#] #] ********************* #] "$d_webRawe"'My sports & clubs/Sacha Dobler/0_Sacha Dobler notes.txt' www.BillHowell.ca 22Mar2021 initial To view this file - use a text editor (not word processor) constant width font (eg courrier 10), tab - 3 spaces 48************************************************48 24************************24 # Table of Contents, see ToC file - not listed [here, screen] as it's too large! : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_webRawe"'My sports & clubs/Sacha Dobler/0_Sacha Dobler notes.txt' | sed 's/^#\]/ /' ********************* "$d_webRawe"'My sports & clubs/Sacha Dobler/0_Sacha Dobler notes.txt' 23Jul2022 Free online Hormonageddon - diff of changes ddJun2022 Howell bl joe-biden-plan-for-the-second-pandemic 13Apr2022 Dobler 2021 Correlation - pluto-neptune and solar activity.pdf 18Feb2022 Sacha Dobler 18Feb2022 The Nanoparticle Pandemic Covid 03Feb2022 Dobler 14Jun2019 next Grand Solar Minimum has (very likely) begun 06Jan2022 Hormonageddon - free ebook, purchase paperback too 10Aug2021 cdc study : [hospitalised, die] within 14 days post-covax are considered as unvaccinated 10Aug2021 Great video of world crops! 09Aug2021 European Union covax - 15,472 Dead and 1.5 Million Injured (50% Serious) 15Jun2021 Pluto/Neptune and solar activity in the past 8650 years 14Apr2021 Tel Aviv U - covid variant Affects Vaccinated People 8 Times More Than Unvaccinated 21Mar2021 One Bank Warns Of A “Biblical” Surge In Food Prices 24************************24 08********08 #] ??Mar2024 08********08 #] ??Mar2024 08********08 #] ??Mar2024 08********08 #] ??Mar2024 08********08 #] 22Mar2024 EDTA Chelation The Real “Miracle” Therapy for Vascular Disease https://abruptearthchanges.com/2023/04/10/edta-chelation-the-real-miracle-therapy-for-vascular-disease/ EDTA Chelation The Real “Miracle” Therapy for Vascular Disease By Sacha Dobler on 10. April 2023 08********08 #] 17Nov2023 Sacha Dobler, CDC Data: COVID Vaccine can reduce your Lifespan by at least 24 years /home/bill/web/ProjMajor/Sun pandemics, health/corona virus/ 231117 Sacha Dobler, CDC Data: COVID Vaccine can reduce your Lifespan by at least 24 years.png 231117 Sacha Dobler, Statistica: UK life expectancy by covid vaccince doses.png emto Steve Howell 08********08 #] 03Jan2023 Endocrine Disruptors – Common Chemicals That Severely Alter Your Hormones Dr. Shanna Swan, By Sacha Dobler on 3. January 2023 • ( Leave a comment ) Howell comments NOT posted : Interesting presentation that echos long-standing trends and comments (While the current authors published a 2017 "viral" paper, fears preceded US EPA in 1960-70s, if I remember correctly). Declining male fertility stated as being not genetic!? - but could it be Lamarckian, rather than Mendellian, heredity? As a meta study, much is better covered by Hormonageddon book and previous Dobler work? (eg astronomical [trend, correlates, etc]) Is the study myopically focussed on "favourite" synthetic chemicals? Are they blown out of proportion (conclusions-driven research)? Strangely, low-level effects are being teased out of the data, but there is no comment on potential product changes to reduce the effects. Strangely, drugs are not mentioned, and exposure isn't necessarily limited to those taking the drugs! (example - comment on effects of synthetic chemicals on animals) Very interesting comment on the permanent impact of disruptor on sons of exposed mothers? Is this correct generally? No comment on [covid, covax] effects? No comment on potential "feedback effects" of LGBTQ trends? This study, and the video's demographic pyramid comments [lag, echo] decades of [financial market, economic] analysis. atrazine can change sex of frogs 08********08 #] 23Jul2022 Free online Hormonageddon - diff of changes see "$d_SysMaint"'Linux/pdftotext notes.txt' for coding My blog on Hormonageddon : Here are a few quick [quote, my comment]s about the revised 16Jun2version of Dobler's book Hormonageddon. Dobler p28h0.95 (= page 28, 95% down the page) : So when it is argued that North Korea demonstrates how indoctrination works to change a population, it must be kept mind that the regime has been killing a double-digit percentage of the population, it eliminated most liberal or libertarian minded, all individualist, entrepreneurs, and free thinkers in the past years. So they have changed the publics mentality by eugenics. This left a population genetically inclined to be more submissive, egalitarian and collectivist, who is more likely to except poverty and suffering so that ‘all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others’, with the leader being almost the only overweight man in the country. >> 23Jul2022 Howell - As a complement Sacha Dobler's Solar Behavior (2020) book, David Fischer's "The Great Wave: price revolutions and the rythms of history" discusses times of trouble (eg [famine, pandemic, crime, etc] during "Price revolutions, crises" [~1260-1360, ~1475-1660, ~1760-1830, 1896-current] which I think have somewhat similar timing to Dobler's Solar History. "Price equilibria", of more comfortable [living, progress], came between the revolutions, eg [Renaissance, Enlightenment, "Victorian" (different names in different countries?)]. I am starting to lose track of all of this. Both Dobler and Fischer provide a much deeper basis for ideas that Ray Dalio has recently illustrated in his book "Changing world order". Dalio's advantage is his legendary [performance, rputation] as founder of the world's largest hedge fund, and the monster machines that I think long surpassed human ability for complex [finance, market, economic]s. That doesn't mean that the machines are "right, wrong, true, false", just that they aren't so "cognitively thin" as humans. I expect tremendous improvements with evolving generations of Computational Intelligence beyond the Deep Learning of today. Dobler p59h0.6 : And here is the most important update to this book of June : As it turns out the Covid vaccine is accelerating the progress of Hormonageddon at a staggering pace. ... Dobler p100 Chapter 11 Theories and proposals for population control (this was in the original edition of the book, ) >> 23Jul2022 Howell - For ~2 years, my brother has hypothesized that covax (covid-19 vaccines) is one part of plans to deliberately killing 95%+ of us off, Great-Reset style, over the next few generations. His hypothesis is looking stronger as time passes. It is based on very detailed reading about the [fraud, coverup] of [covid versus covax versus influenza [case, death]s, spike proteins, nanoparticles, medical opinions, science, etc]. I expect that essentially none (probably < 1:10,000) of our [doctor, nurse, scientist, health policy, etc]s (including experts of 20-40 years) would show comparable understanding of the [conceptual, measurement] problems. I have spoken to NONE who can compare in knowledge and judgement, albeit there are rare [paper, presentation]s online of that nature, by amateurs and professionals who are outcasts, punished for their scientific views. Dobler p67h0.85 : As pointed out above, most of the research on the endocrine disrupting effects of wireless /mobile radiation is conducted in Middle Eastern countries, where growing infertility and disruption of family structures are still recognized as a problem for the future,while in the West, these trends are generally embraced. If things continue at the current trajectory, humanity is going to owe a lot tothe institutions in these countries. >> 23Jul2022 Howell - We can only find elite (< 0.1%? of population) soldiers to fight, whereas Arabs and Persians get almost everyone into the battle full heart. I've been saying jokingly for years that the immigration of just the last 10 years has brought in sufficient numbers conquer us. Perhaps that soon won't be a joke. 08********08 What's new in the 16Jun2022 revision? - detailed text "diff" For those who read the first version, my "diff_it" of the original and revised versions may be of interest. Bash code that I used appears below. The result was manually [edit, comment]ed, and is at the link : http://www.billhowell.ca/Pandemics,%20health,%20and%20the%20Sun/hormones/Dobler%20Hormonageddon%20diff%2007Sep2021%20versus%2019Jun2022%20versions,%20manual%20edit%20and%20comments.txt Frankly, it's easier to just read the new version. My problem is that I forget too much. But I've used "quicky tools" like this many times in the past - especially for legal documents and contracts, where small changes can matter, and it's difficult to remember important changes over many versions across several years, when I can't even remember what we were doing oeach party's "do-or-die" stances. WARNING : about a month ago, I made a mistake while updating my webSite, wich ruined many "internal links", wch are links to my own [webPage, menu, image, video, etc]s. I also changed from a default menu-based webSite browsing, to browser-as-file-manager approach. Although menus are still available, I still have to fix my links. I can do this only AFTER I completely revamp symbol[Name, Argument[Order, Number]]s for my primary programming language: Q'Nial (BIG job!). 08********08 Here's the bash code I am quite interested in code others might be using. Such tools can make a huge difference to specific tasks, without getting into the hugely time-consuming [search, test, adapt, learn new script language] of commercial (or even open source) software that in the end doesn't really hat you want, and can be a GUI-pain-in-the-butt to use (GUI = Graph User Interface). This code is in my $d_bin" directory : http://www.billhowell.ca/bin/diff%20pdftotext.sh #] diff_it() - convert two .pdf files to text, bash "diff" them, manual edit and comment the resulting text diff_it() { d_work="$d_webRawe"'References/Health/' f1='Dobler 07Sep2021 Hormonageddon - How Chemical and Electromagnetic Influences weakened the Human Character in three Generations' f2='Dobler 19Jun2022 Hormonageddon, revision1' # initial standard diff pdftotext "$d_work$f1"'.pdf' "$d_temp$f1"'.txt' pdftotext "$d_work$f2"'.pdf' "$d_temp$f2"'.txt' diff "$d_temp$f1"'.txt' "$d_temp$f2"'.txt' --suppress-common-lines >"$d_temp"'diff f1-f2.txt' # separate initial diff into [f1, f2]_without numbers, diff that grep "^<" "$d_temp"'diff f1-f2.txt' | sed 's|^<[ ]\+||;s|^[ ]*$||;s|[0-9]\+||g;s|\.[\.]\+||' | grep --invert-match " Hormonageddon\| Chapter\|^$" >"$d_temp"'diff f1 no-numbers.txt' grep "^>" "$d_temp"'diff f1-f2.txt' | sed 's|^>[ ]\+||;s|^[ ]*$||;s|[0-9]\+||g;s|\.[\.]\+||' | grep --invert-match " Hormonageddon\| Chapter\|^$" >"$d_temp"'diff f2 no-numbers.txt' diff "$d_temp"'diff f1 no-numbers.txt' "$d_temp"'diff f2 no-numbers.txt' --suppress-common-lines >"$d_temp"'diff f1-f2 no-numbers.txt' } +-----+ emto Steve : Subject : A vaccine to deliberately sterilize women and chemically castrate men Your hypothesis that "they" are deliberately killing 95%+ of us off, Great-Reset style, is looking stronger as time passes. From Dobler's revision1 of "Hormonageddon" : Sacha P. Dobler 23Sep2021 "Hormonageddon – How Chemical and Electromagnetic Influences weakened the Human Character in three Generations" self-published, updated 19Jun2022 https://abruptearthchanges.files.wordpress.com/2022/06/hormonageddon-06-19-2022.pdf p58 A vaccine to deliberately sterilize women and chemically castrate men (..in "the most important update to this book of June") p100 Theories and proposals for population control (was present in the original book) My insane "diff text comparison of the original 23Sep2021 book, and the 19Jun2022 update is a bit "raw, confusing" but may be of to those who read the original book : http://www.billhowell.ca/Pandemics,%20health,%20and%20the%20Sun/hormones/Dobler%20Hormonageddon%20diff%2007Sep2021%20versus%2019Jun2022%20versions,%20manual%20edit%20and%20comments.txt This text file also has some ofcomments on Dobler's revised book. ********************* pag58... Pharmaceutical drugs Vaccines (Update of 6.2.2022): A vaccine to deliberately sterilize women and chemically castrate men. In 1992; two vaccines were set into Phase I/Phase II clinical trials in patients of prostate carcinoma. At the National Institute of Immunology (NII) in New Delhi, India. The Application of this vaccine effectively chemically castrates the male prostate cancer patient and prevents pregnancy in women. As of May 1991, some of the women participants had experienced 179 pregnancy-free cycles, After the pharma corporations and governments have admitted many unintended side effects in the current global vaccine - and ingredients are secret - it remains to be seen what other endocrine disrupting and sterilizing compounds are in the new vaccine in addition to the known ones (nanoparticles, see below). 194 In the trial of 1991, the two tested vaccines were: the human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) vaccine and the gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) vaccine. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is a releasing hormone responsible for the release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) from the anterior pituitary. It constitutes the initial step in the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. In a follow-up paper in 2013, Talwar GP. reported : "The first-ever efficacy trials on a birth control vaccine established high efficacy (one pregnancy in 1224 cycles). 195 A 2019 study on Heberprovac, a GnRH based vaccine, showed significant reductions in serum levels of testosterone and PSA after four immunizations. Castrate levels of testosterone were observed in all patients at the end of the immunization schedule, which remained at the lowest level for at least 20 months. 196 "The possibility of a contraceptive vaccine targeting human chorionic gonadotropin has long been recognized, but never fully realized.” Jerri Caldeira, 2015 utilized two different approaches attempting to produce virus-like particles (VLPs) to induce antibodies that neutralize hCG." "Immunization of mice with some virus-like particles (VLPs) yielded antisera that bound the hormone and neutralized hCG biological activity." 197 And now a byproduct of a Covid 19 vaccine ingredient is linked to reduced testosterone, a study shows. 198 And here is the most important update to this book of June 2022: As it turns out the Covid vaccine is accelerating the progress of Hormonageddon at a staggering pace. Infertility, especially in women after the vaccine is widespread, or rather, women are the ones to have noticed the loss of periods and loss of pregnancies. And as many women in their late 30s postponed pregnancy because of the pandemic, and most men have no intention of having children, vaccinated men in general haven’t even noticed their possible sudden infertility. Since the pandemic, we know from animal studies that nano particles of the type that are officially used in the mRNA vaccines, “are accumulating in the liver and the spleen and in the gonads, that means in the ovaries and the testicles, which leads to inflammation and possible infertility." And of course, important here is what causes infertility via the gonads, also decreases testosterone in men and estrogen in women. Which agrees very well with the manifestation of a society who just sits there for two years obediently waiting for the government to give them their life back, as the process of Hormonageddon has just been put in overdrive by the covid vaccinees. For more than two years now, experts have tried to deny that the FDA-approved Pfizer vaccine might impact fertility in both men and women. In June 2022, a medical study confirmed, the mRNA COVID vaccine by Pfizer, caused men to experience a drop in fertility of more than 20%. 199 The Nanoparticle Pandemic Covid: how the global bio-tech and Insurance Industry predicted a Nanotech Disaster ... (Dobler reference 200) 08********08 #] ddJun2022 Howell bl joe-biden-plan-for-the-second-pandemic https://abruptearthchanges.com/2022/06/22/joe-biden-plan-for-the-second-pandemic-theres-gonna-be-another-pandemic/#respond &&&&&&&& HowellBlog - I don't think people know what they think, and when their thinking flips entirely to a position that completely opposes their lifelong thinking, or is in a totally different volume of concept space. The absolute truths espoused at the start of the micro-pandemic no longer hold (after only 2+ years), and never aligned with many thousands of years of experience with pandemics. I fear that we'll never understand vaccines. Ray Dalio's book "Changing world order" says something similar - his biggest losses on the financial market resulted from events that he wasn't aware of, even though they have repeated over and over in history, but not in his lifetime (quasi-periodicities > 1-3 generations). His own expeerience reflects what we see with essentially everybody in the markets, and I guess that applies to all themes. Velikovsky-inspired mythologists (eg David Talbot, Electric Universe) found the same thing. As a species, we just don't learn well in those contexts, or when we prefer (are programmed) to believe differently. Perhaps competition (a "good thing", not a "bad thing") drives populations to profit (life is a profit) when they can, because it's better to get burned occasionally than to [stagnate, dissipate] in belief systems. 08********08 #] 13Apr2022 Dobler 2021 Correlation - pluto-neptune and solar activity.pdf Dobler 2021 "Correlation between the orbital positions of Pluto/Neptune and solar activity in the past 8650 years" https://abruptearthchanges.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/correlation-pluto-neptune-and-solar-activity-s.dobler-.pdf Abstract: Yearly orbital positions of the four Jovian planets (the gas giants) and Pluto were compared to solar activity proxies: to sunspot numbers (SSN) for the past 8650 years and to radio carbon calibration data of the past 12,000 years. Correlation coefficients were calculated between the angular distance of each planet (or accumulated angular distances of several planets) from 12 different orbital positions and the solar activity of the corresponding year. Weak but very consistent negative correlations were found between the angular distance of Pluto as well as the accumulated angular distances of Neptune and Pluto from the region of 265° ecliptic longitude and the 40-year moving average of Sunspot Number: Sunspot Number increases when either Pluto or both Pluto and Neptune are closer to the 265° position and is lowest when they are closer to the 85° position, with a gradual transition between these points. The relationship is strongest for Pluto observed independently: r= -0.09022, p<10 -16 . Smaller correlations are found for the accumulated angular distances of Pluto and Neptune from this position, and correlation coefficients below -0.03 (p< 0.01) were obtained for Neptune when observed independently. No other planet or combination of two or more planets yielded statistically significant correlations r > 0.003. Possible contributing interactions of the sun and the planets with charged particles and magnetic fields near the orientation of the solar system bow shock are discussed. &&&&&&&& Howell blog : "... If future research should find the relationship to have a causal aspect, it is highly probable that Pluto’s mass is not sufficient to influence solar activity by gravitational mechanisms/ perturbations of the solar system barycenter. ..." Very soon after the Schwabe sun cycle was discovered in 1843, in 1852 Swiss Astronomer Johann Rudolf Wolfe showed a relationship to planetary orbital frequencies (notably Jupiter). Every several years since then this is rediscovered or revisited by new thinkers, only to be debunked by physics "proving" that the gravitational tide theory for Earth cannot be the cause (Paul Charbonneau 2005 "Dynamo models of the solar cycle" http://solarphysics.livingreviews.org/Articles/lrsp-2005-2/). A central problem with the debunks is that they use any one driver in the "bag of physics", so it's hardly a proof. Electric Universe thinkers have shown the inadequacy of "gravity-only" thinking, but I have yet to see (and haven't looked in 20 years) for something from them. It is important to note Ivanka Charvatova's barycentric trefoil pattern, which matches Grand Solar Maxima, Minima] nicely. Somebody is going to crack this nut... Rau Tomes, Auckland, NZ "Explaining Planetary Alignments Relationship to the Sunspot Cycle" https://www.astrology.co.uk/tests/sunspotcycle.htm David Hathaway 19Jun2019 "Sunspots, Grand Solar Minima, and Climate Change" Planetary Science, https://beta.capeia.com/planetary-science/2019/06/03/sunspots-grand-solar-minima-and-climate-change 08********08 #] 18Feb2022 Sacha Dobler 18Feb2022 The Nanoparticle Pandemic Covid +-----+ My second blog comment : Microtubules (description at the end of this post) : I had forgotten a long-past Artificial Neural Network interest of mine: for decades there has been conjecture about the potential role of cell microtubules in cell computations beyond "straightforward" physiology (which isn't straightforward at all!. ALL cells are powerful processors of massive amounts of information, NOT just neurons!! Gerald Pollack, Uof Washington, evolved concepts for the structure of water to describe a gel-like 4th phase of water ("EZ water"), and discussed in detail how phase transitions between bulk and gel water could explain or elaborate many basic processes, and some energy carrier needs, of ALL cells (not just neurons). 1) the cell's very directed "microtubule highly-specific transport network" could be orders of magnitude [faster, more efficient] compared to simple diffusion in bulk water (if I remember correctly, for the assembly of complex protein, precise sequential progression through catalytic pathways, and other junk?) 2) it was shown decades ago that ion pumps are NOT required to maintain short-term (hours?) ion concentration discontinuities across membranes (although they may help. are they essential longer term?). Pollock showed how this could be explained by the gel-like phase of water. 3) the neuron cell membrane potential's role in spiking has always been a core concept for (not discussed by Pollack that I remember, but very obviously arises from his work). So have been neuro-transmitters (eg [dopamine, serotonin, acetocholine, nor-adrenaline], etc, etc). 4) Pollack's books provide an awesome potential mechanism for the origins of life : a cheap, renewable, reliable electrochemical enersource. That idea could complement Stuart Kauffman's "At the Edge of Chaos" book description of auto-catalytic networks bsed on high-diversity chemical localities (eg surfactant-enclosed). Sun-exposed sea shorline or lagoons etc mt be great potential areas. Graphene oxide is described in the article above as a singlater sheet. But it is very common to get rolled-up [single, double, ...] sheets of graphene (graphite actually?), so does this happen with graphene oxide (perhaps to a lesser extent, much larger diameter?)? Nanotubules are tubes of hexagonal sheets of carbon (graphite) that have very special [physical, electrical] properties. They are kind of the tubular cousins of the famous "BuckeyBalls" (one example : C60 is like a soccer ball's hexagon-pentagon mix) Comparing lgth scales, should graphene oxide be expected to have neuro-physiological importance? If not bio-chemically due to electrical properties (as hypothesized decades ago for potential bio effects of nano-particles), then as "sand clogging up a machine"? : (nano-meters (nm)) microtubule 24 diameter nanotubule ~3 diameter C60 buckeyball ~1 diameter synapse ~10,000 width across face (~diameter) synaptic gap ~20-40 across cleft [Na, K] ion channels are probably atomic scale (~Angstrom?) https://byjus.com/biology/microtubules/ : “Microtubules are microscopic, hollow tubes made of alpha and beta tubulin that are a part of the cell’s cytoskeleton." Microtubules extend throughout the cell providing it with proper shape and keeping the organelles in place. They are the largest structures in the cytoskeleton and are about 24 nm thick. They facilitate cell movement, cell division, and transportation of materials within the cells. They are also involved in the division of chromosomes during the process of mitosis and in locomotion. +-----+ My blog comment : Wow, This is going to take some time to sink in, and to compare with Dobler's book Hormonaggedon. Dobler's [astronomical, electro-magnetic, historical, hormonal, human behaviour] context is rich and interesting. As my priority "hobby science" area since 1988 is Artificial Neural Networks, and my current project is about building "platform concepts" for [DNA, RNA]-based Spiking Neural Networks, the neurological impacts and [electrical, electronic] nature of graphene oxide is of casual interest. But I am decades away from being able to consider it or even neuro-transmitters. (i.e., only some time after my death can I hope to work on it). +---+ Included in emto Steve : Sacha Dobler 18Feb2022 The Nanoparticle Pandemic Covid: how the global bio-tech and Insurance Industry predicted a Nanotech Disaster https://abruptearth changes.com/2022/02/18/the-nanoparticle-pandemic-covid-how-the-global-bio-tech-and-insurance-industry-predicted-a-nanotech-disaster/ Eight years before the Covid vaccine, the World’s largest Re-Insurance company predicted “unforeseen consequences of nanotechnology” as one of the highest insurance risks in a 4 to 10- year timeframe. As usual, Dobler is one of the most power thinkers that I see out there!! I know of no other comparable thinker in this area, even if Dobler's no expert. (NONE of my colleagues back at CANMET showed any cognitive ability in this way I have Dobler's book "Hormonageddon" (a copy is at Moms). I did a back-ground [review, report] on [biology, health] issues of nano-particles at CANMET, when all government scientists were predicting the end of the world. As usual, my dumb-fuck expert colleagues couldn't accommodate decades of use by then (including [colloids, other? - eg [, semi]-solid metal [sequestrate, precipitate]s for millenia probably?), or put nano-particles context with anything else including their field of expertise. [random, scattered] quotes : "Graphene ...[is]... highly integrative with neuron cells in the brain." He then received the first confirmations from Spain that one of these impurities was graphene. By his analyses he found out that graphene can cause necrosis, fibrosis and thrombosis and thus pose a potentially deadly risk. Also pathologists confirmed his findings and found such particles in the corpses of people who died after the vaccination. Nevertheless, Holger Reissner still hopes to be disproved, since the dissemination of this material administered in this way would have incomprehensible long-term consequences for mankind and especially for children. [14] “Short-term in vivo exposure to graphene oxide can cause damage to the gut and testis.” [18] "According to a team of Spanish researchers, La Quinta Columna, symptoms of graphene oxide poisoning include: bilateral pneumonias; thrombogenicity; blood clots; post inflammatory syndrome or systemic / multi-organ inflammations; alteration of the immune system; and, ultimately collapse of the immune system and a cytokine storm.” Sach Dobler's Thought experiment (beyond EVERYONE else!!!) : An abstract question arises: what if the ambient gamma ray exposure increases by some source, by a gamma ray burst from outer space as happened in Dez 27 2014, – by malfunction of the global wireless antenna system – by a global cyberattack? What if all of humanity is exposed to a threshold level of gamma rays which were otherwise harmless. Now, if many of the vaccinated, if they are carrying an amount of graphene oxide, and this is reduced to rGO, could this lead to an immediate simultaneous increase in myocarditis cases? There have been many nano-particle-covax articles, especially lately, so it is of historic interest to me. I assume that graphene oxide is not just a "biocide", but a "viricide"? Their implementation could be another excellent example of the absolute hypocrisy of [government, academic] cart [scientist, practitioners] who would scream bloody murder if anyone else even suggested that we might use these things, but not only is it OK for them to actually implement them without any safe testing, nobody else even has the right to question their femi-Nazist authority. 08********08 #] 03Feb2022 Dobler 14Jun2019 next Grand Solar Minimum has (very likely) begun https://abruptearthchanges.com/2019/06/14/the-next-grand-solar-minimum-has-very-likely-begun-nasa-predicts-lowest-solar-cycle-in-200-years/ The next Grand Solar Minimum has (very likely) begun: NASA predicts lowest solar cycle in 200 years By Sacha Dobler on 14. June 2019 • ( 15 Comments ) Howell blog - "..This graph compares the current solar progression to that of the Dalton Minimum. Original Graph by Anthony Watts / December 20, 2010. I added the recorded Solar Cycle 24 (green) and the NASA projection of solar cycle 25 (black dotted line). The similarities are striking. ..." - BRILLIANT GRAPH UPDATE! I [bought, read] your Dobler's books "Solar [history, behaviour]" & "Hormonageddon" but I don't remember seeing this graph in them (I'm getting old, memory getting much older). Brings to mind the seemingly crazy "solar micronova" hypothesis, with a [fun, intriguing] historical development going back to WWII or before. Ben Davidson's "Suspicious Observers" describes the 12 ky "quasi-cycle and it's harmonics" (as I like to call it), and while he is enthusiastic about it, he is also cautious in pointing out that the mechanism might be different or a combination of mechanisms. Apparently following his lead (many astronomers do follow his daily videos),there has been a surge of papers [identify, measure, illustrate]ing an incoming Milky Way current sheet (same thing as our own solar system current sheet, which has long known), with successive brightening of stars by closeness to the Earth, and radio-telescope images of the apparent leading edge of the current sheet wave about to hit Earth within a very few decades (?). If correct : - how might the timing of galactic current sheets relate to any star's Grand Solar Minima? - do the Grand Solar Maxima lead or follow Grand Solar Minima as predicted by a current sheet wave? - does the overall duration fit the (not always the same) waveform of the current sheet as seen by our Sun? - does amplitude modulation of the solar-local fields model the effects adequately, or are [capacit, induct]ive effects also needed? - can this be easily linked into Sacha Dobler's "Solar Behaviour" book in a predictive way? - what is the variability of a current sheet wave's [speed, waveform, amplitude, periodicity]? Presumably this can be estimated and scaled up based on known characteristics of our Solar System's current sheet, but perhaps there is a [stochastic, chaotic] nature to it (simpler said : unpredictable with the math and knowledge that we have, not to mention the "fog of stupidity" that so often blinds us). I am using the wrong jargon above, which should be from "Electric Universe" (David Talbot, Wal Thornill, Donald Scott, Stephen Smith, etc), or "plasma astronomy" (Anthony Peratt). Mythologists have long been far ahead of science this area (and I don't really like mythology - it's too complicated for me)! First time I've noticed "Pingbacks" of WordPress - also brilliant. 08********08 #] 06Jan2022 Hormonageddon - free ebook, purchase paperback too /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Pandemics, health, and the Sun/hormones/Sacha Dobler 2021 Hormonageddon - How Chemical and Electromagnetic Influences weakened the Human Character in three Generations.pdf 08********08 #] 10Aug2021 cdc study : [hospitalised, die] within 14 days post-covax are considered as unvaccinated https://abruptearthchanges.com/2021/09/14/cdc-study-people-who-are-hospitalised-or-die-within-14-days-after-the-covid-vaccine-are-considered-as-unvaccinated/ qnial> 24 / (+ 24 7 176) *100 11.5942 q &&&&&&&& Howell : Perhaps the 14 day criteria is reasonable, as presumably it takes some time for the immune system to gear up, analogous to the month-or-so delay from the first to second vaccine injection to build up immunity? I can't remember how long before traveling to high-risk areas for other diseases that vaccines must be taken, but I think a month or two was what I followed. A modest chunk (~1/4) of the cases, and a significant ~10% of the deaths, were for people who were fully vaccinated, similar to comments that I've heard in Alberta, Canada. Somehow that message isn't getting through, as people seem to believe in almost 100% protection, whereas we all know that is not the case with the flu (especially if the vaccines miss the seasonal variants). Presumably many of the the rate of vaccine induced covid (including contagion at the vaccine sites) is very low by a couof orders of magnitude or so. But a very large number of people are getting the vaccine, and the vaccine-induced covid instances would be next to impossible to determine. It can probably be ignored as a first estimate. But maybe not? 08********08 #] 10Aug2021 Great video of world crops! https://svs.gsfc.nasa.gov/4915 A Global view of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Anomaly in crop-growing regions from 2000 to 2021 Visualizations by Cindy Starr Released on August 9, 2021 Conditions in certain regions of the globe are suitable for growing particular crops but weather can alter the growing conditions in those regions throughout the year. Satellite data can gauge the health of plants, which is a good indicator of crop productivity. The satellite imagery used in this visualization shows changes in vegetation in regions where maize, rice, soybeans, summer wheat and winter wheat are grown. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) measures how dense and green plant leaves are which suggests overall vegetative health. Scientists calculate average NDVI values over a span of years to find out what is normal at each time of year. They then compare the current NDVI value for each day of year to the average computed over the set of base years to determine if the areas are more or less productive than the average. This comparison, called the NDVI Anomaly, is used in this visualization showing the changes in global crop production between 2000 and 2021. The NDVI anomaly images are useful as a measure of drought when compared to 'normal' plant health. In this visualization, regions where crops are more productive than average are shown by shades of green where the brightest colors are the most productive. Areas of drought are shown in shades of orange, with the most severe drought being the brightest orange/yellow. 08********08 #] 09Aug2021 European Union covax - 15,472 Dead and 1.5 Million Injured (50% Serious) https://abruptearthchanges.com/2021/07/18/15472-dead-and-1-5-million-injured-50-serious-reported-in-european-unions-database-of-adverse-drug-reactions-for-covid-19-shots/ 15,472 Dead and 1.5 Million Injured (50% Serious) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots By Sacha Dobler on 18. July 2021 Assume 500M people received at least one vaccine shot : 15,500 deaths -> 0.0155M deaths/500M people vaccinated * 100k = 0.0155/500*100 = 0.0031 deaths / 100k vaccinated 1.5M injured -> 1.5M injured/500M people vaccinated * 100k = 1.5/500*100 = 0.3 injuries / 100k vaccinated need to convert to daily rates : divide by days in [?01Mar?-19Jun]2021 Far less than covid [case, death]s 08********08 #] 15Jun2021 Pluto/Neptune and solar activity in the past 8650 years Correlation between the orbital positions of Pluto/ Neptune and solar activity in the past 8650 years By Sacha Dobler on 15. June 2021 • ( Leave a comment ) Abstract: Yearly orbital positions of the four Jovian planets (the gas giants) and Pluto were compared to solar activity proxies: to sunspot numbers (SSN) for the past 8650 years and to radio carbon calibration data of the past 12,000 years. Correlation coefficients were calculated between the angular distance of each planet (or accumulated angular distances of several planets) from 12 different orbital positions and the solar activity of the corresponding year. Weak but very consistent negative correlations were found between the angular distance of Pluto as well as the accumulated angular distances of Neptune and Pluto from the region of 265° ecliptic longitude and the 40-year moving average of Sunspot Number: Sunspot Number increases when either Pluto or both Pluto and Neptune are closer to the 265° position and is lowest when they are closer to the 85° position, with a gradual transition between these points. The relationship is strongest for Pluto observed independently: r= -0.09022, p<10-16. Smaller correlations are found for the accumulated angular distances of Pluto and Neptune from this position, and correlation coefficients below -0.03 (p< 0.01) were obtained for Neptune when observed independently. No other planet or combination of two or more planets yielded statistically significant correlations r > 0.003. Possible contributing interactions of the sun and the planets with charged particles and magnetic fields near the orientation of the solar system bow shock are discussed. /media/bill/Dell2/PROJECTS/References/Dobler 15Jun2021 Correlation between the orbital positions of Pluto, Neptune and solar activity in the past 8650 years.pdf &&&&&&&& Howell - This is fantastic! I don't remember seeing a Pluto-inclusive solar activity model (other than models that included all planets), albeit my memory is bad and getting worse with age. Angles with respect to the ecliptic I also don't remember in this context, and few bother to back so far in time. Right or wrong isn't important - you thought about it (< 1 in 10k scientists ever do), did work, and let the data do the talking. Rare. As usual, you have gone [further, better] than essentially all of the "experts". I've long thought that [physicist, astronomer]s have long been playing with 2 cut a deck of 52 when looking at potential planetary-induced solar tides etc as "proofs" that the planets cannot affect the Sun. That's even before noticing the complete absence of electro-magnetics eg [electric, plasma] universe concepts which actually work when gravity fails at all scales of astronomy). I do like Paul Charbonneau's paper on the perpetual resurgence of planetary-influence concepts. Every 7-20 years or so it seems that someone notices this : Paul Charbonneau 2002 "The rise and fall of the first sunspot model" JHA xxxiii Science History Publications Ltd. - Provided by the NASA Astrophysics data system (I have a copy, but not a lifor it - search) But I take Charbonneau's paper as the conventional gravity view, worth considering but not an answer, and certainly not a proof except for the myopic model it considers. I won't have time to get into the details beyond my quick scrutiny of your Figures 3 & 4. Maybe if I get back to old projects some day... I wonder if Ben Davidson's profiling of Milky Way current sheets, analogous to Solar system current sheets, might also be worth considering? 08********08 #] 14Apr2021 Tel Aviv U - covid variant Affects Vaccinated People 8 Times More Than Unvaccinated https://abruptearthchanges.com/2021/04/14/man-made-crisis-coronavirus-variant-affects-vaccinated-people-8-times-more-than-unvaccinated-study-from-tel-aviv-university/ Man-made crisis: Coronavirus Variant Affects Vaccinated People 8 Times More Than Unvaccinated: Study From Tel Aviv University By Sacha Dobler on 14. April 2021 • ( Leave a comment ) The mRNA vaccine induced prions may cause neurodegenerative diseases because long-term memories are maintained by prion-like proteins. The study concluded that mRNA based vaccine may also cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases in the vaccine recipients. >> Wow! mind effects as well. I remember seeing reports of mental [confusion, lethargy,?] in the past. 08********08 #] 21Mar2021 One Bank Warns Of A “Biblical” Surge In Food Prices https://abruptearthchanges.com/2021/03/21/on-the-verge-of-a-global-crisis-one-bank-warns-of-a-biblical-surge-in-food-prices/ On The Verge Of A Global Crisis: One Bank Warns Of A “Biblical” Surge In Food Prices By Sacha Dobler on 21. March 2021 • ( 3 Comments ) 3 replies » Anonymous 22. March 2021 at 16:05 thanks for letting me know Like neuralshack 22. March 2021 at 0:16 I tried to access images directly at : https://abruptearthchanges.files.wordpress.com/2021/03 No luck – WordPress apparently doesn’t allow it. I don’t know if that can be “corrected”,other than by storing images on your own separate website, and using links within WordPress. Like neuralshack 21. March 2021 at 23:58 Sacha – Interesting article. Please fix the links to the graphs, as they all point to the same one. Liked by you # enddoc