Conference Guides Authors' Guide Publications Guide Publicity Guide Reviewers' Guide Sponsors' Guide
Authors & Publish
chair page, blog
Paper formatting
page, blog
Initial paper submission
chair, page, blog
Final paper submission
chair, page, blog
Problematic papers - corrections page, blog
Author [PDF,CrossCheck] tests page, blog IEEE PDF eXpress - paper format chair, page, blog IEEE electronic Copyright (eCf) chair, page, blog Attendee downloads of papers page, blog
Conference registration
page, blog
Travel visas to Hungary
page, blog
Conference presentations
page, blog
HELP contacts
WCCI2020, system
Non-Author actions Paper reviews - authors' perspective page, blog IEEE CrossCheck text similarity chair, page, blog IEEE Xplore web-publish chair, page, blog
IEEE Conference Application chair IEEE Letter of Acquisition chair IEEE Publication Form chair Software systems page
Conference Guides for [IEEE-CIS, INNS] conferences : Although this guide was initially set up for IJCNN2019, and was used for IEEE WCCI 2020, hopefully some of the basic information may still help [organising committee members, authors] up to 2023-2025 (assuming a half-life of links and process information of 3-5 years?). The Authors' and Publications menus have been combined, allowing authors to see the Publications Chair perspective as well. I am no longer keeping this up to date. Bill Howell, 11Dec2020

Software for the Guides

Most system builders will want to start a fresh project using their own suite of tools, which will typically go far beyond my simple systems. However, my software at least provides details that can help as a basis to rapidly [specify, prototype] a basic system, which can then be further developed. For those who wish to simply [adopt, adapt] what is there, that would be even easier.

18Jan2020 This web-page has been thrown together very quickly, so its very [incomplete, error-prone, dis-organised]. I don't think I've even listed some software systems that I used. A key immediate objective is to simply provide links to the software.

Note that I am always evolving my software libraries, but I don't update affected systems until I next use them. That will occur with software for the Confernce Guides as well.

Table of Contents :

Software systems

This covers most, but not all, of my software systems used for the Guides.

Guide page updates

I "rolled my own" [primitive, weak] web-page update system. There isn't much in it, but it gets the job done. Basically, Guide web-pages are written in [simple, basic] html (no [CSS, Javascript, etc]) with comment lines that signal file or variable insertions, and write the completed web-pages to a separate directory that is then uploaded to my website. It's impossible to get consistency by doing this by hand (at least for me), not to mention tedious!

Guide menu

The [Authors, Publications, ???] Guides each have their own menus. These menus are "stable" for each guide, meaning that the user always sees the same menu items in the same position of the same table for all web-pages in in that website. This is possible because there are relatively few "branching trees" given the simplicity of each Guide. I find that makes it much easier to remember the menu and follow it around the site. It's much [faster, better] than crawling up and down menu trees in a game of hide-and-seek.

For all that, the Menus are very simple html tables! They are automatically inserted during the "Guide page updates" as described above. Just look at this html code example in your text processor (not your browser) :

Authors' Guide Menu

IEEE WCCI 2020 HELP - Conference-year specifics

The IEEE WCCI 2020 HELP contacts and system description is still being fined-tuned (signaling of [windows, processes], so the code will change. Remember to view the html files by downloading the page and viewing with your text editor :

On-line access to papers for conference attendees

The IJCNN2019 sftp server was setup in a panic well after a critical go-ahead date, so it was a total scramble, and could be greatly improved. Most of these bash scripts are brutally simple. A spreadsheet system was used to list [users, passwords, accesses]. There are other "things" too, but I don't have time to add them heree 18Jan2020.

Autonomous Recipient Email Daemon (ARED)

Although the ARED code is within the "HELP contacts web-page" and "HELP system description.html" (see above), it would help to elaborate on that. But I won't do this 18Jan2020.

IEEE-CIS ListServers for mass emails

This is mainly a question of post-processing rejected emails, and removing them from the system. dAs I haven't done that yet for WCCI2020 (18Jan2020), I'll simply point to scripts for my own email tracking system prior to using IEEE-CIS ListServers. Some of that is still pertinent. I won't provide explanations at this time, other than my QNial programs often call bash scripts.

IEEE CrossCheck analysis

I'm too lazy to write anything up on 18Jan2020... The central tool is the CrossCheck Spreadsheet, for which formulae and [objective, subjective] notes are important :

IJCNN2019 CrossCheck.xls

pdf - insert [ISBN, copyright, header, footer]

I won't comment other than noting that authors could help by pre-screening their papers. That could dramatically reduce wasted time by Publications Chairs.

Software tools

I prefer to use [html, bash scripts, QNial] in Linux for my own projects, with occasional bouts of [C, LibreOffice macros] and other programming languages. Of course, for many projects I must use the programming [languages, tools] of the system I am working with. My never-finished Linux distribution port of "Open Porous Media" (OPM) was an extreme example, but luckily I didn't have to become proficient in the languages or the IDE-like tools, I just had to [adapt, correct] code for a different Linux distribution (famous last words - living dangerously).

Howell's bash script library

What can I say? The emacs text editor and bash scripts just make work happen. Most of the time I'm just along for the ride.

Howell's bash script library : directory listing

Howell's QNial library

My main programming (prototyping) language is the Queen's University Nested Interactive Array Language (QNial), which I describe as the beautiful child of a perfect marriage of LISP and APL. It was instant love when she was the centerfold piece of Computer Language magazine in the mid-1980s. Many times I've left her, only to come back hat-in-hand. I understand that not everybody is quite as romantic about a computer language (although many are die-hard fanatics), and there is a steep learning curve that they may wish to avoid, but at least functioning code is there for easy adaptation. Who knows? Try QNial and maybe you will like it too!

Howell's QNial library : directory listing

The "Authors' Guide Blogs" (see links in manu near top of page) are in an early draft form, and are being run on a trial basis. Comments are moderated by the Publications Chair before posting, so expect delays of at least a day or so before they appear. Note that emails have been edited - usually by [omitting salutations, endings], but also by omitting material not relevant to the "theme" under which the emails are placed below.

REMINDERS : This Authors' Guide is specific to the IEEE conference paper system, and for the most part links to, or repeats, information that is COPYRIGHTED by the IEEE. Keep in mind that the IEEE processes something like 1,800 conferences per year, and delays exceeding a week are to be expected, with longer delays during high-activity parts of the year. So don't wait too long before starting each process!
Author preparations for the conference include (roughly in squence) :
  1. Initial submission of your paper to the IEEE paper review system.
  2. Receipt of an email paper acceptance notification from the Program Co-Chairs via the IEEE paper review system.
  3. Payment of the conference registration fee. At least one of the co-authors must be registered for the conference to present the paper.
  4. IEEE approval of a signed IEEE electronic Copyright form (eCf) (online submission)
  5. Submission and approval of a properly revised final paper.
  6. Travel visa approval, for citizens of countries required to do that by Hungary.
  7. ?What else have I forgotten? ...

Directory of available files for this webpage

Many thanks to our Sponsors & Exhibitors

Ongoing support : [IEEE, IEEE-CIS] for [CEC, FUZZ, IJCNN]; INNS for IJCNN; [IET, EPS] for CEC
2020 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Glasgow, Scotland.....19-24 July 2020

2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Budapest, HUNGARY.....14-19 July 2019
Silver(mailto) Silver (mailto) Bronze (mailto) Bronze (mailto)