/media/bill/HOWELL_BASE/Neural Nets/My Reviews/ www.BillHowell.ca 26Aug2017 initial, 09Sep2017 big change, ... ongoing improvements Bill@BillHowell.ca $ cd "/media/bill/PROJECTS/My Reviews" $ cat "5_NN math defs, symbols, nomenclature - time-scale systems.txt" | sed 's/(171127)/\*\t\t/' > "5_NN math defs, symbols, nomenclature - time-scale systems.tmp" ******************** DON'T copy-paste this part to on-line review!! +-----+ Script codes for working with math reviews DON'T include these in final math review! Set up files for a paper review, or to extract/sort comments from "review working file ptbk" : /media/bill/PROJECTS/My Reviews/3_conference review setup.sh Math-only part of review Table of Contents generated by : $ cd "/media/bill/HOWELL_BASE/Neural Nets/My Reviews/" $ grep ">>>>> " "ISNN2018 29 math Xiao, Wen, Zeng, Huang - Boundedness and stability for a class of timescale-type time-varying systems.txt" For replacing current paper codes with generic characters in : /media/bill/PROJECTS/My Reviews/5_math review comments, standard.txt kwrite editor, regular expression -> Search : ^\(p[0-9]*L[0-9]*\), Replace with : [*.,+] ************************** INSTRUCTIONS - text editor viewing : View this file in a text editor with UNICODE characters (most modern text editors have this), constant width font (eg Courier 10), tabs of 3 spaces each. To follow a series of derivations that are wider than the viewing window, turn off "word wrap". Although these will cause problems in many text editors, I have used extended Unicode characters from : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols upper characters (U+1D400–U+1D7FF) I use the text editor "kwrite" in Linux, which is one of two or three that I have found to be excellent (there are many, many others!). (I should use emacs, or so they say...) ************************** Table of contents (without page numbers) >>>>> Objectives of these step-by-step math checks >>>>> "Flat-line" UNICODE nomenclature : >>>>> Symbols >>>>> Background >>>>> PROOF OF LEMMA 1 >>>>> Sufficiency : >>>>> check L1.S.1 of (p13L53) : >>>>> check L1.S.2 of (4b), that is second part of (4) : >>>>> Necessity >>>>> check L1.N.1 of (21) : >>>>> check L1.N.2 of (23) - first part : general form, nested product series : >>>>> check L1.N.3 of (22) : >>>>> check L1.N.4 of (23) : >>>>> Preliminaries to Theorem 3 >>>>> PROOF OF THEOREM 3 >>>>> check T3.1 of (p6L17) : >>>>> check T3.2 on inequalities (p14L37)(p14L40)(p14L42)(p14L44): >>>>> check T3.3 of (p14L49) : >>>>> check T3.4 of (27) : >>>>> check T3.5 of (28) : >>>>> check T3.6 of Remark 1 generated by : $ cd "/media/bill/HOWELL_BASE/Neural Nets/My Reviews" $ grep ">>>>> " "180207 conference paper review - math only.txt" ************************** >>>>> Objectives of these step-by-step math checks This text document is a record of this reviewer's step-by-step check over parts of the paper. It is too lengthy for a read-through by the authors, but if they want to scrutinize specific parts of my checks, there are provided in detail. My [style,nomenclature] is distracting, but quick and easy to use for a review. As a reviewer, I find that a step-by-step re-typing of a part of the paper as I have done below forces me to : - pay attention to details that I might otherwise skim over, - learn & remember the author's detailed notations. This is too time intensive to apply to the full paper, but by doing so over part of the authors' work, it gives me far grater confidence in the rest of the paper, which is read, but not analysed step-by-step. It also gives the authors a better idea of the weaknesses of the reviewer! ?????????????????????????????????????? I have ONLY checked the derivations for ???Lemma 1 and Theorem 3???. I did NOT check ???Conclusions [1,2], Lemma 3, Theorem 4, Corrolaries [1,2], nor the "Comparison with existing results".??? I did NOT do a detailed analysis of the [consistency, coherence] of the various componeents of the paper. Reviewer names and the paper title have been removed from the text file, and the obscure posting of it on my zero-traffic website should provide the necessary privacy (I hope). If the authors want me to remove it after they have a chance to look at it, simply email me (my email address is in the file). ***************************** Cooy from "5_NN math defs, symbols, nomenclature - time-scale systems.txt" : >>>>> "Flat-line" UNICODE nomenclature : >>>>> Symbols - sorted list for easy reference >>>>> MATH DEFINITIONS enddoc