#] #] ********************* #] "$d_web"'My sports & clubs/KEEP/0_KEEP notes.txt' - ??? # www.BillHowell.ca 30Jul2020 initial # view in text editor, using constant-width font (eg courier), tabWidth = 3 #48************************************************48 #24************************24 # Table of Contents, generate with : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_web"'My sports & clubs/KEEP/0_KEEP notes.txt' | sed "s/^#\]/ /" # #24************************24 # Setup, ToDos, #08********08 #] ??Apr2023 #08********08 #] ??Apr2023 #08********08 #] ??Apr2023 #08********08 #] 06Apr2023 [video, slides] "Exploring the Challenges of ChatGPT in Education" +--+ https://dmanalytics1.com/click?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DoGwriGSwYJM&i=1&d=0BSLOzbrS5GSMrpdvsbheA&e=Bill%40BillHowell.ca&a=Yfn4T9GFQ0q2DyDN1P82mQ&s=jcy_ZcZZd54 cannot simply search-replace wth geany : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGwriGSwYJM +--+ https://keep.edu.hk/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Merged-ChatGPT-slides_compressed.pdf /home/bill/web/My sports & clubs/KEEP/KEEP, CUHK 29Mar2023 ChatGPT and Education.pdf 08********08 #] 29Mar2023 KEEP: [KEEP] Exploring the challenges of ChatGPT in education Herman Cappelen (HKU) - chatGPT is less transformatve than adoption of the internet >> I suspect that you are right - Immanuel Kant - chatGPT & core education: teach students to think for themselves - we need to know more about what [data, etc] is inside chatGPT Eric Tsui - now is like 1960s - ban calculators Sean NcMinn - very good - [science, critical thinking] less impacted by chatGPT - [computer, programming] - highly impacted by chatGPT - emerging properties Florin Serbin - have been using [content, AI] for a long time in commnications - interviewing : I have found these tools to be very useful at the start of learning - Midjourney generate visual content - start of project faced with blank pagem; end of project for refinement - we can't go back to the good old days - if I have a concern, it is with student's creativity. This is a structural issue, not on of the technology Panel Discussion +-----+ Howell's questions Gary Marcus 29Mar2023 "A temporary pause on training extra large language models" https://garymarcus.substack.com/ a big deal: @elonmusk, Y. Bengio, S. Russell, ⁦⁦@tegmark⁩, V. Kraknova, P. Maes, ⁦@Grady_Booch, ⁦@AndrewYang⁩, ⁦@tristanharris⁩ & over 1,000 others, including me, have called for a temporary pause on training systems exceeding GPT-4 How does a student work "in symbiosis" with LLMs and other tools to drive their [thinking, work] to higher abstract levels? Won't this be a REQUIREMENT for future jobs, just as [computer, internet] capability is now? What are the "higher meta-levels" of thinking to target? Perhaps critical deconstruction of [science, society] beliefs and construction of better concepts is one - this is important for our society. What about LLMs and other tools as stable, long-term mentors? Pushing the student into un-anticipated [questions,, areas, themes], criticizing student in positive way to achieve higher according to abilities? #08********08 #] 29Sep2022 KEEP MetaVerse education ~23:30? (11:30 GMT+8) 11:30 GMT+8 + UCT-6 MDT = 11:30 - 14h = (24:00 + 11:30) 29Sep2022 - 14:00 = 20:30 29Sep2022 Howell questions : Apart from the immediate benefits of long-distance meeting-interaction, and walking trough landscapes, is there a sense of how Metaverse in Education will involve? Gamers interact real-time in a high-speed team setting with adversaries. Can your students works as teams in an environment that presents real-time challenges, like sick tourists, getting a feel for the jobs of others (like hotel, tour, etc staff) and learn to solve problems together? Ir maybe jjust sipky to take on the role of a visitor and see how that feels? This assumes that "payers" can intereact with their environment like gamers, and that real or virtual actors can present realistic challenges or situations. Are you getting there? How about building leadership? Dr. Ervi Liusmann - Will your systems be of help to "sell" a location to tourism and business travel? Does the feel for scale and visual beauty in Metaverse add net benefit? You do mention a gain over PowerPoint slides. You did mention it as a means of augmenting shopping mall profitability. What about smaller "niche" attractions or operations? While students prefer a physical visit : repeat information that was not understood, supplementary information. Dr. Ervi Liusmann - It seems that for at least some students dizziness with the VR oculars still a problem (dizziness, orientation, time lags)? Doesthat improve with consistent use? Prof. Siu Cheung Kong - You mentioned language, which seems to be "exploding" with capabilities such as real-time speech [understanding, translation, autonomous composition (GP3 I think one is called)]. Are you excited about using these capabilities, and how? Prof. Siu Cheung Kong - Regarding student composition of "CAVE" modules, how does this overlap with the [film, video, animation] groups on campus? Do students with those backgrounds have a solid [base, advantage] for that kind of work? Or maybe working in mixed teams works best? Dr. Ervi Liusmann and Prof. Siu Cheung Kong - Would these tools help students with career selections (grade school level) - helping to wee what people in different careers actually do and how they handle their jobs? The Tsinghua U "job fair" looked really interesting. I am assuming that students can also look back at interviews and learn? >> training 500 secondary students already Prof. Siu Cheung Kong - I imagine that many great ideas and innovations will come from the students...? 08********08 #] 06Sep2022 KEEP - Adam Fingrut CUHK “Immersive Learning in the Metaverse: How to Bring Education to Life,” The first webinar features Prof. Adam Fingrut from the School of Architecture at CUHK. Adam has pioneered the use of VR and other immersive technologies in his classrooms and will discuss how he uses these innovative techniques to elevate his students' understanding of virtual and material spaces. He has many fascinating insights and practical advice to share for any teachers or students interested in one of education's new frontiers. Webinar ID : 996 5526 5104 https://cuhk.zoom.us/w/99655265104?tk=4bmP3ilreXFSAaNb6hvijYqN45qwVGy-cvNu9QLGwEM.DQMAAAAXM-qrUBZXcXF1ZlZRelNqLTBZcG81VTFNOVRBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA&pwd=RTJzMU5WVTVnd3NqVVZHelQ4YlV5QT09&uuid=WN_78K4MAH_Q6Cc_3fa8LtLfg #08********08 #] 01Jun2022 KEEP metaverse CUHK Community of Practice Symposium of Education Innovation and Technology 2022. I couldn't get reception in Zoom missed most of video Mr Chris Wang Q&A All questions (6)My questions (0) AF Adam Forrester (HKPolyU)8:00 PM Given the cost of VR headsets, are VR applications scalable for large scale education uses? Also, students do not like to share VR equipment as it needs to be close fitting around the head (hygiene issues). Finally, users generally do not want to wear a headset for long periods as they are quite uncomfortable to wear. Will VR only be a niche technology? Host would like to answer this question live HP Howard Pong Yuen LAM8:20 PM Do students have to buy AR/VR device? RA Rita AU YEUNG 8:47 PM This question has been forwared to Ms. Cathy Li. Thanks YM Yeung Man Wah Vanessa8:22 PM what are the most difficulies that applying this kind of high technology in the classess?? especially HK has not really well developed this kind of concept ? RA Rita AU YEUNG 8:48 PM This question has been forwared to Ms. Cathy Li. Thanks avatar Anonymous Attendee8:23 PM Do the participants still have the motion sickness after the use of headset in metervse? Host would like to answer this question live YM Yeung Man Wah Vanessa8:24 PM Also even school has many to implement this, but will the students have the simillar resource to support this / attend as expected RA Rita AU YEUNG 8:48 PM This question has been forwared to Ms. Cathy Li. Thanks 08********08 #] 11May2022 KEEP, CUHK "Community of Practice Symposium of eLearning Innovation and Technology 2022" Event website : https://dmanalytics1.com/click?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcop22.elite.cuhk.edu.hk%2F&i=4&d=G6xgIx9SSWeEAkwDqOhbtQ&e=Bill%40BillHowell.ca&a=iSjQUyZxTL23SQ7OsJm3-Q&s=avz9cDwfOCQ Community of Practice Symposium of eLearning Innovation and Technology 2022 Date: Thursday, June 2, 2022 Time: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm (HKT, GMT+8), 09:30 + 24:00 - (8:00 - -6:00) = 33:30 - 14:00 = 19:30 to 03:30 MDT Language: English This event will be hosted via Zoom Event Website | Registration What if you could learn anything in the world without time and space constraints? For the first time ever, we are entering the metaverse—an interconnected digital world that seamlessly integrates physical and virtual spaces. Education can now transcend classroom learning and become a completely immersive experience. So if you’re tired of flipping pages, why not dive into a world that brings the material to life and inspires new ways of thinking? # enddoc