#] #] ********************* #] "$d_web"'ProjMini/Kaal- Structured Atom Model/0_Kaal SAM notes.txt' - ??? # www.BillHowell.ca ??Jan2024 initial # view in text editor, using constant-width font (eg courier), tabWidth = 3 #48************************************************48 #24************************24 # Table of Contents, generate with : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_web"'ProjMini/Kaal- Structured Atom Model/0_Kaal SAM notes.txt' | sed "s/^#\]/ /" # #24************************24 # Setup, ToDos, #08********08 #] ??Jan2024 #08********08 #] ??Jan2024 #08********08 #] ??Jan2024 #08********08 #] ??Jan2024 #08********08 #] ??Jan2024 #08********08 #] ??Jan2024 #08********08 #] ??Jan2024 #08********08 #] ??Jan2024 #08********08 #] ??Jan2024 #08********08 #] 19Jan2024 cp dir to projMaj/EU, change links see "$d_bin"'fileops run.sh' povr_pStrP_replace 09:58$ bash "$d_bin"'fileops run.sh' >> stuck in a loop? #08********08 #] 16Jan2024 Edo Kaal & SAM team.jpg team: Edo Kaal.jpg team: James Sorensen.jpg team: Andreas Otte.jpg team: Jan Emming.jpg team: Edo Kaal & SAM.png #08********08 #] 15Jan2024 images from Kaal's EU2017 presentation OUT OF TIME!! stop all work now, send to [Baluir Bromely, Perry Kinkaid] for now - upload all images so that my email will work put into /home/bill/web/ProjMini/Kaal- Structured Atom Model/images/ : 01:01 Kaal EU2017 standard model versus Structured Atom Model.png 02:25 Kaal EU2017 Daltons periodic table.png 03:03 Kaal EU2017 Newlands Law of Octaves.png 03:35 Kaal EU2017 Mendeleev 1897 periodic table of the elements.png 15:00 Kaal EU2017 proposal for a Structured Atom Model, more postulations.png 15:45 Kaal EU2017 the new neutron: not a fundamental particle.png 18:00 Kaal EU2017 Carl Johnson - Statistical analysis of isotope masses.png ... 15Jan2024 to be continued (not finished) 22:33 Kaal EU2017 Platonic solids in spherical geometry.png 23:22 Kaal EU2017 basic geometrical shapes making up the nucleus.png 24:43 Kaal EU2017 integrated geometry of the atomic nucleus.png 24:51 Kaal EU2017 carbon: icosahedron, centerpiece of the elements.png 28:55 Kaal EU2017 recurring geometric shapes in the periodic table: carbon group.png 30:04 Kaal EU2017 lithium: recurring geometric shapes in the periodic table - alkali metal group.png 31:08 Kaal EU2017 the cycle of eight (8).png 32:44 Kaal EU2017 carbon 14 decays to nitrogen 14: densest packing at work.png 39:06 Kaal EU2017 summary of the new atomic model (SAM).png 40:27 Kaal EU2017 potential implications of Structured Atom Model (SAM).png 41:05 Kaal EU2017 Ethereal Matters LLC animation of atom builde3r application.png #08********08 #] 15Jan2024 search "tetrahedra and Johannes Kepler" +-----+ https://www.careerpower.in/school/physics/keplers-law Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion: First, Second and Third Law Kepler's laws say planets move in oval paths around the Sun. The time a planet takes to complete its journey around the Sun is related to how far it is from the Sun. Posted byAparna Published On August 10th, 2023 ... Read more at: https://www.careerpower.in/school/physics/keplers-law put into /home/bill/web/ProjMini/Kaal- Structured Atom Model/images/ : Aparna, careerpower.in 10Aug2023 Keplers Laws of Planetary Motion: First, Second and Third Law.png +-----+ http://www.bru.hlphys.jku.at/surf/image/Kepler05.png www.bru.hlphys.jku.at Algebraic Surfaces: Platonic Solids, Kepler Model, Johannes Kepler.png 08********08 #] 15Jan2024 search "sierpinski triangles" - long ago NatlPhilAlliance presentation #] this dateEntry was copied from "$d_web"'My sports & clubs/CNPS/0_JC-NPS notes.txt' This notes file only goes back to 2018 -> may have to check for other notes files, backups from 2010-2018? extra material in emto Steve Howell : "$d_ProjMini"'Kaal- Structured Atom Model/240115 emto Steve: Sierpinski [triangles, tertrahedra]: Johannes Kepler, Edo Kaal, Pyramids [Bosnia, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Central America, China (dirt, not stone)].html' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-6008131/Great-Pyramid-Giza-focus-electromagnetic-energy-hidden-chambers.html Scientists discover Great Pyramid of Giza can focus electromagnetic energy through its hidden chambers By Cheyenne Macdonald For Dailymail.com Published: 14:48 EST, 30 July 2018 | Updated: 12:20 EST, 31 July 2018 Andrey Evlyukhin, the international research team looked into the relationship between the shape of the Great Pyramid of Giza and its ability to focus electromagnetic energy. To do this, the team led by ITMO University in Saint Petersburg, Russia, created a model of the pyramid, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, to accurately measure it electromagnetic response. Evlyukhin 30Jul2018 Great Pyramid of Giza can focus electromagnetic energy through its hidden chambers.png A multipole analysis shows the pyramid concentrates electromagnetic energy in its hidden chambers. The distributions of electric (a)–(e) and magnetic (f)–(j) field magnitude in the Pyramid and its supporting substrate is shown above Macdonald, Dailymail.com 30Jul2018 Great pyramid of Giza.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierpi%C5%84ski_triangle https://mathigon.org/course/fractals/sierpinski https://www.mathsisfun.com/sierpinski-triangle.html 08:48$ find "$d_web" -type f -name "*.txt" | grep --invert-match "z_Old" | grep --invert-match "z_Archive" | sort | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep --with-filename --line-number 'pinski' "FILE" | sed "s|$d_web||;s|:.*||" | sort -u >"$d_temp"'find-grep-sed temp.txt' +-----+ bin/0_test/fileops/pinn_getLinseq_povr/230315 13h57m Neural Nets notes public.txt My sports & clubs/natural- CNPS/0_JC-NPS notes.txt Neural nets/0_Neural Nets notes public.txt ProjMajor/Sun pandemics, health/corona virus/Fauci covid emails/Fauci corona virus emails, clean.txt Qnial/MY_NDFS/dictionaries/combined [Linux, Dictionary.com, vaccine [CDC, Wikipedia]].txt Qnial/MY_NDFS/dictionaries/dictionary - corona virus.txt Qnial/MY_NDFS/dictionaries/dictionary Linux american-english noApos.txt +-----+ >> hah! - just caught this entry... search "Natural Philosophy Alliance and sierpinski" - nothing search "sierpinski triangles and Quantum Mechanics" +-----+ https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.07429.pdf Quantum Pascal’s Triangle and Sierpinski’s carpet Tom Bannink∗ bannink@cwi.nl Harry Buhrman∗ ‡ buhrman@cwi.nl August 2017 Abstract In this paper we consider a quantum version of Pascal’s triangle. Pascal’s triangle is a well-known triangular array of numbers and when these numbers are plotted modulo 2, a fractal known as the Sierpinski triangle appears. We first prove the appearance of more general fractals when Pascal’s triangle is considered modulo prime powers. The numbers in Pascal’s triangle can be obtained by scaling the probabilities of the simple symmetric random walk on the line. In this paper we consider a quantum version of Pascal’s triangle by replacing the random walk by the quantum walk known as the Hadamard walk. We show that when the amplitudes of the Hadamard walk are scaled to become integers and plotted modulo three, a fractal known as the Sierpinski carpet emerges and we provide a extra material in emto Steve Howell : "$d_ProjMini"'Kaal- Structured Atom Model/240115 emto Steve: Sierpinski [triangles, tertrahedra]: Johannes Kepler, Edo Kaal, Pyramids [Bosnia, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Central America, China (dirt, not stone)].html' proof of this using Lucas’s theorem. We furthermore give a general class of quantum walks for which this phenomenon occurs. +-----+ https://pubs.aip.org/physicstoday/Online/29862/Quantum-mechanics-in-fractal-geometry Quantum mechanics in fractal geometry 19 November 2018 Molecules on a metal surface can sculpt the surface electrons into shapes not found in nature. Johanna L. Miller DOI:https://doi.org/10.1063/PT.6.1.20181119a What if the number of dimensions could be tuned continuously between 1 and 2? A century ago mathematician Felix Hausdorff developed a new way of measuring dimensionality that could take fractional values. For most familiar shapes—points, lines, planes, and so on—the Hausdorff dimension is equal to the usual topological dimension. But fractals, due to their infinite complexity, have noninteger Hausdorff dimension. Now Ingmar Swart, Cristiane Morais Smith, and colleagues at Utrecht University in the Netherlands have taken a step toward experimentally studying quantum physics in a fractional-dimensional system. On a (111) surface of copper they placed carbon monoxide molecules (black indentations in the figure) to corral the surface electrons into a simplified Sierpinski triangle. The full Sierpinski triangle, a fractal made up of infinitely many nested smaller triangles, has a Hausdorff dimension of 1.58. If drawn from line segments, it has infinite length, and if carved from a solid triangle, it has zero area, so intuitively, it’s neither 1D nor 2D but something in between. The Cu(111) surface-electron density inside the triangle is an approximation of the fractal, just as a graphene sheet is an approximation of an infinitely thin plane. But like graphene, the surface-electron system inherits the dimensional properties of its mathematical idealization. Probing the interesting questions of fractal quantum mechanics will require a more intricate experiment. In particular, ensembles of interacting fermions behave in qualitatively different ways in 1D and 2D (see Physics Today, September 1996, page 19). Their behavior in 1.58 dimensions is an open question—but the surface electrons of Cu(111) interact only weakly. Surfaces of other materials, however, might allow the researchers to study interactions in fractal geometry. (S. N. Kempkes et al., Nat. Phys., 2018, doi:10.1038/s41567-018-0328-0.) +-----+ https://phys.org/news/2018-12-splendid-potential-sierpinski-triangle.html The splendid generative potential of the Sierpinski triangle by The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences 14Dec2018 One transistor can become an oscillator with a surprising richness of behavior. However, even more interesting effects emerge if the structure of connections is fractal and shows some imperfections. Could similar rules explain the diversity and complexity of human brain dynamics? Intuition suggests that self-similarity appears only in systems as complex as neural networks in the brain, or in fascinating shapes of nature, for example, in fractal Romanesco broccoli buds. At the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN) in Cracow, researchers made a discovery that in some ways challenges this belief. In close collaboration with colleagues from the University of Catania and the University of Trento in Italy, the researchers constructed an elementary electronic oscillator based on just one transistor. As it turns out, when it contains fractal arrangements of inductors and capacitors, these generate amazingly rich characteristics of the electrical signals. +-----+ https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11128-021-03171-4 Xie, HH., Zeng, GM. 15Jul2021 Quantum walks on Sierpinski gasket and Sierpinski tetrahedron. Quantum Inf Process 20, 240 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-021-03171-4 Abstract We investigate discrete-time coined quantum walks on the Sierpinski gasket and the Sierpinski tetrahedron which have non-integer dimensions, by concentrating on the probability distribution, return probability and standard deviation. We compare the calculating results with classical random walks on the two fractal structures and quantum walks on the corresponding regular triangle grids. For the quantum walks, we adopt DFT coin and Grover coin, respectively, which exhibit great differences on the above quantities. +-----+ https://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.96.105010 Casimir energy of Sierpinski triangles K. V. Shajesh, Prachi Parashar, Inés Cavero-Peláez, Jerzy Kocik, and Iver Brevik Phys. Rev. D 96, 105010 – Published 13 November 2017 Abstract Using scaling arguments and the property of self-similarity we derive the Casimir energies of Sierpinski triangles and Sierpinski rectangles. The Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension (fractal dimension) of the Casimir energy is introduced and the Berry-Weyl conjecture is discussed for these geometries. We propose that for a class of fractals, comprising compartmentalized cavities, it is possible to establish a finite value to the Casimir energy even while the Casimir energy of the individual cavities consists of divergent terms. #08********08 #] 02May2023 emto Family: Kaal etal 2021 - Alchemy kills Quantum mechanics? -------- Forwarded Message -------- From: www.BillHowell.ca To: Catherine Howell. Founder. TheFlowProtocols. 8 Loop Social. Auckland. New Zealand Cc: Sarah Howell. Director-Actor-Freelance E-Journalist. Dream Bravely. Panama Columbia Peru Signapore NZ Vancouver , Neil and Irene Howell. Calgary , Stephen Howell. Gas storage consultant. SEBIL Consulting Services Ltd. Calgary Subject: Kaal etal 2021 - Alchemy kills Quantum mechanics? Date: Tue, 02 May 2023 21:40:24 -0600 "... General relativity is a turkey. Quantum mechanics is a fools' paradise. ..." (Howell 2010-2012, but I've always looked at these as con-Science) Just finished my first reading of : J.E. Kaal, A. Otte, J.A. Sorensen, J.G. Emming 2021 "The nature of the atom" www.Curtis-Press.com, 268pp ISBN 978-1-8381280-2-9 https://StructuredAtom.org/ Their "Structured Atom Model" (SAM) is still in the early stages, but even back in 2015 & 2017 I was impressed by Kaal's early presentations at the Electric Universe conferences. Now it's much more clear: although "Multiple Conflicting Hypothesis" obliges me to retain mainstream concepts (including ancient ones), there's nothing left of QM if Kaal etal are correct, and still not much in QM if Kaal etal are wrong? It's an amazing theory, one that brings chemistry and physics back together again. Catherine - This is definitely alchemy, albeit focussed on the traditional alchemy of materials (precursor to chemistry), rather than [spitit, soul, etc]. There is, however, the question of "Quantum Consciousness" (Roger Penrose), but as QM is thrown away, a much more powerful context may be there. Strangely, I am working on consciousness now, but machine-related, so I wont be taking the [magic, soul] perspective. Steve - It's MUCH worse than I thought, not qualifying to invest in aureon.com, although that saves me from losing money on yet another cute idea. But my guess that this revolution could fundamentally transform all of society, initially via [material, energy]s, but possubly much more broadly. As you mentioned, the "missing elements" are more clear to me, but it goes far further than I thought. The Period Table of Elements (PTE) is re-written profoundly. U238 decays rates reduced from 4.5 Gy to 100 years by Portland State U (essentially Electric Universe, although they don't call it that). "De-radio-isotopification" (not a real word) of HIGHLY radioactive materials Huge implications for [fusion, fission, transmutation] in [biology, geology, third one I forget] : Transmutation to form [gold, Uranium, copper, etc, etc] in veins created by huge electric surges (so much for my past lab work in uranium) possibility of industrial processes to priduce gold, U etc in processing plants? chickens converting K->Ca when diets are Ca-deficient? Throw away : neutrinos, [weak, strong] nuclear forces Schrodinger equation Copenhagen interpretation of Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle spherically-shaped & unstructured nuclei On and on the list goes... Bill Howell, Bill@BillHowell.ca #08********08 #] 01May2023 search "Structured Atom Model" +-----+ https://etherealmatters.org/sam >> webPage by SAM group - great related themes even Peter Mungo Jupp is mentioned search "Low Energy Nuclear Reactions and Structured Atom Model" >> nothing # enddoc