/home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/1_gimp-gap notes.txt For "Howell_animation 01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories" "1 Europe scale" "2 Nazi invade lowlands & France" "3 Dunkirk evacuation" Combined xcf files : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/10 Combined xcf/ Combined jpg files : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/ Timing & scale : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/0_Howell animation timing.ods ******************* ******************* 26Mar2015 Remake all 3 segments (including "") 10 seconds long each, which don't really match the voice, but will make the animation more "comfortable". First build of animation with full 3*10-second sequences A. Copy all images from the 3 "sub-animations" directories into the "Combined xcf files" directory. These should ALL be in correct numerical sequence (same base filename). B. Produce jpg files from xcf files 1. gimp-Open first xcf image in "Combined xcf files" directory 2. gimp menu -> video -> frames convert : from .xcf format in directory : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/10 Combined xcf/ to jpg format in directory : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/15 Combined jpg/ 3. close gimp to avoid confusion! C. Produce ogv video 1. open OpenShot 2. menu File -> Import image sequence : Filename pattern : Dunkirk halt-%06d.jpg Note : "%06d" denotes a 0-padded number sequence Frames per image : 1 Repeat sequence : leave blank for this project Image folder : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/15 Combined jpg/ 3. Back in openshot main window drag "Dunkirk halt-%06d.jpg" icon to "track 1" menu File -> export video File name : 01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories Export to folder : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/ Profile : All formats Target : OGG (theora/vorbis) Video profile : 768x576 4:3 PAL (closest to 770x570) Quality : Med (for now...) Click button "Export video" . >> Result of first build > Good, except a weird "reqwind" to the beginning at the end of the animation. ******************* 25Mar2015 Combine initial 2 of 3 animation sequences : 1. Copy sequence of images from : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/1 Europe scale/ and : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/2 Nazi invade lowlands & France/ to : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/10 Combined animation/ plus duplicate "Dunkirk halt-0048.xcf" as "Dunkirk halt-0049.xcf" to "fill a gap" in sequence . 2. gimp -> video -> frames convert : from .xcf format in directory : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/10 Combined animation/ to jpg format in directory : /home/bill/Projects/Stalin supported Hitler/animations - Howell/Opening_Context/01.5 A_year_of_stunning_victories/15 Combined jpg/ . 3. Now, how to convert a jpg image sequence to an ogv video format? http://www.pc-freak.net/blog/converting-jpeg-images-mp4-video-linux/ avconv -i SDC106001.JPG SDC10595.JPG SDC13611.JPG SDC13612.JPG SDC13614.JPG movie-from-pictures.mp4 . $ avconv --help bash script) to run : /home/bill/bin/jpg_to_ogv.sh Couldn't get avconv or ffmpeg to work!!! I donloaded "OpenShot" video editor, and it is cludgy but works OK - put into ogv format. 4. In running the video, 2s is way too fast for "1 Europe scale" 4s is a bit fast for "2 Nazi invade lowlands & France" So I'll make all 3 segments (including "") 10 seconds long each, which don't really match the voice, but will make thge animation more "comfortable". enddoc