Conference Guides Authors' Guide Publications Guide Publicity Guide Reviewers' Guide Sponsors' Guide
Publicity Guide
Publicity channels
Website tie-ins
& tracking page
Mass emails :
IEEE-CIS ListServers
SENDER Instructions
EDITOR Instructions
OWNER Instructions
Conference Guides for [IEEE-CIS, INNS] conferences : Although this guide was initially set up for IJCNN2019, and was used for IEEE WCCI 2020, hopefully some of the basic information may still help [organising committee members, authors] up to 2023-2025 (assuming a half-life of links and process information of 3-5 years?). The Authors' and Publications menus have been combined, allowing authors to see the Publications Chair perspective as well. I am no longer keeping this up to date. Bill Howell, 11Dec2020

Mass email SENDER instructions

Table of Contents :

Introduction :

The IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (IEEE-CIS) [sole,co]-sponsors a large number of [conferences, symposia, workshops, etc] (referred to generically as "conferences" in the rest of the web-page). Starting with WCCI2020, a number of IEEE ListServers have been set up so that recipients may [sub, unsub]-scribe to the conferences for which they will receive publicity mass emails. As of summer 2019, only the WCCI2020 ListServer is actually being used, but the lists will be available to other conferences for their future use if they decide to use them.

Note that a basic IEEE-CIS policy is that a maximum of 8 mass emails are allowed to publicize any conference, with one or perhaps two additional emails being allowed by the IEEE-CIS President for exceptional situations. Additional emails mostly arise where serious mistakes have been made in emails, or special issues arise requiring one more email.

General information about the IEEE-CIS ListServers can be found via the links on the Menu above. This web-page focusses specifically on SENDERS.

[Roles, Responsibilities, Access] of SENDERS

Approved email addresses for SENDERs

Typically with email servers, you can only use your pre-approved emails addresses to send a mass email to the email server, as emails received from your other un-approved email addresses are simply ignored.

That is certainly the case with [WCCI, IJCNN] conferences as per the mass email policies of [INNS, IEEE-CIS]). An OWNER can change the server settings so that it will [accept, hold] a SENDER's email. Each email must be approved by an [EDITOR, OWNER] before it is finally sent out to the mass email distribution list.

My suggestion is that SENDERs use an alternate send-from email address that is different from their normal email addresses, as the latter can be "flooded" with responses to a mass email. Filtering is a simple option as well.

Preparing a mass email

Selection of email packages

SENDERS MUST be able to email with images "in-line" (link to web-based image file so the email isn't too long)

"Mailto" [instructions, examples].

"Mailtos" are an important means for :

Compose email in TextEditor using HTML raw code

Image inclusion as links-only

You MUST be able to email with images "in-line" (links to web-based image file rather than the image file itself) so that the email isn't too long! Very long emails can result in HUGE email responses from email systems to the SENDER! It's also annoying for some recipients.

Test and send a mass email

Set these first when using Thunderbird email : Create the email : Personal check - Send the email to yourself and perhaps other accounts that have different email packages that may display the messages differently. Send to the appropriate IEEE-CIS ListServer
Post send-out :

Email servers - other than IEEE-CIS ListServers

As far as I know, nobody's using IEEE ListServers for conference publicity other than WCCI2020, and it's not at all certain that use will continue. While the "Publicity Guide" website now contains much of the information relevant to SENDERs, an older document may still have some extra useful information in it (albeit more for OWNERs (=HOLDERs)). This includes links to [program, script] code that I've used to maintain and track mass email lists.

Example emails (links)

Here are links to several mass emails from IJCNN2019 and WCCI2020. The html code in these files might be helpful for your own coding. Note that the "mailto" links are especially important to make it easy for authors to contact the right people. It also makes it easy for Organising Committee members to filter their emails and to get more precise feedback.

Directory of available files for this webpage

Many thanks to our Sponsors & Exhibitors

Ongoing support : [IEEE, IEEE-CIS] for [CEC, FUZZ, IJCNN]; INNS for IJCNN; [IET, EPS] for CEC
2020 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Glasgow, Scotland.....19-24 July 2020

2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Budapest, HUNGARY.....14-19 July 2019
Silver(mailto) Silver (mailto) Bronze (mailto) Bronze (mailto)