#] #] ********************* #] "$d_webRawe"'My sports & clubs/Friends Of Science/0_FoS notes.txt' www.BillHowell.ca 30Sep2018 initial (many notes previously?) To view this file - use a text editor (not word processor) constant width font (eg courrier 10), tab - 3 spaces 30Sep2018 synodic periods (versus sidereal?) 48************************************************48 24************************24 # Table of Contents, see ToC file - not listed [here, screen] as it's too large! : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_webRawe"'My sports & clubs/Friends Of Science/0_FoS notes.txt' | sed 's/^#\]/ /' ********************* 24************************24 08********08 #] ??Apr2024 08********08 #] ??Apr2024 08********08 #] ??Apr2024 08********08 #] ??Apr2024 08********08 #] ??Apr2024 08********08 #] ??Apr2024 08********08 #] ??Apr2024 08********08 #] ??Apr2024 08********08 #] ??Apr2024 08********08 #] 09Apr2024 draft questions : FOS speaker: Benny Peiser of the UK Global Warming Policy Foundation 1. From the time of the "global cooling" fears of the Richard Nixon era, past scientific studies left me with the impression that the Sun dominates climate and weather. By the early-2000s it seemed clear to me that the Sun was often just an intermediary, a side effect. Heinrich Svensmark's work in 2008 on cosmic ray effects amplified this impression. In 2021, a Japanese scientist shows that periodicities for the long-known 1.5 ky Dansgaard-Oeschger events, the 6 ky Heinrich events, and possible 12 ky magnetic pole wandering, can be derived from [large flare, micronova] data from perhaps 900 Sun-like stars (if my memory is correct). Will processes outside of our solar system radically alter our understanding, and not just in [physics, astronomy, geology, climate, weather], but perhaps to better understand how we misunderstand things in general? Satoshi Okamoto etal 11Jan2021 "Statistical properties of superflares on sollar-type stars: results using all the Kepler primary mission data https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3beLxarmOjo Henrik Svensmark 2008 "Cosmic rays and Earth's Cloud Cover" Danish Space Research Institute, Copenhagen www.dsri.dk/~hsv/ Svensmark & Calder: "The Chilling Stars - A New Theory of Climate Change", J. Xu, J.L. Han 03Apr2024 draft: The huge magnetic toroids in the Milky Way halo Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2 Universities in Beijing, https://arxiv.org/pdf/2404.02038.pdf Jann-Yenq Liu, Yuh-Ing Chen, Po-Han Lee 30Mar2024 "Severe weather disasters to epidemics in China during low and high solar activities from 1 to 1911 Common Era" Geoscience Letters volume 11, Article number: 18 (2024) https://geoscienceletters.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40562-024-00333-x Sergey V. Simonenko 31Mar2024 "The Convincing Cosmic Energy Gravitational Genesis of the Strongest Geomagnetic Anomalies of the Magnetic Field of the Earth" Prevention and Treatment of Natural Disasters vol3 issue1 http://ojs.ukscip.com/index.php/ptnd Jann-Yenq Liu, Yuh-Ing Chen, Po-Han Lee 30Mar2024 "Severe weather disasters to epidemics in China during low and high solar activities from 1 to 1911 Common Era" Geoscience Letters volume 11, Article number: 18 (2024) https://geoscienceletters.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40562-024-00333-x Steven Wickson 03Feb2024 (draft) Do planetary alignments affect sunspot cycles, climate oscillations, and economic history? 92pp 2. Do you feel that there are severe science problems not just in climate, but in all areas of science? If so, is our best chance for salvaging Western science, the rising relative competition with, and dominance of, [Chinese, Russian] scientific analysis. Why are they able to overcome our problematic concepts and theories, whereas our own scientists seem to be stuck? not used : Considerable effort has been put into "educating" scientists about the problems with the theme that ANTHROPOGENIC CO2 dominates modern climate change. To a large extent this has NOT worked, in spite of a fraction of scientists catching on over the last 4 decades. Often their analysis is based on Western, such as instrumentation and satellites, but they also are creating wonderful datasets themselves? 08********08 #] 25Mar2024 FOS Benny Peiser of the UK Global Warming Policy Foundation, 09Apr2024 I bought 2 tickets : me *& OR[Mom, Steve] 08********08 #] 04Oct2021 from Steve Howell https://electroverse.net/ Dr. Roger Higgs Exposes “Breathtaking Scale of NASA-HadCRUT Temperature-Fixing Fraud” October 4, 2021 Cap Allon0 comment “To see the monumental scale of the deception laid bare as I assembled this new contribution over the last few days made my jaw drop. I am disgusted.” 08********08 #] 08Dec2020 Friends of Science - Donna Laframboise presentation "Climate Activism: Undermining Free Speech, Free Thought & Free Choice" I don't seem to have sufficient bandwidth - it keeps kicking out. Laframboise - self-righteous, boring, pointless beynd the most obvious starting point. I DISLIKE the FOS "question bottleck" even realizing that they cannot audio-everything. Furthermore, I am mostly [divorced, disinterested] in the questions that do get through. Split-off chat themes (like Tree-structured WordPress blogs) are a MINIMAL requirement. My Questions : 1. to do with recurring themes in history. Has she thought of that? 2. For areas financial market analysis, can we throw out (or over-rule) conventional mechanistic theories of evaluation? Is this an opportunity to understand [most, all] areas of science, given that it is happening anyways in the worst possible ways? I have greatly enjoyed reading Robert Prechter's series of book on Socionomics, which he claims to be (with some justification), to be the first quantitative Sociology. But I don't see any equivalent thinking in areas like [climate, astronomy, fundamental theoretical physics, geology, etc], even though great thinkers have been perplexed for thousands of years with intellectuals' [thinking, behaviours]. We seem to be stuck with [Thomas Khun's "Structure of Scientific Revolutions" (paradigm shifts), Karl Popper (theory falsifiability)], who did nice work, but ultimately to me, they fall far short of any real understanding. Not included : To me, it's not so important to assess [right, wrong, true, false], but to see someone who can [think, synthesize] outside of overwhelming mainstream [government, science] religions. 08********08 #] 31Mar2019 FoS Stergios Misios a,b,1 , Lesley J. Gray a,c , Mads F. Knudsen b,d , Christoffer Karoff b,d,e , Hauke Schmidt f , and Joanna D. Haigh 25Feb2019 "Slowdown of the Walker circulation at solar cycle maximum" https://www.pnas.org/content/pnas/early/2019/03/26/1815060116.full.pdf a Department of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, OX1 3PU, United Kingdom; b Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark; c National Centre for Atmospheric Science, Oxford, OX1 3PU, United Kingdom; d iCLIMATE Interdisciplinary Centre for Climate Change, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark; e Stellar Astrophysics Centre, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark; f Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, 20146, Hamburg, Germany; g Department of Physics, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2BW, United Kingdom; h Grantham Institute, Imperial College London, London, SW7 2BW, United Kingdom ******************** #] 15Feb2019 Questions for Willie Soon - FoS annual speakers night Please choose ONE of the following questions (the one that you prefer) 1. Soon & Yaskell "The Maunder Minimum" Great book, fascinating - a story of history, people, science, and individuals who looked at reality and beat the mainstream thinking. What would you change or add to it now? 2. Models of the Sun - What are your thoughts, impressions of any of these models? a) Iron core model of the Sun (Oliver Manuel) Manuel also talks of neutron repulsion, supported by data, and tied into an effective description of isotopic stabilities b) Standard model - very good at estimating total power output of the sun (Fred Hoyle) Fred Hoyle - this model skipped right to the current mainstream Standard model, without the usual critical attacks, displacing the iron core Sun c) SAFIRE project - Experimental testing of electric models of the Sun (Monty Childs) based on decades of concepts from Mythologists, which led them to High energy plasma physicists I suspect that this is one of the greatest modern experiments in physics. Privately [led, operated, financed] in Toronto, but most of the team and background concepts are American. Already, they have produced stunning results. Perhaps they will blow away modern fusion power approaches too (that's a stretch)? d) Liquid (metallic hydrogen) model of the sun (Pierre-Marie Robitaille) Kirchoff's Law is wrong! Max Planck - blackbody radiation [absorption, emission] Kirchoff wrongly extended to all type of [surfaces, cavities] PM Robitaille's simple experiments show that is wrong, also rejected by Magnetic Resonant Imaging, etc etc 3. Earth-Sun interactions Ben Davidson - [volcano-earthquake, geomagnetic-electric, monsoons-typhoons-hurricanes] Deniers - climate 4. Solar effects on health and mind (Ben Davidson) Galactic-Cosmic rays Lower-energy 4. Fractional Order Calculus More and more work on complex systems [hydrodynamics, magneto-hydrodynamics, etc] is using this, albeit publications are still small in numbercompared to traditional math tools. 5. [Electric, Plasma] Universe 6. Sally Ballyunis, Harvard-Smithsonian Institute of Astro-physicists www.BillHowell.ca ******************** #] 15Feb2019 Questions for Willie Soon - FoS annual speakers night see "/media/bill/PROJECTS/My_Clubs/Friends Of Science/190410 FoS annual - Willie Soon questions.txt" $ find "/media/bill/PROJECTS/" -type f -name "190410 FoS annual - Willie Soon questions.txt" $ find "/media/bill/PROJECTS/" -type f -name "bash_scripts list of Howells.txt" $ find "/media/bill/SWAPPER/" -type f -name "190410 FoS annual - Willie Soon questions.txt" $ find "/media/bill/HOWELL_BASE/" -type f -name "190410 FoS annual - Willie Soon questions.txt" >> moved to this file : /media/bill/PROJECTS/My_Clubs/Friends Of Science/0_FoS notes.txt ***************** #] 13Mar2019 FOS - Michelle Stirling “The Augsburg Book of Miracles,” illustrated and compiled in about 1550 in Europe, in the midst of the Little Ice Age (1300-1860). This does look like a [fascinating, beautiful] book from the past. amazon.com https://www.amazon.com/Book-Miracles-Till-Holger-Borchert/dp/3836542854 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augsburg_Book_of_Miracles Strange - doesn't seems to have the Black Death ~1350? *********************** #] 30Sep2018 Michelle Stirling Interview at Porto Climate Conference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPjdygy7Qhs&feature=youtu.be Michelle Stirling of Friends of Science caught up with Roger Tattersall at the Porto Climate Conference at Porto University 2018 and he outlined his research on how planetary orbital conjunctions and patterns affect solar cycles and earth's climate. His power point presentation can be found on the conference site: https://www.portoconference2018.org/p... Even more detail on this research here: https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/prp-s... on Roger's blog. Join the conversation: https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/ I. Charvátová, P. Hejda 21Feb2014 "Responses of the basic cycles of 178.7 and 2402 yr in solar–terrestrial phenomena during the Holocene" Pattern Recogn. Phys., 2, 21-26, 2014 http://www.pattern-recogn-phys.net/2/21/2014/prp-2-21-2014.pdf Charvátová, Hejda 21Feb2014 Responses of the basic cycles of 178.7 and 2402 yr in solar–terrestrial phenomena during the Holocene Roger Tattersall & Stuart Graham 08Sep2018 "Climate change: solar-interplanetary forces not human activity" PortoConf.pptx Tallbloke.wordpress.com https://www.portoconference2018.org/uploads/1/1/7/3/117342822/5._roger_tattersall_.pptx Tattersall, Graham 08Sep2018 Climate change: solar-interplanetary forces not human activity.pptx synodic periods (versus sidereal?) Rick Salvador's model replicates - the 10Be TSI reconstruction over the last 4000 years to a Pearson R^2 value of 0.72 - Sunspot number since 1749 to a Pearson R^2 value of 0.91 My YouTube comment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPjdygy7Qhs&feature=youtu.be Thanks, Michelle Stirling. It's been a while since I looked at climate blogs, and here you interview THE Tallbloke. Magically, he refers to Ivanka Charvatova's great work on Solar Inertial Motion (SIM), and Kepler's trigons. I don't remember Rick Salvador, but it looks like his model is promising - it's always a wait to see long-term results. In the end it seems that the sun invariably makes fools out of out greatest scientists (often these are amateurs - I laughed at Tallbloke's mention of scientists' publishing and claiming credit for the work of amateurs, or somebody else, which is normal science). Perhaps the sun and astronomy played a role in the emergence of science, and seem to be impatiently pushing us to go well beyond to something better. # enddoc