#] #] ********************* #] "$d_web"'Neural nets/Grossberg/0_Grossberg notes.txt' # www.BillHowell.ca 06Apr2023 initial copied "$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/0_TrNNs_ART notes.txt' to "$d_web"'Neural nets/consciousness/0_consciousness notes.txt' "$d_web"'Neural nets/Grossberg/0_Grossberg notes.txt' not yet "$d_web"'Transformer NNs/0_Large Language Model notes.txt' # view in text editor, using constant-width font (eg courier), tabWidth = 3 see also : "$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/0_TrNNs_ART TblOfContents.txt' "$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/0_TrNNs_ART [ToDos, html, Kindle].txt' (??? not ported) "$d_SysMaint"'images/0_image notes.txt' "$d_bin"'image: put [cap, ref]s on [fig, tbl]s.sh' #48************************************************48 #24************************24 # Table of Contents, generate with : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_web"'Neural nets/Grossberg/0_Grossberg notes.txt' | sed "s/^#\]/ /" >"$d_web"'Neural nets/Grossberg/1_Grossberg TblOfContents.txt' # #24************************24 #] Access Kindle version of book : Amazon email 14May2022 : All Kindle content, including books and Kindle active content, that you've purchased from the Kindle Store is stored in your Kindle library on Amazon.ca. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/f.html?C=VPELIYMUNHI5&K=1AS3NR2TXJE0U&M=urn:rtn:msg:202305150046037b699e135fb2453cb7ff57e7a240p0na&R=2HBQF2BIEZZAP&T=C&U=https%3A%2F%2Fread.amazon.ca%3Fref_%3Dpe_47689480_613027100_kfw_digital_order_confirmation_email&H=JAY4TQ1YHDHOYV6Z8YXYKUZAJKMA&ref_=pe_47689480_613027100_kfw_digital_order_confirmation_email #24************************24 #] ToDos 30Oct2023 can I specify winID, rather than have it assigned by winID=$( winID_last )? #] +-----+ #24************************24 #08********08 #] ??Oct2023 #08********08 #] ??Oct2023 #08********08 #] ??Oct2023 #08********08 #] 27Feb2024 spot check webPage links: [Grossberg, Kaal, Fischer, a few others] from "$d_bin"'webSite notes.txt' +-----+ Grossberg : menus : work TblOfContents : doesn't work - regenerate all other links: work >> OK, all good 10:49$ ls -1 '/home/bill/web/Neural nets/Grossberg' menus TblOfCont other links other ART assess theories of consciousnes bad n/a n/a no content! ART augmentation of other research. bad n/a n/a no content! Grossbergs ART- Adaptive Resonance OK n/a n/a only has themeL! Grossbergs [core, fun, strange] con OK consc item OK Grossbergs list of [chapter, sectio OK OK OK Grossbergs list of [figure, table]s OK OK OK Grossbergs list of index.html OK none none Grossbergs overview.html OK OK Comparision of rivalry (later) Grossbergs paleontology.html OK fixed none Grossbergs Principles, Principia.ht OK n/a n/a no content! Grossbergs quoted text.html OK fixed none Grossbergs what is consciousness.ht OK fixed OK almost no content reader Howell notes.html OK OK mostOK references- Grossberg.html OK n/a n/a no content! references- non-Grossberg.html OK none OK [use, modfication]s of c-ART.html OK n/a n/a no content! why is cART unknown.html OK n/a none yet very initial general issues : n/a haven't done yet ART [assess, augment] pMenuTop(.).html : some have pMenuTopMenu.html#Grossberg#TrNN_ART Status - nothing for Grossberg! problem links : overview? (Figure 2.03) Membrane equations of neurophysiology. Shunting equation "... Precursor of Shunting network model (Rail 1962) ...") reader Howell : "multiple conflicting hypothesis"- >> overall, very high success rate for links - catch bad ones later with pHtmBmkL_get_pGoodL_pFailL 27Feb2024 Grossberg - pMenuTop[status, copyright] 27Feb2024 Grossberg - ask for text list of references #08********08 #] 27Oct2023 Juyang Weng - emrep my ConBlog +-----+ http://www.aiee.net/workshop.html Workshop on Transparentizing Deep Learning (WTDL 2024) January 16, 2024 in 5th AIEE Bangkok, Thailand www.aiee.net Sponsored by Brain-Mind Institute http://brain-mind-institute.org/ Introduction The Deep Learning scheme has been the basis of a great recent increase in the number of AI-related publications. Based on Deep Learning, many generative AI systems, such as ChatGPT and Large Language Models (LLMs), have also attracted much attention from the public, media, as well as policymakers, including those in the U.S., Europe, and China. “For LLMs to solve problems, people need better understand the successes and failures of these tools” (editorial, Nature, July 27, 2023). This workshop invites researchers knowledgeable about deep learning to exchange the latest results toward transparentizing deep learning, including LLMs. Full research and position papers accepted will be published in the workshop section of the proceedings of AIEE 2024. Accepted abstracts will be presented during the workshop. After submitting your papers online to AIEE 2024, send them also to the workshop general chair via email. According to paper submissions, the Workshop intends also to hold a panel session to facilitate interactive discussions among the workshop participants. Workshop presenters will be onsite, but registered remote viewers are allowed who will be able to submit questions to the panel members and presenters. General Chair Prof. Juyang (John) Weng Brain-Mind Institute and GENISAMA Michigan, USA weng@msu.edu #08********08 #] 26Oct2023 blog to Connectionists see "$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/z_history/231026 my blog to Connectionists.html' #08********08 #] 26Oct2023 upload again, see: "$d_bin"'webSite update notes.txt' #08********08 #] 25Oct2023 script for multiple browser images (leave for later) +-----+ see "$d_bin"'starter/2_app.sh' xargsit "$delay" "$browser" "$pth" " 2>/dev/null --new-window " winID_from_name() { wmctrl -l | grep "$1" | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d" " } winID_last() { wmctrl -l | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d" " } win_move_last() { gravi="$1" XPosn="$2" YPosn="$3" width="$4" hight="$5" winID=$(winID_last) # echo "win_move_last winID = $winID" sleep 1s win_PosnSize="$gravi,$XPosn,$YPosn,$width,$hight" # echo "win_move_last win_PosnSize = $win_PosnSize" wmctrl -i -r "$winID" -e "$win_PosnSize" sleep 1s } +-----+ try : $ firefox --new-window 'http://www.BillHowell.ca/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/images- captioned/p376fig11.08 Correspondance problem: How does the brain inhibit false matches. contrast constraint not enough.png' $ firefox --new-window 'http://www.BillHowell.ca/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/images- captioned/' $ pqiv '/home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/images- captioned/p376fig11.08 Correspondance problem: How does the brain inhibit false matches. contrast constraint not enough.png' First - download image $ wget 'http://www.BillHowell.ca/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/images- captioned/' '/home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/images- captioned/z_Archive/' >> ??downloaded only index.html into /home/bill ??!!?? dangerous, I'm tired so stop here -$ wget --recursive --level=1 'http://www.BillHowell.ca/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/images- captioned/' '/home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/images- captioned/z_Archive/' fNam appears in browser - some users perhaps not? 20:08$ winID=$( wmctrl -l | grep 'p376fig11.08' | tail -1 | cut -f1 -d" " ) ~ 20:14$ echo "$winID" 0x0480995f # gravity,left,top,width,height" wmctrl -i -r 0x0480995f -e 0,150,300,100,100 #08********08 #] 25Oct2023 test links [Menu, Grossbergs [core, fun, strange] concepts.html] faulty menu items : classical mind-body problem - redo search!! [core, fun, strange] theme searches confusing as it returns top of page - change name to ALL themes logic vs connectionist - no hits at all Walter Freemans chaos - link fails Grossbergs list of [figure, table]s.html I checked ALL links of Chapter 1 roughly 1/10 of other Chapters failed image links, I didn't check all : image p376fig11.08 almost ALL in-textLine links fail!!, examples : image p068fig02.14 (Howell: see p075fig02.24 Membrane equations of neurophysiology. Shunting equation image p075fig02.24 Hodgkin&Huxley model was a "... Precursor of Shunting network model (Rail 1962) ..."). image p091fig03.04 see alsi cross-section of retinal layer. image p105fig03.22 refer to Figure 3.21(d) image p108fig03.27 using amodal boundaries, as in Figure 3.26. all fail: Chapters [2,3] OK: Chapters [4,5] no in-text links: Chapter [1,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17] xviewer '/home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/images- captioned/p376fig11.08 Correspondance problem: How does the brain inhibit false matches? contrast constraint not enough.png' >> works fine, also in firefox >> it was the question mark that caused the problem, so I removed it. +-----+ fix in-text links change : to : do geany search-replace change : images- Grossberg 2021/ to : /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/z_Archive/images- Grossberg 2021/ NUTS - need captioned version!!!! change : /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/z_Archive/images- Grossberg 2021/ to : /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/images- captioned/ OK - done #08********08 #] 21Oct2023 [Principles, Principia] * [Grossberg, Lucas] quotes Principia - [Grossberg, Lucas] quotes, I can’t find Lucas “Universal Force” regenerate Themes webPage : 17:03$ bash "$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/webWork/bash script: thematic [search, collect]s.sh' #08********08 #] 21Oct2023 remove many pths from pHtmlPath[All_, TrNN]L.txt maybe a year or so from now I will develop some of them remove : /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/Grossbergs cellular patterns computing.html /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/Grossbergs complementary computing.html /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/Grossbergs Consciousness: neural [architecture, function, process, percept, learn, etc].html /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/Grossbergs cooperative-competitive.html /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/Grossbergs equations of the mind.html /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/Grossbergs laminar.html /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/Grossbergs modal architectures.html /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/Grossbergs modules (microcircuits).html keep : /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/ART assess theories of consciousness.html /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/ART augmentation of other research.html /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/ART [use, modification]s /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/Grossbergs paleontology.html /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/Grossbergs what is consciousness.html #08********08 #] 20Oct2023 upload d_web, fix 2 links in TrNNs_ART TopMenu see "$d_PROJECTS"'bin - secure/lftp update entire webSite.sh' see "$d_bin"'webSite update notes.txt' - LOCAL d_web update, notes 22:11$ bash "$d_PROJECTS"'bin - secure/lftp update entire webSite.sh' problem links in TrNNs_ART TopMenu : ART Adaptive Resonance Theory ARTMAP associate learned categories across ART networks >> really good, just fix those ones! change : to : >> ART works, ARTMAP doesn't http://www.billhowell.ca/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/Grossbergs [core, fun, strange] concepts.html#ARTMAP associate learned categories across ART networks >> looks OK, what gives? >> OK - I forgot to refresh webPage, now it works #08********08 #] 19Oct2023 add themes [Principles/Principia, 20Oct2023 major revamp of ART family : pMenuTopMenu TrNNs_ART.html bash script: thematic [search, collect]s.sh 12:53$ bash "$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/webWork/bash script: thematic [search, collect]s.sh' ~ geany regexpr search : \/TrNNs_ART\/Grossbergs (.*)\.html\"> replace : /TrNNs_ART/Grossbergs [core, fun, strange] concepts.html#\1"> Problems : ART, ARTMAP, OK Grossberg: other consciousness theories OK [use, modification]s of c-ART OK [software, engineering, other] application [empty, missing, bad] webPages, marked with : John Taylor's consciousness Walter Freemans chaos Robert Hecht-Nielson: cognition cART assess theories of consciousness Good enough for today - upload to website. +-----+ olde code
  • Introduction
    broad categories TrNNs&ART theme Grossberg - ART
    beyond consciousness
    [definitions, models] of consciousness Let the machines speak
  • Marcus, Pinker, Chomsky #08********08 #] 19Oct2023 img cover page - did this manually! 11:05$ bash "$d_bin"'image: put [cap, ref]s on [fig, tbl]s.sh' X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 25 (X_SendEvent) Resource id in failed request: 0x361eb2e Serial number of failed request: 31 Current serial number in output stream: 31 >> ignore error msg >> permissions cut off screen capture caption.png manually - similar to pCapt_pSide_pBotm_join_pPng() 11:38$ bash "$d_bin"'image: put [cap, ref]s on [fig, tbl]s.sh' cp: cannot stat '': No such file or directory change : pImgCaptBotm to : pImgCapBotm >> OK it worked #08********08 #] 19Oct2023 rebuild lost [image, caption]s use dir_fHtmlL_refc_to_pPngL(no args) - select pCaptionL, run dir_fHtml_refc_to_pPng in "$d_bin"'image: put [cap, ref]s on [fig, tbl]s.sh' "$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/webWork/pImgCapL fixes 231019.txt' p035fig01.22 Presentation [normal, silence, noise replaced].png p128fig04.04 reflectance changes at contours: fill-in illuminant-discounted colors.png p392fig11.30 How multiple scales vote for multiple depths, scale-to-depth and depth-to-scale maps.png p428fig12.25 ARTSPEECH: auditory-articulatory feedback loop & imitative map, [auditory, motor] dimensionally consistent, motor theory of speech.png p505fig13.32 Behavioral contrast: [response suppression, antagonist rebound] both calibrated by shock levels.html 10:10$ bash "$d_bin"'image: put [cap, ref]s on [fig, tbl]s.sh' >> didn't seem to do anything >> oops, un-commented wrong funct in "$d_bin"'image: put [cap, ref]s on [fig, tbl]s.sh' 10:19$ bash "$d_bin"'image: put [cap, ref]s on [fig, tbl]s.sh' ^C >> infinite loop change : pImgCapL='4_pImgCapL fixes 231019.txt' to : pImgCapL='4_pImgCapL fixes 231019.txt' >> same loop change : dir_pImgCapL_refc_to_pPngL "$d_caption" "$pHtmlL" "$refc" to : dir_pImgCapL_refc_to_pPngL_run "$d_caption" "$pHtmlL" "$refc" 10:40$ bash "$d_bin"'image: put [cap, ref]s on [fig, tbl]s.sh' cat: '/home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/captions html/captions html/p035fig01.22 Presentation [normal, silence, noise replaced].html': No such file or directory /home/bill/web/bin/image: put [cap, ref]s on [fig, tbl]s.sh: line 200: [: /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/z_Archive/images- Grossberg 2021/captions html/p035fig01.22 Presentation [normal, silence, noise replaced].png: cannot open `/home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/z_Archive/images- Grossberg 2021/captions html/p035fig01.22 Presentation [normal, silence, noise replaced].png' (No such file or directory): integer expression expected ... >> BIG MESS, double /captions html/captions html/ change : pHtmlL='4_pImgCapL fixes 231019.txt' to : pHtmlL="$d_caption"'4_pImgCapL fixes 231019.txt' 10:56$ bash "$d_bin"'image: put [cap, ref]s on [fig, tbl]s.sh' X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 25 (X_SendEvent) Resource id in failed request: 0x361ea5d Serial number of failed request: 31 Current serial number in output stream: 31 >> seems to work? y p035fig01.22 Presentation [normal, silence, noise replaced].png y p128fig04.04 reflectance changes at contours: fill-in illuminant-discounted colors.png y p392fig11.30 How multiple scales vote for multiple depths, scale-to-depth and depth-to-scale maps.png y p428fig12.25 ARTSPEECH: auditory-articulatory feedback loop & imitative map, [auditory, motor] dimensionally consistent, motor theory of speech.png y p505fig13.32 Behavioral contrast: [response suppression, antagonist rebound] both calibrated by shock levels.png >> ALL OK! #08********08 #] 19Oct2023 recover lost [image, caption]s noCap : fig 04.04, 11.30 noImg : see "$web"'webWork/pLnkFail.txt' +--+ /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/images- captioned/ : img[Cap,Gro],cap n n y p035fig01.22 Presentation [normal, silence, noise replaced].png y y y p128fig04.04 reflectance changes at contours: fill-in color contours.png p128fig04.04 reflectance changes at contours: fill-in illuminant-discounted colors.png y y y p392fig11.30 How multiple scales vote for multiple depths, scale-to-depth and depth-to-scale maps.png p392fig11.30 How multiple scales vote for multiple depths, scale-to-depth and depth-to-scale maps.pngp392fig11.30 How multiple scales vote for multiple depths, scale-to-depth and depth-to-scale maps.png n n y p428fig12.25 ARTSPEECH: auditory-articulatory feedback loop & imitative map, [auditory, motor] dimensionally consistent, motor theory of speech.png n n y p505fig13.32 Behavioral contrast: [response suppression, antagonist rebound] both calibrated by shock levels.png +--+ >> fNam fixes : n p035fig01.22 Presentation [normal, silence, noise replaced].html y p128fig04.04 reflectance changes at contours: fill-in illuminant-discounted colors.[png, html] y p392fig11.30 How multiple scales vote for multiple depths, scale-to-depth and depth-to-scale maps.png >> done search for img : exist, fixed "$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/z_Archive/images- Grossberg 2021/z_Archive/230928 backup/' n y p035fig01.22 Presentation [normal, silence, noise replaced].png n y p428fig12.25 ARTSPEECH: auditory-articulatory feedback loop & imitative map, [auditory, motor] dimensionally consistent, motor theory of speech.png n y p505fig13.32 Behavioral contrast: [response suppression, antagonist rebound] both calibrated by shock levels.html >> I must capture these from Kindle create captions : >> These were all OK, other than a few fNam changes... #08********08 #] 16Oct2023 imgCap sideBar nomenclature : p552fig15.23, p520fig14.02 see "$d_bin"'image: put [cap, ref]s on [fig, tbl]s.sh' cut out [tbl, botm] from /captions html/ tables of [nomenclature, etc] built in html easiest to simply screen capture [botm, side] join via convert [+-]append >> nice, was actually quite simple #08********08 #] 30Sep2023 change : Pre-[General Relativity, Quantum Confused] Era: I would be greatly surprised if there wasn't some thinking about quantum consciousness at least back to the "modern inception" of quantum mechanics by Max Planc in 1901. I haven't looked for journal references to quantum consciousness of that time period, and I would certainly not confine my search but that is not of much importance to me, to me it's unwise to ignore [amateur, science fiction writer, etc]s, even though the problem is often that of drowning in an ocean of data, and filtering it. Often enough, it turns out that some great [math, science, engineering]*[discovery, invention, creation] was the work of amateurs and/or practitioners generations before.
    remove : as much of modern thinking hardly qualifies even as an hypothesis, let alone as a theory, and [thoughts, presentations, university courses, funding applications] of the past might not have found an accpeting journal. Moreover, but that is not of much importance to me, rephrase : Pre-[General Relativity, Quantum Confused] Era: I would be greatly surprised if there wasn't some thinking about quantum consciousness at least back to the "modern inception" of quantum mechanics by Max Planc in 1901. I would certainly NOT confine my search to journal references, as to me it's unwise to ignore [amateur, science fiction writer, etc]s, even though the problem is often that of drowning in an ocean of data, and the difficult task of filtering it. Often enough, it turns out that some great [math, science, engineering]*[discovery, invention, creation] was the work of amateurs and/or practitioners generations before.
    #08********08 #] 30Sep2023 re-upload d_web [NON, Web]Page via lftp, check some images without permission bash "$d_PROJECTS"'bin - secure/lftp update captions.sh' dir_updateCaptionHtml_dWeb() >> I only checked "problem captioned images" from the full-check of 29Sep2023. results below >> much improved - probably FileZilla lingering error before I copied current results to : "$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/webWork/pMenuTopStatus TrNNs_ART.html' +-----+ no permission (1 file): p398fig11.37 Simulation of the no swap baseline condition (Logothetis, Leopold, Sheinberg 1996).png +-----+ missing now (8 files) : p035fig01.22 Presentation [normal, silence, noise replaced].png p128fig04.04 reflectance changes at contours: fill-in color contours.png p329fig08.50 How is common motion direction computed? retinal motion-> bipole grouping (form stream)-> V2-MT formotion.png p335fig08.61 RT task behavioural data: reach time (ms) vs % coherence.png p376fig11.08 Correspondance problem: How does the brain inhibit false matches? contrast constraint not enough.png p392fig11.30 How multiple scales vote for multiple depths, scale-to-depth and depth-to-scale maps.png p428fig12.25 ARTSPEECH: auditory-articulatory feedback loop & imitative map, [auditory, motor] dimensionally consistent, motor theory of speech.png p505fig13.32 Behavioral contrast: [response suppression, antagonist rebound] both calibrated by shock levels.png +-----+ missing "primary links" : Many, if not all, paragraphs with multiple links : issue of faulty "subsequent links" #08********08 #] 29Sep2023 re-upload via lftp /images- captioned/, check some images without permission STILL didn't upload changed files!!! force it, then check FileZilla -> Menu -> Edit -> settings -> File exists action -> Uploads -> upload file if newer I need to make sure that -p option not set for this looks like a FileZilla fault, not my filesystem! lftp error in dir_updateCaptionHtml_dWeb() : change : LOCALDIR="$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/captions html/' REMOTEDIR='/billhowell.ca/ProjMini/TrNNs_ART/captions html/' to : LOCALDIR="$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/images- captioned/' REMOTEDIR='/billhowell.ca/ProjMini/TrNNs_ART/images- captioned/' +-----+ no permission : first by FileZilla then by bash "$d_PROJECTS"'bin - secure/lftp update captions.sh' dir_updateCaptionHtml_dWeb() p002fig01.01 ... p016fig01.10 still no permission for 01.[01-03, 05-10] p065fig02.12 ... fig02.35 still no permission for 02.[12-21, 23-28, 32-35] after lftp : 02.[12-14, 16-20, 23-28, 32, 34, 37-38] after lftp fix : 02.[] p400fig11.40 still no permission, no change even when individually uploaded FileZilla set to upload file after lftp : 11.[27, 13, 10, 07, 02] p436fig12.30 p411fig12.07 p449fig12.47 +-----+ as usual, forget FileZilla -> lftp I added function to lftp file sh +-----+ missing now (?) : remember : +--+ missing "primary links" in 'Grossbergs list of [figure, table]s.html' : I clicked on EVERY primary link on the online webPage (http://www.BillHowell.ca/...) (I may have missed some) (issue of missing "subsequent links" is key here for the long term, see below) p035fig01.22 Presentation [normal, silence, noise replaced].png p128fig04.04 reflectance changes at contours: fill-in color contours.png p329fig08.50 How is common motion direction computed?%20 retinal motion->%20 bipole grouping (form stream)->%20 V2-MT formotion.png why wasn't it change to : p329fig08.50 How is common motion direction computed? retinal motion-> bipole grouping (form stream)-> V2-MT formotion.png http://www.billhowell.ca/Neural%20nets/TrNNs_ART/images-%20captioned/p335fig08.61%20RT%20task%20behavioural%20data:%20reach%20time%20(ms)%20vs%20%%20coherence.png why wasn't it change to : http://www.billhowell.ca/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/images- captioned/p335fig08.61 RT task behavioural data: reach time (ms) vs % coherence.png p376fig11.08 Correspondance problem: How does the brain inhibit false matches? contrast constraint not enough.png question mark problem? p392fig11.30 How multiple scales vote for multiple depths, scale-to-depth and depth-to-scale maps.png p428fig12.25 ARTSPEECH: auditory-articulatory feedback loop & imitative map, [auditory, motor] dimensionally consistent, motor theory of speech.png no link in webPage! : p431fig12.27 Howell - reminds me of Jose Principe etal's SpikingNN implementation of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) there is a link for p546fig15.13, but separate bullets appear for : p546fig15.13... The total learned response is a sum R of all the doubly p546fig15.13 Howell: Sounds like (a) random recurrent nets p505fig13.32 Behavioral contrast: [response suppression, antagonist rebound] both calibrated by shock levels.png +--+ #08********08 #] 29Sep2023 create TableIfContents for 'MenuTopStatus TrNNs_ART.html' "$d_bin"'fileops run webSite.sh' htmlHeadings_to_TblOfContents "$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/webWork/MenuTopStatus TrNNs_ART.html' 16:05$ bash "$d_bin"'fileops run webSite.sh' grep: /home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/webWork/MenuTopStatus TrNNs_ART.html: No such file or directory >> what?? OK, fixed, then did TblOfContents #08********08 #] 29Sep2023 check links '/TrNNs_ART/Grossbergs list of [figure, table]s.html' I'm thinking that the FileZilla upload didn't work perhaps it went to the wrong directory? perhaps the cp preserved old dates? I can force the upload (must rest after doing this, don't want for normal uplaods!!) +-----+ Go through All /images- captioned/ : +--+ no permission : 05.18 14.03 cut off bottom +--+ caption cut off : cover page - create normal caption 02.12 line? 04.53 char? 05.07 char? 05.13 char 07.07 char 08.07 char 08.15 char 09.17 word 11.37 word 11.38 word 11.39 word 12.23 char 12.61 char 13.08 line 13.13 line 13.16 char 13.17 word 13.19 char 13.20 word 13.22 char 13.40 word 13.42 word 13.43 char 14.03 cut off bottom 15.09 char 16.45 word 17.01 word +--+ image-caption is way too high - mostly that the blank spce at the bottom is too high 09.16 - keep normal caption at bottom, move acronyms to right side 12.02 12.23 12.33 12.36 12.39 12.44 12.56 12.65 13.08 13.13 13.20 13.22 14.02 - keep normal caption at bottom, move acronyms to right side 14.04 14.08 - keep normal caption at bottom, move acronyms to right side 15.21 16.16 16.35 16.40 +-----+ Go through image number sequence for missing images 05.45 13.32 +-----+ missing "primary links" in 'Grossbergs list of [figure, table]s.html' : I clicked on EVERY primary link on the online webPage (http://www.BillHowell.ca/...) (I may have missed some) (issue of missing "subsequent links" is key here for the long term, see below) p035fig01.22 Presentation [normal, silence, noise replaced].png p128fig04.04 reflectance changes at contours: fill-in color contours.png p329fig08.50 How is common motion direction computed?%20 retinal motion->%20 bipole grouping (form stream)->%20 V2-MT formotion.png why wasn't it change to : p329fig08.50 How is common motion direction computed? retinal motion-> bipole grouping (form stream)-> V2-MT formotion.png http://www.billhowell.ca/Neural%20nets/TrNNs_ART/images-%20captioned/p335fig08.61%20RT%20task%20behavioural%20data:%20reach%20time%20(ms)%20vs%20%%20coherence.png why wasn't it change to : http://www.billhowell.ca/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/images- captioned/p335fig08.61 RT task behavioural data: reach time (ms) vs % coherence.png p376fig11.08 Correspondance problem: How does the brain inhibit false matches? contrast constraint not enough.png question mark problem? p392fig11.30 How multiple scales vote for multiple depths, scale-to-depth and depth-to-scale maps.png p428fig12.25 ARTSPEECH: auditory-articulatory feedback loop & imitative map, [auditory, motor] dimensionally consistent, motor theory of speech.png no link in webPage! : p431fig12.27 Howell - reminds me of Jose Principe etal's SpikingNN implementation of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) there is a link for p546fig15.13, but separate bullets appear for : p546fig15.13... The total learned response is a sum R of all the doubly p546fig15.13 Howell: Sounds like (a) random recurrent nets p505fig13.32 Behavioral contrast: [response suppression, antagonist rebound] both calibrated by shock levels.png +-----+ missing "subsequent links" in 'Grossbergs list of [figure, table]s.html' : It appears that my functions fail to capture "subsequent links". This will require modifications of link [search, replace] (`g option of sed). p057fig02.03 neuron basic [anatomy, physiology].png (Figure 2.03) p075fig02.24 Membrane equations (p075fig02.24 Membrane equations...) p116fig03.40 Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci: T-junctions and perspective cues give strong percept of depth.png (Figure 3.3) (Figure 3.21b) p117fig03.41 Boundary contours and feature contours- no inhibition, feature signals survive and spread.png p096fig03.11 Another example of neon color spreading.png p120fig03.44 Rouen Cathedral at sunset (Monet 1892-1894): equiluminant, obscured and less depth.png p121fig03.45 Rouen Cathedral full sunlight (Monet 1892-1894): non-uniform lighting, more detail and depth.png At this point, I stopped itemizing the "subsequent" links on a line - they don't work Only the primary links were tested from here... #08********08 #] 29Sep2023 fix dir_fHtml_refc_to_pPng(): too many bad [image, link]s Try longer sleeps change : # MUST wait a few seconds after wmctrl & other operations! or window is corrupted!!!! # standard is 4s sleep, try 1s ?!?! -> works on one example, try set of test examples bash "$goApp" "1" "browser" "$d_temp" "$fCaptionRefcHtml" sleep 2s # normally 1s, also tried 2+s # MUST wait a few seconds after wmctrl & other operations! or window is corrupted!!!! sleep 2s # normally 1s, also tried 2+s # MUST wait a few seconds after wmctrl & other operations! or window is corrupted!!!! # sleep 2s # normally commented-out, no delay } to : # MUST wait a few seconds after wmctrl & other operations! or window is corrupted!!!! # standard is 4s sleep, try 1s ?!?! -> works on one example, try set of test examples * bash "$goApp" "2" "browser" "$d_temp" "$fCaptionRefcHtml" sleep 2s # normally 1s, also tried 2+s # MUST wait a few seconds after wmctrl & other operations! or window is corrupted!!!! sleep 2s # normally 1s, also tried 2+s # MUST wait a few seconds after wmctrl & other operations! or window is corrupted!!!! sleep 2s # normally commented-out, no delay } >> this will take 25% longer, test on 1st 7 images "$d_bin"'image: put [cap, ref]s on [fig, tbl]s.sh' : dir_fHtmlL_refc_to_pPngL "$d_TrNNs_ART" 'captions html/0_pCaptionL test 1.01-1.25.txt' '© Stephen Grossberg 2021 "Conscious Mind, Resonant Brain" Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-007055-7
    Figure and caption reprinted with the permission of Stephen Grossberg.
    ' 11:22$ bash "$d_bin"'image: put [cap, ref]s on [fig, tbl]s.sh' ~ >> seemed to work well #08********08 #] 29Sep2023 check links 'http://www.BillHowell.ca/.../Grossbergs list of [figure, table]s.html' There are far too many bad [image, link]s to track - must fix dir_fHtml_refc_to_pPng() +-----+ no permission : p002fig01.01 ... p016fig01.10 p065fig02.12 ... fig02.35 fig04.04 p400fig11.40 p436fig12.30 p411fig12.07 p449fig12.47 +-----+ missing http://www.billhowell.ca/ in 'Grossbergs list of [figure, table]s.html' : (29Sep2023 I may have missed some) p035fig01.22 Presentation [normal, silence, noise replaced].png p128fig04.04 reflectance changes at contours: fill-in color contours.png p329fig11.30 fig04.04 p428fig12.25 +-----+ caption cut off : p029tbl01.01 p030tbl01.02 p065fig02.12 p398fig11.37 p399fig11.38 p399fig11.39 +-----+ missing "subsequent links" in 'Grossbergs list of [figure, table]s.html' : It appears that my functions fail to capture "subsequent links". This will require modifications of link [search, replace] (`g option of sed). p057fig02.03 neuron basic [anatomy, physiology].png (Figure 2.03) p075fig02.24 Membrane equations (p075fig02.24 Membrane equations...) p116fig03.40 Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci: T-junctions and perspective cues give strong percept of depth.png
    p117fig03.41 Boundary contours and feature contours- no inhibition, feature signals survive and spread.png p096fig03.11 Another example of neon color spreading.png p120fig03.44 Rouen Cathedral at sunset (Monet 1892-1894): equiluminant, obscured and less depth.png p121fig03.45 Rouen Cathedral full sunlight (Monet 1892-1894): non-uniform lighting, more detail and depth.png At this point, I stopped itemizing the "subsequent" links on a line - they don't work Only the primary links were tested from here... #08********08 #] 28Sep2023 Grossberg gave permission : add permission to captions & upload "$d_bin"'image: put [cap, ref]s on [fig, tbl]s.sh' d_TrNNs_ART="$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/' dir_fHtml_refc_to_pPng() I changed /ProjMini/ to /Neural nets/ function worked, but now the image captions have more white space at the bottom. >> full viewing for problems later 18:47$ bash "$d_bin"'image: put [cap, ref]s on [fig, tbl]s.sh' cat: '/home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/captions html/cover image.html': No such file or directory X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 25 (X_SendEvent) Resource id in failed request: 0x372fc3c Serial number of failed request: 31 Current serial number in output stream: 31 X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 25 (X_SendEvent) Resource id in failed request: 0x373054b Serial number of failed request: 31 Current serial number in output stream: 31 X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 25 (X_SendEvent) Resource id in failed request: 0x3730579 Serial number of failed request: 31 Current serial number in output stream: 31 X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 25 (X_SendEvent) Resource id in failed request: 0x37305a7 Serial number of failed request: 31 Current serial number in output stream: 31 X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 25 (X_SendEvent) Resource id in failed request: 0x3730619 Serial number of failed request: 31 Current serial number in output stream: 31 X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 25 (X_SendEvent) Resource id in failed request: 0x37308fb Serial number of failed request: 31 Current serial number in output stream: 31 cat: '/home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/captions html/p128fig04.04 reflectance changes at contours: fill-in illuminant-discounted colors.html': No such file or directory X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 25 (X_SendEvent) Resource id in failed request: 0x3732408 Serial number of failed request: 31 Current serial number in output stream: 31 X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 25 (X_SendEvent) Resource id in failed request: 0x3732608 Serial number of failed request: 31 Current serial number in output stream: 31 X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 25 (X_SendEvent) Resource id in failed request: 0x3732699 Serial number of failed request: 31 Current serial number in output stream: 31 X Error of failed request: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) Major opcode of failed request: 25 (X_SendEvent) Resource id in failed request: 0x373278a Serial number of failed request: 31 Current serial number in output stream: 31 cat: '/home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/captions html/p392fig11.30 How multiple scales vote for multiple depths, scale-to-depth and depth-to-scale maps.htmlp392fig11.30 How multiple scales vote for multiple depths, scale-to-depth and depth-to-scale maps.png': No such file or directory cat: '/home/bill/web/Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/captions html/z_Archive/p029tbl01.01 complementary streams [visual boundary, what-where, perception & recognition, object tracking, motor target] title.html': No such file or directory ~ 20:18$ upload - FileZilla for this simple case >>simple... #08********08 #] 28Sep2023 emto Grossberg - permission to post /images- captioned/ on my webSite see email in Evolution folder : Neural nets/TrNNs_Art/ and "$d_web"'Neural nets/TrNNs_ART/z_history/230928 emto Grossberg - permission to post images.html' HE ACCEPTED the same day, within hours of my email!!!! #08********08 #] 31Aug2023 check TrNNs_ART webSite upload, cleanup NUTS!!! local -> web changes not made! eg /home/bill/media/web... -> http://www.BillHowell.ca/... see : "$d_SysMaint"'Linux/lftp notes.txt' "$d_SysMaint"'Linux/rm notes.txt' "$d_bin"'webSite update notes.txt' "$d_PROJECTS"'bin - secure/lftp update specified dir.sh' #08********08 #] 31Aug2023 webSite : check [links, z_Archive, menus] What a mess, I keep [move, remove, nameChange]ing [dir, file]s I just now consolidated the status files in : "$d_TrNNs_ART"'webWork/status TrNNs_ART webSite.html' $ find '/home/bill/web/ProjMini/TrNNs_ART' -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.html" | sort -u y ART assess theories of consciousness.html y ART augmentation of other research.html y [definitions, models] of consciousness.html y For whom the bell tolls.html y Grossbergs ART- Adaptive Resonance Theory.html y Grossbergs cellular patterns computing.html y Grossbergs complementary computing.html y Grossbergs Consciousness: neural [architecture, function, process, percept, learn, ... y Grossbergs cooperative-competitive.html y Grossbergs [core, fun, strange] concepts.html y Grossbergs equations of the mind.html y Grossbergs laminar.html y Grossbergs list of [chapter, section]s.html y Grossbergs list of [figure, table]s.html y Grossbergs list of index.html y Grossbergs modal architectures.html y Grossbergs modules (microcircuits).html y Grossbergs overview.html y Grossbergs paleontology.html y Grossbergs quoted text.html y Grossbergs what is consciousness.html y Introduction.html y machine consciousness, the need.html y non-conscious themes notes.html y opinions- Blake Lemoine, others.html y Pribram 1993 quantum fields and consciousness proceedings.html y reader Howell notes.html y references- Grossberg.html y references- non-Grossberg.html y Taylors consciousness.html y TrNN controls need consciousness.html y TrNNs augment by cART.html y TrNNs have incipient consciousness.html y [use, modfication]s of c-ART.html What is consciousness: from historical to Grossberg.html why is cART unknown.html Done for now (very incomplete!) update webSite $ bash "$d_PROJECTS""bin - secure/lftp update specified dir.sh" dir_update_dWeb '/home/bill/web/ProjMini/TrNNs_ART/' '/billhowell.ca/ProjMini/TrNNs-ART/' "$d_PROJECTS"'bin - secure/lftp update www-BillHowell-ca excludes.txt' >> done, now check it! +-----+ #08********08 # +-----+ # Olde code - used once only, no longer needed, but may come in handy in the future d_image_Grossberg="$d_TrNN_ART"'images- Grossberg 2021/' # TrNNs_ART_TOC_cleanHtml() - clean up this file's code so it displays well in html # global random code = 693 to reduce chances of symbolName overlap between functions # 20Jun2023 - no longer using, as I have simply put this bash script file in TrNN-ART directory TrNNs_ART_TOC_cleanHtml() { # copy TrNNs_ART_TOC_[grep, cleanHtml,]() to pTmp1_693="$d_web"'ProjMini/TrNNs_ART/9_TrNNs_ART_TOC code in fileops run.sh.txt' pTmp2_693="$d_temp"'TrNNs_ART_TOC_cleanHtml tmp2.html' sed 's|