Bill Howell's videos :
This is a collection of the videos I have produced, using my own setups and software that I [programmed, assembled from open source applications].
ALL videos are provided in ogv file format, which is of higher quality and easier and more natural to me in a Linux environment. Microsoft Windows (and hopefully MacIntosh?) users can view this by downloading the VLC media viewer. "... VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files, and various streaming protocols. ...".
28Dec2019 Milky Way current sheet progression indicators, plus: Birkeland currents, NOT dark matter?
Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers posted 3 brilliant videos on nearby stellar flaring, as further support for a potential "micro-flare" or other solar disruption to explain the 12,000 year [mythological observations, paleontology, geology, planetary] quasi-periodicity of disruptive events on Earth, which by appearances may be "imminent". But can stellar [apparent birth, brighten, dim, apparent death] also provide further potential evidence? Naturally we view stars' life-paths as "unidirectional", but is this a full picture, or can all these processes recur, as is the case fortheir [sunspots, micro-to-super novas, etc]? What has long fascinated me is the statement that the spirals of the galaxies move more rapidly than the stars in the galaxy, and how that might relate to the [Newtonian, General Relativity] problem at large scales.
(02Jul2015 materials & scripts done, 28Dec2019 first web posting)
28Oct2017 Past and Future Worlds - a STEM presentation for kids (540 Mbytes split into 11 scenes)
This presentation was prepared for the Drumheller Library, Alberta, Canada, as part of their Science, Technology, Engineering, Technology (STEM) project for kids 8-12 years old. A few selected themes, many will simple "experiments" are presented, and includes the themes :
- What do you do with theories that are wrong?
- Expanding Earth hypothesis versus Continental Drift
- Computational Intelligence versus Artificial Intelligence
- Hearing Aids
- Language translation
- Human Cognition
Toolsets can be browsed via: Past and Future Worlds directory. Perhaps these may be of interest, help] to others putting together a film from Linux-based free software.
(first posted 28Oct2017)
01Sep2016 Big Data, Deep Learning, and Safety (570 Mbytes) This is a video made from a presentation that I gave on 01Sep2016 at ACM Facility Safety, Calgary, Canada. While I had essentially all of the material (including voice recordings at the time of the presentation, I converted the entire presentation to video to have a compact, useable format to post of the web. ACM, holds regular meetings each month where enginners and safety experts can exchange [challenges, approaches, ideas, failures, successes].
The video is in ".ogv" format (Open Graphics Group - related, I think), which will be problematic to many MS Windows and Mac users (you will have to download a video player that can use ogv format).
In addition to the video of the presentation, "Howell 161220 Big Data, Deep Learning, Safety.ogv">, I have also posted the [software, scheduling/coding spredsheet, slides, etc] used to produce the video, but not any proprietary video segments (to reduce space). This may be of use to others who produce videos and would like to kow how I approached this. It won't be directly adapatable, as I have used a little-known language, Queen's University of Kingston "Nested Interactive Array Language (Q'Nial) to actually run the playing of [slides, references, images, videos, etc] of which it is composed. Although there is some documentation, it is very limited.
As far as I know, ACM closed its operations later that year due to the collapse in their oil&gas related safety consulting business following the combined double-whammy of the oil price collapse and a provincial government hostile to the oil&gas (and essentially all other) industries.
Toolsets can be browsed via: Big Data, Deep Learning, and Safety directory. Perhaps these may be of interest, help] to others putting together a film from Linux-based free software.
(video first posted 08Dec2015, software, slides etc used to produce video posted 26Sep2017)
25May2015 Icebreaker unchained : We should have lost World War II
Here is a crazy re-interpretation of the [origins, drive, planning, organisation, execution] of World War II, in the form of background material for a series of videos. The current video series are from the perspective of the Nazi campaigns leading up to Operation Barbarossa (the initial Nazi invasion of Russia), and I have produced a [DRAFT, incomplete, uncorrected] version of Part I of the video series. As the content draws substantially from copyrighted film segments and images, it cannot be distributed. However, the incomplete script (part of which is incomplete outline form) is posted, as are the toolsets I have been using to build the film [programs, spreadsheets, script files, my voice recordings, etc]. I am posting this now, as I can only work on the film for part of two months or so out of a year, and it will take at least several years to finish.
The main theme is that much of WWII progressed as planned and prepared by the Soviets - as manifested by the timing and direction of both the Nazis and Japanese during the initial part of the war, and even by the [timing, direction] of actions by the Americans and British. That's a bit of a stretch for sure, and I am not proposing that the theme is correct. But it just may be more correct in many ways than the overwhelming mainstream historical interpretations, at least on key points and the big picture of the war.
Toolsets can be browsed via: Icebreaker unchained directory. Perhaps these may be of interest, help] to others putting together a film from Linux-based free software.
(first posted 25May2015, incomplete & full of errors, based on work still in development since 23May2009)
25Feb2014 How the Nazis saved Norwegian lives, at least the ones they didn't shoot (13.6 Mbytes)
With 25% Norwegian blood in my veins, I couldn't resist aggravating my relatives.
It is taken from "Forks over knives", a DVD that presents a case for "full food value vegetarianism". For a hard case like me, who is in dire need of a drastic dietary and lifestyle change, the film is very thought-provoking and I highy recommend it. That doesn't mean that I agree with everything presented in the film, nor even with their final conclusion, but as I try to force a "multiple conflicting hypothesis" approach on myself (to avoid becoming a disciple of smart or stupid throries), I hope I can appreciate their message, and perhaps with time extract what I may need from it.
Of course, there is really nothing funny about the Nazi occupation, and I apologize in advance to all of those who I offend.
("How the Nazis saved Norwegian lives" was first posted 25Feb2014)
14Feb12 Venus et Mars - au dela d'une histoire d'amour (video 240 Mbytes)
Voici une presentation de Saint Valentin en francais, decrivant les concepts mythologiques
de David Talbot et d'autres, et fonde sur des idees d'Immanuel Velikovsky. Venus et Mars
c'est beaucoup plus d'une histoire d'amour, raconte par presque tous les civilisations.
Bien que les detailes different et se transforment avec le temps, les archetypes originaux
des mythologies se ressemblent.
L'approche du montage du video est mi-chemin entre Powerpoint et un format video,
presentant certaines avantages, surtout la voix pre-enregistre, pour ce qui donnent des
presentations dans une langue autre que leur langue maternelle. Bien que ce travail n'est
pas finit a point, l'effort demontre des possibilites, et l'effort ne depasse pas de
beaucoup l'effort pour monter un PowerPoint.
(first posted 08Mar2012, flv file format posted 25Feb2014 with minor changes to wording above)