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Quantum Mechanics vs Kaal's Structured Atom Model

Table of Contents


blah, blah, blah (obviously I haven't written an intro yet).

SAM: Structured Atom Model of Edo Kaal

J.E. Kaal, A. Otte, J.A. Sorensen, J.G. Emming 2021 "The nature of the atom", 268pp ISBN 978-1-8381280-2-9

"Atom Viewer" 3D rotatable online model to see nucleus structures for each element according to SAM :

??????????Atom Builder [get, run]

video transcript: Edo Kaal 20Aug2017 The Structured Atom Model | EU2017

Edwin Kaal: The Proton-Electron Atom — A Proposal for a Structured Atomic Model | EU2017
sschirott March 11, 2018 - 11:00 am
video of presentation, Electric Universe EU2017 Future Science conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Rebroadcast — only $29:

Edwin Kaal presented a new model for the atom based upon the principles of densest packing, balancing of electrostatic forces, symmetry, and the stable geometry of Platonic solids. Using this model, the sacrosanct “strong force” of the modern theory is not required. In addition, neutrons are redefined as a connection between protons and electrons. Thus, atoms in his model are just protons and electrons in electrostatic and geometric equilibrium. Following simple rules and postulations, a structured atomic model emerges. The shapes represent specific attributes of the elements such as the valence value. The model shows how a number of nucleons and the geometric shapes correlate to the elements; why there are forbidden configurations; and how groups in the periodic table naturally arise. Magnetic spheres can be used to mimic the nucleus-specific construction and can be learned by anyone. Importantly, this model does not contradict the evidence in chemistry and physics, but rather provides a new interpretation and a promisingly fresh approach. With this model, Edwin has been able to resolve enigmas in chemistry and make predictions to inform future research.

Edwin Kaal: The Proton-Electron Atom — A Proposal for a Structured Atomic Model | EU2017
(minutes:seconds into the video are shown at the end of each link title, eg "00:20 nuclear decay processes")

The audio of this video was transcribed by Google's "Asynchronous Recognition". It was then run through bash scripts, then manually edited, although the corrections are far from complete. The edited transcripts (link immediately below) do show transcription phrase errors and possible replacements. You can [follow the video, download & do [searches, work] with the transcript :
Here is an approximate "Table of Contents" for the presentation themes :
I still have to re-phrase and shorten of sentences from the transcript. (first column is to the video)

into video
very short description
30.2 Current concept : nucleus is made up of a chaotic block of protons and neutrons. There is no known structure for the nucleus. Quantum Mechanics (QM) states that it's impossible to show true shapes, instead relies on mathematics to express the atom's non-deterministic nature.
66.5 Is it possible that there is a structure to the nucleus of the atom?
99.7 History of atomic theory : early 1800s John Dalton, 1864 John Newlands, 1867 Mendeleev, 1897 JJ Thomson, Chadwick (discovered neutron), acceptance of the neutrons in about 1933 (?Solvay conference in Brussels?)

603.6 current understanding of the atoms and the elements is very poor to say the least. 2006 Kall started building "Structured Atomic Model" (SAM)
730.2 SAM is a new model, question as to why the [proton, electron]s do not annihilate each other is still unanswered
822.7 about 2008 Kaal found a correlation of spherical geometry: lithium - pentagonal bipyramid, 2010 carbon - icosahedron, 2012 entire structure of the nucleus and how it functions
864.2 principle: the densest packing that creates geometric shapes.
907.9 there's only one fundamental force : electrostatic. the neutron is not a fundamental particle - it's just a connection between nuclear [electron, protons]. sphere or a proton must always be part of one of the geometrical structures [tetrahedron, pentagonal bipyramid, icosahedron]. the inner structure of the atom the nucleus dictates outer electrons (orbiters)
966.5 the "new SAM Neutron non-fundamental particle" : instead of being fundamental particle it is in the center of an electron with its two neighboring <photons,protons>
1104.4 papers done by Carl Johnson - statistical analysis of isotope masses. precise NIST data seems to indicate that there is no energy which exists within any Atomic nuclei to account for the existence of any pi mesons, or the necessary binding energy of any neutrons, or any ultra powerful strong force, or any neutrinos for that fact.
1238.4 2016 James Sorensen started collaborating with Kaal, creating three-dimensional "Atom Builder" software. the model has already been proven to be crucial for further continuation.
1364.3 here we see the platonic solids again create using spherical geometry. take note that the [cube, dodecahedra] are not stable. the icosahedron is the most complete of the platonic solids meaning there is no bigger geometrical shape that can fit into a sphere. satisfys densest packing principle
1492.4 carbon embodies the icosahedron with its 20 triangular facets. In the illustration, not all the Triangular facets of the nucleus are occupied, meaning there are positive spots left on the nucleus that can still react. this is basically the fundamental principle as to why chemistry is happening.
1625.5 carbon backbone: the backbone of the nucleus is made up of the icosahedron. or as determined in this model a carbon nucleic, whereby nucleic refers to the identified geometrical shapes of the protons. is therefore collection of the connected carbon nucleus that adhere to a doubling mechanism.
1718.6 here we see how the periodicity of the periodic table is a result of this geometry : eg [carbon, silicon, germanium]
1880.3 here we see how the periodicity of the periodic table of the elements is a result of these geometrical shapes. so the valence factor or rather how many connections we can make with a certain element.
2016.8 "Why are the Actinides the only fissile elements?", decay of Carbon14 : according to the new model you can see carbon 14 in the center. we have the same carbon nucleic that was blue just a moment ago. we have the top one extra Neutron and on the bottom one extra Neutron, meaning it's a proton plus an electron to bind it together. when they come close they Decay meaning two are together now. and there's only one electron needed, or rather actually, there's only room for one electron. so this second electron is booted out. as we could see here, it moves into orbit, therefore we reach the next element.
2141.5 looking for new elements: halfway through the periodic table, close to [iron, copper, silver, gold, etc]. nature tends to skip these steps, simply not so much because it cannot be done but because the combination of two. to make diffusion happen usually we get a helium nuclei, or a alpha particle, which combines an alpha particle, consists of four of these protons. but to create that missing element in between we need two deuterium. to act on that just the <chain space,chance based?> and the abundance of certain elements makes it almost impossible. besides that, we are not even aware that there might be something missing. it is my belief that ultimately these elements will be either discovered or created. I hope to think might actually validate this model in the future.
2229.8 interesting "collision" where two branches of nucleus basically touch each other. I believe that due to that coming together, branches is where the nucleus breaks.
2350.4 I would like to summarize the new atomic model follow. we have a duality that we call a proton electron pair, with the electrostatic force acting between them. this force is the causal mechanism for the principle of densest packing that creates geometrical shapes. this geometrical shapes in specific order sequence and number create all the elements. the model shows the observe nature and properties of the atom, and explains the reason why the nucleus of the atom is positively charged, why the outer elections stay at range. you do not fall into the nucleus. and addresses a causal factor of chemistry. in fact physics and chemistry are kinda separated exactly where the atom is. in this case the physical model goes straight into chemistry.
2399.9 some potential implications : [plasma physics, astrophysics, cosmology, chemistry, nuclear fusion]. maybe even [smaller nanotechnology, radiometric dating, transmutations, new elements]
2442.1 conclude with the thanks. many people to thank but a few persons in particular, for you. EU support unwavering I would say. James Orson special. he made the attend all the inner website, and it will become in the end I hope a tool that we can use for educational purposes.

video transcript: Gareth Samuel 03Jul2021 The Structured Atom Model | Thunderbolts

Gareth Samuel 03Jul2021: The Structured Atom Model (video)
(minutes:seconds into the video are shown at the end of each link title, eg "00:20 nuclear decay processes")

The atomic model has remained unchanged for a long time. Yet, there are mysteries it has been unable to solve such as why certain elements are more stable than others, and predicting how large atoms split. In the Structured Atom Model (SAM) the nucleus is constructed using protons which are bound together with inner electrons in a very specific geometric structure.

Contributor and EU advocate, Gareth Samuel, host of "See the Pattern”, outlines how spheres being attracted inwards creates stable, and unstable, geometric shapes—and the process by which larger atoms can be created. The SAM concept matches what is observed in nature.

00:20 nuclear decay processes
Do we really understand how decay products are created? One problem is predicting how the larger atoms split.

00:33 decay process of U235
Why does U split assymmetrically, if the nucleus is simply a collection of [proton, neutron]s jumbled around?

00:46 alpha particle emission, problems with the standard explanations 02:12 SAM basics: nucleus structure, electrostatic, no [neutron, strong force] 03:42 SAM periodic table

04:06 SAM transmutations confirmed in SAFIRE laboratory

04:40 Inner nuclear structure dictates chemical properties

05:11 Formation of elements doesn't require stars

06:06 Other SAM [assumptions, advantages]


I will add material later - mostly links to SAFIRE experiments showing how the plasma system works...

Howell: questions about SAM

Howell: Sierpinski [triangles, tetrahedra] versus pyramids: Johannes Kepler, Edo Kaal, Stephen Puetz 'Universal Wave Series' (UWS)

(Taken from one of Howell's emails, 15Jan2024)

Things just seemed to blow up into fireworks this morning while doing a minor update to my draft webPage on Kaal's "Structured Atom Model" (SAM). I was trying to find my notes from circa 2012-2017 giving the name ("Hoh...?" or something), and references to an amateur's presentation to the Natural Philosophy Alliance" (before it became the "Natural Philosophy Society", I think). In any case, here are just a few of MANY references tying Quantum Mechanics, fractals, Sierpinski triangles!!! second generation Sierpinski tetrahedron VI, beaded art
Johanna L. Miller 19Nov2018 Quantum mechanics in fractal geometry (<Sierpinski triangle>), Physics Today

...Ingmar Swart, Cristiane Morais Smith, and colleagues at Utrecht University in the Netherlands have taken a step toward experimentally studying quantum physics in a fractional-dimensional system. On a (111) surface of copper they placed carbon monoxide molecules (black indentations in the figure) to corral the surface electrons into a simplified Sierpinski triangle.

Howell: it seems to me that Kaal has a fractal-like basis to his "Structured Atom Model" (SAM), albeit with many component parts, and therefore more complex than many well-known fractal patterns? Perhaps the use of fractals in hollywood CGI images is somewhat similar, but taken to artistic extreme?
Shajesh, Parashar, Cavero-Peláez, Kocik, Brevik 13Nov2017 Casimir energy of Sierpinski triangles, Phys. Rev. D 96, 105010

Using scaling arguments and the property of self-similarity we derive the Casimir energies of Sierpinski triangles and Sierpinski rectangles. The Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension (fractal dimension) of the Casimir energy is introduced and the Berry-Weyl conjecture is discussed for these geometries. We propose that for a class of fractals, comprising compartmentalized cavities, it is possible to establish a finite value to the Casimir energy even while the Casimir energy of the individual cavities consists of divergent terms.

Howell: This does remind me of our recent "pyramids" emails. However, keep in mind that pyramids tend to have a square (or rectangular) base, not triangular like a tetrahedron. For example [Bosnia, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Central America, China (dirt, not stone)]. Even so, the energy-focussing properties of pyramid [material, geometry] may distantly relate to things like the Casimir effect?

Johannes Kepler

Howell: I seem to remember that Johannes Kepler always sought a tetrahedron concept as the proper way to explain planetary motions, even after he formulated Kepler's Laws?

Great Pyramid of Giza can focus electromagnetic energy through its hidden chambers

Andrey Evlyukhin, ... the international research team looked into the relationship between the shape of the Great Pyramid of Giza and its ability to focus electromagnetic energy. To do this, the team led by ITMO University in Saint Petersburg, Russia, created a model of the pyramid, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, to accurately measure it electromagnetic response.

Howell: This does remind me of our recent "pyramids" emails. However, keep in mind that pyramids tend to have a square (or rectangular) base, not triangular like a tetrahedron. For example [Bosnia, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Central America, China (dirt, not stone)]. Even so, the energy-focussing properties of pyramid [material, geometry] may distantly relate to things like the Casimir effect?

Bannink, Buhrman 19Nov2018 "Quantum Pascals Triangle and Sierpinskis carpet"

Edo Kaal - frequently mentions the critical role of a tetrahedral structure as one of the key basic building blocks of the nucleus geometry. I also mention carbon, which he describes as the [center-piece, backbone] of complex nuclei.

Nomenclature, acronyms

active radioactive nuclear fuel, spent fuel, other with [environment, safety] implications
Quantum Mechanics, standard in physics
deactivate transmutation of actives
fissile atoms that can be split by neutrons in a self-sustaining chain-reaction to release enormous amounts of energy
HEU Highly Enriched Uranium, contains [Pu239, U235]
see above: "Nuclear [material, process, deactivate]s"
plasma charge-separate double-layer that "insulates" different plasma environments
example: Langmuir probes are required to get useful voltage reading in plasma environments
LEU Lowly Enriched Uranium, cannot be used for weapons
electric field that causes convection of ions and electrons inward towards a central twisting filamentary axis
named after Swedish physicist Göran Marklund
may explain elemental composition of planets going outward from Sun?
PT-HWR Pressure Tube - Heavy Water Reactor (eg CANDU)
QM Quantum Mechanics, standard concept in physics
SAM Stuctured Atom Model of Edo Kaal, speculative replacement for QM
Z-pinch Lorentz force on a current-carrying [conductor, plasma] in a magnetic field (see also [Birkeland, Marklund] above)

Definitions: nuclear [material, process, deactivate]s

Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (viewed 05Jan2024) "Fissile Material Basics"
For a safer, healthier environment and the democratization of science

What are fissile materials?

Fissile materials are composed of atoms that can be split by neutrons in a self-sustaining chain-reaction to release enormous amounts of energy. In nuclear reactors, the fission process is controlled and the energy is harnessed to produce electricity. In nuclear weapons, the fission energy is released all at once to produce a violent explosion. The most important fissile materials for nuclear energy and nuclear weapons are an isotope of plutonium, plutonium-239, and an isotope of uranium, uranium-235. Uranium-235 occurs in nature. For all practical purposes, plutonium-239 does not.
What is plutonium-239?

Plutonium-239 (hereafter referred to as “plutonium”) is a heavy element consisting of 94 protons and 145 neutrons. It can have a number of chemical forms. Nuclear weapons use plutonium metal. Plutonium dioxide is used as a component of some nuclear fuels. Plutonium has a half-life of over 24,000 years (a half-life is the time it takes for half of a given amount of radioactive material to decay into other elements).

What is highly enriched uranium?

The other important fissile material that has been used for nuclear weapons is highly enriched uranium (HEU), usually defined as uranium whose proportion of uranium-235, the fissile isotope of uranium, has been increased to over 90%. The natural uranium mined from the earth consists of about 0.7% uranium-235 (U-235), and about 99.3% uranium-238 (U-238),, and enrichment is the process of increasing the ratio of U-235 to U-238. The half life of uranium-235 is 704 million years, while the half life of U-238 is about 4.5 billion years.

It is important to note that most nuclear reactors run on low-enriched uranium (LEU), which is usually 3%-5% uranium-235. LEU cannot be used in nuclear weapons.

What is HEU used for?

HEU was first developed for use in nuclear weapons. It can be combined with plutonium to form the “pit”, or core of a nuclear weapon, or it can be used alone as the nuclear explosive. The bomb dropped on Hiroshima used only HEU. About 15-20 kgs of HEU are sufficient to make a bomb without plutonium.

HEU also has non-weapon uses. It is used as a fuel in research reactors and the nuclear reactors that power some naval vessels.

About 2300 metric tons of HEU have been produced for military purposes worldwide — primarily by the United States and the Soviet Union. About 20 metric tons of HEU have been used in research reactors worldwide.
