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Current collection of Electric Universe related, multifractal webPages

see Electric Universe [time, [length, mass, energy], theme] multi-fractals, for overall context, questions, and printable images

Electric Universe geology

Electric geology

Many craters on [Earth, planet, moon]s cannot be due to meteorite impacts
??? (???)


???: ???
[arc, discharge] blasts
Billy Yelverton electric planetary scarring in the lab
(via also Garrett Hill, Ben Davidson)

Paul Anderson: Grand Canyon
Electric scarring of the Earth's surface

Andrew Hall: arc blasts
The "Expanding Earth" (EE) hypothesis entirely subsumes "Plate Tectonics" (PT), and does much more.
My experience is that reserach geologists simpky can't get past a doubling of Earth's diameter in the last 200 My according to data, which is explained with far better [quality, coherent, consistency] by EE than PT.

?Hildebrant 1931": Expanding Earth hypothesis

?James Hurrell?: dinosaurs too large, gravity much weaker?
?geology researcher? : geological support

Neil Adams' (Batman comic book artist) : video
Howell [comments, video]