#] #] ********************* #] "$d_web"'My sports & clubs/CNPS/0_JC-NPS notes.txt' - ??? # www.BillHowell.ca 30Jul2020 initial # view in text editor, using constant-width font (eg courier), tabWidth = 3 #48************************************************48 #24************************24 # Table of Contents, generate with : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_web"'My sports & clubs/CNPS/0_JC-NPS notes.txt' | sed "s/^#\]/ /" # ********************* "$d_web"'My sports & clubs/CNPS/0_JC-NPS notes.txt' - ??? +-----+ Setup, ToDos, 01Apr2017 need to catch up with past notes! +-----+ 07Jan2023 Harry Ricker III - Faraday's Experiments in Electromagnetic Induction 28Aug2021 AI Panel Discussion: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Diversity 28Aug2021 Disruptive: Rewriting the rules of physics 10Aug2021 James Keene http://www.binary-mechanics.com/ 07Aug2021 Eric Reiter - How Quantum Mechanics Fails - Threshold Model 07Aug2021 Geological map of the world - for use with Expanding Earth hypothesis 17Apr2021 James Maxlowe 20Mar2021 Gerald Pollock 20Feb2021 CNPS science chat Edward Dowdye Jr. 13Nov1943 died 31Dec2020!!! 31Jul2018 video made a Robitaille's home 20Feb2021 LIVE NOW: Electric Universe: Gravity is Electrical in Nature 06Feb2021 Symmetry versus Broken-Symmetry Math 23Jan2021 JCNPS - Alexander Unzicker 19Dec2020 James Keene website http://www.binary-mechanics.com 19Dec2020 Infinite Universe Theory - with Dr. Glenn Borchardt sciencephilosophy.org has blog 28Nov2020 JC-NPS Saturday morning chat 09Mar2019 JC-NPS Saturday morning chat 05Oct2019 Michael Anteski Vibrations are non-directional. Gravity and other quantized forces are vectored fields (directional) 23Feb2019 JC-NPS Saturday morning chat 02Jan2019 Thirteeth Water Conference Program 10Dec2018 JC-NPS 10Nov2018 CNPS Saturday morning webcast, Bill Lucas moderates 15Jun2018 JC-NPS Unzicker "The Higgs Fake - A Critique of Modern Particle Physics" 14Jun2018 CNPS Saturday Morning Science Chat - Relational Mechanics 2-4-2017 by Assis 12Jun2018 David de Hilster "Dissident Science" weekly news 13Jan2018 de Hilster "Interview with Physics Professor Andre Assis from Brazil" 10Feb2018 Saturday Science Chat, with Expanding Earth #24************************24 #] +-----+ #] Setup, ToDos, #] 01Apr2017 need to catch up with past notes! The link for the conference is: http://fuze.me/35925732 Telephone: +12014794595 ID# 35925732 (Please note this is a permanent conference address - it will always be at this link) wiki.naturalphilosophy.org Reply-to-trolls : : It's such a priviledge to be graced with your esteemed presence. Feel free to include substance in your commentaries (<=200 characters?). Reply-to-trolls : : I am interested in possible [failure, anomaly]s of mainstream [thinking, theory]s. Have you any to add to those being presented in this session? Reply-to-trolls : : A good question is worth a thousand good answers, and is sometimes the better measure of a thinker. Have you any? Reply-to-trolls : : No [substance,anomaly,question]s. Do you even exist, other than being perhaps a simple troll-bot? Perhaps I am the same, communicating with you? #] +-----+ 48************************************************48 08********08 #] ??Feb2024 08********08 #] ??Feb2024 08********08 #] ??Feb2024 08********08 #] ??Feb2024 08********08 #] ??Feb2024 08********08 #] ??Feb2024 08********08 #] ??Feb2024 08********08 #] ??Feb2024 08********08 #] ??Feb2024 +-----+ #] +-----+ #] +-----+ #] +-----+ #] +-----+ #] +-----+ #] 08********08 #] 13Feb2024 +-----+ #] member Isaac: Proof of the ether, Michaelson-Morely sounds like he's put together? no figures, math, nalysis belief in an ill-defined concept of ether - but I agree that there are many definitions falls into blah-blah: matter is a construct of the ether +-----+ #] Stephan Gift: Franco Selleri Transformations, A Modern Approach to Space-Time Physics 292 views Streamed live on Jan 20, 2024 This presentation will compare the Lorentz Transformations with Selleri Transformations using 12 different tests. We show that the Lorentz transformations of special relativity, despite their almost universal acceptance, fail five straightforward tests. The first three of these tests are based on the very successful GPS which we believe provides incontrovertible experimental evidence and is a gamechanger. The remaining two tests are the well-known Michelson-Gale experiment which is rarely if ever found in the SR texts (why?) and the lesser-known Wang experiment which after 20 years remains unexplained by SR. We also show that transformations involving a preferred frame developed by Franco Selleri and published in the mainstream literature are successful with these and other tests with no paradoxes. We therefore advance the Selleri transformations as the space-time transformations that best accord with the physical world. >> Franklin Hu still helping the sessions! thank goodness, the moderator was shit >> 15 minutes of flubbing around before the presentation starts!! >> Comments: mostly one guy dominating (@aminam9201) Stephan Gift: EE prof UofWest Indies, Trinidad & Tobago co-author book: IEEE Electronic design & application >> frames of reference like Steve Bryant? Galilean reference v << c >> Howell: Einstein didn't come up with Lorentz transformations!!! Lorentz did long before Einstein Selleri used : 2-way light speed constancy dilated muon decay same as Einstein: x' = gamma*(x - v*t), y' = y, z' = z BUT t' = t/gamma instead of Lorentz t' = gamma*(t - v*x/c^2) spatially-dependent BOTH [Lorentz, Selleri] transformations correctly predicts : transverse Doppler relativistic beaming Compton scattering relatatistic elastic collisions Thomas precession +-----+ #] +-----+ #] +-----+ #] 08********08 #] 15Jan2024 search "sierpinski triangles" - long ago NatlPhilAlliance presentation This notes file only goes back to 2018 -> may have to check for other notes files, backups from 2010-2018? extra material in emto Steve Howell : "$d_ProjMini"'Kaal- Structured Atom Model/240115 emto Steve: Sierpinski [triangles, tertrahedra]: Johannes Kepler, Edo Kaal, Pyramids [Bosnia, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Central America, China (dirt, not stone)].html' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierpi%C5%84ski_triangle https://mathigon.org/course/fractals/sierpinski https://www.mathsisfun.com/sierpinski-triangle.html 08:48$ find "$d_web" -type f -name "*.txt" | grep --invert-match "z_Old" | grep --invert-match "z_Archive" | sort | tr \\n \\0 | xargs -0 -IFILE grep --with-filename --line-number 'pinski' "FILE" | sed "s|$d_web||;s|:.*||" | sort -u >"$d_temp"'find-grep-sed temp.txt' +-----+ bin/0_test/fileops/pinn_getLinseq_povr/230315 13h57m Neural Nets notes public.txt My sports & clubs/natural- CNPS/0_JC-NPS notes.txt Neural nets/0_Neural Nets notes public.txt ProjMajor/Sun pandemics, health/corona virus/Fauci covid emails/Fauci corona virus emails, clean.txt Qnial/MY_NDFS/dictionaries/combined [Linux, Dictionary.com, vaccine [CDC, Wikipedia]].txt Qnial/MY_NDFS/dictionaries/dictionary - corona virus.txt Qnial/MY_NDFS/dictionaries/dictionary Linux american-english noApos.txt +-----+ >> hah! - just caught this entry... search "Natural Philosophy Alliance and sierpinski" - nothing search "sierpinski triangles and Quantum Mechanics" +-----+ https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.07429.pdf Quantum Pascal’s Triangle and Sierpinski’s carpet Tom Bannink∗ bannink@cwi.nl Harry Buhrman∗ ‡ buhrman@cwi.nl August 2017 Abstract In this paper we consider a quantum version of Pascal’s triangle. Pascal’s triangle is a well-known triangular array of numbers and when these numbers are plotted modulo 2, a fractal known as the Sierpinski triangle appears. We first prove the appearance of more general fractals when Pascal’s triangle is considered modulo prime powers. The numbers in Pascal’s triangle can be obtained by scaling the probabilities of the simple symmetric random walk on the line. In this paper we consider a quantum version of Pascal’s triangle by replacing the random walk by the quantum walk known as the Hadamard walk. We show that when the amplitudes of the Hadamard walk are scaled to become integers and plotted modulo three, a fractal known as the Sierpinski carpet emerges and we provide a proof of this using Lucas’s theorem. We furthermore give a general class of quantum walks for which this phenomenon occurs. +-----+ https://pubs.aip.org/physicstoday/Online/29862/Quantum-mechanics-in-fractal-geometry Quantum mechanics in fractal geometry 19 November 2018 Molecules on a metal surface can sculpt the surface electrons into shapes not found in nature. Johanna L. Miller DOI:https://doi.org/10.1063/PT.6.1.20181119a What if the number of dimensions could be tuned continuously between 1 and 2? A century ago mathematician Felix Hausdorff developed a new way of measuring dimensionality that could take fractional values. For most familiar shapes—points, lines, planes, and so on—the Hausdorff dimension is equal to the usual topological dimension. But fractals, due to their infinite complexity, have noninteger Hausdorff dimension. Now Ingmar Swart, Cristiane Morais Smith, and colleagues at Utrecht University in the Netherlands have taken a step toward experimentally studying quantum physics in a fractional-dimensional system. On a (111) surface of copper they placed carbon monoxide molecules (black indentations in the figure) to corral the surface electrons into a simplified Sierpinski triangle. The full Sierpinski triangle, a fractal made up of infinitely many nested smaller triangles, has a Hausdorff dimension of 1.58. If drawn from line segments, it has infinite length, and if carved from a solid triangle, it has zero area, so intuitively, it’s neither 1D nor 2D but something in between. The Cu(111) surface-electron density inside the triangle is an approximation of the fractal, just as a graphene sheet is an approximation of an infinitely thin plane. But like graphene, the surface-electron system inherits the dimensional properties of its mathematical idealization. Probing the interesting questions of fractal quantum mechanics will require a more intricate experiment. In particular, ensembles of interacting fermions behave in qualitatively different ways in 1D and 2D (see Physics Today, September 1996, page 19). Their behavior in 1.58 dimensions is an open question—but the surface electrons of Cu(111) interact only weakly. Surfaces of other materials, however, might allow the researchers to study interactions in fractal geometry. (S. N. Kempkes et al., Nat. Phys., 2018, doi:10.1038/s41567-018-0328-0.) +-----+ https://phys.org/news/2018-12-splendid-potential-sierpinski-triangle.html The splendid generative potential of the Sierpinski triangle by The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences 14Dec2018 One transistor can become an oscillator with a surprising richness of behavior. However, even more interesting effects emerge if the structure of connections is fractal and shows some imperfections. Could similar rules explain the diversity and complexity of human brain dynamics? Intuition suggests that self-similarity appears only in systems as complex as neural networks in the brain, or in fascinating shapes of nature, for example, in fractal Romanesco broccoli buds. At the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN) in Cracow, researchers made a discovery that in some ways challenges this belief. In close collaboration with colleagues from the University of Catania and the University of Trento in Italy, the researchers constructed an elementary electronic oscillator based on just one transistor. As it turns out, when it contains fractal arrangements of inductors and capacitors, these generate amazingly rich characteristics of the electrical signals. +-----+ https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11128-021-03171-4 Xie, HH., Zeng, GM. 15Jul2021 Quantum walks on Sierpinski gasket and Sierpinski tetrahedron. Quantum Inf Process 20, 240 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11128-021-03171-4 Abstract We investigate discrete-time coined quantum walks on the Sierpinski gasket and the Sierpinski tetrahedron which have non-integer dimensions, by concentrating on the probability distribution, return probability and standard deviation. We compare the calculating results with classical random walks on the two fractal structures and quantum walks on the corresponding regular triangle grids. For the quantum walks, we adopt DFT coin and Grover coin, respectively, which exhibit great differences on the above quantities. +-----+ https://journals.aps.org/prd/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevD.96.105010 Casimir energy of Sierpinski triangles K. V. Shajesh, Prachi Parashar, Inés Cavero-Peláez, Jerzy Kocik, and Iver Brevik Phys. Rev. D 96, 105010 – Published 13 November 2017 Abstract Using scaling arguments and the property of self-similarity we derive the Casimir energies of Sierpinski triangles and Sierpinski rectangles. The Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension (fractal dimension) of the Casimir energy is introduced and the Berry-Weyl conjecture is discussed for these geometries. We propose that for a class of fractals, comprising compartmentalized cavities, it is possible to establish a finite value to the Casimir energy even while the Casimir energy of the individual cavities consists of divergent terms. /home/bill/web/ProjMini/Kaal- Structured Atom Model/images/Swart, Smith, UtrechtU 19Nov2018 quantum physics in a fractional-dimensional system, Sierpinski triangle.jpg 08********08 #] 25Feb2023 Glenn Borchart achievement award Steve Bryant now [doing, finished]? graduate degree @ GeorgiaTech thanks to Borchardt Borchardt - why not Berkely as you had spoken of? Bryant - machine learning side, did Masters, may do PhD 08********08 #] 07Jan2023 Harry Ricker III - Faraday's Experiments in Electromagnetic Induction https://www.youtube.com/c/JohnChappell goes to : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7nIKbwYgJk https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85320520296?pwd=ZUNkQVBqUDRwQU5Ndy81Ymc4WVRQUT09 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=live_chat&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWp3Z2VPamFuNzR2bFZ6RVNrVFc3aWVmQnNpQXxBQ3Jtc0trRlNUd1VFeG41b29NSU44UUxvRHRqQVhxa0ZaR1VhYkNnaUlGRzZ3dTV5RDdxc2VRTEFpYTlLZ0xfZlYzYkVLN0ZRSWhLWVBaV2lWWGlhYjZCT0JiZ3pWS05ZbDVjZU5SdzQzcEpUdmJBeVFHMk45RQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fus06web.zoom.us%2Fj%2F85320520296%3Fpwd%3DZUNkQVBqUDRwQU5Ndy81Ymc4WVRQUT09 Join critical thinker and science writer Harry Ricker as he talks on Faraday’s experiments in electromagnetic induction - a continuation of his talks on this fascinating subject! Ian Cowan (moderator), Franklin Hu, James J Keene, Bob&Anm, Richard Jesch, Michael Charrier, Steve Jackson, Martusin S, Harry Schribner, Bob Gray, ... Zoom list at end : www.BillHowell.ca (Me) AlternateScience Meeting (Host) Bob Gray James Keene Richard Jesch Ian Cowan Dennis Allen Jr Harry Ricker Jim Marsen Harvey Scribner (SPP) Harry Ricker couldn't join meeting? Complete botch - switched to Zoom, Harry Ricker lost the presentation, someone else provided it Faraday's paradox (compare to Argo's wheels) - Ricker thinks there is confusion, not paradox "lines of force are not closing" - mistake by Faraday Faraday made experiments agree with his theory - common problem in science 2 sets of experiments 1831, 1851 1831 produce electricity from magnetism (after others failed for years) 1851 makes bold statement that field lines are stationary! wanted to prove that Ampere was wrong Babbage Hershel Apparatus - I don't [understand, hear] what it's significance is Faraday Iron Transformer Faraday generator Faraday disk machine - paradox arises here, jard to interpret book series 1, plate [1,2] result in Faraday's Law : famous paragraph 114, illustrated Fig14 plate2 Series I conclusions electricity is produced by magnetism Lenz's Law not needed, Faraday gives law for direction of current experiments of Arago, Babbagem Herschel explained by currents induced in rotating plates electrical current produced by cutting lines of magnetic force whether faradays lines are modern H or B field is ambiguous Series II experiments, figures on plate 3 relevant to [uni, homo]polar paragraph 218 copper disk top of magnet : electricity produced when disk alone or disk and magnet rotated together para 218 copper cap attached to magnet and rotated, electricity produced, para 219 copper cap eliminated, magnet rotated, electricity produced, para 220 doesn't recognize a paradox or contraction - if just rotate ?magnet but don't rotate disk? - no current main overlooked conclusion : if either [magnet, disk] rotated relative to other, currents are produced "the galvanometer extremity being hte fixed part" para 260 "All parts of the mass shall not move in the same direction across the curves" i.e. magnetic lines of force, para 264 28 series 1851 - objective make the lines of force concept more concrete and definite para 3090 says famously (detailed & long)m last sentence "The magnet may even, in certain cases (3097), be considered as revolving amongst its own forces and producing a full electric effect, sensible at the galvanometer." Faraday is convinced that his lines of force are fixed. "invention of field theory" experiments reported agree with modeern results no paradox... Farady's apparatus fixed wire - no current? sliding contact wire-magnet (relative motion) - current Conclusions summary experiments can be interpreted as equivalent to modern experiments by [Muller, Kelly, others] uses wires instead of a copper disk cylindrical magnet replaced by two bar magnets attemps to locate source of emf inside magnets Para 3099 exteranl wire was moved into different positions to avoid action of magnet, no change [effect, current] was detected Faraday convinced himself that field lines didn't more with magnet (error compared to his own experiments) Harry Ricker's conclusions no experiments in history of science have been as controversial & contentious Weber wanted to prove Faraday was wrong Faraday's "field lines don't rotat with magnet" - many haven't accepted nothing has changed with results of experiments why can't we resolve this controversy? - because Faraday promoted his theory of lines of force even if experiments didn't agree with that. This didn't make sense, wasn't consistent with experiments. Faraday's claims : lines of force concept superior to action at a distance, para 3074 (eg Ampere?) method better than a magnetic needle or compass moving wire indicates quantit of force universal applicability Ricker - Faradays mistakes fails to see contradiction between Arago experiment and his stationary lines of force didn't catch doesn't fully appreciate his own conclusion in para 260 i.e. part of circuit must be stationary and the other moving in magnetic field +-----+ Q&A after presentation ?? turbo-electric effect : van de graff generator Ricker - doesnt agree with turbo-electric see my chat question below Harvey Scribner - if magnet is moving, still has a field around it (moving or not) suppose field exists, there has to be an external field that casuses local particles to sustain itself, Birkeland currents, much faster than speed of light Ricker - agree with subject - not really clear, [Ampere, Newton] "action at a distance" Ricker - whole reason for discussing Faraday, is that after 150 years no one has really highlighted paradox (?Ricker's presentation mentions Weber & others?). Mistake with stationary field lines. Really needs to be resolved. +-----+ Howell's chat I don't understand why fields (or lines of force) any different than "action at a distance". How is the latter defined? I keep coming across this issue in other work as well. Q&A after presentation Ricker - Faraday's was "action at a distance", Newton'stheory of gravity, just a mathematical construct Cowan - re-iterated his chat answer Dennis Allen Jr - field time delay, but planetary (?name?) argues immediate at distance chat Richard Jesch To Everyone 10:01:14 AM The crux of the matter Field lines are to the resulting force as ink on paper is to a concept or idea. Transmission is not well explained. Ricker - got back to Faraday's fixed field lines Franklin Hu - "action at a distance" contrasts with "collision", cosiders fields as "action at a distance", personally believes in ether filling space Ian Cowan - establishment of fields effectively instantaneous, unlike propagation of field (Van Flandern's planetary motion, gravity = speed electro-magnetic * 10^8) Franklin - sound is similar - don't see compressionsm doesn't believe in "action at a distance" Ian Cowan - quantum theory Dennis Allen - all have same speed +-----+ Chat Harvey Scribner (SPP) To Everyone 8:43:42 AM HS email the link to Harry. Franklin, put link in chat again and I can email it to Harry Richard Jesch To Everyone 8:46:23 AM Yayyy!! Harvey Scribner (SPP) To Everyone 8:46:30 AM HS Do not worry this will be a great discussion and presentation. oops lost audio from harry got it now I can hear Harry now. Me To Everyone 9:42:41 AM W I don't understand why fields (or lines of force) any different than "action at a distance". How is the latter defined? I keep coming across this issue in other work as well. Ian Cowan To Everyone 9:45:10 AM I suppose 'action at a distance' denotes effects between greatly separated bodies with nothing (not even 'fields') between. Harvey Scribner (SPP) To Everyone 9:48:05 AM HS do you want me to stop sharing screen? AlternateScience Meeting To Everyone 9:48:13 AM AM Link to Faraday book: https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=IZw_AAAAcAAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA1&dq=experimental+researches+in+electricity+faraday&ots=Uw66nv6z6u&sig=WS7Usk6jq-v8fcGFAYYwB8FDf1s#v=onepage&q=experimental%2520researches%2520in%2520electricity%2520faraday&f=false Harvey Scribner (SPP) To Everyone 9:54:49 AM HS James Keene: Do you have a schematic of the experiment you propose? That would be cool to see at a later time. I can see Franklin Yes we can hear you bill James Keene To Everyone 9:59:18 AM JK Give me an email and I'll send a schematic for my E field (no magnet) expt. What's your email, Harvey? Richard Jesch To Everyone 10:01:14 AM The crux of the matter Field lines are to the resulting force as ink on paper is to a concept or idea. Transmission is not well explained. Propagation through a medium. The motion is the only obvious phenomenon. James Keene To Everyone 10:08:56 AM JK If you want a schematic of my E field (instead of magnet) expt. email me at jamesjkeene@gmail.com 08********08 #] 28Aug2021 AI Panel Discussion: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Diversity Posted May 21, 2019 Steven B. Bryant http://stevenbbryant.com/2019/05/ai-panel-discussion-artificial-intelligence-machine-learning-and-diversity/ Panelists (seated left to right): William Ford, PhD, Analytics/AI/ML Consultant https://www.linkedin.com/in/williamcford/ Emmanuel Matthews, Google https://www.linkedin.com/in/emmanuelmatthews/ Ayori “Selfpreneur” Sellasie, Salesforce https://www.linkedin.com/in/randomgirl/ Keita Broadwater, PhD, Oxygen-AI https://www.oxygen-ai.com/about-us Moderator: Steven B. Bryant The video is broken into four parts: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Introduction to AI/ML continued, machine learning job roles, and solution bias Solution Bias continued, Diversity, How To Get Involved in AL and ML, and Q&A Q&A continued I hope that you find the discussion informative, thought-provoking and motivating. >> Good panel!! very astute panel members! 08********08 #] 28Aug2021 Disruptive: Rewriting the rules of physics With Steven Braynt StevenBBryant.com >> Bryant is follow AI?? >> ?? Michaelson-Morely & Miller 1933 experiment >> derives relativistic correction factor by "calssical mechanics"!!! Howell - Bill Lucas's "Universal force" book also shows derivation of relativistic correction factor based on iterative electrical feedback effects (work by Thomas Barnes Uof Texas). L B​Steven, I’m glad your mother shared the link. Wishing you all things good! Congratulations! John Chappell​Hello and welcome everyone! SHOCKWAVE​ohhhh ok i found the other channel SHOCKWAVE​allways wondered where dave was getting the other comments from SHOCKWAVE​quite in this room SHOCKWAVE​physics is based on an atomic sun model,,,, that's where it fails !!!!!! thats not how the sun is doing the work SHOCKWAVE​i just subed dave SHOCKWAVE​SAFIRE will rewrite the physics books SHOCKWAVE​has anyone here looked at the safire project ? Roger Anderton​I am aware of SAFIRE but I have not looked at in enough detail John Chappell​Yes, I am here (David) John Chappell​Nice to meet you all! Thanks for coming! John Chappell​Please send me the infor to david@dehilster.com John Chappell​Thanks S RC! Greatly your support is greatly appreciated! Abhishek Chakravartty​Mr. Bryant, if the spherical wave proof had passed, would relativity theory be correct. If yes, why? John Chappell​Thx! SHOCKWAVE​Roger Anderton u should my friend Grant Dexter​Just finished work. hi y'all Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our community guidelines. John Chappell​Kev Conn: disagreeing with you does not make a person a fool. Please keep your arguments to science, not smearing people you don't agree with. John Chappell​Kev: I diagree with your premise. I know his work and the mathematics for blackholes all of a sudden has two masses out of no where. That is wrong. THere are many other problems. John Chappell​Kev: you need to follow Aristotle: "A mark of an educated mind is the ability to entertain an idea without accepting it.: John Chappell​ on faith, not scientific thought. John Chappell​Accepting "Crother's has been shown" should mean nothing to you or anyone. YOU and I and EVERYONE must check everything ourselves. The moment you accept "others" interpretations is where you are going John Chappell​Kev: John Chappell​Kev: YOU a John Chappell​either. We all need to investigate things on our own. John Chappell​Kev: YOU "assume" we think we are right. YOU added that to the argument. I never said that. You did. Please be consistent and not assume things that were not said. You should never believe what I say Bill Howell​Bill Lucas's "Universal force" book also shows derivation of relativistic correction factor based on iterative electrical feedback effects (work by Thomas Barnes Uof Texas). John Chappell​Crothers has claimed to have found many problems with Black Hole calculations and logic for the derivation of the black hole equations. I have seen his presentations. The most damning is the introduct John Chappell​ion of a second mass "all of a sudden" into a "one mass system". To me, that is fatal. Black holes are something, but the math for them is wrong in my investigation. John Chappell​"You can find the truth yourself by reading Einstein". Einstein's relativity is the most disputed theory in history. See this one: https://beyondmainstream.org/phd-in-e... John Chappell​-first-real-world-application/ John Chappell​Kev: "There is nothing fatal in Crothers work" is your conclusion. It is not mine. You lack the most important trait needed in science (and especially in mainstream): HUMILIITY. Grant Dexter​where is the other channel? Abhishek Chakravartty​Mr. Bryant, if the spherical wave proof had passed, would relativity theory be correct. If yes, why? Bill Howell​Wasn't there a Michaelson-Gale experiment circa 1921? also rejects relativistic interpretation of MM expt John Chappell​Kev: my responses to you are not for you. You already know all truths. You are right, we are wrong. It is for others here who pride themselves in being critical thinkers and humble. The Hoom​Oh my, this is a gathering of physics illiterates, how fun The Hoom​I'm an actual physiicist. Ask me anything. Bill Howell​The persistence of mainstream flawed thinking is a characteristic of the whole history of [science, philosophy, all] thinking for all human history. Relativity is a great example, but not unusual. The Hoom​@Bill Howell relativity isn't flawed. It's a model that accurately predicts observations in the real world Abhishek Chakravartty​Mr. Bryant, if the spherical wave proof had passed, would relativity theory be correct. If yes, why? Kasim Muflahi​Time doesn't dilate Alistair Riddoch​QUESTION: Motion of what? When it is not joggers and buses, what is the "what?" that is in motion? Kasim Muflahi​the rate of change of physical processes do dilate The Hoom​@Kasim Muflahi who told you that? The Hoom​@Alistair Riddoch that's a foundational point of relativity. Motion is always relative to some inertial frame Kasim Muflahi​the Hafele-Keating experiment where the slow and fast clocks were shown together at the same time The Hoom​@Kasim Muflahi that seems to be a rather needless distinction Kasim Muflahi​if time dilation happened, the clocks will be on 2 different time coordinates; hance they can't be seen together The Hoom​@Kasim Muflahi you're confusing SR with GR now Kasim Muflahi​Ahh! that's the excuse -- needless distinction -- which is what Steven was talking about Michael Clark​The Jogger on the Bus makes sense. Super Principia Mathematica​The reason that Einstein limits that no one can travel faster than the speed of light. Is that we do not have evidence of normal things exceeding the speed of light. Kasim Muflahi​I believe that that SR and GR clock dilation is caused by the same thing: acceleration The Hoom​@Kasim Muflahi SR and GR are two completely different things, it's not a needless distinction at al Super Principia Mathematica​You are doing a different mathematics to Relativity, because your bus or moving observer, can exceed the speed of light! The Hoom​@Kasim Muflahi not at al. SR doesn't apply to acceleration at all. Time dilation there is due to velocity differencs between inertial systems Grant Dexter​can we ask questions here? Would the assumption that the two-way speed of light is the same there and back have any implications for MM? The Hoom​@Grant Dexter no Kasim Muflahi​SR and GR are not different when it comes to clock dilation Dennis Allen Jr.​Steve, your second term in your approximation leading to E = m c^2, there has to be a c^4 in the denominator instead of c^2 to be correct since v^4 > v^2 if v > 1. Alistair Riddoch​@The Hoom is it a trip down Alice's rabbit hole? What physically exists, according to physicists? Fundamentally. I thought y'all had become "fieldists"... no longer self-describing as physicists. The Hoom​@Kasim Muflahi it's completely different. You're exposing your ignorance here The Hoom​@Alistair Riddoch nonsense. Kasim Muflahi​@The Hoom it's you who's ignorant -- good luck with that Super Principia Mathematica​Grant. No. MM has to deal with the two way speed of light through a medium, that turned out to be the vacuum! The Hoom​@Kasim Muflahi I have literally given courses in GR. Are you sure you want to make that claim? Alistair Riddoch​@The Hoom does the quantum field have a host medium? A mechanical lattice? A "something physical" to generate and host and justify its existence? Or is it "the field" which that "exists"? Kasim Muflahi​The MM experiment was conducted in the atmosphere, not in a vacuum Kasim Muflahi​@The Hoom I am making that claim Super Principia Mathematica​It was determined that the atmosphere, does not affect the speed of light in the MM. splurge​Everybody is special aren't they?! Kasim Muflahi​SR and GR require Personal time to work which is an epicycle that supports a false theory The Hoom​@Alistair Riddoch Quantum fields are fundamentally linked to the four fundamenta forces. Are you asking WHY those forces exist? The Hoom​@Kasim Muflahi I guess I would enjoy taking you apart by showing you can't even solve simple SR problems. Want to try? Michael Clark​The velocity of Charlie is relative to the Bus whether the Bus is stationary, or moving. The Hoom​"epicycle" haha Kasim Muflahi​@The Hoom there's only one force of nature -- te EM force Bill Howell​@The Hoom - One of Bryant's point - equivalence of differing theories under simplifying assumptions. [Priest, disciples]s are easiest to spot when they can't list anomalies of their religion. The Hoom​@Kasim Muflahi yet again completely wrong. Who the hell tells you all this stuff The Hoom​@Bill Howell GR and SR are not religions. Kasim Muflahi​@The Hoom common sense. SR and GR are counter-intuitive i.e. nonsensical Alistair Riddoch​@The Hoom imagine a wheel rolling. Then take away the wheel, and imagine only "the rolling"... "the rolling" is at that point a non-physical phenomenon. Not physically embodied. No host. Roll only The Hoom​@Kasim Muflahi just because you don't understand sometihng doesn't mean it's wrong. Talk about arrogance! Super Principia Mathematica​If you do not accept that the speed of light is constant for all observers, stationary or moving. You get different physics. And this is not Special Relativity. Super Principia Mathematica​The tenants of Special Relativity is that the Speed of Light is a constant measure to everyone in the universe. The Hoom​@Alistair Riddoch great false equivalency. Meanwhile in the real world, quantum fields exist The Hoom​@Super Principia Mathematica which is what we have verified experimentally over and over. Why ignore reaity? Kasim Muflahi​Quantum fields may exist; but they're not fundamental The Hoom​@Kasim Muflahi you don't know anything about what a quantum field is. Why should we listen to you? Alistair Riddoch​Field = disembodied phenomenon. Not physical. The "field" is the claimed "thing" Kasim Muflahi​People listened to Ptolemy's epicycles for 1500 years. Turned out they were supporting a false theory Super Principia Mathematica​In this slide, the calculations for D1 & D2 should be different, but you have made them equal. That makes no sense, that different equations with the same inputs have the same outcomes! Grant Dexter​MM = Modern Mechanics, lol Alistair Riddoch​@The Hoom "Quantum fields exist"... does not necessitate that "quantum fields are fundamental". Michael Clark​If the Bus is moving a 1 Charlie, then and outside observer would see charlie alternating between 2 charlie speeds from back to front, and 0 charlie speed when charlie is running from front to back. Kasim Muflahi​Fields and forces must have sources. Quantum fields of QFT don't have sources The Hoom​@Alistair Riddoch nobody said that. I'm just saying we don't know if they're fundamental or not. So far it seems like they are. Alistair Riddoch​It does seem to me, that frequencies are relative. The problem with "time" is most want to assume a "time=0" is a plausible state. Super Principia Mathematica​The earth is flat, believe me! I have made the calculations! Kasim Muflahi​@Super Principia Mathematica you're implying that mathematics can prove anything even if the underlying theory is false e.g. Ptolemy's epicycles Alistair Riddoch​@The Hoom You used the word "exists". I was pointing out... there is a difference between fundamental and emergent. Hosted, or generated, or otherwise emergent... not themselves fundamental. Michael Clark​Try Publishing on Research Gate. Super Principia Mathematica​You changed the tenant of the theory, that the speed of light is constant. And then you say that Einstein is wrong, how? Bill Howell​ Question for Bryant - Please comment on Ed Dowdye Jr's "extinction shift principle for light", as an explanation of effective mass (I hope I got that right, but probably not) Bill Howell​Question for Bryant - Again from Ed Dowdye Jr - any comments on the bending of light by plasma atmosphere versus claims of GR? Michael Clark​I did the calculations for the 1925 Michelson Experiment, and the trips were 8448 one way light trips (4224) two way trips per second. Michael Clark​The rotating mirror had 16 facets at one end, and a mirror at the other end. The air was smoky so the speed was less than in a Vacuum. Super Principia Mathematica​That is Galileo Relativity. That is not Einstein Special Relativity! Bill Howell​Question for Bryant - a reduction of the speed of light in a vacuum of 1.5% over 300 years (albeit recent decades MAY be flat delta(c)) : would this affect your approach? (it is poison to [QM GR) Michael Clark​1.5 % in 300 years it an extremely high number. Super Principia Mathematica​The speed of the jogger and the speed of sound, would be a limiting case of Special Relativity. And this reduces Special Relativity back to Galileo Relativity! Michael Clark​Light travels for billions of years and has a very small change in frequency. Super Principia Mathematica​Yea truth. Not Special Relativity. Newtonian or Galileo Relativity! Kasim Muflahi​light changes in speed which is detected as a change in frequency Super Principia Mathematica​We will have faster than light physics, it will have to agree with Special Relativity to be accepted! Michael Clark​Yes, it changes, but the change is in parts per billion. José Ruiz​Thank you everyone. Thank you David. Thank you Steven. Kasim Muflahi​Gravitational red shift is caused by gravity slowing the speed of light Michael Clark​Light has a tiny mass, so it slows a tiny amount. Kasim Muflahi​I'm intrigued that light has a tiny mass because it's supposed to be massless. Super Principia Mathematica​Light does not have mass, Light has an energy that has a mass equivalent! Bill Howell​I really enjoyed this session! Kasim Muflahi​light has mass nonetheless Michael Clark​If it had zero mass, it would not slow down, and it would not bend around a gravitational object Kasim Muflahi​Yes, it's gravity that does the bending not the curvature of spacetime Bill Howell Say something... 0/200 08********08 #] 10Aug2021 James Keene http://www.binary-mechanics.com/ James Keene, CNPS member 08********08 #] 07Aug2021 Eric Reiter - How Quantum Mechanics Fails - Threshold Model https://naturalphilosophy.org/videos/#_BVhoTeOk50 How Quantum Mechanics Fails - Threshold Model with Eric Reiter Eric Reiter, an experimentalist, will be talking about how mainstream's model of quantum mechanics fails and how it is >> Interesting and possibly important - explains [failure, ambiguity, incompetence]s of double-slit experiments since 1946 >> author concludes that light is ONLY a wave, no wave-particle duality >> threshold model to replace quantum mechanics >> Eric Reiter guy is definitely beyond a strong thinker, right or wrong. http://www.thresholdmodel.com/ Third-party webSite? : https://beyondmainstream.org/scientist/eric-reiter/ 08********08 #] 07Aug2021 Geological map of the world - for use with Expanding Earth hypothesis https://certmapper.cr.usgs.gov/data/apps/world-maps/ must download each [, sub]-continent +-----+ Persits, F.M., Ahlbrandt, T.S., Tuttle, M.L., Charpentier, R.R., Brownfield, M.E., and Takahashi, K.I., 1997, Maps showing geology, oil and gas fields and geological provinces of Africa: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-470-A, https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr97470A. USGS 07Aug2021 Map Showing Geology, Oil and Gas Fields, and Geologic Provinces of Africa >> I captured all major regions of world >> Hard to get North Ameerica- uses soware & database https://www.usgs.gov/media/images/geologic-map-north-america 08********08 #] 17Apr2021 James Maxlowe Tectonics: BLIND FAITH With Dr. James Maxlow Maxlow sets out to establish a prima-firma case against established Plate Tectonics by questioning the very essence of plate theory, whereby Earth radius is constrained to a constant radius over time, and to question why this premise still has not been tested using modern geology-based global observational data. During the 1950s, Emeritus Professor Sam Warren Carey of the University of Tasmania set about assembling the ancient Pangaean Supercontinent on a present-day Earth model in order to quantify Continental Drift theory. From his research he went on to conclude that: The assembly of Pangaea is not possible on the earth of the present radius. Unfortunately, with the subsequent acceptance and promotion of Plate Tectonic theory, the very important physical observations and conclusions of Carey continue to be totally ignored to this day, preferring instead to resort to cartoon-based continental reconstructions. When physical scientific studies present a valid observation it goes without question that this observation should be taken seriously. Ignoring Carey’s scientific modelling studies in preference to Plate Tectonic theory is therefore a blatant disregard for factual science. Because of this disregard for factual science Plate Tectonics has now reached the point of cult status, drawn in by blind faith in the hundreds of millions of research dollars spent annually, and it would seem that no amount of factual observation will convince plate tectonists otherwise. In this vain, Dr. Maxlow will now make an important prediction: The age of Plate Tectonics is drawing to a close and the age of Expansion Tectonics is dawning. +-----+ Bob Gray•8:59 AM Comment: I can not get your book from https://www.abebooks.co.uk/. It is not listed. Will you make "Beyond Plate Tectonics" available on amazon? Paper book, not ebook? Bob Gray•9:03 AM Question: Has anyone used this model for modeling the evolution of our solar system? Since the mass of the Earth is changing, the orbit would be changing. Assuming mass of other planets also changing.... +-----+ &&&&&&&& Howell - Some iron compounds, at near-core conditions of high [temperature, pressure], are extreme Poisson-ratio materials that attenuate s-waves. This may invalidate the basis of the moltern outer core, and the current theory of geomagnetism? +--+ Too long to post. The chat is fucking useless except for mindless yappers As as deep-Earth subject, not directly related to expansion Earth theory, have you ever heard of the following hypothesis? : Some iron compounds, at near-core conditions of high [temperature, pressure], are extreme Poisson-ratio materials. Extreme Poisson ratio materials greatly attenuate the propagation of shear waves, in a manner similar to liquids. This is the primary basis for assuming an outer molten outer core. Furthermore, the stunning flawed concept that a circulating conductive outer core gives rise to geomagnetism (ignoring the need for pre-existing [electric, magnetic] fields), is dependent on the liquid outer core concept. 08********08 #] 20Mar2021 Gerald Pollock pollacklab.org Other'questions Bob Gray - blood vessels are "rifled" - spiral groove Pollack - blood flow is sprial, with "EZ-water" at vessel wall Cannot get to questions - David hogs it with "green room" elite? &&&&&&&& My Questions (200 character maximum) +-----+ Question: Geometrical Deep Learning Neural Networks (GDL-NNs) - is one of really "hot topics" in Computational Intelligence. Michael Bronstein of Imperial College UK and Uof Svizzera Italiana in Lugano Switzerland, set up a company with colleagues, Fabula AI, which Twitter acquired 03Jun2019 to strengthen its machine learning capabilities. GDL-NNs are able to distinguish between the propagation of "false" and "true" stories throughout social media etc. Another HUGE advance is their ability to use GDL-NNs to screen through 10^100 potential drug candidates to come up with far [more, higher quality] drug candidates for testing. Have you had discussions with Bronstein or other GDL-NN groups regarding EZ-water and biomolecule modeling? Question: Geometrical Deep Learning NNs (GDL-NNs) - is one of really "hot topics" in Computational Intelligence. Have you discussed EZ-water & biomolecules with Michael Bronstein or others? Wasn't used : (CI is quite different from classical AI, and the important advances have been invisible to the public). +-----+ Question: Origins Life - Although you do allude to the origins of life in your books, this almost seemed like a hidden theme to me. EZ-water provides a low-level but ubiquitous source of energy, re-powered by the Sun, which seems ideal as one of several candidate [energy, power] sources for the oigins of early-life. It might be an ideal match for Stuart Kauffman's long search for a model of early life via his "auto-catalytic networks of many complex compounds". Have you worked with him? Are you more explicit about the potential role of EZ-water for the origins of life? Question: Origins Life - EZ-water provides a low-level but ubiquitous source of energy, re-powered by the Sun, which seems ideal as one of several candidate [energy, power] sources for the oigins of early-life. Have you worked with Stuart Kauffman (was at Santa Fe Inst)? +-----+ Question: EZ-water has net charge, and Electrical Universe models propose huge differences of electrical potential going out from the Sun. Are conventional scientists more comfortable with this now? 08********08 #] 20Feb2021 CNPS science chat Edward Dowdye Jr. 13Nov1943 died 31Dec2020!!! Jean-Marie Robitaille had posted Memorium on Sky Scholar!! (look at it) one of 1st advocates of solar metallic hydrogen model #] 31Jul2018 video made a Robitaille's home 08********08 #] 20Feb2021 LIVE NOW: Electric Universe: Gravity is Electrical in Nature With Dr. Ray Gallucci Dr. Ray Gallucci will be presenting his analysis of the viability of the Electric Universe's concept for gravity. The Electric Universe expouses a universe that is dominated not by gravity but by electrical forces. This leads to the idea that gravity is in fact, an electrical force. Is it viable? Come join in the discussion. You can interactive live with David de Hilster and Ray Gallucci via chat or video. Hope to see you there! Raymond Gallucci "The Renegade Physicist" 14 papers in book, from Amazon Wal Thornhill 40 years ago proposed electric basis for gravity? Gallucci's simple model (quite good actually, although not vibrating dipoles) finds Electro-magnetic basis to gravity to be plausible. Fractal Woman - Lori Gardi , 4.42k subscribers +-----+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QvIDik2krY Howell blog-post a few hours after session : Bill Lucas's "Universal Force, Volume I" book does a detailed derivation of the gravitational force for vibrating neutral dipoles. It also : 1) provides a detailed re-derivation of the "relativistic" correction factor via purely [non-relativity, classical] electromagnetic theory (eg, illustration of Thomas Barnes' electrical feedback concept) 2) [straightforward, simple, electromagnetic, non-Quantum mechanical] concepts for the structure of [elementary particles, atoms, molecules], with few arbitrary parameters Lucas has presented at both the Natural Philosophy Alliance (maybe its new form as CNPS?) and Electric Universe conferences. I ha put considerable time into re-derivation of Lucas's work, but I am very slow, and given other priorities (and very horrible personal focus) I rarely get time to put into it, so this will take years more time. Ed Dowdye Jr's "Extinction Shift Principle" is a beautiful book. I initially was focused on the refutation of General Relativity as explaining the bending of Mercury's light by the Sun, but the core of the book is even more important, explaining effective mass, etc. StreamYard Live viewer comments show up on StreamYard. This is an example. Cornelis Verhey8:05 AM David it looks like the streamyard link is not active to this weeks live talk Centurion Wizofid8:23 AM Thank you and cheers! Kasim Muflahi8:29 AM I bought the renegade physicist and it was a collection of 44 papers. I found it difficult to follow the logic of the papers; so I'm struggling to get value out of it. Michael Clark8:33 AM Audio is OK Centurion Wizofid8:41 AM Kasim - I am not a Phd, just someone who remains curious. I agree - I get lost sometimes. I start then looking for earlier presentations, papers, processes of thought. The value is tweaking my Why? Michael Clark8:44 AM If you have N objects, you have N^2-N gravitational Vectors. If N = 2 ( 4 Vectors), N = 3 ( 9-3 = 6 Vectors ), Michael Clark8:46 AM N = 10 ( 100 - 10 = 90 Vectors ) , N = 1000 ( 1,000,000-1000 = 900,000 Vectors. ) Notice how N^2 Grows compared to N. Michael Clark8:47 AM In the limit ( billions of orbs) : ( N^2 - N approaches N^2 Vectors ). Jack Kuykendall8:49 AM You must believe in electrons orbiting protons for this theory to work. To my knowledge, no one has proved that electrons orbit protons. Paulina West8:50 AM Applause applause! Jack Kuykendall8:51 AM Professor Kanarev's model, which agrees with experiments, eliminates electrons orbiting protons. Dennis Allen Jr.8:53 AM Morton Spears' capacitance theory of gravity has no need of dipoles nor any orbiting electrons either. Michael Clark8:53 AM 3 atoms would tend to for a triangular plane, 4 would form a triangular based pyramid. 5 two pyramids, up to 8 ( a cube ). Michael Clark8:54 AM Is it not a 10^37 difference ( -2 to -39 ) ? DraftScience8:58 AM For there to be attraction things have to become oppositely charged. How does this process create a positively charged Earth and a negatively charged Moon? Jack Kuykendall8:59 AM Interesting question Michael Clark8:59 AM Gravity has an immense number of objects in the universe. ( 1.25 X 10^9 ) ^2 = 1.5625 E + 18 Vectors between galaxies only. NotOrdinaryInGames9:01 AM I am personally in the Saturn Camp, but that is because no other prehistory explanation makes more sense to me. Also some folk beliefs in Russia claim the sun was once pink. SHOCKWAVE9:01 AM just well versed in the EU Fractal Woman9:02 AM All forces can be modelled as gradients in general. If the dipoles are more distorted closer to a gravitational body and less distorted far away, then this would create a dipole gradient. Al B9:02 AM i would love to read dwardu cardona's books SHOCKWAVE9:03 AM not just fractals david but lori is into the geometry of life too espacio hexadimencional serna9:03 AM in 4 flowers of life 4 HEXAGONALS are made(orbits) or levels and in each entanglement is found by pairs in each respective orbit in cross section. SHOCKWAVE9:03 AM if i can speak for u lori SHOCKWAVE9:03 AM lol Fractal Woman9:03 AM I think it's plausible. Al B9:03 AM its hard to argue with the math, the arguments really lies in the EU theories itself :) espacio hexadimencional serna9:04 AM if you add one pair all the others will give you the same in the same orbit respectivly in all of them. SHOCKWAVE9:04 AM math is a tool and can be falsehoods can look valid by means of mass Al B9:05 AM math is inarguable if it is correct, the arguments always arise from the assumptions made runs naked through the forest9:06 AM if the whole saturn thing really happened i feel it was a long time ago, more than 12000y?? ah well the past is long gone, today we have a bigger star then saturn.. 😛 espacio hexadimencional serna9:06 AM in the flower of life left that is neutral one only 2 hexagonals are found with the same above characteristics. SHOCKWAVE9:06 AM math is a tool and can be used to show falsehoods and make it look like its plausible Al B9:06 AM ken wheeler has a word salad for it, the dielectric pressure modulation LOL Matthew Cunningham9:06 AM I have a question david , mercury is denser than venus yet venus has a greater gravity . pls explain? espacio hexadimencional serna9:06 AM so we end up with 20 Hexagonals. Fractal Woman9:06 AM Gravity changes on the surface of the earth. Fractal Woman9:07 AM Depending on where you are. NotOrdinaryInGames9:07 AM @Dissident Science The problem with math is, equations HAVE to be correct. What if the math is 100% correct, but what if you are wrong about ONE number? Matthew Cunningham9:07 AM gravity varies for some reason and I don't know why SHOCKWAVE9:07 AM runs naked through the forest the planets might have not settled until very recently runs through 3000 bc they finnaly settled in John Hodge9:07 AM It's the dipole that makes it always attractive. Fractal Woman9:07 AM I don't think G is variable. Michael Clark9:08 AM There is also Variation in the Cavendish experiments due to location, and sphere materials. espacio hexadimencional serna9:08 AM 20 are the parallel columns that make the Tzolkin Mayan calender that practicly you will find the same of what is found in the dna picture. SHOCKWAVE9:08 AM matt G is dependent on the electric environment Fractal Woman9:08 AM David is right, it depends on the model. If your model allows speed of light to be variable, then all the other constants can be variable. Al B9:09 AM and models depend on assumptions, there are always assumptions made in order to create models espacio hexadimencional serna9:09 AM G is variable so is C and all the posible constants all depends on levels that are 7 of them. SHOCKWAVE9:09 AM the thing that makes those variations is the electric environment that body is in Fractal Woman9:10 AM Yes. There are always assumptions. All mathematical statements start with: Let A = B. This is an assumption. runs naked through the forest9:10 AM shockwave i know you said this before but i'm trying to connect dating of accepted history and some of the events which are ignored, like what gareth made some vids about expanding planets.. SHOCKWAVE9:11 AM math is only a tool and people can use it to show BS as real espacio hexadimencional serna9:11 AM one modle of mine is dna base and the other is based in VENUS, MOON and EARTH or we could say electron, neutron and earth is proton. Al B9:11 AM maybe we can understand why Einstein went to the "curved space" model even if we agree that was a mistake... because at least curved space models "gravity wells" better than other models seem to runs naked through the forest9:11 AM it seems there would be some more proof all around we just got 5k years more stable solar system?.. 😛 Fractal Woman9:11 AM Yes. Math is only a tool. One can use a hammer to make things, or to break things. SHOCKWAVE9:12 AM yes as those planets came into this sun they would expand and thats due to the change in the electric environment it just moved into runs naked through the forest9:12 AM hammer time SHOCKWAVE9:12 AM same with math yes lori Al B9:12 AM i think every museum of science I ever went to had that model of gravity with a curved spiralling sheet of plastic into a central well, and a ball released showing orbits around the central mass espacio hexadimencional serna9:12 AM math will work if you have the correct frame that must include levels same as light is in colors that are 7. SHOCKWAVE9:13 AM Al B thank einestien for that espacio hexadimencional serna9:13 AM planets come as a whole, not a thing is borned with missing parts. Al B9:14 AM somehow i think we're not gonna solve this gravity thing in the next hour 😀 but its a good discussion Fractal Woman9:14 AM AI B: the curved sheet is just an example of a gradient. This is a good start to understanding gravity. Gravity is a gradient, whether it be a dipole gradient, a frequency, a space-time gradient etc. runs naked through the forest9:15 AM einstein got pushed by those in power after those first a-bombs, i think he wasn't all to sure he way correct if i have that info somewhat right SHOCKWAVE9:15 AM Al B as far as im concerned its been figured out just not accepted Matthew Cunningham9:15 AM ron hatch speed of particle increases as you go further from earth because gravity decreases . SHOCKWAVE9:16 AM Einstein himself said his theories wont stand the test of time Al B9:16 AM angular momentum espacio hexadimencional serna9:16 AM matter falls in 7 groups that make 2 mayor ones or positive and negative that both make the 3th that is the equator, you may see this in the CMB picture of the cosmos. Al B9:16 AM Peratt showed it well Paulina West9:16 AM One difficulty is that there is a van der Waals force in chemistry, but the physics books don't include it. runs naked through the forest9:17 AM damn i need to go work, have a nice talk and chat beautiful people 🙂 SHOCKWAVE9:17 AM Al B z pinches my friend Michael Clark9:17 AM If you use Vectors, you get a Net that tends to lock runs naked through the forest9:17 AM 👉⚡👈😁❤ Fractal Woman9:17 AM The gravitational field around a galaxy cannot be uniform. Galaxies are fractal in nature. The gravitational gradient around a galaxy is very complex. SHOCKWAVE9:17 AM zpinches make SPHERES !!!! espacio hexadimencional serna9:17 AM those 3 levels all must have the oposite charge or side even the neutral part that is plusma mode. SHOCKWAVE9:17 AM c u runs have a good day Al B9:17 AM good observation David about spherical galaxies espacio hexadimencional serna9:18 AM pinches are made by the cross section of atraction in all systems my shocky dude. SHOCKWAVE9:18 AM suns and planets are created in zpinches Michael Clark9:18 AM If you use vectors to get a net, galaxies tend to spin as a disc instead of individuals. Al B9:19 AM but what causes the z pinch in the birkeland currents? SHOCKWAVE9:19 AM they are created by magnetic fields pressing inwards espacio hexadimencional serna9:19 AM that could be shocky man. espacio hexadimencional serna9:19 AM right shocky. Al B9:19 AM ive been told a z pinch forms where the adjacent birkeland currents flow in the same direction instead of opposite direction, but i don't know how that would occur Michael Clark9:19 AM All of the planets are gaining mass. SHOCKWAVE9:19 AM its a fact its shown in the lab Paulina West9:20 AM Thank you Ray Gallucci, that's one of my favorite Space News! espacio hexadimencional serna9:20 AM electromagnetic atraction. espacio hexadimencional serna9:20 AM in did. Al B9:20 AM what would cause one of the birkeland currents to change direction in a limited region? Nicholas Sykes9:21 AM A modern version of aether could be neutrinos, an idea that is not universally accepted. espacio hexadimencional serna9:21 AM if Birkeland currents flow in sme direction then there you wont make any centripetal presureAIB. Al B9:22 AM the birkeland currents would attract, that's what causes the pinch Matthew Cunningham9:22 AM mass does not equal gravity because you have yet to explain why mercury gravity is less than venus. Al B9:22 AM that's the ultimate question David Michael Clark9:22 AM The Vibrations of Atoms should predict the speed of the electron. peter woodhead9:23 AM Dr. Gerald Pollack points out that water molecules are all positively charged yet are attracted to form clouds. Our Earth is negatively charged, probably our moon also yet the net result is attraction SHOCKWAVE9:23 AM they dont flow in the same direction they make changes in their direction espacio hexadimencional serna9:23 AM The centripetal presure is done by atraction from north to south sides that cant mix due to differences of denssity. Al B9:23 AM Peter woodhead! nice Al B9:23 AM i enjoy peter woodhead's interview with Andrew johnson where he explained his hollow shell earth theory SHOCKWAVE9:24 AM only the pos and neg part of the birkeland currents move in unison in the form of a double helix espacio hexadimencional serna9:24 AM Birkeland are the electromagnetic flows of cross atraction. SHOCKWAVE9:24 AM Pollack is a water god lololololo SHOCKWAVE9:26 AM why newton david ? he was wrong gravity is not a constant !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Al B9:26 AM charge clearly seems to be the lifeblood of the universe organism :0 SHOCKWAVE9:26 AM using newton as a base is a mistake !!!!! 08********08 #] 06Feb2021 Symmetry versus Broken-Symmetry Math With Jack Kuykendall Jack Kuykendall will be talking about Symmetry Math (SM) versus Broken-Symmetry Math (BS). Can our real number system be updated? Is it flawed? What are the consequences of the flaws and what answers can be had with a new system? golf teacher ?pro? kggolf.net has discussed with Glenn Borchardt? Russian P.M. Kanarev - showed that all quantum mechanics can be expressed by classical physics Bob Gray - Buckminister Fuller book Synergetics: The Geometry of thinking Howell questions : direction of temperature? is this a temperature gradient? same comment as James Keene - I am not familiar with conventional symmetry math, so I am a bit lost as to how your approach differs. It is also difficult for me to comprehend the essential differences between your approach and standard vector calculus, although you have pointed out a number issues. I would really have to work with it to understand, but my current projects don't allow time for other things. My understanding was that symmetry concepts are used as a tool that helps explain, or requires, symmetry as a property of physics concepts. Or something like that. How does your work relate to this? 08********08 #] 23Jan2021 JCNPS - Alexander Unzicker Greg Volk - diging all historical Natural Phylosophy Alliance work Coming : Chapelle University Patrons Cynthia Whitney (Sageffect), Duncan Shaw, Anonymous, Robert de Hilster, Curt Renshaw Stephen Hurrell - new book on Expansion tectonics (James Maxlowe is aemic Expansionist) Jack Kuykendall - symmetry math coming soon Nick Percival - 50 year analysis of time in physics (youtube channel nickoftime.guru) Steven Bryant "Disruptive - demise of relativity" book www.alerxander-Unzicker.com someth? : "The Higgs Fake" book - supposed to be great exposition of the [failures, frauds] of modern physics "Einsteins lost keys: how we overlooked the best ideaof the 20th century" "The Machian" - Unzicker video you need to look at the history of particle physics >> I left early - just blah-blah about the state of science (well aware of that) 08********08 #] 19Dec2020 James Keene website http://www.binary-mechanics.com Great website, interesting thinking see my email to him as of today James Keene. Journal of Binary Mechanics website. Glanvilla. USA 08********08 #] 19Dec2020 Infinite Universe Theory - with Dr. Glenn Borchardt sciencephilosophy.org has blog Streamyard - 200$/y for JC-NPS Unzicker - look at his site David de Hilster talks too much... James Keene said hello - who is he? James Keene•10:00 AM Well, I have training in neuroscience! I'm on researchgate.com and www.binary-mechanics.com. Glenn Borchardt 2004 "The ten assumptions of science" Puetz & Borchardt 2011 "Universal Cycle Theory : Neomechanics of the hierarchically infinite universe" book I haven't read - Infinite Universe Theory My questions (200 word max) : Michael Clark - If I remember correctly, the SAFIRE electrical sun experiments showed "light storage" between Langmuir sheaths, with light speeds ?1-10? times the standard speed of light. Concept of infinity At first this seemed strange and not so useful. But with time I recognised that it addressed a common problem in my own thinking. Translational and vortex (revolution, rotation) motion In Puetz & Borchardt 2011 "Universal Cycle Theory : Neomechanics of the hierarchically infinite universe" you give a diverse range of data to illustrate your concepts, which is a [fun, thought-provoking] contrast to my entrenched thinking, and that re-interpret standard concepts from natural philosophy. It's fascinating, but the differences are subtle. Have you built an overall [set, collection] of formulae for this? (perhaps in "Infinite Universe Theory", which I haven't read) Cut to : In Puetz & Borchardt 2011 you provide a diverse range of data to illustrate your concepts. Have you built an overall set of formulae to contrast with conventional theory? Glenn Borchardt 2004 "The ten assumptions of science" Borchardt STARTs with observations, makes assumptions, and builds from first principles Actually rare in science at basic level. Essentially all of move forward from a given base. Personally, it's taken years for me to better appreciate your concepts. No surprise here, friends have to drive ideas into my head with a 2 by 4 for 10 years before they sink in, if then. I also lose track of the details over these timeframes, and its hard to find the time to go back through all of the details, so ideas tends to get distilled, blose their [substance, critical detail]. Can you comment on your observations on the uptake, or not, of ideas, and being realistic about the timeframe that changes occur in thinking, sometimes occur over thousands of years? plasma Z-piches and Borchardt vortices I get the feeling that your vortices may relate to plasma Z-piches as often described by "Electric Universe" adherents. Any comments? Z-pinches are proposed, for example as an explanation of electrical flow-through that generates stars. Cut to : I get the feeling that your vortices may relate to plasma Z-piches as often described by "Electric Universe" adherents. Any comments? MetaPhysics of Henri Poincare (put mathematics into Konrad Lorentz relativity theory?) I can't remember all of Poinca's meta-physics (really just one for now) : Two fundamental "Laws" cannot be independent if they share common basic variable? Can you comment on the [similarities, diffences] of Poicare's thinking and yours? (or other meta-physics thinking) Cut to : Can you comment on the [similarities, differences] of Poincare's meta-physics and yours (and others)? Failures of thinking Nowhere near adequate in my view : Thomas Khune (paridigm shifts, ), Karl Popper (theorems must be disprovable) Many others with respect to modern science (eg John Chappell Natural Philosophy Society) My own feeling is that a fundamental issue is that, from the simple [rational, logical, scientific] thinking context, humans do a reasonable good job only within the context of the [massive, overwhelming] mainstream [concepts, theories], (eg science fashions -> cults -> religions), but essentially all of us fail generally when our [beliefs, religions] have problems. We also get upset when anyone challenges our truths. This is noticable with [general relativity, quantum mechanics, astronomy, genology, history, macro-economics, financial markets] whch I tend to follow. Cut to : From the simple [rational, logical, scientific] thinking perspective, humans do a reasonable good job only within the context of the [massive, overwhelming] mainstream [concepts, theories], (eg science fashions -> cults -> religions), but essentially all of us fail generally when our [beliefs, religions] have problems. Ernst Mach and Charles Weber (19th century) I'm confused over various concepts like neomechanics. Can you give a quick overview, especially with rspect to Mach (James Clerk Maxwell eventually switched over to appreciate and agree with his concepts), and Weber (roughly, in my mind, a strong link and foundation for electromagnetics and mechanics)? fractals and fractional order calculus I recently asked a question about fractals and fractional order calculus, which it seems is not yet part of your concepts. This still fascinates me, but I guess I'll haveto ponder more over whatever decades I may have left. do neutrinos exist? - a David de Hilster question Any comments? +-----+ espacio hexadimencional serna9:02 AM is gas a concept? no, gas may change from state and do move my car for sure, but never a concept for sure. espacio hexadimencional serna9:04 AM the circle is so ease to form that stars look like so when matter acomodates into space hexagonal forms Ostrich Science9:04 AM I was there. The guy tested David to explain tensors, and David "the math graduate" had no clue what a tensor is. It was hilarious! espacio hexadimencional serna9:05 AM dont believe in coallitions to form the cosmos, is not how my wife and i made our forms that came after you know. espacio hexadimencional serna9:08 AM Yes gravity is a push done as cold light comes down to the systems from it went up, its a pus due that comes more cold than when went up for sure. Richard Jesch9:08 AM Domina Spencer wrote a book on Holors which is the general case of tensors. I didn't understand a word. but then there were very few words, only symbols. n9:09 AM "my Particles are better than yours!"..... n9:09 AM lol Jim Marsen9:10 AM Here is an Aether model that is constructed of particles (called Trons) which are made of smaller particles (called Rons) which are made of even smaller particles (called Ons). Jim Marsen9:10 AM Each smaller particle is made of a smaller particle in sequence. And compressed Trons make up electrons, protons, and neutrons. See https://jamesmarsen.academia.edu/research musaire9:11 AM I dont differentiate between wave and particle. Its kinda simple type of particle n9:11 AM no particle pissing contest...ahhh espacio hexadimencional serna9:12 AM we all are about the same dude. Ostrich Science9:13 AM The guy repeatedly asked David to explain tensors and David had NO CLUE. It was hilarious. Again and again David "the math graduate" avoided the question. espacio hexadimencional serna9:13 AM we all are made of the same that are 3 not just H but could be that all come for H due that it has 3 states so why not my friend for now 3 is fine to me H, H, and Li. espacio hexadimencional serna9:14 AM hate high math. espacio hexadimencional serna9:15 AM math works in right frames not that well in flat surface. n9:16 AM pseudoscience for the ignorant Bill Howell9:16 AM In Puetz & Borchardt 2011 you provide a diverse range of data to illustrate your concepts. Have you built an overall set of formulae to contrast with conventional theory? espacio hexadimencional serna9:16 AM time start when we come alive and goes when we will die. n9:17 AM Answer this question: WHO is observing Bill Howell9:17 AM Gee -200 word limitation in the chat makes it very hard to pose questions with context. Bill Howell9:17 AM I get the feeling that your vortices may relate to plasma Z-piches as often described by "Electric Universe" adherents. Any comments? espacio hexadimencional serna9:18 AM match the math in the small and the big then we will see. n9:18 AM they use thought but havent got a bleeping clue what Thought is, and a s such deny step 1 of the scientific method...result; pseudoscience espacio hexadimencional serna9:19 AM how could we know the atom by not perturbing it is the quest? n9:19 AM 5000years of documentation on self mastery is ignored...they can not say WHO is observing Bill Howell9:19 AM Can you comment on the [similarities, differences] of Henri Poincare's meta-physics and yours (and others)? espacio hexadimencional serna9:20 AM the 4 must to match in cross section from north to south. n9:20 AM Silence the inner dialogue...enter the Transcendent musaire9:20 AM @Dissident Science Question to dr. Borchardt: is the light speed constant? If constant, then relative to what? n9:22 AM WHO is talking? Thinking? Observing? espacio hexadimencional serna9:22 AM eather are orbits to me that as well enclose levels as they go round the sky. Ostrich Science9:22 AM What is the empirical data supporting these numbers 10^20 particles/electron? Any formulae, any experiments, any anything, other than random numbers pulled from thin air just to look "scientific"? n9:23 AM ooooh, difficult question, lets ignore it... musaire9:23 AM @Dissident Science @dr. Borchardt thank you espacio hexadimencional serna9:23 AM all the way till they match and overslap one to the other is the way to hold tight. n9:25 AM this entire universe is tiny, so small, that most who did self mastery, say it is an illusion...only That exists, Thou Art That. Ostrich Science9:26 AM Concept of aether train around Earth is unworkable. Does the Moon have its own aether train around the Earth? What happens to our satellites when they jump off our aether train? The shear factor? espacio hexadimencional serna9:26 AM light cant be constant as there are levels(densitys)all over. Charles Lucas Jr9:27 AM No theory of dark matter is needed if gravity is just the electrodynamic force between vibrating electric fipoles in elementary particles and between atoms. Richard Jesch9:27 AM Last week we had a great explanation of spiral Galaxy arms being explained by plasma dynamics by Eichler. MrArcif9:27 AM What about the idea for neutrinos as aether? Ostrich Science9:28 AM @Charles Lucas Jr you are right gravity is electrodynamic. that's why UFOs fly around in Faraday cages to defy gravity. You genius!! espacio hexadimencional serna9:31 AM All is inside one into the other atoms make cells, cells make organs, organs make our boddy, we are inside earth etc. Michael Clark9:31 AM How does the 0.5 c get back up to 1.5 c ? Jeff Bernstein9:31 AM tring to figure out what your in from the inside out is next to impossible espacio hexadimencional serna9:31 AM the neutral is the one that connects to all as well they may be positive and negative way to go. espacio hexadimencional serna9:32 AM so yes the neutrino could come or go. musaire9:32 AM I'm not attracting girls - they are pushed to me Jeff Bernstein9:33 AM do we really know what were in or what we belong to. Michael Clark9:33 AM The velocity of the Aether would approach zero ? espacio hexadimencional serna9:33 AM jeff bernstein not really if you have the inside data you may know so. espacio hexadimencional serna9:34 AM musaire but you dont fuse all when mating with all. do you? espacio hexadimencional serna9:35 AM we are small but still part of the same that looks around thats for sure. espacio hexadimencional serna9:36 AM all the most we and all aroun are is H,He and Li. my friend. Bill Howell9:37 AM Michael Clark - If I remember correctly, the SAFIRE electrical sun experiments showed "light storage" between Langmuir sheaths, with light speeds ?1-10? times the standard speed of light. espacio hexadimencional serna9:38 AM the universe is for us and we for the universe. musaire9:39 AM we are the universe. the laws of universe create us Jeff Bernstein9:40 AM imagine the earth as a single cell inside an egg for example. surrounded by cintillions of cells but almost no mobility. you know from assisted optics that your part of something much bigger espacio hexadimencional serna9:40 AM we are part of the universe not the cause of such. Jeff Bernstein9:41 AM but no way to move about to really see what your pat of espacio hexadimencional serna9:41 AM we might be cells universe alike we may die and for sure the cosmos wii keep on and wont give a damn. Richard Jesch9:41 AM Hah the S curve came to mind immediately when covid became a process. Jeff Bernstein9:41 AM or even know n9:42 AM the laws of the universe are fluid...there are layers of determinism...the more conscious one is, the less bound by "laws" Ostrich Science9:42 AM @Bill Howell SAFIRE is not science it is an investment scam. They don't release data "to protect investors" so there is no way to independently verify any of their claims. n9:42 AM Consciousness is a Force espacio hexadimencional serna9:42 AM all is flow from one way to the other and like the weels they go round. espacio hexadimencional serna9:43 AM fluid with out flow what may do? n9:43 AM fluid as in variable espacio hexadimencional serna9:43 AM is like a morto corpus. Jeff Bernstein9:44 AM something of such mass as the universe is next to impossible from the inside out. to understand. espacio hexadimencional serna9:44 AM all may become a fluidthat may go round same as matter. n9:45 AM we are in a evolutionary crisis now... Ostrich Science9:45 AM "Paradigm shift" became a joke phrase 20 years ago. You guys need to keep up with the Zeitgeist. n9:46 AM science , logic, reason, DEMAND, one masters Thought. espacio hexadimencional serna9:46 AM we are just cells, same as our universe that as well is a cell of another higher entity but for this to be there mast be a sea of universes for sure. Jeff Bernstein9:46 AM at 10 to the minus 43 our universe was no smsller or larger just void of solid matter n9:46 AM WHO is observing Jeff Bernstein9:46 AM GOD espacio hexadimencional serna9:46 AM The 43 is neutral in yellow stars to me. n9:47 AM Where is the I in you that produces thoughts??? n9:47 AM it does not exist Jeff Bernstein9:47 AM SADAM? espacio hexadimencional serna9:47 AM 43 is the next orbit step after the 42 below last one. n9:48 AM SAD AMerican espacio hexadimencional serna9:48 AM 42 is over all is the first group some how in the periodic table. espacio hexadimencional serna9:49 AM 42 is the inside. espacio hexadimencional serna9:49 AM after the 42 is the out. n9:49 AM for 64.000dollar i dont get out of bed espacio hexadimencional serna9:50 AM 43 is next step, then 61, then85 then 87 dude. n9:50 AM 64 billion perhaps espacio hexadimencional serna9:50 AM 65.8 is my guess for our cell universe. espacio hexadimencional serna9:50 AM bly. my friend. Jeff Bernstein9:51 AM one billionth trillionth of a of a second i 10 to the minus 43 seconds 43 zeros before 10. they say the universe was the size of a pin at this moment..... FALSE n9:51 AM Can we do anything without Thought? n9:51 AM So...what is Thought? Michael Clark9:51 AM The cyclical growth of planets will be derived from the variable sizes of Stars. Size increases with increasing elapsed time. f417h9:51 AM 🐾 espacio hexadimencional serna9:51 AM such small size for our universe size in one time is LETICIA IN WONDERLAND. espacio hexadimencional serna9:52 AM THOUGHTS ARE electromagnetic marked waves in our braine.is my gues just like a record. n9:53 AM dont guess, OBSERVE, and MASTER espacio hexadimencional serna9:53 AM all starts some times with a guess to see the why. espacio hexadimencional serna9:54 AM you cant be the master in all. n9:54 AM sure, but mastering the innerdialogue is essential...it completely alters Observation Ostrich Science9:54 AM Ether means burnt in Greek. Ethiopian comes from the same root meaning dark skinned (burnt) people. n9:54 AM it is your ONLY instrument espacio hexadimencional serna9:55 AM so little time to many questions. Ostrich Science9:55 AM Greeks thought the starts were distant fires and space was burnt n9:55 AM yes espacio hexadimencional serna9:55 AM but all thought will make the difference. espacio hexadimencional serna9:56 AM just like cells out put might not be much but all gather is enough to speak here and play ball, walk out and treap out my friend. Lincoln Uland9:57 AM People tend to create in their mind a false dichotomy between 'empty space' and matter/energy. That's like saying the left end of a Sedan is a car and the right end isn't. The whole thing is the car. n9:57 AM nope, that is the riddle...we can not see reality because Thought obscures everything...there is only THAT, Thou Art THAT...then apply math, maybe espacio hexadimencional serna9:57 AM 4 time gas car? Jim Marsen9:58 AM The local aether model proposed by Prof. Peter Beckmann in 1986 and Prof. Ching-Chuan Su in 2000 resolves the issues with entrained aether models. See https://jamesmarsen.academia.edu/research Alistair Riddoch9:58 AM the current estmated age of the universe is closer to zero, than it is to the correct answer. espacio hexadimencional serna9:58 AM main phisycs you hear like dropping rain maybe, why, how, could be etc. n10:00 AM if the universe is infinite, I am at its center, right? Michael Clark10:00 AM The limit of our vision is 1.0 in every direction, so we will only see to the same age in all directions. Jim Marsen10:01 AM We need to repeat the Michelson-Morley experiment in low earth orbit and even solar orbit n10:01 AM I´m off, got some space to bend, thanks, see yáll musaire10:01 AM 👏👏👏👏👏bye guys espacio hexadimencional serna10:02 AM THANKS BOTH DAVE AND GLENN HAVE TO GO AND GET A HEIR CUT have no time. soon the universe size(ours) to me is 68.5 BLY. Drayas10:02 AM Thank you Glenn and David Jim Marsen10:02 AM The fringe shift will be proportional the the orbital speed with respect to the local ether ED C.10:02 AM Thanks guys👍 espacio hexadimencional serna10:02 AM WE ARE IN YELLOW BELT STARS IN OUR UNIVERSE. Michael Clark10:03 AM We can test speeds at all elevations. espacio hexadimencional serna10:04 AM the pi phi be with us. espacio hexadimencional serna10:05 AM dhave you seen the water melon jet dave? +-----+ James Keene•9:49 AM It appears Glenn is "all-in" for continuous space-time theory (as opposed to quantization of space and time). James Keene - your comment is in my "Private chat", which I've just noticed. I take the "infinite part" of Borchardt's thinking to be somewhat different from the [continuous, discrete] theme, but could be interpreted as both. You should ask him, though. James Keene•9:55 AM Hi, Bill Hi James. It's horribly embarassing, but I have almost no memory of names and faces (which can be insulting to [friends, colleagues] - did we meet at a conferences or in which context? Neural networks? There are two Bill Howells in JC-NPS. Sometimes causes confusion. James Keene•10:00 AM Well, I have training in neuroscience! I'm on researchgate.com and www.binary-mechanics.com. Wow! My heros - the International Neural Network Society has long tried to get much closer tie-ins to neuroscience. James Keene•10:04 AM I was one of the first to do computer simulations of neural networks -- almost the father of it (my work on the "intron"). IIll take a look James Keene•10:05 AM I have somewhere here my papers on introns 24************************24 #] 28Nov2020 JC-NPS Saturday morning chat Expansion Tectonics Talk #4 with Dr. James Maxlow Fact or Mere Coincidence #2? PROBLEMS : I quit the session. David de Hilster just wants to yak. Cannot accees previous talks? Live stream only? This is completely useless - just go to the presenter's website!! Big email to Mazlow - see Cool emails folder ... This notes conceerns the results of the SAFIRE electrical model of the Sun, which was successful far beyond the original scope. I'm pretty sure that you are aware of it, but your webPage https://www.expansiontectonics.com/page5.html doesn't mention it so it may be worth repeating? I've listed below a few notes below my signature block taken from an Aureon Energy home page video, but I won't go into details, which are described extremely well by the company that is looking to commercialise results : https://aureon.ca/ Please note that one of the Key Consultants in the project, and an EXTREMLY important historical figure going back to the mid-late 1980's is an Australian, Wal Thornhill. You may already have had discussions with him, and he is a great insider with much more general insights. https://www.holoscience.com/wp/ ... Also : ?James Kelly? - at the time emeritus professor of materials science, Cambridge U Extreme Poisson ratios as a possible argument for a solid Earth outer core, and the lack of S-waves Eric Wan - Oregon Health & Sciences University Australian sedimentary geology applied to an improved model of sunspot activity Questions to email to MaxLow SAFIRE - possible mechanism for Expanding Earth (EE)? I like very much your data-based approach, which is usually missing from modern science when the data doesn't agree with the overwhelming mainstream science religions. Are you convinced that continental areas were not covered by water right from the start? I assume that geology can easily show this, but perhaps erosional or other processes may have erased this? Planets to Stars? - possible exponential growth with size, depending on local manifestations astronomical conditions across [time, space]. But - can the large-scale Z-pinch foci (as with the su) wander to a large planet, which then becomes the local star, or a dual star? I haven't asked any of the Elect Universe people this yet, but if I get a chance, I will. 24************************24 #] 09Mar2019 JC-NPS Saturday morning chat https://fuze.me/35925732/launch Eugene Ellis - The Ionic Growing Sun, Earth and Moon. (855) 562-8701 Neal Adams video inspiration - he suggested pair-production Ellis - thinks modern energy levels not here today Bill Lucas was online 24************************24 #] 05Oct2019 Michael Anteski Vibrations are non-directional. Gravity and other quantized forces are vectored fields (directional) (was supposed to be CNPS Harry Ricker - biblio on John Chappell?) To talk go to : http://live.naturalphilosophy.org 24************************24 #] 23Feb2019 JC-NPS Saturday morning chat Dennis Allen will be speaking. There is a gap between Copenhagen quantum mechanics' many problems and the fact that it works so well that it allows us to build things like supercomputers. The puzzling part is why does it work so well anyway? Six papers have been provided for this discussion and can be downloaded at: http://franklinhu.com/DennisAllen.zip These include papers on the electron from the Common Sense Journal and other textbooks. Harry Richter - gage theory is used to compensate for information lost (by the Copenhagen convention) 24************************24 #] 02Jan2019 Thirteeth Water Conference Program https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.waterconf.org%2Fconference_program%2F&redir_token=vcLFhumnIRl4bcybU45w3XkvQSV8MTU0NjI4NzY1MEAxNTQ2MjAxMjUw&event=video_description&v=yOno84v7XP4 P.-M. Robitaille, Have Astronomers Assigned a Signal Produced by the Oceans to the Cosmos? 13th Conference on the Physics, Biology, and Chemistry of Water, Sofia, Bulgaria, Saturday Oct. 20, 2018 Start at 3:42:30 time point in this video: https://youtu.be/Qeo9NpD3Nqs?t=13349 J.S. Reid, CymaScope Imaging and Analysis of Cancer Cell and Healthy Sell Sonic Signatures in Water 13th Conference on the Physics, Biology, and Chemistry of Water, Sofia, Bulgaria, Friday Oct. 19, 2018 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hJ-aMtdg7w >> CymaScope sound analysis, all sound is associated with Electro-Magnetic emissions D. Fels, Electromagnetic communication in the Ciliate Paramecium caudatum 13th Conference on the Physics, Biology, and Chemistry of Water, Sofia, Bulgaria, Friday Oct. 19, 2018 Start at 2:14:00 time point in this video: https://youtu.be/4M0nYLWUjY8?t=8032 L. Rebelo, Water @ deep negative pressure – high isotropic tension : structure & dynamics 13th Conference on the Physics, Biology, and Chemistry of Water, Sofia, Bulgaria, Sunday Oct. 21, 2018 (this talk is not yet online) Ernst Zurcher, Lunar Rhythmicities in Properties of Water interacting with Plants 13th Conference on the Physics, Biology, and Chemistry of Water, Sofia, Bulgaria, Friday Oct. 19, 2018 Start at 5:45:20 time point in this video: https://youtu.be/4M0nYLWUjY8?t=20708 24************************24 #] 10Dec2018 JC-NPS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J264iyQqjU0&feature=youtu.be CNPS Video Conference Jeffrey Cook and Perpetual Motion Published on Jul 30, 2018 7-28-18 CNPS Saturday Science Video Conference Discussions. Features Jeffrey Cook on the topic of Perpetual Motion. Perpetual motion is like the motion of the planets in orbit rather than machines which generate more power than they use. Cook talks about "constantly moving", not energy creation" - planetary motion, electon orgital? (not Randell Mills, Bill Lucas) 24************************24 #] 10Nov2018 CNPS Saturday morning webcast, Bill Lucas moderates 24************************24 #] 15Jun2018 JC-NPS Unzicker "The Higgs Fake - A Critique of Modern Particle Physics" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy5nMXK9s4k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NOaYu-AxsI Unzicker Slams Particle Physics 31Mar2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YJHQQJTg3Q Real Physics Talk - David Gross, 10Aug2016 24************************24 #] 14Jun2018 CNPS Saturday Morning Science Chat - Relational Mechanics 2-4-2017 by Assis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6A59tWV6EM&feature=youtu.be BUY Andre Koch Torres Assis 1994 "Weber's Electrodynamics" UNICAMP Brasil Weber's Law : sum[all: Forces] = 0 always F = -Hg*m1g*m2g*rh/r^2*( 1 - 3*d[d(t): r^2]/c^2 + 6*r*d[d(t)^2: r]/c^2 ) c = 1 / (eo*mu_o)^(1/2) Weber was first to determine c, linking electromagnetism and light!! Hg = Hubble's constant 24************************24 #] 12Jun2018 David de Hilster "Dissident Science" weekly news http://www.wrocgeolab.pl/ JAN KOZIAR - expanding Earth Planned Items : 1. Geological proofs of the expansion of the Earth 2. Tensional development of intra-continental fold belts. Part I. Mechanism 3. Tensional development of intra-continental fold belts Part II. Regional examples de Hislter's verbose comments on Unzicker's Super-bad SuperSymmetry: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l5dcoQT0SU&list=PLzEm79lwMP5geyBaHnSztoD9a9aDU2fag Alexander Unzicker "On History and Methodology of Supersymmetric Theories" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDXWelcSRH4 #] 13Jan2018 de Hilster "Interview with Physics Professor Andre Assis from Brazil" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW-RRH5X7sc&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J-l8771b6Q Unzicker video "Can Artificial Intelligence Advance Fundamental Physics?" Demis Hassabis, ?Google Deep Mind?, AlphaGo driver - liked physics, AI as a means to get "more Intellectual power" Unzicker "On the origins of the constants c and h" Quaternions - tangent space, non-commutativity George Lakoff, Rafael E. Nunez "Can AI reinvent mathematics?" 24************************24 #] 10Feb2018 Saturday Science Chat, with Expanding Earth Franlin Hu, Alistar, Bill Lucas, Bob Grav, Dionysios Raft.., Eugene Ellis, Harry Ricker, Hans van Leunen, Ian Cowan, Jack Kuyken..., Jim Marsen, Our Pal Asia, Sam Wise, +-----+ Howell's thinking +-----+ From last weeks chat : Hu - Lucas pre-chat Hu - explain Rutherford scattering experiments Lucas - Rutherford's experiments have been replaced by more modern experiments. Can see ring shape of electron. Hu - spin and magnetic moments Lucas - every [atom, nucleus] has [magnet moment, spin] - not just 1/2 spin, also 1/2, 3/2, 3/4 Atomic properties to explain [emissions,absorption] spectra, angles in molecules, ionization [energy,patterns, groups], decay [why,products], list of isotopes, mass, why no [weak,strong] force in atom, islands of isotopic stability & magic numbers, scattering data [Rutherford,modern], spin & magnetic moment, and many other properties Hu - has atomic model, what do your models say? Hans van Leunen - I have a model, atoms don't show color charts only elementary particles, scattering shows coloring. Most appropriate to start with elementary particles, wave functions show stochastic [functions,processes] - contemporary physics only looks at wave function and ignores lower [stochastic functions, wave functions] Ricker - questioned atomic spin Hu - [shell, liquid drop] models of nuclei - contradictory models Lucas - modern science big change: in the past [logic, axioms] to theories, now only predictions can falsify. To save General Relativity invented dark matter. ALL major modern theories at at fault. We now forget about agreeing with the data Ricker - Science agrees with the data Lucas - we don't agree with data. No theory agrees with 50% of emission spectral lines of atom Ricker - what about nucleus Lucas - (same thing...) ?Ellis? - liquid drop has lighter isotopes Lucas - acceleration effects and radiation reaction effects not taken into account Hu - website with atomic data (I can't see URL), why are spectra quantised? Lucas - Copenhagen convention debate - what is an electron, Parsons said electron in shape of toroidal ring (chemists loved this), other (Dirac) model was [point, wave function] - gave circumference of Parson's ring, political decision for Dirac model as reaction against Judeo-Christian literature (Einstein objected to that reaction), US wanted physical model, Europeans wanted quantum mechanical Alistair 8:47 am The wikipedia page about quantum theory interpretations seems pretty thorough https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interpretations_of_quantum_mechanics Lucas - a lot of problems with Bohr model - but requires zero time for orbital transitions, same properties when orbiting two atoms - this is not explained, but ring model solves these problems Hu - my reality is that electron, proton] more like plum pudding model from before Rutherford (natural - opposite charges will do that) Lucas - many more benefits to Hu's theory, boundary conditions only work when particle structures are toroidal rings van Leunen - my understanding is electrons are point-like object that hops around - stochastic locations with characteristic function that determines much of behaviour of electron like [charge,spin] Lucas - but you can't PREDICT these properties from you approach van Leunen - can describe Lucas - low energy electron scattering van Leunen - you are not measuring a single electron Lucas - we do measure a single electron Hu - the reason that we see the spectra is because electrons cannot be in arbitrary places, can only move in fixed steps from nucleus Lucas - "Spiritual Awakening" of 1940's in [USA, Europe] changed science Lucas - emissions from antenna theory Ricker - This makes sense to me (Ricker's expertise is EM & antenna as electrical engineer) Lucas - half of spectral lines are in extreme UV - no prediction from Bohr-Dirac quantum models van Leunen - that's what I said 24************************24 date??? Chat listing Hans van Leunen 8:01 am Stochastic processes control the generation of all objects in universe. These processes own a characteristic function. 8:04 am These stochastic processes bind elementary particles 8:05 am See: "Structure in Physical Reality" http://vixra.org/abs/1802.0086 laptop 8:07 am Chirality Alistair 8:14 am We ran off the rails when we conceived of and accepted "forces" (action at a distance). :-D Me 8:15 am I cannot use microphone (not working), so I am limited to chat. Alistair 8:18 am One of the things that must be explained by any model is Chirality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chirality_(physics) Hans van Leunen 8:19 am Physics is strong in descriptions and NOT in explanation 8:30 am Physical reality has structure and this structure has a simple easily comprehensible foundation. Alistair 8:36 am On my screen there is a large dark grey square blocking the top half of the shared screen Hans van Leunen 8:41 am The shells of the simpler atoms can partly be explained by the Helmholz equation and some polynoms, 8:42 am However, the emission process and the absorption process itself cannot be explained 8:45 am Dirac showed that the Schrodinger model and the Heisenberg Matrix model are mathematially equivalent. Sam Wise 8:58 am The Problem with Rutherford Plumb model is that the Electrons were randomly spaced around a Nucleus. However, it was determined that the Electrons were ordered around the Nucleus! Hv Hans van Leunen 9:01 am Processes exist that let electrons behave as particles AND as probability waves. We do not comprehend these processes. They are stochastic processes and they own a characteristic function. 9:03 am Elementary particles reside on a private platform. They inherit most of their properties from that platform. James Grist 9:12 am i think its quantized only when near an atom! 9:25 am yes it would radiate waves! Jim Marsen 9:33 am sorry - mic not working James Grist 9:34 am hi jim Sam Wise 9:39 am accelerating electrons produce electromagnetic radiation! James Grist 9:41 am yes 9:41 am hmm, including when they expereincing atomic orbital acel ? Cornelis 9:41 am It is the accelerating charge portion of the electron that produces the electromagnetic radiation not the entire electron 9:42 am outside of the atom it is the entire electron including its mass Sam Wise 9:42 am Only if the Neutron does not produce radiation when it accelerates. Cornelis 9:44 am As far as we know the Neutron does not produce EM radiation when it accelerates, that is why we can not detect it directly Sam Wise 9:51 am The Energy of the Orbital Transitions is Mechanical Energy of Kinetic Energy being converted into Electrical Potential Energy. 9:52 am Last time I researched the Neuton has a lot of radiation, including neutrinos # enddoc