebrew teacher came up with this? You really have a chip in your shoulder. Secondly, you'd gave to ask the majority concensus of historians and archaeologists concerning their evidence as I have only read and heard lectures about this and I cannot give you a detailed account since I don't have an eidetic memory. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @JohnSmith-se9yl |  @aspektx  I do NOT have a chip on my shoulder! How dare you to assume... | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @aspektx |  @JohnSmith-se9yl  well I thought since you started the assumption game we could keep it going. My turn! I'm going to assume that you are a Martian. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @someguy-cv9jd | @Adam Taylor You say that the historians Josephus and Tacitus have long been discredited? Not at all, they are some of the only historical sources we have for the period so we deride a lot of our historical knowledge of the time from them, I'd like to see you, instead of make pointless assertions about the credibility of sources, argue why they are incredible, please do this or we will move on from this topic as you would be wrong. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @someguy-cv9jd | @Adam Taylor No simply untrue, yes part of that quote from Josephus was changed by others later on but scholars overwhelmingly agree that Josephus did say that quote but not all of it as I said, any part of the quote that indicates Jesus being God Josephus didn't say. Once again Josephus wasn't the only scholar to record the existence of Jesus, so even if you manage to refute this, which you haven't, there are others I can refer to. Seriously though if you watch any hardcore atheist vs Christian debate the atheist always admits Jesus did exist, I'm shocked that you are arguing against this universally accepted historical fact. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @someguy-cv9jd | @Adam Taylor please explain to me why either source is bunk, all I see you making are assertions with no substance… | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @nomdeguerre7265  The reality is that there is nothing accomplished via religious mythology that can't be accomplished through secular means. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @someguy-cv9jd  No in all actuality there is no evidence and reality is not based on anyone's opinion or admission of anything. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @someguy-cv9jd  How about you do some actual research on the subject yourself and stop believing things that have in fact been debunked by both theistic and secular scholars. Your arguments up to this point have been fully discredited and debunked. I'm sure you won't do any research but until you do it's obviously pointless to continue pointing out your wholly flawed arguments. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nomdeguerre7265 |  @michaelfox2433  I disagree completely. As long as humans are mortal the need for the transcendent will exist. And nothing secular can answer that need. The moment something does it’s become just a new religion. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @nomdeguerre7265  Your agreement isn't required for my statement to be true. Religion does only one thing and that is give false promises and misinformation. Not one tangible act has anything to do with a belief in a god or not. Religion does not advance knowledge, science, technology, medicine, etc. All of that is produced by secular means even when accomplished by theists. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nomdeguerre7265 |  @michaelfox2433  Then allow me to re-phrase that: you’re wrong. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @nomdeguerre7265  Except I'm not....if you had evidence to disprove my statements you would have given it, but since you don't,....you therefore can't. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nomdeguerre7265 |  @michaelfox2433  It reminds me of a quote from Gibbon: “The Roman people considered all gods to be equally true; the philosophers considered all gods equally false; and the rulers considered them all equally useful.” Philosophers for the past 2000 years (at least) have decried the ‘falsity’ of religion. Yet few were callow enough to conclude that if they could just explain this insight to humanity everyone would see the wisdom of their view. People will always believe what they need to believe when it comes to private personal matters. And there’s nothing in the Universe more private and personal than dying. There’s no ‘secular answer’ to the challenge of mortality and so there will always be religion, and it will always, one way or another play a central role in people’s lives and in society. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @nomdeguerre7265  The answer to mortality from a secular point is simple....it's inevitable and not worth worrying about. That was easy. The rest of your statement was nothing but pretty words,...completely useless and in no way refutes anything I've said but pretty words none the less. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nomdeguerre7265 |  @michaelfox2433  2000+ years of refusal to even acknowledge much less accept that restatement of your view as an acceptable answer suggests the most appropriate response might be: ‘Well, good luck with that.” | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @nomdeguerre7265 |  @michaelfox2433  I’ll go out on a limb here and guess you’re under or nearly under 30. How about we check back in about 35 years and see how it’s going? 😉. If by chance you’re significantly older, let’s still do that. 👍 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nomdeguerre7265 |  @michaelfox2433  If not, then enjoy a nice red wine and the righteousness of knowing you’re so much smarter than the rest of humanity. I recommend a good Carmenere, they’re very affordable at the moment, having become a bit less fashionable leading to a temporary over- production of some really excellent product! 🍷 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @nomdeguerre7265  Wrong again and still no supporting argument for your claim. My age which is in fact 57 has absolutely nothing to do with anything. Your utter lack of a coherent argument or even a valid point shows that waiting for you to say anything useful to your cause would prove completely pointless. If you have a valid point to make, now would be the time to make it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nomdeguerre7265 |  @michaelfox2433  It begins to sound as if you’re one of those unable to tolerate disagreement with their own opinions. Sorry to hear that. But it’s neither a rare nor uncorrectable shortcoming. It does, however, make continuing conversation beyond the point of ‘when it comes to a matter of opinion, I’m always right’ tedious. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nomdeguerre7265 | BTW, that was Krauss’ problem too. I wonder why it’s so apparently prevalent among evangelical atheists? I’ll have ponder that. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @nomdeguerre7265  So you think referring to atheists by a Christian term is somehow insulting......do you not see the utter irony of that ? What am I saying,....of course you don't. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @nomdeguerre7265  Wrong again, my problem is when someone,..that being you,..has no argument based on anything but opinion and expects to be taken seriously. If you had evidence of any kind to support your...opinion,...I would expect you to produce it but you don't and therefore can't. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nomdeguerre7265 |  @michaelfox2433  I provided far more than opinions. History for example. But you ignore anything you disagree with, so what’s the point of discussing it with you further? You dismiss anything that disagrees with you as non-substantive so it’s pointless. It’s like having a discussion with a record, and a 45 at that. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @nomdeguerre7265  You have provided no such thing. Your claims of evidence are claims that have been discredited and accepted as non evidence by both theistic and secular scholars alike. If you had actual evidence you would be in possession of a Nobel prize, but you don't,...so you aren't. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @rokitman5753 | @Adam Taylor o | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @netwt449 | @Adam Taylor yea and the world is flat… RIGHT! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @netwt449 | @Adam Taylor well; you got half right. The bible says one who does not believe in GOD is a fool…. The bible is always true. I feel sorry for you since the only god you will know is death. It does not care about your childish bickering, your feelings, your future plans. And you can’t do a thing about it. It is more powerful, greater than anyone you have ever met. I am glad I know there exists a loving GOD who will help me when this god tries to terrify me. Their is much evidence that the Bible is truth; whether you think so or not. It is the same word that declares GOD is. So I must believe it. You cannot disprove what is in it. You can’t even stop that DEATH from coming. Your just another one of us. You obviously are too lazy to do the research the believers whom you argue with HAVE done. BE WELL | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @ToxicallyMasculinelol | @Adam Taylor you realize jesus is a character from the iron age, right? there weren't any bronze age superstitions about jesus because he didn't exist in the bronze age, whether in reality or as a legend. and... exodus is almost completely unrelated to jesus. we're talking about a difference of at least 600 years, assuming it's just a legend from the babylonian exilic period. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @violetmullikin1725 | People like to take away from God's miracles.. the Bible says if any man add to or take away from that book plagues that are in that book will happen to them. Used to be careful with the word of God it said they crossed the Red Sea not the Sea of reeds. We should be careful with the word of God. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @chodeshadar18 | The Red Sea was never the proper translation of "Yam Suf", which is Sea of Reeds. The first English Bibles were printed hundreds of years ago, and the spellings of words were not fixed yet. With all respect to your friend, he wasn't the first to note that common error. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @Crispvs1 | @Adam Taylor You are clearly a very closed minded person who has difficulty accepting any opinions which are different to your own clearly very prejudiced opinions. You are not a historian, so do not try to pretend you are the master of all historical knowledge. Personally I doubt you have read any of the works you have dismissed and I am quite certain you do not read Greek or Latin either, so you have no idea of the validity of the opinions you have read and heard other than your own opinion. All you ever say here will only ever be that - your opinion - not fact. I am not trying to make you admit miracles as being real - that would be silly, but you know nothing about ancient literature and your opinion of that literature is woefully poorly informed. Things you believe to be settled interpretations of things like the Josephus passage are actually still hotly debated in academic circles. The idea of the Tacitus passage, which takes an extremely hostile view of Christianity, being a Christian addition is laughable. The idea of Jesus being a bronze age fabrication is also very silly. You do not have to be a Christian or even hold a religious faith of any sort to accept that Jesus is actually better attested in contemporary or near contemporary literature (ie within 150 years of events described, which is a normal academic standard when dealing with what survives from the Ancient World) than almost any other person we know about, including Alexander the Great (and here I am NOT including accounts by various authors contained in the Bible). You need to think about your attitude too, and stop being so rude to other posters here. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @Crispvs1 | @Adam Taylor Sorry, but I am one of those historians and like any other professional historian I do not dismiss possible evidence out of hand and I am always open to the discovery of new evidence which gives a better understanding of a period. No person whose mind is closed to possible historical sources can call him or herself a historian with any shred of credibility. The only reason I do not post here under my real name is that my employers do not like their academic staff to be identified commenting on Youtube videos. You speak of "a ton of tangible evidence" for Alexander. Well, of the many known portraits of him none can be shown to be true to life, not even the face shown on the Alexander mosaic on Pompeii. His image is recognised by a combination of three features noted by the ancient art historian Pausanias, namely a far off 'melting' gaze, a tilt to the head and hair which rises up at the front and falls down at either side ('anastole' in Greek). Otherwise, the features of known depictions of him vary to a very large extent. In terms of literary mentions of him, the earliest is that of Quintus Curtius Rufus, who wrote the earliest surviving biography of Alexander at the time of Julius Caesar, over two hundred years later. There is coin evidence, it is true, but that is something which would only apply to a king, a city state or certain known Roman generals and governors (including Pilate). A figure like Jesus (or for that matter a substantial figure like Caiphus or Herod the Tetrarch) would never have coins minted so it would be academically unreasonable to include this in a comparison. So, I am a professional historian, always open minded to sources and possible evidence, and you, by comparison, are a closed minded Youtube troll who has clearly read no Latin nor Greek writer in their own languages and spouts poorly informed opinions, thinking it is not him but others who are fools. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @Crispvs1 | @Adam Taylor Actually I studied Comparative Religion as an undergraduate and many of my colleagues are Hindus and Muslims. Only an idiot would make such stupid assumptions about someone he knows nothing about but who in turn is eminently better qualified than him to comment on matters of ancient history. At no point have I claimed to be a Christian, yet you jump in again with your set of stupid assumptions and silly statements. You really are a very obvious fool, who knows nothing and tries to pretend to people that he is clever. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but you aren't. You give the impression of being someone who has never read anything in his life but loves to pretend his opinion is more valuable than those of others who know so much more. Anyway, I really shouldn't allow myself to be drawn into arguments with mindless Youtube trolls so although I am sure, like any badly behaved teenager, you will want to come back and have some sort of last word, I am finishing here. You really are not worth the time. Tempus transit, sed stultus non discit. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @Crispvs1 | @Adam Taylor If you were funny I would laugh. You don't know anything about me you sad little man. I am not going to rise to your stupid and fatuous assumptions. You have opinions to offer and nothing else. You don't deal in facts - only your silly opinions. Good bye and grow up. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @inkblack6958 |  @Crispvs1  What college/university do you teach at? The historians I know do not teach (in your case ‘preach’) unsubstantiated myth as fact. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Crispvs1 |  @inkblack6958  A fair question. Unfortunately my contract of engagement specifically prevents me from naming the university in fora such as this. I suspect it is because the powers that be think someone might turn out be a secret hate preacher who will spout forth on the internet and bring our venerable institution into disrepute. Sorry about that. As to your other point, that too is fairly made. The truth is that the sad little man I have decided not to engage with anymore has assumed far too much and as a result has misrepresented me. At no point have I claimed or pretended to be religious, and at no point have I made any suggestion that I would be teaching about a virgin birth, resurrection or miracles - these are all his own assumptions. Such things are fine for religiously inclined people to believe, but as a historian they do not enter the equation for me as even if they were true, they could not be substantiated with any corroborating evidence. There are only two points I have been trying to emphasise to him, namely that opinion is not the same as fact and that no-one can state with any credibility that a person did not exist two thousand years ago. To the first, an opinion is just that and nothing more - it cannot be substantiated as fact without evidence to support it. Therefore saying "Jesus Christ did not exist" is an invalid statement, as no evidence can be brought to bear to support that statement. To the second, we can state that a person did exist if there are references to him or her, the greater the number of references within a short time of the event the better. However, no-one can legitimately claim that someone did not exist for a period where we do not have surviving records of 99.9% of the population. As it happens, with Jesus, there are actually at least twelve sources which feature references to him within 150 years, which is substantially more than we have for such well known people as Pericles, Germanicus or even Pompey. Therefore we can legitimately say that a man named Yeshua (Jesus in English) from Nazareth in Galilea had a following in the AD30s in Judea and was believe by many at the time to be the messiah they had been waiting for. We can also legitimately say that he was executed by crucifixion on the orders of the Prefect Pontius Pilate. What we cannot legitimately put in a serious history book is that he was miraculously born or worked miracles, as these as these supernatural things are highly unlikely and could never be corroborated in any way. Religious people can choose to believe that man was the son of God if they wish, and if so they can legitimately accept that he could perform miracles. As a historian though, I must take a sober view and write and teach only that which is known or is likely. The work I am writing presently is on the final century of Roman rule in Britain and the evidence for a period of migration following that, which will contain much which is known and will also necessarily have to propose likely scenarios for some of what is not known as I marshal the current state of the evidence to try to shed light on a poorly understood period. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @inkblack6958 |  @Crispvs1  Fantastic - too bad you’re not a historian. We read Ken Humphries in graduate history class. He raised some very interesting points. Jesus really doesn’t exist in the historical time line. As for God…..well….that’s another silly conversation over a nothing. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Crispvs1 |  @inkblack6958  Actually it was Adam Taylor who tried to suggest I am not a historian. My publisher would disagree with him. My own post graduate work was on the Roman army of the first century BC, and it is ancient military matters and later classical history which I tend to teach. What was your own specialisation? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @inkblack6958 |  @Crispvs1  LOL - so you and Trump have something in common then. Nobody cares about a boaster. Anyhoo…historians today seriously doubt Jesus was real. Even common sense calls it deluded rubbish. “My Publisher”…..such a weak game spud. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @akmallawrence4997 | 980⁹80898888888888888888888888888888⁸888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888⁸888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Crispvs1 |  @inkblack6958  I don't know why you think bringing an ex president of the US into this was clever. I thought you said you had a post graduate education. I attempted to engage positively with you and instead of being sensible you have instead employed an extremely facile mode of reply. You are correct that some historians do not believe Jesus existed. However, they are not even in any real majority and they do not have any particularly good grounds for trying to dismiss the documentary evidence that exists, no matter how clever their arguments are. If they think they can, then I have bridge I can sell them. More seriously, if they think they can, then they will be working to an agenda. If so though, then they had better be prepared to apply that same standard of doumentary dismissal to a whole host of other people and things - Archimedes perhaps, or Socrates. Are they prepared also to suggest that Xenophon made up the Anabissis. You do not simply get to decide what the past was based on your religious or anti-religious beliefs. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @inkblack6958 |  @Crispvs1  You are so predictable, indoctrinated and rationally absurd. Jesus never existed and nothing you spew is going to change that. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Crispvs1 |  @inkblack6958  The more you speak, the less I believe you have ever studied at post grad level. As I said, I tried to engage reasonably with you and in reply you turned into a copy of that sad, poorly informed little man Adam Taylor. You don't appear to understand rationalism either. Like I have said over and over again NO-ONE can disprove the existence of someone said to have lived two thousand years ago. No-one - it matters nothing what clever arguments some people may spin for you to believe. Engage with them as an intellectual exercise by all means, but no argument can change what may or may not have happened in the past. Equally, as I said above, your personal religious or anti-religious opinion has no bearing on whether a person existed or not. You CANNOT disprove the existence of someone said to have lived 2000 years ago, just as you cannot prove that existence beyond doubt. If you cannot understand that very simple point, then I have to ask where exactly you studied. Presumably unlike me, you are not bound by a contract of engagement which prevents you from naming it. Time then for you to front up with the name of the institution you studied at. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @inkblack6958 |  @Crispvs1  Sorry - I have no wish to engage with you. I find you absurd. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @victoriam1207 | @Adam Taylor I think the way you say it , it sounds like you are so perfect ? What do you think ? How about asking ? Where do we came from ? Why do you believe ? Or not to believe ? If you don’t believe ? Why ? Do you still want to live like that ? Making fun about those who suffered in order to saved a lot for human being sake ? For humanity sake ? Do you think ? This is funny ? Do you think those who accepted and truth seekers did not suffer ? Have you ever wonder ,why they kept preaching ? is it their fault if they were chosen ? Is it their fault if they dreamt , dream about the future or past events in their life and the future of humanities ? Ask yourself ! if you don’t repent , it’s up to you ? Remember this and final warning ! This is for worldwide humanity sake .minorities suffered so much and more are coming to share and no one can’t stop it . | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Crispvs1 |  @inkblack6958  Well let's see. When I am preparing to write a book I read anything up to 2000 books and articles. I do this with an open mind and take each on its own merits. Even authors who I disagree with will have made points which are worthy of consideration and so I read them with an open mind, incorporate any good points they have made into my work and explain why I think some of their other points may be flawed. I am always prepared to read an alternative view to my own. - You read a single book and you think a matter is settled. I find that absurd. I teach at a prestigious university and am used to the level of reading post graduate students must do for their research and the intellect they must display in debate. - You claim to have worked at post graduate level and yet you limit your reading to only what you think you will agree with, display no intellectual rigour, and your level of debate is childish. I find that absurd. - You claim to have studied at post graduate level but you are dogmatic in your opinions and dismissive of evidence. I find that absurd. I tell you I am not religious. - You respond by claiming I am indoctrinated. I find that absurd. I engage with you like an adult. You respond with all the self righteousness of a stubborn teenager. I find that absurd. I spend my time trying to engage with you on an adult level. - You waste my time by responding like a petulant child. I find that absurd. I am disappointed in you. You are the one who is indoctrinated; you are the one who is anti-intellectual; you are the one incapable of reasoned debate. You are absurd. I have spent quite enough time trying to engage with you, but it is apparent that you are simply not worth the time. Therefore I will not be wasting any further time on you and your own absurd attitude. Grow up. My final piece of advice to you is to learn to read more widely and develop a truly open mind. Good bye! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @ingridgurban5525 | @Adam Taylor what happened with the other 20centuries....did you just appear straight into the 21st ..... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @inkblack6958 |  @Crispvs1  Yawn….another silly ego-centered huff ‘n’ puff. I’ve read more than one book. Jesus never existed. Please grow up. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Crispvs1 |  @inkblack6958  Yet another teenaged response. You never went to university - your absurd claim that you did just doesn't stack up. I stand by my words. You are an anti-intellectual. Good bye and don't bother to respond. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @inkblack6958 |  @Crispvs1  You are one very immature nugget. Indoctrinated into believing an absurdity. What’s next? Another ego-centered boast I’m guessing. You religious goons are holding back humanity. Sad. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @Crispvs1 |  @inkblack6958  What part of "I am not religious" do you not understand? You are immature - anyone looking at your responses can see that. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @inkblack6958 |  @Crispvs1  Still having a fit I see. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @inkblack6958 |  @Crispvs1  Oh Yeah….my error. Apologies. Still….shilling on about Jesse Chrissy….so bizarre. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @TOBEY95 | @Adam Taylor your belief that Jesus never existed doesn’t mean that all these nature and archeological actions didn’t happen. There’s proof of it. Just because religious thoughts and power battles between countries exist doesn’t take away archeological and volcanic evidence | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @TOBEY95 | @Adam Taylor that would be due to power control and appeasement. Much is distorted to fit narratives that change later, just like we are doing today | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @TOBEY95 | @Adam Taylor or the Bible is written as an explanatory for this things that have take place in life from each perspective. If you want to be transparent, you have to see outside of your view | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @36cowboysintotalatramranch | @Adam Taylor I'd like to point out the talpiot tomb; if it is the tomb of Yeshua bar Yosef then many many people have a vested interest in it being false. If you take the historicity of jesus as fact then it is now falsifiable; and the ossuary would prove he was never resurrected. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @MANDINGO74 | @Adam Taylor only in your little mind can't comprehend the power of God. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @MANDINGO74 | @Adam Taylor your asinine stubbornness will not change the fact that God exists. One day you will bow down and acknowledge Him. I can assure you that you will. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @MANDINGO74 | @Adam Taylor once again it's all in your little mind. “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God”. You are that foolish child. I don't argue with children such as you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @victoriam1207 | then what do you believe ? Perhaps you can convince me not believing in Jesus true teachings . .I did some research , a lot of readings about other religion , believers or non believers , I did not expect that some beliefs system , or non believer teach children , adult , other people to hate their parents , hate government ,etc .So that they can control them .Jesus is setting everyone’s mind to be free , not to overthink .Jesus teachings , taught me how to readjust other people beliefs ,and defend my faith .Jesus words from the scripture , taught me how to readjust with a clear conscience , and taught me to let go any negativity , to be cautious but like a dove except for some reason. . There’s more freedom in Jesus true Teachings, even some great scientist studied about Jesus True teachings. Now that Jesus set me free , i learned to readjust , with A clear conscience .Thank you . | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @MANDINGO74 | @Adam Taylor but I bet you believe the bing bang fairy tale, right? I rather believe in an intelligent design than evolution. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @scottg8841 | All y'all are idiots.... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thewildcardperson |  @nomdeguerre7265  it is dying out lol open your eyes no one in the first world actually think god is real if you did do a blood ritual sacrifice of your first born son | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thewildcardperson |  @michaelfox2433  you actually very wrong about that the catholic church was the main advocate for science through the 16th 17th 18th 19th and 20th centurys and even today catholic schools practice science and even do experiments much like colleges do | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thewildcardperson |  @victoriam1207  you know bud you can take Jesus's teachings and apply them to your life to just be a better person and to be better for the world you don't need the Bible and all its miracles angels and God's to be real for you to expirence what the Bible is really trying to do | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nomdeguerre7265 |  @thewildcardperson  Keep telling yourself that. Believe it if it makes you feel better. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thewildcardperson |  @inkblack6958  lol what a joke tell you what tell a member of the taliban you don't beleve in God you'll find our how to beleve. quite quick or you'll meet God himself lop | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @thewildcardperson | @Adam Taylor yes there was you complete moron middle eastern society like mesotamia did have massive floods that would wipe away entire city's and did you know at one point Gibraltar was closed meaning all of sea of Europe wasn't connected to the ocean it dried up but eventually Gibraltar opened back up and released millions of gallons Ocean water back in equopes sea there was a great flood | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @benjaminrush4443 | John. You know the character & sincerity of Ron Pappin over a span of just 40 years. No coincidences in that you're making his acquaintance. I will wager that through his years of research, you may have believed his claims. Congratulations. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @carmennicholson2867 | Just as how the make up of fake moses ( who was really black) was shown as white, the Egyptians who was really of black Africans was shown as white skin, the hebrews children who were also black as the Egyptians were also shown as white, while in the book of Amos 9: 7 YAH, the ALMIGHTY said the Egyptians and the hebrews (Ethiopians) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @benjaminrush4443 |  @carmennicholson2867  Gates of PBS - Finding Your Roots also is involved in and is being shown on TV - African American Church in America. "Moors" is a reference to North Africans. Genetic Research is revealing that many "White" Cultures have African "Dark" skin Genetics; have been "whitewashed" through breeding. Imagine doing some testing on the White Supremacists in America, and informing them that they have in their Genetic History the African "Dark Skin" Gene? Not being one for evolution, but there is a study going on from the: The New History of the Human Race - Answers in Geneses by Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @NoName-ii8xj | Well, then that is even more of a miracle! How God could drown the whole Egyptian army, including horses in a shallow stretch of water! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @NoName-ii8xj | @Adam Taylor They have claimed that over the centuries and yet Christianity still prevails because the truth cannot die. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @NoName-ii8xj |  @aqilardi5266  Jesus is not a god, He is God. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @victoriam1207 |  @thewildcardperson  , , It proves That hatred towards believers are real .if you don’t need the Bible , good living soul of a human being like an angels as stated above your reply as (wild card) . Then , what do you believe ? Do you truly believe you are a good person ? If you are young , or adult what are the things you’ve done to become a person .Believing or not , do you think others are way better than you ? Do you think your parents are way better than others or some family ? If not , then what do you believe to become a better person? if you don’t believe at all ? .If you don’t believe , then just be a good person and obey the rule of the land and never be left out alone .always remember , different people have different experienced in life , sometimes we need some motivation and encouragement from family’s or friends /relatives .it’s your choice if you apply it or not into your lives What do you think ? apply it individually?did you ? .The good things of Jesus (words )teachings from the beginning , he/she ( manifestations ) explained it in a way people had /will understand the things he wanted them to understand ..That’s why Jesus showed some illustrations .He and other brothers and sisters who studied the words thoroughly till now ,understand those messages and leave it or left it to them .We called it today the Bible , before and till now they called them the Scroll 📜.There are things hidden but I think , any individual can search answer from the Bible scriptures , from your parents , other tools like research work , different teachers , different viewpoints from individual or a group /family research and actual experienced of anybody or those who had experienced it . .We are all imperfect , no one is perfect , the good thing of the teachings revealed that we are all imperfect, but the faith and hope of a human beings manifested other things in believers life .Pray or not to pray at all , whatever you believe , that you will always have a good life , good friends , good family who will always there for you and your family .Jesus set us all free from the truth , whatever is the truth with you and your family , friends and others , it will saved /save you because Jesus (Words ) from the Bible , is the shield of an individual .Whatever hatred you go through , express it to God , who manifested the Truth and other things . It’s not an individuals own doing ,But by Grace and truth from God , we are all saved .Have fun , but be sure those will be a better choice for an individual , individual family’s , different religion’s responsibility , as we shared it to them and others .I thank God , the teachings /truth manifested in me and my family from the Bible scriptures and things that are happening to me beyond my comprehension and perhaps others , revealed the hidden meaning of a human beings .God manifested the Law , who Created everything .The Most High God Jesus( words ) taught us in different way.Thankful and grateful To our God Almighty , The Most High God who Created everything and manifested the Words to all humanity and to our fellow brothers and sisters as we are all connected , perhaps any Individual manifestation but everything are /were all connected in a good way , whatever is acceptable with a clear conscience .Then , inner joy despite of our imperfection will be to any individual , as we all continue to study the words and other things revealed with a clear conscience . God Bless United States of America and all immigrants family’s , who came before and even lately . .Happy holidays and advance Happy New Year to all . | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thewildcardperson |  @victoriam1207  good and bad were invented by people you complete moron they don't exsist and you can't measure it all that matters is if you live and your genes survive beyond you anything other then that doesn't matter unless your like me a human who knows so much science I can play God I know how to make mew species of cells I can create life I've studied chemistry I can make Gold out of water I could preform miracles that would triumph Jesus I'm just not so arrogant to proclaim only I can do it because of God no we are special not God governments made it up so they could justify there cruelty to themselves and there slaves you need to open your closed mind off | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @lreadlResurrected |  @aqilardi5266  Flip your probabilities and you've got a true statement. Those seeking a human Jesus are chasing a ghost. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AWikkedMoon | Ok. The great flood was done by god to get rid of his horrible grandchildren. "The Gnostic Truth, Nephilim Giants, The Grandchildren of god." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtfgQaPkUHY&t=513s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon. We were also divided by god at the tower of babel "The Gnostic Truth, Unity vs Division. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upks5oLN1mY&t=125s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jonfromtheuk467 | head of what research? - he's so important that not even wikipedia has a page on him. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @benbrasfield5092 | Your gat | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @steveclass382 | Isn't it amazing that all those Egyptians drowned in knee deep water? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @MetalByzantine |  @michaelfox2433  u are. You are just a dumb angry atheist ignoring every sign possible because you are to scared to believe. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @MetalByzantine  And you are obviously a gullible narcissist that has no idea who I am, what I think about anything or how to discern reality from fantasy. Rationality follows actual evidence,...theists on the other hand, manufacture evidence to suit their nonsense beliefs. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @MetalByzantine |  @michaelfox2433  “do you know who I am” 🤓🤓🤓🤓 yes I do. A self entitled brat | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @MetalByzantine  At least you are aware of your flaws,...its the first step towards healing yourself. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @timpage5021 |  @aspektx you’re delusional | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @aspektx |  @timpage5021  And that's name calling not an argument. /shrug | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @shaskins15 | I always wanted to be an archeologist. And this part of the world is so fascinating | Votes: 155 | Reply: false 2 years ago | @adventurehawksancientharmony | I was employed as an archaeologist for 7 years. A very fascinating line of work. “ Those whom fail to study history are doomed to repeat it” | Votes: 11 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @Joanlow1440p |  @adventurehawksancientharmony  how much was you getting payed to be an archeologist ? | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @mariatrinitymya8618 |  @adventurehawksancientharmony  wow that's amazing. I also want to be an archeologist too. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @mariatrinitymya8618 | I also want to be as archeologist too. That's why I come here to explore other than my history book. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @DwayneShaw1 | I think all the "experts" in these videos always wanted to be archeologists too ... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @DwayneShaw1 |  @adventurehawksancientharmony  - "It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards" - The White Queen | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @bellafontejohnson-bm8ep |  @Joanlow1440p  “how much was you getting paid” sound like Rey Rey on the corner sellin rocks. Learn proper grammar. “How much WERE” not was. Go back to school | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @flowerflower7115 | Me too 😄 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 11 months ago | @thedabbinunicorn5432 | 100% | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @josefoglio9250 | Methodologically the analysis is incorrect. The author has a definite thesis and looks for evidence to prove it. ;Then he collects inconsistent clues such as hycksos that would be Jewsh, eruption of volcanoes, bas-reliefs in Greece that give rise to dozens of interpretations and not only the one given by the author of the video; jewels that he dismantles to prove an ark that no one ever has seen. I think that to sustain the plausibility of the exodus, three questions have to be adressed : 1 why the Egyptians who recorded 3,000 years on their monuments and papyri never mentioned that Jewish tribes inhabited southern Egypt for 200 years and that they were enslaved (Egyptians would not be ashamed of such an institution normally accepted in the ancient time -Actually in USA was supressed less than 200 years ago after a cruel civil war ) 2 Where are the remants of the formidable army of the pharaoh that were never found in the bed of the Red Sea. ? 3. Why are there no traces of the 600,000 Jews who for 40 years wandered the Sinai peninsula? Everyone can believe what he wants: That the Bible is allegory or, is inspired by God or that each word must be interpreted literally. This is faith. What cannot be said based on the manipulated indications presented in the video, is that it has scientifically proved the Exodus historicity , If events that occurred 80 years ago are still discussed by academics in relation to validity of sources used to interpret them , imagine what degree of certainnity can have (historically) something written 1000 years after the apparent event | Votes: 154 | Reply: false 4 years ago | @karltanner3953 | Thank you for saving me the work of typing out that same comment. You underlined the biggest problem with this theory. These guys start with a conclusion and cherry-pick pieces of evidence to support it. That's not how scientific research is done. | Votes: 35 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @peterdickinson4599 | Yup. This is a depressing example of manipulating evidence to fit the story that someone wants to tell, rather than allowing a most-probable narrative to emerge from the all of the available evidence. | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @donrosas3718 | ? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @vx_uk_nw | Slaves didn't build pyramids fact | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @junelledembroski9183 | Actually, Ron Wyatt found it. We were looking in the wrong spot, I wonder why they don’t tell anyone about this... | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @3o3tigger |  @vx_uk_nw  Hahaha, I'm sure that people lined up to lift massive blocks of stone to great heights, in 90 ° weather . | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @KevinJohnson-ov8bb | 1. We actually do have evidence of Semitic slaves in Egypt in many different places throughout Egyptian history. We actually barely know anything about the Hyksos, due to the Thebes destroying the previous Pharaohs’ history. 2. The Israelites didn’t cross the red see and if they did, it would be incredibly difficult to find anything from over 3000 years ago. 3. Numbers are always heavily exaggerated in ancient historical writings. This comes from the misinterpretation of the word eleph | Votes: 18 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @drew-andresvogt652 | Right, and every depiction in Greece with palm trees is Egypt? Not. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @allaboutgaming5671 | You are so smart, do you know who the Egyptian are today if know Jews? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @germansurdey6525 | I agree with you. no more is necessary to say.I accept the explanation of the plagues due to the THERA/SANTORINI ERUPTION. That's all. BUT no divine intervention whatoever. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Prophetess9738 | Please watch this video in YouTube - Finding the mountain of Moses: the real mount Sinai by the Ryan Mauro Show. Hope this helps. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @g.j | It still a nice story. I do not care whether it is real or not. They are all dead anyway and now only exist in imaginations. Its just nice to watch, killing time. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @deonspence7036 | The so-called evidence isn't evidence at all. All religions collapse if a collective consensus begins that this story is false and its definitely false | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @therealamericanchristian6550 | I agree that the video was incoherent and didn't align with history(Why was he mentioning some tablet from 1500BCE when the Israelite tribes appear around 1200BCE?). My problem with your questions is that they're unrealistic. We can't find archeological evidence in the sand of the Sanai, the Egyptians enslaved many people and didn't give extensive record on all of there slaves, and maybe the evidence is still out there. We see after Ramses II reign(The presumed Pharo in Exodus) his dynasty collapsed along with Egypt's control of Canaan, and the Israelites appear in Canaan. It must be some giant coincidence that this all happens to align with the story of Exodus. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ignassmile6393 | If bible is interpreted, then how did Jesus exist ? And why we count time after his death ? Answer me this, how can you question bible as a alegory, if the events that are written there are true. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @therealamericanchristian6550 |  @ignassmile6393  We have not-biased(Non-christian) accounts of him sometime after his crucifixion. ( https://www.history.com/news/was-jesus-real-historical-evidence ). | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @deonspence7036 |  @ignassmile6393  how can u prove the events in the Bible are true without using the Bible. Of course u can't use said book too authenticate said book | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @indianetizen | Most probably a Zionist funded scheme out of their desperations amidst new gen questioning things. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @paulodeleon1715 |  @germansurdey6525  lol if there is no Divide intervention there, how could Moses know all of the chronological effects of the Satorini eruption? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jsphblw | The Real American Christian - Or maybe the later Israelites who were just tribals in Canaan decided to give themselves a backstory once they came to power? The stories would already have been circulating. You just insert your god and prophet and you have yourself a religion. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @deonspence7036 | @Ahmad Yusof Safi What stone and were is this stone located now ?? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @NelleBear | To answer your first question: Maybe because the Egyptians would not spend time and money and space on their religious monuments to portray slaves? Their papyrus writing and monuments that have survived 3000+ years is just a tiny, tiny portion of all the Egyptians artwork and writings. To insinuate that Jewish tribes didn't inhabit the area because they aren't found in any of that minuscule amount of evidence left from the Ancient Egyptian civilization is ridiculous. Their artwork solely served a religious purpose, so why would they honor the Hebrews (as they didn't honor the same gods)? 2nd Question: Because again this was 3000+ years ago and the Red Sea is massive and has undergone massive changes from their time period?? 3rd Question: Did you watch this video? It's very clear that Egyptian authorities are covering up and hiding any artifacts and archeological sites that can be traced to Judaism. I would honestly not be surprised if things have been found but simply hushed up. Or maybe the evidence just hasn't been found yet. They are still discovering new sites and artifacts in Egypt after a hundred years of excavation. Who knows what's hiding under the sands and in the mountains of Sinai. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @robertleffel3156 | You raise good points. But keep in mind but keep in mind that ancient Egyptians recorded history in a different way that modern American. A story like exodus would have been highly embarrassing so unlikely to be recorded at all. There are plenty of instances when inconvenient people (including some pharaohs) or events were completely expunged from official records and we only learned about them from non-Egyptian sources.  Another thing to keep in mind that according to some scholarly estimates we have less than 1% of surviving records for ancient Egypt, so even if there was an Egyptian document referencing the exodus event, the probability is that it's in the 99% group of docs lost or not found yet.  Keep in mind that we don't even know the exact date this might have happened. With general (and well known) problems with Egyptian chronology, no actual name of the exodus pharaoh mentioned in the Bible, we probably have a range of some 150 years when the event may have taken place. Regarding the remnants of the army, it's not that easy to find anything that sunk down some 3,300 or 3,400 years ago, especially if you don't exactly have the exact coordinates. How many sunk Spanish galleons were found. The same answer about the traces of 600,000 people. Even if you assume the number was correct (and I tend to believe it was far much smaller), a group of wandering nomads 3,000 years ago leave leave very little or nothing in terms of material culture, even if you know where to look. Finally, the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. P.S. Until Schliemann found Troy, everyone thought it was a fairly tale. Go figure. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @robertleffel3156 |  @karltanner3953  exactly, pseudo-science at its best. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @robertleffel3156 | ​ @deonspence7036  Judaism is not based on one founding event. Even if you find an ironclad proof that the Exodus did not happen at all, and there was no Moses, Mt. Sinai etc, neither Judaism nor Christianity are not going to collapse. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @robertleffel3156 |  @indianetizen  The exodus account was questioned for more than 200 years, so what? You're not the smart new gen. More like brainwashed uneducated gen that thinks Medici is a name for Italian sauce | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @deonspence7036 |  @robertleffel3156  The lack of proof makes it ironclad. Yeah it would take centuries too rewire the programming of these false myths and the silly faithful.😂😂😂 You got me there | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @robertleffel3156 | @anonymous guy you've made good points but we don't really know for sure that Hyksos were Israelites. Most likely there were other semitic tribes that were friendly to Joseph and his family. Movements from Canaan to Egypt was not unusual at all and the Hyksos were not the only people who moved to Egypt (but probably one of the few who managed to overthrow the ruling dynasty). There is an interesting phrase in the exodus book, something like "there arose a pharaoh who did not know Joseph" and from that time the circumstances of the Israelites quickly went downhill. It's possible that Joseph's arrival happened at the time of Hyksos rule, and the Hebrews were enslaved when the Hyksos were expelled and the new Egyptian dynasty assumed the power. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @robertleffel3156 |  @NelleBear  Actually, there are depictions of semitics (including slaves and traders) in some of the ancient Egyptian tombs (whether they are Israelites, Canaanites or some other peoples is not know because they have no name tags) but there is a general scholarly consensus that they represent "asiatics". Movement of peoples fro Canaan and further in Mesopotamia to Egypt is well documented and beyond dispute. Hyksos takeover is just one of the many examples. There were also Egyptian "slave-grabbing" expeditions to Canaan well documented in surviving Egyptian records (including the number tallies). There is evidence of non-Egyptian people living in Egypt at the time (although the numbers are not clear), with Semitic names. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @robertleffel3156 |  @deonspence7036  There are many events and people in ancient history that lack concrete proof. Yet historians accept them as plausible. Ironclad proof would be an indisputable proof to the contrary. There is no such proof for the Exodus story. I'm not saying it happened exactly as described. But there is enough circumstantial evidence to show that it could have happened this way or another. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @deonspence7036 |  @robertleffel3156  But true historians don't accept this story as plausible | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @kathybrem880 | José Foglio it’s just mythology | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @josefoglio9250 |  @robertleffel3156  the absence of evidence is just an evidence of these absence and this is my point I can not prove that Centauros or winged horses do not exist. I can only say that I NEVER SAW THEM AND DID NOT FIND ANYBODY THAT GAVE ME EVIDENCE OF THEM. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @imadewn | Haha....this is looks more like ancient aliens series | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @robertvoorspoels7164 | Thank you for the work you have done.In Belgium they would have accused me.They all ready did before. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @siddharthakanodia3296 | Agree with you. Everything seemed to fit in too neatly. One issue that was not addressed/ answered is how did Moses know when Santorini would erupt, the timing of the plagues and when the earthquake would part the reed sea and for how long. I would like the authors of this documentary to answer these queries. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Aaron565 | The story has proven archaeological finds, from drowned chariots in the red sea to Egyptian records of a group overtaking cities. Much of the bible is historical record. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @AlithAnar | Aaron565 historical record? Just to manipulate the people | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @robertvoorspoels7164 |  @Aaron565  They found just nothing. No Imperial army at the bottom. Keep on dreaming, I have study religion with Jezuït. All the plaques are proven with siênce, climate changes an poisonous algae where the reason of the red water of the Nile, so study a little bit more or many more . | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @carlstanton2550 | @Ahmad Yusof Safi 8c how do you know that Allah used his will to make a volcano erupt? I don't doubt that the Bible, and other religious texts have some truths in them, but stuff like parting the sea, or willing a volcano to erupt is just fantasy. Either completely fabricated to increase interest in the text, or these things happened because of nature doing its thing, and people manipulated the story of the event to fit their narrative. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @grunchlk | @Ahmad Yusof Safi 8c I know what you mean. I totally believe in the Marvel Universe, but DC is obviously not real... 😬 | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @grunchlk | @Ahmad Yusof Safi 8c I mentioned two fictional universes. I could have said the same using Star Wars and Star Trek. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @grunchlk | @Ahmad Yusof Safi 8c saying one religious text is true, but the other isn't, it's like saying star trek is real, but star wars isn't. Religious texts are not history books. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @williamwatson4354 | I believe that was 600,000 adult men. No mention of the women, children or those too old to included in the census. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @erikthehalfabee6234 | I went to the wikipedia entry and stopped watching this. It's entertainment, not history. Which applies to history channel as whole. Biggest misnomer of TV channels i know. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @WMalven | Yes! Confirmation bias is the enemy of science and truth. Starting with an assumption and then searching for evidence to prove you're right is the foundation of BAD science and leads to unsupportable conclusions and further assumptions being put forward as fact. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @MrPaytonw34 | The Real American Christian Very nicely said I agree about the video that he started with a conclusion and then cherry picked and moved some dates around a bit But you can’t trust them dates down to the year by any means.. your comment completely matches his ... he’s right it does have to do with faith and what it is you believes, do you put your faith in science or do you put your faith in God | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @MrPaytonw34 | indianetizen Yeah that’s what the satan wants you to thinkAnd the Zionist don’t want people believing in God that’s a completely false claim they’re about money and power religion has nothing to do with God | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @MrPaytonw34 | YesNelle Touché well said | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Juan-lf6qo |  @karltanner3953  The evidence is solid, but they try to take God out of the equation; like non believers do | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @anime.soundtracks | Anyone didn't find the three golden image made by danites contradicts bible itself who said only priests are allowed inside the tent? then how they knew how it looked like when viewed head-on? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mitchellc4 | The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. RSV Only-monos God-theos Monos theos Monotheism The Father Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)! Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has ab God! Jesus has a God! Jesus died! God can’t die! God raised Jesus from the dead! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mitchellc4 | The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. RSV Only-monos God-theos Monos theos Monotheism The Father Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)! Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has ab God! Jesus has a God! Jesus died! God can’t die! God raised Jesus from the dead! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @somerandomguy9942 | It's a plausible interpretation + or - a bit. You being in denial and flat out rejecting all possible evidence is you being just another idiot running your ignorant mouth. I am open to alternatives and would rather continue thinking than jump to conclusions and reject or accept things blindly. Preconceived notions indeed. Pot meet kettle. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @somerandomguy9942 |  @robertleffel3156  People today on average are far more intelligent than any period or culture in history. I have an encyclopedia, the internet, nearly all of us can read and write and operate machinery. We do quantum physics, biochemistry, and have mastered electricity. If anyone is an idiot it's you for being arrogant and looking down on others when in reality it's a mirror of you lamenting your own lack of mental capabilities. You need a wake up call from Humility. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @somerandomguy9942 |  @deonspence7036  Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. You aren't educated at all. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @somerandomguy9942 |  @deonspence7036  True historians like myself keep an open mind because I admit I don't know and that truth can be stranger and more shocking than fiction. Idiots, like you, think you already got it figured out so deny certain possibilities you just dont like or can't understand or imagine. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @deonspence7036 |  @somerandomguy9942  LOL your a joke. There's nothing plausible about the story idiot | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @deonspence7036 |  @somerandomguy9942  I see you can't handle direct questions. I'm not interested in your feelings | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @somerandomguy9942 |  @deonspence7036  You could thank me for expending my energy to think reality out for you since you're too egotistical to bother. Jackass | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @deonspence7036 |  @mike62mcmanus  What proof ?? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @TheMrgoodmanners | there is mention of people called apiru or habiru in egyptian texts inhabiting canaan before ahmose, personally i think the evidence presented here is quite compelling and the only reason we dont know more is simply because the egyptian authorities keep a tight lid on such info. most egyptologists actually use the biblical old testament as a way of predicting dates for pharaohs and pre bronze age events in egypt. that what comprised the jewish tribes settled in the delta around the time of the hyksos is of no doubt, human history is rife with instances of mystifying events we dont scientifically understand. even the biblical flood has been proven to have taken place. I've alsways known there was some similarity btwn the danaoi in mycenae and the hebrew tribes | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @TheMrgoodmanners |  @siddharthakanodia3296  the hyksos are expelled out of egypt around this time, thats a proven fact, and within 100yrs of ahmoses death, avaris ceases to exist, 300yrs after the santorini event the bronze age collapse takes place. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @TheMrgoodmanners | @Ahmad Yusof there was no Allah before 600AD | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AWikkedMoon | Ok. The great flood was done by god to get rid of his horrible grandchildren. "The Gnostic Truth, Nephilim Giants, The Grandchildren of god." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtfgQaPkUHY&t=513s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon. We were also divided by god at the tower of babel "The Gnostic Truth, Unity vs Division. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upks5oLN1mY&t=125s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @memyself-nd-i | Christ in me is the only proof I need. | Votes: 152 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @timmyg44 | that's not proof, but instead unshakable belief regardless of the proof. | Votes: 12 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ducducgoose989 | Read James Chapter 2 Verse 14 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @chrisyoung59721 | If that is the only proof you have, then your claim and proof are summarily dismissed. | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ravex24 | Not if you are looking for objective truth. Pshhhh! Hey, who wants to live in reality, though? I'd rather take my short time on Earth and base my life around nonsense because it makes me feel good. High five, brother. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @marygrech1837 | Aman | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @erupendragon7376 | MeMyself &i Belief means accepting something with no proof. If your Christ was real, then everyone would know. It is so sad to see grown men twist their lives over their imaginary friends. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @edengarden6811 | Amen! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @BlackberryTitties |  @erupendragon7376  Riiight! Imaginary friends are for kids. That's why the Bible say you have to be like a child. Because basically you believe in fall for anything. You're gullible. Santa and Jesus are the same to me invisible as f***. People need to get a reality check. If I go around saying that I talked to an invisible person nowadays people will say I am crazy. But somehow Christianity makes an exception for everything. Even when it clearly doesn't make any sense. People do not use common sense anymore. But they have not used it for a long time. But I don't believe in anything I don't see. In that sense anyhow. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @benbendilharan2985 | you hallucinating | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @aleksandrabissani567 |  BartelDoo  What makes you strong? believing in theories without prove? Everything from the Bible can be proven but theories are only theories, hypothetical, To expand your knowledge, please watch miniseries by Prof. Walter J Veith "Creation to Restoration", 8 in total. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @aleksandrabissani567 |  @erupendragon7376  Everyone knows, but most of them reject for convenience. Watch miniseries "Creation to Restoration (8) by prof. Walter Veith. By the way, he has many fantastic miniseries, worth watching even if you are an atheist. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @davidmccallum8172 | MeMyself&I, Would you like to gain the ultimate instructions based on scripture? You will find us mentioned in Zechariah 8:23. We even have some copy cats. Many mysteries are revealed, but G-d will do nothing, that he does not first, reveal to his servants the prophets. I am no prophet, but I am among the first fruits. The strength in the power of the anointing is drawing Ephraim, the ten lost tribes, from all over the planet. This, is for the restoration of all things. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bobgriffith1810 | Chris Young As is your comment | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bobgriffith1810 | Cherry Gorilla Your arrogance is your weakness,, fool | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Mattipedersen | I hope you make Christ wear a rubber! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sakabotou | did you give Christ your permission before he entered you? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mvb33 | Amen,,, | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tinaluna1509 | Amen & AMEN | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @detahhornsem2345 | ask yourself if you truly follow in the true word of christ, if any of us even know what the word is. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ilovejesuschristmysaviour2819 | Cherry Gorilla if you believe in evolution you're brainwashed!!They have never found any proof of evolution it's faith based | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sillywabbit | go to police is your priest has been inside you bro.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @laras90977 | As a muslim growing up with lot of prophet stories, and exodus story is one of them that left impression what God's miracle is for me, and i never thought that i can hear this story again these days and linked with modern science. This is incredible | Votes: 148 | Reply: false 2 years ago | @SM1LE2006 | 🎉 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @afterlife697 | This story is about God freeing his chosen people from the grip of pharaoh. As a Muslim and I’m assuming an Arab you are in no way shape or form included in what the Bible describes as gods chosen people. The Bible tells us that Arabs and Islam or an offshoot of God‘s holy people and that Islam itself is a perversion of the word of God. However that being said. It is very easy to become a part of gods chosen people by simply excepting the love of Jesus Christ into your heart. Even if someone is born Jewish if they don’t accept Christ they won’t go to heaven. Christ’s love and the necessity for his mercy is the great equalizer of humanity we all need it and when we except it we are all equal. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @PAGANONYMOUS | ami If you want to read about what happened get youself a book about the Hyksos. They were the inspiration for the exodus story. the exodus did happen but the Hyksos were Semitic kings of lower Egypt for a while that were defeated and kicked out of Egypt. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @gregmellott5715 | The Bible has many credible stories that are miraculously timed, if one can figure out how God was just more efficient than usual. But considering how efficiently some people can be to do the wrong things; maybe that isn't even too astounding by itself. The relationships that made the timing, well. I think sometimes, the subconscious of those being oppressive therein, sometimes deems to gives them a big backfire and so make "balance" and "that's what's due" make logical "brain flow" sense. Perhaps our brains are more thoroughly informed in that area about the whole of Reality's progressions than we consciously note. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @markmello1366 | To bad this isn't modern science, sorry kid | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @МальчикФантам | @Mark Mello  modern scientists are to busy creating next year's drug addicts. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @eveningstar777 | I take it you realise your forefathers were either Arab Christian or Arab Pagan (if one is from Arab line of course) ISLAM wasnt around during this time Mohammed didnt start until 600 AD (thats anno domini 'after the death' of christ). | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @eveningstar777 | Your forefathers were either Christian or Pagan. Islam didnt start until 600 years AFTER JESUS CHRIST had come down gone through the things he did, forced a king (king Herod) to murder ALL first born sons up to the age of 2years old. Mohammeds birth never put or disturbed anyone or made them feel threatened. Jesus is the true messiah the king who will be returning soon. Listen to people like CHRISTIAN PRINCE AKA THE ARABIAN PROPHET. A Christian Arab whose family clearly didnt allow themselves to convert (others that did were probably by force) He is well learned and educated in ISLAM so knows what hes talking about. He doesnt attack muslims and has great sympathy for them. He doesnt attack Islam personally, he doesnt have to. The quran and the hadith has it a there written down to i criminate itself. (But they dont show/highlight these parts) He reveals all the things they prefer to keep hidden. No kings back then were Muslim prophets as somd of your imams would have you believe. King Solomon was Jewish as was King David. NOT some muslim prophet who solved the issue of 2 women claiming to be the mother of a baby (As a female muslim thought she would enlighten me into some of their so called history. She was gutted when i educated her into the fact it wasnt islams story but jewish history and was in the Torah and Bible. (Of course if they are forbidden from reading these holy books and only their own they will think theirs is unique, original and truthful. Islam didnt exist. Go listen to CP and have your eyes opened. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @eveningstar777 | All you have to do is join an follow the true God. Watch Nabeel Qureshi's testimonies. A beautiful brave man, after all ISLAM doesnt make it easy to leave (Teachings and faith alone should make anyone remain in their religion NOT threats) ISLAM is the only religion that feels it has the need to FORCE people to remain with threats of isolation and or death should they leave. I believe Nabeel was HUGE threat to Islam. He was such a likeable young man and young muslims were beginning to listen to him he was getting quite a following. Someone wanted him gone and he was taken out. | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @87aggietim |  @markmello1366  Maybe you just can't comprehend modern science. I doubt you even have formal science education at the University level. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @87aggietim |  @eveningstar777  It is amazing how easy this is to see, but totally ignored. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @itsrobrash5420 |  @eveningstar777  I am really sorry that you don’t have enough knowledge in your little brain. You have very little knowledge about Islam. For your kind information Jesus was a prophet as well who preached Islam as well. Islam was there always. Learn some basics about Islam before coming to mock. Most growing religion for a reason. If you don’t like to know about Islam at least learn about your own religion. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @moba9232 |  @eveningstar777  Islam is the true religion that god wants humman to follow. Islam starts with Adam, then the message of islam was carried on by all messengers of God including; Nokh, Abraham, Isac, jacob, jossef, moses and brother harron, jashwa, david, soliman, daneil, many others, zachara his son johnson, jesus, and the last one Muhamed. All of them carried the same message from God to people which islam. After the death of each one of them people with time deviate away from islam towards corrupted belives like pagan or christianity or what ever | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @user-cv9wv2dy5h | ​ @eveningstar777  Lool he left Islam for christianity the fool, no thank you | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @stevenwebb3634 | ​​ @eveningstar777  Anno Domini means the year of our lord not after death. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @sebastiantorker4930 |  @moba9232 only fools believe there is such thing as the true religion. The quest for the one true god has divided humanity more than any other topic. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 11 months ago | @slydawg798 | Salaam, As a Christian and also a follower of Abraham. I’ve always wondered how we Christians, Muslims, Jews could end up so far apart from each other. This video proves to us all that the one God is our God. These days especially should prove that our enemy is he that seeks to mutilate our children, kill our unborn babies, and make abomination normal. May God bless you. May He open all of our eyes to who the enemy truly is!!! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 6 months ago | @MonicaSmall-d5n | Now you need Jesus. Abandon the demonic pedophile mohammed..Jesus is the way. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 6 months ago | @alancooper5147 | Appalling grammar | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @Eric-cj8sb | ​ @PAGANONYMOUS haha no the exodus did not happen. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @PAGANONYMOUS |  @Eric-cj8sb  maybe not exactly as depicted in the Bible but surprisingly about two hundred years earlier roughly something did happen where a huge population of canaanites was expelled from Egypt and they fled back to canaan. They weren't slaves though, they were actually one of the ruling dynasties of Egypt. And that did actually happen! The evidence of this has been dug up! The stories are so similar I think the biblical exodus was based on the Hyksos. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 months ago | @websitemartian |  @moba9232 do you believe jesus was. jewish ? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 weeks ago | @michellerichardson1427 | ​ @websitemartian  Yes, Jesus is Jew. Muslims worship A Man, A Warlord, A Murderer and Pedophile named Mohammad. Jesus wasn't/isn't a warlord and IS the 1 True God's Son! Jesus is Love and accepts all that believe in him and know what his sacrifice/suffering on the Roman Cross of Death did for mankind, then he rose in 3 days beating death ! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rochelleyanuzzi9729 | I personally wasn't bombarded with any ads, but I am so freaking glad I watched this documentary!!! It was so informative!! <3 | Votes: 145 | Reply: false 4 years ago | @JosephFuller | Same here, I only saw one ad and it was at the end. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @joerig96 | just use adblock to avoid it 😅 | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @fodicky4 | I honestly like that he's being as objective as he can without being preachy or subjective. He does have bias, yes, but he does his best not to let that get in the way. Also it helps that Simcha, being Jewish, is not trying to prove some religious rhetoric but trying to visualise history as it is/was | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @bibleprophecyproof | Hi, feel free check out my prophecy playlist showing how the Bible foretold the future, revealing the Antichrist and Mark of the Beast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyZQLTW-Axg&list=PLKgIDRZkUU7QkUyp-PlRtCRR6f0qIb8-j | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @zeddeka | It's actually all nonsense. There's no evidence whatsoever for the exodus, in any era. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @keithdunham8139 | This hypothesis still needs to be proven | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Eclipse-mf6hc | Same no adds... yet | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @aprilapril9680 |  Whip'em up!  N | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @benjaminhanger162 | Adblocker app store free | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @slyther2527 | T H and how did you come across this conclusion my friend? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @CHRIST24-7 |  @zeddeka  there is any evidence of your existence whatsoever 🤔🤔 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @JamesJones-cx5pk | The old man's teeth look great, even after 3500 years. | Votes: 141 | Reply: false 3 years ago | @eliwahuhi | Less sugar in the diet. | Votes: 17 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @inspectorpouzo | that's a mummy daddio! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ahmada2090 | The real Mount Sinai in Jabal Al-Lawz, northwest of Saudi Arabia, and this video. Search by title for the video (Finding the Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia) | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @jackmiller2404 | This ad brought to you by ancient “Crest Whitening” | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @garymalcomb2882 | Yet more deceit | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @garymalcomb2882 | This information was not in the early holy babble . It was added later. 🎩 🧐 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @garymalcomb2882 |  @eliwahuhi  yes, sugar makes everything age 10x more rapidly than, normal. 🎩 🧐 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @garymalcomb2882 | These r, put together in the holy babble. In some of there 42 rewrites. 🎩 🧐 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @jackmiller2404 |  @garymalcomb2882  only the New Testament is the babble. The Old Testament is clearly the bibble. Together they make the Holy Bibble-Babble. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @garymalcomb2882 | Moses was actually, the uncle of 2 of the last white Pharaohs. Mary Magdalen was his niece. When the Cushites defeated the Armies of Egypt.. They went about, killing off. The entire Pharaohonic family. They missed 2 (Moses and Mary Magdalen). That made Moses the one true God. To keep the bloodline pure. He mated with, Mary to produce Jesus Christ. Or,Yahweh | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @jackmiller2404 |  @garymalcomb2882  are you sure? The History Channel said Moses was an Alien. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @josatinooking388 |  @garymalcomb2882  Holy Bible not babble , | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @omar24791 | He might have a good dentist back then | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @nateb4543 | Harder foods -> more chewing of food -> stronger jaw -> wider pallet -> all teeth fit in mouth. Virtually every ancient skull has at least decent teeth | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Jason.cbr1000rr | Damn right! They be smoking and drinking and all what seems to be called bad habbits nowadays are bad and eff up your teeth. This old man's teeth is immaculate even after thousands of years! Mans took care of hes teeth i wanna know hes remedies lol 😁 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @sambhudas7991 | No | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @sambhudas7991 | 🥴🤗🤗🤗🤣🤣😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @MukoroJr |  @garymalcomb2882  What!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cassieboydtarot5085 | My thoughts as well. His teeth look way healthier than my own teeth. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @kakandeslastborn1224 | They used salt as Colgate because salt wasn't for sale by that period | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @pennynorthcutt5833 | For believers, no explanation is necessary. For non-believers, no explanation is possible. | Votes: 131 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @jujojamt | Penny Northcutt: This is a trite comment. It short circuits any attempt to derive understanding the arguments (ie debate) re: the issue. It simply puts the opposing sides in divisive black v white positions. Re: the Mary Argie Tipactipac comment: it conflates science and faith, two mutually exclusive interpretations of the universe. The comment bespeaks a confusion of what either position is. "God exists" is a faith statemet, requires no scientific proof for the believer, yet Mary AT wants "science" to "accept the fact". This is confused thinking and an illogical statement. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @delusionnnnn |  @jujojamt  It also ignores the very real possibility that the believers are wrong, and that this particular explanation is also wrong, which to me seems very likely. This hypothesis is really just the same thing "Biblical archaeology" has always been doing - trying to fit the finds into an existing explanation, rather than trying to create a consensus based on actual evidence. It's not science, but it occasionally uses science when it's convenient and dismisses it when it isn't. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt | ​ @delusionnnnn Agreed. Jacobovici may be sincere and truly believe the conclusions he presents in his program. Unfortunatley his work does not stand the scrutinity of the many other scholars and researchers over time who have explored this story of the Bible and who have looked at Jacobocic's work. The beauty of the scientific method is that ANY theory can be subjected to investigation at any time. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @delusionnnnn |  @jujojamt  Yeah, seeing Jacobovici show up elsewhere, and seeing his formula is mostly the same (and often very Ark-focused), I suspect he believes what he's pushing. I can definitely see why his future is probably limited to places like The History Channel and other venues which aren't as concerned with pseudo-history. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @pulsar22 | ​ @delusionnnnn  "pseudo-history" Most history are "pseudo" in the sense that no history before camera and video are available to record them in an unbiased manner. Most if not all history from that age are conjecture and biased interpretation. So it is disingenuous to say that this is pseudo-history when every bit of history is pseudo. Just a few weeks ago, a pseudo-story unfolded in many mainstream media. The Covington HS student's smirk! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @delusionnnnn | ​ @pulsar22  Nope. That's not the game we're playing. Pseudohistory isn't "history that is just a little bit wrong" that's written by qualified historians using honest study and objective scholarship. Pseudohistory is amateur history which attempts to present a distorted history - deliberately because the presenter is dishonest, mistakenly because the presenter is incredibly naive or otherwise unqualified in the field, or more often a bit of both - and while it often tries to present itself as legitimate historical research, it bears none of the hallmarks of actual historical research. All history before video and camera isn't "pseudohistory". | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @NutnRoll | Non-believers don't believe because of the lack of evidence, not the lack of explanation. We can come up with any notions to explain anything, but having an explanation for something doesn't make it true. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @rickdavis2235 |  @jujojamt  God doesn't exist is a faith statement. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. This isn't self-evident to everybody so it's a belief. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @delusionnnnn  Does it remind you of evolutionary science where the paradigm is being imposed on the data rather than the data providing the paradigm, as when referring to the appearance of design everywhere we look? Scientists tell us, yes, it does look designed but it only appears that was because, according to them, God doesn't exist. That's a presupposition. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @delusionnnnn  Excellently said!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @delusionnnnn |  @rickdavis2235  That's a fantasy imposed on evolutionary biology by creationists. Evolutionary biology is a framework within which evidence from biology, chemistry, and other fields of study such as medicine come together. It makes predictions which can be tested, and without which none of several fields make any sense, such as genetics and immunology. It is not "imposed" on data, it is the framework in which that data makes the most sense. If that framework is not 100% robust, it is worked on by honest researchers at the edges, it is not thrown out and replaced by a non-predictive non-useful fantasy like "intelligent design" which explains and predicts nothing. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @rickdavis2235  A faith statement is a statement of BELIEF for which NO PROOF is required, thus the "faith" in the statement. Science and the scientific method require: observation of measurable phenomenon, from which a reasonable hypothesis is formulated, and theory then developed to explain the phenomenon. The theory is subjected to rigorous experimentation and duplication for its life, and can be negated at any time should it fail under the scrutiny of the process. To date THERE IS NO MEASURABLE EVIDENCE OF A "GOD", or "GODS" as imaged by the multitude of believers present and past. NONE! THE BIBLE CANNOT BE USED AS "EVIDENCE" BECAUSE THE WRITERS AND THE COMMUNITIES FOR WHOM THEY WROTE DID NOT WRITE THE STORIES WITH A 21ST CENTURY INTERPRETATION OF SCIENCE OR HISTROY. Therefore your comment, iin particular the first sentence, is in error, and more importantly, irrelevant. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @rickdavis2235  Your comment is flagrantly incorrect! As the name implies evolution is science and thus subject to the rigors of the scientific method. The scientific method starts with measurble obersvation. Not finding "God" (by the way, you mean your "god" as opposed to Allah, or Quetzocoatl, or Dagon, etc? Whose "god"???) in evolution is because there have been and are other more obvious, quantifiable, and verifiable explanations for the observed phenomenon than a "god". The Bible is NOT SCIENCE!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @delusionnnnn  Darwinism is a belief shared by SOME scientists. How do you test something that is said to be billions of years old? What were the conditions at the time the earth was formed? What was the atomosphere like? Were the laws of physics constant? Could they they have changed?   Scientists tell us that the big bang hyperinflated it's speed and then slowed it back down to the normal rate of inflation. What allows matter to travel faster than the speed of light? What slowed it back down to the normal rate? It's all ideas based on assumptions. If they don't know something, they assume (make something up) anything that moves their hypothesis forward. It's a belief. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @delusionnnnn |  @rickdavis2235  The theory of evolution has nothing to do with cosmology and the Big Bang theory. That's your own misunderstanding. It has nothing to do with the speed of light. The theory of evolution was conceived well before DNA was discovered, and it predicted that there would be a carrier of inheritance, which is what DNA is. It predicts mutation and natural selection, which is what we see in immunology and biology on a regular basis. It predicts what we have seen in the fossil record (and it predates our understanding of the fossil records). The great thing about evolution is that it doesn't come down from an authority, which is what you seem to think. If there were a better framework, the scientific community as a whole would accept it. Dismissing it as a belief suggests that there isn't overwhelming evidence behind it. I "believe" that it's currently daytime. I "believe" that I have nothing in my pockets. I have overwhelming evidence. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @jujojamt   "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." If I can't use the bible, an accurate, historical account, then I don't want you using science journals to make your case because Darwinism, as a religion based on faith, is not self-evident to everybody so that makes it just a belief that you have. Darwinism is a religion of belief in a man with no science background (he had a degree in theology) that knew nothing about cell biology, biochemistry, molecular biology, Mendelian genetics, DNA, genetic code, mutations, neurobiology, population genetics and about a hundred other fields of science. Are you really gullible enough to base your whole belief on a 150 year old theory from a fellow with that kind of a background? His whole arguement for evolution was purely philosophical without any scientific rigor. To Darwin, evolution was almost like a magic wand that could just be waved and create new types of life. You have your faith and I have mine. You faith offers absolutely nothing to the world. I'd like to tell you about mine. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @jujojamt  Your comment doesn't explain away God. It only shows that you argue from ignorance. Is it possible that you could be wrong? Sure it is. There's only one God and I know that because He was resurrected after hundreds of years of prophecies about His coming and the matter of his life, ministry, death by crucifixion and rising on the third day as He promised. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @rickdavis2235  I don't need to "explain away God", because there is no need for explanation or proof, by definition of "faith". One CHOOSES to believe or not. There is NO RIGHT OR WRONG, JUST CHOICE. So this part of your comment is irrelevant. For the latter part of your comment: First: your theology is wrong! "God" cannot be "resurrected", since God cannot die. Jesus was resurrected but after three days, not "hundreds of years". You are not very biblically educated, if you do not know or understand these very familiar and fundamental truths. It seems that you're regurgitating what someone else has told you. Prove (since you insist) EMPIRICALLY YOUR GOD (there are many gods humans have believed in for millenia) EXISTS; Prove EMPIRICALLY Jesus came back to life after dying. YOU CAN'T. It's that simple. So you choose to believe, which is fine with me. Doesn't make you any more right or wrong than others with different beliefs or no belief at all. If you wish to debate your position, you really must do the homework if you wish to make intelligent, defensible positons. Your comments thus far are nonsense. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @rickdavis2235  The Bible IS NOT SCIENCE OR HISTORY AS HISTORY IS UNDERSTOOD IN THE 21ST CENTURY. You do not seem to know much biblical study. You seem to repeat what others have fed you and now you want to proselytize. There is no point trying to convince me of your position, because you have no position, just what others have given you. Please, go learn. Then maybe we can have a conversation. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @delusionnnnn |  @rickdavis2235  If the bible is accurate and historical, it should not contradict itself, yet it does. Did god create trees before or after man? The first creation story in Genesis says trees were first, the second creation story in Genesis says man was first. There are thousands of such inconsistencies. I don't even need to bring up the fact that the bible is not accurate before pointing out that it doesn't even agree with itself. It cannot, therefore, be accurate. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @delusionnnnn |  @rickdavis2235  If we're using books to prove themselves, then Harry Potter and David Copperfield and Stranger in a Strange Land are all accurate non-fictional history, too. Because I say so. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @jujojamt   You have no idea what you're talking about and I don't have time to listen to your drivel. You are blinded by science and that's a relligion whether you like it or not. Darwinism is a faith based on historical science--not observational science. How can they prove something that they say happened billions of years ago? They can't and I've said all I'm going to say. Enjoy your weekend. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @delusionnnnn  I didn't realize those books had thousands of years worth of ancient manuscripts and scrolls to back them up. Do you know how the bible came about, why and where it came from? Do you know what it is? Do you know that it's 66 different books (that makes it a library and not a Harry Potter book), written by 40 different authors from all over the middle east, europe, africa that included soldiers, fishermen, kings, tax collectors, persecutors of Christians, physicians, prophets, preists and so on? Most of them spoke different languages and didn't have cars to take them all over the world to collaborate a conspiracy theory and they were all telling the same story. 66,000 ancient manuscripts containing tens of millions of pages, many of them complete books from the bible, word for word that predate Jesus Christ. The complete book of Isaiah that foretold in detail, the coming of Christ was written 700 years before He was born. The oldest known copy of that book is dated at 150 BC by scientists. The evidence is there. You just choose to reject it because you love the sins of the world. If you have any questions about the bible, just ask and I'll try to answer them. The bottom line is the bible is accurate and it's true. If something doesn't make sense to you, it's because you don't understand God's word. Achaeology continues to confirm the bible's accuracy. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @delusionnnnn  That comment shows me that your information is coming from ignorant sources. I'm studying that very thing right now and I can tell you that the bible doesn't contradict itself. What does happen is people misquote it, take verses out of context and misinterpret it because they don't catch on to a particular style of writing. The bible is a book of books so each other brings a different style.   Some might as, was there a talking snake? I don't know. Does it rain cats and dogs or has anything ever cost you an arm and a leg? Is the earth flat? No, and the bible doesn't say it is. People pick and choose verses to make a case against it and it always prevails. Give me verses that contradict each other. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @rickdavis2235  Your comment reflects a SERIOUS LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE BIBLE. YOU REALLY DO NOT KNOW the Bible. How sad that you, who wants to argue or debate his position intelligently, can't for lack of understanding and study. This last comment of yours is truly nonsense! You have no clue what you're saying. You simply mouth what you've heard or thought you heard, and present this mishmash incoherently. If you say you believe in your God, and you believe that your God has given you the Bible to convey your testament with God, then shouldn't you do all you can to learn, study, reflect on the Bible? Your comments thus far are profoundly egregious and wrought with error. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @rickdavis2235 |  @jujojamt  Empty claims that go nowhere. If you have something, let's hear it. I think what you're saying is that my beliefs aren't what yours are so I"m ignorant. BTW... where in the bible does it say that we need to reinterpret God's Word for the 21st Century? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @delusionnnnn |  @rickdavis2235  The problem is that you think those 66 different books are all telling the same story because you have been told they tell the same story. First, throughout history, there's been no real agreement which books even compose the bible. Second, each author has been telling a different story. Third, each book has been changed throughout the years to the point where they are telling several different stories as successive scribes have tried to "correct" what they felt were either errors or merely inconvenient. Biblical archaeology isn't scientific, it never has been, it's been a process of non-experts, treasure hunters, and other amateurs trying to shoehorn in evidence into their pre-established religious beliefs. Don't like where they found the Noah's Ark? Don't worry, they'll find it again somewhere else in five years. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @delusionnnnn |  @rickdavis2235  I already told you that the creation accounts in 1 Genesis and 2 Genesis completely contradict each other. You can "tell me" that the bible doesn't contradict itself, but unfortunately for this claim, I can read it myself. Try doing what I did many years ago: read the bible from cover to cover, and rather than try to make up apologist excuses for what you find in it, and particularly with the synoptic Gospels of the New Testament, don't try to read those in parallel where you pretend each is telling you the same thing, but from a different "camera angle". Let each book stand on its own. Let each narrative stand on its own. They weren't written together, so they shouldn't be read as if they were all written with the same narrative (or even the same audience) in mind. Once you do that, it all starts to fall apart rather quickly. There's nothing since Thomas Paine's "Age of Reason" which has made the bible any more believable since his time. Once you read the bible as a text instead of as a justification for your faith, you'll find your faith is an obstacle, not a tool. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @rickdavis2235 In reply I use some of your comments to illustrate what I am saying. I would like to use a comment from delusionnnnn. First: Your comment “...my beliefs aren't what yours are so I"m ignorant...”, I said your COMMENT is ignorant, uninformed, shows a lack of knowledge and education re: the issue. This is remediable if you’re willing to learn. This comment: “...BTW... where in the bible does it say that we need to reinterpret God's Word for the 21st Century?...” Reading anything in the Bible is subject to interpretation by the reader. There are many translations of the Bible, a fact true throughout 4000 years. Prior to the printing press in the 1400’s copies were made manually by scribes and scribes over hundreds of years made errors. THIS IS VERIFIABLE, AN ABUNDANCE OF EVIDENCE. In other words, just the mechanics of copying a Bible involved errrors, that built on errors. Read/ watch Dr Bart Ehrman, videos from Yale Divinity. Some translations today are better than others. The KJV is one of the poorer translations of the Septuagint. The Septugint itself is written in Greek. The new Teatament is written in Greek, not Aramaic the language of Jesus. Sooo, READING THE BIBLE INVOLVES INTERPRETATION! Interpretation MATTERS. You seem to believe the Bible is INERRANT. You interpret and understand the Bible in a way the writers and their audience DIDN’T INTEND THESE STORIES TO BE UNDERSTOOD. You do the stories and their truths a disservice and desacration by treating this “word of God” as if it were a mere history text. THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO READING THE BIBLE AND YOU HAVEN’T A CLUE ABOUT HOW TO STUDY, LEARN AND BETTER YOUR LIFE. As delusionnnnn has written there are contradictions. There are errors, stories repeated but with different, contraditory details. Eg, the first two chapters of Gen tell two creation stories that are significantly different in the telling. SIGNIFICANTLY!!! And these are the FIRST STORIES YOU READ! How could you miss the discrepency??? The Noah story is almost verbatim taken from an older Sumerian flood story. There are two Noah stories. The Gospel according to Mark: the ending in the KJV was a much later additon to the original Gospel. The ending in the KJV is bogus!!! In Mark’s original account no one saw Jesus, Mary Magdalene saw a young man (NOT AN ANGEL) who told her Jesus was arisen and to tell the others. Other comments you make: There is only one God – empirically prove your statement Evolution is fact. Plants are evolving now (somethig you can research as I have), as ALL LIFE HAS EVOLVED AND WILL CONTINUE TO EVOLVE. Evolution is the nature of this universe. Science and the scientific method do not need “authority” (as delusionnnnn states). It is a PROCESS, a process that has served humans (and other life forms) for hundreds of thousands of years. You use a cell phone, the internet, drive a car, turn on lights, etc. – this is science and technology at work. As I said Rick, your education is woefully inadequate. You can make the change, educate yourself. It is pointless for you to attempt argument of this nature when you are seriously lacking in knowledge. You brought a pebble to a gun fight. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 | ​ @jujojamt  And why Greek? Because the Israelites had been captive in Egypt for over 400 years. Greek was the language of scholarship during the time of the compilation of the NT (about 50-100 AD). What does that have to do with accuracy?  The scribes were men who took pride in their work and worked meticulously to ensure accuracy in copying manuscripts. If a mistake was found, they started over from scratch. I use the NLT at church and the KJV at home. I also have the ESV translation. They all say the same thing with more modern words. I suggest a book called "Evidence That Demands A Verdict". It's an 800 page book on the bible and everything about every part of it with references throughout.   Concerning Erhman, when asked if the New Testament was reliable, he replied,"Yes!". It shold be noted that he has an opposite opinion in his book, misquoting Jesus. Is that because he knows he can't pull the wool over the eyes of his peers but he can easily manipulate the general public or maybe it's just because it sells books. You can decide for yourself. I didn't say that the bible was ONLY a history book. I said it was used by archaeologists for historical information. I understand fully the many different writing styles in the bible like metaphorical, parables, idomatic, poetic, narrative, historic and so on. Your comment about contradictions in Genesis is a common misinterpreation of scripture. Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Later, in Genesis 2:4, it seems that a second, different story of creation begins. The idea of two differing creation accounts is a common misinterpretation of these two passages which, in fact, describe the same creation event. They do not disagree as to the order in which things were created and do not contradict one another. Genesis 1 describes the “six days of creation” (and a seventh day of rest), Genesis 2 covers only one day of that creation week—the sixth day—and there is no contradiction. I'd be happy to provide the long, detailed version if you would like. Skeptics want to imagine that there was, in fact, no flood and that the Bible’s flood account was borrowed from a Babylonian myth. The evidence seems to suggest otherwise: there was, in fact, a catastrophic worldwide deluge, and the veracity of the biblical account is attested to by numerous other similar ancient accounts. In addition to abundant historical evidence, there is a wealth of physical proof in favor of the flood’s historicity. The flood of Noah’s day was most certainly a real historical event, and the biblical account of what happened is trustworthy. John 20:11-18 But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb, and as she wept she stooped to look into the tomb. And she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had lain, one at the head and one at the feet. They said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him.” Having said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing, but she did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?” Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away.” I can't empirically prove God anymore than you can empirically prove life began from nothing. It's a my faith/your faith thing. Send me links on plants evolving. Are they evolving like dogs are at the hands of "designers"? Technology is a product of observational science, not historical science or, to more accurately, forensic science. No body. No witnesses. Fill in the gaps with assumptions. Two very, very different types of science. You think pretty highly of your own intellect. I'll leave it there. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @rickdavis2235  The New Testament was written in Gk because the communities for whom the stories were written spoke Gk as did the writers. Gk was the ligua franca of the day. The Septuagint was written in Gk in 252 BCE because theelders of the Alexandria diaspora Jews wanted pass on the Torah to their progeny. Ehrman is an agnostic, no problem with that. Most of the New Testament reflects a Pauline theology and Christology. You continue to miss what really matters. The Bible is subject to interpretation and CANNOT BE INERRANT. If it were there would not be all the many denominations and interpretations of what is written about how and what we are to believe. The Bible IS NOT SCIENCE NOR IS IT HISTORY. It is a collection of stories recounting the Hebrew experience in light of their covenant with their God. You do not seem to understand anything outside your tiny box of fundamentalism. Had you lived in 1st century Palestine, you would have been part of the crowd crying "Crucify him". Jesus - Yeshua bar Maryam - challenged the fundamentalism of his time and was put to death for it. You would have been one of those who put him on the cross. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @jujojamt  Again, stop researching Atheists-R-Us for your biblical information. I could insert a disparaging commnent here but I think that's more your style. God Bless. Archaeology and the Historical Reliability of the New Testament https://www.bethinking.org/is-the-bible-reliable/archaeology-and-the-historical-reliability-of-the-new-testament Archaeology Proves Bible History Accurate https://www.thetrumpet.com/1912-archaeology-proves-bible-history-accurate | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @rickdavis2235 |  @jujojamt  Here's one minute story regarding Israel, the Israeilites (who were never that area according to Arabs) and some clay seals known as bullae that were found. A bullae was used to seal manuscripts (documents), much like we used wax to prevent tampering. These bullae were put on the document and whoever had the authority to seal the document made an imprint in the clay with a singet ring that they wore. Since the City of David was burned by the Babylonians, the fire "fired" the bullae like we do clay to make ceramics. There were 51 of these bullae dug up at a dig site just south of Jerusalem in what it most likely the City of David, and dated to the time of Christ. Twenty-six of the 51 found were names that occur in the bible. That just one tiny piece of evidence that shows that the bible is true and accurate.  Many biblical archaeological sites have been excavated and the findings have been exactly what they expected to find, according to the bible. The bible helped archaeologists locate the City of David, which was about 30 feet below the surface as well as many other sites. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @rickdavis2235  Let me be clear: I am NOT an atheist. This word is used by fundamentalists, creationists, YE's to dismiss an opinion different from theirs. My research is not dependent on any particular POV. I go where the evidence takes me, I remain impartial to what is presented, and weigh the value of the information on its own merit, regarding the source's legitimacy and honesty. I have no agenda aside from simply understanding the best I can what is presented. I come to my own conclusions thereafter. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @jujojamt  I appreciate the heads up, as well as your honesty. I would not have come to that conclusion. For the record, I happen to think that Jesus is who he said he was and because of that, I don't like to see people who may be deceived from seeing the truth. It's only because I care for others that I engage in these conversations and not because I have to be right. I hope you find what you're looking for. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @rickdavis2235 Rick, learning for me is a lifetime commitment and exciting endeavor. I have learned a little more from our conversation, I hope you have too. Caring for others - even those who may not like us, or whom we may dislike - is at the core of Jesus' ministry. I do my best everyday in answering Jesus' call. Take care. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @jujojamt  I surely have. Learning has been a passion to me as well and I'm always learning too. I haven't read the bible all the through but I'm working on that now. I started reading a one year bible January 1 and haven't missed a day yet. Thanks for the conversation.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  Barry Kelly  They do call it the Christian faith but your are right there with me because you rely on faith for your beliefs. Only you are fooled. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @fiddlermike | . That's a nice shortcut to thinking. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @pennynorthcutt5833 |  @fiddlermike  your mind is already made up, therefore, I shall not confuse you with the facts. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @martainroth2588 | For non-believers there are Many explanations that are possible. For believers any explanation that doesn't fit the beliefs are discounted. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @paulfensome1404 | Are you referring to Doubting Thomas , that is my Favourate Passage...... The apostle Thomas was absent when the resurrected Christ appeared to some of the apostles. On hearing the astonishing news, Thomas declared, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hand and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.” A week later, Jesus appeared, giving Thomas the physical proof he demanded. Then Jesus said, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Durrutitv | High school math teacher: I specifically asked you to show your work... Penny: I DON'T NEED TO IF I BELIEVE I HAVE THE CORRECT ANSWER! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MatthewEcclesiastes | @penny Northcutt best comment i've seen | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @donaldedward4951 | For idiots curiosity is a nuisance; for smart people many unsolved mysteries are interesting! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @materialclassified | @Miche Y Sorry, but people believe in Santa, but facts prove otherwise. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @argie9872 | science just can't accept the fact that God exist, he is eternal, the beginning of everything.. | Votes: 131 | Reply: false 5 years ago (edited) | @BumpyRyder | The 'fact'? Science is about facts. Religion is abour believing things that are contradicted by facts. It relies on 'faith' -- but 'faith' can be the justification for believing anything... | Votes: 18 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @petshopboy78 | if god made man, what method did he use to create man and who created god | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @neosofgenz6951 |  @petshopboy78  God always existed. As he is the alpha and the omega. And he is also outside of the space, time and matter paradox that we live in. As for us, we are but a tiny organism in the eyes of God, for us to aquire such knowledge would place us as the same as God, which we are not. We are below him. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @onepercenter13 | And the reason that any thinking person (Not just scientists ) don't believe the fairytale of God.....is there is not one scrap of evidence to show that it is true....there is not any real proof that Jesus ever existed either....there is not one credible reference to him or his alleged deeds outside of religious sources....not one God could shut every non believer up today....by appearing.....but he isn't going to appear | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sylviakoziarski4912 | Which is exactly what science is doing. Believing the lie. Satan's lie.  @BumpyRyder  | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @felixelgato1594 | There is no scientific finding that god does not exist. It's the opinion of some practitioners of science, but they'd be the first to tell you that proving a negative is impossible. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @argie9872 | There's no scientific evidence that God exists yes, we may say everything is of faith when talking about God,. But our existence is a good proof that God exists,. We are made according to his image and likeness,. He is the start of everything so, no one made him because he is the Beginning, he made us, he started everything., our imperfections as human beings are just means of our free will given by him.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @neosofgenz6951 |  @onepercenter13  Funny. You all said the same about King David. Until they find a scripe carved on stone about the conquering of the house of David. I have evidence of Christ and can confirm it by the Bible, easily. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @felixelgato1594 |  @neosofgenz6951  I think you're confusing scientists with historians and biblical scholars. The existence of King David was never a topic of debate in the scientific community. And historians will only conclude that a person existed if they have a contemporary written account of that person, which I assume would be the carved stone you're referring to. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @felixelgato1594 |  @argie9872  Our existence isn't a scientific proof that god exists. Maybe it's theological proof, I don't know, but definitely not scientific proof. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @neosofgenz6951 |  @felixelgato1594  And we also have the Bible, which is written. Which is a source material Historians have used for scientific research. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @davidsalman8362 | Science can't Prove or Disprove the existence of God, all knowledge has limits.. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @krisc5508 |  @petshopboy78  nobody created God because God is wisdom and power . wisdom and power  has always existed .  Isaiah 11:1  And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: 2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD; | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bhartek | 100% AGREED. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @cold-as-ice-007zero9 |  @BumpyRyder  no point in argueing with ''believers'' they are uneducated and ignorant, because if they w're truely educated and up to date about the world,geology and science.. there would not be a religion today anymore.. they prey on the poor,uneducated,gullible masses, and it has been that way for thousands of years now, its easier to control stupid people who dont question anything, then to control someone who questions everything, and basicly reinvents everything that we know, for them the world is couple thousand years old, dinosaurs are a hoax, and the earth was created in a week. enough said... they rather believe in a book that has been written hundreds of years after the so called fact that ''jesus'' died and take on everything as truth, and if you ask them why? they always answer ''because it is written'' :"D that's why i dont argue with them, they wil die out eventually and the newer generations will become atheists because they will realize they've been ignorant for a long time | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @krisc5508 |  @cold-as-ice-007zero9  , I see you have never studied the bible .God word talks about the three earth ages no where in the bible does God say the earth is only 7 thousand years old , that is man made up bs | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @felixelgato1594 |  @neosofgenz6951 Historians and Biblical scholars have proven that the gospels were written 30 to 70 years after Christ was supposed to have died. Thus, the gospels are not contemporary accounts of Christ, and, therefore, historians cannot assume that the gospels are a factual account of Christ's life. And the gospels contain information that is factually wrong like the date of the Census of Quirinius. This doesn't mean that everything in the gospels is wrong. It just means that outside evidence is needed to corroborate the accounts in the gospels. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @neosofgenz6951 |  @felixelgato1594  Personally, I think the deaths of the 12 disciples is good enough evidence to prove Christ. They were stabbed, stoned, crucified, hung, sawn from cotch to head, dragged by a horse until their bodies were in pieces and one was even skinned alive for preaching the Gospel. Why would they go through all of that for a lie? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @williammoore4313 | She is indeed | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @williammoore4313 | Yes She is | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrChiangching |  @sylviakoziarski4912  Please return to the Stone Age, and don't procreate. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sylviakoziarski4912 | When it comes to 'evolution' and ignorance is bliss. I would rather be ignorant. At least I m not believing the lie as you are. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and everything on it. Answer the question science can't answer. Where did life originate?  @MrChiangching  | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kevvome | There are MANY scientists that believe in God. Not all of them don't....not by a long way. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrChiangching |  @kevvome  only the stupid ones | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrChiangching |  @sylviakoziarski4912  At least you are honest. No one knows when or where life originated, least of all people that believe in ancient creation stories. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sylviakoziarski4912 | You never answered my question. Where did life come from if not from God? Answer my question? Imagine you would out think Richard Dawkins if you could only answer. You don't know. I do.  @MrChiangching  | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrChiangching |  @sylviakoziarski4912  I have no burden of proof , you do. Prove it or shut up | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ideath173 | you poor thing | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ziedrict | Then what to believe? Human and all living things come from rocks? Or created by GOD? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ideath173 |  @ziedrict  Either a man-god created the earth in six calendar days and then rested, or the earth took billions of years to be created--the first two billion of which, the earth was molten rock and poisonous gas. Either believe the truth, or spend your life in a fantasy because you fear death. I'm sticking with reality. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jonathanmaybury5698 |  @BumpyRyder  Yes faith is the justification of believing in science! and so-called facts can turn out to be so very wrong. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @graeme9668 | Mary Argie Bargie cant accept the fact that science is based on reality and facts and her imaginary sky daddy is not. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @argie9872 |  @graeme9668  well, no one forced/ pushed you to believe on what i believed in,. Wherever and whatever you see, everything started from my sky daddy,. You are blessed to wake up everyday, and that is not just a miracle you receive every morning 😊 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @argie9872 |  @MrChiangching  and what makes you think science tells you the truth? .. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrChiangching |  @argie9872  What makes YOU think they're lying and what would the motive be? That old Debbil? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @graeme9668 | I wake up everyday because I am not on prescription pyschotropic meds unlike you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mrcurly1147 | ​ @sylviakoziarski4912  Life originated long before your god. He originated when primitive, brutish con men realized they could dupe people easily into belief of the absurd and use fear and ignorance to separate you from your money. Your god and his sacrificial sdiekick just can't manage their money!!!! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @TSavage1953 | what's your evidence and no the bible does not count nor does your personal relationship with your imaginary friend. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mrcurly1147 |  @ziedrict  I'll go with rocks, because they are real. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @argie9872 |  @graeme9668  sounds more like you..😊😊😊 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @graeme9668 |  @argie9872  Your sentence makes no sense but then again I am talking to someone who invents her friends. So anything is possible with that sort of person. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @graeme9668 |  j mcmann  Evolution has taken hundreds of millions of years to perfect cells. Supercomputers and microchips are developing fast enough since being invented late 20C to make people start to fear artificial life forms may become a threat to us. So give it time bro. Dont be impatient with your comparisons as time lines are a little distorted in your world. Oh but maybe you believe the world began 4004 years ago? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @graeme9668 |  j mcmann  I am still thinking clear dude, most sane people dont have imaginary friends. Ever seen a pysche ward? Those peeps have imaginary friends and so do most religious followers. Imagine is all they do. As for prayer that = to problem solving what the air guitar is to music. But if it keeps you happy.... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @graeme9668 |  @kevvome  Those from the past did just to fit in with their societies expectations so they would not end up threatened like Galileo and co. I doubt Newton cared for it but he was surrounded by God botherers so in his world it meant being nice and going along with the wife and flock to church once a week. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @graeme9668 |  @krisc5508  If Mr Wisdom and Power was so brilliant then why create dinosaurs just so you can create a really large explosion to wipe them out? Seems like waste of time. May as well get Adam and Eve chasing each other from day 1 and stuff Jurassic Park. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kevvome |  @graeme9668  Every possibility there mate. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @graeme9668 |  @kevvome  Your church was not a nice place in the Dark Ages or Renaissance. And its not always nice now either. Lots of God botherers in American would see a nuclear war as a means to the next life and fulfilment of their fairy story. They sane and balanced among us just get on with things and try to make the best of what there is and always have despite you lot trying to run the show and tell people how to behave when you dont behave very well yourselves (hypocrisy rules). Remember...the religion you follow is man made and gives even Made in China a good name given its so poorly put together and full of holes. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kevvome |  @graeme9668  Please tell me what MY CHURCH is! I don't belong to any church! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @graeme9668 |  @kevvome  Semantic games aside as you want to play = Even if you are a God botherer who hides at home = you are all the same: Deluded!" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kevvome |  @graeme9668  Oh....you Heathen! Some people need a belief in their lives...don't you? Of course you do! I can believe without proof if the concept suits my soul. Are you capable of that? You aren't! Therefore you are a lost soul and I'm not God so I can't save you....no matter how much you want me to! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @graeme9668 |  @kevvome  Er thanks for the analysis but I would prefer it from someone who doesnt make up their friends or make up friends with some sort of omnipresent, all encompassing powers. You need to join a dating club or adopt someone as its a lonely world talking to yourself as you know. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @graeme9668 |  j mcmann  I have faith that man made religion is a load of crock. I will wait for the real thing thanks, not some bad script written by tired old men of 2k to 3k ago. THere are 5000 gods worshipped on this planet (not counting Lionel Messi and CR7) so you are not alone in your confusion and delusion. But do try dating. You can meet a real friend one day if you try. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kevvome |  @graeme9668  I'VE TOLD YOU! I CAN'T HELP YOU! Plead all you want but you must learn to solve your own personal problems and not involve me or anyone else because you are very very boring! You have nothing of interest to say to me so why not give The Samaritans a call? Or maybe speak to your Mummy? But I am afraid I don't wish you to intrude on my life anymore. A snorkelling club may be a good form of therapy for you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @josephbel | Science proves that God exists, God created the knoweldge we use in science, so science will never disprove the existence of God.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @tuberobotto | Actually, it isn't science that has an issue with the Bible's contents, it's the ATHEIST/ANTI-THEISTIC men in science who do. Newton, Einstein and John Lennox are men of science, they and their respective fields in science have no problems with the existence of God, rather, it's those other men who HATE GOD that do. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @scottfagerstrom9312 |  @krisc5508  In other words, the Bible is true because the Bible says it is true. LOL | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @KorAllRBare | You are right, Science eliminates BS via the process of recognising contradcitions and thus dissmissing the LIES. The Universe is self evident, If I am to believe your gawd is a reality, Then what evidence are you relying on that hasnt been presented to me? Mind you I have to advise you I am quite capable of recognising contradictions AKA LIES, lies such as what the bible portrays, so please spare yourself some time and come up with actual evidence that cant be disputed or challenged, Evidence much like the Universe presents would be nice.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @onepercenter13 |  @michaelgreen4558  He won't ever appear because he doesn't exist ...and you don't have even a tiny scrap of evidence that he does but you keep taking the medication Micheal | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @onepercenter13 |  @michaelgreen4558  what has a scientist got to do with it....I don't believe in god because there is no evidence of a god and faith is the act of believing something even though you don't have evidence to justify that belief....does not believing something make me angry ? lol...I'm not angry pal...I don't care enough to be angry | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @onepercenter13 |  @michaelgreen4558  there is not even one mention of ANYONE called Jesus in any contemporary writings outside of religious writings pal....but carry on living in your fantasy world Micheal....you believe what ever you like and so will I......but my beliefs don't need faith and trust in an imaginary friend....good bye | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lubsarub539 | Jesus christ is the way the truth and the life, | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @cjmacq-vg8um | I find this all very interesting but its a bit of stretch. take the plagues. its one thing for a series of inter-linked events to take place naturally. its another to suggest they all occurred upon command. or for moses to have known one event would lead to another and to time it perfectly for it to appear they occurred upon command. and if they were really the acts of god why search for some scientific explanation? can't god alter nature and physics at will? isn't that the actual definition of a miracle? just face it. the bible, like all myths, is a collection of truths, exaggerations and lies. and like all myths, the bible was used to create a culture and unify a people. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @GhostRider..... |  joe Recto  Are you forgetting the same All loving Deity punished all Israelite when they decided not to obey the laws given to them. When God does what he does, none can question what he does. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @neosofgenz6951 |  joe Recto  For one, they were of African heritage. Noah was albino, next God is all knowing and all powerful - he thought ahead. Which is why, by interpretation - whilst the bloodline of Noah came from the loins of Noah - they were all born with unique and different genetics, despite being from the bloodline of Noah. Different races came into place because of adaptation, Europe is colder than the Middle East and Africa - hence why Europeans have white skin, to adapt to the winter better. The darker you get from white is because of melanin - which helps adapt to sun. Scientists all universally agree that we came from Africa originally - both bloodline and by heritage. Why were there fish fossiles found on the top of mountains if the flood didn't happen? 50-odd different cultures spoke about a great flood and how a man escaped with his family and animals on a boat, after the events of the flood occured. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sylviakoziarski4912 | Azarius Maxwell; I've been taught that Jesus is God, the Creator of everything. He died on the cross and rose again to pay the penalty for sin. The Bible is the inerrant word of God. We were born in sin and can not come to God on our own without Jesus. We come to God for forgiveness of sin not for wealth as some churches do. Sin is what keeps us from God because Satan is the ruler of this planet. Love God with all your heart and your neighbour as yourself. and everything else will fall into place. Ask God, he will prove himself to you after all; He is God. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sylviakoziarski4912 | Then you are a fool. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @robleckie2776 | so are hamburgers | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @darrelljones5536 | Kenneth Davies science is far from fact unfortunately evolution is a load of bull and so is carbon dating | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @robleckie2776 | what about our lord jesus Christ Darrell...what about him?  @darrelljones5536  | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @nowyouknow6186 | Gos isnt a he or she. He both and everything else. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @sylviakoziarski4912 | I'm not the least bit insecure. Science is a lie if they start telling the truth they lose face and all of their government payouts. . Science is very much about God as he created everything including the liars who are scientists. They are LIARS convincing the ignorant to believe their lies. God is very much alive and one day you and them and God will come face to face. Yes you will. You reject God and he will reject you.  joelchummel ​ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt | Simple reason: There is no way to quantify or measure "god". God's existence is deetermined by "faith", and proof is not required. The scientific method requires tangible, measurable phenomenon. You cannot prove empirically that god - any god - exists!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @neosofgenz6951 Empirically prove "God" exists. And what God are you choosing? Judaic God - Elohim? El Shaddai? Yahweh - to name a few Semetic Gods. Then there are the Greek Gods, the Norse Gods, Mayan Gods, etc So whose Gods??? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt | ​ @onepercenter13  Not sure what you mean by "...not any real proof that Jesus ever existed..." but the existence of Yeshua bar Maryam has been determined by reputable researchers and scholars as legitimate. As to whether Jesus was "divine", there is no evidence of this, nor that Jesus even considered he was divine. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @felixelgato1594 So prove that god exists empirically. Where is your empirical, non-biblical evisence that god your god exists. I presume you mean your god, since there are many other gods believed to be in existence by other cultures. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @neosofgenz6951 The bible IS NOT A SCIENCE OR HISTORY BOOK. The bible is a book of faith, which means if one CHOOSES to accept its teachings, then one beleives without proof. So using the bible as "proof" of anything scientific or historical (as in 21st cent historical) is INVALID! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @neosofgenz6951 Where is your empirical, unbiased, impartial evidence that the bible is a science text? There are ERRORS, EXAGGERATIONS, CONTRADICTIONS found throughout the many bible stories. The bible is a book of faith, NOT SCIENCE OR HISTORY. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @sylviakoziarski4912 You are VERY WRONG. Start with Gen 1 and Gen 2a - both creation stories, both very different, and both apparently describing the same event. If you believe in the inerrancy of the bible, which actually happened??? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @sylviakoziarski4912 Science has a MUCH BETTER CHANCE at answering that question than the 'truth' you choose to accept without ANY QUANTIFIABLE EVIDENCE. If it is YOUR CHOICE TO BE IGNORANT, why are you a part of this discussion??? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @jujojamt | @FascistAnarchist999You are wrong in saying nothing can be proven. It depends upon the parameters that are applied to the argument. If one attempts to prove god's existence using the scientific method, this would not be possible - there are no observable and quantifiable parameters for "god". If one were to prove evolution, this is possible because there is observable and quantifiable evidence that can be measured, weighed, etc from which conjecture, hypothesis, and theory can be structured. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sylviakoziarski4912 | Science was created by God for man to find him thru creation. God was and is and ever will be. One day you will find out for yourself that ignorance will not save you. Ignorance is Satan's biggest weapon and he is using it on you. Insult ma all you want we both can't be right. One of us has already lost and it is not me.  @jujojamt  | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @sylviakoziarski4912 How did God "create science"? There is NO MENTION IN THE BIBLE THAT GOD CREATED SCIENCE. Objectively prove existence of god and satan, ie show me the empirical, quantifiable totality of evidence that either god or satan exists. This is not insulting you - it is asking you to back your claim that you KNOW GOD EXISTS. PROVE YOUR CLAIM TO ME in an objective, non-biased, empirically demonstrative way. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @onepercenter13 |  @jujojamt  there no mention of ANYONE of any name wandering around healing the sick raising the dead or performing any kind of "Miracle" by ANYONE who was contemporary with that time outside of religious scriptures or parchments so any scholar who claims he did exist is doing so with out any acceptable proof | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @onepercenter13 Actually in 1st cent Palestine there were any number of itinerant rabbi wandering the countryside performing miracles, and Yeshua bar Maryam was little different than they. Some claimed messiahship, just as Yeshua likely may have claimed. There were some differences in his ministry that were distinct. As to divinity - ie being "god" - the Gospels, given their heavily-laced theology , are not definitive in this respect. However Yeshua's (Jesus) real life existence is accounted for in extra-biblical accounts from 1st cent documents, confer Josephus, Tacitus, Pliny the Elder. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @onepercenter13 |  @jujojamt  there you go assuming , without evidence, that he actualy existed again....please show me ANY evidence to show he existed ....and as far as ANYBODY performing miracles....again...with out evidence...that's just fairy tales | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @onepercenter13 |  @jujojamt  a simple google will show you that the mentions by Josephus, and Tacitus,are ridiculous and fake | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @onepercenter13  I do not know what your biases are, if any. I have done many a "simple google" re: Yeshua and the historicity of his existence. I am in the Bart Ehrman camp - there was a real life, blood and flesh Yeshua bar Maryam who lived in 1st cent Galilee, was an itinerant teacher, likely apocalyptic and messianic in nature, who was killed by the Romans, likely for sedition. Much more than that, historically, may never be known. There also are reputable scriptual scholars and researchers who accede Yeshua's historical existence. I have never come across information that calls the writings of Josephus or Tacitus "ridiculous or fake." This statement and the apparent animosity your comments seem to have re: Jesus reflect a bias, and perhaps a disinterest in an impartial, objective assessment re: Jesus' existence. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @jujojamt | @FascistAnarchist999According to science, evolution is evolution, micro or macro. In this universe evolution is a matter of fact. Changes, mutation, is a never-ending natural process. The evidence is irrefutable. The mechanics of an evolutionary process may be theoretical, and willl be updated as theory and technology improve. But evolution is fact. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @detahhornsem2345 |  @neosofgenz6951  ok, but this is not in the bible. It does not mention what you stated. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @jujojamt | @FascistAnarchist999 I believe you misconstrue the definitions of micro- and macro- evolution. Microev is change within a species (eg pesticide resistance by plants, insects), macroev is change above the level of species (eg a plant with significant genetic change from an ancestor). An example of "observable" evidence (among many) is maize, whose ancestor is a wild weed, zea luxurians (teosinite), that over time was domesticated through selective breeding giving us what we now call corn, zea mays. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @guytremblay1647 | your statement is the mirror of what relegion thinks about science the opposit way .'' religion just can't accept that the universe is the result of random consequences | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @talzotar7580 | science base on conjectures. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @neosofgenz6951 | @Natural Sceptic Ok then, what's the best you can do? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @talzotar7580 What do you mean? "Conjecture" is part of the scientific method, not the basis. Science is based on empirical observation and the scientific method. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @TheSimonScowl | God exists. But you are actually the one who 'cannot accept' something (that God might NOT exist), as you are bound by your faith TO accept it. Atheists are less bound in this way, though they certainly can take atheism to the level of a 'religion'. But fanatical believers are much more common. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @talzotar7580 |  @jujojamt  What has this empirical observation (by trial and error) by science has conclude about non living carbon matter? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @talzotar7580 | What has this empirical observation by ( trial and error) has conclude about non living carbon matter? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @TheSimonScowl |  @scottfagerstrom9312  wrote "In other words, the Bible is true because the Bible says it is true. LOL" Yep. That's the logic. My Evangelical 'Christian' Dad would then follow it with 'so, Jesus is either Lord or he's a liar!'. Never did figure that one out! ;) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @TheSimonScowl |  @talzotar7580  What makes you think matter is non-living? If life is 'star dust', then yes. Matter CANNOT be alive. But if quantum mechanics is any indication (and granted, most scientists don't think it is, including Einstein but they are often wrong), the 'living things' we observe are products OF our observation. IOW, my consciousness 'collapses the wave function' of every particle that comprises me, and every particle I observe 'outside' of me. My consciousness 'animates' the waking world the same way it does when I dream (or imagine, or even hallucinate). And it animates everything from the universe, to my body, down to the smallest particle (which my be the Higgs Bozon or 'God Particle': a single particle that 'plays the roles' of every other particle). So the fundamental question is 'What is life?'. Is it like a machine, or is it like a dream? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @alexrueck4766 |  @petshopboy78  ,God needs a creator, we don't? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @petshopboy78 |  @alexrueck4766  i have tons of proof that there is no god and so have many ppl on this planet its time we do away with the concept of god.everything is explained by science | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @shannonmummaw2666 | wish i could like this a million times | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @talzotar7580  What are you asking? What is science's conclusion about "non-living carbon matter"? In regard to what? Carbon is the 4th abundant element in the universe so it is a common, and very reactive element. I hope this little bit of information helps you define your question more specifically. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @talzotar7580 |  @TheSimonScowl  " What makes you think matter is non-living? If life is 'star dust', then yes. Matter CANNOT be alive" . Great sophistry. clown. So again kermitt the frog when did nonliving matter came to be living matter? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @talzotar7580 |  @jujojamt  Hey jumanji- so what is science's conclusion How life emerge from nonliving matter? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt |  @talzotar7580 Abiogenesis - living matter from non-living matter - remains an unknown still being studied. If the abiogenesis process were already known, it would be a technology. Good question. Stay tuned... | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @TheSimonScowl |  @talzotar7580  That's not at all what I mean. What I mean is that your consciousness is primary; the 'stardust' is secondary. Where do all the items in your dreams come from... moron? You cannot prove the existence of matter because it requires the mind. You can only prove your mind exists ('I think therefore I am'). | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @talzotar7580 |  @alexrueck4766  So you came out of living carbon base matter to living explain the process, Jose neutron? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @TheSimonScowl |  @onepercenter13  Humor me for a moment. As the story goes, this 'messiah' was the biggest threat to Roman power. He was also critical of the rich, of violence and of indifference (let alone, hate). Could they have 'written out' of history, the true radical leader, and replaced it with a 'magic man'? IOW, the claims for miracles may have been put there to prevent people from EVER following another leader like him. SOMETHING major happened in Rome. At least this is what Occam's Razor suggests. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @TheSimonScowl |  @talzotar7580  asked "What makes you think matter is non-living?" So you copied and pasted my words verbatim. That's the question I would ask of you... or I might also ask 'what makes you think matter is living?'. But it is clear this conversation is over your head (when your first response is ad hominem, that's almost ALWAYS the case). Now, are ad hominem arguments off limits? Not in your case. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @talzotar7580 |  @TheSimonScowl Look Kermit the frog, Are you words copy righted, moron. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @redceltnet | This really was one of the worst historical "documentaries" I've ever seen from the "mainstream" media (that doesn't involve ancient aliens). You can't take a story and try to make it fit to archaeological finds. That's the opposite of how scientific research works. You reach the conclusion based on the evidence, not the evidence based on an already-committed conclusion. Jesus wept. | Votes: 130 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @JRobbySh | The crux oc hr matter is the reliability of the accepted time from of Egyptian history. A lot of the science is depends on this. BUT is it correct? More to the point, are egyptologists open to any challenges to it? On a similar point., until recently the notion that civilization began about 6000 years ago remained unchallenged. Now we must be open to the possibility that the date must be pushed back another four thousand years because of things like the digs in Turkey and a re-examination of the ruins in Peru. It may well be that the “historic”civilizations were built on much earlier ones. Are we really sure that the Deluge was not a world wide event?How can we be when as we discover more and more evidence of cataclysmic events caused by space objects. How we have become aware that the earth itself is far less “solid” than we once thought. with a crust that is relatively thin and in constant movement over a hot center. Asteroids and volcanos are agents of change far greater than we can imagine and cope with. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bluecelt4113 |  @JRobbySh  Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.... Are we really sure that the Deluge was not a world wide event? Yes. Not only can we be sure, but we can be scientifically sure. There isn't enough water on the planet to flood all of the landmass... and a year underwater would have killed all of the flora and fauna, not just the fauna. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @EmeraldEyesBibleSecrets | Seems like 100% perfect fit to me. There is a book "Moses in ancient Eygpt and the hidden story of the Bible" by Richard Darlow that again comes many of the same conclusions including the true identity of Moses as Ramose, the prince of Thebes. That you should mention Jesus at the end of your comment shows what an idiot and hypocrite you really are. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bluecelt4113 |  @EmeraldEyesBibleSecrets  I admit to being curious about how mentioning a passage from the bible makes me an idiot or a hypocrite. But the curiosity was brief. You should try reading more books. Some history books would be useful. As would a dictionary, so that you can look at the definition of the word "hypocrite". Try being less stupid online. :) | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bluecelt4113 |  @Nosnoozebutton  Oh deary-me. You're a creationist? You do understand that there's scientific proof of evolution, don't you? Not just by looking at fossil records, but by looking at the structure of the DNA of every creature in the animal kingdom. We can map out our lineage. We know we evolved. That fact that you're here... on a device created by science, communicating with a network created by science... attacking science... is not just ignorant. It's remarkably ignorant. Which is why I remarked on your ignorance, just then. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Nosnoozebutton |  @bluecelt4113  apparently you weren't informed of the giant Reservoir of water discovered deep inside the Earth back in 2014. Either that, or you're just ignoring it in order to keep arguing your nonsense. Blah blah blah is right. How about open your eyes and check out the article in New Scientist. I'll even get it for you... https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn25723-massive-ocean-discovered-towards-earths-core/amp/ Surprise! You really are that stupid. Blah blah blah blah blah. Idiot. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Nosnoozebutton |  @bluecelt4113  You're absolutely right, and that's exactly why evolution is not real science. Yeah, you meant that for the other side, but you have no clue just how true that is on the evolution side. That's ECACTLY how evolution is pushed as fact. There's absolutely no real science to it. The WORLD will weep. Soon. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Nosnoozebutton |  @bluecelt4113  I've studied Evolution a lot more than you have. Just look at the article I sent you, idiot. I dare you. You're about to have your foot shoved down your throat by your own self. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Mendezfarriercompany306 | So you agree evaluation is a hoax | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bluecelt4113 |  @Mendezfarriercompany306  Evaluation? If you think evolution is a hoax, then you're uninformed enough not to know what evolution is... or how to spell it. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Mendezfarriercompany306 |  @bluecelt4113  shut the front door | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Mendezfarriercompany306 |  @bluecelt4113  lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @tahliah6691 |  @bluecelt4113  why are you as an evolutionist and pagan ever interested in the creatist history? Evolutionist and pagans need to find their own history.... | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tahliah6691 | What would you as a pagan know? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bluecelt4113 |  @tahliah6691  I'm not a pagan. I'm not an "evolutionist". That's just a word that creationists invented so as to describe normal, sane and rational people. As for my interest in the subject (as if that's any business of yours), the biblical texts contain a mix of myth and reality. As someone with a keen interest in ancient history, I'm interested in everything recorded by humans. Even a book of fairytales. PS Our "own history" is exactly what we're researching. No evidence of fairytales so far... | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Mendezfarriercompany306 |  @tahliah6691  only what God reveals | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tahliah6691 |  @bluecelt4113  people like you who are evolutionist believe in DARWIN, who was once a Christian but because a confirmed atheist to develop this own theory of theories.... evolutionists like you believe that humans come from apes, but cannot explain why apes are not evolving today, I guess you also believe the earth is flat and cannot give any evidence of such either, you fail to realise that there's a great difference between evolutionists and creationists...... you have failed to do your homework..... creationists believe God creates all..... you all believe in some big bang theory nonsense and the planet of the apes theory lol..... ancient Egypt(Mizrahim which is part of an African civilisation) has nothing to do with evolutionists like you..... as a red celt I would assume you are of Irish or Basque descent which makes you recessive in genes and mind......I bet you will tell me that Adam and Eve were white..... well that's a fine mess you got US all into.....as usual..... 🤔 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tahliah6691 |  @bluecelt4113  lol you have no history beyond darwin 🤣😏🙈 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tahliah6691 |  @Mendezfarriercompany306  exactly | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bluecelt4113 |  @tahliah6691  Ahhh, the age-old internet question: troll or moron? Whichever it is, I have zero interest in engaging with you any further... but bonus points must be awarded for trying to attach the anti-science flat earth belief with science-based evolution. It is you who is the crackpot, here. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @bluecelt4113 | @Ancient Tomato I don't deal with magic. You're confusing me with a creationist. #ThinkHarder | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lailahlibay8550 | Red Celt e | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @terryshrk | I dont see anyone trying to "fit" a narrative into the archaeological finds,..hes in essence challenging the accepted timeline and pointing out evidence hes discovered that supports his new timeline. And he is making an argument that this new evidence better supports the idea of the exodus having been a historical event. its the same as a peer reviewed paper. A given scientist makes a series of observations & experiments and comes to a conclusion which is then peer reviewed. I think its best that this piece be looked at like a challenging review of the currently accepted Egyptian historical timeline. I would be interested to see the filmmaker answer questions from critics on his newly adjusted timeline. Also,..i think its a far stretch from someone challenging the current timeline and someone saying "ALIENS" built the pyramids,.LoL! I think that assumption is a bit intellectually disingenuous. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Sammy-lz1vi | I don't agree with you. You just want to criticize for the sake of it. This was good work. Put Baias aside. Or are you from the other side? If so I understand. But it doesn't make it any less Real. Sorry. A fact is a fact Ipso De Facto. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Sammy-lz1vi |  @JRobbySh  they are all God's tools. They were placed there. This prooves that the WORD Of God Lives. It has Life. The life Of God Himself. Repent and turn away from Sin the Messiah Is Coming for Holy People. Proving allot Of Things. About the Bible. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Sammy-lz1vi |  @bluecelt4113  Evolution? Take metal parts put them in a Barn,Shed or whatever put a Bomb In there, lock the place up. Then after the Bomb goes off, Then expect to get an Assembled FERRARI In That Commotion? REALLY?? Like Really Real? Science??? Itss GOD!!!! Claiming to be Wise They Became Fools for they turned the Truth Of God Into A lie. My friend think again. Please. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bluecelt4113 |  @Sammy-lz1vi  Try reading a book or two about evolution and you might understand it. Rather that than the pathetic (and repeatedly refuted) analogy of a storm in a scrapyard. Your lack of understanding of evolution doesn't negate reality. Your sky daddy is fictional... and you know it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bluecelt4113 |  @Sammy-lz1vi  "Take metal parts put them in a Barn,Shed or whatever put a Bomb In there, lock the place up. Then after the Bomb goes off, Then expect to get an Assembled GOD In That Commotion? REALLY?? Like Really Real? Religion???" - If the universe requires a creator (because it can't be random chance) then the creator also requires a creator. What applies to the universe also applies to something as complicated as an entity capable of creating it. #ThinkHarder #ThinkBetter | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MT-ub8qg |  @bluecelt4113  You are not correct. Darwinist evolution is terribly flawed, rife with inconsistencies, and no longer holds water with a growing majority of the scientific community. The fossil record AT NO POINT shows direct linage. I shouldn't even need to mention the absence of the "missing link" the Darwin messiah. The great pumpkin has more evidence for existence. The cult of Darwin evolutionists hold the most ridiculous of all religious beliefs that given enough time all things are possibly. Its utter rubbish. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bluecelt4113 |  @MT-ub8qg  Read more books... -_- | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MT-ub8qg | I agree you should read more books. Tell me again how Darwinists dont look for facts to fit a theory and disregard anything that doesnt fit. Hence the debunked claim every two to three years claiming we have found rhe missing link. None of which are distinguishable from other ape species. Look how long the establishment clung to the bearing strait theory desipte overwhelming evidence ro the contrary. Gobekli tepi was discovered in the 90s and I had college professors in 2012 still teaching Mespopotamia at 6k was the begining of organized civilization. The cycle way we date fossil is now being seriously questioned. Look at the few studies that dared to carbon date dinosuar fossils. Explain to me how those results fits your religous beliefs. Also please explain how we domesticated food crops in less than 500 years. The magic of a billion years is a religius cult that can not be proven scientifically. Read the last 2 nature journals. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bluecelt4113 |  @MT-ub8qg  No scientists are looking for the "missing link". There is nothing missing. You're talking about comments I last heard from the 1970s. We've moved beyond that. We can look at our genetics to see how the entire animal kingdom is related. Keep up with the times, grampaw. There's science in them thar hills. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bluecelt4113 |  @MT-ub8qg  Also (amongst your other moronic claims) fossils can't be carbon dated. Why? Because they're rocks. That's what fossils are: rock. No carbon there to date. Even if there were, Carbon 14 reduces at a steady rate... and has long-since depleted for something that's been dead that long. You really should try getting your information from places other than YouTube "documentaries". | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MT-ub8qg |  @bluecelt4113  you have proven your ignorance once again. That is the darwinists claim no carbon. But that is not true they also have soft tissues and blood vessels. Looks like you have some homework to do, or by all means keep drinking the kool-aid from 20 years ago. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MT-ub8qg |  @bluecelt4113  I know you dont like to read anything published this century, but here you go. http://newgeology.us/presentation48.html | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bluecelt4113 |  @MT-ub8qg  If there is carbon, it isn't a fossil. It's a corpse. Do a simple search of a short educational video about how fossils are formed. Then stop making yourself look (quite so) stupid online. Y'welcome. :) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @pentegarn1 | I was thinking the same. Stele we're NOT allowed to see. Changing historic dates to fit with what they need without evidence. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lbeem3082 | Jesus Laughed - Psalms 37:13 - The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming. Keep the Faith! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lesmcqueen697 | @ Red Celt. "You can't take a story and try to make it fit to archaeological finds. That's the opposite of how scientific research works" yet science relies upon carbon dating for fossil dating as scientifically accurate. They fit their "evolution" theory (a story) to bones dug up from the ground. Work that one out. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lesmcqueen697 |  @bluecelt4113  "Hypocrite" a deceiver, dissembler, impostor; phoney"_ looks to fit the implied meaning for that choice of wording so perhaps take your own advice. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bluecelt4113 |  @lesmcqueen697  Fossils are rocks. You can't carbon date rocks. Please stop trying to spread falsehoods from a position of ignorance. Fossils are aged by the rock layer they are found in. What with them also being rocks. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickwhite4137 | Worked with archeologists and Egyptologist for six years! But that doesn't count. Right? If you're able to open your ears, you are told historical facts line up with the Exodus. Including timeline. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @davidcross701 | Like how Science uses consensus to prove all things fact. That's not scientific research. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @bluecelt4113 |  @rickwhite4137  Historical "facts" like the death of the first-born in Egypt being caused by a gas cloud from The Nile? And nobody mentioned all of the livestock dying, or the peasants, or all of the people who were sleeping on the ground floor that day? That isn't finding "fact" in order to prove biblical stories. That's inventing possible things and using those (weak) possibilities as proof that something happened... even though that "something" doesn't fit with the story you're trying to attach it to. Again, that's the reverse of how scientific research works, where you base your conclusions on all available evidence... rather than starting from a conclusion you've already reached (the bible stories are true) and trying to find possible explanations which might explain your existing conclusion. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @muzicboi2715 |  @bluecelt4113  lol dude not stating what I believe because it doesn't matter right here. Dude you've ignored good opposition from months ago. I wouldn't talk about things you wouldn't fully understand. Science as I hope you know involve theories, many theories some call fact. You can not in any way claim somebody else's belief an a theory stupid. Your arguments are very flawed. P.S I believe in big bang ( a theory) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @chrisyoung59721 |  @muzicboi2715  How about we start with the difference between a scientific theory and a colloquial theory. One is based on a scientific methodology encompassing laws and objective facts. The other is the equivalent to a hypothesis, which may, or may not, based on facts. Some of the people on this thread really need to further their education, because, if the only radiometric dating you know of is C-14, then you really don't know what you are talking about. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @muzicboi2715 |  @chrisyoung59721  At the core of the big bang there are just more questions and uncertainty and still yet theories. I'm not sure what you were trying to do but I'll be honest I'm not having it. Both are theories with obscure evidence. The big bang fails to answer simple questions. How did everything get to one point in space for one, what were the conditions that caused it and many more | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @muzicboi2715 |  @chrisyoung59721  you can not have an effect without a cause | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @chrisyoung59721 |  @muzicboi2715  Great. We agree on something. There is no effect without a cause. If it is your assertion that a deity was the cause, and this is true, then how do you explain what caused the deity to exist? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @muzicboi2715 |  @chrisyoung59721  youre assuming I am a creationist which is quite bold. Both theories run into the same problem. Please don't misunderstand. I am not defending one or the other. I simply stated from my view no one has the right to criticize one or the other as neither can fully prove their theory without reasonable doubt | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @davidalan2469 |  Gary Allen  Poor people looking for battles. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @chrisyoung59721 |  @muzicboi2715  "neither one can fully prove their theory", that's where you are wrong. 1) the big bang has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. That is why it is a scientific theory. Physics, modeling, and other forms of evidence(CMBR etc.) show it is true. Otherwise it would still be a hypothesis. 2) Creationism on the other hand is not a scientific theory in any sense. I'm not sure it's even a valid hypothesis since a deity can't be demonstrated. It is a prime example of the colloquial use of the word theory. As far as you personally being a creationist, it wasn't necessarily my intent to label you as one. However, since you have been unable to grasp the differences between the two "theories", you must be. Forgive me if I'm wrong. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @muzicboi2715 |  @chrisyoung59721  no it hasn't, that Statement shows me you don't know what you're talking about and are ignorant. I will not continue a conversation with you. I think you should do more research | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @candyraymondmdunge6357 | Red Celt you can try to find archaeological findings that are to reconcile the story with history unless the archaeological findings are false, which you do not know because you have done no research. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @cjmacq-vg8um | I find this all very interesting but its a bit of stretch. take the plagues. its one thing for a series of inter-linked events to take place naturally. its another to suggest they all occurred upon command. or for moses to have known one event would lead to another and to time it perfectly for it to appear they occurred upon command. and if they were really the acts of god why search for some scientific explanation? can't god alter nature and physics at will? isn't that the actual definition of a miracle? just face it. the bible, like all myths, is a collection of truths, exaggerations and lies. and like all myths, the bible was used to create a culture and unify a people. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @gregborg3790 | just theories i thought it was pretty cool the platform the stage setting | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @markwatts2532 | Religion has an excuse for everything but no tangible proof. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @Nosnoozebutton | @Azarius Maxwell a lot sooner than you realize | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @vincewhite5087 | Red Celt actually this is not how science works. You make a hypothesis & test it. Data grubbing , the method you suggest is called data grubbing. Not how it’s done in real life. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @vincewhite5087 | Red Celt Evolutionist is a proper term. Is in dictionary. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @vincewhite5087 | Red Celt not true. They stopped, because the many attempts are so poor. Including many frauds. The missing links are a crucial element of the theory. I am sure you know of these many fraud attempts. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @davidmccallum8172 | Here's the truth.https://youtu.be/XuB-Nl-lJog If you want more, it's available. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @gracegonzales4085 | They say we cannot find the Arch of the Covenant in tjis world bec. It willbe with Jesus on His second coming for everyone to see! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @davidmccallum8172 |  @gracegonzales4085  Hello Grace, What is on earth, is of a type of that which is in heaven. That includes the ark of the covenant. As I may have said, the ark, is located 20 feet beneath the site of the cross on Golgotha. It was placed there during the fall of Jerusalem, 600 years before Jesus . The three bare witness in the blood the water and the earth as G-d's testimony of his son. His blood water mixture covered the western side of the mercy seat to fulfill as a covering for all sin for all time for any who should desire eternal life with G-d. Life, is a shadow of reality and a fleeting whisper. In our approach to seek G-d until he becomes real to us in our heart with NO DOUBT OR UNBELIEF which would be sin, it is We come into his courts with a song of praise. Prayer in tongues. In the spirit. Only by way of the son that we may come before the throne. Without the blood of Jesus we are as unworthy filthy rags. Once saved, you want ONLY a person / vessel free of any sin to lay hands on you, or their corruption will enter you. It's DANGEROUS and so G-d's leaders sent me to the throne in the baptism with tremendous anointing of power. Thirty seconds is as 3 years in the strength of the anointing. The attributes of the spirit dwelling within. Therefore we pray with a repenting heart. Father I ask for your forgiveness for those sins known and unknown, and for those of my house, and to wash me clean by the blood of your son Yeshua / Jesus. The the binding: Satan I take authority over you and I bind you. What I bind on earth is bound in heaven itself, Then the release: I release the holy spirit, to protect me and to guide me in all truth, IN YESHUA'S /JESUS NAME I PRAY. Let prayer be scriptural. Once the corruptible physical drops away upon death, only the word shall remain, for it lives in eternity, and must live in us, for the saved will be given our stripes for anything of the whole counsel of G-d in his word, that we do NOT KNOW. Let it be scriptural, or let it be a lie. A corruption of this world temporarily ruled by the adversary. If you want to learn from G-d's prophets on earth, I will introduce you to them. These men are written of, in Zechariah 8:23. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Jerreinemy | To all who doubts the word of the Lord, to all who deny Jesus, to those who deny the Words of the Bible... I pray you open yours eyes and read the Bible, I pray you to see what I have seen, because if you cannot believe in the Word of the Lord by mouth, then the only Hope I can do is Spread the word of the Lord Threw sight. And if thee cannot believe threw sight then I Pray For thee... Please watch this video so that you can see the path The Lord has Made.... https://youtu.be/TdChb47ZZas | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @redceltnet |  @Jerreinemy  You should read more than one book... and one of those books should be a dictionary. Your deity is clearly an evolved tribal god and is as fictional as all of the other tribal gods. Archaeology has given us material evidence of the evolution of the belief systems of the Canaanites (including the Hebrews). When you believe in a myth, you shouldn't be surprised when you find other people (more skeptical and less gullible) who don't share your belief. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Jerreinemy |  @redceltnet  do me a favor, can you read the first 2 books of the bible and watch this video https://youtu.be/TdChb47ZZas pleas then come back and Tell me about The One True God, Who sent His Son To Die FOR OUR SINS, EVEN YOURS....... OPEN YOUR EYES TO THE TRUTH.... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @davidmccallum8172 |  @Jerreinemy  I show you the first fruits of the ten lost tribes, under instruction of Elijahand the ten, written of in zechariah 8:23 https://youtu.be/y4vQTW9nOj4 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ianrhodes7218 | there is actually more water below the surface of the planet than above it. Juuust in case you forgot that. ;)  @bluecelt4113  | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @anarosareyes6269 | Come on! That conclusion! This documentary is an insult to intelligence! | Votes: 120 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @mandrelbender2966 | I think Ron Wyatt's location for the Mount Sinai which is in Saudi Arabia is the right one. That location completely conforms to the Bibilical Narratives. | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sylviakoziarski4912 | What evidence do you want when God has laid out the heavens for you to marvel at? He even sent his son to die for our sins. You are without excuse. You will die in your ignorance. You need to repent.  daniel letterman  | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @philiproyd6563 |  @mandrelbender2966  | Right on! I had to skip ahead in the movie to see if Jabal al-Lawz was mentioned, and was disgusted when it was not | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @thejaramogi1 | Yes, I agree, If you think logically, what is the point to all this! With a click of a finger, God could have freed every one of that mess Why kill innocent children instead! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @jamescurtis1226 |  John Carboni  THAT tickled me!!! Can't point a finger without without three pointing back :) I believe the jaramogi missed Romans 9:20 But who are you, O man, to talk back to God?... and just a little study of Romans 9 would give him the EXACT reason as it was directly stated. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @rorytennes8576 | sylvia koziarski Do you have any evidence for the claims you made ? No. You don't. I want real, tangible evidence. Not claims made in an old book who's authors are questionable at best. Evidence . Do you know what evidence is? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Nosnoozebutton |  Steve Ross  especially the religion of evolution | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Nosnoozebutton |  @rorytennes8576  obviously you don't, or at the very least don't know how to find it. The only thing that's questionable here is whether or not you actually have a brain. If you do it certainly doesn't work. Let's see you build the pyramids, or carve cities like Petra out of rock, or build a temple like the one Solomon built. Heck, let's see you even build a house. Talk about questionable. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MTSINAI-JabalAl-Lawz-NE | Mt. Sinai is in Saudi Arabia. God of the Bible is real, Jesus Christ is the Son the God | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @Nosnoozebutton | @E Anon for trying to point people to the way out of danger? That's what you call an embarrassment to the human race? And if we just sat by and said nothing and let everybody find out when it's too late that there was a way out, is that what you would consider to be good people? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @guytremblay1647 | when has anything supported by James Cameron ever been less than insulting to the intelllect ? . The guy has an ego the size of the World Trade Center before it got blown away in 2001 and thinks that because he made his own research on something that his conclusions are the true facts . He did the same dam thing with the Titanic theory on how it sank and has been debunked many times over on some details that he qualified as facts in his oown conclusion about how it actually went down . Not saying that everything he claimed was wrong just saying that some of his conclusion on how things happened in the descent have been long debunked and recognised as totally faulse . The guy is only on this documentary because he supports it and uses his fame to cause the movie to become more credible . up till now no archeoligist support him on any of his research on anything regarding history . trust me when i say that when he will decide to make a movie about any mass extinction in prehistoric times he will claim that he did the research and claim his findings as facts over all other scientists findings . Thats James Cameron 's Ego . the best investigator in the universe | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @eaglegrip6879 | It's not an insult to those who are intelligent. Are you intelligent or an atheist? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @samplerstitcher | The Cairo museum seems like it is not at all well run. The antiques are in danger of being damaged | Votes: 117 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @RideWithTheWolf | Under the table we found two wives stored away and misfiled! 😂😂😂 | Votes: 21 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @azraelbatosi | Mj damaged?! Ha! More like stolen...the guys, the “Egyptologists” who run the antiquities there are all crooks, embezzling, thieving, secretive crooks | Votes: 11 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @davidfrisken1617 |  @krisschaefer876  How do you know they are inbred if they have no disability etc, compared to other Muslims who are not inbred? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @airsupply1248 | did not reporter mention that place is museums workshop area ???? | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @icu4life240 |  @RideWithTheWolf  Don't forget that they found them under Amose and his son was found buried among commoners. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @icu4life240 |  @azraelbatosi  Don't forget liars and they tell some fantastic stories | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @EliasMusyoka | it's because they are fakes | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @RideWithTheWolf | ICU4life !!!! was his son exiled? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ragimundvonwallat8961 | if you had any idea of the HUGE AMOUNT of priceless artifacts, destroyed, sold, hidden ruined up to now you would cry. its not there past so they dont care...they dont even care about there own past | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @chuckybonty4191 |  C. Michael  some white man went there to plant that idiot | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @elizabethjackson2651 |  @davidfrisken1617  they were anointed by God to rule thru dreams and visions, other rulers are not. From the book of Hosea... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @elizabethjackson2651 |  @icu4life240  Do you mean Ahmoses! I didn't know they found him buried with common folks. He was the one who expunged the Hyksos (Amorites, Hittites, Elbanites) 1550 bc. He finished the work if this grandfather general Tao and father kamoses. These were also at the time of Moses who was a priest name Osarseph who fled Avaris and trained in Egyptians ways as a priest. With the magic words of God priest could part water and retrieve items dropped in water and could pick the item up from dry land, then return the water. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @elizabethjackson2651 |  @mike62mcmanus  all of this was predicted in the Bible to happen. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @elizabethjackson2651 |  @ragimundvonwallat8961  the is so true. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @elizabethjackson2651 |  C. Michael  you are 100% correct. I'm happy to see people who know what's really going on... Yhanks | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @elizabethjackson2651 |  C. Michael  you are sharp! I have to follow you | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @elizabethjackson2651 |  C. Michael  once we return to the faith of our father, we will again be blessed from the fruit of our wound, once Babylon falls we will be gathered together and again elect one head of all. We are forgiven for calling god the wrong names, dreams and visions of our ancestors will cease for a while. Once you seek Him, He will open up the Windows of heaven to you, then you will be opened to the Windows of heaven once more. The Baal system shall end. America, Europe and the 7 nations are losing 7-25 million people every several years. You are rich and all will be restored. (When you seek you will find, finders keepers.) You must seek Him... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @elizabethjackson2651 |  C. Michael  you tube will be cracking down on comments, the Baal system doesn't believe in educating slaves. The matrix we are in is for control of resources and people for cheap labor | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @elizabethjackson2651 |  C. Michael  Jesus didn't come into the records until 1500's. A ship called Jesus was the first ship to ship out slaves from Nigeria to the America's after the war of 1591 of the British and Nigerian because the British were stealing and taking so much a war was declared | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @elizabethjackson2651 |  C. Michael  Hosea says god will forgive us for calling him the wrong name because He understand why. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @elizabethjackson2651 |  C. Michael  https://www.yahuwah.co.uk/The-Name-Jesus---the-facts.html. YaHaWah | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ghizlaneben5984 | Are u French by any chance ? Lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MyNameishidden-l2f |  @mike62mcmanus  noicceee | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ahmada2090 | The real Mount Sinai in Jabal Al-Lawz, northwest of Saudi Arabia, and this video. Search by title for the video (Finding the Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jonathanorozco3244 | Confirmation Bias the documentary. In just the first 20 minutes how many “Let’s assume” statements, “perhaps (unsubstantiated passing statement) is the truth”, “this date doesn’t line up but what if we changed the date? with this new date, the date is more in line to other things I found and want to attribute to this story." or “the bible says” statements which are fallacy ridden when the point of the documentary is trying to prove the bible is telling the truth. You can’t say “This biblical story is true because in the bible it says it happened.” I’m all for trying to get to the bottom of a story but be intellectually honest if you’re attempting to inform people and if your intention is only to entertain people then don’t falsely portray your narrative as an informative documentary. | Votes: 116 | Reply: false 4 years ago | @mikeakridge6555 | Do you want proof of God's existence? If so, the creation story is the place to look. Creation predated all humans and could not be true and substantive unless God exists. Understand this- I loathe "creation science" (mythology) and it cannot be used to prove anything. But, modern science proves the creation story profoundly true. Care to see my work free of charge? | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jonathanorozco3244 |  @mikeakridge6555  I know text isn’t the best form to convey emotion or intent so to begin, understand everything I’m going to say is meant to be said as respectfully as possible and in a conversational, not argumentative way. However, utilizing the creation story to prove God’s existence has an inherent logical flaw in that you need to believe God exists in order to believe the story that God created the universe while simultaneously utilizing that story (in which you must inherently believe God exists in) as proof of God, and then saying God’s existence is proof he created the universe is a bit circular in it’s reasoning. Now obviously you are correct in stating creation predated all humans. Also I too loathe “creation science/mythology” but even aside from Ken Hamm style Young Earth nonsense, a model which takes into account all modern scientific understanding of time up to the currently accepted model of the Big Bang and break down of time, gravity, and the four fundamental forces of physics would leave you at the question “What happened before the Big Bang?” and not the definitive answer of “God said ‘Bang’ and it happened.” I have no problem saying “I don’t yet know” to the question but I fail to see how a lack of understanding (among everyone everywhere, not that you specifically don’t understand) of what happened is proof to declare what did happen in absence of any other obvious explanation at the moment or the circular reasoning of “God exists because he made the universe which proves God exists because the universe exists and the universe wouldn’t exist if God didn’t make the universe and God exists because he made the universe…etc” As for your last question/offer, if you have a link to your work then post it in your reply and I’ll definitely check it out. If it would involve travel however, I’m afraid to say potentially international travel isn’t exactly easy these days where I’m at so I may have to pass for at least the moment, Lol. | Votes: 15 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @CT-6210 |  @jonathanorozco3244  I'm Christian and I agree with everything you said! haha I still obviously draw the opposing conclusion that God exists, and I get what you mean about the circular reasoning, but I guess that's where faith comes in. I do my best to rely on other evidence as well as the creation story to back up my beliefs. As far as I've researched, I know Ron Wyatt's work has been frowned upon, but his work seems credible to me as far as lining up with Biblical accounts. I believe that God uses science and evolution to his advantage, that all this quarreling between creationist Bible thumpers and atheists/agnostics has gotten us nowhere. Evolution and science altogether are beautiful facets of His creation to me. Whenever I take a look at history, of all the old stories told by many cultures like the flood, Josephus's account of Jesus, the archeological work done on Biblical cities, evolution and science as I mentioned before, and much more, Jesus' quote that all it takes is faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains (paraphrasing there, sorry lol) makes much more sense to me. The best way I've been told how God and science go together is: "The Bible tells us what happened and why; science tells us how 'what' happened as well as at least some of the science behind 'why' 'what' happened." My father told me that when he was a Christian. Unfortunately, he has fallen into a life of hallucinogens, unbelief, and other terrible sins. Lol, even the Bible says that men like him who aren't there for their families are worse than unbelievers. Please understand that even the Bible tells us Christians to "test everything and hold on to what is good," so I'm very happy for you that you, no matter your beliefs, are very empirical and question everything! I really do wish there were more educated, inquisitive people like you because there's nothing like your unbelief to vigorously test our faith and make way for fresh, enriching perspectives. I'm friends with an agnostic and a practicing Jew, and yes, while I do wish that they were Christians as well, we still sound like a perfect bar joke together lol! Now, of course, you can't accept God's blessing lol, but God bless you anyway, dude, I wish you all the best! :D | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @supdude5194 | God is not science and nor is it his because the very word, itself, is made from the mind of man. The angels that fell and created giants out of their seeds. Now, these seeds began teaching man the secrets of the Earth and it's atmosphere, this became science; only then it was known as sorcery. This knowledge for man was stolen when sin became a part of the nature of man as Eve took a bite of the fruit of the tree of knowledge, then giving a bite to Adam. Satan, the destroyer, the thief, he tricked Eve. Before this had ever happened, the Lord put Adam and Eve to dwell upon the garden of Eden. He told them to multiply and inhabit the Earth, and learn his knowledge. The wonders we would see if they had not disobeyed God. There is a transcending being that lives and he will continue to transcend forever. I really don't know any other being with the ability to see far into the future of our existence, have it witnessed by humans full of grace and favored by God, have them document all of it, then watch it unfold. Everything from the ancient scriptures and the scriptures from these latter days are proof along with the physical existence of all the remnants of past civilizations and kingdoms and their inhabitants. In the past few centuries evidence all over the world has been unearthed, whether naturally or excavated by scientists, geologists and archeologists; many of which have been kept secret until recent decades. Do me a favor and read about Daniel's prophecies about the large statue made of four different metals in the form of a man. The head is made of gold, the torso made of silver, the thighs made of bronze, the legs made of iron and the feet made of a mixture of iron and clay. Compare the whole section of the book with history physically written into the earth, on the earth and onto documents. Tell me that Daniel did not interpret king Nebuchadnezzar's dream as a prophecy that hasn't since long happened already. If you want to understand what I'm talking about then search for From Babylon to America, it's on YouTube. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @joeking1956 | All hypothesis start with a what if statement or as you say "let's assume", followed by evidence to prove said statement. As far as your mention of dating malleability, all dating methods have a range, so there may be an error in interpretation. Although, a document translated from a translation then translated again and changed to fit a narrative over 2000 or so years, may not be overly accurate. There still might be some history left in said document. Historic events within a religious document alone is not evidence that proves that a god exists nor the lack of evidence proof that a god does not exist. Many events have been used for political, religious, or scientific purposes to prove a point. To dismiss something because it doesn't fit your narrative of the truth is irresponsible. Religion and science has a history of dismissing evidence that don't fit the current paradigm, whatever origin it might have. I am an atheist, which means that I don't believe in god or disbelieve in god. You take truth as the evidence appears. Truth is what matters, not your chosen narrative. Sorry, but I hate fanaticism in all forms, whether it is religious, atheist, or otherwise. That is why I felt the need to comment. An example of tying to to fit something into your paradigm, the mention of the stelae in Mycenae, the expert mentions that there are only two options for an abstract image. How can there be only two interpretations for something that is supposedly abstract. The official interpretation seems questionable itself, and made to fit the truth that they want to represent. I agree that the filmmaker might be reaching for proof, but there is no way that a supposedly abstract image can only be interpreted two ways with an image from so long ago that we lack context for. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @jermmagnum258 |  @supdude5194  I agree with your belief and concept for the birth of science . . The book of enoch answered a ton of questions and brought 2 × more . . | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ambrekalynch7543 | Well said | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @tenaka_khan |  @joeking1956  I totally agree with you here, in fact the filmmaker/s as you have said "might be reaching for proof" there's always a possibility that these events actually happened in the ancient times. And the fact that the filmmaker/s also provided an evidence about this biblical documentary is totally mind blowing and ingenious, showing many historical events that may actually have happened. Jonathan Orozco's statement that their intentions was for entertainment and false portrayal of a documentary was totally dense and dull-witted. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @stueydoubleyou | As seen here, critical thinking challenges our comfort zone | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Luke-tm5oy |  @mikeakridge6555  yes I'd love to see "your work". | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Luke-tm5oy |  @tenaka_khan  You think this is mind blowing and ingenious ? want to see how I can pull my thumb off? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @benignuman | I agree but the converse is also true. All the dates being discussed are speculative. For someone to say "I date the exodus to X year and looking at that time I don't see evidence for it, therefore it didn't happen" is equally ridiculous. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @zamiel3 |  @mikeakridge6555  So ridiculous. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @zamiel3 |  @CT-6210  So you are a Christian, that has faith that god created the world. But not enough faith to believe the Bible is actually true. That's a bit strange. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MrMarcodarko | that guy is a jewisg appologist of course. guys wearing the biggest yamaka | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MrMarcodarko |  @mikeakridge6555  creatio story was copied from the babyloias, so god is actually marduk | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mikeakridge6555 |  @jonathanorozco3244  I just saw this today. My email address is akridge5@yahoo.com . What I show is that the creation story agrees perfectly with modern science including evolution, geology, astrophysics,- everything. It is 8 scenes from Earth's past as if witnessed in a documentary on TV. It is about Earth and everything humans need to survive. From first Sunlight until now, everything is perfectly ordered in the story. Hence, there must be a superior intelligence. Contact me and I'll send you my work- no strings attached and no creation science. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mikeakridge6555 |  @Luke-tm5oy  I just saw this. email me at akridge5@yahoo.com because I'd be happy to send you my work! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mikeakridge6555 |  @CT-6210  Email me at akridge5@yahoo.com and I'll show you how perfect the creation story is using only modern science. Oh, I'm an avid Christian by the way. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @mikeakridge6555 |  @MrMarcodarko  The biblical creation story is completely unique to the Hebrew Bible, but if it were not, where did the Babylonians get it? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @jthepickle7 | Moses' addendum to the tablets, "THOU SHALT NOT ASK, ARE WE THERE YET?" | Votes: 116 | Reply: false 4 years ago | @carnalesflowsent8780 | 🤣🤣🤣🤣😅😅😅 I found this comment so Hilarious... | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @anime.soundtracks | the real plague of every family vacation with kids 🤣 | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mitchellc4 | The gospel is the GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM! Repent and believe the gospel! Follow Jesus’ teachings! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah will resurrect his people! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. RSV Only-monos God-theos Monos theos Monotheism The Father Jesus is the one sent by the true God (the Father)! Jesus never claimed to be God, Jesus said he has ab God! Jesus has a God! Jesus died! God can’t die! God raised Jesus from the dead! | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mitchellc4 | Tribe of Judah Well I’m not an Arian because I don’t believe Jesus physically existed in heaven before he was born | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @walterlegere1403 | OMG! This made me laugh out loud!!! My neighbors think I'm insane!!! Brilliant! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @lizakerr4733 |  @mitchellc4  Jesus is God in the flesh to came to die for our sin | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @mitchellc4 | Liza Kerr Where in the Bible does it say God died??? Jesus isn’t God, he has a God Eph 1 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, 1 Pet 1 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @lizakerr4733 |  @mitchellc4  My friend's Facebook she is great at the Bible: https://www.facebook.com/tanya.m.purdon | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @jonnyjohnsen7972 |  @walterlegere1403  it didn't help much. We are still doing sin. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @walterlegere1403 |  @jonnyjohnsen7972  Lighten up dude! Develop a sense of humor or you'll just die old, miserable and alone! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @jonnyjohnsen7972 |  @walterlegere1403  whatever, dude. 😇😇 But you misunderstood me. Sorry about that. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @bobbijokramm955 | Hilarious ‼️😂🤣 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @camelxravennova | 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @MagesseT1 | That's the 11th Commandment; the 12th is "You should have 'gone BEFORE we left the house!" | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @DavidLoveMore | Moses was a big sinner. Once he broke all ten commandments at once. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Katiesarabians |  @DavidLoveMore  human is as human does. Men will be men | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @henrybird26 | When I first saw this documentary I was fascinated by it, and even bought it on DVD. I still find it fascinating to watch. | Votes: 114 | Reply: false 3 years ago | @martinkent333 | Zero evidence for Moses or Exodus, but you are a freak with a fantasy, Powderpuff! | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @aonix9097 |  @martinkent333  At least we're not keyboard jockeys running around trying to slap people with one-liners ;) | Votes: 13 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @americapadilla7598 | Watch Ron Wyatts documentaries.. He founded all these things!!!! | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @aonix9097 |  @americapadilla7598  I'd recommend checking out "Sodom and Gomorrah: Biblical Archaeology" by InspiringPhilosophy on YT. I think that might also be a good potential Sodom and Gomorrah spot. :) | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ahmada2090 | The real Mount Sinai in Jabal Al-Lawz, northwest of Saudi Arabia, and this video. Search by title for the video (Finding the Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia) | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ummabudee | Truth mixed with falsehood. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @bunnypastor8252 |  @americapadilla7598  that guy is a liar xD in the archeological community, he's at the same level of the "Gaia" fakers. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @americapadilla7598 |  @bunnypastor8252  How can you say he's a liar if its all backed up by video footage? Bet you haven't taken the time to watch any of his videos but quick to judge. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @bunnypastor8252 |  @americapadilla7598  "Wyatt was not considered credible by professional archaeologists and biblical scholars. The Garden Tomb Association of Jerusalem state in a letter they issue to visitors on request: The Council of the Garden Tomb Association (London) totally refute the claim of Wyatt to have discovered the original Ark of the Covenant or any other biblical artifacts within the boundaries of the area known as the Garden Tomb Jerusalem. Though Wyatt was allowed to dig within this privately owned garden on a number of occasions (the last occasion being the summer of 1991) staff members of the Association observed his progress and entered his excavated shaft. As far as we are aware nothing was ever discovered to support his claims nor have we seen any evidence of biblical artifacts or temple treasures." | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @bunnypastor8252 |  @americapadilla7598  Archaeologist Joe Zias of Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) has stated that "Ron Wyatt is neither an archaeologist nor has he ever carried out a legally licensed excavation in Israel or Jerusalem. In order to excavate one must have at least a BA in archaeology which he does not possess despite his claims to the contrary. ... [His claims] fall into the category of trash which one finds in tabloids such as the National Enquirer, Sun etc."[ | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @bunnypastor8252 |  @americapadilla7598  what did you say? Haha | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @americapadilla7598 |  @bunnypastor8252  You obviously haven't seen any of his videos because If you had you wouldn't believe what the Association claims. He was recognized for finding Noahs Ark.. videos don't LIE! Do yourself a favor and at least watch that video! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @americapadilla7598  Ron Wyatt has been completely and utterly discredited and every one of his unsupported claims debunked by both theistic and secular scholars. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @americapadilla7598  Videos don't lie but Ron Wyatt certainly does. How many times are they going to claim to have found a boat that not only didn't exist but couldn't exist........claiming something on video is not how reality is determined. Every single relevant discipline of science has fully and completely debunked the Noah's flood fable beyond doubt, it never happened so the ark could not exist to be found. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @everydaycliche1529 |  @americapadilla7598  hehe found Noah's ark huh? One would think that if such a discovery did take place and could truly be verified by accredited archaeologists his background would be irrelevant. Its also goes without saying that if the real noahs ark was found as this charlatan claims, the international interest would be off the charts...but alas its nonsense. Believe whatever, im not even writing the great flood narrative off, theres actual evidence for that but " hes credited with finding Noah's ark" come on man, use that brain god gave you | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @CHRIST24-7 |  @martinkent333  the same zero prove as you exist | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 | And how many a sign in the heavens and the earth which they pass by, yet they turn aside from it. (Yusuf(Joseph). 105). | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thor8086 | Exodus story told us about Egyptian Pharoa Ramses, archeologist PROVED Egyptian king Ramses was a real king. About 4000years later. This YouTube video proved nothing, cleverly threading some scientific phenomenon to disregard Exodus story. Did they find iron deposit that reacted to volcanic action near Nile river? Why did the lice swarm happen not the cockroach swarm? Even if Exodus plague was caused by how this video theorizes, real question should be how did Moses knew and predict in advance with exact timing and sequence? This is something modern scientists cannot do collectively. Most historian base their historical findings on oral history. Any written history is considered absolute proof. In this fake documentary video, written records from millennia ago is discounted with poorly threaded suppositions. Many used to say Ramses never existed and discounted Exodus story. Last couple of decades, there are too many anti-Israelite documentary produced with Arabic or Muslim financial support. As a non Jewish person, the producers of anti-Jewish documentaries should be more transparent about supporters to gain any credibility. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @christinehorner312 | No matter how many times I watch this, I always find it fascinating. | Votes: 113 | Reply: false 2 months ago | @martinkent333 | Zero evidence for Exodus. NAME THAT PHAROAH! No one can, Dude. Let's chat abut your gulibility. Pleased to meet you! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 weeks ago | @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018 |  @martinkent333  I understand why, you just do not believe it. The 1st reason: The people that voluntarily lie for The Bible... The Ipuwer papari talks also about the 10 plagues. BUT, there is an Egyptian priest, Manetho, that TALKS about the Exodus. Manetho named it: Amenophis, also known as Amenhotep I. I have it that name. Will you verify my information before talking to me? Did you read the Exodus story? The movies about that subject are not like the story in The Bible at ALL. In a past comment on this documentary, I already said parts that does not work. Also, the mummy of the pharaoh they talk CANNOT be the Pharaoh of Exodus. That Pharaoh was not attacked by the Israelites. Tempest Stela The stela’s text describes the “sky being in storm” with “a tempest of rain” for a period of days. The passages also describe bodies floating down the Nile like “skiffs of papyrus.” Importantly, the text refers to events affecting both the delta region and the area of Egypt further south along the Nile. Did you TOTALLY IGNORE THAT? You did not really back checked... hein? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 days ago | @ornum1072 | We are the ark of the covenant.We are a divine machine with many hidden secrets.Meditation and breathwork is the key 😉 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 days ago | @martinkent333 |  @ornum1072  zero evidence for Exodus and Moses, yet Christians are groomed weekly and have faith and so absolutely no need for truth. Please read the fine print on your spiritual ticket to eternal life, before the 2000th Easter in 2033. Then let's chat! Pleased to meet you! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @tiensmey1 | This was done very well, and I applaud all the time and effort, and all the money, that it took to produce a video that held me and my wife spellbound from the beginning to the end ! I do, however, have a very small bone to pick with you : You refer to "the birds" on the cover of the Ark of the Covenant, even showing a depiction thereof at 1:28:45. The Bible states clearly (Exodus 25:17 - 20) that the two figures were cherubim, with their wings spread to form the mercy seat. For this reason, the golden objects that you showed in 1:28:45 to 1:29:41 seems likely not to depict the Ark, or part thereof. Sorry about that, for it subtracts from an otherwise, for me, excellent piece of work. Sometimes, in an effort to prove what we believe, we tend to go a little overboard. Remember : We are dealing with faith, and faith often has no proof. That is why it is called "faith". | Votes: 113 | Reply: false 4 years ago | @nora22000 | And faith in fairytales has no reason to exist. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ebayerr | The problem I had was at the 27 min mark. Simcha Jacobovici kept saying that the God of the Hebrew Bible was called "EL" That's not correct.He was known to them as YHWH. | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @giomanni7460 |  @ebayerr  you re so wrong..el is deriving from the word Elohim...the tetragrammaton or the four letters that you have written is the name of god that is forbidden to pronounce.. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @ebayerr |  @giomanni7460  : "....the name of god that is forbidden to pronounce.." That doesn't make me wrong. And at the time that the Hebrews were in Egypt,god would've been known to them by name and they would've pronounced his name. It wasn't until many years later that the practice of leaving out the vowels for the tetragrammaton was done. The rabbi's and scribes were in error for doing so. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @zoe-kn2iw |  @nora22000  I understand where you're coming from, and you obviously don't believe in the Exodus. However, this comment comes across as demeaning towards someone who does believe it. You can believe whatever you want, but please do not act this way to those who believe it. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nora22000 |  @zoe-kn2iw  The Exodus is a hate crime to the Egyptians, and there is no proof it ever happened. Please consider abandoning belief in it. How do you treat belief that the Earth is flat? | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Eunice.Aceto75 | A hate crime to the Egyptians! 🤦🏻‍♀️ | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nora22000 |  @Eunice.Aceto75  The first time I heard the story I was struck with how cruel was it to send plagues and kill the children of all those people, then blithely justify it and celebrate it. I was so relieved to learn from a rabbi that there is zero evidence in either historical or archaeological findings that the Exodus ever happened; there was never any enslavement in Egypt to escape from, so these cruelties did not take place. Be safe. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @the.parks.of.no.return | Jebel al Lawz Jebel al Lawz 49882, Saudi Arabia https://maps.app.goo.gl/kjbuYrM8RLmxK2oU8 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @victorpulis5113 |  @ebayerr  in Genesis god is called Elohim god in the plural.YHWH is I am the I am.the answer he gave to Moses when he asked who was sending him to Pharaoh. God answered in that way because it was believed that knowing one's name would give power over one.in other words god told Moses it's none of your business who I am! | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cmain3931 |  @ebayerr  you do know g-d has 72 names and el is one of them? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cmain3931 |  @nora22000  lol you never make sense you know that right | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cmain3931 |  @victorpulis5113  yah this wasnt the case at all. Elohim him isnt plural gods its for angels or his messengers and the name given to Moses translates to i will be who i will be which meant you are about to know who i am. Please learn Hebrew. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nora22000 |  @zoe-kn2iw  My comment cast no aspersions on the believers. It stated obvious facts in a nonreverential, neutral tone. Do you believe Earth to be flat? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nora22000 |  @cmain3931  It is the cruel story that makes no sense. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @zoe-kn2iw |  @nora22000  I posted that comment like a year ago, you're not going to change my entire belief set, please give up. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @NoName-ii8xj | Sorry Tiens, It is not a small bone to pick, calling Cherubim small birds destroys the historical value of the whole film, they are not even close to being the same. It makes me question what else have they changed from the truth to make the film? Concerning faith, at the start we have no proof, but in the end it is essential. We can believe God has told us something but the only way we know it is truly His Word is the end result is what you thought God said. I am a Christian today not because of blind faith but because a lot of my prayers (Not all) and prophecies concerning me have come to fruition. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @anthonypareigis6188 |  @Eunice.Aceto75  how is it not? It didnt happen. They've painted Egyptians as defiers of God, slavers whom drown the children of their slaves (but only the males apparently lol). When there is little to no evidence that it even happened. This documentary takes a lot of liberty stretching the truth and implying things that just aren't true. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ThePortes1234 |  @zoe-kn2iw  WELL SAID ZOE. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @ericdanielsbenavidez5867 | Thanks, for pointing that out. Reason why we need listen actual experts in each field of history that are specifically secular, these people already sounded like believer's long before Thier fundings. And that gives you a confirmation bias. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @joannegavlick4797 |  @nora22000  hogwash.... Why is it ok for him to say that Egyptians called the Jews "evil" but not vice versa? You have no premise for an effective argument. Every single ethnos group on earth has a history of its own evildoers. Otherwise, what you really claim is that Egyptians are exempt of evil? It is history and factual, so if this offends you then YOU have the issue, not historical evidence. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @olujimielegbede5172 |  @ebayerr  please just go read about yawehism. U will get his point. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @olujimielegbede5172 |  @nora22000  some authors tend to write out some parts, not his fault. He mentioned something in the documentary | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @olujimielegbede5172 |  @cmain3931  how | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @olujimielegbede5172 |  @joannegavlick4797  That was the version of the Egyptian pharaoh that wrote the text. You can't call ur assumed enemy good people but evil people even if they are right. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @americafirst1282 | You can believe in fairytales all you want. Don’t expect the world to fall at your feet because you call on your goofy Bible to shove upon others the fake narrative | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @julesjulian75 | You mention faith, as theres no concrete proof, in my humble opinion (and b4 I get a million rebuttals by folk who are !00percent steadfast in their belief) I prefer to call this "BLINDFAITH", due to nothing ever proving that the entire bible and all it contains cover to cover, isnt the word of man, not Gods word thru the hand of man, merely an impossible to prove factual or fictional ancient piece of literature,,,,Also.I do not consider myself an athiest. I just do not know, I am yet to see PROOF of anything regarding even the existence of God and all that we are asked to believe factual, which I think will forever be debated, as it is today. Thousands of years later.. The factual part of all this is that its very much fascinating, intrigue is addictive. Thank you for the documentary and hearing my thoughts. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @roxannhawley3583 | Faith and Believing are two entirely different words in the Bible. You must check your work. The last thing you want to do is start another religion! Peace and Wellbeing to you! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @MetalByzantine |  @Eunice.Aceto75  who cares they were savages and pagan worshipers. Christ is king | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @baberoot1998 | The documentary...kept getting in the way, and interrupting, all the advertisements I wanted to really see. | Votes: 111 | Reply: false 4 years ago | @ericknutson8679 | Get an AD blocker | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @clif6559 | Sshheeessshh.. Just skip until the end and rewatch it. No more ads. simple. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @lestweforget3430 |  @clif6559  thanks for the tip! I had no idea about that trick. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @sherwinmalbin2513 |  @clif6559  i just learned that trick today hehehe | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @wendyschilliinmyblunt7383 | if you are watching on your pc install adblock its a chrome extension that blocks any ads on youtube its amazing and its free dont let other people monetize your boredom shalom | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @ahmada2090 | The real Mount Sinai in Jabal Al-Lawz, northwest of Saudi Arabia, and this video. Search by title for the video (Finding the Mountain of Moses: The Real Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @baberoot1998 |  @ericknutson8679  Why would I do that? Did you not read my comment correctly? The documentary...was interrupting the ads. Say it with me...reading comprehension. Slowly this time.....reading comprehension. 😁 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @baberoot1998 |  @clif6559  Hey Clif, (sic). Why would I do that? DId you not read my comment correctly? The documentary kept interrupting all the ads I wanted to see. I know some people...have difficulty grasping simple, reading comprehension so....sheeeeeesh...I recommend an English class for you. It may help your reading comprehension. (It might also help your spelling, of your own name. Cliff is with two "f's". Sheeeeeesh....😁 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @toys_loversinc. | The reason I will never stop watching Biblical docs . Who is watching in 2023 | Votes: 108 | Reply: false 7 months ago | @sugoiboi__ | 2024 | Votes: 13 | Reply: true 6 months ago | @marcusbennett8073 | 2024 | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 months ago | @lukesmith739 | 2025 😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 months ago | @shaynapenguin7791 | 2024 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 months ago | @wabbitnred3609 | & 2024 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 months ago | @Gods-bad-boy | 2030 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 months ago | @martafortney4109 |  @marcusbennett8073  | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 weeks ago | @Fraizerhaile | 2024 🙏 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @amandalynn3538 | scholars...Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. | Votes: 106 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @rishirishiroopnarine5067 | Amanda Lynn3 JESUS | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @xdafactor7684 | You said A world full. This is the state of the World today, including most Christians. | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @maddman4747 |  wanda taylor  TRUTH BE KNOWN..! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @hateUmankind | nope cause the world Government don't want to Acknowedge Story of the Bible is real History they don't want to let people know that in School or Collage sad world we live in | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lutkedog1 |  @hateUmankind  What part of the bible can you prove to be real? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @hateUmankind |  @lutkedog1  from Adam & Eve To Jesus Christ | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jpkjnn6733 |  wanda taylor  yawns. A crazy person in the comments of a YouTube video. What are the chances! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jpkjnn6733 |  @hateUmankind  that's because the Bible is largely manufactured by biggoted, patriarchal control freaks. Noah's ark anybody? Total fantasy. You'd have to be an absolute moron to believe that BS. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jpkjnn6733 |  @hateUmankind  so none of it. Just cause you say something - or believe something - doesn't mean it's actually true. You can't prove a word of it and you know it. You're a sad cultist who believes untrue things to feel better about your ignorance. After all, truth is uncomfortable and takes work. Believing something blindly is lazy and requires no effort whatsoever. Time to grow up dude. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @hateUmankind |  @jpkjnn6733  they prove the floor is real & they find roman account Jesus is Citizen of the empire & they find prof for King David is real & only NWO don't want us to know more & still not allow this info into School or Collage sad world we living in today | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @baruchben-david4196 | Not scholars. People. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @benjaminmassie2978 | so you think just because you was taught something when you was younger thatm that is the truth.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @iam1ina1000000 | ?? Let me see if I got this right folks... apparently there were a bunch of jewish guys, that got together a couple thousand years ago (before radio, television or the internet existed) and they decided to write a really long book about a few jewish super heroes, that had Gods private cell number, and those jewish guys were best buddies with God and they talked to God whenever they wanted. While it seems to be rather convenient that God only spoke to jewish guys (apparently because those jewish guys said, after God dropped by one day, that they were the 'chosen ones' out of all of the people that God created all over the planet) and of course folks, if those jewish guys said it happened, then it must be true... it's not as if those jewish guys would ever lie, right? If those jewish guys said that Mary was a virgin, after she had a baby, well of course it she was a virgin. If those jewish guys said that Jesus could walk on water, then of course it happened. If those jewish guys said that Noah parted the red sea, well of course it happened. If those jewish guys say they spoke to God and they were told that Eve was created from one of Adams ribs, well of course it's true. If 2 of every animal from all across the planet, just dropped by Noah's place and jumped onto the ark that he made all by himself (just in time before the planet was flooded) well of course it must be true. If those jewish guys said that God told them, that the planet was was created in 7 days, well it must be true. Curious though, how come God suddenly decided not to drop by, for any more casual chats with those jewish guys, once the book was done? (No best seller sequels?) I mean as the 'chosen ones' you would expect those jewish guys to have made a regular 'guys night out' of it, and kept God in the loop with updates on book sales and the latest reviews. Surely God would have endless stories to share with the rest of the world to tell us how amazing the jews are and why God decided they are the 'chosen ones' and why everyone else on the planet is not... but of course what do I know, after all, I'm not one of the chosen ones. I will just have to take their word for it. (I mean why would they lie about something like that...what would those jewish guys have to gain by lying?) | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @benjaminmassie2978 | so why did Moses spend 40 days up at the mountain,well he new when they was free frome the Egytians that they would need new laws and rules to go by so he made the ten comandments acualy it was more than just ten then churches broke them down made their own rules for their own purposes | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @camerontaylor7471 | John King but all science has its origins in the occults from the gods of Egypt ... the “gods” were scientist, teachers, but also apart of the occults using intellectual property to program and mind control people and nature... science can only reflect and validate itself, and creates DEAD things... sure there are some health advancements made by science but all the health problems are create by man because we go against natural ways of life ... now science is used to mind control people as the only absolute authority of truth, just like the church does... I say think for yourself and let love and kindness guide our lives.. NOT Intellectual facilities.... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @moodyrick8503 |  @hateUmankind  Since when do western governments stop anyone from following or believing in religion? Catholic schools and universities are everywhere! Stop crying about "FAKE" oppression! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @moodyrick8503 |  @hateUmankind  The Bible even at the best of times has failed to reach half of humanity. Most of humanity in the last 2000 years has lived and died with no chance to know anything of Jesus or the bible! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @moodyrick8503 |  @hateUmankind  Jewish biblical scholars at Tel Aviv university, teach that there is no proof of King David! Decades of digging have turned up no conclusive evidence. Israel has huge reason to fake evidence, yet they don't. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @kennethtabin2706 |  @rishirishiroopnarine5067  https://www.google.com/search?client=tablet-android-samsung&sxsrf=ACYBGNQ-Cipve7fYOTILbUulQM_h5-dSfA:1569606537488&q=%22y%22+Rev.+Dr.+Yolanda+Pierce&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjW8umAyPHkAhVQo54KHbqjDscQ5t4CMAJ6BAgIEAU&biw=602&bih=964#ip=1 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @alvinwagner6745 | That’s because God has chosen the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @timithypirie1 | Bible is true | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @chuckrabas3041 | As a historian, I've seen countless examples of family stories that, while containing a grain of truth, have become wildly distorted in only a century's time. If one accepts the premise of their explanation the places and events of the Exodus story, including moving its timeline back a few centuries, one can see the germ of the story. However, it only offers a reasonably plausible scientific explanation of the events and of some locations, but fails to support the rest of the Biblical story, let alone its religious aspects. There is a genre of literature known as historical fiction, in which fictional characters are placed in an actual historical setting and take part in actual historical events alongside actual historical characters. One can't help but wonder how many Old Testament characters (and/or their deeds) were added as the story progressed before being written. | Votes: 106 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @SignificantOtherProd | One wonders if in a thousand years Abraham Lincoln will be remembered (if at all) as a famous and powerful vampire hunter. | Votes: 29 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @theresapalmer9238 | Or, you were wrong and it's just your perspective... Opinion. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrejlipatnikov6512 | Broken telephone game... story can be distorted in 5 mins. lets not take century as an example... xD | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @indoorsandout3022 | My family has long had a tradition of writing everything down specifically so we don't end up with a distorted view of things. The earliest documents of our family are written in Latin, Etruscan, and an alphabet modified from Etruscan combined with a language which the Romans would have classified as Allemanian (the predecessor of modern languages such as Pennsylvania Dutch, Austrian, and Bavarian). We have 1600ish years of documentation. And even then, there are fictional patches on the fabric of our family history. For example, an ancestor is said to be the son of Wodanaz, another to be the son of Neptune. Obviously, that can't be true. There was a common practice at the time where orphans who never knew their parents would say that they were born of the Gods. And there were a lot of orphans in Central Europe in the 400s. After all, the Huns were invading and lots of people were being killed. | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @onepercenter13 | The whole bible is historical fiction | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @onepercenter13 |    The Problem of the Bible: Inaccuracies, contradictions, fallacies, scientific issues and more. https://www.news24.com/MyNews24/The-Problem-of-the-Bible-Inaccuracies-contradictions-fallacies-scientific-issues-and-more-20120517 | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Luzviminda777 | Watch Ron wyatt on yt. If you want the truth ... about mt sinai , ark of covenant and many more | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @pleasy13 |  @indoorsandout3022  - Etruscan? I think you'll find your timeline is wildly out then if you have 1600 years or so of family history. It would have to be considerably older than that. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @revealislam-christianprinc6478 | As for you, I don't think you can believe anything except you see it happened in your presence. Why be a historian then? Since what you are researching on you won't believe it anyways. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @shoyupacket5572 |  @revealislam-christianprinc6478  the goal is not to believe, the goal is to paint a picture of what most likely happened, versus what objectively didn't happen based on as many sources as are possible. there is no belief because yes unless i see something with my own eyes and experience, I cannot prove it actually happened. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @shoyupacket5572 |  @mejoe5284  Are you an actual NPC | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @onepercenter13 | That's me converted 🤣🤣🤣🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @onepercenter13 |  @mejoe5284  there's lots of fairy tales in that book...it was the United Nations that gave the Jews a homeland.....not some sky wizard | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @onepercenter13 |  @mejoe5284  no | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @chuckrabas3041 |  @revealislam-christianprinc6478  There's an immense difference between looking for evidence to support a foregone conclusion and reaching a conclusion based on evidence. one must also be able to evaluate the credibility of the sources of that evidence. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @gordonbartlett1921 | You are quite correct in your comments about historical fiction (which the Exodus tale clearly is), but you're fighting an uphill battle when you try to explain this to the uneducated, credulous dolts for whom the sweet lure of superstition is stronger than the sobering taste of truth. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @eileencita | As a historian, you should read even more. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @deborahdean8867 | Well this is one family story that would have to be conspired by thousands minimum. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @darvinoschannel9826 | The Book of Esther is a good example of modifications. The Greek version is longer and is more religious while the Hebrew version is secular and does not mention the Hebrew God | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @slimtimesl.l.c4614 |  @mejoe5284  yeah you don't have time to hear fax as long as this B.S 👆 works for you.. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @mahakaalvonjuggernaut420 |  @revealislam-christianprinc6478  Belief is not the truth | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @israelizzyyarrashamiaak766 |  @onepercenter13  no some of it is actual history. People just don’t seem to be able to tell the difference in what is what. Some of the wars have markers for the dead still today in Syria and Iraq. Set aside miracles of acts of God and the Bible is a collection of much different books The genealogy of one family. The overview is numerous kings A bunch of songs A book poems - enter the prophets. Do with that as you wish. I assume you are atheist so skip those The history of wars during a specific time period Tower of Babel is in Iraq Babylon etc. you can go and see it with your own eyes lol New Testament is the gospel - life or the Christ or Jesus depending on your faith. Romans - how to become saved Then letters to churches Etc Given you can do physically and see and touch the remnants today one can hardly say it’s all fiction. Some of those wars only accounts is the Old Testament of the Bible ( Christian’s) Torah for jews. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @israelizzyyarrashamiaak766 |  @onepercenter13  ugh prophecies said the nation of Israel would be built in a day. The Pharisees and whomever laughed because you can’t build a nation in a day. Well in the future you could be signing a piece of paper Did nobody take the Bible as a literary work in college? Or the other literature classes? Historians can’t speak on something they haven’t even read nor understand. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cyrusblackwood33 | That may hold true for any other text, but it does not apply to the divinely inspired word of God. Repent for the kingdom of the Lord is at hand. The Lion of Judah is soon returning to empty His wrath out on those who do not dwell in Him. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @charlesborg5828 | "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9. | Votes: 106 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @MargaretWalkerCellist |  @embracedchimera5886  HOW did gender get into this? Isaiah was sawn in two - and will live forever at the resurrection. Please read the Book instead of grasping at straws. | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sgshaday |  @embracedchimera5886  That was a jump... | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @andrewolguin1385 |  @embracedchimera5886  This scripture comes to mind "In them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled: 'You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving." Matthew 13:14 | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @angiewhite9043 |  @andrewolguin1385  What about the scripture that tells you that prophecy is NOT ok in God's eyes? The bible turns on itself so many times it isn't funny. I don't trust or believe in ANYTHING that is inconsistent in it's teachings! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrGlenRock | let me get this straight... grovel before my feet, worship me, and do my labors so i don't have too. Or die in sin against me. and never find peace in heaven. is that correct? | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @charleebunch6637 |  @sgshaday  well , the commenters name says it all doesn't it? Chimera , well as in the days of noah , | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @heather9842 | @Lu G. Because when God is talking to you He is telling you to live out of your comfort zone. He tells you to forgive when your not ready and He comforts you when you feel like there is no hope. That is how. If you don't know then you have not seeked Him with your whole heart. God knows our hearts and He knows who is with Him and who is against Him. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sgshaday |  @charleebunch6637  (shrug) Could be they just like playing D&D XD Jokes aside, yeah I get your point. But I can't really make a line between the points they stated... Even looking at it logically. On the other hand, it looks like the modern attacks on Christianity. For some reason that is still looked upon as cool and controversial... | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @charleebunch6637 |  @sgshaday  unfortunately , yes, the attacks will continue even when presented as trying to prove a story in the bible as being true, which this excellent video did, they will never come right out and say that God is real | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sgshaday |  @charleebunch6637  Yeah. I saw the video and the comments people left afterwards saying how he set out to prove a point... Well... That's how the scientific method works... You have a hypothesis and you set out to prove it. Was some parts of the narration (and these were few) a little biased? Yes! It is a documentary! But was the information relevant and on point with the hypothesis? Yes. In truth, the commentators that critisized it unnesesarily harshly, would state a hypothesis to disprove it... And then search for hkw it is disproved... But they would call that scientific. (shrug). I give up. Let people argue with evidence on their face. I was actually surprised by this documentary from Timeline. Most of their documentaries tend to lean the opposite side. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @charleebunch6637 |  @sgshaday  yep | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ernievallejo11 | All this is mother nature no magic | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @floramecabatingan2221 | Amen | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jonathanparks107 | Charles Borg please do some research Lord God all of that stuff are titles the most high God name was Elohim that's why they called him El us real Hebrew Israelites are trying to teach you a little something please do research | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @JesusProtects |  @embracedchimera5886  you just made that interpretation up right now on the spot out of nothing. How do you get "wehmen need no weak men" from "the way God thinks and acts it's beyond our comprehension. You don't like what the Bible says, right? How many more man made doctrines are you subscribed to?, the serpent seed doctrine?, hebrew roots?, new age false christianity?, gnosticism?, prosperity gospel?... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @carlomagno1196 | Charles Borg Amen | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @shemiyahyasharalla7695 | Amein Quam Yasharalla! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @scorp10fl53 | Please provide proof that those are the words of a God. And don't tell me it's because they come from the bible. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @scorp10fl53 |  @jonathanparks107  If you want to teach anything you'll have to provide some verifiable proof for what you claim. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sonofperdition1719 | regarding isaiah 55:8-9 so true👍his thoughts are higher and he knows the meek will inherit the earth..✌ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Konkata | A lot of speculation passed as truth on many things without mentioning the entire research and literature on the topic, which is a basic strategy used to match archeological evidence to a predetermined story or set of events, but I like the volcano idea to explain the plagues. | Votes: 103 | Reply: false 2 years ago | @2500Antony | I like you angle on this. It's very close to utterly bulls**t | Votes: 13 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jenylogan1 |  @2500Antony  More than close ! | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @victoriarose9802 | I agree. Only 5 minutes in and they're stating that it is blatant speculation and a fictitious representation. Stating that Jacob went to Egypt for the fertile lands. Failing to mention the homicide of the Egyptians by Jacob's sons. Then saying that the Israelites had to leave Egypt because the Nile delta was barren. Let's just conveniently fail to mention the horrendous murders by Jacob's sons of the Egyptians who were accommodating them. Much like modern Israel and the genocide of the Palestinians. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @thor8086 | Exodus story told us about Egyptian Pharoa Ramses, archeologist PROVED Egyptian king Ramses was a real king. About 4000years later. This YouTube video proved nothing, cleverly threading some scientific phenomenon to disregard Exodus story. Did they find iron deposit that reacted to volcanic action near Nile river? Why did the lice swarm happen not the cockroach swarm? Even if Exodus plague was caused by how this video theorizes, real question should be how did Moses knew and predict in advance with exact timing and sequence? This is something modern scientists cannot do collectively. Most historian base their historical findings on oral history. Any written history is considered absolute proof. In this fake documentary video, written records from millennia ago is discounted with poorly threaded suppositions. Many used to say Ramses never existed and discounted Exodus story. Last couple of decades, there are too many anti-Israelite documentary produced with Arabic or Muslim financial support. As a non Jewish person, the producers of anti-Jewish documentaries should be more transparent about supporters to gain any credibility. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @tirkentube | That's because this guy is known for this. He was a part of ancient aliens. Hes more about entertainment in his documentaries than ... Truth... | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @tirkentube | Like as soon as I saw his face I knew it wasn't exactly a show to be taken for face value. It's a show to be watched. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @joemchang |  @tirkentube  and he very much reminds me of that radio tv personality Howard Stern who is very much in the entertainment industry | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @rickmcdonald1557 | >>>DITTO<<< | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @olewetdog6254 | Definitely some giant leaps of "faith" in this thing. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 1 month ago | @callmehotnotpretty1 | Genuinely curious, could you (or anyone reading this) point out what specific parts of this video had too little proof or were too speculative? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @lindavilmaole5003 | Now I realized that interpretation of any art pieces depends upon the previous knowledge of the interpreter... I am quite glad I found this video. Thank you! | Votes: 103 | Reply: false 3 years ago | @adamcool9318 | Its amazing how blind we can be yet so visionary at the same time | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @cynthiaestrada8318 | So where are the bones of the drowned army of Pharoah? Bones and artifact must litter the desert stretch which was then the Reed Sea. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @harveyquinn3535 |  @cynthiaestrada8318  you realize the sea can ungulf and move bodies and objects much larger than humans hundreds of thousands of miles from their original destination? Right? Like even earths soil moves fossils around and why many fossil discoveries are rarely ever full complete sets within the same area. Things can also get eaten, decay, I mean it was quite literally over 3000 years ago | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cmain3931 |  @cynthiaestrada8318  you do know there are decompOsing remains of chariots in the red sea where it is believed to be the site of crossing? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @cmain3931  No there aren't. Those are in fact parts of a well documented ship wreck. Researching things before claiming them is really what keeps people from looking lazy and gullible. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @manuelmanzin4584 |  @adamcool9318  a good idea and | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @madcyborg1822 |  @michaelfox2433  No, it was actually proven by Egyptologists to be a 3500 year old chariot during Egypt's 18th dynasty, right around the time of Moses. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @madcyborg1822  No it absolutely was not. It is remnants of a ship wreck fully documented and not even open to debate. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @minedoimperija | And then God said: "Let this be in the reccomendations!" | Votes: 102 | Reply: false 3 years ago | @adamcool9318 | Behold google and its tracking services | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @diamariadupalah6309 | not being mean but its God not god ur reffering to greek methology | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Jason.cbr1000rr | Im Buddhist tho | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @minedoimperija |  @Jason.cbr1000rr  umm and this isn't a video about Buddhism | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Jason.cbr1000rr |  @minedoimperija  i know that 😃 im just stating idk much about it cos im Buddhist tho 🤷‍♂️😇🙏 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @JoanneBeal1 | I'm so looking forward to next Exodus 🤗 we have one coming right up! | Votes: 102 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @NubiaLOVE | Amen!!!! | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @mikkenieminen9603 | A real one | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @olivermelvin4185 | HAHA, EXCELLENT! SURE THING MY FRIEND, AND NOT ONE BREXITEER IS STOPPING UNTIL WE GET IT, HEY?!! BRING ON THE EXCELLENT, NEW, ALL-WELCOME BREXIT PARTY! SUBLIMELY HONEST CANDIDATES FROM BOTH LEFT AND RIGHT, ACROSS THE BOARD, FROM FISHMONGER TO DOCTOR, WHAT A TRUE GROUP OF INTEGRITY-DRIVEN ANGELS WITH WINGS.. ;) | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kathleenjackson4105 | You guys can't read | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @kathleenjackson4105 | Ok here it goes they have you so twisted you cannot see the forest through those trees!! Moses is a murderer flees and keeps murdering he murders just for being half Egyptian first stone cast by him in the name of predshidises .. bad man mad man | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @retroprime9216 | Kathleen, every person in the Bible with the exception of Jesus is messed up. God pulls no punches in showing the charachter of mankind. Adam, Cain, Noah, Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Moses, Samson, David, Solomon, etc, etc, etc... all messed up. That's why they needed a redeemer, just like we do, His name is Jesus The Christ... | Votes: 19 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @brigadajah1636 |  @kathleenjackson4105  why do you think Jah kept him in sheep herding for 40 yrs? He needed severe training in humility, but God didn't fail to see his potential. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @JoanneBeal1 |  Karen Bowler  Isaiah 41:11"All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. 41:12 Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. 41:13 For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. 41:14 Do not be afraid, O worm Jacob, O little Israel, for I myself will help you," declares the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @JoanneBeal1 |  Karen Bowler  go tell someone who cares. I have no control over what man does and the Earth is about to become completely destroyed and renewed again. Blessed are those who's God is the Lord Almighty the Creator!!!! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @robertpartlow21 | Joanne Beal Amen!!! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @abrahimguyzer920 | It's kinda crazy and sick 😷 😨 how people can do all this research 😣 to support a claim for something they believe. But they still don't actually believe the whole Bible. These people as good as this information is are still hypocrites. You don't believe the whole Bible. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @JoanneBeal1 |  Karen Bowler  why are you still speaking to me??? There's billions of other people in the world to rant to I'm sure you can find one as absent minded as you.... Didn't I just say the entire Earth will be destroyed? So why would I care about the destruction? Don't worry about me or my God we're minding our business. You should do the same!!! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @all4jesus594 |  @retroprime9216  Steve L. Amen. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @JoanneBeal1 |  Titus Tiger The world according to my view.  Y'all ain't got no damn border!!!! How dare your foolish Caucasian behind talk about where the Mexicans are as if they weren't here first....I feel sorry for all Americans... This is not your country this entire Earth has a owner and it's not gone be pretty at all when we meet him. Back to the caucuses mountains you go!!! That's your land!!!! | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rstsport9874 | Yes Joanne, There will be the Exodus from earth, have you any clue where we will be moving to. Best wishes. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rstsport9874 | Hi Kathleen, You are right too many cannot see the wood for trees, when Government and Religion are disolved, humanity will have a chance to move on. With the invisible chains removed from the slaves mankind will go forward to realise all the lies we have been fed, So knowing our father Creator is within all Life. One with Creator, In Love and Light. ~♡♡♡~☆☆~♡♡♡~☆☆~♡♡♡~ THE GAME CHANGER. http://cosmicaccention.org/631-2 Mother Sekhmet, by Elizabeth Truthwin. this has info for everyone. Much Love and Blessings~♡♡~♡~ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @donna4843 |  @kathleenjackson4105  and to think all our religions are based on this man and of course for Christians another horrid murder,Constantine. Am I really the only one who feels something wrong with all this? I have read the bible over 100 times in English and German and studied It in Hebrew and Greek along with church history. I just have to conclude, something is wrong. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jusmesuz |  @JoanneBeal1  you're a tad wacko. This is America with borders..just like every other country has borders! Stop trashing the USA as if we are the only ones to have borders.. SMH | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lutkedog1 |  @JoanneBeal1  land has changed hands many times, why is the americas different? Us "Caucuses" took land from someone who took from someone who took it from someone else. the problem with the people who were here had no government and fighting with other tribes made them vulnerable. What happened happened. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @JoanneBeal1 |  @lutkedog1  and you are?!? No damn body and your words mean nothing. I know what happened happened. I know why it happened and I also know what's gonna happen next 😁 the caucasus mountains are pretty empty in these days just waiting for the people that derived from there to return 🤣 each ruler only gets a certain amount of time to rule and the time for this empire to rule is up 😁 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lutkedog1 |  @JoanneBeal1  Like you said "Each ruler only gets a certain amount of time to rule" , but the "Caucuses" are not returning to where they came from. Or is there a special meaning ? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @JoanneBeal1 |  @lutkedog1  it's either go back to where you came from or be enslaved and that's only if you make it through judgement. This entire Earth is about to get dealt with. It's already got started. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lutkedog1 |  @JoanneBeal1  Judgement will not happen. Jesus said it would happen in his lifetime. And it did not happen. So enjoy your life nothing to fear history will repeat, and there will be different nutcases different religions that will say the same things you are but at a later time. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @JoanneBeal1 |  @lutkedog1  jesus never happened so don't come bringing that roman pagan idol to me. Me and he are not the same, I actually exist and we'll ALL see judgement whether one believes it out not. It's God's way not ours! Men runs nothing but their mouths and most times when they open their mouth it's to lie. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lutkedog1 | ​ @JoanneBeal1  How could i think anything else but the bible with you talking judgement. Who is going to judge? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @JoanneBeal1 |  @lutkedog1  you'll definitely see for yourself! I'll be there 😁 you'll think of this conversation too. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lutkedog1 |  @JoanneBeal1  The Great Pumpkin? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @Itsaboutthewaterlife |  @JoanneBeal1 : well said. Here's one: "Never interfere with your enemy, when he is in the act of destroying themselves." | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @JoanneBeal1 |  @Itsaboutthewaterlife  Joanne Beal says what she wants to say and do what she wants to do. I have no enemies for my enemies are God's enemies. He said give it to him and that's what I do. He's taught me well you know. He's the reason I'm so fluent in everything I do 🤗 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @sedoniadragotta8323 | Yep then christ will come and deliver us. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @JoanneBeal1 |  @sedoniadragotta8323  shut up! Where in christ words did he say anything about an exodus?!? He said he and his believers are going to go live in the skies 😂😂😂😭 which is a lie!!!! The Lord created the earth to be inhabited by mankind for always! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @JoanneBeal1 |  @sedoniadragotta8323  we're too old to still believe in fairy tales! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Katiesarabians | Looks like Joanne is off her meds, she's making no sense at all. But she sure likes being nasty to people. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @JoanneBeal1 |  @Katiesarabians  you stfu!!! Don't worry about me or what medications I'm on worry about yourself!!! What makes you think you're exempt from me telling you off 🙄😒 all my statements should make sense the way The Lord is tearing this earth down in these days but the sheeple do have eyes that can't see, that's not my problem nor do I need medication because of it.... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cmain3931 |  @retroprime9216  you do realize New Testament is heretical right? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cmain3931 |  @abrahimguyzer920  whats the whole bible? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cmain3931 |  @rstsport9874  false | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cmain3931 |  @sedoniadragotta8323  false | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @rstsport9874 |  @cmain3931  Go on Explain what you're speaking of. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AWikkedMoon | Ok. The great flood was done by god to get rid of his horrible grandchildren. "The Gnostic Truth, Nephilim Giants, The Grandchildren of god." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtfgQaPkUHY&t=513s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon. We were also divided by god at the tower of babel "The Gnostic Truth, Unity vs Division. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upks5oLN1mY&t=125s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @cristerowarrior1450 | I see so many comments in the comment section written by Internet Atheists who think they’re smart yet had they ever bothered to read Exodus all of their snarky questions would be answered and all of their bitchy quips would be rendered moot | Votes: 96 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @gordonf.woodbine7588 | Yes, I agree. The best way to get to know how to create a defence for any proposition is to take the time to study the bases for what your opposition believes. Too many naturalists fail to make this effort when preparing their counter theses. | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @dropPlaydead | Most of them believe more in hear say. I once challenge someone to read it first then we can have a debate. He refused. How can I have a debate with someone who thinks he knows alot but in fact know so little? | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @dropPlaydead |  Danny Meeks  I'm gonna quote that 😁 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @spongehead1354 | Cristero Warrior Very true but they did get a lot wrong! Look up Ron Wyatt and his amazing discoveries. He proves without a doubt the exodus happened exactly as written! God's word is never wrong. God Bless! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @KorAllRBare | The bible is fictional, it's contradictions to actual facts dictate it's all pure BS, of course to recognise contradictions one needs to be intelligent, which is going to be a huge problem to everyone who has been brainwashed "not to question all information" especially the bibles contradictions. Thats why, just as gawd said the earth is indeed with four corners "Flat" The sun can be commanded to stand still, so obviously if it moves it must move over the flat earth. makes perfect sense. And every male species along with a female companion can fit on a boat large enough that to this day even with modern super strengthened materials simply just cant be possible," Lets also over look for each 40 days the food each is going to need, err wait a minute what species were sacraficed? I mean only two by two were allowed and well food for the carniverous, it all goes south as to what they ate, and lets overlook at all the INBREEDING that regresses evolution, oh wait! some gawd magically allowed DNA violations oh and lets also overlook all the inbreeding when only two humans were created, be it father daughter, brother sister inbreeding once they got busy as facts dictate :D I could go on and on, but hey if you don't get it by now, the bible was written by some uneducated man if not many uneducated men, man or men that were ignorant of facts now known to us.. | Votes: 12 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @larryleventhal4833 | I would say most of the snark on here is from the theists. But then, they've got nothing else. I'm no more interested in debating about this than I am about whether the Easter Bunny is real. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Crydwyn |  pete smyth  Rather simplistic but more accurate than humanity was just wished into existence by God. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @angieallsup | Cristero Warrior One day they will have to meet with our maker. And wished they believed. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @57JustFun |  @dropPlaydead  I have the same thought with believers, the only science they want to look at is the science that will support their beliefs, everything else is heresy. Look at ken ham's (Ark encounter) extreme views for an example. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @dropPlaydead |  @57JustFun  I was planning to note that (the reference) until I read the word "extreme". Everything extreme is never good 😣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @57JustFun |  @dropPlaydead  Extreme is a relative term. To me, considering that the earth is only 6000 years old and that we co-existed with dinosaurs is extreme. Sorry, I can't image making T-rex a herbivore. Also ignoring all the ice ages, and everything else he ignores or stating "it is God's will", I don't have to explain it. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @dropPlaydead |  joelchummel  It wasn't even a debate. He gave a refference and I accept it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jujojamt | Cristero Warrior: Since apparently you have read Eodus and believe in the bible's inerrancy, EXPLAIN the DISCREPENCY in the creation stories in Gen 1 and Gen 2 - both about the creation, same event, but significantly different and contradictory. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jmallet865 |  @dropPlaydead  Uh, read ROMANS 1:22 if you think that is original saying. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @dropPlaydead |  @jmallet865  Nothing is original. Every saying comes from something. I just happen to read it from that guy. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jmallet865 |  @dropPlaydead  Fair enough. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @dropPlaydead |  @jmallet865  I forgot to thank you for sharing me the source. So.. Thank you. I really appreciate it. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ronmullick253 | Its funny because a lot of atheist will tell you that they became atheist AFTER reading the bible. Most famously Frederick Nietzsche of "God is dead" quote was studying to be a minister. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @guytremblay1647 | if you think that most athiests did not read the Exodus then its you that is not smart at all . You don't become an atheist just like that .Most of atheists were raised in religious familys and were strongly forced into religious belief even before they became atheistsand were even more stronger of believers and already know the bible and the first and second testament and the Q'ran in their entirety in many cases . Sure you have those born atheists who know nothing about those books and the history of god and rely only on their atheists parents or friends to have a opinion about it but its the same thing in the believers camp to and it turns only arround them alone to do so . Most of atheist like myself know very well the story of the Exodus and we didn't learn it in moviesbut from the bible itself and even if some did all religious movies namely the Exodus one , ''the only religious movie in the world to have been seen by more people on the planet than the bible iitself '' has been seen even more times than the bible and has been controled by religions itself all the time .so it adds up pretty much to the same as the bible Exodus since religion supported the movie and it still runs today on the religious fanatic channels and is still supported by religions and it dont even need to be christmass or easter to see it anymore becasue now you can watch it 6 times a day all year round for free if you want to . Dont call out the atheists on something that you don't even know about them cause most of the ones who challenge the bible and the Exodus in the open and on the internet or in conference tells those stories actually better than the Pope himself and would have a lot more credibilty than him if ever something odd caused them to go back to religion . | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @waynesmith1704 | One day they will see the TRUTH and bow before HIM. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Kiwi-Ahh-Nah |  pete smyth  Sounds to me that both sides of the argument believe something they read in a book. Beyond that I find that one side of the story relies heavily on faith where the other side relies on scientific fact. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @seacyren161 |  @KorAllRBare  actually, the bible is chronologically and scientifically accurate. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @syed-socalcommuter7888 | People busy with history but forget to take the lesson from it. | Votes: 96 | Reply: false 3 years ago | @martinkent333 | ZERO EVIDENCE FOR MOSES OR EXODUS, POWDERPUFF | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @syed-socalcommuter7888 |  @martinkent333  Even after seeing the body of the pharaoh and all the evidence found under the Red Sea? Your brain and ignorance are powderpuff. | Votes: 13 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Miodrag.Vukomanovic |  @syed-socalcommuter7888  Keep believing in delusion you fool. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @syed-socalcommuter7888 |  @Miodrag.Vukomanovic  I see you are the fool here | Votes: 9 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @DontTreadOnMe17 | Go ask why Saudi Arabia has the mountain of Moses blocked off? | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @syed-socalcommuter7888 |  @DontTreadOnMe17  Why do I need to ask anyone anything? I guess God chose to meet Moses (PBUH) in that land, that's why!!! Are you trying to show off that you finally figure out that mount Saini is in Saudi Arabia? Most people already know that but Zioneses won't say that since they are making a lot of tourist money out of a fake mount Saini in Egypt. So, You back the FCK off | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @nuranarrowood5808 | some people don't know HIstory repeat itself | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Jay1980bka |  @martinkent333  believe what you want. Your life your choice. No need to trash on someone | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @astralpowerr |  @syed-socalcommuter7888  snackbar | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @yung223s5 |  @syed-socalcommuter7888  dont even bother replying to these clowns they dont know the truth | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 weeks ago | @philibertpatricebeausoleil4018 | The 1st lesson about History is... look in the past to try to do better, to avoid a lot of trouble. If a Historian, no matter how much knowledge he has, does not do that in his life... He did never understood the wisdom behind History. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @maxmaximus6671 | This is a pretty interesting explanation of what could have been the actual events of the Exodus. Pretty cool. | Votes: 88 | Reply: false 3 years ago | @patrickpittorino7032 | Could have been? Or just for a minute suspend disbelief and maybe God did what it says in the bible?. | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @maxmaximus6671 |  @patrickpittorino7032  that works! | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @mikemaricle9941 |  @patrickpittorino7032  So god wiped out the Minoans just because they were in the way? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @SphereProGaming | You are all Idiots! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @michaelfox2433 |  @gbrllyy  Except by his own admission in his own book he couldn't defeat those with iron chariots. It is a terrible thing to not even know your own chosen fantasy book well enough to not be shown up by an atheist.......... | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @NoName-ii8xj |  @mikemaricle9941  No, He did it because of their sins. Just like he did those who sacrificed their children to Molech by burning them alive, and brought down the Roman empire because of their evil ways or are you angry at God for destroying those evildoers as well? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @mikemaricle9941 |  @NoName-ii8xj  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lFTD9O-XMw | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @Reign_Fire2022 | God works in mysterious ways right?! Anything is possible through him 🙏 | Votes: 88 | Reply: false 3 years ago | @christoroy6525 | Trust in Bible man... 🤓 | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @bpljlb | Just not the exodus https://youtu.be/Iep4gnmJeRE | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @anthonyjohn9000 | The fact is that there were no Isrealites nor slaves, all cities and pyramids were built by Egyptian skilled workers not Isrealites according to Egyptian history. The Exodus is not true but fiction and made up stories. These people have found something else and try to hide the lies. | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @SereneSoakingSounds | @reignfire Amen 🙌🏼💙💗 | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @chrisbrooks4032 | God working in mysterious ways translates that he doesn’t exist | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @anthonyjohn9000 |  @chrisbrooks4032  yes you are absolutely right, it's nothing but delusion. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @andrewchristensen6295 |  @anthonyjohn9000  are you sure? | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @DandyDuh | Amen🙌😎 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @johnh383 |  @christoroy6525  If you are foolish | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @johnh383 |  @andrewchristensen6295  Thats what the evidence says. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @christoroy6525 |  @johnh383  if u know the truth, r u getting fooled... U r just blinking the eyes... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 3 years ago (edited) | @rruma5204 | Yes, not slaves... Egyptians used own people for bldg projects during Nile flood season bcz cant plow the land..... Hebrews were Not slaves. S. Canaanites migrated to and integrate wth N.Egypt Delta over centuries..so , Hebrews could've been among them.... Many manipulations of facts and false claims in this video. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @bunnygirl8482 | So he killed entire Civilization near Volcano just for few thousand people. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 3 years ago | @jacovawernett3077 | Lchaim from Jacova born March 11th in a Bethlehem. Amen. My Hebrew name Jacova is the female form of Jacob. Joseph was Jacob's 11th son. My covenant with God aka Elohim Adonai Hashem is to make Israel One. It means to bring peace and reconciliation between Jew, Christian, Muslim, cousins by Abraham. One of the things that God told me I am is Evergreen. My middle name is Sue. When the Evergreen freighter Evergiven blocked the Suez Canal right before Passover, Easter and Ramadan I laughed with God and the entire angel team in Heaven above. For I knew. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jasonabrown8539 |  @christoroy6525  why? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jasonabrown8539 | Everything??...do you tell that to thw parents who's child is missing and they pray to find him/her and never do??...do you tell that to the people in abusive relationships prayjng for a way out and none ever comes??...do you who are praying for food while they are starving to death??...I could go on and on and on and on...smh | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @delihusnu278 | And when Isa son of Marium said: O children of Israel! surely I am the messenger of Allah to you, verifying that which is before me of the Taurat and giving the good news of an Messenger who will come after me, his name being Ahmad, but when he came to them with clear arguments they said: This is clear magic. (As Saff (6)) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Reign_Fire2022 |  @anthonyjohn9000  ok i got one thing to ask...wich came first the chicken or egg?! You come up with a tangible logically understanding explanation to that i might consider your remark?! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Reign_Fire2022 |  @chrisbrooks4032  follow Anthony's question,and your comment may be relatable 💁 wich came first the chicken or the egg🥂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Reign_Fire2022 |  @jasonabrown8539  you dont think god answers prayers so hes cruel or non existent,so hope you dont believe lucifer exsist either..💁 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @Reign_Fire2022 |  @jacovawernett3077  oh my ok eve 😏 | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jacovawernett3077 |  @Reign_Fire2022  😍😇😍😇😍😇😍 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jasonabrown8539 | what's you're answer to my question? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jasonabrown8539 |  @Reign_Fire2022  name one prayer that has been answered, just one | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @jacovawernett3077 |  @jasonabrown8539  I am the One of Two. I am Rain. I am Anchor. I am Kristal. Thank you for your patience. God is my rabbi. Sincerely Jacova Adonistan. For her love of God and Tribes and wells as she is as well as Jacob's Well | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jasonabrown8539 |  @jacovawernett3077  what is all that babble about?....lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jacovawernett3077 | The Reign of Fire person may remember a thread from several years ago I wrote on. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jasonabrown8539 | I asked questions and so far out of all you "belivers" no one has even attempted an answer. Btw the correct spelling is "perspicacious". 😉 and here's one for you "Presumptuos" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jasonabrown8539 | I have read and continue to read much more than just the bible, although I have read much of the bible and arguments on both sides, for and against. Can you say the same? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jacovawernett3077 |  @jasonabrown8539  I read Siddhartha in high-school. The Prophet by Khalil Gibran is great also. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jasonabrown8539 |  @jacovawernett3077  I agree. I have read Siddhartha and really enjoyed it. I just downloaded The Prophet and started reading. I like what I have read so far and I'm anxious to read more. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jacovawernett3077 |  @jasonabrown8539  Thank you. I was not raised Jewish lite. When I lived in Hawaii for several months 2015 I had gifts appear from thin air, literally. Some also disappeared. A few weeks before I left Hawaii I was walking with a friend on Hotel St. in Honolulu after singing Karaoke. We found someone's belongings on the sidewalk for they were evicted from one of the towers. I found old family photos and a beautiful bible and tried for around 2 weeks to find the guy. Unfortunately I couldn't. A few days before leaving I walked a few minutes to the capital building to see the sunrise on Sunday morning. No one was around. By the capital there is a beautiful library, the queen's palace and a Vietnam and Korean War memorial. I brought the Bible just because. I had drawn a small picture in it. I put the Bible down on the side of the building a watched a gorgeous sunrise. After awhile I walked back to the Bible and it opened to a page about Jacob. I then took it to the Vietnam War Memorial and got down on my knees and placed the Bible in front of me. I glanced to the left and then in front of my knees the Bible disappeared. It is why I read where God shows me. One of the wisest things God told me the first day He spoke to me of 20 times was, when you notice something there is a reason. I never thought that was possible. I used to mock people that thanked God because I didn't really believe He existed. I went to my first Easter service 2016 at St. Thomas church alone and told no one. During service God spoke to my right ear from above. He said, where is your Mary Magdalene. I was stunned so I got up and walked outside.Then immediately I got a text asking, where is your Mary Magdalene. I know it all sounds strange. I didn't think things could just appear or disappear before that. When Yeshua of Nazareth fed thousands with 2 fishes and 5 loaves they multiplied when the basket was passed. I have joked with God that I wish He would tell me ahead of time so I could film these gifts appearing and disappearing. I worked in film editing. I even worked on the editing of Jacob's Ladder with Tim Robbins and Danny Aiello. It's a deeply Existential film. Blessing and love. In Hebrew Lchaim means to Life. God also works thru you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jasonabrown8539 |  @jacovawernett3077  You're welcome. But what do you mean by appearing and disappearing and were you ever able to film it? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jacovawernett3077 |  @jasonabrown8539  No. In July 2015 8 left Gardner, Massachusetts and my former domestic partner James Lambert. Months prior we were walking in Gardner when we came upon a free stuff from a yard sale did not sell that afternoon. I found a teddy bear in it with a homemade price tag of $20 stapled on the paw. I joked to James, " there must be something really valuable inside this little Teddy Bear for it to be $20. I took it home, and put it on the bed and slept with it. It became one of our inside jokes.. When I left Massachusetts I left most of my belongings including the teddy bear. On Valentines Day 2016...I went camping by myself by Los Angeles. I told no one about it. I woke up that morning and beside my tent was the teddy bear with the exact homemade price tag stapled on the paw. I was astounded. No one but I and James knew of the teddy bear. I called James and he told me he didn't send it, beside the fact that no one knew I went camping. God wants people to know that what is inside them, their hopes, their dreams, their Souls are more precious than all the roses and baubles in the world. This you know. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jasonabrown8539 |  @jacovawernett3077  That is quite a story. I have seen several stories exactly the same on ghost hunter channels on YouTube. What makes you think it was god who did that and why would he have done that? There are people everyday praying for food so they don't starve to death, people praying not to be abused, people praying not to be murdered, people missing and the family's family praying for there safe return and they're never seen again ect.ect. I could go in and on and on, unfortunately. Instead of helping any of these people he was moving a teddy bear for you and you think that's a true and positive sign of a "loving" god. Smh...Smh | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jacovawernett3077 | Everything competes. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jacovawernett3077 |  @jasonabrown8539  I know pathos. My son's father died of ALS Christmas Eve 2004 when our son was in 1st grade. I have been abused and nearly killed. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jasonabrown8539 |  @jacovawernett3077  abused, abused by your husband? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jasonabrown8539 |  @jacovawernett3077  but that in No way answers the question | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jasonabrown8539 |  @jacovawernett3077  were you praying for the abuse to stop?...and did it? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jacovawernett3077 |  @jasonabrown8539  Garpard Thomas Ulliel..now a guardian angel Roseiere, Alps. Truth. Veritas. Deus. Have you been to the French alps. My multi went to University of Lausanne. I have. It is very beautiful. In Aramaic Thomas means Twin. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jacovawernett3077 |  @jasonabrown8539  tell me how you would have light without dark. Name something in the Universe that is not a double edged sword. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jacovawernett3077 | I recommend Prof. Joseph Campbell. Interviews with Bill Moyer. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jacovawernett3077 | Was it not here that I wrote yesterday that not for not all the roses and money in the world would I turn away from God. Gaspard means treasurer. Rosiere in French. A mediation is a prayer. I live in a transcendental state. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @emacstac | So much is selective to fit their narritave, there is so much of the story they are not attempting to explain because it would completely demolish all of these theories | Votes: 87 | Reply: false 4 years ago (edited) | @teknoaija1762 | it is as full of contradiction as bible itself.just slightly more expensive false apologetics. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dogtrauma | Do you have the missing pieces therefore to supply such as a link or additional reading to debunk with compelling arguments? I would be interested provided the chronology is explainable plainly. | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @chukwudikingsley5795 |  @teknoaija1762  u'v said next to nothing bcoz u could nt state one or two contradictions dia. So ur statement is tantamount to rubbish. Instead of u to applaud dis painstaking & exhaustive research, ur here talking nonsense. Go & do ur own research & discover fact(s) dat contradict d already existing facts, den all of us will kno dat u ar making sense. If nt keep ur filthy mouth tight shut. Understood ? | Votes: 8 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @MissTokePanda |  @chukwudikingsley5795  Not at all. I don't think anyone understood that. xD | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @emacstac |  @dogtrauma  Sorry, I rarely monitor YouTube for replies and I just saw this. TBH, I'd have to listen to the whole thing again in order to answer your questions | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @stevesayers6596 |  @emacstac  what a cop-out! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @The-Mstr-Pook | The Bible clearly states at Psalm 136:15 that Pharaoh died with his army. So no corpse to be retrieved. So that isn't the Pharaoh. Also there is Pleanty of evidence to prove that the point of crossing was at Nueibaa Beach into Saudi Arabia (biblical Midian) after a journey through Wadi Watir a narrow mountain pass. As the Bible describes the Israelites being hemmed in unable to flee trapped by oncoming forces. The only things they seem to get right is the date of 1500s as from biblical chronology the exodus was in 1513bce. Here's a link to one of the few videos that (I feel) more accurately uses evidence. With example I mentioned in this comment. https://youtu.be/Ym7sJJIk-FY | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dstripedape978 | Sure the "explanations" of the 10 commandments are whatever but I take biblical events as historical embellishments. IMO he presents plenty of evidence supporting many of his claims, its your choice to believe who or what caused them | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @dr.davidwho4053 |  @The-Mstr-Pook  Fair enough. like you, I have noticed that the Jacobovici did not (or purposely left it out) discuss the evidences of drowned skeletons, chariots and weapons. Othr than that their explanation of the othr things/events is quite good and truthful. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @rushanegayle5703 | Selective information indeed . | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @teknoaija1762 |  @RyanMoreau  ironically there is no evidence of them .only a total absence of physical evidence.all archeologists agree on that.no mt.sinai exists,no traces of ark etc.how come you mentioned all examples where there is absolutely nothing in terms of evidence?maybe it is symptomatic?making a show and lie about it constitutes zero evidence. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @teknoaija1762 |  @RyanMoreau  i am not a critic and i don t need to watch these segments as i already know there is no evidence.the facts that even israeli scientist admit that,tells more than thousand pictures. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @teknoaija1762 |  @RyanMoreau  except the religious.there is no free will.look into that. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @nathanaelhowell6374 | teknoäijä well actually if you understood the bible youd see there is no contradictions at all | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @teknoaija1762 |  @nathanaelhowell6374  wow.do you understand the meaning of word understand.you have to do some serious interpreting to make all the lies and falsehoods consistent.how gullible can you be?who told you that?how do you reconcile the prophecy of tyre s distraction and the fact it never happened.and there like over 400 more.and how did judas die? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @Crispvs1 | Tyre was destroyed several times across its long history. Do some reading before making such silly statements! As to Judas Iscariot, Matthew's gospel says that he hung himself and the Acts of the Apostles (written by Luke) says he fell and his body burst open. These two accounts do not contradict each other as his body presumably fell after he had hanged himself. A bloated dead body is quite likely to burst open if it had been hanging for some time and the object it was hanging from gave way. Would you like to give me some more of these supposed "over 400 more" contradictions? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @teknoaija1762 |  @Crispvs1  everybody s the comic.well address this.omnipotent god who cannot beat iron chariots.how come false prophecies dont discount prophets as bible says.what about the genesis??light created before sun and stars?you should actually read the tyre prophecy before you advice me to. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @Crispvs1 | Wrong answer mate! I asked you to provide some examples of these numerous contradictions you claim to exist. Instead you make an inane comment on comedy and whitter on about false prophesies. I am well aware of the discrepancy between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2-3. The simple answer is that one version was what the Hebrews brought with them out of Ur and the other was the version of the same story that was being told in Babylon when they were enslaved there centuries later. Why they chose to include both versions in the anthology which is Genesis is anybody's guess, but it hardly matters, as Genesis 1-3 have no bearing on anything else in the entire Bible. Incidentally, I have read the Babylonian Enuma Elish as well as having read the Epic of Gilgamesh and am familiar with the story of Marduk and Tiamat as well, so I do know the origins of both the Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 accounts. Right, now how about you fronting up with some of your famed inconsistencies? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @teknoaija1762 |  @Crispvs1  actually,not mine.i think the actual number is 432 and i think you can find them all in iron chariots site by matt dillahunty.so you think your answer isn t enough to concede my case?isn t bible supposed to be god s word.not babylonian stories and myths. isn t there contradiction enough? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @Crispvs1 | The Bible is an anthology of at least 66 separate books (according to whether any or all of the books of the Appocrapha have been included) by different authors. Some are books of history (Samuel, Judges, 1st Kings, 2nd Kings, 1st Chronicles, 2nd Chronicles), some are books of prophesy (eg: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ecclesiastes, Revelation) some are biographies (eg: Judith, Esther, Tobit, Daniel), some are letters, and then there are the four gospels about Christ's ministry and the book of the Acts of the Apostles, which explains what happened in the years following. People do speak of the Bible as God's word and the whole Bible is generally taken to have that force, but it must be remembered that it is the work of around a hundred separate authors over a period of nearly a thousand years. Please though, give me some examples here of the contradictions your friend thinks he has found and we will see how well they stand up. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @teknoaija1762 |  @Crispvs1  your answer to simple contradiction of judas death showed that you don t seem to understand the meaning of the word.and genesis and omnipotence were poorly argumented.with some contradictions i mean clear falsehoods regarding history.story of moses,no evidence whatsoever.isnt copying someone else s writing contradiction where details are different?what about translation errors?you have to go and see matt s site because i am not interested to type them here.i am doing something else with my pc so my answers ti you are short.sorry i just find christianity utter stupidity. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @teknoaija1762 |  @Crispvs1  how about the depth of water in noah s case!explain that contradiction... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @NetGuruINC | None of you have been here more than 70 years, but yet all of you know the answers right? Lol it trips me out when I see humans who have NO IDEA how you actually got here, have alllllllllllllllll the answers after being here for what 30 years maybe?? Listen... 🤫...... your Creator has left His Word, it's been around you your whole life, and when you leave this earth the feeling of "wow so it was true" will be present. Cant say nobody told ya so..... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @teknoaija1762 |  @NetGuruINC  thanks but no thanks.bible is man made period. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @emacstac | @Anna Must here's a select few things that were conveniently left out that cannot be explained that completely and totally derail their entire premise for an argument. 1, the Bible describes as the land that walked upon while going across the sea as bone dry. 2, they conveniently left out the pillar of Fire that came down and block the way of the Egyptians Pryor to the Seas parting. 3, another thing that was conveniently left out was certain plagues only happened to the Egyptians and did not happen to the Israelites. Their explanation is completely and totally overlooked at and left them out I'm not going to listen to the whole thing again but that is just a few off of the top of my head | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @emacstac | @Anna Must elaborate, why am I so full of it. You're like a liberal saying to a conservative, "No, you're wrong - but I'm not going to bother trying to explain to you why your wrong" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @teknoaija1762 |  čp  written by men men.there is some grounds for the muslim view that bible is corrupt.but the quran isn t.how s that for irony and humor?i d go even so far as to say jehovah and elohim are different gods. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @The-Mstr-Pook |  čp  Islam was not even a religion back then. And there is so many errors in the Quran and so many versions of it that contradict one another it cannot be trusted even as an accurate historical source. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @emacstac |  čp  your point? Neither did what I said. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @emacstac |  čp  that was a comparison, nothing more. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @haelotny6523 |  čp  No bro. The Quran does contradict itself, for example Quran 39:53 says Allah forgives all sins but Quran 4:48 & 4:116 says Allah does not forgive shirk (i.e. believing in gods besides Allah). Quran 4:78 says all is from Allah, including good & bad (also see Quran 57:22 which says even disasters are from Allah) but the very next verse (Quran 4:79) says only good is from Allah, and bad things are man's fault. There's a contradiction in the sequence of events of a story mentioned in two different surahs (chapters) of the Quran: In Quran 11:69-74 (Surah Hud, ayāt 69 to 74), Sara (Sarah) asks the angels how she can have a son in such an old age. But in Quran 15:51-60 (Surah al-Hijr, ayāt 51 to 60), it is Ibrahim (Abraham) instead of Sara who asks how he can have a son in such old age. These are just a few of the Quran's contradictions. There are more. All the apologetic arguments I have read to reconcile the Quran's contradictions have been unsatisfactory. They often make no sense or are full of proof-less assumptions. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @sheldons8519 | Still I get the impression this is white washed. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @dawnadriana1764 | Fascinating... I'm an atheist but I found this to be utterly absorbing and enthralling. Beautifully done, great scholarship, and food for thought. These Timeline documentaries are outstanding. | Votes: 86 | Reply: false 2 years ago | @Greatness316 | How are you a atheist when they have proof like this. Get right with God homie | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @charlesbrowne9590 |  @Greatness316  The video gives only natural explanations for the events described in Exodus by a confused and scientifically ignorant author. Dr. Jacobovich is Jewish but nothing presented in the video is inconsistent with atheism. The word ‘God’ is sprinkled throughout the video but that is just a bone thrown to the dogs. If you like good archaeological sleuthing, please check out YouTube channels MythVision or Kenneth Humphreys. Get right with God homie! In other words: eschew superstition. | Votes: 12 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @charlesbrowne9590 | @j c A priest says to an atheist “You are like a man blindfolded in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn’t even there.” The atheist says to the priest “You are also like a man blindfolded in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn’t even there. The difference is: You claim you found it!” Christians commit more abominations than atheists because Christians teach: God’s forgiveness is a license to sin. The psalm writer did not see the possibility of Xianity. | Votes: 15 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Curlycrew333 | I pray you Receive God💯🥰, He’s real weather you accept him or not | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @wordwarrior2350 | It is all a misleading propaganda story. Didn´t you notice that he said there was no scientific proof of the plagues and then a few minutes later he ascribed all of them to the Santorini eruption? There is no proof other than the Bible for almost all of what he said. Please go to, Ceaser´s Massiah: The Roman Conspiracy to... and tell me what you think about it. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @dangra1861 | TRUST AND BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Greatness316 |  @charlesbrowne9590  Bet bro 👊🏻 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @davidking4083 | Yea u c how easy it is to get taken away into d unknow he a arthiest but he done get taken away deep | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @wordwarrior2350 |  @davidking4083  Go back to Jamica. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @nate9975 |  @Curlycrew333  Science is re whether you accept it or not. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Curlycrew333 |  @nate9975  I never said it wasn’t God created everything 👀🤣 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago (edited) | @nate9975 |  @Curlycrew333  Hey your trying to have it both ways lol. But I guess you agree that god created evolution and the billions of years that it took for the scientific process to produce humans. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @jacogous2507 | https://youtu.be/YjrxHqNy5CQ | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @wordwarrior2350 | That´s nice. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @wordwarrior2350 | Please go to, "Ceaser´s Massiah: The Roman Conspiracy to..." Tell me what you think about it. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @charlesbrowne9590 |  @wordwarrior2350  I have an autographed copy of “The Roman Invention of Christianity” by Joseph Atwill. This was an unpublished book he wrote before Caesar’s Messiah. It came on 8 1/2 x 11 paper. I had it spiral bound at Office Depot. I think Atwill is essentially correct in the paradigm shift he calls Roman Provenance. There is much more work to be done filling in the details. The early church was a forgery factory. The entire corpus of Xian literature is an ecclesiastical forgery including epistles, gospels, canon, apocrypha, gnostic texts, apocalyptic literature, not to mention relics. Atwill’s historical narrative is very disconcerting to everyone. To Christians, it is only a bucket of ice water waking them up from a fantasy world. For those who have had time to contemplate the greater cultural and social implications - its ominous. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @wordwarrior2350 |  @charlesbrowne9590  Thanks for the information. It had much less effect on me. It doesn´t matter who did what and when. What has always mattered to me were the actions of all of the good Christians and that NOTHING was every really done about their abouse of children on all lovely for hundreds of years out of ignorance and stupidity. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cherylseebreth328 |  @wordwarrior2350  I enjoyed your comments until you got petty, nasty, and racist. What? Go back to Jamaica? Come on man! No need to stoop so low. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @anthonypareigis6188 |  @dangra1861  Hail Satan. May his light wash over your soul, so that you my bear is gifts. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @RobTheFossil | Sahih Bukhari (52:220) - Allah's Apostle said... 'I have been made victorious with terror' Sahih Bukhari (52:44) - A man came to Allah's Apostle and said, "Instruct me as to such a deed as equals Jihad (in reward)." He replied, "I do not find such a deed." | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @RobTheFossil | Sahih Bukhari (52:177) - Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him." | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @RobTheFossil | Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 992: - "Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve in Allah." Muhammad's instructions to his men | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @wordwarrior2350 |  @RobTheFossil  I don´t know what YOUR personal position is, But all religious people are worshippers of the past and followers of the present and I avoid them. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @allansherman6507 |  @Greatness316  I'm with you brother. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @allansherman6507 |  @nate9975  someone had to be there to create scholars say everything was created by the Big bang but has to be somebody there to make that happen I think that would be God. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @kalof3l51 |  @Greatness316  cause this doesn’t prove God…. This proves there were slaves and there was a storm. It proves that someone recorded history, the church put it in the Bible and told you to believe it came from God. Then you use it to say “see this is proof of God” yet that’s not what it proves at all. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @kalof3l51 |  @Greatness316  and I believe in God but know this doesn’t prove him | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @kalof3l51 |  @Curlycrew333  then if he is real you don’t need to accept him. My son does not need to accept me for me to love him. He does not need to follow instruction for me to love him. He does not need to bow down and praise me for me to accept him. I love him no matter what. That means as long as I have the power I would never allow him to fall into an eternal damnation. If that was the case I wouldn’t be a loving father. If my son murders, steals, lies and cheats I will always love him. I will be disappointed in his decisions but the love will never fail. And even if he commuted all those, I would never let him fall into eternal damnation, love would not allow that… if in fact it is real love | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @kalof3l51 |  @nate9975  well I mean clearly the world isn’t 6000 years old. If you really believe that you really are blind | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @mochyeas5266 | Jesus is Lord | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @mochyeas5266 |  @charlesbrowne9590  you are a dangerously ignorant individual | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @cyrusblackwood33 | It would take much more faith to be an atheist than it would to believe in our Lord and savior. I was once an atheist too but the Lord blessed me with eyes to see and ears to hear the truth. I pray He will reveal himself to you. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @vd1721 |  @charlesbrowne9590  Commuost Russi, China,Korea and Cambodia I. The 20th century killed more people than probably all religions combined. Atheists won the killing game by far. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @JordanWallace-nb4id | Most "Christians" are not Born Again, so of course they use forgiveness as a excuse to sin. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @JordanWallace-nb4id | Most "Christians" are not Born Again, so of course they use forgiveness as a excuse to sin. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @JordanWallace-nb4id | Most "Christians" are not Born Again, so of course they use forgiveness as a excuse to sin. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Carjn325 | It doesn’t explain how all those pleges affected the Egyptians and not the Israelites. | Votes: 84 | Reply: false 5 years ago | @pimpsidious | David Carlson Israelites were awake that night cause they knew of the coming calamity | Votes: 10 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @Jigsjigz | some didnt... thats the thing story suited the narrative. like saying but we all won ww2 happy ever after.. skipping over all the deaths across many countries. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrGlenRock | It did kill their first born as well! | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @optimusprime5199 | Because it didn't happen, none of this. | Votes: 15 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrRaretunes | cuz it's complete myth | Votes: 11 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @SR-ii2nk |  @optimusprime5199  Did the transatlantic slave trade happen? that's in the Bible too. | Votes: 14 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @AR-fc1bc |  @SR-ii2nk  Lmaoooooooooooo | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @hiddenlegend3277 |  @MrRaretunes  pfff dont say something when you dont know anything about it | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @katewizer2736 |  @MrGlenRock  sorry, not one Isrealite first born was affected. | Votes: 11 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrPspierd | This bs lol Firstly, Moses is an Egyptian name, meaning "son of" a Hebrew name meaning" drew from the water " Many of this video has already been discredited, and they are basing archeology on a mythical person lol | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @grahamsmith3186 | DiD THe TrAnSAtLaNtIc SlAvE TrAdE EvEn HapPeN? go part the red sea while youre at it | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @theguy4u7773 | It killed Israelites too, but the Israelites buried their dead fast before darkness cleared and the Egyptians saw what happened to them. Notice that it killed animals too. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrRaretunes |  @hiddenlegend3277  Israeli myth is the biggest joke BS,lol you.I know everything.What do u know. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @AR-fc1bc | @Moses Hilow I never said I did. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @optimusprime5199 | @Gayfer Guerrero Lol, typical. Who told you I am an atheist? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @glennawilliams | God protected them. Thats pretty much the whole point. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @N2Dressage001 | What's a plege? I thought the discussion was about PLAGUES... | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @19caddy80 |  @maistooo  Where? | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jasonsimpson9852 |  @N2Dressage001  A pledge is a promise, or an oath that you make and will not recant under any circumstances,,, i.e "I pledge allegiance to the flag" or "I pledge x amount of dollars to your charitable cause" also see "lemony scented furniture polish". | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @sns8420 | Because a righteous god only kills non-Israelis especially if they are children | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @velmahenson981 | Hebrew customs their wheat wasn't bad ,first born gets extra wheat and food in bad times Egyptian customs only those eating tainted wheat(first born) die | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @danieltuinayau4253 | That was the night of the 1st ever Passover meal. Meaning that the Israelites were having a meal while this Crabondioxide gas was killing the unsuspecting sleeping Egyptians. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @CrazyLibs | The plagues were just results of the volcano erupting. Only the first born died because a type of gas from the volcano and sea, the gas didn't go above 5 ft and all first born males were to sleep at the bottom in front of door to protect there family, and so because they the only ones at low levels to be effected by the gas, it killed them | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @CrazyLibs |  @MrPspierd  your very wrong. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @motomark9736 | Every word of the Bible is true ! | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @TheRadioman1947 | the word GOD explains why, his people. it does not take much brain power to figure that out, just take the bible as it is written,face value, and everything will be ok. one God which is JESUS and one plan of salvation which is ACTS 2:38. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @princesslisamarie7860 | Jigsjigz no, they all survived the plagues. That's kinda the point | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @princesslisamarie7860 | Glen Bousquet wrong. The Hebrew first born we're safe. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @princesslisamarie7860 | enigma-el uh so wrong... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @curiousone926 | Velma Henson u | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @MrRaretunes  Why do you say it's a myth? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @katewizer2736  That's right. That's why they celebrate Passover. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @rickdavis2235 |  @maistooo  First off, the Bible isn't a science book but go ahead and name the contradictions. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @danieltuinayau4253  The Hebrews painted blood from a sacrifical lamb over their doors and the death passed them over. That's what Passover is. Sound familar? It should because all through the Bible is eluding to the final sacrifical lamb that will dwell among us and would be sacrificed for our sins. Jesus was that lamb and the blood of the lamb is what saved us. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @CrazyLibs  And you were there. Right? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @motomark9736  Amen! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrRaretunes |  @rickdavis2235  Um ,zero historical evidence in a book full of lies and contradictions codified 500 years after the fact by cultists,lol,why are you so gullible? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @MrRaretunes  Zero historical evidence? LOL. That tells me where you're coming from. You're just ignorant to the facts. If there's no God, how did we get here? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrRaretunes |  @rickdavis2235  Santa Clause delivered you,ya ponce.Please tell me how you got here then ya twit.Lol | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @MrRaretunes  Atta boy! Hurl insults instead of answering my question. LOL!   You don't have the slightest clue where we came from yet you follow blindly. That is faith my friend. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrRaretunes |  @rickdavis2235  where did we come from ya easter egg searching yolk?Quit running from answering questions ya phony.Where??? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @MrRaretunes  Simple Question! How did life begin? Third time asking it. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @MrRaretunes |  Brad Watson  Christ is a Roman myth fabricated from Egyptian mystery religions.Your whole life is a massive FAIL,ya joke. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @francoisdesgueux5731 |  @rickdavis2235  F...ing neolithic morons, your black magic stinks, you still believe, like the Aztecs that human sacrifice is the best thing you can do to protect your wheat fields, you think the Earth (and, why not, the whole Universe) is yours, because it has been given to you by some obscure deity you created to justify your greed, and that this deity revels in human blood, and you're not satisfied with a few billion deaths, you want the whole Earth to pay tribute to the bloodthirsty monster you adore the origin of your "religion" isn't ancient Palestine, it's bloody Transylvania! why don't you all get f...? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lisatinbliki5691 | ​ @rickdavis2235  Ori | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @lisatinbliki5691 |  @motomark9736  Ask King James | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @francoisdesgueux5731  That's a lot of hate toward something you don't believe exists. Nothing abnormal about that, eh? | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @rickdavis2235 |  @lisatinbliki5691  Ori? | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @paullangton-rogers2390 | The Israelites were living in a protected area, a walled city it said.. and they were it seems, God's chosen people.. so they probably had divine protection from the plagues or advice from God on how to avoid being affected. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @thisislaflaretv5250 | Who says it didn't | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @keithj6251 |  @maistooo  the Bible is a credible source for a lot of things. It's the interpreting of certain unusual natural phenomena as evidence "GOD" favors certain people over others that is wrong. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @SuperDipMonster | I've never read anything about peglegs in the bible. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @dimitribakatselos2289 |  @danieltuinayau4253  ...having their Passover dinner.... | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @-kepha8828 |  @princesslisamarie7860  the Israelite first born would have only been safe if they properly obeyed what God commanded them to do on that specific night of the 14th night of the 1st month. They were told to NOT SLEEP (not be close to the ground), they were told to be dressed and ready (Egyptians all went to sleep at low ground levels) and were told to put lamb/goat blood on their door posts. This was an Israelite thing where they took the blood of the animal they sacrificed on the Passover and put its blood into their "threshing floor", a trough build into the base of their doorways. God said if they did these things, they would be spared. Which at least insinuates that if they did not do these things, even their first born would parrish. My question, is that I wonder how filling the threshingfloor of the base of their door entraces might have kept the CO gas from entering the houses. God is good and I don't need to know why, I believe it to be true. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @princesslisamarie7860 | matty Ice I celebrate Passover every year so I know the story very well. As for how the blood protected them, it wasn’t the blood itself it was the obedience they showed God. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @AWikkedMoon | Ok. The great flood was done by god to get rid of his horrible grandchildren. "The Gnostic Truth, Nephilim Giants, The Grandchildren of god." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtfgQaPkUHY&t=513s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon. We were also divided by god at the tower of babel "The Gnostic Truth, Unity vs Division. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upks5oLN1mY&t=125s&ab_channel=AWikkedMoon | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @VideoGrabaciones2010 | Too much imaginary speculation. A misuse of archaeological "evidence." | Votes: 84 | Reply: false 4 years ago (edited) | @saadabdulla2878 | @Scott Seufert and then there is David Berlinski | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @saadabdulla2878 | Israel is right infront of you and the whole world, trace back their history as much as you can, see if you reach anyone other than Jacob and Moses. When did their culture begin?, when did they become a distinct community? , and why do they have such an incredible legacy of scriptures claiming from One God unlike any other historical community in any other part of the world. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @zoehannah6278 | Unlike your imaginary friend, jebus!😂 | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @dindinprivate3477 |  @saadabdulla2878  Read the Five Books of Moses (the Tanach) and you see that the people began with Abraham that left Ur Kaśdim (Ur of the Chaldees), his father and his father's people. He rejected the statues as gods and followed his belief. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @saadabdulla2878 |  @dindinprivate3477  In Quran the Jews are called by Allah as Bani Israel or Sons of Jacob , Abraham being Jacob's grandfather | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @louramirez8185 |  @saadabdulla2878  except Sumaria. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago | @johnhanks4260 | All self serving sand authoritarian,  With imagiiary stuff supporting it.  The Bible before science and evidece context changes,, like Quantum  chance no authoritiy.  These scientists are atheists  like many before.  One in  ancient Egypt.  Imaginary beings don't exist. . | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 4 years ago (edited) | @pleasy13 | @Jeremias Bulig - Calling atheism a religion is fundamentally stupid. Perhaps you ought to read at least something about it? Like a dictionary meaning? I'll save you the bother, since you're clearly too lazy: atheism /ˈeɪθɪɪz(ə)m/ Learn to pronounce noun noun: atheism disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods. Get it? It's a lack of belief. So it cannot be a religion. Now go continue your education in matters non-religious and buy a book that isn't The Bible. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 2 years ago | @Krogit | I enjoyed this thoughtful and provoking video, from its content to its cinematography. Concerning the plagues and the practical explanation, I would like to add the miraculous predictions by Moses. I feel this should be underscored to demonstrate that even if the events were naturally predictable, there is no natural way Moses could've predicted it and made his demands with such impeccable timing. Thoughts? | Votes: 83 | Reply: false 1 year ago | @8698gil | What makes you think Moses was a real person who actually existed? It's a myth, like almost all biblical stories. There is your answer. There was no natural way because he never existed at all. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @VeraDonna | That part is legend. If the hebrews were ever captive in Egypt, they simply took advantage of a vulnerable period for egyptian forces, gathered the folk and left. | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @jaysasso4392 | Gods ways are higher than our ways... | Votes: 11 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @dutchman6533 | Supposedly Ron Wyatt had found it! | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @ccx-christianuccforindia | Who wrote that Moses predicted the events ??? Jews themselves under the guidance of Moses If Jews were slaves, they had no audience with the pharaoh.. but Moses being in position of power could easily have audience with the king No where in the Egyptian hieroglyphs, it’s mentioned that events were predicted.. all it says is, events happened Hopefully it makes sense to u | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @jaysasso4392 |  @ccx-christianuccforindia  moses under guidance of God | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @jaysasso4392 |  @ccx-christianuccforindia  why did Abraham NOT sacrifice HIS ONLY SON ? BECAUSE GOD WOULD PROVDE....also another picture...the blood COVERING OVER THE DOOR " PASSOVER" ( keep this Passover....) and hundreds of years later JESUS...the blood of the Lamb.....new covenant...behold...all the feasts are PICTURES...they are real and they are pictures..only God can do this | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @jaysasso4392 |  @VeraDonna  simply, are you sure ? ....Theres no theory....this has nothing to do with the movie, but with all things of God | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @VeraDonna |  @jaysasso4392  no. Are you sure of any other theory? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @kingdaviYT049 | All things are possible. But it should be noted that the extant accounts were written long after the fact, and it's fairly easy to use hindsight to create "predictions" that inevitably come true. | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @jaysasso4392 | Not a few thousand years before they happened....that's why moses and other books are so important....(people perish for a lack of knowledge) | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @DwayneShaw1 |  @jaysasso4392  Christianity is a doomsday death cult [*]. Founded on human sacrifice, sanctified in cannibalistic ritual, and fervently praying for the immediate and violent end of the world. We put these people on watch lists, but Christianity gets grandfathered because they tortured and murdered anyone that disagreed until they got a stranglehold on the zeitgeist. The Bible is a horridly immoral book about a horridly immoral god. And the foundational Christian concept of vicarious redemption (scapegoating - via human sacrifice, for crissake!!) is completely immoral; as is eternal torture for thought crimes. And a smattering of plagiarized pious precepts don't erase, excuse, or make up for the heinous content that pervades. [*]... and devout male Jews, to this day, say a misogynistic prayer every morning before they get out of bed thanking their god for not making them a woman .. And Islam is basically an Arabicized version of Nestorian Christianity - nearly all the things we abhor about the Muslim faith, religious war, misogyny, etc, is taken from the Bible - (The Quran is positively packed with Bible references - The New Testament says women should 'go covered, be silent - and [for crissake!] don't wear pants) We call someone a "good Christian" (or Muslim, Jew, etc ..) in direct proportion to the degree in which they ignore the bulk of what their immoral scriptures say. We should laugh derisively - do a spit-take - every time someone claims to believe "Jesus is His own Daddy and He lives in the sky'. Here's some actual real history for you; "Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise" ... “What influence, in fact, have ecclesiastical establishments had on society? In some instances they have been seen to erect a spiritual tyranny on the ruins of the civil authority; on many instances they have been seen upholding the thrones of political tyranny; in no instance have they been the guardians of the liberties of the people.” - James Madison “History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.” - Thomas Jefferson “We discover in the gospels a groundwork of vulgar ignorance, of things impossible, of superstition, fanaticism and fabrication .” - Thomas Jefferson "Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned; yet we have not advanced an inch towards uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half the world fools, and the other half hypocrites. To support roguery and error all over the earth.” - Thomas Jefferson “It is too late in the day for men of sincerity to pretend they believe in the Platonic mysticisms that three are one, and one is three; and yet the one is not three, and the three are not one.” – Thomas Jefferson “Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half of the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God. It is a history of wickedness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind. - Thomas Paine “All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.” - Thomas Paine “Lighthouses are more helpful than churches.” - Benjamin Franklin | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @TarmanTheChampion | Naturally predictable events? Like the Red Seas waters parting to reveal dry land? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @kingdaviYT049 |  @TarmanTheChampion  The "Reed Sea" you mean? Plausibly if not conclusively explained. Accounts filtered through multiple languages and thousands of years should not be too hastily discounted. I wasn't there, and neither were you. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @flangekiwi | Tree of Life. Ayahuasca journeys | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @DwayneShaw1 |  @kingdaviYT049  The "Reed Sea" is not what the Book says - nor would it account for them "going on dry land with walls of water on both sides' - and natural explanations negate the entire point of demonstrating god's awesome power and how he looks out for us. Not to mention all the other problems with the Exodus myth - not the least of which being what supposedly happened to the millions of desert wandering Jews - since there is also no evidence for a Joshuan Conquest - Not to mention zero evidence for an Abrahamic migration --- except for 1) - the bible - which is the claim and not the proof / 2) - psuedo-evidence from psuedo-archeologists from Christian psuedo-universities - If you want to see some actual biblical archeology - look to that branch of the Israeli Government. Ben Gurion established it at the beginning, and told them "Go to the desert and bring me back the 'title deeds' to the land" - and 3/4 of a century later they still haven't found any evidence of the Exodus | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @areksrocks3375 | Maybe those 2 options are possible: 1. Moses knew something that was not obvious for others. There are sometimes people who knows a lot, feel more, and so on. Maybe he was such a person? Or maybe simply he talked to sailors, merchants and learned about Santorini (if we assume those trades or other connections between Egypt and Minoans were established at that time)? 2. The first "plague" came and Moses went to Pharaoh afterwards and said: this was a plague caused by my god, let us go. And then lied, that next plague will come soon if Pharaoh would not agree. He was simply a very charismatic person. Someone who had knowledge, nothing else. And other possible fact - the ten commandments were taken from the Ancient Egyptian religion, where during the court of hearts you need to assure the gods that your heart was clear. As a person who could be saved by the Pharaoh's daughter he could be able to learn more about the Egyptian religion. This is the simplest explanation. We must remember that Bible is a religious book. There are some traces of facts but most of it is simply a fantasy of the writer, legend. We can assume exodus has happened, Jesus lived, but the details were written the way to confirm the existence of god (which doesn't exist - any god is a personification of the nature, but that's another long story). | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @DwayneShaw1 |  @areksrocks3375  the simplest explanation is that the Exodus never happened and Moses never existed - as archeological evidence demonstrates - a lack of evidence for it -- and evidence for other events in the region at the time | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @areksrocks3375 |  @DwayneShaw1  How will explain that Jews have been to Egypt and then appeared in Canaan and later in Babylon? They just went there on their own, because they decided they have to move somewhere else or there was not enough food in Egypt or something else? They had to have a leader, because thousands of people will not move by their own. But of course, we can assume they never were in Egypt. I agree that Moses existence is not confirmed. But the lack of evidence in case of Egyptians may be an evidence itself. Egyptians noted only the good things that happened during the ruling of given Pharaoh, especially when Pharaoh was involved in the event. The plagues happened as a nature event, so they noted it. But Pharaoh lost with the slaves, oh, that's something which should not be preserved and described. The same rule is for wars: you won't find the descriptions of the lost war in Pharaoh's tombs, for example. At least, not often, if any. BTW I'm atheist, so I won't force my opinion here. I just know that in every legend there are small traces of real events. As you can check any mythology - every "giants war" or "gods war" is the people's version of earthquake of volcano eruption. That's how I understand this part of the Bible - as a legend with some clues about the real events. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @DwayneShaw1 |  @areksrocks3375  I could also point out that when Ben Gurion became the 1st Prime Minister of Ersatz Israel, he formed the IAA - and told them, "Go to the desert and bring me back the 'title deeds' to the land" - 3/4 century later and they've still found no evidence of an Exodus - for what they did find (like Egytians, the Jews were supposedly running form, had outposts thru out the Sinai - and ruled Canaan - for centuries before and after the supposed Exodus) -- Watch the Bible Unearthed Doc - if you like | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @areksrocks3375 |  @DwayneShaw1  Hmm.. that's interesting. I will check this movie you suggested out. Thanks :) | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @DwayneShaw1 |  @areksrocks3375  let me know what you think | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @areksrocks3375 |  @DwayneShaw1  I watched almost the whole "The Bible Unearthed vol 1 (Patriarchs and Exodus)" movie. I must say it is interesting. Moving the first books from Bible to VIII-VII century BC is striking after what we get used to. I need to point 1 thing out about both movies (the one we comment and the one you suggested me to watch). They stick too much to the numbers in the Bible. Some of them are totally symbolic. In the movie above they said about "40 days" from the Reed Sea. In the "Bible Unearthed" they use the count of people who went out of Egypt. 40, 7, and so one - are symbolic numbers in the Bible. 40 is the number of testing the person (Jesus was keeping a fast for 40 days). So we can't use them directly to find the real explanations. In the Bible is written that Jews were wandering through the desert for 40 years, one more thing we can't believe in. 2 million of people leaving Egypt - logistically impossible. I tried to imagine how long would take them to leave the Egypt going in one direction. How it should be synchronised and organised. How big the leadership structure would be. This couldn't be this way. Summary, I think that the truth lays somewhere "in between", as always. Jews/Semitic were in Egypt for sure. How they disappeared from there and in how many waves? I can't tell, I don't know. Maybe there was a bigger group of several thousands who left Egypt and then the others migrated to Canaan? So looking for a sign of a enormous number of people staying in one place on the peninsula, makes no sense? From the Bible Unearthed we can retrieve the interesting information about two kingdoms in Canaan. Maybe Jews were just going home when the conditions went back to the normal state in Canaan? 2 millions of people - I would say this number is so big to show how great and powerful the god is. Imagine, how much food this number of people would need to not die. And at some point in the Bible, god helps them. Impressive for someone who believes. There are many options. But one thing I don't like in this kind of movies. Guys in one place said - those dates in the Bible make no sense, they are incorrect. And in other place they use the number of people who left Egypt directly from the Bible to show that it was impossible. So those numbers in Bible are useful or not? If we want to objective, we should analyse every single piece of information, including numbers. And don't believe in any of it. Rather ask - was it possible, does it make sense? | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @garrettflagg1365 | Leaders seek to unify followers. For the Hebrews, a nomadic- pastoral people, threatened by drought, turf boundaries, bandits, the allure of a safer and more comfortable life in cities that worshipped foreign deities, the challenge was to forge a history with a foreordained destiny, a promised land, to which the faithful will arrive. In the meantime, the faithful must be made to feel special and protected as miraculous events will testify. The 10 plague events are a natural catastrophe made to appear miraculous to persuade the Hebrews escaping bondage to believe in the guiding hand of their deity. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @michellereed5638 | These were supernatural events brought on by a God, at Moses's command, as God promised, and told Moses HE would do in HIS name, the name of "I Am" who is the Creator God of Abraham, or the God of Abraham, who is the same God who created Adam and Eve and caused Noah's Flood and later the "confusion of the languages at the Tower of Babel." Moses was only a facilitator of God's power and HIS will. Moses had zero power as a human being. It was God's doing, and God's timing. Moses was just communicating God's will and what God would do if Pharaoh disobeyed God's commands. There were supernatural miracles, which even after 40 years--the City of Jericho new about them. Even the City of Jericho, had one person, Rahab who believed in those miracles, and after 40 years of hearing about the crossing of the Red Sea and again the crossing of Jordan--another miracle, she volunteers to keep the men safe, who came as spies for the Hebrews before taking the city. AS a result of her bravery and belief, she is included in the lineage of Jesus Christ, and remembered for all time in the Biblical narrative. Pretty amazing. Hope this answers your question or completes your thoughts. Remembering that the Bible is a supernatural book to be read prayerfully, in order to understand it. I have been reading it for over 50 years! | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago (edited) | @DwayneShaw1 |  @michellereed5638  -- You've been reading the bible for over 50 years -- perhaps you should also try reading something else -- where you will find FACTS instead of horridly immoral and absurd fairy tales -- Like the fact that there was no Mosaic Exodus or Joshuan Conquest - or the Fact that Jericho was destroyed centuries before the supposed biblical claims of walls magically falling after 50 years it's a little odd that you haven't discovered all the ridiculous contradictions in the Bible -- you talk about the lineage of Jesus Christ -- there are actually two - Matthew and Luke both give versions with multiple contradictions - they can't even agree on who Joseph's daddy was Then , of course, you allude to the absurd claim that you can't understand the Bible unless you been saved -- but how can you be saved if you don't understand the bible?? seems an absurd and incompetent way for an omnipotent god to spread his word -- that can only be understood if you have magical powers of understanding - and very convenient for you | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 1 year ago | @dianasinclair8807 | The story was written after the fact...so of course, the "hero" can predict anything he wants to | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 9 months ago (edited) | @iainpattison903 |  @DwayneShaw1  Sad. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 9 months ago (edited) | @DwayneShaw1 |  @iainpattison903  - but true. You be sure and let me know if you can manage to come up with anything more substantial than 'Nuh-uh" | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 9 months ago (edited) | @DwayneShaw1 |  @iainpattison903  - and, if you dare to challenge me, be specific about what you're commenting on -- this is a year old | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 9 months ago (edited) | @iainpattison903 |  @DwayneShaw1  Sad. | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 9 months ago (edited) | @DwayneShaw1 |  @iainpattison903  I'm sure your god is so proud of your detailed and informed rebuttal -- coward | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @ericm6415 | OH look... lots of claims that I Already Believe... backed up by flashes of imagery with absolutely NO Context or Explanation... BUT, it appears to match the narrative... It MUST be true! LMAO. Fraud-U-Mentaries are absurd.... | Votes: 83 | Reply: false 5 years ago (edited) | @typograf62 | To quote Hamlet (well, his mother): More matter, less art. | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @tamiemt721 | Yes. I agree. I guess when you've lost all hope u figure?? | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @prudencegrahame1519 | Fraud- U-Mentaries Thats 24 carat GOLD! | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @timetravellerregisteredtra850 | Next you'll be denying that the existence of Nottingham Forest proves Robin Hood was real! :) | Votes: 5 | Reply: true 5 years ago (edited) | @richardbigouette3651 | He's not finding or studying new evidence really. He's just re-analyzing and putting a new perspective to already discovered evidence. I don't like how he says proves and doesn't prove though. It takes years of deliberation and study to determine if the evidence is usable or not. We all know the Christian perspective of this story so, it's nice to see a new perspective. | Votes: 7 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @jos5357 | @RedJama X, I agree Fraud~U~Mentaries. The Hyksos, ruled from Avaris. How can you force someone to stay, and be your slaves, when it was the Egyptians who wanted them to leave. The Hyksos wanted to stay and rule lower Egypt from Avaris. | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @user-os3qs8fp6p | Perhaps you need to read what the scientific/historic community has to say? I did and they seems to think it is very plausible. Quite recently too. Maybe you need to do some research before you dispel a short narrative documentary as hogwash... Maybe your mind is not as brilliant as you think? I think so! | Votes: 6 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @user-os3qs8fp6p |  @richardbigouette3651  He in fact is. There is a lot of new studies done (2018) by scientists regarding this phenomenon. You based your comment on...? | Votes: 4 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @charleebunch6637 |  @user-os3qs8fp6p  outstanding comment | Votes: 0 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @redspecial4102 | God still hasn't fixed Notre Dame. He needs money to do it. | Votes: 2 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @charleebunch6637 |  @redspecial4102  why on Earth would God fix the Antichrists place of worship? | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @michelledessert967 |  @charleebunch6637  What are you talking about? How is Notre Dame the antichrists place of worship? | Votes: 3 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @nathandunning7150 | Lost souls are always the most vocal. | Votes: 1 | Reply: true 5 years ago | @charleebunch6637 |  @michelledessert967  seriously ? I have to explain