To :
Edo Kaal sent via "Contact" webPage
Monty Childs sent via "Contact" webPage
Gareth Samuel
cc : Susan Schirott. CEO-President. T-Bolts Group. USA Here is the email that I am sending to [Edo Kaal, Monty Childs, Gareth Samuel] for permissions. It still has "html markups" :
Subject : Permissions to post [Kaal, SAFIRE]-related material on my webPage (not the videos)

I hope this isn't a nuisance, but I am writing to make sure that you are OK with my [use, commentary] of some of your material on my webPage. I do not have copies of your videos on my webPage, these are linked only.

Kaal Structured Atom Model vs Quantum Mechanics

There is one thing that IS different, and already is refused by my [friends, neighbors] here in Hussar Alberta : voice recordings. I posted a full Google transcript of Edo Kaal's EU2017 presentation (a link is on the webPage), plus a short "Table of Contents". Although transcripts are normal for many YouTube videos, I hope it won't be an issue for you.

I still have work to do on the Kaal transcript to clean it up, and I did intend to Google transcript the SAFIRE "Walk-through" and Garenth's video as well. Those will have to wait for 2 to 3 months as I am desperate to get back to [journal peer reviews, winterisation of my house, neural networks models using genetic mechanisms].

I will take down any material that you object to, but in any case there is almost no traffic to my webSite, so I hope the current posting won't be an issue until I get your permission.

I have already asked Susan Schirott for permission. (By the way, Susan - nice hat in that picture of you ).

Mr. Bill Howell, 1-587-707-2027 (browser shows root directory of webSite) (start webPage browsing)
P.O. Box 299, Hussar, Alberta, T0J1S0#FFA500#FFA500#FFA500
member - International Neural Network Society (INNS), IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE-CIS),
WCCI2020 Glasgow, Publicity Chair mass emails,
Retired 2012: Science Research Manager (SE-REM-01) at Natural Resources Canada, CanmetMINING, Ottawa