Concepts :
conscious ART (cART), etc
(Grossberg & colleagues 1971-2021) - link is missing
[consciousness, learning, expectation, attention, resonance, synchrony, top-down bottom-up, cooperative-competitive, inhibition-excitation] and many more.
Grossberg's models aren't just for consciousness - many were initially developed for subconscious modelling.
Unlike almost all other models of consciousness:
- Grossberg etal's models tightly tie specific neural architectures to [function, process, learning, evolution]
- Critically important issues are addressed, a few of which include :
- lifelong learning without catastrophic forgetting
- autonomous adaptation in a changing environment
- explain and simulate many key [vision, auditory] perceptual [process, illusion]s
explain synchronization issues and how the brain handles them (or doesn't with brain dysfunction)
- tie the subconscious to the conscious, and explain when something becomes conscious
- A surprisingly small number of neural architectures can simulate [extensive, diverse] [neuro, pyscho]logical data at BOTH the [sub, ]conscious levels, and for [perception, action] of [sight, auditory, touch, language, cognition, emotion, etc]. This is similar to what we see in physics.
- In a sense, conscious [mechanism, model]s emerge from earlier work on subconscious processes, and are largely the same.
- Grossberg's [bio, neuro, psycho]logical basis and neural [microcircuits, cellular assemblies, macrocircuits (like laminar cortex), brain regions, etc] and their [function, process, interaction]s greatly exceed any of the other concepts listed on this webPage, to the best of my limited knowledge.
- [extensive, diverse] ex-bio applications have been successfully [developed, applied], based on Grossberg etal's computational models.
computational models :
CogEM - Cognitive-Emotional Motor
CLEARS - Consciousness, Learning, Expectation, Attention, Resonance, Synchrony
ART - Adaptive Resonance Theory, and many extensions, including :
- LAMINART - laminar ART, explains cortical layer functions, etc
- cART - conscious ART
Many other models! However, these have not, as far as I can see, been gathered together into a large library for easy public use. This would very much limit their use, so I need to check that is the case. |